Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 04, 1800, Image 2

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    hitherto in variab!ybeen>jurfucd. ]
of war is at lead so great from !
Urojvf, for the reasons before mentioned, that
it would be surely bad policy to run the risque
of it, for the mere fake of change only.
But, my friend, the election ot Mr. Jejfer
fon, did it not lead to warwithout, will inevita
bly produce great troubles wjt'jin. Not to men
tion the turning cut of officers, the alteration of
laws, and the endless embarrassments, which
follow from a change of administration (of
which the State of Pennsylvania exhibits a pic
ture in mir.ature, where the fame party, which
now supports Mr. Jefferfon prevails) to fay no
thfng dbout these, it appears to me that a change
of the Prfident, will, in all probability d'ffvlve
the confederacy! It is well known, by all pu
fons conversant with politics, that a very Itrong
jealousy subsists between the Eaflcrn and Sou
thern StJtrs, in so much so, that it has become
familiar for the men who conduit the affairs in
the ealiern slates to express themfeives in favor
of a separate confederacy; they are tired with
the oppjitior, of the southern vStates to the means
of government, and are really de'nrous of Jbah
ing off the incumbrance; nothing has prevented
this, perhaps, but, that the New-England slates,
by having many of the 'great offices under go
vernment and particularly the Prcftdency, were
induced from the afcendartcy they thereby had
in the aTairs of the union, to adhere to it. The
removal ot the silt oj goxernment to Virginia,
the dffmiffal ot Mr. Pickering, and the ap
pointment of Mr a Virginian, in his
place,'''•have created great diflatisfa&ion already,
- the raoft of their conspicuous charatters in con
gress, have defined rc-eledtions. and the idea of
fepardtion is every where reviving! If, to com
pleat a Virginia Prtfident should be elected
in the p'ace of Mr. Adams, it is tin to one, if
t'/or i mid flmmer', next, we do not hear of a
proportion for a convention from the New-En
gland slates, to form a feparatc confileracy! M)
friend; four mer. in the new-England dates, by
their advice and influence, could bring this ;
bout—jki doubt, thrmjauAs this mom cut wj&it.
For my pait, should it take place, I will be
tome a party to it, that is, I will remove there;
'Jersey shall not keep me after that; poor Jer
sey will again become tributary to Pennsylvania
and New Tart; or, perhaps they may be kind
enough to take -a ceflion of our government on
each fide of the partition line. But to return,
the danger of a I'ffblution of the confederacy
from throwing the balance oi government and of-.
Jice so much to the fide of Virginia, is really
imminent! Nothing will more likely produce it.
The Vice Preftdent will also be there. If fef-
Jerfon is Prelident, Mr. Adams will be second
on the return, and Charles C. Pinchiey, of
South-Carolina, third; Mr. Adams will of
course decline being which will
bring in Pinciney, so that the southern slates
will haVe Prtjident, Vice Prejident and Scat of
I need not tell whnt realpolitical advantages
this produces in the dillribution of offices, in mea
sures ofgovern/rent. in private J "peculations and in
all those affairs of a less conspicuous nature which
concern the adjacent country. What with the
loss of f>tid power, and the stings of imaginary
degradation, operating upon previous dispositions
in the New England states to withdraw froip the
confederacy, it can really with none, who are
acquainted with their public men, remain a doubt,
that they will be influenced to surrender the
federal compact, and form one on a f.naller scale?
Ought -we, then, my friend, to fuffer this if
it can be avoided ? and nothing will prevent it,
save the of John Ad. Ms ! He is the
favorite of that people, he is the pride of Ame
rica j his difmiflal, from office by the intreagues
of the jacobins, will be the Jignal ot difur.ion !
The New-England (fates, taking with them
Vermont will be no longer a part of the federal
family! And, latere dial I we be then? Poor
Jerfcy, my native (late, now independent, now
girded round with the -protcfling arm of the con
federacy, now prosperous, happy and great; you
will then be left to the'fport of internal faftion
and exte; nal oppression. The confederacy once
broken, every state reverts to itsformer condition;
how degraded was yours, when Pennsylvania
and Ncw*Torly taxing you on every fide, enrich
ed their treafuiies and impovctifhed your hardy
sons. Alas! My friend, it uckens me to re
volve over the probable events which will foliow
a difunhn of the state; ; civil -war, and with it
all the calamities which have lately passed in re
new on the other fide of the Atlantic.
But, I quit this gloomy recital of dangers
which threaten us, to urge yqu to those exertions
which may relieve our fears. It is true the
whole force and all the arts of thp jacobins are
brought forth to displace Mr. Adams and to
bring in Mr. Jefptrfon; but will not truth and
virtue, and justice prevail ? Let every honrjl man
but com: forward, and by undeceiving the milled,
detecting the deceiver, and giving his own vote
at theenfuing ekfHon for the Adapts' ticket, all
willed be well. In every county, federal tickets
are nominated ; in every county there are great
majorities, for the federal government and John
Adams ; little objeftions of a particular nature
(hould net have weight, but the whole ticket be
supported. The jacobins too, have their meet
ings and tickets; they are indefatigable ; they
spare no pains or expense; they circulate among
the uninformed, that abandoned fmk of lies, the
Aurora, in which Mr. Adams is held up as a
nionfter; in which all the friends and supporters
cf the government are traduced as tories and aris
tocrats ; in which the Congress is charged with
laying'enormous taxes, and the officers of govern
ment accused of immense embezzlements ; every
little incident is worked up to inflame, and every
artifice to deceive. T° those who know the vil
lainy of these fabrications, and that at lead ten
persons are paid iy the week for faroi thing lies, to
fill its columns 5 to such, perhaps, nothing need
be said; but every man who is A friend to this
country, and fees that such base licentiousness of
the press tends to irnpofe upon the unfufpeSing,
- (hould by.converfatioA, and writing, endeavor to
explain the measures of government which have
been so wife and moderate, and eradicate from
weak minds the impressions made by a repeti
tion of the tricft abominable .falfehoods. The
people ihoald be eAituafctl not to give credit to
these attroiious publications, merely because on
paper; it 13 easy for men, Io(t to troth, to set
down and piit any thing into lurking or[figures,
and pubiifh them this is done now, l"o
coaaantjy in the Aurora and other jacobin pa
pers, that no man of commcn fcrife will give -
the least credit to them. So far hasJlander and
j avumny been carried in jt, that it has really lur-
1 fsi.tpd and difgulled its own supporters; they s
have become alhamed of it and condemn it as a
common nuifan.e.
My friend, however deception may, for a C
while, hold its ground, itmuftat length fly be- t
fore truth and The" people are every where 0
•irouluig. and coming forward in support of theic- ;
i govemmant as administered by Mr. Adams ;
they begin to. fee that these clamors are the effedts s
of malice, ambition and disappointment, because i
they feel themselves happy, and by recurring to | j
-the real laws and fi3s of the government, iind i ;
nothing to condemn. Let me entreat you, tiien,!
on this occasion, so important to us and our coun- j 1
try, to its present and future welfaje ; as you <
j prefer peace" to Avar, union to disunion, a chril
i tian magistrate to an infidel, and a Jlcady, virtu
ous, civil government, to the violence and wkk
ednefs of jacobhtifm, by all these motives, to
; attend the next election in your 1 town/lip, and
give in your voir, and use your influence with
i others »o vote for the continuance of John Adams
|as frefident of the United States. Let this re
, flefHon be always on your mind—" my Jingle
j vote end influence added to the federal ticket, at
! the enluifig eledtion, may be the means >of pre
| serving the country from war, and the llates
" I from disunion, by preventing a change of the iirlt
• | civil magijlrate, and keeping out ot power thojc
men, who,*l know to be actuated by restless and
disorganizing projedls."
I remain yours, &e.
Cumberland F di-ral Ticket in ftvor of the
it- !ertion of President Adams Governor
Jonathan* Bowkn—Richarb Wooo,ir.
L't it pee la-mbercd, that the 14th day
of O r pt-t, is the d;iy of Elediort for
\]?"i>re(Vntativrj in the l 7tate Lei^iftatore, which'f] i.u e chntfe the Eledors who appoint the
President and Vice-President.
Sep i-tMBE.i, 27, ISOO.
For 'the Gi*ctte of the United States•
Dorgp, SEPrt.Mnr.R 19, i8;o.
Mb. Waynk,
AS your paper has a more exten
sive escalation through this Siatc, than any
other, I wish to contrsditt a Jacobin lye
which is gaining ground. ' hey fay, that,
the MsthoJiff* who form a very pro
portion for the Federal interest of Kent coun
ty, intend to drop the Honourable Jamca A.
Bayard at the next elctlion. I can «'ith
boldness contraditt the mifchievious and
ill-foqrdcd untruih, and fay, that, thtre is
not iwi nty \ottrs, of lh»c fociei-y, n the
county, who wilf not fnpport him wilh all
their influence. The following is the Me<
thodift Ticket.
Ke::t County.
Frier.ds to Washington's Potiejfi
Repi efeniativc to Congrrfs.
Janus A. Bayard
Ji'.mes ?ylc;'J.
Pep rsevtatives,
Nicholas Rid,'<tey
H nry Mollefton
Manlove Emerlon.
George Cummins.
William Sorden /
Stephen Lewis
William Warner.
Lew Court Commissioners.
Ehctezar Blackitton, D. C. H.
Jacob Stout, L. G. hT.
Jonathan Hunn, M. H.
Richard Harrington
William Needles
jrT-Tt cfe w ho own Lands in the fbite ' f
Ke 'tUcVy, are notified that thrii Lands will
Ik- fuH .;t aud'On, 0:1 the 3d Monday of
November for averages of Tax's, un
lefi the Taxts are paid betorc that day.
A priired Lift of the fcwu}<, and amount
of Taxes may he fe.-n at Michael Hillegas's.
Efn. who is willing to oblige them.
Agreeable to pub tic notice a ru : bor of tlte
inhabitants met on 1 hurklay
inft. at the house of James Hart—
W he ie upon,
Resolved, Th it this meeting be pollponed
until Monday tiie 6th of October next, at
2, o'clock in tlie afternoon, at which time
the Federal Citizens of the County of Phi
ladt lphia are lequefled to attend at the house
of J.inus Hart at the three mile Hhii on the
Germxntown road, for the putpofe of nomi-?
nating fuital'l- peH'ons for the different of
fices of government to be ele&ed at the
General Klrftkni.
Publjillxd by orcW of tilt* meeting,
Septen bcr 15.
Philadelphia, Oct. 3d, 1800.
Id?" LETTERS f r the Rr'tifh Pacliet
Lady Arraoella, for Falmouth (England,)
will he received at ti-.h erSce, Tuefdiv
7'ih instant, a-t il o'clock, noon.
N. B. The Inland Fofbge York
moll be paid.
Gazette oY die United States.
P // ILAD£f<P til A,
fi v ':KISC, OCTOBKR 4.
- J f
c>- 7 ///: C./A' rasss of this Gazette,
been .strictly forbidden either to
sell or give away, any of their papers;
and should the Editor detect, or re
ceive information of any person at
tempting to seduce ihemfrom the line
of their duty, he will employ legal
means for redress. —It has become a
serious inconvenience, and those who
are friendly to the interest of this
paper, are requested to give such in
j format ion as may be in their power on
j the subject, and they will confer an
obligation on Tub. Editor.
Jrjf* I" " reqiiefted that Gentlemen wiio
e ncgleflcd \>y the Carriers, will not per
mt lr \ era I jdjy; to elaole; without giving in
.jri ation of i'ucji netted ; but immediately
-jiVe .notice, They shall be fervetl re
To ReadF.p.s a'in C'jr.RKM'z^uEsrs.
" I.uciur," is <t mifnomrr ; it Ihould have
been Luscious, the efTaV is iiidecent and in
The author if the humorou* and poetical
parody ot' " Sweet Matilda Pottin;;cn" is
th inked tor his dudicnl favor. Under the
lash of hi -j " lit; ric nhpn j"tbe Jir.ohins writhe
with agn.iy. He will find admirable models
for a new Dunciid and Dizboliad in the An
'i-Jacobui, ts Weekly Examiner, a paper
v/iy dirtcrcTlCir<*m our vulvar Gazettes ; a
.vapef) th -l!-.;. gc.itk'Hien and S hol
jrs, edited iiy pjoiuiis, contributed to by wbt,
fortified y w. M im, a»j.l by muni
We are . J hted to recognize agiin thj
hand-writi-g oi'the good and wife chara&er,
who fii>r.s rinvi'tf '« /Vo I.ijidc/ » His Ef-
I'ay fli.ill be pnbfilhed on Monday ; and, we
lincerely .t it will fortify the weak,
and fix the wavt intj.
We und-rftaw} that a complete edition of
the works of the accompldhed Mr. W.
Ci. i kton, 1 ite us this city, is now in a lUte
of c >nfi.!i rable forwardnefs in she City of
N'rw-York, and will appear, adorned with
ui elegant head ot the author, in the course
of the pret'rnt 'autumn. What will fender
this intereltiag volume more valuable to pur
i hafcrs in general, and particularly to the
friet is of a "> in ot brilliant unde rfhnding,
row, alas, no more, will he a biographical
Ik tth of t!ie fife cf Mr. C.ltfton, by a
gentleman, belt calculated to do jullice t
departed, both by the beamy and en
ergy of his (tile* and his long habits of in
timacy with the author, whole woiks he is
collating. We arc confidei t that this vo
lume will be penifed with ujeafurc by every
man of fenti pent and wftr. The antlior,
who died pr.-ui uurely of a confomption, that
difarder so fatal to those
" Wh» tame (heir youth to j.hilofophic cares,
And pruw still paler by the midnight latnp."
wis one of fmill " felf feqnefter'd"
band, who re'iuquifli the forum and tte
field for the " pen live fecfMy ofdefart cell,'*
■nd f- k, in the words of the impaifioned
Cloirteo dim—Car from the haunts of foI!y,
With r reedom oy their fide* and loft eyed me
The genius of the late Mr. Clifton, re
fernbled of the Collins. It
was fertile ifi all the felicities of lane , and
the voice of his bright, eyed Muse was fome
t m» mourr.luilv w d, like tlx- Ophelia of
Shakefp-are. But his tone was not always
melancholy... iy>r bis lays always elegiac.—
He exerc led dexterity " the fa
tine thong" and the knave or the fool of de
mocracy alternately agonized under the well
aimed lilh. In common with a few others
of the loynl and the ingenious, he laboured,
alas ! to little purpofr, to corrsborate the
flrength, ttl increale the dignity and to che
rith the honour of hi; country. But, tho'
a man of shining talent"!,• virtuous views
and perleveritig induflry, he was forced to
exclaim, and liis poetry* is conr.cAed with
! truth,
M In liifi *U fl ate, klea
Th« Fancy tktwi, and the Gcaiuidae*.
DtASB tifces new degrees evrry day, in
the School so*. Scandal. In bad Englilh, nay
in bad Irilh he calumniates the government
and religion, of this country. His acrimo
ny is so exceilive that it defeats its own pur
pose, and the I'obrr ai.d flcdfaft unite now in
exclaiming, with D.iyden
Let him rai} on—let hi« inveflive Muse,
Have four and twenty letters to al<ufe—
Which, il hejamhle to on? line of sense,
IndiS him of a capital offence.
The Aurora man Tays we fliall not make
feleflions. tor his paper.—Morse's letter
don't fitiit th'- tafle of that self-stiled " Gen
tleman of the fu rt reput nion, who condufts
His witli iibil ty."
Curious Specimen of Politeness.
The Caftine'papcr mentions the capture
of the fch'r Abigail, John Peikins, mailer,
I by * French privateer ; and that after the
' capture Capt. Perkins wa3»' treat-d with
I politeneft : he wa« carried into Guadaloupe,
where his vefTel was condemned and he and
his men ibrown into prison *' —Some author
observes, that if a Fr, nchrtian were to cut
your throat, he would do it politely.
Fm ilc ib'c Untrkn sr:ies.-
U'hp.n Rulers Jj/s IFise, the Tboplr
arc. hap nr. ■ g
EL.ECTORS are to vote in the l ift month •
of the pre lent year for a President of the t
Union. The interrft ps America is deeply g
at (lake in the appointment to that office. 1
If a judicious choice he made, (lability and i
jr. fperity will be the kquel. How t
tive ought to be the mind, and how Ready
the hand, when America hath a movement f
of such importance to make 1 may ,A- t
mighty God. who rules the univerlV, d'rrect e
the hearts of the elector-,, on that solemn, t
aud eventful day. What defeviption of t
thyailer, is suitable for that important 1
ftat on ? what individual lliou'd be named to i
execute tiint trust, which emhraceth the 1
concerns of millions of men ? These are J
queflionj, which flow daily from the mouths '
of the friends of this country, and.which •
co'iftantlyi as tViey well defcrve, receive a I
consider ite, and uniform ani'wer. '1 he col- j i
le£l.°d fenle of a whole body of people is ' ;
seldom erroneous, wlr-n with one voice., on
fie." and deliberate toufideration, they de- 1
scribe the character, and nominate the man, i
on whom they choose to the highest
command in society. In cases of such ge
neral, and momentous consequences, the
voice of the people is the voice of God.
! America in seventeen hundred and seventy
lix, flood tremulous iji a perilous condition,
| a goodly and ex ten five land, where peace
j nnd plenty attended on hejg numerous sons. 1
j Great Britain, with a tr.umphant fleet, and : ;
j powerful army, augmented by foreign and j
I'anguinary mercenaries, came, to leize the
1 property of to subjugate her in
habitant?, and to reduce them from the
Hate of freemen to that of servile tributaries
to oppressive nnfters. Who can save us
from rupacity and defpiitifm, was, the univer
ial cry ? In that Ivur of difficulty and dan
ger, talent' •> r the means, by which men
were promoted to j'reat trulls.
Washington and Adams, with a band of
worthies, appeared, repelled the foe, & found
ed the Am rican empire. Characters, who
ereiled an empire, are suitable to rule a na
tion. Men, who in the time of danger
forgot themselves, and remembered only
America, are fit to execute the trust of Pre
(idenry. Characters, who have neither feai
ed nor favoured foreign powers, but have j
ever flood firm, are the chara&ers, who will !
always protedl, and who. will never betray,
this country, the objeft of their admiration,
and of the labour of their lives. Great
Britain in the career of her power and pride,
and in theexercifi* of her injuflice retained
our weflem ports,- seized our ships, Captiva
ted our seamen, plundered our cargoes, and
were ready to attempt our jfubjugation and
deflruAion. Washington negotiated, A
dams aflilled ; tt.ey prevented the miseries
of war, they fettled a peace, and saved a
nation. Men, who secure a people from
the hmrows of war and difTufe among them,
the blelfin'rs of peace, are the men fit for
Pietidencv., In such men the people place
confidence. Thole guardians, who have
been vi.nlam for our good, wi',l neither be
absent from their oofl, when the eaemy ap
proach ; nor deficient in resources, when
exigencies direst them to secure the fafety of
the people/Committed to their care. France
in a day of phrenfy swept nations from the
earth, hurried millions to the grave, and-ie
duced millions to beggary. France deli.;red
firfl to employ and finally toenflave Ame
rica. Washington affifled bjr ■ Adams pro
claimed neutrality. France wis indignant
aeairfl America. Walhington ard Adams,
made no trtaty with France ; for they knew
that (he would have observed none : The
plunder of the woild, was her objefl. Ihe
arm of force is the only security tor the
Americans against the rapacity of France.
The powerful arm of refillance, is the only
(lay to the ravages of aspiring France, who
for some centuries pad, and particularly (or
feme palt, hath been, and flill is the
common ditturber of the repofc of nations,
and the common enemy of mankind. Wash
ington and Adams rouf?d the spirit ot the
Americans ; armed a navy ; Truxton fought;
and. America was protected. Men, who in
difficulty, can protest a nation, are the men
formed for Presidency. Guided by such
rulers, America may live in fatety. Ihe
experienced officer, who has fafe'ly condudlecl
the (hip over boHlerous seas, is not to be
displaced by the raw hand, who has only
dire&ed a canoe over flill and small waters.
For years pafl America hath flouiifhed in
her agriculture, fiflieries, arts and com
merce ; her population hath been encreafed ;
her wealth hath been augmented, new btates
have been eredled • peace and plenty have
prevailed ; her Und hath been filled with a
happy people ; and America hath been blefTed
with a degree of prosperity beyond any
thing, whith the present age hath seen,
or hiflory hath recorded. Under the ad
ministration of Washington and Adams
there hath been one continued and swelling
flow of prosperity. Men, who prompted
by goodness and fortred by experienc-, have
improved the policy of a nation, and pro
moted the happiness of a people, are those,
to whose hands the adminiflration ot her
affairs may well be committed. Washing
ton, who fafhioned the American chandler
to integrity and magnanimity, and who fet
tled adminiflration of tlie American Go
vernment, for theexercife of wisdom and
power, is gone beloved ar.d lamented ;
: wI i;o Adams remains admired and revered.
, Adams is the individual, whose name attradls
• the notice of the patriotic eledtor, and who
i in public fame stands President cleft. Con
dueled by his wisdom, the Americans may
appear the favoured people of the Karjh.
The magiflrate and the people refledl honour,
the nne on the other ; when the labours of
the former ire exerted for the benefit cf the
latter ; and when the latter v >lui)tarily re
ward the iei vice of the former, with places
nt the higliefl trufh While the benighted
European maddened with fully, and vice
wars with Heaven and Earth, and either
gives or receives death, waste and misery at
•very slept of his- progress ; the enlightened
American protetted under a wife and mild
government, and foftered under the smiles of
Providence, enjoys in peace all the blessings
of society. Who are those, and what is
the defcripticTn »f those, who desire to have
Adams President of the Union ? The true
f.-iends of America, who know well her in
ternal situation, who attend much to her
external relations, and who labour daily in
ill • ii- refp"d~live Ihtions to advance her in
terefh call for flit choice of Adams, who
hath been tried, and on whom they can de
pend. The true friends of America, who
have acquired, or who hope to acquire, pro
perty in the union, name for the Presidency
Adam, whole integrity remains unfhaktn,
and under whose adminiflration they trust,'
that property, which either hath been or
may he the produce of their painful
and frugal care, will be secured to them.
The true friends of American faciety. who
know the ot government, and who
admire the beautiful system of social ordei
prevalent in the union, designate for thi
I 1 residency Adams, who from youth to
! age hath been continually employed in efta
' blifhing order and goad government in this
'nappy land, the lad and belt retreat for
the formation of the chara&er of man ac
cording to the dignity of his nature. The
true friends of American christianity, who
adore a fnpreme being, who praftife moral-
I ity and religion, and who know that foci
ctv among men cannot be maintained with,
out religion, call with a loud voice to the
i Presidency, Adams, whose cbriflian faith
' and exemplary morals afford them assurance,
I that the g»vernment of the union will be ad
i ministered in fupportof the free exercise o£
religious duties. The true friends of Amer
ica have much to gain, if a prudent choice
for prefiiency be made ; aad they have
their all to lose, if a rash one for that office
ibe the event. The information, the pro
perty, the good order, the religion and the
1 welfare of the union canfpire in requiring
; for the presidential chair Adams, who hath
[ from early youth been distinguished for his
patriotism. No wife people will discard
; a faithful and experienced officer, especially
i at a time, when his experience and fidelity
are peculiarly needed. John Adams and
j Charles CoCefwcrth Pinckney are the Can
didates, whom federal men nominate for
Presidency and Vice 'Presidency. Pinck
ney, whose ability and fidelity in thefervice
of America has been admired by all the
; world, and have flood probation a
gainst the corrupt arts and infiduous prac
tices of French negociation, is a patriotic
; name of high note and commanding merit,
, when Presidency and Vice Presidency are at
the disposal of a grateful and enlightened
people. The catalogue, which enrolls the
name of \dams in the firfl rank of .mer
ican ftatefmen,records also the nameofPinck
ney in the second. Federalism ia the prin
ciple. which hath built and adm-nillered the
government of the union. " Unte or die*
was in the early politics of Amer
ica. " A band of brothers was, in the
days of virtue, the appellation given to the
Americans. The principle of a&ivity pni
mated them, and- enfurcd the completion
and luccefi of the well fornped plan. Uni
on and adliricy among the federalifts will
give them a federal President and Vice-Pre
sident, wbofp admiftration will guide the
American government through difficulty
and danger in fafety ar.d prosperity, and
will secure it againlt foreign artifice, and
will proieft it against foreign force. . The
American government of the union, a fabric
reared by heroes and ftatefrae* for the bene
fit of the American people of the present
and fucceedirg ages, is a work, which the
true friends of America admire and endeav
our to prefervg, and which ought to be com
mitted to the care only of the ab ell and
best of Wera 1 man. Such are Adams and
Pi. ckney, whom the people of the union
have in contemplation already chosen, and
whom the people of the union do desire
theeleftors in a ftiort time to choose, to the
chair of (late. '1 he promotion of the ablest
men to highest offices in the community is
one of the greatest advantages arising to a
people from a free government, and i 3 the
surest means of advancing the welfare of a
people. May the American government
gourifh until the universal catastrophe (hall
jjiflolve ill earthly Empires.
From the 23 to the 26th September there
were to deaths in Norfolk.
For the 24 lionrs preceding Thursday
morning at fun-rife, there were 15 deaths in
Baltimore and its vicinity.
Total number in tha hospital Tick
with the prevailing dileafe, 40
Convalefct nts, *4
Discharged cured, 4
Sloop , from Philadelphia, Captain
Bunker, has been wrecked. Captain B. and
crew wt re taken off the wreck and arrived
at Nantuk; t; a great part of the cargo was
taken out of her, confiding of Flour anc
The brig Lovely Lass, of Philadelphia*
Capt. Shields, was at Amsterdam the 12th
Augull, to fail in four or five weeks ; alfd
the brig Ann, , of ditto, to fail in 3
Ship Swanfbo* of this port, has been coi>
donned at Cadiz, tor being bound to Gib
ralter, a l-lockaded port.
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