NuMnnit 2503.} Tbe price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing "t tbe city of Philadelphia. All others pay en e Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting 1 and unless*.wme person in this city miill become answerable for the subscription % it must be paid Six Months in Advance. ._*«* No Subscription will be received far m shorter term than six months. December 1 J 799. ALMANAC From Siptember 30 —to OflAtr J. HIGH WATER. Wednsfday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday lVlenday Taefday . * IUM 1 aiaaa tan " * 49 6 *l—s 48 • ♦ 14——J 46 . 6 »*-—J 4f - t> 6 ij j 4} 0 19 j 41 WUMffcy . .llurfdlT • >ri'l«'winf articles thejr fell fur caih, or theufual credit— Antitaon crud Ol Anifi Arsenic alb Juniper Sac taturni Puccini 1 Vitriol alb Rholii Borax Opium Annetto Mere .'lulc PrtEcip rub Gorros sub AI.BO OK HAND, Sal G auber n fMannafiik Rad gentian j jj? | Com Flo Sulphur L< J Liquorice ball 'Sweet oil r - j Cort Peru fiar Sem anifi I rr I Rub Rheubatb J — L And a quantity qjf' Shop furniture, surgeon* iaftruments, patent medicines, Ac.—Medicine che&s, aod brdcri from the country, put up on moderate terms. ■ fcptemlur 13 wf« jw Marshal's Sale. UNITED STATES, ? , Pennsylvania District. ) ' BY virtue of a writ of venditioea exponas to me directed, iffutd "ut of the Circoi'. Court ps the United States in and for the Pennfylvjnii Dif tri&, will be rxpofed to public sale, «r the Mer chant's Coffee House in the city ot Philadelphia, on Monday the 6th day of Oilvker next, at la o'clock, at door—all the right, etlat and intrreft of William Cannon and Joftua Cannon, «i, in and to two third partt of 117 acres of laud, firuate on Chart's* creek, in Wafhingt n county, on which is ercileil a merchant mill, few mill and other im provements Alfh, —a Lot of one acre and three fourths, in Connonfburgh, on which is trcdled a three story ftonfc dwelling houfc, &c Siix«d and taken in execution and to b« as the property of William Cannon and Jolhua Cannon the younger, by JOHN HALL, Marshal. Ma'tbal's Office, 1 September 20, 1800. j For Sale, r ~ THE NEW PILOT BUILT SOHOONEIt ST. TAMMANY, YINO« '» above Market Street, burthen 70 ton*, supposed te he a remarkable fad failing veflel, aide to thole who purchase by the quantity P JONES KINSEY. Philad. Sept. ij. S* 4W- | Gazette of toe United, states, & Daily Public Notice is hereby Given, In purfuanc- of on ad of Congreft, puffed on the Jay oj April, one th'iufand eight hundred, e m it lei "Anaß to 'ejlihl ft, a Gen ral ?tamp Office 1 HAT a General Stamp Office is now established at the feat of government; in tne city of Wafliingfon, from whence there will i(, from and after the date hereof, (upon the application of the Supervisors of the Revenue, under whose management the colleAion of the (lamp duties is placed) any quantities of paper, parchment and vellum, marked or damped, and duly counter-stamp ed, with the following rates of duty which arc demandable by law : For every Ikia or piece of vellum or parchment,or rtieet or piece ot paper, upoa which fliall be written or printed any or either of the inftra ments or writings following, to wit, A„ v Dolls. C, M. NY certificate of naturalizati in 5 Any licence to praclice,or certificate of the adiiiilTiou, *nrol!ment or re giflry of aRy counfell >r, Solicitor Advocate attorney, or pro(sW, iti any court of the United Sta e< 10 Provided, that a certificate in any one of the cruris ti f he United States, for any one of the i'aid ■ ffices, shall a> re'atet to th* yaymei't of the duty aforefaid, 1* a fullicient j.imif. ficn in all the courts () f tlte United States, for each and every of the said offices. H. M* O j8 r 41 » >6 3 9 3 5.1 4 r, s 5 »6 Any gran', or letters patent,under the seal or authority of the United States (except for lands granted for military fervic»s) 4 Any exemplification or certified ropy of any such grar.t or letters patent (except for lands granted to#- mili tary I'er vices) j Any charter party, bottomry or fe fpondentia bond I Asy receipt or difcharqe for or on ac count bf any legacy left hy \ny will or other teftimentary instru ment, or so' any (hare or part of a pcrf inal tflate, divided by force of any ftatuteof diftri ■ utions other than to the wife, children it trand children of the perf >n dileafed, ihe amcint where6t lhall be above the value f fifty dollars, and Ihill not exceed the value of one hundred d "liars £ j* When the amount thereof shall ex ceed the value of one honored dol lar*, nd thai! not exceed five hun dred data's An! for every further sum of five hundred dollars, the additional sum of 1 ■ i Any policy of insurance or instru ment in nature there >f, when the sum for which insurance is made shall not exceed five hundred dot lars .. Camphor Cocci rinella Com Benzoin Arabic Myrrh ' Kino Wheuthefum insured (lull oxceed five hundred dollars I Any exemplification of w''3t nature soever, that (hill pafi the seal of any cou-t, o her than such as it may be the dory of the clerk »>f such court to furnilh for the use of the United Swtes, or some parti cular state s0 Any bond, bill single or penal, inlind bill of exchipgc, promiflory note or other note (other than any recognizance, bill, h»nd or other obligation or contratft, made to or with the United States, or any slate, or for their use relpeiStiveiy : and any bonds required in any cafe by the law» of the United States, or of any state, upon legal procefa, or in anv judical proceeding, «r for rhe faithful performance of any trull or duty) If above twenty dollars and not exree'c* of such ci t!>e said banks as (hall a gree to an annual compofirion of one per cetruai on the annual di- IWtS, fa m& PHI L A DEL PHI A, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 4, ,r oc . TREASURY DEPARTMENT, IVoJhington, Stptembe ijl, 1800, By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, Sbuth Frotit-ftreet. .. , bolls, c. M. vider.d« made by such b*.nW, to thcjr stork!) Ide s.refpetfi-ely, ac cording to the blowing scale : On oil notes pot exceeding fifty do), lars for e C !. do lar 6 n al! note; ab ve fifty dollars and not «xce*dt»rc tfifnt rr • p"r chatfleable with ,'my, * cei,fc #,d act. rn.inr fr«:n and -after fix mooths the our ix-rfof, to wit, on the lall d.y of February 1801. r;iit, ifany persons fliall, after the 1,0 day i,t Kb r nary IROI, in their custody or P ofr ,: ' on t v vellum, parchment or pa per, nurked or flari|*d by th; fuper»ifersof tin Revenue, upon whk'H anv matter or thn charged with duty, fl.all not have 'eti, written or printed, they may at any tine laitbiv tie space of sixty days after the svdJmit day of February iSot, bring o. lei d I jih vellum, parchm.nt and papei, unto Im' c sitters infpedtion, and in l*u thereof, receive a like quantity or value of vrlum . parchment .i d paper, July (lamped in purluJiire of the art herein before lecited. And in cafe any person (kill negleft or re fuie, within the time r.f>ref„,d, M brim* or Caul.- to be .brought unto f, lire o ffi „f in _ fjiection, any fmii vrl;u;n, parchment or pa per, it is hereby declared, that the fame will thereafter be of no other effi-ft or use, than if it lud never b-e«i marked or ft.tmped. and that all matter* and thine*, which may af ter that tune be written er printed upon any velltil, parchment or pajtr. authorized to be exchanged in aforefaid, will be of no other ellr-ft, than if thry had been written or printed on paper, parchment or vellum, not marked or damped. And for the convenience of those prj-fons who may be inclined to hare their own vel lum, parchment and paper damped or marl ed, it i* ht-reby peclared, that when any per lon fliall deposit any vellum, pa-climmt or pip;r it the office of a lupervifor, accompa nied with a lill, the nunihtr and denomination ot the flamps ormark?. which air uefircd to be thereto affixed, the fame "■ill be traufmitted to the General Stpam- Offici', and there-properly marked or stamped, and forthwith sent back to tlie fame luper vifor, who will thereupon Co He ft the duties and deliver the paper, parchment «r vellum, to the order of the person from whom the lam: was received. Given under my Hsnd, a».d the Sea (L. S.) of the Krcafury, at Writhing ton, the diy and year above men tioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treut'ury. feptemher 2q. J, m< German Redcmptioncrs. N.NhTEF>! remains -fe» Sed parrhet X cafe Flanders bed ticks,B-4 10 cases coffee mills, Not oj. to No. 6, as serted » caf. » Scythes ' s tales ol double flint cut Decanters qmrt and pint I csfe gill tumblers, aaid i cafe ol Travelling cases. t cafe of quills, r cafe of common felling wax and 4CO Oemij jhns. September 17. his By ifntf rr ". ties, ,nd perhjjjs Ins country to violence and war; to step forth aitd matnuin the re e'tilton of J hn Adams : It being gfn«-| rally con by every fnber and i rel'giong nian, that the dimiffal of M,.! Adams will U the signal v] war and dis- ' union : MY Friend, HAVING long been of opinion; that it was ; duty every man owed to himfelf, his family, nends and country, not only to give his vote or the eledion of civil ruins, but also to use uci means as his knowledge and judgment iittatcd, for the right direction of others, I :onltantly give up (ome portion of my time and mention to this objeft, whenever an election of my importance is made for public office, under >ur tree and happy government; there is no ither way for good citizens to secure to them c its the advantage ot it, but by exerting their ult influence in promoting the eledion of such *2* as ' 10 their opinion, are best qualified 0 nil the public departments and to administer i£ht ond iufi.ce to the people : It has therefore lot a little lu!prized and grieved me, on many ryrng occahons, when the friends t.) govern ment and good order are exerting all their trength to frullrate the designs of wicked and iangeious men, who wilh, by means of deceit md misrepresentation, to bring the country into .oufufion by setting the people against their own eprefentatives; I fay, it has given me much pain o obt'erve how indifferent and unwilling many eale v.-h ch ought to preponderate : What can icter you from any fort of participation in mea uri.; which directly or indircdtly arc connected ■vith war: Far be it from me to undertake tc lfopprove of the sensibility which influences yoi n tliat refpeift: Would to God, that every !.u nan heart was actuated by a principal so gentle ind so agreeable to the ipirit of that religion o which lam a sincere believer : Wars, however .vill come, and it has pleased Providence to raifi ip those, who, in this refpeft, are infiuencec o execute his pleafurej but, my tiiend, wha s there in the measures which relate merely tc •ivil gcrcrnment, of which you are members, anc without which, you could enjoy no fecuriti .ither for secular or religious pofTellions; I fay what is there to prevent you from taking such ; *>tacealte and jijl part in those quellions, as mai n your judgment, contribute to the maintenance -hofen by the people; if bad men we may ex pec't the greatcit evils; it good men are chosen we may look for social and individual happineli and prosperity : Is it not an obvious duty, then for every man who lias a voice in the ekiftions to go and give it in favor of fucn men and mea fuics, as he, in his conscience, thinks will be most for his own and the public good ? You 100 l upon this as right and neceflary in your owr cumbent on you as members of a civil commu nity ? We weli kr.o-.v that civil government i ordained of heaven, and that God permits it t< be a bleiTing or a curfc occording as it is adminif tered well or lii : How then, any ccnfeien tious man Hand by and when in his power t( by indifference or neglect, loic the opportunity and thereby be accessary to mui h public diftrel: and calamity :1 f the life or the inter >- of you child, your neighbor, or friend, were to depenc upon your exertions, and your vdte, would yor not use the one and give the other for their relief and what difference in the cafe?— Your chi dren your neighbors, and friends, nav, thousands o your fellow creatures are all deeply interested ir the fflitc of public elediions for civil officers Why should you withdraw from rendering tha fervicc which is in your power ? 1 know it has beer, sometimes said, that dec tions are conducted with too much heat, tha 't is difagrceable to take any part in them—but what good thing Is not abused ? Shall we make crits r Shall we not countenance and support it because it has occafioncd so much jarring, anc violence, and war ? This principle atfed upon would drive us out of the world; for, what oc cupation can we follow; what intercourse engage in, which will not lead us into difagrecable c;r cumitances.and which have net occasioned much misery ? My friend, I know that what I have fuggclted here, mull' be quite unnecefTary for your conviction : I know you take a proper in terest in the support of civil government and faft throw out those ideas for the perusal of any o your acquaintance who are indifferent on the score of eletfions, and luffer their best civil right; and enjoyments to depend upon the will of othei people; for, it is evident, that when bad men or bad measures get a head for want of prop: diligence in the eleftors— the electors who tl. i: negledt their rights and interefls are /eally crl mirnil. The leading objeft, however, of this letter to you, is to impref■ upon you, theJtngular imparl ance of the ensuing elettion for a Prejident. I need not tell you, that such has been the unwea ried induflry, and so numerous the falfities and misrepresentations against the federal government, that it will require the greatest exertions to pre | vent the peopie from overturning it, by the elec- I t ! on r fhotTias JeJferfun y for I look upon it that (uch an event vvill (hake the foundations of | the confederacy; tl,at Mr. JeJferfon has f T diiqualifications which render him wholly unfit to-be at the head of a chrifliaa community, yo\i will be convinced by the perusal of the if.rk' J parophlat which is written by as pious and Je rn» ed a pmiftcr of Jesus Chrilt, as perhaps »y in this or any Other country, and which proves him, torn his own writings, an unbeliever in cbriftiani y , but that difquafificttioti would operate flow indadiibelief in the scriptures, and desirous ol feing a g"vernme,it m 'winch r.o religious opin ons are held," (tins is his own language) would 'erhapsinlefstime than four years, by theinfluence m means in their power,bring the people in this :ountry to adopt Tom Paine's /Ige of Reafor, in )Uce of the Bible. But what I mean to repre ent to you as so formidable in his eleftion, is its Political consequence to this country. You well know the character and views of that difptrafe ind unprincipled party which have unceasingly and rebellion. Th -fe are the people (conncfling with them some honefl but deluded men) who arc advocating Jeftsrfjn, and who, if he is elec ted, will direct him in the government of t!i?3 country: In one word; the government will be in the hands of the jacuLias-—you know as well as I do what chara&ers this drfcription includes; to wit i French agents—Brit'fh and Ir'fh reO£- coun tries—infidels bankrupts reliefs dema gogues—the laty—the intemperate—the vicious and ignorant of this country; that these ai"e the tort of people who have constantly clamored ifeft to every one. Only look around within your own observation and you will want no proof (it tins—rhat there i: heie and tliirc, ;,mr,n ;: them, a man of good clkratfer, mificd by artifice or biassed by prejudice, cannot be dis puted ; but such men will be thrown aside when their unprincipled affociatcs get into power, well know that this faßion have sworn ha tred to the Euglj/h government, and are deter mined on war with that power as soon as they of the great men in the southern ftatc-s, being deeply in debt to British merchants, are disposed to a war as the means of flopping payment—l am n:,t certain that even Air. ; Jrf n has ye, paid off the great debt he owed at the peacet and which he then offered to pay off partly in negroes. Besides these, there are great numbejs of French who wilh to fee us at war with Grest Britain ; and mo ft of the Irifi and Enghfh fu gitives from justice, who being obliged to leave their own country for cr;rr>es are now detei iiiin ed to be avenged, if they can, by exciting the Americans to war. Most of the scandalous and mifchev:. is aewf'papeis, such as the Aurora, the Lxr.mmcr, U :. v.hich are circulated far and wide are carriedon by these vet.omous emigrants; as I (aid before, all these belong to the Jfftrfou party, and will certainly drive us to. war the lirft opportunity —an opportunity will readily of !er ; tii ir jiartv has only to reiafc to execute ail article of the treaty; or to fend away uie En nation; restrain her commerce, or do some other of a thoufimd ai •