Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, October 03, 1800, Image 2

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    Gazette of the United States.
Ihe Carriers of this Gazette,
have been strictly forbidden either to
sell or give away, any of their papers;
and should the Editor detect, or re
ceive information of any person at
tempting to seduce them from the line
of their duty, he will employ legal
means for redress.—lt has become a
serious inconvenience, and those who
are friendly to the interest of this
paper, are requested to give such in
formation as may be in their power on
. the subject, and they will confer an
obligation on The Editor.
|C7* It is receded that Gentlemen who
re neglefted by the Carriers, will not per
mit several day; to elapse without giving in
formation of fttch negledt ; but immediately
give notice. They shall be served re
7a Keaoehs and Correspondents.
The Epigram oh the " Great Law Chief,"
who sent an order to England for a Wig,
like Mansfield's, is poetical and pungent .;
but an offenlive word in the la A line pre
cludes its insertion. If the author will con
trive to purify his verse of that (lain, we
wilt therH»Hd-a~car!i-r for his Muse.
1 he point of " Tit for Tat" is not Cuf
ficiently. Sb jrp, W e think that the archer
must have a better arrow, in his quiver. An
Epigram must poflels great acutenels ; else,
it is a hyrtlefs weapon, and its satire,
" Like a wildgoofe flics,
Unclaim'd of any man."
1 o the Lines, on miss H. Cooper '
Irom the pen of" E," we have already given
a prompt insertion. They are evidently the
production of a lady, and her modest con
felTion that " her pen is unpradtifed in the
rulrs of art," and her boding fears of a re
jedtion are both fuperfluous. The Editor
is always partial to the effulions of tender
ness and " fond and listens
eagerly to the voice of Friendfliip and
"Charity, which is kind." Of the unfor
tunate young Lady, the fubjeft of her pri
vate and poetical sorrows it may be said, as
by the tender Collins, on a (imilar occa
When howling wind" and beating rain
In temped* (hake the sylvan cell,
Or mid the chace on every plain
The tender thought on thee (hall dwell.
The genial meads, aflign'd to blefi,
Thy life, (hall mourn thy early doom ;
Tb«rc hinds, and thepherd girl» (hall drcfi,
With fitnple bands, thy rural tomb.
" Manlius,'' the firft of a projefted se
ries of Political Eflays, is received. We
wish that the author would fend u's another
motto, or give us'leave to expunge the pre
sent. We have no Greek charadlers among
our office materials, and if we had, still a
quotation from the language of Athens is
both awkward and ufelefi in an American
newspaper. In a popular vehicle, even in
Europe, where Greek literature is most fuc
cefsfully cultivated, quotations from that
language are now generally omitted as fa
vouring of ostentation, and as ufelefi to the
mass of mere Gazette readers. But, in this
new courtly, where among one thousand
subscribers to a Journal, not more than one
is versed in the phrase of Plato, to quote
a pallage from that philosopher, is like quo
ting from the vocabulary of the Chiaefe, or
from the Targum and Talmud. We
would recommend to " Manlius' 1 tofeledl
a motto from the True Indian, or the choice
phrase book of Noah Webster ; but to avoid
Greek by means. Our education is two
narrow, our view* two fordid, to permit us
to be profoundly (killed in the honeyed phrase
ofTully, or the liquid language of Asia
Minor. We have more pedlars, than scho
lars. A Matthias and a Porson can-'
not breathe in our gTofs Jacnhin element ;
and neither Dr. Parr, nor G Ibert Wake
field follow their friend Priestley To' the
forefts of Northumberland.
Observations on the religious and po.
litical charafter of Dr. Priestley (hall be
inserted on an early day. The author will
be always welcomed by the Editor of this
Gazette. Whatever fubjedt, or whatever
style this author may a flume, his produftions
"shall always command our care. For we are
sure that a man honest, and a politician cor
reft and sober will fcleft no themes, but such
as are whole!->nie to his country ; and we
are like wife confident that a man of reading
taste and judgment will employ no style, but
the pure and '.he chaQe.
Remarks on the late African Infurreftions
are elegantly and forcibly written. They
contain the whole truth ancT nothing but the
truth. We hope that the deluded South
■will take warning from these beginnings of
St. Domingo atrocity. The apprehenfisn
of Gabriel secures to Virginia a temporary
repose fr in. midnight alarms and domef
tic/treafcn. But while the Jiery Hotspurs
of the State vociferate■ their French babble
of the natural equality of man, the insulted
negro will be constantly stimulated to cast
atfay his cords, and to sharpen hts pike.
" An Impartial Ted" is a well written 1
- Eflay,—it is this day publi fried.
"Truth" is wortfty of the signature, but
the piece has been acck% tally mislaid. We
will thank the author for a fairer draught.
" Ajjkiiicanus" or the Detedlor of Gal
latin's falfe Arithmatic, appears this day.
His ptrTpicuous veafoningj corifoßods the
Jacobins, who, tike the devils in Miiton,
duller round their chief aud form a feeble
rampart to protect the Jesuit Genevatu
For the GuzitVh of the Usitkd Sr.-iiES.
71 lost respcclfuhy dedicated to the Governor
and bis 'Jacobin friezds.
AS his Excellency Thomas M'Kean Esq.
Governor of Pennsylvania, has, in his me
morable reply to the Senate, admitted, that
for the dilcreet excercife qf his power of re
moving, and appointing qfficers, he is re
fpontible to his Constituents through the
medium of Eleftions ; and as he also laid,
that if his appointments are judged by an
Impartial Tell, he will be entitled to appro
bation, rather than censure, it is the objedt
of the prefe nt inquiry te eftablidi an impar
tial tefl, and then to apply it to his appoint
ments, and removals. But previous to en
tering upon the discussion, I mufl take the
liberty of correding one of his Excellency's
exprelfiohs. Conceiving hiinfelf piobably,
as merely the Governor of a party, or rather
the Governor jar a party, (it being very
problematical, whether he Governs it, or it
him,) he holds himlelf only refpoufible to
his CoiillitU(?nts, —That is I prelume his
Jacdbin Fi tends. It would however, in my
opinion, with great d e ference to his Excel
celly's superior wisdom, have been more
accurate, as well as more Republican, to have
used the word People, inflead of Conflitu
ents. For even admitting that the votes,
which made him Chief Magillrate, were all
irnbiaffed, yet he might have recolle&ed,
that there are above Thirty-five thousand
Electors in the State, that can with no pro
priety be denominated his Constituents, how
ever the wisdom, and virtue of his admini
llration, may operate to their future conver-
And now for our impartial test ! In ob
taining this desideratum, the merit to be
derived from a memberlhip in th„' Jacobin
P.ihy, mult certainly be excluded ; for
our test cannot be impartial, if the prevail
ing party spirit has any thing to do with
it. This principle being eftablilhed, the
only merit of the political kind, which can
be taken into our accouat, as common, to
both fides, must be, either that which arises
from the (lure, which the officers tliem
felves, or their famil e?, may have had in
rftablifhing the Indrpendence of America.
A blelling which " all appreciate, and love"
in the patriotic words of Messrs Dallas,
Coxe, anil Co. or that which proceeds from
attachment, and refpeft to the General and
State Conltitutions, —" to the genuine prin
ciples of our Republican luftitutions," as
his Excellency exprefles it.
This statement, I take to be perfedtly fair
and candid. Nor can it be "called a begging
of the question, since at present, there are
no Antifederalifts, the very name being
considered as opprobious by the peifons, who
bore it, and being exchanged for that of
Republicans. But (hou'd there remain the
(liadow of a doubt with refpedt to Federa
lism, being comprehended in his Excellency's
idea of an impartial test, it must vanidi, when
we turn to the publications of the Jaco
bin Committee, before the EledVion, and
advert to their encomiums on the Federal
Constitution, and the Federalism of the
Jacobin Candidate,—when we recur
to Citizen Barton's eulogium, where among
his other proofs, and llluftrations, iie (hews
us that the Dodtor of Laws, had both a
head and a hand, in the ratification of the
Constitution, and above all, when we re
fledl that the Federalism of the Jacobin
Govenor rose so high at that period, as to
induce him to compare the Murmurs of
the Antifederalifts, to the working of smatl
Beer. A fadt, that can be attested by that
most virtuous patriot William Findley, who,
by the fame token, then told the D 'dtor of
Laws, that if he, (William) had had a son
but a week in a Lawyer's offue, he wou'd
whip him for being ignorent of a point of
Law, wfyich the Dodtor, to the great
triumph of the antis, and equal dismay of
Federalists, really appeared to have forgotten,
or never to have known.
Having thus eftabliftied the political part
of our test, let us proceed to the felettion of
thii remaining ingredients. And these mud
relate either to capacity, (his Excellency
having always been extremely rigid on this
point, and long before he was thought of
Governor, having repeatedly declared, that
the office of Prothonotary required a law
education,) to general integrity, and inde
pendence of condudt. It is true, his Excel
lency does insinuate something in favor of
rotation in office; but when it is c'onfidered
that some of the oldest officers ars continued,
that he himfelf has been willing to hold the
station »f Chief J 5.1 ft ice, for five and twenty
years, and wou'd not have scrupled to ,Tave
held it as much longer, had his friends failed
in effcdVing his promotion, and it fhou'd
be the will of Heaven, so .long to defer the
final reward of his virtues, we are not to
fuppoTe liim serious in this fuggellion, or
that all contemplated its adoption, in
the impartial test. Neither do I think it
wou'd be quite fair, as his Excellency is a
man " of infinite jest" and in the habit of
porting opiniens, to hold him top tenaciously
to his denunciation of " the proftitutors of
official influence to party.purposes." No
men, as Sterne observes, likes to have his
virtues made the sport of contingencies ; and
although his Excellency could not tolerate
such conduft in a subordinate officer, and an
enemy, yet I am p< rfuaded, he wou'd willing
ly dispense with the idea in the corr.pofition
of his impartial test, whether it Ihould be
applied to himself,, or his Republican friends.
It may nevertheless be prop-r occasionally
to glance at it.
Spme may also suppose with his Excellen
cy, thai where a cordiality is wanting bet
ween the principal and the subordinates,
n the public itvtertft m.jy drfrand a'repara
tion.'' It mull be canfefTed, that when we
contemplate the tr/e«»ij/eleftioa of the chief
magiflrate, we are rtruck with the in>pov«-
ance of this cordiality ; but on the other
hand, when we refleft upon the purity of
his Excellency's republican ism, and how
much ha would disdain to owe his re-ele£tion
to any prostitution or even exertton of official
influence, we myfl absolutely refufe the con
lideration a place in the text, and ascribe
tlv mention of it, merely to the playful fan
cy we have already noticed. Besides, it ne
ver can be admitted, that the Governor
would infer a want of cordiality and neces
sity of separation, merely from the " inde
pendent ewrcife of the rights of a freeman."
Does lie not on the contrary, speak of it
( with the highest applause, calling it a deco
ious and independent conduit, and is he not
generous and charitable enough in his reply
to the Senate, thus to express himfelf ?
Though my eleflion, soys he, was opposed
by all thole descriptions of persons, (that is
Tories, Traitors, Refugees, &c. &c. &c.)
I never said, I never thought, that there
was not like wife a numerous description
of my opponents whose minds were ac
tuated by the purest motives, and whose con
duct has been equally decorous and indepen
pendent. These criterions then, may be
fafely incorporated into our impartial test, as
the subordinate officers of tlie (late, have cer
tainly an equal claim with their fellow-citi
zens, to be included in this numerous des
cription of pure, decorous, and independent
An idea has been taken up, that a partiality
to Jacotyn France, Ts coriceived by his Ex
cellency as a requisite for office ; but as his
very honorable committee has a flu red us, that
" again ft Franc? whenever (he violates our
neutral l ights, or follows or leads, in afts of
plunder and ambition, he has i een and will
be, unequivocally opposed we mud with
out helititioii rejeft the fuppolition, and a
dopt its reverse, finee, when has not France
been guilty of these tranfgreflions ?
From the foregoing data, we ar? enabled
to obtain an Impartial Teftof the Governor's
appointments and arrangements of office.
Being wholly collected from his own decla
rations, and thi.fe of his committe and par
tialis, it roufl be allowed to be candidly fra
med. It will be found t® consist—in exer
tions to eflablifii the independence of our
country, and to maintain it, especially again 11
I"ranee ; in attachment and refpe&ful fub
miflion to the constitution and laws of the
general as well as (late government. In a
capacity for the employment and fidelity in
its execution ; in general probity ; in a man
ly and independent conduft in the exercise
of the rights of a freemen ; and lastly, as
the governor is an unqueftion tble friend to
the poor, we mult not omit that claim to
public countenance, which, in men of worth,
a riles from the circumstance of iheir not be
ing wealthy.
Examine this test Republicans, and fee if
it be not an impartial one I With your ap
probation we will take an opportunity of
applying 'it : though it would fa»e me an
infinite deal of trouble, would each of you be
good enough to take it in his hand, and
compare it with the qualifications of theper
fonages within the sphere of his acquaint
ance whom it has been the pleasure of his
Excellency to draw '« from retirement."—
Such comparison cannot but highly redound
to the glory of his Excellency, and to that
of his eleflion-committee, and indeed of all
otheis, to whose exertions we are indebted
for his ele&ion to the Chief Magi ft racy.
7*o the Editor of the
Dare you publifli the following
letter ?
From the Sun of Liberty, of Aug. 20.
Danbury, August 15 1800.
Since writing my observations con
tained in a letter to the editor of the
Aurora, dated the ift, and republifhed
in my paper No 4 —and the address to
the gentlemen of the town of Danbury,
who signed the certificate, concerning
Jonathan Robbins, I have become con
vinced, from futher examination of the
fubjett, that the said Jonathan Robbins
was not a native of this town, nor ever
resided here—and that the gentleman
who so certified Were not only honest
1 and candid in giving such certificate,
■ but certified the truth. The said publica
tions in the aforefaid papers must there
fore be considered as erroneous and in
-1 correct.
My intention in publishing the obfer-
vation in the aforefaid papers were not to
reflect on the characters of those gentle
men who certified, but the inaccuracy,
herein contained originated from mis
Those Printers in the United States
who have printed the aforefaid publica
tions are requested to publish the
t Journeymen Preflmen.
WANTED Immediately three or four Journey
men PRESSMEN ; those who can bring
indifputablc recommendations of their being good
workmen, steady and honest, may find eonflant
employment at the Printing office of
Isaiah Thomas, jr.
Worcc{ler,feptcmber 17,1800 («a)
To the EleSors of the City and unty of
When the present (herifPs time of office
xpired, I take the liberty to offermylelf as
e candidate for said office, and solicit your
votes in my favour ; in doing which you
will confer an obligation, which will be
gracefully acknowledged by the public's
allured friend and humble servant.
Joseph Cowperthwait.
Agreeable to public notice a number of the
inhabitants met on Thurlday the 25th
in ft. at the house of James Hart—
Resolved, That this meeting be postponed
until Monday the 6th of Oftober next, at
2 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time
the Federal Citizens of the County of Phi
ladelphia are lequefted to attend at the house
of James Hart at the three mile Run on the
German town road, for the pttrpofe of nomi
nating suitable persons for the different of
fices of government to be elefted at the next
General Ele£lion.
Published by order of the meeting,
September 29.
Book - Store,
North Secoud Street, opposite Christ Church.
With Illustrations and Additions
Desultory Refle&ions
In the United States of America, since the
commencement of the year 1799.
IQ™ R. T. Rawle, considering that in
this country there is a fr.-e press, is determi
ned his Book-Store (hall also be free to pub
lications of every denomination, whether po
litical or religious. The works of Whigs
or Tories Republicans, or Monarchies ;
Aristocrats or Democrats ; Federalifls or
Anti-Fcderalifts ; Christians, Jews, Hea
thens or Turks, are equally free for sale ;
and, whatever may be his private opinions,
is resolved, as a Bookseller, and in the true
spirit of his profeffion, « To be open to all
part ies, and influenced by none.
N. B. He has for sale, .all thelatefl po
litical publications, and every article in the
Stationary Line.
Ottober 1. 3aW2W.
Mary Beck,
RESPECTFULLY informs her Friend* and the
Public, that (he intends opening her Seledt
SCHOOL on the firft •( Qflober, in Fifth n«ar
Walnut Street, opposite the State House Yard,
where (he will as usual, teach the branches #f po
lite and mfeful literature, including Geography,
Astronomy, Writing, Arithmetic, and every ac
complishment neceflary to form a complete liberal
Young Ladies may be accommodated with
BoarJ, &c. in the House, which is very airy and
M*. G. Beck's Drawing and Painting School
will commence at the fame time.
lVptembtr ao tu th& fa im
MarfliaFs Sale.
United State*, ) ,
PtHntyltarua District. J'
BY virtue of a writ of venditiona exponas to
me diretSled, iffmed out of the Circuit Court
of the United States, in and for the Pennfylva
nix Diftrifl, will he exposed to public sale at,
the Merchant's Coffee Ho ifc in the City of
Philadeidhia, on Friday the oth day of Odlo
ber next at 7 o'clock in the evening, all the
right, estate and inttrefl of Oliver Pollock, in
and to two thousand acres ch 'ice lands situate
on Pine Creek in the cnunty of Lycoming.—
Seized and taken in execution and to be fold as
the property of Oliver Pollock by
JOHN HALL, Marshall.
'Marshal's Office, 1
Philadelphia Sept. 29, 18 0 J 3a w tS.
On Monday morning
The 19th instant will be landed on
Hamilton's Wharf
95 Quarter calks of excellent Lisbon
Apply to
September 17. diw.
Dancing Academy.
MR. QUESNET, wi h refpeft informs his pu
pils and-he public that he intends
opening his Academy, on Monday the 6th of Oc
tober , at his new aflembly room, No, 64, fcuth
Fourth ftrcet. "
Mr. Quefnet is thankful te the Ladies and Gen.
tlemen, ior the liberal encouragement he Has ex
perienced every season —he mi defircus for ionic
time to raeef with a gentleman of whom the cha
racter and talents, could, united together dcfeive
the confidence of the public •• deprived of fueh ad
vantage, Mr. Q_has always thought proper to
divide and fix the number of pupils; but this seas
on the school can be improved one third m:re,
havirg to introduce Mr. Auriol, as an afliitant to
him, and a person of ability. Th/fcholars shall
be attended three times a week as ufua!—Ladies in
the morning ; young Gcnt'emen in the afternoon ;
and grown Gentlemen in the^vening.
N. B. The fir ft prailifing ball in private for the
foholars, will be a few daysaftei 1 the opening ol the
school ; and the firft ball Will be on Thursday, the
16th O&ober next.
v Dancing.
M«. AURIOL lately arrived frem Paris, re
fpedtlul'y informs the public in general, that hav
ingfome time to difpofa of, h# wiU attend those
Ladies and Gentlemen, wh® wi!h to be taught
private at their own houses.
His lodgings are at No. 3Z, foath Third itreet,
where directions can be left with his lady if he is.
October I. * th&ftf \
By this Day's Mail.
NEW YORK, October 2.
By the brig Dyett from Hamburgh, we
have received papers to the ill of August,
but they contain nothing so late as the ac
counts by the Maria.
Glasgow papers to the ijth of August
are also received at this office by the Amlter
dain packit, from Greenock. They cort
tan nothing new.
In the above veflel. carae twenty-nine
paflengers. Mr John Kichardfon, mer
cant of this city is among the number.
At Surrinam in-Auguit last, American
produce was in demand. Butter
fold from 75 to 80 cents per pound.
HARTFORD, September 29
On thurfd.iy last was cioied the feiiton of
the Circuit court of the United Staites, hol-
den for the diftridl of Connedticut, in this
town. Judge Cusbing, in his addfefs to the
Grand Jury, pointed out the objefts with-
in their cogniznnce, and illustrated their
duty as officers and citizens in a very im
pressive manners
The cafe Samuel Fowler vs. Mary, Linsey t
and others, an aftion of diffeilin, brought
for the purpose of trying the title of Con-
nedticut to certain land lying northward
of the north line of Pennfylvamia, and west
ward of the river Tioga, (part of what is
Commonly called the Connecticut Gore)
was heard on a plea to the jurifdidtion of
the court, that since the last continuance of
the adtion, the ftata of Conntefticut had ce
ded to the United States all claims to foil
or jurifdidtion over territory lying westward,
north westward and south westward ofthoie
counties in Connetticut, which are bounded
westward by the eastern line of the state of
New-York. The cause was very ably ar
gued by Mr. Daggett and Mr. KdwJrds,
for the Conne&icut claimants, and by Mr.
Hofmerand General Hamilton, in behalf of
the tenants under the state of New-York.
It was urged by the claimants that the court
having once had cognizance of the cause,
ought to proced to final Judgirent, although
the place in which the diffeilin was alledged
was not at prefc-nt within the
limits ot Conneflicut.
The court after much deliberation were
unanimous in opinion that they .could take
no further cognizance of the cause. The
decision in this cafe was alio adopted in
three others of a (imilar nature.
An armed Frsnch merchant reflel, the
schooner Peggy captured fey captain Jewctt,
of rhe United States fliip of war Trumbull,
lately brought into New-London and libel
led before the diftrift Court,' was by the/
Judge of the diftridt acquitted.. On an ap
peal taken to the circuit court, and after a
very full hearing the decree of the dirfridt
court was reversed and-the Peggy declared
a lawful prize to the United States and the
The decisions of the several causes that
were tried during the session, martifefled the
learning and candour which so eminently
adorned the venerable Judge who presided
Indian Queen.
THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the
Public that he has taken that well-known
Inn, the INDIAN QUEEN, lately kept
by Mr. James Thornpfon, deceased, and
solicits their patronage as well as the pat
ronage of those Gentleman who were ac
customed to give it their support, alluring
them that it (hall be ccnduftedon the fame
liberal plan which charadterifed it when
under the fuperintpndance ot his predeceflbr.
The house has undergone a thorough repair,
and it would be needless to rtbferve to thole
who know them, that the stables are, in spa
ciousness and convenience, unequalled in
Philadelphia, and the bed prevonder and at
tendance are always provided for horses, by
the Public's obedient servant.
Oaokr i.
THE public ;:re hereby informed, that tlie Bal
timore Coachce will in fu'ure start from the In
dian Queen, No. 15, south Forth street, every day
except Sunday, at 7 o'clock, and will arrive at
Peck's Tavern, Baltimore, the next day at 8 o'clock
and the Stages to New York, will flart every day
at 8 and I a o'clock.
N. 13 —A book is kept open at Mr. Ely Chan
dler's Franklin Head, where feats may also be ta
ken in the above line oi llages.
o&ober a
For Liverpool or Bristol, (
y HAS good accommodations fop
piilleugcts, is now dil'charging her cargo from
Briftol,and will tie dispatched with all convenient
speed—For freight or passage apply to the captain
on board, at the next wharf above Market fireet,
or to
No. 215, Market Street.
September 20. dtf.
Just Received,
And will be Sold Very Low, if applied for
immediately, by the P.ickage only,
5 Bales Broad-Cloths, assorted, -j
I Bale Plains and Forefl cloths, | " JJ
t Do. fine Coatings, affoitsd, 5
10 Do Kendall Cottons, r."t: j
io Hoglheads Seine Twine, I 2^
4 Casks London Pewter, J w
ripply .to WILLIAM FRENCH,
No. 48, South Front flrctt,
djt & eodiw.
September 30.
! V "V-
**-*«r * ••
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