w v 4 \ ' # 7 t—t —■■■■ Gazette of the United States X PHILADELPHIA, J cvuHtNc, ocToaan i PRICES OF STOCKS. Pdiladelfuia , September 30. Old 8 perC«nt Stock for cash ioß~\ O ~ per cent Six per c™t. (net amount) do. 86 ( ■? " NaVy do. do. 86 (~ % Three per Cent. do. jj) ai / Deterred, - do. 844* U*.NKUnited States, do. a. i —— - Pennsylvania, do. aj iy-'- • North America, do. 50 Infurante comp. N. A. Ihares 10 per cent, be low par. Pcnnfylvania, (hares, 41 per cent, adv, Turnpike Shares 10 per cent, under par. Bridge (Schuylkill) Stock, par. Eaft-In.tia Company of N. A. none for sale. Land Warrants, 45 dolls, per 100 &cr«s. Water Loan, 85 per cent. COURSE OF EXCHANGE Bills on Lon. Ac 30 days for cash 170 per ct. Do. do. 60 days do. 168J do. Do. do. 90 days do. 166 2-3 Bills on Hamburgh at 6® days 36 a 37 cts. per Mirk Banco o®. in Amfttrdam, 60 days 39 a 40 cts. per Florin. Or 7he Carriers of this Gazette, have been strictly forbidden either to sell or give away, any of their papers; and should the Editor detect, or re ceive information of any person at tempting to seduce them from the line of their duty, he will employ legal means for redress.—lt has become a serious inconvenience, and those who are friendly to the interest of this paper, are requested to give such in formation as may be in their power on the subject, and ihey will confer an obligation on The Editor. |C7* It is requeued that Gentlemen who re ncgleaed by the Carriers, will not per mit several days to elapse without giving in formation of Inch negleA ; but immediately give notice. They shall be served re gularly. The attention of the public will be fixed by the very important letter, in this day's Gazette, of Thomas Pincknby, Esq. 011 the iubjedl of a letter signed John Adam., and purporting to be addrelled to one Tench Coxc, which is pronounced by Mr. Pinckney a Forgery, calculated fir electioneering purp9fes, or, if genuine, founded on a misap prehension of persons. ELECTION. Walnut Ward. The Ele£lion for infpeflors, in the above ward is to be held ?t Mr. Smiths Ta vern in Walnut flreet, three doors above Front Urcet, on Saturday the 4th of Ofto ber. Federalize be at ysur poltt on that ■day. Be it remembered by the independent free men of Artierica, that the persons calling themselves Rtfuf- icons and friend's to the pefple, confiding chiefly of United Irishmen, run-aA ay Scotchmen and English convicts, have declared through the medium of one of their Democratic papers, that they wish the enemies of the French Government [iict the enemies of the A eriran government J to be laid prostrate at their feet and become bumble suppliants for me, cy 1 I ! It appears that those brave fellows who are in the military service of the United States have been ordered to quell the Ne groes. Hence those Virginia Demo's who a few days lince flighted our veteraus and contemptuously called them mercenaries, now look up to them for falvatioti. The fellow who is fstid to be attempting to effeit a reconciliation between four Jaco bin candidates for one office, has endeavour d to make the deluded mortals who read the Awora believe, that a hand-bill, lately cir culated in favor of one of the candidates, was printed at the office of the Gazette of the United States. '1 his adds but one more to the numerous lift offalsehoods put>l ifhect daily in the French Jacobin Gazette, and one tbovsand would be deemed trifling to I'ecure a share of one hundred and seventy-jive thou sand dollars. The Cock-fighter, Tim Matlack having •one day gaff'd himfelf, by putting on a long sword, was met by a friend who wiflied to know why he wore a Rapier- Tim replied, it was to defend his liberty and property. As to properly rejoined the friend, it is well known thee never hadft any ; and as to thy liberty, thou art now indebted to thy cre ditors for that. This worthy belongs to the addressing fommittee composed of Tench Coxe, F. A. Muhlenberg, Sammy Bryan, Jacob Carpen ter and the Cock-fighter. Our lifrertiee and property are in blessed hands. Stephen Sayre the noted speculating bank rupt banker, formerly of London, who was however in Franct during all the reign of blood and terror, from whence he came to this country in the service of Talleyrand, has prevailed on thatpoor whirligig' Jofey Bloom field to join him in an i'mmenfe speculation. viz. to convert alf the pood people of Jorfey to Atheists and French Jacobins, on which Sayre espe&s Mr. Jefferfon will make him Secretary of the Treifmy, and poor Jo fey is promised by Sayre the place of Gene- al Hamilton as Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States. • * 'relet from Essays on Political Socirly, now priming by M . William T wig. In Surveying the political fceneexhibfted on the weftem bemifphere, the atteet'on i? attradled by that interesting phe tomenon a Council of Statesman, convened by legisla tive delegation from different parts of the empire to consult on the general weal,and to prupofe w'wt they should deem moll advife able for meliorating the political system. In that Council, are to be seen, men *c rurtomed to the walks of science and to the fceri»s of a&ive life ; men experienced in policy and in arms ; of noble minds and polished manners ; pillars of state, formed to support, well as to o n«ment, the fabric of the social order - To regard them as but " the cerinthian capital of polished society," would be far, I trull, from flatter ing that dignified council in which Wash ington presided' Too intent on the interests of their coun try, too conversant in great affairs, too great in their real hcnois, to fuffer the dig nity of their public character to fee de graded by the illufious of pei fonal vanity, the framerß of the American constitution do not appear to have thought of themselves, except in common with their countrymen. They were not vain enough to believe, that, to guard against the dangers of their person al influence, they ought themselves to be fubjefted to a species of o'lracifm, and be proscribed from administering the consti tution which they proposed. Ip a word, they were not vaio enough for that ostentation of of difintereilednefs which , prevai ed in what was called the Franch coriftitiiting afiembly. If they were i free froM this the more amiable species of varity which displays itfelf in poli- [ litical insolence: '1 hey did not require a proportion of their own number to be designated for administering the propo sed gnvtrment. Having completed the laborious work for which they were delegated* the framers of the American conftitutiou tefcr it to the will of society, t rough the medium of leg islative authority; and thenfelves revert to the mass of cuite»s. Not a single function of public administration, have they exerci sed during the tim of their beinij convened, nor have the ordinary operations of govern ment been suspended for a moment. The form of pol tic.il aflocia'ion, which th-y pro f ofel number in the hospital sick with the prevailing difcafe, Convalefcenis Discharged cured since last report, Gazette Marine Lift, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. ARRIVED, Davs Bruj BefSeld, Bremen 84 [ Wines k Lineits ; Pratt Sc Kentzing Schi. Hannah, Crowel, Barnflabls r.v [PUifter Paris ; to C-iptain Sally, Boam, North Carolina 5 Harriot, R.ifco do. , 5 Sloop Jay, Jacks n, New-York, 11 [Lime, ko Capt. Arrived at the Fort. Brig PerlVverance, Swain, from St. Kitt's, ltit there 30th August, Rum and Coffee, Croi.ke Stevenfon—»jO|This vefl'el was .published yefterdjy as consigned to J. Hollinglworth, through mistake. Ship Swift Packet, Richards,' Surinam ; left it gth August ; Molafles, to N. and J. Frazirr. Brig Gay fa, Griffen, Havanna ; left it 7th September ; Sugar & feg.irs ; to J. Coulter. Schooner Cartinella (Haddell, prize mas ter) prize to the brig Eigle, froiK St. Tho mas'"! ; left it the gth ifift. in Ballast. schr. Sukey, Stone, from hence, has ar ched at St. Jago de Cuba. Brig Beaver, Elliot, from hence to the Havanna, was Ipoke on the idth Septem ber. sloop Independence, Duffill, has arrived at Savannah, from this port. Ship Molly, CaWert, from Liverpool to this port, was spoke ou the 12th Sept, in iat 43 22 N. lonng 4S 50 out 28 days. Ong. cf the fh.ps reported below has pro« ved ro be the Tilghmai, Hawkins, 52 days from Liverpool. Schr. Virginia, Watson, from hence, has arriv d at Charlelton in $ days from the Capes. 1 Fam Lord's List August 19. Arrived at Gravifrnd—Camilla, , Virginia—Sul'mina, Shallcrol's, Philadelphia A£Uve, M'Dowal, ditto ; Superb, Trial, Hoflon ; Minerva, Brown, New-York—the two last have failed. Arrived at Liverpool j Jacob, Coin, N. London ; Eliza, Choate, Boston. Arrived at Deal ; Minorca, Brown, Nev- Yerfc ; Superb, Trial, New-York; Sul'an nah Shaller, Philadelphia. Arrived at Clyde—Amsterdam Packet, Crocker, New-Yoik ; Little John, Stinfon, Charlellon. A'lived at Cowcs ; Petronella, Knap, Ch^rlrfton. Arrived at Guernl'ey; Fortuna, Sheflfcus Virginia. Arrived at Bremen ; Diana, Hetfi, Phi ladelphia ; Vigilante, Meyer, Baltimore ; Specula, Courier, Baltimore. Arrived at Dublin ; Bclvidere, Rols, Phi ladelphia. BOSTON, September 2 2 Arrived, Shi)) Madifan, Hartley, 44 days. Liverpool, damaged 111 a late gale. Off Cork, fpofir*? (liip Amcricj, and a New-Bedford both from Norfolk, bound in. Brig Neptune, Dodve, Greenock, 43 days. Left there, the Amfterdum Packet, Croket ; Huron, Hill ; Mary, Lunt ; Mary, Felts; and Braiulywiue, Miller, all to fail for New-York, in a few diys ; Kuflell, Gibbs, New-Bedford, for Ncv.-Ynrk, ; Lit tle John, Stevenfou, of Wife. f.'et, !or;Charle fton. Sept - 2, l it. 46, 20, long 44, spoke barqtif Neptune, 23 day's from Charlelton, for Cork, Sept. 11, lat 44. long y2> 48, spoke (111p Jicob, 32 days from Liverpool, for Portfmouthi Sept. 12, fll in with the fi/hing fchr. Edward, Simomls, of Salem, which had beew so much injured in a gale as to Induce Ihe captain and crew to abandon her, and they were received on board the Neptune, Sept. 21, spoke fclir. Union, of Hingham, which had loft hercaptnin, (Smw) and a man (Higgins) who were swept off the deck, with a boat, -main-boon), fail, inc. &c. in the gale of the Bth inft. Gav« them til;- boat taken fr< m tie Edward. Si me d ay, Schr. Sqlly, Sw»£cy, from Martiuique.. September 23. Arrived, Peggy, Coates, Newfound land, 16 days. September 25. Arrived, b'ig Lark, Stoddard, 60 day Li verpool : dainaged in tw > severe gales of wind, the Bto, & 17th infl. with lols of boat, bulworks, kc. one or two people very much hurt ; foolte nothing but what lias arrived. Sdiooner Nepiune; Byrd, twchty.fcven i Madras, January 18. %' Newfoundland. On the 10th On the ritii ult in lat 20 15, north long "iet with a gale of wind, but received 110 da- 9 44 east, the American ship Atlantic in c®. n " a g e - with the Eliza Anne, made a figna' at ten Schooner Liberty, from Richmond, 7 A M tor a fail in the 1$ £ quarter, captairi da p- Barker ' e -.nd iio'id in tile wellward. At 4 P M'. the ftratige fail hoifled Eng 'ilh r lours, upon which captain Barker did ■he fame, about half an hour after, the fail oeing within gup-ftwt to the windward, hauled dt.wn the E g'ifh ensign and hoisted the French n;>t oral flag, fifing at the fame tin e time a hrr.idfide on the El zs» Anne which in.ftantly returned. H th (hips t. -w kept up a brisk fire, which co 1 t; 1 m 11-. 1 ~j, hour and ten minutes, the At l.M.c .1!!'. firing upon the enemy with her iix pound; r , ami then wore lh ; p to pet into t'iol'er atVmn ; tl-.e en< my fheertd off for the night At f.fty rut s p.ft i'.-ven in the morning, the Atl'a tic commenced the aftion by ta! ing her to the wirdward, within pif minutes the Fiench fl:i;> hauled h:r tacks on board, at.d bo.-t away, having all her pumps going. Were it not for the Gentlemen Cadets and other pallet gers it wi-t.hi l.nve been im polCbie tor captain Barker to have fought, having [oft thirty tix of his crew by the U'tirvy ; nor tnuft we ntrtt to n.e 11 'i 11 the 'il'llanccot two l,.dv p.-fTeiva-rs, who, enter !>'. into the lViiiil ot the cm t ft, k pt hand -110; up cartridg' " during the engagement, md in pteparing a fui ther fopply during the Three > f the Cadets on board the Eliza vere (lightly wit B If®, biit none killed. September 30. Arrived, brigs Eliza, Savannah ; John Hendtrfon, Frerch, Amsterdam, , tchrs. Richmond, Pratt. St. 'I homas; Wil liam, Copp, Savannah ; Liberty, Cortelyoh, Richmond ; John Vinning Buflcirk' Do. sloop Rising Sun,Wi!fon, Havanna ; Char lotte. Step, Antigua. Cleared, (hip Olive, Jnhnftori. Cape Francois ; brigs Dorfey, Ells, Port Repub lican j Hannah, Hall, Montivedo ; Mary; Durry, Tcnerieffe. Schr. Betsey, Purtella, has arrived at St. Bartholomewes. Schr. Beliona, of this port, to Port Re publican had been taken by the French and retaken by the British sloop dt war Echo, and sent to Jamaica. Ship Veous, Stanton, arrived at Cork in 33 da y*- The Trio, from Greenock got np lalt evening. The ships Huron and Amsterdam Packet were to fail in a few day for this port. There were below last evening twenty fail, fume of wli ch reach d the Quaran tine Ground. The brig Eliza, from Savannah (below) is difai*tted—loft 100 bales coiten off ueck and a man. There is a brig on shore at Cramberry Inlet. Span (h brig Nueva Emprefa Joseph Sev altos from Ver\Cruz to Malaga, valued at 50,000!, sterling, was captured on the firft of Augull la It after a chafe of 9 hours, in lat43-N. and 37 long, by the British sloop of war, P.uto, erebrus EJgell, clq. com mand r and carried to St Johns, Newfound lanJ, where she arrived fafe an the nthof Augull. Ship Patty, from Jamaica, is loft on Shrewsbury beach. Arrived fchr. Commerce, Robinfi>n, St Bartholomews, 20 days. Sai ed nr.der con voy cf the U. S. Sloop of war Baltimore, in ca. with 11 fail, 1 of whi;h was a Swe dish brig, Larraber. for New-York. Schr. Flyi g Fish, Leech, N4lk, 20 day. Sailed under convoy of the U. S. Ship of,war and the brig Eagle, in co. with 65 fail. Sept. 15; fpokt the British Privateer ship Duke of Kent, on a cruise from Liverpool to Nova Scotia. Brig Elizabeth, William*, from Jamaica, Spoke off Cape Antonia, sloop Minerva, Beekiey, from Jamaii a, to Charleston, and Almenia, Burbank, from Jama ca to New- York. In lat 28 00 fp ke brig William, Cl .rk, from Jamaica for New-York. BALTIMORE, Septembere 28 Arrived the Danish schooner Nonfuck, capt. Darrell, 13 days St. Thomas. The Homeward bound fleet, of about 70 fail, under c nvoy of the Maryland flcop of war, and brig Eitgie, were to fa l nsxt d y; but it was uncertain whether they could get out, owing to the strong southwardly breez es. There had been a hurricane at St Tho mas's on the lit inft. which laded about 7 or 8 hours, during which 9 fail ot the con voy were blown ashore, and two totally loft, one was the Brig Paragon, of Baltimore, capt. O. Hicks, »efle! and cargo (fait) loft, cr*w and captain favcd—the owner, Wm, C. Elmley, was drowned. The other was a Britifli ichooner, belonging to Martinique, bound to New-London, vessel and carg loft, captain & crew saved An English (hip (one of the convoy) loft her foremaft and bowsprit, and one man killed— 7 were got off without dawage— Brig Kcnwick, Len niar, was in the fleet for this port, and seve ral others, names unknown. Lat 34 long 74 on the 16th spoke a schooner, D. Boulh, master, from Turk'* Island to New-London, with fait, out 19 days in want of provisions, which captain, D. supplied. Lat. 35. 30 long 75 Sept 18 spoke Abi gail, Hyer. from Jamaica, to New York, out 48 days, in want of water and provi sions supplied him also. Arrived, (hip Nestor, White eight weeks Liverpool. Saikd io co. (hip Hope, Daw fot), for City Point. August 7, in latitude 48, 44, N long itude 14, - .W. spoke brig Fame, of Sa vannah Newell, from Buenos Ayres, (river Piatt) ninct three days out, to Hamburg, all well. On the 2ift, latitude 41, Jongtitude 39, spoke (hip William and Mary, Dicklon, from London to Norfolk, out (ixteen days. On the 25th, latitude 40, 30, 10-.igitude 32, spoke t'.e schooner Hero, Carver, from Figuera to Boston. On the 27th, latitude 39, 10, longitude 40, spoke the schooner Hepfey. Clarke, fifteen days from Boston, to Mad ira. September 15, latitude 36, 33, long itude 69, spoke the (loop Anne,ot Norwich, from New London to the Weft Indies, ten days out, had loft his stock off deck, and loft his foretopmaft in a gale of wind ; was obliged to put back. September 18, 120 mi es S E. C. Hen ry, spoke fchr. Apollo, nine days out from New York, to Wilmington September 29. Arrived, fchr. Polly, Btatty. St. 1 ho mas. Left the Maryland v>ff 'he Cap s. Brig Neutrality, Fric Schroder, eleven weeks Leghorn. Brig Dispatch, Noble, twenty eight days Cape Francois. Schr. La Puhna, Richard Thomas, prize matter, captured by the U. S. tcho< ner Enterprize, Captain Shaw, on the 15th of August. off Dcfeada. She mounted 4 guns, which she threw over in the chace, 1 aud had 3S men- Dancing Academy. MR QUE3NF.T, wl hr?fpe& inform* his pu pils andthe public in jrei eral, tha* he intendi opening his Acader y. pnMon. ay the 6th of Oc tober , at his new afcmbly room, No, 64, south Fourth rtreet. Mr. .Qnrfnct is thankful to the Ladies and G'.n tlemen, ior the liberal encouragement he has ex perienced every Jtifon ~-!re was defircus for foa C timi ■uraet'\v,i'..i i r i.r",e:..au ot whom the cha racter and talents, tduld, united together O.lerve the confidence f.the public *. deprived of lu«h ad vantage, Mr always thought propfe? to divide an i fix the number ot f upils ; but thi* leaf on tbe f.hool can be improv <1 one third faoritf g to introduce Mr.- Auriol, as an >.fn ant to him, ar d a person of ebi ) ? y. 1} e 1c oi r (hall be attended three times a week as ufual—< . itiie- in the morning ; young Gei t'emen in the afternoon 5 and grown Gentlemen in the evening. N. B. The fir!) pra& firg hall iii private for the scholars, wili be a lew days alter the opet irjgol the Ichool ; ar.dthefifft bull wilileon i fctirldav, the 16th October next. Dancing. Ma. AURIOL lately arrived frcm Paris, re peat; uliy Informs the public in general, \h~t hav ngfometime to dupoft of, he will attend those -adiea and Gentlemen, \vh© wish to be caught private at their own hrules. his lo f .in£; are a; No 32, south Third Ureet, *here directions can be kit with his lady if he if blent. O&oheri, thScftf ■" " ■ 'r*** J* * I t ' I . j*. Marshal's Sale. United States, ) ~ Penntylvania District. 5 BY virtue of a writ of venditions exponas to me diredted, llised out of tli- Circuit Court ot tie Uiii;eii otatcs, in ant! ;or the Pennsylva nia Dillnct, will tie expo fed to public sale at the Merciiatl ' Collet . o.jie m the Gity of Phiiadeldhia, on F.Lay the oth day ot OAo bcr next at rlit, ctta'.c aU'l mt:ie anj tu tao thoUiiid acrei on Fine Creek in i/.e Seized ami taken in exc property of CXiver JOHN Marshal's Oflic SbUaitlpbia Sept 29, ii the evening, all the \ot 1 iter Ir'ol'nck, in choice, lan tiiuate county or LyLVmn.g.— rt'uiion and to be fold as I'uHoCk. y HALL, Marshall, ;$> j|| r Charter, th ■ SB ir \NNAII, >e ready in a few days to the Capfa n oft: harf, or to LI AM i'OUNG. reet. / the laid rtiip and to drawback, Company iiarthen Wars 5 by io LARGE COAL, sot a for Sale o: £sss& H to receive a car^o *. lt * For particul rs ap; W!|x> tj** j*fl " for Jilr «ntiUw 16 CnM4 Wft Daßtibfc* M e*u» 40 l«KiCt>«ii6l4r ALSO A quantity of excellent r i. 'r~ dian Queen. THE Subscriber brgs leave to inform the Public tlKit lie has t.ikcii (that well-known Inn, the INDIAN QUEEN, lately kept bv Mr jumes Thoropfon, deceased, and foliciti their patronage as w II as the pat ronage of those Gentleman who were ac customed to. give it their support, afiuring thein that it (hall be ccndu£ed on the fame liberal plan 'wbich char &<*rifed it when under the fuperintendauce ot his predeeeflor. and ii would be nesdlefs to oblerve to those who know them, that ih#ftabjes are. i fpa ci< ufnefs and son*:ni j nce v unequalled in Philadelphia, and the bed prevorider and at tendance are always provided for hotfes, by the Public's obedient frrvant. JAMES COYLE . OftobM i. '