CHINA GOODS. Landing fro .j the ship America, IValte. Sims, Commander? from Canton, AND FOR SALt Br NICKLIN, GRIFFITH & Co. Bohf.a, Souchong, ift & and 4 ua '''y» Caper souchong, Hyf >n-ftin, TwnkaJrj Singlo, Young hyson, Hyf in, ift & ad quality, Imperial, Yellow k white nankeens . Lutcltrings, black & colored ( In Boxes Sinfhaws do. C aflbrted, Sat tins do. J Lutestrings, mai. blue A dark green In Sinfhaws do £ boxes, Persian taffftas, dark green 3 ' They have also on band for sale, received liv the late arrivals from. Europe, ifc. 1 Infmallpack* Striped and checked ginghams | ages aIT rted, White figured Sc color'd Muf- | calculated for llnetts jrthe Weft-ln- White corded dimities 1 dia market & Color'd silk, striped Nankeens | entitled to J drawback, 14 Trunks printed Calicoes, 5 do. do. } j Balesfeine twine <\ (Entitled to to Cases Eriglilh China ware, ( drawback, in tea fctts J 6 Caflcs mineral black, t do. white, 101 do. colcother, 3 'Ca&i purple brown, 35 do. nails aff.Ttcd, 9 do. London porter in bottles, Engtilh fail canvas, No. l, » & 3, Russia duck, »7 Boxes white Havanna sugar, 13 Pipes old Madeira wine, Gunpowder, Empty wine bottles, to Guns, 6 pounders, i» do. 9 do. ig do 9 do. with rarriages, Jca »80iccclbs. Ceribon coffee, ift quality f Entitled to jo.ooolbs Hack pepper f drawback. jo L'gs ebony j May 13. ™ kw tf Jmt Received, 2?y the Ic.te arrivals here, and at Netu-Torl and for s vle by No. 5, North Third Street. An elegant affortmeot of Chintzes and Calicoes, Inglilh Satins, Preatongi, Modes, Sarfnrts. and Lutestrings ; Dimities, Bobbins Coatings, Flan nets, Bucking Ba i cs, Broad-Cloths,Swandown«, Douhle-mill'd DrabsWorficd Yarn and Cotton Hosiery \ PUin Fo r est Cloths carpets & carpeting. Aho on Hand, Low-priced and fine India muslins, lri(h and Quadruple linjns, Oersian Dowlas, ribbons India fati*» : t itftrings.and fonfhinwi. mill'd yarn ?love«, iyory and h*n combs, fad!try, and a variety of Ironmongery, and fcr.fonaMe DRY GOODS. ALSO, To be Sold, or Bartered, For DRY GOOD 3, a Handsome Three Story BRICK HOUSE. With Piazza and Kitchen adjoining, situate in Vine nea- Fourth Screet, bull' in modern style with excellent materials, and'well calculated to ac commodate a large family. Sept la ELISHA FISHER AND Co. No. 39, North Front Strret, HAVE FOR SALE, Ironmongery, Sadlery, Cutlery, Brass and Jipjn'd Wares, Ad ?d lod i»d and »od flat point nails, German Steel, Han alTorted in cafe", Piflolt, gam and flints, &c.Btc- September II Saulnier & Wilson, WQOLEV DRAPERS, MERCERS, We. No. 63, Neethfide Market-lireet, HAVE a general assortment of befl London fuperfine Broad Cloths and Caffimeres, (of the newrft faftiion) silk stripe and fccond quality Cloths, falhionabU waiOcoating, Glk stripe and twill'd Nat.keens, Jean, Fustian, Gingham, Dimi ty, Thickset, fancy Cord, V.lvcts, Scarlet, ye'low and white Flannels, Flanders, lrifli and_ brown Linens, Dowlas, mens' and wnmens* lilk and cotton HoOcry, coat ar.d yell pearl, steel, gilt and phted Buttons, different col .uri Silk Velvets, tam boure l »d Cambric Muflius, Calicoes, Caliman coes, bh twls, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves Checks, &c &c. N. B. Taylors' bed quality Trimmings all which they will fell very low. July 18 Lottery For completing St. Augustine's Church. The second or last Class. THE few remaining Tickats in the above Lottery, which may draw the handfinme. prizes of Ten thtufand dollars ! Four thou/and dollars! Tbrr thoujand dollars I &c. Ac. may be had if called for soon, for the small sum of Nine Dollars each. Should any remain rn hand on theJirJlof OHober, they will be raised to Nine and an half Dollars. Affly to GEORGE TAYLOR, Jr. N0.39? Cbesnut M. M'CONNELL, No. 143 5 street feptember 16 dtf WEST .COUNTRY PATENT Canvas, A No l to 8, FOR SALE BY Ebcnezer Large, ALSO 200 boxes ftiort pipes Citable for the Spaniih Market, j mo. 13th, ißeo Imw&fa 7* OF THE Hon. James Wilson, Efcj- Li L. .D Latt one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States ar.u Prrjessor at 1 Mi 1 in the College and Academy of Philadelphia. From the original mamr.fcript, in the poffcffion.ol Bird Wilson, Esq< TEAS, These works (hall be elegantly printed in two volumes o&avo, and dciivsreA/o fubfcribtirs at five dellart. THey ihatl be put to press as soon a' the subscrip tions will juftify the cipence ol publication, Subscriptions will be received by ASBURY DICKINS, The puMifter, opposite ChriO-Churcfe, Phila delphia ; and bj the principal bookfellcrs through out the United States. •,* A Prolpe&us of the werk may be seen ai the place of fubfeription. , frprem' er n § Lorain & Son, 4f«B PROPOSALS FOR PUBLISHING Br SUBSCRIPTION, The Wotks ccwnirrcNs. Loft, I "HE undermentioned Certificates of Stock of the Bank of the United States, viz. No. 3804, dated lit July 1796, for ten (hares in the name of Charles Lovegrove of New- York. No. 25311 —No. 15311, dated ifl July. 1796, for five fhare9 each in the name ot Sarah tVedpewood of Etruria. No. *vßo8 —No v i9j!o9, dated ill January, 18oo« for tell (hares each, in tha name ot Henty Waddinßton, Merchant, London. Notice is hereby given, That application is intended to be made a' the bid Bank by the lubfcrib«r>, fur a renewal of the fame, of which all persons coo£>-rne.: are requcfled to take «■ tice. WADDING I ON 4r HARWOOD Philadelphia, July 30, 1800- tnwl Twelve Shares Of the Bank of the United States, N'O. »59J» to 1J963 inclulive, in the nam • nl Thomas Mull tt of London. w«re forward ed about the ift of Miy 1797. fr» m New Yotk, by the (hip Oneida lor Lendon, which was cap tured hy the French, and said Certificates loft ir destroyed ; therefore application is made at the said Bank for the renewal of the sam«, of which all persons concerned are desired to take notice. Clement- Biddle. Philad : September 3, 1800 A good second band Riding Chair, Mid an excellent 'amily CHAIR HORSE FOR SALE, Cheap —Enquire of the Printer September 1 m»fiw A PARTNERSHIP. A PERSON poffefiing some capital, a confi derible (hare of industry, and desirous ol engaging as a partner ii> a lucrative byfinels, may hear of a fituatio*. All propolj!» on this fubjeil to be in writing, sealed and diredled 1 W. R. J New York, and left with the printer of the Gazette of the United States, will be a; tended to. •tT A Printer would find it to his advantage Jone 5* d f f A PERSON OF abilities, integrity and experience in mercantile bufinefi, would willingly en gage at CLERK to a merchant or publia of t': e, or be concerned with any person as pait, ai he lias an intercft of about one ihouiand pounds in re? 4 eftite in the city. Pleal'e t« ap ply to the Printer ; or a line left at the office for R Y. will be attended to imir ediately. M»VTO dttmftthtf NOTICE. A CERTIFICATE, No. *55»9- dil ' £< ? ,ft I 4 uary 1797, in favour ol Robert Lindfay, ol CharJeAnn South-Carolina, for one (hare of th (lock of the Bank of the United Statei is loft— a duplicate of which will be applied for at the said ROBERT LENOX. August 7. - m&t3tn -A Young Man, PERFECTLY versed in Mercantile account!, and brought up in one of the firft counting h• uica in this »ity, wifocs employment as Clerk. He is at present absent from Philadelphia, but a line left at the Office of the Gazette of the Uni ted States .he will receive, and it Qia'.l be imme diately attended to. Salary a secondary objed Employment his motive. augult n ' For Sale, or to Let, THE HOUSE, In Cbcsnut Street, Near the corner of Eleventh street, at present in the tenure of Mr. A. M'Call—Poffeffion may be had the first of November next, or sooner if re quired—Apply to Edward Shoemaker. September 3 5 LANCASTER STAGES. THE Proprietor* of the Philadelphia and Lm c_fter lioe •< Stages DISPATCH, return their grateful thank-* to their friend* and the public hi general, foßthe pad favors they have received,and inform them that in addition to the regular Line, they are provided with Carriage?,fober and careful drivers, to g$ through between the City and Borotgh ia two day*. Those who prefer this mode of travelling can be accommodated at the Stage Office, sign of United Statu Eagle, Market flreet, Philadelphia. Slough, Downing, Dunwooilj iff Co. Nw. 30. *1 it —} To Gentlemen Farmers. THE SUBSCRIBER DECLINING farming, will offer at pnblic file on his Plantation, opposite Newbold's ](l»i d on the Delaware, within two miles of Bordentown, Rate of New-Jerky, on Saturday. ■ 3<h September next at » o'clock, hi* stock of Horse*, Cattle (moftlyfat) an I about eighty Sheep, fourteen of which are Rams. The prin cipal part of both Ewes and Rams are an excel lent breed Hit plantation he will hold for (ale till next spring, when if not fold it will be rented. Term* of fa'e made known at tM time. THOMAS St. JOHN. A«gafl )«, for sale, A Valuwlc antt singularly eligible estate, CONSISTING of two handsome duelling fooufes, with excellent ftahHnjj for fe4en horses, iouble coach-house most completely fitted tip; a beautiful large and valuable garden richly filled with-choice frUit, furrountled With high board fence, almo 11 new. The premises are beautifully fituatGd near thfe middle of Germantown, sur rounded with rich profp-»«sts of the adjacent country ; an orchard of about tWo acres, with a handsome lawn at the back of the house. One house has been recently built ow an Appro ved plan ; the other has been completely repaired, painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty fix. The new house is well calculated for a (lore in either the dry cr wM good line. The air and water arc unriv wt*d, and there are torur most excellent schools in the neighborhood. For enquire of the Printer, or of M». POTTER, orcxhe premises. May 9; dtf "WAYNE COUNTY TAXES. ""pHE owners of unimproved lauds in Wayne 1 county, are >«reby nofi6ed, that Taxes are become payable thereon for the years 1">99 and j 800. Those who have not already paid their taxes, re hereby rrquired to discharge the fame to JOHN BRINK, Esquire, TrcaHirer ft said County at Milford, within three month« trom this date otherwise proceedings to sale, according to the ail of Assembly in such cafe-provided, will e had by the Commissioners for the said county. A sa Stenton, ~t John Carton, i-Commiffioners Jebannes Fan Etten, J Attest, E. Kellogg, Clk. July 9. ißco d 90t Houses to Let: ONE large conven ent thtree-ftory Brick D welling-Hottfe, with four rooms on a floor, and two Kitchens ; there is a pump of water, and a rain water cittern in the yard j situate on she (aft llde of Fourth Street, one door above Race-Street, lately occupied by Solomon Moroehe. ALSO. A convenieut Three Story BRICK HOUSE, Next door, but one, north of the above, No. 57. —It has a Pump and Cistern in the yard, &c. For terms apply at No. 116 Arch-Street. August 4. Sep. 16 m&wtf Prevention better than Cure For tbe prevention and cure of Bilio:is and Malignant Fevers, is recommended, Dr. HAHN's Anti-bilious Pills, WHICH have been with a degree of success highly grateful to the inven tor's feelings, in fevenl parts of the VVeft-In dies,and the fauthrm parts of the United Statet particularfy in Baltimore, Peterlburg, Rich, mond, Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmington,Charlef ton, Savannah Sc. The testimony of a num ber of ptrfoiis in each of the above phces can be adduced, who have reason to believe that a tirnelv us« of th s salutary remedy, has, under Providence, preserved their lives when in the mull alarm'tßg circwmftances. Fails of th\» conelufive nature fprak more in favour of a medicine, than columns of pompous eulogy, founded on mere aflertu n, could do- It is not indeed prefumjtuoufly proposed as an infallible cure, but the inventor has every poflib'.e reason, which can refulr f rom extensive experience forbelievingthat a dofepf these pills, taken once every two weeks during the preva lence of our annual bilious fevers, will prove aa infallible preventative ; and further, that in the eariier stages of those diseases, their use wiU very generally succeed in reflormg health and frequently in cases eflermed desperate and bey ond the power of common remedies. The operation of these pills is perfeilly mild and may be used with lalety by perfonsin every (ituation and of evtry age. They are excellently adapted to carry off fu perfluous Kile andprevent its morbid feeretions ; to reflore and amend the appetite ; to produce a free perspiration and thereby prevent cn(ds which are often of fatal conlequence. A dose never fails to remove a cold if taken on its firft appearance. They are celebrated for rrmoving habitual coflivenefs, Gcknefs of the flensich and severe head-ache, and ought to be taken by all perfous on a change of slimate. They have been found remarkably efficacious in preventing and curing most disorders attend ant on long voyages, and (hould be procured and carefully preserved for use by every feamari. Db.HAHN'i Genuine Eye-water. A certain and fafc remedy for all difeafos of the eyes, whether the effect »f natural weaknefi, or of accident, speedily removing inflammations, de fluxions of rheum, dullucfs, itching, and films in the eyes, never failing to ture those maladies which frequently succeed the small pox, measles and fe vers, and woaJer ully lengthening a weak fight. Hundreis have experienced its excellent virtues when nearly deprived of lightj Tooth-ach Drops. The only remedy yet rfifcovered whichgives im mediate and lading relief in the mod fevcre in ftanc«s. The Anodyne Elixir. For the cure of every kind of hcad-ache,and of pains in tht face and neck. Infallible Ague and Fever Drops. This medicine has never failed, in many thou sand cases not one in a hundred has had occasion to take more than one bottle, and numbers not halt a bottle. The money will be returned if the cure is not performed. SOLD BY Wm. Y. BIRCH, STATIONER, No. 17, South Secsnd Street, And no ivbere else, in Philadelphia. Where alfe may be had, Dr. Hamilton's Worm Dtftcnying Lozenge!, his Sovereign Elixir for coughs, &c. Reftoruive Drops, Essence and Ex trait of Mustard, Sotcreifti Ointment for the Itch, Dr. Halm's infallible German Corn Plaifter, In jun Vegetable Spc<iflc for the Venereal com plaint, Gowland's ai=i Persian Lotion, Reftoratiwe Tooth Powder, Damaft Lip Salre, Church's Csugh Drops, Andtrfon's Pills, &c. &c. April 19 ® ™ irade interdi&ed with Baltimore,as 7 well as Norfolk. Health-Office, Bth mo. 21 st, 1800. WHEREAS the Board of Health have received information that a contagious disease, dangerous to the how exists in NORFOLK, and also thfe CITY OF BAL TIMORE} being, as is represented to us, equally sickly; Whereupon Resolved, with the as sent and approbation of the Mayor, that All vessels from thence, bound to the Port of Philadelphia, bring too at the Lazaretto, to receive a visit from the Resident Physician, and there wait the determination of the Board. And further, that nOperfon (or goods capable of retaining infe&ion) from NORFOLK, or BALTIMORE (hall be permitted to come to the City or Coun ty of Philadelphia, until they produce a fatisfaftory certificate of their being at least 15 days in a healthy state, from thence, under the PENALTY OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, agreeable to the 7th fettion of the Health Law, half of which will bd paid to the informer on conviction. All proprietors of Sta ges, both by land and water, are desired to govern themselves accordingly. By order of the Board, EDWARD GARRIGCTES, President, Peter Keyser, Secretary. C?" The Printers generally are request ed to give tljis a place in tkeir papers as often as convenient. Board of Health PiAlsdctpbia, <)tb mo. j\.tb r 1800. WHEREAS ths Board of Health, have received information from feveiat relpefla ble sources, that a contagious disease, dan gerous to the community, now exists in Pro vidence, Rhode-Island. Whereupon resolved, with theconfent ai'.d approbation of the Miiyor, he now be ing present, freely exprefTed that all veflVls from the State as Rbcdc-Island, bound to t!>e Port ef Philadelphia, bring to at th- Lazaretto, to receive a visit fiom the dent Physician, and there wait the determi nation of the Board. And further, that no person (or goods capable of retaining infettion) from the State of Rbod?-Islcnd, (hall be permitted to come to the city or county of Philadelphia, until they produce a fatisfadlory certificate of their being at least 15 days in a healthy date from thence, under the penalty of Five Hundred Dollars, agreeably to the 7th Sec tion of the Health Law, half of which will be paid to the informer on convi&ion.— All proprietors of stages, both by land and watrr, are desired to govern themselves ac cordingly. By order of the Board. EDWARD GARRIGUES, President. PRINTING, Neatly executed at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. Book-Work—Pamphlets—Hand-Bills, Cards—Blanks of all kinds, &c. Btc. Wil! be printed at the Shortest Notice. auoruft 23. Ibis Day Published, By J. Ohmrod, No. 41, Chefnut Street, (Price »J Cents) THI Death of General Wajhington. A POEM. In imitation of th» manner of Offian. By Rev. Johz» B. Linn, A.M. Minister of the First Prefbjrtcrian Congregation Philadelphia. qSf Mr. Ch»|idroo'i Oritien will be publifhcd on Monday morning. Mkrch iji d' DR RUSSELL'S HISTORY OF Modern Europe. Tfte public are refpe&fully informed th it the First Volume of the above Work is printed and will be immediatly delivered to the subscribers. Those Gentlemen who have exprefferl a wish to fee the manner in which it 19 executed before they become fubfcriberi, are requested to call at W. Y. BIRCH's No. i7,fouth Second-ll.eet. It Uprefumad that on comparison it will be found fupericr to the London copy. Auff. 11 f °d ■ A Runaway. ON Saturday the 13d August, ran away from the fubferiber, living in Harrifcurgh, an apprentice to the printing business, named Benja min NTorrifon, a lad of ajiout 16 years of age, small of stature and very aJtive, (hu»t hair jnd of a ftniling countenance —Had on and took with him a talico coatee, a pair of trowfers »f neariy the fame, a pair of common qankecn ditto, and a hometpoo lye Coloured striped ditto, and a short jfeket of the fame, with a new hat—All perfms are forbid harbouring said apprentice at their peril. Reasonable charges will be paid for fccu ring the boy, so »hat his master may get fai-nfi again. JOHN WYETH. 1 Harrifburgh, Sept, I WAR DEPARTMENT, August 4tb, ißco. THE commanding Officers of corps, de tach mentK.pofts, garrifnns, and recruiting parlies, belonging i_ the military eflablilhnient of the United States, are to report to, and receWe orders from Brigadier-Genera! Wil kinfon, in the City of WafhUigtau, all officers on furlough are to report themselves to the fame officer with all pofiiMe dispatch. SAMUEL DEXTER, Secretary of War. £5" All Printers wi'hin the United States wh» have puMiflied invitations for contrails of the 13th of March last are requested to iiifert the above in their refpedlive papers, once a week for tw? months. District oj Pennsylvania to ivit BE it remembered thit on the Tenth day of July ir> the twenty fif'h year of the Indepen dence of the United States of America, Alexan-" der Addilon of the hid Diftiiiit heth dcp-ifited in this office the title of a book the ri[;ht where of he claims as Author in the words following to v. it, " Reports of cases in tke County coucls of the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court of Errors and appeals of the State of Pennsylvania» and charges to Gra-nd Juries of those Cou; ;y Courts. By Alexander Addifon, President of the Courts of Common Pleas of the Fifth Cir cuit of the State ef Pennlylvar.ia." In conformity to the ail of Congrefsof the Uni :ed.States i»titled " An a<3 for the encouragement >f learning by securing the copies of maps charts ind books to the Authors and Proprietors of such opies during the times therein mentioned." D.CaLDWELL, Clerk of tie DiJtriß of Pennsylvania. The above hook is now published, k will be dt ivered to iubferibers by Mr. Dobfon Bookseller. uly 21 Wm J " J ■ - , Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Gen, Kidgrly of Balti more, on the aoth inft. a ipfct coleure< aegro »•- in, who calls himfcit VVILj.IAM Ml. DONALD ; Hi-is about 14 y.ars ,1 age ibout 5 feet 8 inches high, nt at in his dress, anc has a good fait of hair. Hid on, wl,en he went away, a good I,caver »:at. a th r green cl<-th coat, edged wit.'. . tliow, ar..J yel low gilt buttons—a light buff cafiimer, doublt hreafted waistcoat, a pair of dark olive colour ed thn'kfett pantaloons—a white lir.en .r.irt, of (hoes with firings. He took with him a Jirk blue coat, a pair of olive caflmur panta loons, and a light cordurny pair of breeches ; also a gold >r pinchbeck watch, with a steel hain. IL- i« fond-of lpirit ti> i.qucrs, is info 'ent, has a fliipid lo»>k, and chews, tobacco.— ile was bred in CVurics cuunty, Maryland., and purchased of col. J >hn Thorna? by gen. Kirlge ley. Whoever apprehends said negro, and fe -1." Ici him in i ':y ji,l lo thar tit .»wner may with reafunable charges if brought h me, or livered to Joihui H. Bond, Philadelphia mav ' dtf Refer ved f rafts, FOR SALE. ON Wednefriay the I ft. iay of O&ober next* books will he pen in the ilic« of the Sub* fctiber, rfGding in Franklin for the sale cr the RrfervedTraft* bid out I>y virtu* of an a<H of AflemMyfaffed tbe /lth ay o ( . ' ril, 1799. One fifth part of the purchafc money to b at the ti:i«e «f sale, one fifth part within twelve months from the day of sale, on: filth part within two years from said ay. and the rema.- V. two fifth parts at ©r before the expiration "ire® ycar> alter such sale No contract to u: col firm ed for fifteen days alter the laid hooks foall he o pened, and the highest price offered within that time will be accept .d. All payments ma ie v. ill be forfeited unlef* the yutchafer within three year* from the day of sale makes an a& fettlemenc nth'/ traA by clearing, fencing, and vuh vat in g ?t lea'* two acres f r every fifty con tained n the survey, ai 1 erjvil there: n r. mes s agt for the habitation of man, and i_ .here on r the space of five years next following the firft fcttSement of the fa re No pattuts to iflue t urviefs fatisfa&ury proof fhnll be made of such a&ual fcttlewient, r-fidenre, and impr v-ment. •GEORGE FOWLER, Lcmmjfiuncr* FrarkUn, July 38, ißeo. augult 8, THE SUB HAVING opened a Siore at No. 19, Dock ftrert, for the tranfadli»g all manner of busi ness in the Mercantile line, on rommiflion, so« licits the smpioymerit of his friends and others, in this way, as their Fadlor, alluring them that their orders ftrell be carefully attended to and executed In the belt manner in his power. Bn. F. WEST. f? a W ftywWf tf TO BE SOLD, A 1 PUBLIC SALE, On Fifth Day the 9th ot Ottober, on the premises, The Mary-&nn Forge And Plantation : . SITUATE part in Brandywine township, and part in Werckland, about 30 miles from Phi ladelphia,and one and an halt mileirom the Turn pike road, and Downing's town ; containing about 330 acres, with allowance qf 6 acres per too ; two thirds of the land is good woodland, some excellent meadow made, and much more can be made of the firft quality; the forge i» turned by the main branch of Bran !y wine Creek, a forcible Stream, the forge has three fires and two hammers all in good repair. The dam being found and well backed, and apparently able to refill any frefh (not supernatural) Likewise there is another lively dream and current of water, that empties into the fail dam, that might be very con venient for a Grift Mill, or other kind of water works, might be with facility ere&ed; there is a good twa-llory stone dwellinghoufe for the ac commodation of the proprietor of the works, with an excellent spring and <jood houfc over it; con tiguous to the door also convenient {tone stablingv with an entry through the midi'le fuff.cient t» accommodate three teams, besides hmkney horses; contiguousto the forge statu's a good stone office, and a numter oi' convenient houfae for the work man is ereiled amply a J equate for th? said works. If not then fold it will he rented for a term of years. Terms and conditions made known by applying to „ WILLIAM EVANS, in Willistown, or JOHN MARSHALL, in rhorn« bury Townlbip. N. 3. The Sale ta commence at 1 o'clock o» (aid day. Atie. * Vsaw6w FOR SALE. A Printing Press. Apply at thi Office of the Gazette of the United States. July 19. 1 .A d6w.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers