NUMRFH 2499.; The price of this tjaz*tu u EiGHt Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in tbe city of Philadelphia. All otters p»y me Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unlcss'somt person in tits city mill become answerable for the subsvriptiga. (t must be paid Six Months in Advance. « » No Subscription uill be received for a shorter term than six months. Decern' 1 "' » '799- ALMANAC From Stftembcr 30 —to 7. , HIGH WATI*. H• M* I 4* » 16 3 9 3 S3 4 -8 J »6 WednffJay Tbnrfday Friday Saturday Sunday Meurfay Tnef9- fa tu& Saddling Business. WILLIAM JONES V EDMUND KINSEY, HAVING entered into partnership, and ta ken that lone established stand at the cor ner of Chefnut and Third St eets, refp<-afully solicit public patron.igc, and pirticulirly invite a continuance ol the favour* of the former friend* asd customers of Haines 4c Junes, *nd Sharplefs k Kinfey, to whose buficiefs they have fuccteded They offer for sale a large and general iff rt merit of elegant Saddle* and Bridles, all kinds common do Plated asd Brass mounted Harneft. Saddle bags, Valieces Cart and WaygonGears, let. Trunks of all kinds, particularly hard lea ther Portmanteaus. They olfo manufaAure all kinds of Silver mounted and Plain Whips, having levpral ex cellert Workmen in that branch. They flatter themselves from their united ex perience and th* arrangements they have made, to be able to fell any of the above articles on as good terms as ary others in the United States. \ liberal allowance will be made to thole who Btrchafe by the quantity JONES y KINSEY. It. »7 Sa 4W- Philmd. City Commissioner's Office, Philadelphia, Aug. 261b, 1800. IN pursuance o'. an Ordinance of the Sele-51 and Common Councils, patted the aad day of May, PROPOSALS, (in writing) Will be received by the City Coramiffioners, until the thirtieth day of September next, for renting on Leases, for one year, tocommciue on the first day of january next, the following public property of the ciry, viz I. The Wharf and Landing on Vine Street. 4 . ditto on Saffafras do. j Dittn on Muibury do. 4. The Wh«rves and Landings o* High and Chef nut streets 5. Ditro on Walnut street, the Drawbridge, Sprute, Pine and C«dar streets, including the Fi'.h House 6. The Cellar under the City Hall. Applications may he left with either of the Commiißoners, Or with their clerk, at No. 6), Cherry Street. ' eof *° s To Printers. WANTED—in Exchange, \ fOUNT of Long Pnrarr, weighing 6 jL \ or 703 lb. or upwardt, and a i ; ount of Brevier, weighing 400 lb». or upwards. September 2. Gazette Eliilia Fitter & Go: No. Si," ncrtb F-or't stsecf. HAVE FOR SALE, Sheet Iron, tin plates in boxes, few twine, ho' 3, wi-ntl'ow gIMs, and a la ge assortment tf Ironmongery, cutlery, (adlery, brass artd ppUi'i'ot Wares, Hats in cases, Coach & Coach har ness furniture, See kc september 23 diw - . »m» (its - 6 J1 J 49 6 11 s 48 6 14—5 46 - 6 15 5 *S - 6 16 5 44 6 17 J 43 6 19 —S 41 HAVE RECEIVED, Per brig Liberty, capt, from Anuter 3 haß also on hand, Briflol Patent Sail Cloth, No. i to 8. fepttmb r 22 eo6t Charles Marihall ' AND SON, No. 46, Cbtsnut Street, dam, and ether arrivals, A quantity cf the following article*, which they fell for cafli, or the usual credit— Antimon crud * Ol AniG Arsenic alb Juniper Sac faturni .succini Vitriol alb Rhodii Camphor Opium Coccinnella Annett* GUm Benzoin Mere 1 'tile Arabic Fracip rub Myrrh Coiros ftfb AI SO ON HAND, Sal G auber ""J „ f Manna flak Rad gentian 1 M | Com Flo Sulphur !< j Liquorice ball Sweet oil • ] Cort PiiTu slav Sem anili 2 Rub Rheubarb J"" L And a quantity of Shop furniture, surgeons intirumerts, patent medicines, Sic.—Medicine ehefti and orders from the country, put up on moderate term*. fiptcmher 13 w fa iw Just Received, jyn for jale Br ROBINETT & KI3SELMAN, 2co lbs. Mace, 1 . r 400 16s. Nutmeg., J rf 8 ru P er,or V ,h, y- Jamaica Spirits, 4th proof, Do. Sugar of the firfl quality, Holland .Gin in pipes, Port-au-Prince Molasses—and 30 Tierces Rice, R. U K. have also on hand, for sale, Hyson, "1 Young Hyson, & I. TEAS, Souchong J Cogniac Brandy, ift k 4th proof, Sherry Wine in quarter casks, very nice, 50,000 Spanish Segars, And a Variety of other GROCERIES. August 26 eo tf DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA- t© wit: BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the ltd day of Augull, in the nth year of the Indep«n dence of the United State-sot America, Wilimm Young, (B»okfeller.) of the said Diftri&, hath depoGted in this Office, the title of a Book, tl»e right whereof he claims asprfrietor; in the vvordi following, to wit. »* Essays on Political Society.'* IN CONFORMITY to the a& of the Con gref» f tV« United States,intituled" An A& for the en euragement of learning [it At..] by securing the copies o! Maps, Charts and Bonks to the Authors and Propri etors of such copies during the timet {herein mentioned " D. CALDWELL. Clerk of the District of Pennsylvania. feptrmber 18 JUST PUBLISHED, And to be Sold by JAMBS HUMPHREYS, No. if-6, south fide Market Street, Reports of Cases Argued and determined in the HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY; (great-britain) cnmnK'ticed with THE JUDGMBNTS OF Tlr.e Viiglit Honorable WII.LJAM SCOTT, Mubaelmas Term 1798. By Charles Krtbinfon< D. Advocate. VOI.UMK I.—PAWt I. ■0- These P»prrt will be continued regularly. The fuoii Part which co»c!udc« this Volume is now 111 the pref", and will be publllhed with all the expedition polfible, Aueuil v?. Notice to Creditors. £/• TAKE Notice (ha; J ba*e applied to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, for the City and County of Philadelphia, for the benefits of the several a&s of this Commonwealth, and they have Appointed Monday,the 6th of October, at i® o'clock ,\. M. at the l-'ourc Flcufe, to hear me and my Credit r«,at which'tinie and place they may at tend il ch«y think proper. THOMAS DENTON. 4tt\Y September »8. 1 •« • ' • i / i p* ». By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet. Hl% TUESDAY EVENING; SEPTEMBER 30, 1800. , For Sale, , by Public auction,—in thje city of Washington. THE following property belonging to the Truf te?» of., the Fuqd, provided for .the pVynent of certain creii&rs of Edward Fox and Jaws Greenleaf ( On Mu-:d'jythe Wtc\b:r ijist.. PART of the property of fel'J fund, in City of that now is retK'xred clew ol every i: b> lipofed at PuWic Auction at TanyidiflTavein, a/nonjrft which are the following valuable ftfuahfift viz. 11 Lots in ftjuarL- No. 973, » lots in squaw 974, »J lots io jqttaro N». 995, 1 lots in fq\iire l'.nth of fquari 1013, 19 lots in square loio.t lot in square io«e 1 lot in square roil, 7 lots in square »o»j 4 lot in square 1044, 3 lots in square 1045, 310 • in square 1046, 9 lots in square 1047, 1a lots in fqiiare 1048, with sundry others, advantageously limited in various parts of the city. Also the 1 fVory frame boiilc now occupied by Vtr Dcblois, beaatifully situated (with an extensive view of fev eral miles down the Potomac) on thefoath east corner of square 973, fronting 43 feet on 11 flreet eal, and 41 feet on south G flreet: a commodious Kitch.n with an oveji, &c. adjoining the south front. A large frame liable, carriage house and hay loft JO fe«t by 15, and a pump of excellent water near the hack door of the kitchen, the lot extending*}! feet on 11 flreet, and I3p,.feet 1 inch in G flreet, conipriziny lots Noi. 1,1, 3, and part ot ai, in the r.giflelred division of theiqxare. f he fairs will commence at the faid't:"r-'rn at ten o'elo k in the forenoon. :'he tcrtoMmc fourth ru\ ttt" fourth in fix .E' ' oc«i wt!t% „ pi»:r the remain ing moiety iiv t«o-ycars, p»/ »t ■» be ftcurcd by bond and mortgage. But the creditors in the above; fund, may in lieu of mortgage fccure pay ment of their bonds hy depsfit of certificate! »f the tmflees at the rate of five (hillings in the pound, to the amount fecursd and Amid a dividend take place ' el'or- the tipiratiou of the tw , years, it willHcfetuff ngjinli th« bond, and the certifi cates returned m the fame proportion. Henry Pratt Thomas W. Francis j John Miller, jun. Trqfttet. John Afhley Jacob Baker. j THOMAS TINGEY, Agent. August 4. 3 law ta -pHAT Handsome and healthy COUNTRY * SKAT, called La u*»t- L>DGf, ttie laur refidesce »f Thomas Rutter, Ef(j. S.uate in Potts Grove, Montgomery County, tmrty-ljx milas from Philadelphia, contain j about i®6 acres, twenty »t which are prime woodland, fifteen excellent watered meadow, |be reOdue divided in arable lots. On the are a Urge handsome Bruk.ll >ufe and adjm.i g build ings, conning two parlours, » iarge d nid;; ro-tm, and a IUII, twelve feet wide, by forty long, a iarge kitchen, uafh house with apump ot excellent water in it, Cx handfftmechainheis, two (lore-rooms, four garret chamberi plaiftered and a gram room over the adj ining buldtcg, a doub'e spring house, with a l'muke houft ovrr the lame, withinGltv yards of the kitchen —The spring, in the dried season never known to low er in tht Icatt, and from which the mead«w Is watered ; a garden containing about one acre, llccked with the moll delicious fruits, such as peaches, plumbs,'cherries, pears, ralbrrries, & . several asparagus beds in great perfedtion. Alio* a young bearing appletree orchard, containing several hundred trees, the fruit feleiled from dif frent parts of the United States, a Urge conveni ent bam with i threlhing fibor, with commodt ous (tabling for horses and cows, carriage and houses, grai«f each sense, ii'ustrated by proper examples, fc is to enable the learner to exprels himleii with >recifion« The third, is a complete list of those words fer pant delicti ou de complement defens entre les autns parele. !u difcours : that is to (\y—forming the lint or comple ion of sense between the other parts of speech, whoft 3rincipai ule i» to ettablilh in i'peech that conne&i jn between words, which a'ready exists in th« ■nind between ideas. I havralfo tally de erminec' he sense and acception of th:f~ important wore' [which are divided into appropriate claflVs to fij hem the e after in the memory) by annexing tci :ach examples in French and Eng'.ifli. As Ido not intend to pubii(H the above,for ftmc :ime, and in order, neverthelcf-, that mv pupil ■nay reap the fame advantage without it, 1 hastet :o inform those who may We induced to put them "elv s under my care, that half the time of fchoo [the other hall being devoted to other exercises] will be employed in exercising them in the sol owing manner:- We first begin with the Vocabulary; each wore as * will b« pronounced in English then ii French, to be repeated by one or more of the fcho iar. ; and a similar repetition of thephrafes befort iiertioned will follow. It is worthy of ohfevation, that in our inkn :y, and as we advance in years, we learn the pro lounciation of our vernacular tongue, by pro aouncing word by word ; aud Analogy accomplifti :s what remains to be done, in order to acquit < :he neceflary knowledge of it. The rules gtver Sy Grammarians to attain this objet a lauguage with the help of dictionaries am "Grammar alone. Though I conceive my scholar nay attain ia the above manner, the accurate jronouncia'ion of the French language, yet strid Mention is paid to their reading in approved a* hors before we begin the foregoing exercises. I will pursue nearly the fnm v method in impart* ng to them the contents of the two other divifiona >f my work. I cannot conclude this addrefswith >ut thanking my Fellow-Citizens for the liberal ncouriigement I have experienced from them, hefs fix years past, in my profeflional career,pre timing that I may be permitted to fay, that I have lot been altogether undeserving of it. September l. ditaawaw A PERSON, WHO is about taking his departure from hence to the Well Indies. where he in tends to reside, will undertake totranfidl busi ness on the most reasonable terms for Mer chants who may be inclined to intrust him with their commands. He would likewise wllh to be concerned with a pcrlon of refpeftability here, who may be de sirous of such a connefti/on. %• Apply at No. 116, North Front St. Aug ii. fod.w<[ Three Lents Reward. RUN away from the Subfcriher on the evening of the 18th jnft. a bound Servant OIRI., named Elizabeth Howchel, had on and took with her three different changes of garment aad money, proud,bold and impudent, a noted lyar j any p*r fon apprehending her (halite entitled to the abeve reward—no roHs or charges will he paid. 1 Ni B, She had 4 years and lomc months to fer»e Daniel fitzPatrick. Oofhen TowH(hip,Cheft«r County, July 19 august 6 3*wtf I lts»0 BAKKtLS of Bostoii Beef, Landing at BrccWs WHirf;' and for file by SAMUEL' BBOADS, No. t, Penn Street* , I, t . September a>. . . . 3 t, To Pririters. The folUwing MATERIALS will be fold reasonable if applied for immediately, i Press, ' . ; 3 Founts Long-primer (partly worn) i ditto small-Pica on Pica body, ditto Pica, i ditto English, i ditto Brevier, I ditto Burgeois,; Several pair of Chafes, several composing (1jc1.3, frames and galleys, foroe brass rules. Quotations, &c. &c. Sec: all of the. above will be fold vety reasonable,ior Cash. September B'. ' ' ' ' • ' Candidates for the Navy. AND others, who are desirous of becoming acquainted with the following very cffntial improvement! in Navigation, viz —The method of finding the Latitude by a Tingle altitude of the fun at any hour of t v e day ; ana of afccrtaining both Latitude and Longitude at once by a Celrf tial observation, the Lunar*, and new forms of journali for {hips of war, with additional columns, may hear ot a person ready to inftruft them at their apartments, who has compcnds of the above * so Amplified by explanations of figures, marginal r fert-ncd, Sec. that they may be uuder ood in a few days | l»y applying at No. 93, foilth Second flreet, eppofite the.City Tavern. H« engages to teach Navigation (the common method of keeping a journal at f«a) in 6 days. He has taught the Mathematics, French lan guage, &c. for many years fn different univer sities, and (hips of war, to which he has been regularly appointed—He has also had confidcrable practical experience in surveying and boek-kctp« ing ; is which he gives private leitures. His terms are low and accommodating. He vrill open A Marine nd Commercial ACADEMY, On Monday the Bth of September, at an elegant >nd I'pacious Room rtf H*rn>ony Court, (opposite No. 74, south Fourth*. Orett.) |C7* The business of an Agent and In* terpreier faithfully transacted. Augufl 2; eod df. BENJAMIN CLAR£, Clock if IVatch Maker, HAS REMOVED To No. 36, Market Street, Where he has for Sale, Spring and other Clucks ; gold and filve Watches; Tools, Files and Materials; fife nd gilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs, Sue. See. CLOCKS AND WATCHES Repaired as usual. ttl&f tf June 3 Robbery. 300 Dollars Reward. LAST Saturday R'ght my fh>-p in Wafer ftreet wis openeitt)y a fall'e key, ant' sun dry articles of JtWFLLERY, to the amount of ten or twelve hundred dollars, were carried off. Amon? them were, Two marrow fpoont marked " Worrcik Likeneflea of Mr James Kobertfon and wife, of Petersburg—one do. of a Mr. King—one do. of Mr John Trimble, late of this town, the back set with a Urge blue glass and a smaller in the centre, under which wa« a plait of hair laid strait, with J. T. fn a cyph-r w ike ill pearl. 1 ogether with a mimtier of fancy pi»« ce«, painted by Sully, which cannot now oe recollefied s 5 Boitfwaiu's Calls stamped « Warrock.' AND The following Watches: ■ I Gold watch, maker's nauu ProvaH, Parit 1 silver "do. Thomas Green, Liverpool, 7703 1 do do. George Bifield, London, 13,500 1 gold do. Frrnch, no name 1 do. do. John Ryland, London, 1331 I silver di\ French, r.o nam« 1 do. do John Bull, London, 744 I gold do. Rodart, Parit I silver do. Joseph Kemtier Shaw 1 d«. do. J. Darlington, London t do. do. No. 9861 1 gilt do. G. M. Metcalf, London, 4196 1 silver do. George Hafwood, London, 1906 1 do. do. J.Smith, London, an 1 double cafe gilt watch, R. Ofburn, Rich- mond, 8764 100 Dollars will be given for the reftoratioa of the jewellery, or aoo delUrs if the thief or thieves ire ilfo fecure-l. Mr. Benjamin Morris, the owner of the Warche« which were taken at the fame time» will also give 100 dollars fcr them. July *9 , , . £5" The Printers at Peterlburp, Richmond, Alexindria—Baltimore—Charlefton—and o« thers, are requested to insert the above for a ew times TO PRINTERS. FOR sale, A PRINTING PRESS complete, Old Long Priraer, Small Pica on pica body (taw and .'ld EngVilh, (two fmill founts) 16 Line Pica, &c. Sundry Frames, and l great variety of Office Furniture, &c. Iron work of a prlnting-prefs, gjT They will be fold cheap for jOi—Apply at the office of the Gazette of ihc United State*. [Voluhb XVIII. '• * * \ . fc'.V •> •_ "-rrfJ!