■M/.VJljr* 1498.] Old 8 per cent. Stack, 6 do. (net amount) Navy do. 3 do. Deferred, Bank United States, ■■ Pennsylvania, ■■ Nortb America, Insurance Company of North America, {hares I o per cent, below par, ——— Pennsylvania, shares 20 per cent, advance. Turnpike Shares, 10 per cent, under par. 05* The following Duties are such as .rife on Importations in American Veflels. An Additional Duty of Ten per Cent, is imposed on all Goods, Wares, and Merch , ■ Imported in Foreign Bottoms. n r ° r , DUTIES. VV Hole laic ' troin <o |' Wbolei.ie From ' i \v"i. li'',- • 7 CURRENT PRICE T? D. C. D. C; CURRENT PRICK; * B.C. D. C. ""T 1 "- ! CURRENT MWCR. *H D.C. D-C. DUT,ES ' 9 CURRENT PRICE. i/ , I I ——— "■ |U »"°« * ran-i » i. / I ;.;, j A L^yM , V 9 Free , ' fk 50 ilnngirs,- yft. drtfl Mag Snanill 1 T~ ■*■*■ Alraonas » lb aa ijprctadv Grey Fox 47 a feet K a r> " 12 Anchors .1 li-iditto. j Red Fox 1 J J Run, Jan,au ~3 pot none j Racoon 33. 53 Lime, bll 5 I Six I\t * " BACON |b 10 11 , Fiflier 50 [ iLard, ho;?s lb ic , 110 < Beef,mef. B•« U 1 Bear ,5c 3 • "JV/T AGE 6 650 i s prctadJ New-Enda" ' , JS j 6 P r ' me '« " W,ld Cat 40 J0 IVI Madder 2 fj Gin, Holland , ,! , S , Carg ° I in- h!!- rii 11 2 a* Mahogany, Bay F (• Free. Apple Brand' 6c 67 ;5 ' * fleer 6 Deer in hair, fab lb. 16 17 St. Domingo 40 J Rve e, fi r Bread, (hip C 4 [ .Ditto red a 5 J W. India G S o 60 5 ctsperySl Slaves, wt.Oak pipr ivi 60 pilot 8 9 [ PUltic r Sugar house 7-78 Hlid ao Braziletto T 6O RINGER, RaccC none a market, ij pr ct ad v Mufl. Fl. in Bottles dz i 2O ' ijpctadv Heaginr ' To Bricks M 6' S° VjTdo.Jam.grd.il) 12 , 4 do XT AILS > l b Red Oak o tOC k Oi. iaug .-5 , j T eop-an 26 Brimstone, roll C 4 45° I GUls,Wind.Bby 10b- 11 11 50 15 pet ad \ 6d 16 1 .£ ~ Rar h' 1 *r Butter in kegs lb 1 5 1 7by 9 <io B<i i r I " z ™ 1 r „ 1 2 C* t*c " t' ~ r* 1 it ■ tec I, Crt r man 10 ANDLESoipt 16 17 Glue b 15 lotl >■ 3 £ _ English blfftered f.i 4 j, I »®o cents mould 20 Grain, Wheat bu 160 ,80 l2 d 13 Jl'■ J g. g. Crowley's 117-ojß 3 ) f per C. Spermaceti 5° Rye 67 73 2cd , 2 American 140 ,44 Card., wool TCnrfta( , v St*® C ° r " 73 7 l Cutd °- ~ '3 Btareh lb '» n<!F« i /J 5P a * 43 4b Cfiee}e,TsngliJh 33 - 7 ocnts. Grain, Barley bu 67 1 6J , B f, 5 P, p American 10 II best shelled lb 6 B .i j ' India, Ift qualm b Chocolate, Borton a« Gunpowder Eng. kg io ia j j.pi lci Muscovado C -1-10 " b «"lad. «7 do Amer. .8 - ,ad 10 _ ' .r, I 'L Cinnamnn nane TTAMS,Pork IfcL. 1Q _ J Jod Io - I.oaf, finale nf. aK Gloves 130 160 15 ;«rct ad. v X JL.H?>r-powd?r . Pttad v Mar.keeni, long I Clover feed, red lb da Memp, Kuilia T 220 230 top cts p C i ' Jerfev white 10 j Hides, La Guira lb io V Nutmegs lb 6 650 If F'Ct ad v T.:,10W. Ruflia ' in "d uaerce Timothy bu 4 St.Domingo .0 Fr,« ILFlor. 30 fla. I 2 1 m America; ,1 Herd grass 150 Green 3 | J \\J 12 bottles 8 J i> , Imper.al ,ro ,16 | Cocoa C 24 J<S a ctspr lb Hoops,Hhds. (hav*d M Oil, com. Whale G 40 Young Hyi'ol , J- Co <fce Ih a S '7 Scents | Hogt-lard lb 15 16 Spermacetti. 60 70 Hyson /1 20 " :i1 ' Coal, foreign bu , 5 cents Honey, country ga "one at market Tanners B i S Hvfon Skin g s g, ro f 0 Virginia 3® 33 Havannsh dj 80 S6 Lintfeed G 86 90 Souchong 60 a® 18 Its Cettofi St. Domingo lb 3) 47 ? cen . j b Hop. Onions, bb Bol.eu 38 4 , ; Surnnam 5° r Barrel poles 100 ropes 6 7 Tin in plates »,8 Fee Georgia feaifl. 4J T MDIGO, lb pEAS * 40 40 Tobacco C up'» nd 2 9 30 1 St. Domingo 1 125 ) -t Pepper black lb 37 42 Richmond old 6 Cordage, American C' 4 Isle of France las >25 stsp lb pimento, Jam.' 13 6 cts per lb do nc* 6 ' Rulfia, tarred II 5° ißocentsprC. New-Orleans 17 Ila J Pitch B 4«nti Peterflaur.'b 1 7 Copper, pot, sheets, lb 60 j Carolina 60 1 Plaifter, Paris T 8 »5° Frederickfburg" . J 4 , 0 Bottoms 40 V- Fre« Iron Castings <T 74 67 80 Pork Burlington, B 16 Mar) hud P.it. flieath. J Pig 34 Carolina Copperas C 35° 4 do Country Bar 105 33 i o g 67 % Porter, Lond. drafv z Sctspg&io Carolina 1 4. Corks as 33 43 R ili.Bar iioo ] ij' pct bot - 25° 3 ,n bot. ad v Twine, Seine "< ' ? 400 cts Currants, Zant Sweden 110 no ?" ad va , Philadelphia bot. 110 lao do Sewing 46 :r cwt, DUCK, Raven p1175 12 "1 12* per Ct I Sl,eet 126 6 7 240 J Pettrl, Penn. patent 8 9 Turpentine 3 a - 0 Ruflia fail 14 1750 >• * d ; a i j Hoops 133 33 '3 8 T> AISINS, bell kg q , , 0 if pet ad v fpiritsv ' Holland icarce J Nail-rods 121 33 122 67 Bloom & muflt bx 45 0 5 Varnifl FEATHERS lb 4J 5° |T EAD, Bar r Isß ? I cent plb Redwood, ground lb J0 30 TTINEGAR, ?a FIIII, cod dry qu 450 5 ij £ j Sheet ) Rice, G - 5 25 V Win f0 do. pickled [Lead white, gr. in oil C, 4 15 pet ad v R 0 f ln) B 4 Cydev 18 20 Salmon do. B 9 |U»ther, foal lb ,8 20 d,> Q ALT, Allum bu 78 1 Varnifli ' 2 do. fmoaked | f.jmons, Lilbojj hx y do 0 CadJz 7o Ste note . Verdigreal'e 80 Shad B 8 Bjo | Malaga, 10 Lifbo 75 yH Vermillion a / M^ckarel 75° 8 | Cadiz 5 , Liverp6ol fine 5 a 57 J TXT AX, Bees 3 o Herring's 4 425 I Lime stone H saj do alt petre refined 26 27 Free * VV Wiulebom I Tiax lb 13 scarce I Lignum vita: T65 Fre j- Sil cloth En. No. 1 f fl P ct ad v Wines, Madeira I' 1160 2 to $o r.# Flaxfeed H 850 D Logwood s » do Segars, Spasifh M 8 10 B?(I Loud. panic. ja_io - 'do ; Flour, fuperfine B 95° 975 | Lumber rtmerka a Sl'erry 112 125 +° 1 ' 1 i common 9 950 j Boards, Cedar M2J Sh eting, Ruflia P 17 75 la^-per cent Lisbon 160 1 3© Burr middlings 650 750 | White Pine 19 33 Shot C 7 8 1 cent per lb Tmenfle { 85 9 , -io Rye meal 4S° 5 | Ditto Paunel 27 28 Snuff, in Bladdars !b 33 Malaga 80 85 28 j Indian meal 450 Inch k qr. do. 53 33 ' Bottles dz 6 F yal 68 7-. ad Jo Ship fluff C aT 3 233 Heart Pine a 8 ■ Rappee 694 Port none at market 3° do Furs, Otter & 333 160 Sap 14 Soap, Castile lb 20 2a a cents per lb, Ci arc t, flip. Bourd'x Beaver lb 1 2 Oak Scantling 18 1 Brown 9 10 calks 60 gals. 40 4j 40 pr ct ad v Seal > Free Hemlock Io 12 White 13 Old fuperfine cargo 60 do Mink fk 33 Red Cedar Ft 50 Spirits, G 133 139 ? per gallotij Mulkrat, 33 J [Brandy, Freich t 1 50 S iftp2s"c| • ' | * Nate. Salt weighing more than 56 lb. per bulhel, pays aoeents per 56 lbs. per bufliel or less, to aents per bushel, in American veflels; if in foreign vefWs 22 cents.—" From the Cape of Good Hope, or beyond 20 per cent is added to the cost of all goods paying an advalorem duty." f The ai'irementione 1 rate of du". upon Teas relpeft those imported direttly from India—lf from Ivirope, bohea tea pays 14, fiuchonj ai, imperial and liyfon 40 cents per lb. If from any other place, boliea pays 17, souchong 27, imperial and hyson 50 cts per lb. in American bottoms. In Foreign bottoms from Europe, 17 1-5,27,50 cents per lb. From any All dutied articles, imported into the United States, not having been landed more than on« year, are allowed a drawback of the duties fubjett to a deduction of one per cent except spirits, which is one half ce<nt per gallon, JC5™ Of those articles that ha»e 110 price affixed to them, their is either none at market, or such price cannot b» ascertained as to depeiid Jpon it. Mary Beck, RESPECTFULLY informs her Friends and the Public, thit ihe intends ope'iinij her Stlcdt SCHOOL on the firft as October, in Fifth Walnut Street, opposite the State House Yard, where (he will as usual, teach the branches »t po lite and ■feful literature, including Geography, Astronomy, Writiajt, Arithmetic, and every ac complifliment neceff.ry to form ;; complete liberal <d YobnT Ladies 'may be accommodated with Board. &c. in the House, which is very airy and MiJo Beck's Drawing and Painting School will commence at the fame time. foptemberio tuth&falm Gazette #rice of droc&s. for cash, da. do. do. do t do. do. do. PHILADELPHIA PRICES CURRENT, in Dollars and Cents. HIGH-STREET. The House, LATELY occupied by the Chevalier D'Yrujo, Spsnifh Ambafiador, will be Ut gut to an approved per{<>ll or family, on easy conditions. It is large, commodious ind elegant, with coach-houie and flables cobformable. Enquire at No. 100, Spruce street. SAMUEL MAGAW, ArchSStreett t Na. 94. July 23. eodtf. of the United States, & Daily Advertiser, By C. P. Wayne, No. 6j, South Front-flreet. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 29, 180 0. percent. lllh=: 5*J j=(s——• 8 A S»t® it 28 5® For Sale, The Unexpired TIME of a BLACK BOY WHO has three years and five months to serve ; he is sober, hoaefl, a good wai ter, and undtrftasds taking care of horfcs. En quire at No. 60, Dock ilree:. July 39. e»3t 1 Horses & Phaston. A PAIR of well broke, found Horses, and a handforoe Phston, for file at Thomas Allen'f Livery-flable, in 6th finr Arch Areola, fcptcmber 13 " Bills on London, ~yo days, do. do. Co dsys, do. do. , go days, Bills on Hamburg, at 60 days, do. in AmUerdani, 60 days Bridge (Schuylkill) Stock, par. East India Company of North America, none for fain. Land Warrants, 25 dolls, per 100 acres. Water Loan, 85 per cent. Found,, A Red Morocco Pockct-Book, WHOEVER has loft it receive it an as plication at the office of this Gazette, and paying the expcnce of this advertisement. July a». Baltimore arid New York Mail Stage Office IS removed from No. 13 South Fourth street, to No. 1 8 South Third ?rent. An Office for those stages is also kept at mr. Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market ftrett. General Post Office, April 48. ' ■; Course of <£jccs)attge. FOREIGN DILLS. (for cash) do. do. ■September 29, 1800. CIIIRENT PRICE. 65 oo lbs- New Orleans Indigo, Entitled to ra : i back. aoo hoglheacs Vi t'i'iia Tohjcco, kegs of Vire 1 11 I f ift, FPR < MBT Tunis & Annefley, ' \V.i!dh' itii et whiif. 9 mo. ift, 1800 drtt FOR SALE, OLD Long Primer, Small Pica on Pica Body, Englifo, Chafes, Composing Sticks, and agrea variety of articles necellary to carry on the ri- " ing Business. They will be fold cheap tor <. aih. Apply to the Printer. [Volumf. XVIII. 170 percA do> i66| 36 a 37 cts per Mark P.j ico. 59 a 40 cts per Florin. / >
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers