Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, September 27, 1800, Image 4

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The Works
Hon. James Wilson, Efq- L. L. .D
Late one of ihe Associate Justices of tbe
Supreme Court of tie Uniftd States and
Projessor at L-aw in tbe College and
Academy df Philadelphia.
From the original manufciipt, in the pofTeffion of
Bird Wilson, Esq.
These worts (hall be elegantly printed in two
volumes oitavo, and d=liverei}o fubferibers at
five dollars.
They {kali be put to press as soon as the (uDlcrip
tions will juftify the pxpence of publication,
Subscriptions will be received by
The publisher, opposite Christ-Church, Phila
delphia { and by the principal bookfellcrs through
out the United States.
«,* A Profpeftus of the wark may be seen at
the place of fubfeription.
feptember 13 §
For completing St. Augustine's
The second or la(t Class.
THE few remaining Ticksts in the above
Lottery, which may draw the handteme
prizes of Ten thsuftnd dollars ! Four tfoufar.d
dollars! Tbrc thou/and dollars ! &c. &c. may
be had if called for soon, for the small sum of
Nine DJlars each. Should any remain cn
hand on the firjl ofoßober, they will be railed
to Nine and an half Dollars.
Apply to
GEORGE TAYLOR, Jr. N0.39 ? Cbesnw
M. M'CONNELL, No. 143 S *treet
-feptember 16 dtt
Landing fro m the ship America, lValte,
Sims, Commander, from Canton,
Souchong, ift & 2nd quality)
Caper souchong,
Young hyfrn,
Hyson, Ift & ad quality,
Yellow & white nankeen*
LutcftringSj black iccolor'd ( In Boxes
Sinlhawi do. C assorted,
Sattins do. J
Lutestrings, roaz. Hue i4c dark green
Siuftaws do boxes.
Persian taffetas, dark green J
Tbey have also at\ band for sale, received bv
tbe late arrivals from Europe,
" Infmaltpack*
age» aflorted,
calculated for
the Weft-In
dia market &
entitled to
Striped and checked gingljims
White figured & color'd Muf-
White corded dimities
Color'd silk, striped Nankeent
14 Trunki printed Calicoes,
j do. do. }
3 Bales seine twine {Entitled to
io Cases Englilh China twre, I drawback,
in tea setts J
6 Calks mineral black,
I do. white,
to do. colcother,
3 Calks purple brown,
35 d®. nails affjrttd,
9 do. London porter in bottles,
Englilh fail canvas, No. I, 4 & 3,
Russia duck,
#7 Boxes white Ha*»nna sugar,
13 Pipes old Madeira wine,
Empty wine bottles,
10 Guns, 6 pounders,
i» do. 9
»Bo,ooclbs. Ceribou coffee, ift
(Entitled ti
jo,oeolbs. black pepper f drawback
to Logs ebo-ty J
May »"•
Saulnier & Wilson,
No. 63, North fide Market-flreet,
HAVE a general assortment of best London
fuperfine Broad Cloth» and Caffimeres, (of
the newcft fafhion) silk stripe and second quality
Cloths, falhienabU waiftcoating, silk stripe and
twill'd Nankeens, Jean, Fustian, Gingham, Dimi
ty Thickset, fancy Cotd, V«lv«s, Scarlet, yellow
and white Flannels, Flanders, lrifh and brown
Linens, Dowlas, mens* and women. talk and
cottnn Hosiery, coat and vest pearl, steel, gilt and
plated Buttons, different colours Silk Velvets, tam
boured and Cambric Muslins, Calicoes, Caliman
coes, Shiwls, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves
Checks, &e. &c. t
N. B. Taylors' best quality Trimmings all
which they will fell very low.
July *B. dtf
THE undermentioned Certificates of Stock
of the Bank of the United States, viz.
No. 3804, dated ift July 1796, for ten shares
in the name of Charles Lovegrove of New-
No. ij3*« —No. *5311. dated ift July,
1796, for five scares each in the name ot
Sarah Wedgewood of Etruria.
No. 19808 —No. 19809, dated ift January,
1800. for ten (hares each, in tha name ef Henry
Waddington, Merchant, London.
Notice is hereby given,
That application is intended to be made at
the said Bank by the fubfcribsrs, for a renewal
of the fame, cf which all persons concerned
ire requested to take notice.
Philadelphia, July 30, 1800. mwf.^m
for sale,
A Printing Press.
Apply at the Office of the Gazette of
tfie United States.
July 19.
Gf the Bank ofttie United States,
NO. »59<» to 25963 inclusive, in the name of
Thomas Mall-tt of London were forward
ed f.bout the id of M.iy 1757- from New Yoik,
bythe ihip O»oida lor London, which was cap.
ured by the French, and laid Certificates loit , r
iellroyed; therefore application is made at the
aid Bank for the renewal of the sams, of which
II perfotlj concerned are desired to take notice.
Clement Biddle.
tember 3, 1800 <l;m
PWad : Sepl
OF abilities, integrif and experience in
mercantile bufwefs, would willingly en
gage as CLEKK to a merchant or publis of-
A e, or be concerned with any perfoo as pait
ner, as he has an intereftof abeut onethouiand
pounds in real estate in the city. Pleaie to ap
ply to the Printer ; or a line left at the office
for B Y. wHlbe attended toimrrediafely.
Mjvio dtt rnScthtf
A CERTIFICATE, No. a.?.?* - d» ,ie< } ,fl J an '
uary 1797, in favour of Robert Lindfay, of
Charleftfin South-Carolina, for one fliare of th
(lock of the Bank of the United States is loft—
a duplicate of which will be applied for at the said
August 7. m^t 3 m
A Young Man,
PERFECTLY versed in Mercintile accounts,
and brought up in oris of the firft connting
hatifes in this pity, wishes employment as Clerk.
He is at present absent from Philadelphia, but a
line left at the OlKce of the Gazette cf the Uni
ted States he will receive, and it (hall be irame
dia'ely attended to. Salary a secondary objeil-
Employment his msriVe.
august n . dtf
A good second band
Riding Chair,
and an excellent family
FOR SALE, Cheap—Enquire of tlie Printer
September I mwfiw
By J. Ormrod, No. 41, Chefnut Street,
Death of General Wajhington.
to imitation of the manner of Oflian.
By Rev. John B.Linn, A.M.
Minister of the First Prelbytcrian Congregation
ftf Mr. Chaldron's Oration will be published
on Monday morning.
March 15;
For Sale, or to Let,
In Cbesnut Street,
Near the corner of Eleventh street, it present in
the tenure of Mr. A. M'Call—Poffeflion may be
had the first of November next, or sooner if re
quired——Apply to
Edward Shoemaker.
September 3 $_
A PERSON poflefling some capital, a-eonfi
denble (hare of industry, and desirous of
engaging at a partner in a lucrative business,
may hear of a fituatioß. All propolals on this
fubjeA to be in writing, sealed and direiled to
W. R. J. New York, and left with the printer
of the Gaz«tte of the United States, will be at
tended to.
tenaea to.
fcT" A Priater would find it to an advantage
June 5'
A Valuable and singularly eligible
CONSISTING of two handsome dwelling
house t, with excellent (tabling for seven horfea,
double coach-house mod completely fitted up; a
beautiful Urge and valuable garden richly filled
with-choice fruit, surrounded with high board
fence, almost new. The premises are beautifully
fitnated, near the middle of Germantown, sur
rounded vyth rich profp«&s of the adjacent
country ; an orchard of about two acres, with a
handfinmc lawn at the back of the haute.
One house hai been recently built o» an appro
ved plan; the other ha» been completely repaired,
painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with
an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty
The new house 11 well calculated for a {lore in
either the dry or wot good line.
The air and water are unrivalled, and there are
some most excellent schools in the neighborhood.
For particulars enquire of the Printer, or of
omthe premises.
Ntay 9. tf
m&w tf
Fifty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from Gen. Ridgely of Balti
more, on the »oth inft. a light coloured
negro tr>an, who calls himfelf WILLIAM
Mc. DONALD ; He it about »4 years of age,
about 5 feet 8 inches high, neat in his dress, and
has a good fait of hair. H»d on, when he
went away, a good beaver hat, a (hort light
green cloth coat, edged with yellow, and yel
low gilt buttons—a light buff cafiimer, double
breasted waistcoat, a pair of dark olive colour
ed thickfett pantaloons—a white linen (hirt,
white ribhed cotton stockings, and a pair
of (hoes with firings- He took with him a
dark blue coat, a pair of olive cafiimer panta
loons, and a light c«rduroy pair of breeches;
also a gold or pinchbeck watch, with a steel
chain. He is fond of fpiritous liquors, is ink
lent, has a stupid look, and chews tobacco.—
He was bred in Charles county, Maryland, atd
purchafedof col. John Thomas by gen. Ridge
ley. Whoever apprehends said negro, and Se
cures him in any jail so that the owner may
g s t him again, (hall receive the above reward,
with reasonable charges if brought home, or de
livered to jofliui B. Bond, Philadelphia,
may t (ttf
Modern Europe.
Tfte public are refpe&fully informed that tbe
First Volume of the above Work is printed and
will be immedutly delivered to the subscribers.
Those Gentlemen who have exprefied a wish
to fee the manner in which it is executed before
they become subscribers, arc requested to call at
W. Y. BIRCH's No. i7,fo»th Second-street.
It is prefumsd that en compirifon it will be
found fupericr to the London copy.
A* C . « , Mdl
Twelve Sharea
Ibis Day tublisbed,
(Frkt *s CeoM)
lid fil
August stt>, 1800.
HpHE commanding Officers of Corps, de
*- tachmen T Sgarrif'ins, and recruiting
parties, belonging*" the military eftablilhment
ot the United States, are to report to, and
receive orders from Bripjdier-General Wil
kinfon, in the City of Walhingten, and all
Officers on furlough are to report themselves to
the fame officer with all poffibie difpatth.
Secretary of War.
§5" All Printers within the United States
whwhavc published inviutians for contrsdlsof
thej3fhot March last are requcfted to insert
the above in their refpeflive papers, once a
week for tw» months.
THE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan-'
i-jflcr line «f Stages DISPATCH, return their
grateful thanks to thoir friends and the public m
general, for.the pad favors tkey have received,and
inferm them that in addition to the regular Line,
thiy ar? provided with Carriages, sober and careful
drivers, to go" through between the City and
B'.rosgh in two days. Those who prefer this mode
of travelling can be accommodated at the Stage
Office, sign of United State* Eagle, Market street,
Slough, Downing, Dutiivoody ISf Co.
Nev 30. H 2t—J
For Sale,
The Unexpired TIME vf a BLACK.BOY
WHO has three ytars and five mobths to
serve ; he is sober, honed, a good wai
ter, and underftasds taking care of horses. En
quire at No. 60, Dock street.
July 10. 1
i hree Lents Kevvara.
RUN away from the Subfcrlheron the evening
of the 48th inft. a bound Servant GIRL,
aameH Elizabeth HowcVel, had on and took with
her three different ef garment and money,
proud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any psr
fon apprehending her fhallbe entitled to the above
reward—no cofis Or charges will be paid.
N: B.Shefcad i years and iome months toferve
Daniel fitzpatsicx.
Golhen Township, Chefitfr County, J»ly 19 .
anjruft A *awtf
HAVING opened a Store at No. 19, Dock
ftrert, for the»g all manner of busi
ness 111 the Merc*nti'e line, on commiflion, si »
lieitS the e-rriplcyment of his friends and others,
in this way, as their Fa<3or, afluiing them tha£
their orders (hall be carefully attended to and
execated in the best manner in his power.
fep eraber »5
Prevention better than Cure.
For the prevention and cure of Bilious and
Malignant Fevers, is recommended,
Anti-bilious Pills,
WHICH have been attended with a degree
ef success highly grateful to the inven
tor's feelings, in several partsof the Weft In
dies,and the feuthern parts of the United States
particularly in Baltimore, Petersburg, Rich,
mond, Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmingt<.n,Charlef»
ton, Savannah, flee. The testimony of a num
ber of persons in each of the above places can be
adduced, who have reason to believe that a
timely us« of this salutary remedy, has, under
Providence, preserved their lives when in the
moll alarming circwmftances.
Fafls of this conclusive nature speak more in
favour of a medicine, than columns of pompous
eulogy, founded on mere aflertion, could do.
It is not indeed presumptuously proposed is
an infallible core, but the inventor has every
poffib'.e reason, which can result from cxtenfive
experience forbelievingthit adofeefthefepills,
taken once every two weeks during the preva
lence of eur annual bilious fevers, will prove an
infallible preventative ; and further, that in the
earlier ftagts of those diseases, their use wiU
very generally succeed in restoring health and
frequently in cases esteemed desperate and bey
ond the power of common remedies.
The operation of these pills is perfeilly mild
and may be used with fafety by perfous in every
situation and of every age.
They are excellently adapted to carry off fu
perfluousbile and prevent its morbid secretions ;
to restore and amend the appetite j to produce
a free perspiration and thereby prevent colds
which at-e often of fatal consequence. A dose
never fails to remove a cold if taken on its firft
appeirance. They are celebrated for removing
habitual coftivenefs, sickness of the ft»mach and
severe head-ache, and ought to be taken by all
perfous on a change of climate.
They have been found remarkably efficacious
in prevgnting and curing most disorders attend
ant on long voyages, and should be procured
| and carefully preserved for use by every seaman.
Genuine Eye-water.
A certain and fafe remedy for all difeafas of the
eyes, whether th« eff»<2 of natural weakneft, or of
accident, fyeedily removing inflammations, de
fUxions of rheum, dullness, itching, and films in
the eyes, never failing to cure those maladies which
frequently succeed the small pox, measles and fe
vers, and wonderfully ftren,aliening a weak fight.
Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues
when nearly deprived of fight*
'Tooth-ache Drops.
The only remedy yet discovered whichgives im
mediate and lasting relief in the mo ft severe in
The Anodyne Elixir.
For the cure of every kind of head-ache, and of
pains in th« face and neck.
Infallible Ague and Fever Drops.
Thi« medicine has never failed, in many thou
sand cases not one in a hundred has had occaficn to
take more than one bottle, and numbers not halt
a bottle. The money will be returned if tke cure
is not performed.
No. 17, South Sec»nd Street,
And no wbere else, in Philadelphia.
Where also may be had, Dr. Hamilton's Worm
Daltfoying Lozenges, his Sovereign Elixir for
coughs, &c. Reparative Drops, Essence and Ex
trad of Mustard, Sovereign Ointment for the Itch,
l)r. Hahn's iufallible German Corn Plaifter, In
dian Vegetable Specific for the Venereal com
plaint, Gowland's and Persian Loo.n, Restorative
Tooth Powder, Damask Lip salve, Church.
Cough Drops, Anderfon's PiU», &c. &c.
aprili9 111 '
Mary Beck,
Respectfully inform* Friend indtK
Public, that {he intend? optsping her Selcft
SCHOOL on the firfl ef Oitober, in Fifth n«ar
Walnut Street, opposite the State House Yard,
where (he will as usual, teach the branches el po
lite and sfeful literature, including Geography,
Aflronomy, Writing, Arithmetic, and every ac
conplifhment ncceffiry to form a complete liberal
Ycnng Ladies may be accommodated with
Board, &c. in the House, which is very airy and
Ma. O. Beck's Drawing and Painting School
will commence at the fame time.
faptember 10 tu th& fa im
United States, ? ?
Pennsylvania District. ■* ''
BY virtue of a writ t« me direfied from the hon
Richard Peters, Esq. ludge of the DiftrUl Court
of the United States for the Pennsylvania Diftrid,
will be exposed to public falc, at the Merchant's
Coffee House in the city of Philadelphia, on Mon
day the 19th of September inft. at it o'clock at
The iitmei French vessel
ZB to the United States armed
ship Ganges, John Mullowny, Esq. commander,
with all and Angular her apparel, guns and appur
tenances, the fame having been lately condemned
in the-faid court as forfeited,&c.
JOHN MALL, Marshall.
Marshal's Office, 7
Philadelphia Sept. 17, 1806.J mwf ts
United States, 7 (j-
Peruisyhavia District. J
BY virtue of a Writto me direiled from the hon.
Rithard Peters, Esq. J*dge of the Diari<ft Court of
the United States for the Pennsylvania Diftridt, will
be txpofed te public sale, at the Merchants Coffee
Heufe, in the City of Philadelphia, on Monday,
the 19th day of September l» o'clock at
WITH all and lingular her tac
kle, apparel and furaiture, the fame having been
lately condemnsd in the faidcourt as forleited, &c.
Marftmll's Office, ?
Philadelphia, Sept. 17, 1800 5 eotS.
JOHN HALL, Marshal.
Bn. F. WEST.
Pennsylvania District. $
BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas to
me direfled, ifTucd out of the Circuit Court of
the United States in and for the Vennfylvania Dif
trid, will be expofcd to public sale, at the Mer
chant's Coffee House in the city of Philadelphia,
on Monday the 6th day of o<ftober next, at n
o'clock, at '.joon—all the right, estate and interest
of William Cannon and Jofliua Cannon, of, in and
to two third parts of 117 acres of land, situate on
Chartres creek, in Washington county, on which
is ere&ed a merchant mill, saw mill and other im
Also, —a Lot of one acre and three fourths, in
Connoniburgh, on which is cre<9ed a three story
stone dwelling house, &c Seizad and taken in
execution and to be fold as tb« property ef Willian
Cannon and Jofliua Cannon the younger, by
JOHN HALL, Marshal.
Marshal's Office, 1
September 20, 1800. j
For Charter,
Burthen ab»ut 1400 barrels,
She fails welly
Apply to
Moore Wharton,
No. 18, Dock-street,
Coffee, in bags,
And a well assorted Invoice
fepte ruber 16.
mjfc&ffijMT.VlNO at Say's Wharf, above
Market Street, burthen 70 tons, supposed t» be
a remarkable fall failing veflel, and may be fit
ted for sea in a few days, Inventory to be seen
and terms of sale known by applying to the sub
No. 4, South Water Street.
A Nc<u> and intirejling
Practical Education,
Author of the letters
ForLiterarvl>a«lief.ani! the Parents AfliOant, and by
F. R. S. and.M RI-A.
Subscription will be received vy Thomas Pob
son, Secohd Street, Philadelphia, and Zaihariah
Peulfon, at the Philadelphia Library ; by Brown
and Stai.fbury, and by George F. Hopkins, New
York; Thomas and Andrews, B fton ; Isaac B-w
ers, New Haven, and the principal Booksellers in
the United States snd at the Office of this Gaz-
August IJ.
Marftial's Sales.
Marshal's Sale.
For Sale,
35 Hhds- MufcoTado Sugar.
White and brown Havasnah dit'oin boxes.
East India do. in bags.
Welt-India and Conntry Rum.
100 Hhd«. Molafles.
Holland Gin
French arid Spanilh Brandy-
Pepper, Coffee, &c.
August 9.
Trade interdi&ed with W
well as Norfolk. ..
' Health-Office,
Blb mo. 21 st, 1800.
WHEREAS the Board of Health
have received information that
a contagious disease, dangerous to the
community, now exists in NORFOLK,
(Virginia,) and also the CITY OF BAL
TIMORE, being, as is represented to
us, equally iickly.
Whereupon Resolved, with the af
ient and approbation of the Mayor, that
all vefiels from thence, bound to the
Port of Philadelphia, bring too at the
Lazaretto, to receive a vilit from the
Relident Physician, and there wait the
determination of the Board.
And further, that noperfon (or goods
capable of retaining infection) from
permitted to come to the City or Coun
ty of Philadelphia, until they produce a
fatisfactory certificate of their being at
least 15 days in a healthy state, from
thence, under the PENALTY OF FIVE
HUNDRED DOLLARS, agreeable to
the 7th feftion of the Health Law, half
of which will be paid to the informer
on conviction. All proprietors of Sta
ges, both by land and water, are desired
to govern themselves accordingly.
By order of the Board,
Peter Keyser, Secretary*
£/" The Printers generally are request
ed to give this a place in their papers as
often as convenient.
Board of Health.
Philadelphia, qtb mo. 1800.
WHEREAS the Board of Health, have
received information from several refpefla
ble sources* that a contagious disease, dan
gerous to the community, now exifls in Pro
vidence, Rhode-Island.
Whereupon refoNed, with the consent arc!
approbation of the Mayor, he now be
ing present, freely expressed that all veflels
from the State if Rhode-Island, bound to
the Port e-f Philadelphia, bring to at th-
Lazaretto, to receive a visit ftom the Refi-<
dent Physician, and there wait the determi
nation of the Board.
And further, that no person (or goods
capable of retaining infedVion) from the
State of Rbodz-Island, (hall be permitted t»
come to the city or county of Philadelphia,
until they produce a fatisfaftory certificate
of their being at lealt 15 days in a healthy
(late from thence, under the penalty of Five
Hundred Dollars, agreeably to the 7th Sec
tion of the Health Law, half of which will
be paid to the informer on conviftion.—
All proprietors of stages, both by land and
water, are desired to govern themselves ac
By order of the Board.
Neatly executed at the Office of the
Gazette of the United States.
Cards—Blanks of all kinds,
&c. &.C.
Wil! be printed at the
Shortest Notice.
nußuft it,'
District of Pennsylvania to wit :
BE it remembered thit on tfce Tenth dayof
July in the twenty fifth year of the Indepen
dence ot* the United States ot America, Alexan
der Addilon of the said Diftria hath depoOted
in this office the title of a book riie right where
of he claims as Author in the words following
to wit, " Reports of cases in the County courts
of the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court of
Errors and appeals ofthe State of Pennsylvania,
and charges to Grand Juries of those County
Courts. By Alexander Addifon, President of
the Courts of Common Pleas of the Fifth Cir
cuit of the State of Pennlylvania."
In conformity to the of Congress of the ¥ni
ted States intitled " An aft for the encouragement
of learning by fccuring the copies of maps charts
and books to the Authors and Proprietors of such
copies during the times therein mentioned."
Clerk of the Diftria of Pennsylvania .
The above hook is now puhlilhed. It will be de
livered to fubferibers by Mr.Dobfcn Bookseller.
Ju'y *3 ___
OLD Long Primer,
Small Pica on Pica Body,
Englilh, Chafes, Composing Sticks, and agrea
varitty of articles neceflary to carry on the fin
ing Bufinefj. They will be fold cheap tor cifc.
Apply to the Printer.
July 31
A Runaway.
ON Saturday the 23d Augufl, ran away from
the fublcriber, living in Harrifburgh, an
apprentice to the printing business, named Benja
min Morrifon, a lad of about 16 years of age,
small of stature and very active, (hort hair and of
a foiling cour.teaapce —Had on and took with
him a calico coatee, a pair of trowfers«f nearly
the a pair of common nankeen ditto, and ®
homespun lye coloured ilriped ditto, and a (hort
jecket of the fame, with a new hat—All persons
are forbid lurburing said apprentice at their
peril. Reasonable charges will bs paid for secu
ring the boy, so that his master may get him
Harriftmrgh,Sept. I
•• t