fAt a timo wheti a moll infamous attempt to deceive the people of America refpea : ,)g th« Debt of the United States, is made by Genevan Sophifl, for Eled\ioneering pur poses, we believe that a Statement of the Report on that fubjett, as submitted to Cong re is by a Committee, fron: their bo by, one of whom was Gallatin himlelf, will not be unacceptable to the communi ty. This Report (hall be followed by an invefligation »t the Pamphlet, lately writ ten to " stop de veels of government. The Committee of ihe House of Representa tives, who framed the Report, was com poled of Mr. Grifwold, Mr. Wain, Mr. Nicholas, Mr. SheafFr, Mr. Gallatin, Mr. Sewall, and Mr. Samuel Smith : And yet a member of this committee, Gallatin, lias fjuce come forward in a pamphlet to prove the fallity of the report itfelf, and with the mod unblulhing inifieprefenta tions refpefting the a&ual state of the Debt! REPORT ON THE PUBLIC DEBT or THE UNITED STATES. Submitted to the House of flepresctitatitcs on -tbe Btb May, 1800. Al»d ordered to lie on the table. The confimittee who were appointed on th e twentieth of March, to examine the law 5 oT the United States, relating to tlie pub lic debt, and to report the amount re fpe&ivfcly incurred und extinguished, and generally fach fafts as relate to the in ' crease or diminution of the fame, Cnce the efht>liniment of the government ot' the United States under the prcfent Conlti lution. REPORT, THAT for the purpose of obtaining every Jlatenient from the Treasury, which could elucidate the lubjedl of enquiry, they addref- Ted a letter to the Secretary of that Depart men t, OB the 24, of March, acopy of which is fubjoincd to this report, and on the 29th ot April they received his answer, tratil initting sundry flatements, numbered from one to nine ir.clulive, and exhibiting in the most clear and fatisfaaory manner. the most important of the Treasury operations in re lation to the debt, from th? commencement of the present government. These Hate ments, together with three letters from the Secretary on this fubjedt, are now fubmit tcd to the house, and although it is certain ly polSble that some trivial errers may have taken place in the details which these docu ments contain, yet the committee are per feftly confident, that the general results which they produce must b« correft. "1 he order of the house having particu larly directed the attention of the committee to the increal'e or diminution of debt, they have thought it their duty to bring into view the amount of debt with which the pre lent government commenced its opera tions, and to contrail the fame, with the balance of debj on the...firll of January, iR the present year. In dill uging this duty, it will become necessary to explain the prin ciples on which these ftaiettients reft ; which thr committee will do in as concise a man ner as polfil'le. But brfore they enter upon this detail, they cannot forbear to express ti)e satisfaction which theyjfee! in declaring, that the documents which have been obtain ed from the Treasury, will, in their opinion, folly demonftratt the precision and ability with which the business «f that department bas been coiiduiled, and that by the fifcal j operations of the government, the public debt has been diniinilhed, In afcertiuning the amount of the old •debt, two different principles Imve been ta ken by those who made their calculations on this fubjedt. The firfl has been to include only the interell upon the debt to theclofe or the year 1789,3s theneareft convenient period to-the day when the government commenced its operations, and after deduc ing from the aggregate of debt the amount of funds then in the'power of the govern ment, to confiJer the balance as the amount of old debt. The second principle has been to take the amount of debt, as the fame has teen liquidated and funded under various »C\s of Congress, and after dedufting there from the funds acquired or poffefled by the government at the close of the year 1790, to oonfider the balance as conflicting the true amount of old debt. The difference between these principles consists in this: by the last mode of computation, the inteiefl which accumulated upon the debt, subsequent to the close of the year 1789, and until the debt was funded and provided tor by law, is sonfidered as 4 part of the old debt, whereas, by the firfl mode.of coit/putation, that interest is totally excluded. lii consequence of a difference of opinion, which it is underUood Ihll exists in this point, the committee have thought proper to state the debt in both modes, that the results in both cases may be- perfeftly un derstood. The Rsminal amount of debt Dolls. on the iirft of Jan. 1790 as appears by statement number nin*, amounted to 72,237 3®! 97 The funds then in pofleflion of the government, and t« be ded ufted. were, Qafh in the treasury, Jan. I, ! 79°« Cash in the hands of collec tors, Botids at theCuftom Hou- fee, Debts due to the United States, under contracts of the late government, col lected at sundry times, Debt* paid in specie during the year 1789, i rocceds of the sale ' f land Del! Cts to the State of Penufvlvit liia, made by the late go vernment, Amount of debt Jan i,i 1790. j'7 »#3OJ J59 6<4 By the fame document i'tap pears, the debt con trasted by rhc late govern ment, as the fame has been liquidated and fund ed by ails of Congrefi), amounts to That the funds pofleflfcd by this government on the l It of January 1791, and to be dedu&ed from the debt, were as follows : Cafli in the trsafury Janua ry i, 179b Cash in the hands of collec tors Cu ilom-Houfe bonds uncol lefted Money collefted from the credits of the late govern ment, as in the preceding statement Debts paid in specie during the year 1789, Sale* of land to Pennsylva nia Debts purchased and dis charged during the year 1793 1 True amount of debt Jan.! „ i, 179 1 j ?4»'85»59®82 By the fame document No. 9, it appears that the debt exclusive of temporary loan*, on the Janua ry, 1800, amounted to 76,651,820 30 Temporary loans wiihout deducing bank (hares '!? Nominal amount of debt, 1 „ Jan. i, iBOO j 80,291,82030 Funds acquired by the go- \ vernment and which may | be applied to face the fore ! going debt: Calh in the treasury, Janu ary 1, 1800, dedlifting therefrom the amount of unclaimed registered debt, and debt due to foreign officers, which are to be considered at all times as | a charge on the specie bal lance in the treasury 2,061,683 49 Remittances to Holland, beyond the sum necessary to meet all demands on the foreign debt, to the close of the year 1799 548,955 84 Cash in the hands «f collec tor* and supervisors 552,247 61 Bonds uncollected at the Custom houses estimated at fix millions payable on ai< average of fix months, dedufting the intcrelt for that term, leaves 5.826,214 2,220 (hares of b«nk Hock colt 888,000 I Advance twenty-five per ceat 222.®0© I True amount of debt,) „ , January ~ 1800' J 7©, 2.2,7.8 16 For the purpose of shewing the rapidity, with which the public debt wa* dimmilhing, at the time wl en the hostility of France com pelled the government to ineur those great and extraordinary expences which appear in the Treasury statements, and to enter upon that expenlive system of defence, which ha* resulted in the security of our commerce, the cojnmittee have thought it necessary, in addition to the preceding ftatementg, to pre sent a view of the debt 011 the id of Jannary 1798, remarking at the fame time, that the reduftion which at thst time had been made, proves in the inoll fatisfattory manner, the ease with which the debt may be extinguidi ed, whenever the government (hall be left unembarrafled by interii.il disorder or foreign hostility. \Tbe nominal amoutttofdrbt on the firft of Jan. 1798, was in tht hands of Col ic ft ors, LVfl) in the hands of super visors, Value of bonds uncollected at the Cullom-lioufes, Ja nuary i, 1798, estimated at Cit. Bank (lock at its value, 61 True amount of debt Tan ? r , r. 1, 1 79 8, J 5 67,627,338 46 83,127,84 < 590.468,60) From whence it results, that if the amount of debt on the firfl: of Janu ary 1800, is compared with the debt of January ift, 17 91, the debt has M B6 74 diminished by the sum of 3,972,878 15,927 , 3 dollars and 66 cents. Value 1»11 o,#oo 1,110 000 10 079 ioz 14 76,366,618 82 to be dedufted were, lie trtai'nry, Jan. I, 1,0:1,889 4 z6 S' 3 J 9 3 6.309,9^8 1,110,000 8,739,280 36 ' The deem it imir.portant to p •i-'t the- exttaor inary expense which (i arisen within a few years, has fwallo'Ved i i large sums of public wealth, and divcitc - the application of ihofe monies whic!i mig! J otherwise nave gone to the extipguifhrnei - of debt, to obje&a conne&ed with the honoi and in feme cases with the immediate exifl ence of the government. lu thisclafs of expence will be included ' ar K" Ul " occafioried by the Tndian war one million two hundred and fifty thoufanc dollars, expended in quelling two infuriefti ons in the Hate of Pennfylvania—mbr t than one million and a half expendeJ iu oui tranfadlioo with Algiers and the other Me diterranean powers, together witii much larger expenceoccafioned by the unproVok aggreflions of F'rance upon this country. Had it been polnblc, Iteadily to have applied those various futus to the purchase of flebt, it is easy to conceive how rapidly the fame might have been extingui(hed—The Cofn mittee have likewise noticed the large films which have been nertelfarily expended in the ereAion of light-houses, repairing fottificari onsin parchafes forreplenifliing our military and naval arsenals, and in the building, pur chase, and equipment <■{ more than forty fail of Ihips and armed vefleli, together with a cofiderablc loan of money ers of the ciiy of Washington. The money expended on thel'e objects, it is well known, arte to a very large amount, and the proper ty thus acquired by the goverment, and which is now on hand, cannot be eltimated, on the most modera'e ialcu!atione, at a sum less th;nfour millions of dollarsi i he value of this property might be con sidered as compofi g another item in the credit of the general account of debt, but the committee have not thought it necefla ry to include it, and have nati ed it partic ularly at this time, for the purpose of exhib iting a more general view of the extraordi nary expence incurred by the government, aud for the purpose of presenting all that xh ormation, in relation to the debt, which will nable the house accurately to appreci ate the great and increasing resources of the country ; and on this point the committee cannot forbear to remark, that the progrtfs <>f the government, in its financial operations mud afford the moll flattering presages of i'S future fucccf, if the fame fyftetn is pur fuea v. hich has hitherto proved so fuccefs fu!. It caonst certainly b3 1 5 1 >3Q 2 4 518 44 8 »»59^J5®3* 3 640,00* Frout the Sun of Liberty, of 4:/g. 20. Danbury, August 15 TO THE PUBLIC Since writing my observations con tained in a letter to the editor of the Aurora, dated the lit, and republiftied in my paper No 4 —and the address to the gentlemen of the town of Danbury, who signed the ccrtihcate, concerning Jonathan Robbins, I have become con vinced, from futher examination of the fubjeft, that the laid Jonathan Robbins was not a native of this town, nor ever resided here—and that the gentleman who so certified Were not only honest and candid in giving such certificate, but certified the truth. The said publica ations in the aforefaid papers must there fore be considered as erroneous and in correct. My intention in publishing the obser vation in the aforefaid papers were not to 32»9 C 4 39 ? the cTjiraitcrs o£ thole gentle j | men wlk) . certified, but the inaccuracies } ; therein contained originated from mis. L take, if ■ SAMUEL IVIORSE. Uiofe Printers in the United-States > wll ° haw printed the aforefaid«publka-1 tions are rlquefted Yfl ' publtfh the above. Gazette Marine Lift, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. • ARRIVED, Davs, Ship Hannah, Brown, Greenock, 4 S Merchandize—W. Young ]| Brig Little Maria, Thompson, , Lisbon 50 Wines—M. Wharton Arrived at the Fori, Enterpnze, Langdon, Surrinan) (re taken from the French, by the Congress Frigite)— Mollifies— Wharton & Lewis. Schr. Maria Matilda; ShirtifT, Havanna. ® u^ ars » J* Leamy. Jane, Toby, Havanna. Lett it 7th inft. Sugars and Huney—R. Valliey. Refinance; Man, Jacquemel. Left it [zd Sept—coffee. rnosnix, Donnel, Havanna. Left it on the 2d—fugars—J Bosquet. Sloop John, Beale, St. Bartholomews. Left it 7th inft. Salt & iWar. CLEARED, Ship Lavina, Thomplon, Lifbin Ship Hannah, Brown, left Greenock the h7th Augufl ;on the Btnks of Newfound land, Fell in with the Brig Nathaniel, of Newburyport, for Jamaica, in diftrtfs, and leaky—lupplied him with a torc-top-nnit. Arrived, Brig Little Maria, Thompson • left Lisbon the lit August. In that port remained the fli.p G.unaliel, Bnrliurd, of Salem, from Barcelona—had received fojne damage ill an adtion wrth four French pri vateers ; brig John, Atkins, of Pmladelpma, to fail Ihortly ; 3 '9' ' on g- 17> '6, was brought too by the Catharine, a Guineaman, of Liver pool, who detained the Maria five hours and then difiinflrd her. On the 8:h Sept. paflea through the Ja maica fleet homeward out 7 week, was brought too by the Barque Drifcoc,' rapt. Webb, a private armed ship, then in lat 41, 47, N. long. 47, , 7) W. amount ing to 80 fall. On then Sept. in l at . 41, 1? long 54, W. spoke the lbip Samp fort, Coop-r of and from New-York, 11 d ys out to Liverpool. On the 22d Sept. in Ist. 40, 29, N. long 68, 57, W. spoke the brig Waters, from Dominica, who in formed capt. Thompson that four days be fore, he h»d fallen in with the lliip— , Bearfly, of and from Baltimore, S out bound to Liverpool; had 101 l her sore-top mast and bowfpru in the gale of the Bth m(t%iit. On the 23d Sept. in lat 39 19, N. long* 7 2 > 3®> 'P ok<: 'he schooner Favourite, Broomley of Norwich, 20 days from 1 urfes Island, had his waist and boat stove in and his main-malt cut away in the gale of the 16th mil. We observe by a Halifax paper of the i6tii inttant that on the 22d, the brig Mo ses, Myers, and the sloop Geueral Gieeo, with their cargoes, and the cargo of the schooner Nollra Signora del Carmel, were to be fold at auction at Liverpool ; they were pnzes to the Duke of Kent and brig Rover. The Cleopatra, Pellew, had arrived at Halifax from a cruize. Hit Britannic Majesty's 24th and 26 h regiments of foot had embarked on board of tranfporti, and were to fail from Halifax for England. The Packet failed from Falmouth the 9th ult. we have therefore no new» by her. Ttie armed schooner bir William Parker, had failed on a cruize. Brig Lark, Wallace, fro-n hence, to St. jago de Cuba, was spoken on the 2id inltant, latitude 22, 00, N. Ship Old Tom, Moreton, from hence, has arrived at Cork, and proceeded so Dublin. The arrival of the brig Peggy, Cotton, it Coik, from hence, as reported a few days since, is supposed to be premature. Ship Prosperity, Jougham, from hence is sup posed -to have ..rrived at Cork. Ship Charlotte, Concgfon, from hence, wis seen going into Liibon. Schr Farmer, Richards, from to Havanna. hid her trial at Halifax the i th inft. vessels cleared, cargo condemned, freight paid, owners to pay cotls. BOSTON, Sept. 18. Arrived, btij Ruthy, Goddard Dublin, 53 daya. Left there, (hoi mentioned by the Venelia) ship George and Harriot, Loring, of Bollon, brig Moses Gill, Watts, of Hefter, of Wifeaffet ; with [ several others. Sept. 1, lat 44, 17, loi.g i Bilboa, and a (hip, 15 days from Alexandria, for L iverpool. Sept 8, lat 43, 17, long 57, spoke a copper bottomed aimed fiiip 56 days from Falmouth, bound to Halifax. Sept. 9. off the Cape Sables, Capt G. felt a severe gale and K.ft the main top malt. Paflenjers, Mr. and Mrs, Sparrow. I W day. Ship Sarah, Gray, Liver- P a r s °, V n - An? IT ' ,at 4 8 ' iS < lu "£ j>B- ; , .poke fh.p WaA.Rgian .34 days from j ap&scr m - Sfpt. 15* Arrived, fl.ip Oneida, of New York. - earions 37 days from Falmouth. Sh wnB bpund to Charleston, but on the Bth 1 mft m long 63, in a severe gale of wind, w; 1;j i C , m P !ctfe, y 4>rmafted ar.d otherwise much ! njurtd—and m confequenee obliged to put into t u port for repairs—in the Oneida, j came pafieogers. several of (he crew of the <•- pi. Frederick, of this port, faptaio Lrocker,,captured and carried into France 1 hey complain of ill usage from Mr Dobr«. at Kantz, and Mr. .Vails, at L'Orierit ; .Sept 1, at 41, 57, long' 50, spoke fcjj- 1 J Hope from Liverpool, for Virginia- Sept/, 1 1 3 J r F f ': lle br, S Lyd«, from Liver (pool, for Virginia. , . NEW YORK, Sept, 26. Arrived here,n fix days from H a lif ax , j e Britifli packet, Prince Ernest. By her we are informed, that three days from A ft j' fp ° ke the fti P Howard, ■ H Vf Amftcrdam t0 th >'» port, bound to , Hal,fa *. » prize to the earl of Dublin Dr i- ; vateer. It i» well known that the property and .T £ Ward ' is c!ear 'y American, and the probability is, that she will be cleared ; thig is the more to be wished, as noinfuranoe it done on her— It is natural to feel more for individual, than for com pany lofles, but we always regret either. i euerday came up from below the Hook, the ft p Hercules, Captain Breath, from Batavia having parted her cable, and was very nearly on the breakers before she got under way ; a mbft fortunate and valuable elcape from deftru&ion. Arrived brig Recovery, Campbell, o W ,l • a "°, Ck ~ fpoke nW & in g- On the 9th mtt the Recovery experienced a severe gale Irom the N. E- which crried away both cr top masts, quarter boards and railings, walhed two guns overboard, and loft 1 maa during the temped : iBtb, saw a black A merican .brig with her mainmaft'gone, and no perfoji ou board Sasled in co, with the .'P Aurora, capt. M'mtiri bound to Vir ginia. Sept 2i lat 3954 long 65 30 spoke ship | Rising Sun. of and from N. Vork for Lon donderry, met with a severe gale of wind on the i Bth inft but all well at the time of (peaking. Sept. ia spoke brig Fanny oF Newbury port 46 days out from Lifoon to Bolton, who had a few days before experi enced a very severe gale of wind, being ia want ef provisions, &c, which capt. H.fup plied him with* ISO BARktLS of Boston Beef, Linding at Breck's Wharf, and for sale bv ■ SAMUEL RHOADS, No. 1, Penn Street. . ieo Barrels of rember 27 German Redemptioners. "\TINETEEN ef those, who came in the lhip ±y Anna from Hamburgh, and are willing to fervc for their paflage Apply to Jacob Sperry £s? Co. Who have on Hand, Remaining of late importations, and which are of fered ou reasonable term*, and the usual credit, 30 cases Eftopillas, Forming a compleat aflorcment ul Uni, Rays i Moucties.pl,jn and coloured stripes. 33 Clka Cjff. rillo.,s 5 caffs boccadillos •• ■ 2 cues quadruple filefiaa l caiV fuperfine dowlas * cases lautilsand 1 cafe liftados a cafe# fuperfine Elberield checki 3 eifes bed parchet 1 cafe Flar.deribed ticks,B-4 10 cases coffee mills, Nos. co, to No. 6, as serted a cases Scythes J cales ot double flint cut Decanters quart ane* I cafe gill tumblers, and i cjtfe of Travelling cases. I cafe of quills, i cafe of cammon fealing-wat and 4GO Demijohns. September 27. ' d6t. lawim. Saddling Business. WILLIAM JONES & EDMUND KINSEY, HAVING entered into partnership, and ta- Kin .that lonj> eflabltthed fland at the cor ner of C' efnut and Thud Streets, refprafuliy it»li