Piiladelpbia, Scgjepiber 2& FEDERAL MEETINGS. AT a mealing of a number of FedeVal citizens of the counties of Chester and Dela ware, at Weft Chester, on Saturday the 4 6th of August, 1800, it was resolved to {upport Josf.pb Hemphill, Esquire, at the ensuing elpi'itfn for member of Congress forfaid counties. The citizens of DelawareJiiving retired, it was, on motion, resolved, that Thomas Bull, Isaac Wayne, and Joseph M'CWlan, Etqnires be appointed Conferrees on be half of Chester county, to meet Conferrees already appointed by the counties of Bucks and Montgomery, at Norriftown, the 12th of September next to fix Upon some (uitable Federal Charafter to be votad for the ensu ing ele&ion, t» reprefeot the diftrift in the Senate of Fennfylvania. On motion, in was resolved, That the Federal citizens of Chester couuty be re quested to meet at the houle of Abraham Marlhall, in Weft Bradford, Oil the 30th of September next, for the purpose of fixing on a ticket generally for said county, and that the whole proceeding of the day be published in Ha l and Sellers, Gazette, "with a request to the other Federal printers of the city of Philadelphia, to publi/h the fame in their papers uutil the eleftion. JAMES MOORE Chairman, Joseph M'Clellav, Secretary. August 30th, 1800. At a meeting of the citizens of Phila delphia, held purfyant to a public notice at Mr. Dun woody s Taveru on Thursday evening the 18th September. JOHN MILLER, jun. was appointed Chairman, and THOMAS B.ADAMS, Sec'ry. A lift of the members proposed for the Seleft and Common Councils was read, and a number of alterations being proposed as substitutes for those persons wh* declinjd ferviog— Whereupon, Resolved unanimovjly, That this meeting will support the following Ticket* at the eofuing eleftion for members '.of the Seleft and Common Councils. Resolved, that the names of the mem bers of both councils, agreed upon this evening be publifted, together with the Barnes of tcofe who have heretofore been agreed upon as candidates for the several of sices of Member of Congiefs, Stase Senator and Members of Aflembly. Ctngrefr. Francis Gurney, Senator. Nathaniel Newlin. AJfemhly. William Hall George Fox Godfrey Haga Samuel W. Fisher John Bleakley H. K. Helmuth. Sclcß Council'. Heary Pratt William Poyntell William Dawfon Thomas Parker Andrew Bayard Common Council. / Robert Ralfton John MorreU Georgt Krebs Isaac Snowden, juu. George Dougherty Kearney Wharton Jacob Crefsler Malcom M'Donald Pascal Hollingfworth Timothy Paxion William Young Jacob Lawerfwyler Jonathan W. Condy Charles W. Hare John Carrol Daniel Smith Lawrence Herbert Alexander Henry Thomas P. Cope James Milnor. Resolved, That the following gentlemen who were Sppointed a committee to correspond with our Federal friends, and to pursue such measures as may be found advifeable to pro mote the Federal interest, at the ensuing eleaion, be continued for the fame purpose. William Rawle Levi Hollingfworth John Infkeep Robert Wharton Joseph Hopkinfon John Hallowell, and Thomas Fitzimmons. JOHN MILLER, Jun. Chairman. Attest THOMAS B. ADAMS, Sec'ry AT a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Ceunty of Gloucester, at the Court -House in Woodbury, purf«ant to Public Notice given for that purpofi, on the ntbday of September, 1800 The following Townships were represented, viz.—'vVatn - ford, Newton, Gloucefttr-Town, Gloucef ter-Townfliip, Deptford, Greenwich and Woolwich. James Hopkins, Esq. was chosen Chair man, and Joseph Griffith, Secretary THE Committe appointed 011 the 9th of August last, to prepare an Address to the Inhabitants of this County, eXpressive of the femiments of said meeting, having made trport, which being read, was unaniraoufly adopted. Whereupon, Ordered, That, five hundred copies of the said Report br prin ted a«d dispersed throughout the differept parts of this Courrty j—-and that Jobu BL.ckwo'wl and joseph Hugffj luqrs. and James I£urley, be a Committee for tha purpose. The meeting being informed that there are fix Federal Candidates in nomination for the General Aflcmbly, to be voted for at the ensuing Eledion ; and deliberately considering the importance of union as well as perlcverence among the Federalists of the County, do agree—that a committee of two persons from each Townftiip be appointed, who (hall have full power and authority to fcledl from the fix Federal Candidates, luch three persons whom in ih»ir opinion they would recommend to the Inhabitants of this County, a» the molt proper charafters to , unite the people thereof; and to secure to us a federal ireprefentation. A committee was accordingly appointed, wh» having retired, Tome time after return ed, and made the following Report: " THE' Committee having takeii into CollGderiiti9.il the lift of nomirtition of Can didates to be voted for at the ensuing Elec -1 tion, do report unanimouflv—That in their I opinion the following Ticket will be mod i likely to unite the Federal interest in this ! County Counsellor. Thomas Clark. Assembly. » Samuel W. Harrifonj bel Clement, Samuel French. Sheriff. Joseph Huggi Ctroners. John PilTantj Duncan Campbell, Micajah Clement. " The laid committee do therefore recom mend the above Ticket to their tellow citi zens." ; DAVID DAVIS, Chairman. Which being read, was unanimously a dopted. Whereupon— Resolved, That in the opinion of this meeting, it is the real interest ; and ihey take it to be the duty of all good men in the jaunty of Gloucester, to come forward and give their aid and support to the foregoing Ticket, as being the one best calculated to preserve unto us the ineftinnble bleflings ot peace, order, and good government, and a continuance of our present excellent Federal Constitution. Resolved, That we do absolutely disavow the principles contained in certain publica tions of James Sloan and Jeremiah Wood, wherein tbey declare—That a change of gov ernment, a changi of Men, and a change as Measures ought to take place—The et fc& of which, we solemnly believe, would fubvei t our true interests, destroy the real happiness we experience under our present mila and salutary general government ; and eventually introduce among us all the direful attendants on diforderj anarchy and confufi- on. Resolved, That two hundred copies of the proceedings be printed in hana-bills, and the fame be publilhed in the " Trenton Fe deralist," and " The Gazette of the United States.'' JAMES HOPKINS, Chairman. JObEPH GRIFFITH, Secr'y. At a rtfpe&ablc meeting of the Federal in- | habitant of the county of Philadelphia, at the hotife of Joseph Hart, in the Nor thern Liberties, on Wednesday, the 17th of September— Rtfohed, That a meeting of the citizens of the county of Philadelphia, who are friends to the Federal Government, beheld at James Hart's tavern, at the three mile run, or the German town road, on Thursday the 25th day of September, at 3 o'clock ia the afternoon, for the purpose of nomi nating those perfous whom they will fuppart at the sext general eleftion for the different offices ot government. By order of the meeting. WILLIAM WARNER,Chairman. RICH. PETERS, jun. Sec'ry. Taunton Ale, of an excellent quality, JUST RECEIVED, Per brig Amity, from Briflol, AND FOR SALE, , By John Allen, No. 122, Spruce street, Wbo has also on hand, Bristol Patent Sail Cloth, No. 1 to 8. feptember 22 eo6t Eliflia Fiflier & Co. No. 39, north Front street. \ HAVE FOR SALE, Sheet Iron, tin plates in boxes, lew iag twine, hoes, window glals, and a large assortment cf Ironmongery, cutlery, fadlery, brass and japanM Wares, Hats in cases, Coach & Coach har ness furniture, 6cc &c september 23 diw TO PRINTERS. FOR SALE, A PRINTING PRESS complete, Old Long Primer, Small Pica on pica body (new and old pica, do. English, (two small founts) 16 Line Pica, &c. Sundry Frames, and a great variety of Office Furnitur*, &c. Iron work of a pr'nting-prefs, 0" They will b* fold cheap forcafti—Apply at the office of Ae Gazette of the United States. Late foreign intelligence. V*. *> FALMOUTH, At.gust 2. Lafl night appeared off this port the Ame ricen (hip Juno, Owens. {Yam Norfolk, with tobacco, for Rotterdam. On the 12 ult. Ihe was boarded by La Minerva, French (hip privateer, and alter being detained two hours, permitted her to proceed. She had captured four English veflel*. Aho appeired off, the American ship ttj*. and Be;fey, Captain Richardson, with 4500 barrels of Hour, to. Brillol, and this day the American ft>ip Three Sifters, Capt. Mwrphey, from N;w-York, with flour for Bjiftol. PORTSMOUTH, August 1. The wind, this' forenoon, having fliifted to the N. N. £. the tranfparts with the troops for the Secret Expedition on board, under convoy of the Eurydice, failed trom Si, Helen's, and before 6 o'clock, P. M. we-e entrely out of fight. A great number of women and children ale Ifcft in Hie fl'reets in the greatell distress, only three of a Company being allowed to accoijpany the troftps. Waifon and Allen, convifled of being concerned in the mutiny and murder on board the Hermione, were this day executed ac cording to their sentence ; the former in the Sheer Hulk at Spithead, and the,latter in the Braakel in the liarbour. Allen, to the moment of his being turned off, denied his being guilty, as far as related to his alfifting in the murder of h'ta mailer, as had been sworn. PLYMOUTH, August J. Arrived the American 11) ip Three Sifters. Murphy, mailer, laden with flour and pot alh, from New-York. COWES, August 6. The Iris, Bajnard, from New-York for Bristol, with tar, terpentine and tobacco, was captured «n the aoth Ult. by I'Eole French privateer, and sent for a French port. The mate and crew were put on hoard the Swede, ajid landed .yesterday at Cowes. LIVERPOOL, Aufcutt *. Arrived, Sally, "Coffin, New-York ; Fe licity, Tucker, Baltimore ; Mars, George, Philadelphia ; Aroublu Adell, do ; captain Patten of the Aipiable Adell, fppke the (hip Ranger, capt. Hotlge, from Wifcaffet, for this port in lat. 49, 1;. NOTICE, • To the Pilots of the Bay and River Delaware. THAT agreeably to Directions of the Board of Health that they "Wing the veffela to, which they may have charge of, before the Lazaretto, after the firft of next month aslheretofore, until otherwise dire&ed. NATHAN FALCONER. Master Warden of the Port of Philadelphia. Warden's Office, Sept. 22, 1800. George Davis, N». 3 19, High-Street, HAS (JUST RECEIVED, Per Adrians from London, A few Trunks and Cases of 4 4, 7-8 & 3-4 Irifti Linens, AMD Gentlemen's, Youths, and Boys, Fine BLACK HATS, Which he will fell on moderati terms, at a reafnnable credit. feptember 24 mwf3w. An Invoice of Playing Cards. SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the VlUth, and Merry-Andrew Playing Card*, for fale'cheep far ca(h—Apply at this Office, september 13. gf The following work may perhaps appear [ from its Title as only necessary to Gentle ! men of the Bar—The whole trading world are interested in the knowledge-os its contents. It is replete with information to the Man of Bufi ness ; and the Merchant, the Underwriter, the Sea Captain. &c. &c. will find themfelvvs par ticularly and immediately conc«rned in the knowledge it affords. JUST PUBLISHED, And to be sold by Jambs Humpm/iets, No. 106, south fide of Market Street, PART IL (whirb concludes the First Volume) of REPORTS OF CASES, ' Argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty, (Great Britain) Commencing with the JUDGMENT. S of of the Right Hon. Sir William Scott, Michaelmas Term, 1798, By CHR. ROBINSON, L.L.D. Advocate. Jit the same place may be bad PART I. JO"l"hefe REPORTS will be continued regularly as they come to hand. Sept. 18- th.fa.Bcfa. Journeymen Preflmen. WANTED Immensely three or four Journey men PRESSMEN; thole who can bring indifputablc rccommrndations of their beißg good workmen, steady and honest, may find conlkant employment at the Printing office of Isaiah Thomas, jr. Wor£|ftfr,feptcaiVcr i C 1 1) , Gazette of the United Staets PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 2J. PRICES OF STOCKS. . Puiladelpuia , September 14. Old 8 per C«nt Stock for cash 108") O j? ger cent Six per cent, (net amount) do. 86 ( jj_ 3 Navy do. do. 861 2, —— Three per Cent. do. j)o . Deferred, - do. 84^ B\NK United States, do. 31 « Pcnnfylvania, do. »6 North America, do. 48 Infuranse conip- N.A. (hires la per cent, be low par. Pennfylvania,,fliares, 11 per cent*. ad», Turnpike Shares, ip per cent, nnder par. Bridge (Schuylkill) 9u»ck, par. East-India Company of N. A, 7 per cent advance Land Warrants, »J dolls, per 100 acr«a. Water Loan, 85 per cent. COURSt OF 'EXCHANGE Bills on l.on. at' 30 days for cash 170 per ct. Do. do. 60 days do. 1685 do. Do. do. 90 days do. 166 a-3 Bills on Himburgh at 60 days 36 a 37 cts. per Mark BaAco Da. in Amfttrdam, 60 days 39 040 c ts - per Florin. c - Ihe Carriers of this Gazette, have been strictly forbidden either to sell or give away, any of their papers; and should the Editor detect, or re ceive information of any person at tempting to Seduce them from the line of their duty, he will employ legal means for redress.—lt has become a Serious inconvenience, and those who are friendly to the interest of this paper, are requested to give such in formation as may be in their power on the and they will confer an obligation on The Editor. |dP It requeued that Gentlemen whei are negle&ed by the Carriers, will not per mitfeveral days to elapse withotit giving in formation of such negleft j but immediately give notice. They shall be served re* gularly. THE GRAND QUESTION STATED. As the present solemn and momentous epoch, the only question to be asked by ev ery American, laying his hand on his heart, is, " (hall I continue in allegiance to A RELIGIOUS PRESIDENT; f, i k Or impiously declare for JEFFERSON— AND NO GOD 1!! For the 24 hours preceding Thursday September 25, there were 31 deaths in Balti more and i;s vicinity. From the 16th to the 19th instant, there were 7 deaths in Norfolk—New cases 17. A Correspondent does not believe the re port that the negotiations with the French governmental broken offonarcount of their refufing to make compensation for the spoli ations on our commerce, because he has rra foii to think that such demand was not to be made an absolute condition on the part of our commiflioners. But be thinks it highly probable that the French may have infilled on a treaty offensive and defensive ; and fur ther, that we should make them a loan to carry on the war, perhaps to the amount of 12 months pay and subsistence for the army, and a few Eagles for pocket money for the First Consul and his Lady ! Nor is it believ ed, that either Dr. Logan, Thomas Leiper, Thomas Jefferfon, Albert Gallatin, Alex ander Dallas, Tench Coxe, or any other good democrat in the country, would think such demands unreasonable or improper. By «n a& parted at the last feflion of the General AlTembly, the City of Philadelphia was divided into fourteen waids—seven east ward of Fourth-street, viz. 1. Upper De laware, 2. Lower Delaware, 3. High-street, 4. Chefnut, 5. Walnut, 6. Dock, 7. New market ; and seven westward of Fourth [ street, viz. 8. North Mulberry, 9. South ; Mulberry, 10. North, 11. Middle, 12. South, 13. Locust, 14. Cedar. By the fame aft it is provided " That the eledlors ot the aforefaid wards (hall, un der the regulations prescribed by the " Aft to regulate the General Eleilions of this Commonwealth" cjioofe two Infpeftors of the General Eledion for sach and every of the said wards ; and in condudting the said General Eleflions, and receiving the votes at the fame, the two Inspectors of tacb ivaid shall occupy one window or door of the bouse where the election shall be holden in exclusion of the Inspectcr or Inspectors of any at her maid or place ; and that the General Electi ons for the said city fliall be opened between the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and (hall continue without interruption 01 adjournment, until the Electors who shall c»me to the said Elections shall have an op portunity to give in their votes." The poor Blacks with dying Hps have uniformly charged their Political errors to the efT r s of our and the friends of Jeffeifou. A Gentleman from North Carolina, in forms that another Negroe infurre&ion broke out near F.dcnton, North Caiolinaj but was happily suppressed. ELECTION. When we are told that the life of'a man* who is verging to fifty years ot age, has been corre£lly given in four lines, we are led to conclude that his course has been a straight one ; but the life of a Jacobin sets all con clusions at defiance, as will be seen in the zig-zaggery oF the flitrlHi.ig scoundrel, who is the lubject of the following verfe— by Tench Coxe in a Dancing Attitude.] First I set to Walhington, Then crossing u'er to Howe, Sir, I figured, in with Hamilton, And with his Honor, now, SiT. And this is the Fellow who has the assu rance in concert with the worthy office-hun ters, Tim Matlack, sap-scull and little granny Sammy Bryan, to addrefji the People of Peilnfylvania on the fubjeft of their political concerns. To the Editor of the Aurora. Why did you consign to oblivion Samuel Morse's cvnfeflion of the error he had com> mitted in attempting to impose on the People of America, an infamous falshood refpedting Jonathan Robbins, alias Nafh ? Why did you permit his request to publish it to remain uuattended to for several week# after he made it ? it was not thus with hi* lying epistle, that you seized with avidity as a mean to further your defigua, and as a weapon by which virtuous men migh be injured ; but your friend and correspondent Morse has uncloaked you, and you appear before the American People, a base and infamous traducer of honest men. Cs"This day's mail furnifhed us with no Paper# to the Ealtward of New-York. For the Ga*ettc of the United States. Mr. Watne, THE Aurora of yeflerday morning; cprUains what is called a Copy of a Leuer from a Clergyman, corroborative of certain flatements made at Lancaster, by the said Clergyman, in the pref»nce of Tench Cox* and William Barton. Being an old man, and not very conversant in politics, lam not sble " clearly tc decypber'' the meaning of the letter j I (hall therefore wait 'till some of your friendly correspondents can " respond" to the following queries: 1. Is it not very probable that the cleri ' cal author of the letter is the notorious Par son Jokf.s of certificate memory,— the caitiff who travelled from Pittfburg to Philadelphia before the lateele&ien, publish ing " charges of infidelity" against James Rofs of Pittfburg ? If it be the fame man, he formerly was well known in General Wayne's army ; lives now in Chester coun ty, is a notorious Jacobin and lyar, and has been in the habit of aspersing the character of the immortal Walhington. 2. Is it not probable that William Bar ton is the fame man who left America about the commencement sf the Revolutionary War, and took up his residence in Old England, where he was ardently employ ed in the investigation of Heraldry ?—The fame man who said that Alexander Jod-i " Dallas was as dam'd a rascal ds remained unhung ?" 3. Is it not equally probable that the Tench Coxe there mentioned, is the iden tical person who held an office in the Ame rican army, and who afterwards defcrted to the Britifti, and escorted Lord Howe's army into the city of Philadelphia, about the year 1778 ? PROOF. For tbe Gazette of tbe United States. MR. IVATNE, I PERCEIVE in yesterday's Aurora, a copy of a letter containing refle&ions on Mr. Adams, the fubflance of which was said to be delivered in the -prefenee of Tench Coxe, William Barton, fcc. at the houfi of Peter Gorton, in Lancaster. lam led ta believe that the whole is an infamous fa brication, from several circumllances, parti cularly a well-known one, that no person by tbe name of Peter Gorton keept a bouse of any kind, or is known in Lancaster. A LANCASTRIAN. Last evening arrived the brig Little Ma ria, capt. Thompson, in 56 days, from Lif don. Captain T. ins rms that a few days previous to his leaving Lifbon,the Court of Portugal received a formal demand from Buonaparte, for the sum of Eight Millions Crowns, to remain neutral, and to permit the French veflels free entry in the ports of Portugal—That if this wasrefufed, he would imm»diate!y fend an army of sixty thousand men under the command of General Brune who was waiting wth an army of twenty five thousand men at Dijon, in readiness to march at a moment's warning j and that Spain had given consent to their marching I through her territory—That this informa- I tion had delayed the fai'ing of the BritiCh Packet, and that the Court of Portugal it was generally believed were about returning a categorieal answer. The British Packet has arrived at New- York Performance at the Theatre Royal at Halif x, are going forward by a number of gentleman of the at my under the particular patronage of General Bowyer. ■ »*• On the nth instant the corner stone of the new government house at Halifax, for the rcfidence of the lituienant. Governor, waa laid, with all the folenin ceremonies usu al 011 iuc(i occalions. s C' > * t » . Si*;