NUMBPH 2497."' The price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay »ne Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unlesstscme person in this city will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. * * Wo Subscription will be received for -a shorter term than six months. December 1 1799- ALMANAC From Stficmier 17—to Sfftmler *4. UIGH WAT«». H. M' 8 3 9 J 10 3 - *o J7 It 47 o 13 Wedn«fday Thursday Friday ■ Saturday Sunday • Menday rt TaeWay Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday • Monday - Tuesday Juit Received, Bi the late arrivals here, and at New-Tort, AND FOR SALE BY tie. s. North Third Street. An elegant aflortment of Chintzes md Calicoes, finelife Satins, Preatongs, Modes, Sarfnrti, and Luteftnogs; Dimities, Bobbins, Coatings, Flan neb Booking Baozies, Broad-Cloths,Swandowns, Double-mill'd Drabs Worftcd Yarn and Cotton Holiery ; Plain Forest Cloths CARPETS & CARPETING. Also on Hand, I.ow-prieed and fine India muslins, Irith and quadruple lin«ni, German D >wlas, ribbons India fatin»,latftrings,and fonOianwi.miU'd yarn glove-, ,voiv and h«rn combs, fadlery, aad a variety as Ironmongery, and feafonaMe DRY GOODS. ALSO, To be Sold, or Bartered, For DRY GOODS, a Handsome Three Story BRICK HOUSE. With Piazza and Kitchen adjoining, situate in Vine near Fourth Screw, built in modern style with excellent materials, and well calculated teac tommodate a Urge family. ->pt. 2». Horses & Phaeton. AP MR of well broke, found Horfet, and a handsome Ph.xton, for (ale at Thotnat Allen't Livery (la >le, in 6th nsar Arch ttreets. feptember 13 d6t WEST COUNTRY PATENT Canvas, No I to 8, FOR SALE BY Ebenezer Large, ALSO 200 boxes flaort pipes faitable for the Spanifli Market. 9 rao. 13th, 18ao 1 mw&f» 7w Charles Marfliall AND SON, No. 46, Cbesnut Street, HAVE RECEIVED, Per brig Liberty, eapt Henderfon, from Amfter dam, and other arrivals, A quantity of the following article", which they fell for calh, or the usual credit— Antimon crud Ol AniQ Arsenic alb Juniper Sac faturni Succini Vitriol alb Rhodii Borax Camphor Opium Coccinnella Annetto Gum Benzoin Merc Dole Arabic Fru:cip rub Myrrh Corros sub Kino *■ s ALSO ON HAND, Sil G auber ~| w fMannafhk Rad gentian | jj> I Cora Flo Sulphur I< j Liquorice ball Sweet oil j Cort Peru slav Sem anifi I Z R ' u ' > Rheubarb J — L And a quantity of Shop furniture, surgeons instruments, patent medicines, &c.—Medicine chests, and orders from tbe country, put up on moderate terms. fcptember 13 w fa 3W Houses to Let: ONE large convenent thtee-flory Brick J)welling-Houfe, with four rooms on a floor, and two Kitchens ; there is a pump of water, and a rain water cistern in the yard ; situate on the east Tide of Fourth- Street, one door above Race-Street, lately occupied by Solomon Moroche. a Lao, A convenieut Three Story BRICK HOUSE, Next door, but one, north of-the above, No. 57. — It has a Pump and Ciftem in the yard, &c. For terms apply at No. 116 Arch-Street. August 4. Sep. 16 ra&wtf Gazette of th e United States, & Daily Advertiser. 8IT« »IW» 6 » S 4* 6 3 S 57 6 a J 56 - 6 6 S 54 - 6 7 5 Si 6 8 Ji 6 10 S SO Lorain & Son, dtf. -pHAT Handsome and healthy COUNTRY SKAT, called La UK" L Lodge, the late refideHce of Thoma« Rutter, El'q. situate in Ports Grove, Montgomery County, thirty-lix ir.iles from Philadelphia, containg about ie 6 acres, twenty «t which are prime woodland, fifteen exrellrnt watered meadow, the reGdue divided in arable lots. On the premise» are a large handsome BrickHnufeand adjoining build ings, contain# two parlours, a large dining ro m, and a Hall, twelve feet wide, by forty long, a large kitchen, -irafli hoi.fe withapu/np of excellent water in it, fix handsome chambers, two {lore-rooms, four garret chambers plaiflered and a gram room over the adj. ining buldisg, a double tyring hoofe, with a smoke houl« over the lame, withinfiltv yards of the kitchen—The spring, in the dried season never known to low er in the least, and from which the meadow is watered ; a garden containing about one acre, (locked with the mofl delicious fruits, such as peaches, plumbs, cherries, pears, ralberries, &c. several alparagus beds in great perfection. Also, a youug bearing appletree orchard, containing several hundied trees, the fruit feleiled from dif frent parts of the United Srates, a Urge conveni ent barn with a threshing ffoor, with commodi ous (tabling for horfei and cows, carriage and houses, grain room, &c, AJ!o,fundry out build ings, consisting of a large frame pouitry-houfe and corncrib, See- Alio, a tenant's hotife, gar den and ftab(e,and a pump of excellent water lefowging to the fame. 1 he situation of Pstts Grove is remarkably healthy, regularly supplied with Botcher's meat and poultry in abundance, to lie purqhafed at a low rate, and the Schuylkill ass rds a plentiful supply of excellent fifh. Two grift milts in the rear of the town. Perhaps few country towns in Pennsylvania, are more rapidly improving, or have more loeal advantages than Potts Grove. The fevtral places of public worship, the filubrity of the air, genteel society, and cheipnefs ot'living, are among the tew advan tages it pofiefles. Any ptrfon wilhing to view the premiss, will plciifc to apply to Mr. Wm. POTTS, in Pottfcrove, and for terms to the fubferi ber, in Philadelphia. J o hn clement stocker. Sept. 19 2awtf. WHO is about taking his departure from hence to the Weft Indies, wh«re he in tends to reside, will undertake to tranfiiSl busi ness on the mod realbnable terms for Mer chants who may be inclined to intrust him with their commands. He would likewise wish to be concerned with a perlon of refpeflability here, who may be de sirous offuch a connexion. :P IJ I LADELPHIA, SATURDAY BVENING, SEPTEMBER , 7 , ,80c. DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA— T® wit ; BE I 1 REMEMHKttED, That mi the aid day of Augiift, in Uie e;th year of the Indepsn dence of theUni:ed Stctcs ot America, Willi am Younc, (B.oVf-ikr,) of the said biftria, hath deposited in this Office, the title of a Buok, the right whereof he dainn as proprietor; In the words following, to wit. " Essays «u Political Satiety," IN CONFORMITY to the «a of the Con grefs if the United States,intituled" An AiS for the encouragement of learning, [s*Ai,,] by securing thi copies ot Maps, Charts and Bor-k? to the Authors and Propri etors of such copies during the times therein mentioned " v D.CALDWELL. Clerk of the District of Pennsylvania. ieptember 18 taw4w. Just Received, A&D FOR SALE Br ROBINETT & RISSELMAN, 2co lbs. Mace, lr r 400 lbs. Nutmegs, J of a fu P enor l uaht y- Jamaica Spirits, 4th proof, Do. Sugar of the firft quality, Holland Gin in pipes, Port-au-Prince MolafTes—and 30 Tierces Rice. •ff. K. bane also on band, for sale, Hyson, ■) Young Hyson, & J- TEAS, Souchong J Cogniac Brandy, ift & 4th proof, Sherry Wine is quarter casks, very .nice, 50,000 Spanish Segars, And a Variety of other GROCERIES. August 26 feo tf ELISHA FISHER Aym r O . No. 39, Nortli Front Street, HAVE FOR SALE, Ironmongery, Sadlery, Cutlery, Brass and J Japan'd Wares, j 6d 8d lod 1 id and aod flat point nails, German Steel, Hats alTorted in cases, Piflols, guns and flints, &c.2ce. September HIGH-STREET. The House, LATELY occupied by the Chevalier D'Yrujo, SpsnTlh Ambaflador, will be let out to an approved person er family, on easy conditions. It is large, commodious and elegant, with coach-house and ftablcs conformable. Enquire at No. 100. Spruce street. , SAMUEL MAGAW, Arch Street, Nt. 94. Joly 23- eodtf. To be Sold A PERSON, *.* Apply *t No. n6, North Front St. Aug- »»• eodiwf By C. P. Wayne, K t o. 65, South Front-flreet. For Sale, BY PUBLIC AUCTtON—IN THE CITY Ol- WASHINGTON. THE following property farfonging to the Truf tee« of the Agg.egAte Fund, provided for the payment of certain credijsrs of Edward Foi and Jani?s Greenleaf. - On Monday tic i,ib Qciofcr inst. PART ol "'y m f»i<i f'uu), in tf). City of Wa#iington, that now is i6ad«red clear of every incumbrance, wilUhe dpofed at Public Auflion at I annicJifi Tavcrn, amonglt which are the following ( valuable fituatioii, viz. 11 Lots in square No. 973, % lots in fquari $74, 15 lots m jquaro Ntt. 995, % lots in Iquarefoßth of fquiri 1019, 19 lots in square 1010, 1 lot in square ioae 1 lot in square ion, ,7 lots in square loij, 4 lot in square 1044, 3 lots in square 1045, 3 I° B ' n square square 1048, with sundry others, advantageously situated in various parts of the citj. Also the 1\ ltory frame houle now occupied by Mr. l?cbloi«, beautifully situated (with an ertenfive view of sev eral mile# down the Potomac) on thefonth ealt corner of square 973, fronting 42 feet on II flreet «aft, and 41 feet on foiith G street: a commodious Kitchen with an oven, &c. adjoining the south front. A lajge frame liable, carriage house and hay loft 5Q feat by 15, and a pump of eicellent water near the back door of the kitchen, the lot extending9i fetton it llreet, and 139 feeti inch inGflreet, comprizing loti Nos. 1, a, 3, and part of 11, in the rcgiflered division of the square. I he faleswill commence at the said tavern at ten o'clock in the forenoon. The termsone fourth ca{h, one fourth in fix months, when a deed will be given, the remain ing moiety in two years, payment to be secured by bond and mortgage. But the creditors in the above fund, may in lieu of mo/fgage secure pay ment of their bonds by deposit ot certificates wf the trtifleea at the rate «f five (hillings in the ponnd, to the aaiount fecurcd and Stri-ld a dividend take place hefore the expiration ef the two years, it will be set off againfi th« bond, and the certifi cate! returned in the fame proportion. Henry Pratt Thomas W. Francis John Miller, jun. John Afliley Jacob Eaker. THOMAS TIN' Aujjull 4. TO BE sold; ~~ A 7 PUBLIC SALE, On Fifth Day the 9th ot O&ober, on the premilrt, The Mary-Airm Forge And Plantation : SITUATE in Brantywine townjhip, and part in Werckland, about 30 miles from Phi ladelphia, and one and an hih mile from theTnrn pilcc road, and Downing's town ; containing about 33c acres, with allowance of 6 acres per 100 ; two thirds of the lafrd is good #eodland, lome excellent meadow made, and mtich more can be made of the tirft quality; the forge is turned by the main branch ot Brandywine Creek, a forcible Scream, the forge has three fires and fwo hammer* all in good repair. The dam being found and well backed, and apparently able to rcfift any frtfh (not supernatural) Likewif • there 15 another lively stream and current of water, that empties into the said dam, that might be very con venient for a Grift Mill, or other kind of water works, might be with facility created; tfiere is a good.two-itory stone dwelling-house for the ac commodation of the proprietor of the works, with an excellent spring and good houfc over it; con tiguous to the door also convenient stone stab*jog» with an entry through the mid tie fufficierit im accommodate three teams, befidtshaakney hairft ; contiguous to the forge stands a good stone office, and a num'-cr of convenient houfec for the work man is ere&ed amply adequate for ths said works If not then fold it will be rented for a term of years Terms and conditions made known by applying to WILLIAM EVaNS, in Willistown, ®r JOHN MARSHALL, in rhorn- Townlhip. N. B. The Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on (aid day. Aug. 5 dim Reserved Trafts, FOR SALE. ON Wednefrfay the ill day of Odlober next, books -»ill be rpen in the Office of the Sub scriber, reCdiiig in Franklin, for the sale of the Reserved Trails, laid out by yirtue of an ail ot niremSly pafled the nth uay of April, 1799. — One fifth part of the purchase money to be p id at the time ef sale, one fifth part within twelve months from the day of sale, one fifth part within two years from said day, and the remaining two fifth parts at er before the expiration ol three years alter such sale No contrail to be confirm ed for fifteen days after the said booki fliall be o pened, and the highefl price offered within that time will be acoeptcd. All payments made will be forfeiteJ uulefs the purchafcr within three ye>ri from the day of (ale makes an actual settlement on the trail [tirchafed, by clearing, fencing, and cultivating at least two acres far every fifty con tained in the survey, and er.'A thereon a mef f>.age for the habitation o£ man, and reside there on :er the space of five years next following the firfl settlement of the fan e. No patents to i(Tue, unless fatitfadlory ptooffljali. be made of such ailual settlement, rulidenre, and improvement. GEORGE FOW-LER, Commjfitner. Fraiklin, July 18, iJco. august 8, WAYNE COUNTY TAXEsT" '■pHE owners of ummp/o»ed lands' in Wayne * county, are h»reby notified, that Taxes are become payable thereon for the years 1•'99 anti ISOO. Those who have not alfeady paid their taxes, re hereby required to discharge the fame to JOHN BRINK, Esquire, Trcafnrer ef fiij County at Milford, within three month« from this date ,'otherwise proceedings'to sale, according to the ail of Aflembly in such cafeprovided, will e had by the ComniiHioncrs for the said county. /ha Stenton, "1 John Carton, J- Commiflioners Jebannes Van Etten, J Attoft, £. Kellogg, Clk. July 9, >Boo « Trufittt. tEYj Agent. 3iaw ts FRANKLIN ii*., * * 4 90c City CommilTioner's Office, Philadelphia, Aug. 261b, 1800. IN pursuance of an Ordinanceof the Selea and Common Councils, paffecl thetid divot May 1797. PROPOSALS, < ! • (in wricmp) Will be received by the City Commifii oners, until the thirtieth day of September next, for renting op I.esses, for one year, to commence on rf.L 1 first 1. dj of January neit, the following public property of thrciryt-vts. 1. The Wharf and Landing on Vine Street. %• ditto on Saifafraa do. 3 Ditto on Mulbury do. 4- The Wharves and Landings o» High and Chef nut streets. 5« Ditto on Walnut street, the Drawbridge, Spruce, Pine and Cedar streets, including the Fish House. 6. The Cellar under the City Hall. Applications may be left with either of the Commiflioners, or with their clerk, at No. 6j, Cherry Street. eotioS JUST IMPORTED AND FOR SALE, AT DICKINS'S BOOK - STORE, Oppof.te Christ - Church, AN ASSORI HUNT OF English Papers AND OTIJER STATIONARY. Philadelphia, Aug. 6. To Printers. The tat U wing MATERIALS will be (old reasonable if applied for immediately 1 Pre fs, 3 Founts Long-primer (partly worn) 2 ditto Small-Pica on Pica body, 2 ditto Pica, 1 dittrt Eng-lifh, 2 ditco B'cvier, I ditto Burgeois, Several pair of Chafes, several composing flicks, frames and trall-ye, f.ime brass rules Quotations, kc. See. See: all of the abov. r - Ca fl- w. old verjf reatona or ' GLASS MANUFACrORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of tie Pittsburgh Glass IVar.h, HAVING procured a rufHci«nt m:mher of themoft approved European Glass Manu facturers, and haviHg on hand a large (lock of th* best Materials, »n which their workmen are employed, have the pleafiire of alluring the public, that window glass of a fupeiior qua lity antfrof any Fze, from 7 by 9, to ig by 24 inches, carefully packed in boxes captaining ioc feet ea h, may be had at the fhortcV. notjee. Glass of larger sizes for other purports, miy also be had, such at for pictures, coacli glaflej, clock faces, Sc. Bottles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket flalks, pick'ungjars, apothecary's fliop furniture, or other hallow ware—the whole at least if per cent, lower than articles of the lame quality brought from any of the sea ports of the United States. A liberal allowance will be mad; #p fait of large quantities. Orders from merchants and others will he punctually attended to on ap plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC Ci< .IG. or at the Store of Meflrs. PRATHER a id S'MILIE, in Maikct-Strcct, Pittfbnrgh. Mar-) 5, tuthtf. dud to be Sold by J A Mrs HUM? MR EYS, No. i«>6, louth fitie Market Street, Reports of Cases Argued ard determined in the HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY; (Cl' AT-BRI T Altj) with THE JUDGMENTS OF The Right Honorable WILLIAM SCOTT, M'ubaclmas Term 1798. By Claries Rubinfon, LL. D. Advocate. VfliuMK I.— Part I. Sfj" ThcfePaprrc will be continued regularly. The second Part which conclude* this Volume is aow mtheprefi, and will be publilhed with all 'he expedition piliille, A *F>J ■ ■ . Candidates for <hc Navy. ND'othert, who ire dcGrotu Mbetoi»> acquainted with the following very cff.nth improvement! in Navigation, viz —The mtthoe of finding the Latitude by a fmglc altitude of the fun at any hour of the day ; and of afccrtaii .ing both Latitude and Longitude at once by a Celef rin 1 observation, the Lunar l ;, and new forms nf journals for {hips of war, witlvadditional columns may hear ot a person ready to inllruii them at their apartments, who has compendsof the above so Amplified by explanations of figures, marginal references, ,&e. that they may be uudc-r ot d in a few days t fcy -pp!ying at No. 93, south Second (irect, eppofite the City Tavern. Lit. engages to teach Navigation (the ciitnicn method of keeping a journal at f«a) in 6 days. Me has taught the Mathematics, French lan guage &c. for many year, in differcr.t univer fities, and (bips of war, to which he has been regularly appointed—He has alfohad confidcrable pra&icii experience in Surveying and hook-keep ing ; is which he gives private ledlures. His terms are low and accommodating. He will open A Marine nd Commercial ACADEMY, On Monday the Bth of September, at an elegant and l'pacious Room in Harmony Court, (oppoGte No. 74; south Fourth dree t.) • ICj™ The business oj an Ag*nt and In terpreter faithfully transacted. August 2 j eoJ df. [Volume XVIII. To Printers. '■ i NTED—in EKckangC) A of Long Pnmer, weighing 6 a or 700 lb. cr upwards, and t Fount of «rev !Cr> wfighing 400 !bs. or upwards. 2. French Tuition, UPON AN ANALYTICAL PL AM NICHOLAS GOUIN DUFIEF, H Professor of the French Language, AS the honor of informing his FUlow-Citl zens of Philadelphia, that he will open his o £.M°° da y the 14th ol September, at No. 5, south Fifth ttreet, and divide his hours of in ltruaion in the following manner. Attendance on Ladies and Gentlemen, at their own beufea, . will be given as usual, from a o cloek in the m«rning till 2 in the af-ernoon. His alternoon and evening school will besia fevny other J„ y j from 4to 6, and from 6 till 9 „ rranflations from either language into the other, performed with accuracy, eltgjnce fec'e cy and dispatch. N.B —Nicholas G. Dufief, refpeilfully In vites the l adies and Gentlemen, ambitions to learn the French, to agree with foive of their friends or acquaintances, desirous of receiving lcf fons in that universal and improved language, to meet at the fame hour and place for mutual in ftru&ion—they may be assured it will be to their advantage to <lo so, if they peruse with attention the following.— —l' v To tie Lovers of tie French Language. ADDRESS. IN an age when fuccefsful efforts have been made towards the improvemeut of the art of Think" ing, and when Ammlyfu has been difcovercd the universal, and sole good method to improve all i'ciences, and receive infiru-flion in them, it may be a xAalter of attoniftiment that it has not been yet generally robraced, and rendered the familiar method of learning The extraordinary rife and progrtfsof Chya&i try,within a very few years, are entirely due t« which it (hoilld have firft darted its beneficial rays, I allude to the Teaching of Languages. In fadt, Na ture, this excellent amalyd, wa» Lefore our eyes guiding children in learning the language of their mother, and no ohild ever failed in acquiring' it f profiting furpriflngly by her unerring lefTons— Fully convinced by reason ar.d experience, thit the lame method she pursues Jhould be followed as neatly as pofiible, 1 adopted, in the course of my infltuilions, such books eltabliihrd on principles that least deviate-! from her fimpledidate* I soon perceived that the method acquired from thefeaids was but.a very irregular aud imperfeft Aoalyfis —-I, therfore, rtfolved though 'trith avery smalt confidence in my (lender abilities, but ahimatfd with zeal tor the improvement of those who may wish to learn French from me, to undertake the laborious and arduous taflc work.groun ded or. Analytical principle, which com prehend what i 9 wifhedfor by thofeapplying them selves to the lludy of the living languages, and am happy to fay, I have now nearly concluded it. It conlifts of three parts. The first, is achofen Vocabulary of words mott frequently used in speech, containining a',soo—the mo>t i.atural acceptation of each is determined by a phrase prefixed to it. The ficond, contains the French verbs, both re gular and irregular, from a newi'jstem in which the principal difficulties attending conjugation are first explained, and ohfervations given on the use of each seise, il'ustrated by proper examples, so as to enable the learner to exprels himfelf with precifinn. The third, is a complete lift of those words _/£r vant de lieu ou de complement de fens entre les antra parelet du dlfc.urs : that is to (\y—forming the link or ample tion of sense bettvecn the other parts of fpeeeb whose principal ule ii to esublilK in speech that connefii o ) between words, whi* ! a ready exi-,ts in the mind between ideas I h 'ie also fully ditermined the sense and acception of thrfe itnpsrtan*- worls (which are divided into appropriate el:i(T s to fix thtin the easier in the memory) by annexing to> each examples in French a dEn fii As Ido not intend to pwSlifh the above,for fame time, and in order, tseverthelef , that my pupils may reap the fame advantage without it, I hasten t.' inform those who may be induced to put them selves under tny care, that hdf the time of school (the othsr half beitig devoted to other cxercifes) will be employed in exercising them in the fol lowing manner:— We first begin wjth the Vocabulary; each word of which will !-« pronounced in Englilh then ia French, to be repeated by one or more of thefcho- * lars; and a similar repetition of the phrases before mentioned will follow. It is worthy of obfevation, that in our infan cy, and as we advance in years, we learn the pro nounciation of our vernacular tongue, by pro enouncing word by word ; and Analogy accompiifh ts what remains to b; done, in order to acquire the necessary knowledge of it. The rules given by Grammarians to attain this objeft are a most useless to us, and still more so to the foreigners, struggling in vain to learn the true pronunciation of a lauguage with the help of dictionaries and Grammar alone. Though I conceive my fcholara may attain in the above manner, the accurate prononnciation of the French language, yet striA attention is paid to their reading in approved au thors before we begin the foregoing exercises. 1 will pursue nearly th«J3sm« method in impart ing to them the sonunts of the two other diviii. ns of my work I cannot conclude this address with out thanking my Fellow Citizens for the liberal encouragement I have exprri t.fed from them, thefsfix years past, in my profefTional career.fre fumir.g that I may be permitted to fay, that I have not been altogether undefervingof it. September t. <i?t jaw ivr To Gentlemen Farmers. riiH SUBSCRIBER DECLINING farming, will »fler at public file on his Plantation, oppofitc New hold's Ida d on the Delaware, within two mile 9 of Bordentown, Rate as New-Jerliey, on Saturday, 13th September next at 1 o'clock, hi» flock of Horses, Cattle (mostly fat) an about eighty Si eep, fourteen of which are Rams. The prin cipal part of both Ewes and Rams are an excel lent breed His plantarion he will hold for lale till next spring, when if not fold it will be rented. Term* of fa!e made known at the time. THOMAS St. JOHN. Atfgaft 20* . ■>. ' v .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers