Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, September 26, 1800, Image 1

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    Nu.vnpit 1496.1
Tie />ri'c< 0/ «£>:■« Gaz tte is Eight
Dollars iter annum to Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadelphia. All others fay
»ne Dollar additional., for enclosing unci di
recting ; and unlesstscme person in this city
will become answerable for the subscription,
it must be paid Six Months in Advance.
*»* No Subscription will be received for
« shorter term than six months.
December 1 1799-
From September l^ —to September 24.
8 3
9 S
10 3
■ 10 5 7
11 47
o 13
Just Received,
By the late arrival' here, and at New-Tori,
L«rain & Son,
No. 5, North Third Street.
An e!egaiw affaraneotetChin*ze» ned Calicoes,
Er.plilh Sat'uis, Preaconj;".
Ijuteftfing*; Dimi'iei, Bobbins, Coatio • Fhn
ncU, Bock tig Baories, Broad-Cloths,3wgndown«,
Double-miil'd .>rabs; —Worded Yarn ana Cotton
HoQerv ; Pl'in Forest CJoths
Also on H-.nd,
Low-priced and Sac India muslins, Iriflj and
quadmr-ic liotns, Geranan Dowlas, ribboue India
fati»-,lutttring<, and fonfban wi, mill'd yarn elove-,
H'oty and h»n fadlery, and a variety *f
Ironmongery, and fe fora L !e
To be Sold, or Bartered,
For DRY GOODa, a Handiome Three
With Piazza and Kitchen adjoining, situate in
Vioe near Fourth Street, built iu modern style
wi-h excellent ina'crials, :nd well calculated toao
rrtrt>ni(/riare a. family,
Horses & Phaston.
AP MR of •"'ell broke, found Horse?, and a
handfomt Photon, for sale at Thomas Allen*!
LivcTj-lU' le, in 6th near Arch streets.
I'eptemWer 13 d6t
No i to 8,
Ebcnezer Large,
200 boxes fliort pipes
faitable for the SpaniCi Market.
9 mo. 13th, ißao Jmw&fa yw
Charles Marfliall
No. 46, Cbesnut Street,
Per brig L -rty, capt Heoderfnn, from Amtler
dam, and other arrivals,
A quantity of the following article", which they
fJI lor ca(h, or the usual credit—
Antimoo crud Ol Jnifi
Arfti.calb Juniper
Sac fanyni Succini
Vitriol alb Rhodii
Borax Cunphor
Opium Coccinnella
Annetto Gum Benzoin
Mere Dulc Arabic
Proecip rub M> i rh
Corros sub ■ Kino
Sal.G auber ""J r pM-inna fhk
Kad eentian | | Com
Flo Sulphur t>i j Liquorice ball
Sweet oil I Peru slav
Seai anifi I y I Rub
Rhcubarb J L
And a quantity of
Shop furniture, surgeon* instruments patent
medicines, See.—Medicine cherts, artti cnversfroni
the ciritry. pu: u:; on moderate rcrms.
feptember 13
Houses to Let:
ONE large cooven ent thßea-ftory Brick
Dwelling House, with four tvoms om a
floor, and two Kitchens ; there is a pump
of water, and a rain water cistern n the
yard ; iituaie on the east li«Je of Fourth-
Street, one door above Race Street, lately
occupied by Solomon Morochc.
A convenient Three Story
Next door, but one, norih of the above,
No. 57. —It has a Pump and Cistern in
the yard, See. For terms apply at No. 116
BUW ■ fc— «im «tT»
. 7- . 6 s J8
. 6 3-: —J J 7
6 4 J 56
• < si J 3*
- & 7 -J S3
6 8 S*
6 10- —/ 50
W f« )«
to yf IT .
BE I T REMEMriEKED, That on the ltd day
of Augurt, in the a;th year of tha Indep-.n of the Uni ed States ol America, William
Yoonc, (Biokfellcr,) of the said DiariS, h»th
depoGtcd in this office, the title of a Book, the
right whereof he claims is proprietor ; in the words
following, to wit.
" Essays an Political Society
IN CQfJPORMI TY to the ael of the Con ■
gref* ',f tU United State»,itUiluled " An
A& for the en:ouragenrc£it of learning,
Sy securing the copies 01 Maps. Charts
»na Bo*kfi to thtf Authors and Propri
etors of luch copies during the times
thereiß mentioned "
Clerk of the District of Pennsylvania,
september 18 »aw4w
Just Received,
aht> for sale ar
200 lbs. Mace, 1 .■ r
400 lfts. Nutmegs, j°* * fu P en ° r lua,ityl ua,it y
Jamaica Spirits, 4th proof,
Do. Sugar of the firft quality,
Holland Gin in pipes,
Port-au-Prince MolalTes—and
30 Tierces Rice.
R. 12 K. bane also on band, for sale,
Hyson, 1
Young Hyson, 8c I TEAS,
Souchong J
Cognac Brandy, ill tc 4th proof,
Sherry Wine ia quarter calks, very nit®,
50,000 Spunilh Sega. 3,
And a Variety f otbtr
Auifuft 26 eo tf
AStD i 0.
No. 09, North Front Street,
Ironmongery, Sadlery, Cuuery, Brafo and )
Jlpan'd Wares, $
6d 8d tod lid and aod flat point nails,
German Steel,
Hats aflbrted in cases,
Pistols, guns and flints, &c. ace-
The House,
LATELY occiipu-tl by the Chevalier
D'Yrnjo, SgsnTlii Ambassador, -ill be
let out to an approved person «r family, on
easy conditioos. It is large, commodious
and elegant, with coach-house and (tables
Enquire at No. 100, Spruce street.
Arcb Strat, A 7 a. 94.
J u 'y 23- eoJit.
To be Sold
T*HAT Handsome and healthy COUNTRJT
SKAT, called Laurel Lodge, the late
refidexce of Thomas Rutter, £fq. situate ia
Potts Grove, Montgomery County, thirty-lix
miles from Philadelphia, coritaing about i«6
acres, twenty which arc prime woodland,
fifteen excell;nt watered meadow, the residue
divided in arable lots. On the premises are a
la, ge handsome Brick House and adjoining build
ings, two parlours, a Urge dining
ro«m, and a Hall, twelve feet wide, by forty
long, a large kitchen, waft hot,fe with a pump
of excellent water in it, fix handsome chambers,
two store-rooms, four garret chamber! plaiflei ed
and a gram room over the adj ining budding,
a double tyring house, with a lm.>ke fioula over
the lame, witfcinfifty yards ofthe kitchen—The
tpringi in the driefl season never known to low*
er in the leafK and from which the meadow is
wj'.ered ; a garden ror.tainmg about one acre,
linked with the moll delicious fruits, such as
peaches, plumbs, cherries, peats, rafberries, &c.
leveral afpjragus beds iri great perfe&ion. Also,
a young bearing appletrer orchard, containing
levcrai hundred trees, the truit feledled from dif
IrejE parts of the l T ni:ed States, a ljrge conveni
ent barn with « tlirelhmg ffaor, with commodi
ous ftabhng for horses and cows, carriage and
nouses, grain room, &c. Also, sundry out build
ings, confuting of a large frame poultry house
and cnrncrib, ice• Also, a tenant's house, gar
den and liable, md a pump of excellent water
beiocging to the fame.
: hefuMlioa ofP.tts Grove is remarkably
! rralthy, regu arlj fwpplied wirh Butcher's meat
»nd poultry in abundance to he purchased at a
low rate, and the Schuylkill affords a plentiful
of excellent fi/h. Two grift mill, i n the
rear or t..e town. Perhaps few country towns
in Pennlylvania, are more rapidly improving,
or have more local advantages than Potts
Grove. The several places of public worth in,
the lilubrity ot the air, genteel society, arid
cheiptiefs of living, are among the lew advan
tages it poflVfTcs.
Any person wilhing to view the premises,
will please t > apply to Mr. Win. POTTS,
in P<ittl;;rovp, mid for terms to the (übfcri
ber, it' Philadelphia.
Sc P c - '9 2awtf.
VTf/" HO is about taking liis departure from
» • hence to the W-tli I-dies, whgre he in
tend* to rdide, nill undertake te trinfuJl bufi
nels on the most reafonaiile tcrin3 for Mer
chants who inay be inclined to intrust him with
their commands.
He would Jikewife wlfh to be concerned with
2 perion of refpettability here, who in-v be de
firom offnch a connexion.
*J* tl No. 116, Nortlf Front St.
A-'4i- *»• coStw*[
of the United States, &
By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South J"ront-flreet.
For Sale,
-city or Washington.
the fallowing property bclotigin;; WtlutTruf
tees of the Agg egate Fund, provided tor th<i
payment of certain creditors of Edward J?ex
and James Greenleaf
On Mondxy the 6tb October inst.
PARI" ot the property of faij fun.:, ,11 the City
of Walhington, that tipw i» rendered clear ul
every iticumbranee, will he exposed at Public
Au&ion at Tanniclifl Tavern, amongst which are
the following valuable situation, viz. 11 Lots in
square No. 973, 1 lots in fqu,.re 974, 15 lots is
jquarc N« 9V5< * lots in /quire l'outh of fquari
ioijj,, 19 iot» in square 1010, \ Jot in square lo»e
1 lot in square ion, j lot?in square 1033, 4 lot
in square 1044, 3 lots in square 1045, 1 lo » in
square 1046, 9 lots in square 104 7, 1% lots in
square 1048, with fun 'ry others, advamageoufly
situated in various parts of the city. Alio the 1
ttory frame hou s e now occupied by Mr. Dcbloit,
beautifully lituated (with rxrenfive view offev
eral miles down the P n the fonth east
cornerof fquare973,trui, :tonnftrcet
east, and 42 feetonfouth G a commodious
Kitchen with an oven, &c. 'i" ; ig the south
front. A large frame stable, c;. :ajj house and
hay lust 50 feat by 45, and a pump of excellent
water near thq hick door of the kitchen, the lot
extending?! feet on I 1 street, and 139 feet t inch
in G fireet, comprizing lot» No*. 1, *, 3,, and part
of li, in the rcgijicted division of the fqvnre.
he falcswill commence at the {aid tavern at tea
o'clock in the forenoon.
The tcrmioue fourth eafii, one fourth in fix
months, vh< h a deed will be given, the remain
ing moiety in hyp year*, pjyneat to befecurd
iiy bond and mortgage. But the cteditart jb the
abovi-fun , n>3y in lieu nf mortgage fecurc pay
meat of their ' onjs ly depolit of cerrificar-s t. l
the trufleei ibe rate of (v. iillit gs in the pound,
to the amount fecurud ana fbcald * dividend takJ
place 1 f ' re the expiratiou of the two years, it
wiil be fa off agiinil thii bond, and the certifi
ed > rr "iiD,j in the fame proportion.
Henry i'ratt
Thoma* W. Francis
John Miller, juu.
John Affjley
Jacob Baker.
Atigull 4.
to BE SOLD -
On Fifth Day the 9th ot Oclobrr, on llie
premises, The
Mary- /Vnn Forge
And Plantation :
OITU-VTJS part in Hrandywine townfnip, and
par' in Werckland, about 30 milas from Phi.
laddpfia.and one and an hall mile from ibeTnrn
p-tc and town ; containing
nl'eut 3.10 aens, wi-h allowance of 6 acres per
!0O; two thirds of the land is good woodland,
ome excellent meadow r«*rfe, and much more
can be made of the firft quality ; the forge is
turned by the main branch of Brandywinc Creek,
a forcible Stream, the forge has three fires and
two hammer a all in good repair. The dam being
found anj well backed, and apparently able to
resist any frtlh (not supernatural) Likcwlfr there
is another lively stream ani current of water, that
empties inte the laid dam, that might be very con
vei .cut lor a Grift Mill, or other kind of water
works, might be with facility ero&ed; there is a
good twu-flory stone dwelling-house for the ac
commodaiion of the proprietor of the works, with
jan excellent spring and good houfc over it; con
[ tiguous to the door also convenient (lone stabling,
with an entry through the qiid •' e fufficicnt tf
accommodate three teams, btCdes haekney horfet;
contiguous to the forge stands a good store office,
and a nurater of conveuieiv houses for tha work
man is ereiled amply for tha said worts
If not then fold it will be rented for a term of
years Terms and conditions made known by
applying to
WILLIAM EVANS,; in Wi)U»to»o,
•r JOHN MARSHALL, in rhatn
harf TowoOiip.
- N. B. Tht B>le t* cfawcoc* *t i o'clock oa
Uid day.
Reserved Trails,
ON WednclMay the ift day of October next,
books -vill be open in theOffici of theSub
fcriber, residing in Franklin, for the talc of the
Refervcd Trails, laid out by virtu: oi an ail ot
Affembljr palled the Uth day of April, 1799.
Oae fifth part oi the purchase money to be p .id
at the time ef sale, one fifth part witkin twelve
months from the day of sale, one fifth part within
two ycat's from said day, and the remaining two
filth parts at »r before the expiration o! thre«
years after futh sale No contract to be confirm
ed for fifteen days after the said books (hall be o
pened, and the highest price offered within that
time will be acoepted. All payments made will
be forleitcd unlc fs the purc!iafer within three yeirs
from the day of sale makes an aAual settlement
on the trad jurchafed, by clearing, fencing, and
eult vating at lealt two acres for every fifty eon
tuined id the survey, and ereit thereon a mef
fiage for the habitation of man, and reside there
on ler the spaCe of five years next following the
firft settlement of the No patents to iflue,
unless fatisfa&ory proof shall be mad; of such
actual lettlement, rsfidence, and improvement.
Jolj il, aflM.
owners ot unimproved la-rile in Wayne
county, are fatreby notified, that Taxes are
become payable thereon for the years I -"yy and
1803. Those who have BOt already paid their
taxes, re hereby required to discharge the fame
to JOHN BRINK, Etquire, Treasurer »f said
County at Milfurd, within three month* lrom
this date . otherwise proceedings to sale, according
to the ait of Affcmbly in such cafe provided, will
e had by the Commif&oners for the said county.
Asa Stent on, 1
John Carton, 5- Commiflloner-s
Jebannes Van Etten, J
E. Kellogg, Cfk;
Jul* 9 : 1800
City Commissioner's Office,
Philadelphia, Aug. 26tb, 1800.
FN purfuarice of an Ordinance of the Seleil and
1 Common Councils, passed the aid dav of Mav
«?97. ' "
(in writine)
Wil , .<? received by the City CoißtnifSolKrs, until
ttie thirtieth day o( September next, for renting on
Leafcs, for one year, to commence on the first day
of January next, the following public property of
the city, »i a . . ft/
r. The Wharf and Lacdingon Vine Street.
*• tro ou bafTdfras do.
■' l'Wrto on Mulbur/ / do.
4- 1 he Wharves and Landings o« High and Chef
nut streets
J. Ditto on Walnut street, the Drawbridge,
Spruce, Pine and Cedar streets, including the
Fish fioufe.
6. The Cellar under the City Hall.
_ A PPjicatious may be left with either of the
Commiifioners, or with their cltrk, at No. 6 1,
Ucrry Street. eot , o , s
Opposite Christ - Church,
English Papers
Philadelphia, Aug. 6.
To Printers.
The following MATERIALS will be fold
rcafoiiabic if applied for immediately.
1 Piefs,
3 Founts Long-Primer (partly worn)
2 ditto Small-Pica on Pica body,
2 ditto Pica,
1 ditto English,
2 ditto Brevier,
i ditto Burgeois,
Several pair of Chafes, several cSmpofing
(licks, frames and galluys, some brass rules,
Ouotations, &c. See. &c: all of the above
will be soU "very reasonable tor Cafli.
September 8.
EY, Agent.
}n> U
Of tbe Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVING procured a fuffici«nt m.ruber of
the moil approved European G'a'sivlanu
fuilurers, and having on hand a large flock of
tbe best Materials, vn which their workmen are
now employed, have the pleasure of assuring
the public, that window pi alsof a fupeiior qua
lity and of any size, from 7by9,to 13 by 44
inches, cirefolly picked in boxes containing
j IC' leet ea h, may be had at the Ihortelt notice
Olafs of larger lizes for other purpo'ts, may
also be ha such as for piflures, coach glasses,
clock faces, &c. Battled of allkindsand of any
quantity may also be had, together with pockti
fiafks,pickiii)gjtrs, apothecary's shop furniture,
orother Imliow ware—the whole at lead 25 pet
cent, lower than articles of :he fame quality
brought from any of the sea ports of the United
»ta»cs. A liberal allowance will be made et;
sale of la'g? quantities. Orders from merchants
and others will be ptinftually attended to on ap
plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC
CRAIG, or at the Store of Mc (Irs. PRATHER
andSMILIE, in Maiket-Street, Pttfburgh.
March 4. ti-thtf.
And to be Sold by
No. tte6, south fide Market Street,
Reports of Cases
Argued and determined in the
(c»f. A.T-BKITAIN)
commenced with
Tie Right Honorable WILLIAM SCOTT,
M'uhaelmas Term 1798.
By Charles Uobinfon, LL. I). Advocate.
VfiuMZ I.—Palit I.
gjf These Knport will be c-ntinued regularly.
They«W Pari which concludes this Volume i«
row in the preft, ami will be publilfced with all
the expedition possible,
Candidates for the Navy.
AND others, who are desirous of becoming
acquainted with the following very cff.nthl
improvements in Navigation, viz.—The method
of finding the Latitude by a single altitude of the
fun at any hour of Me day ; and of afccrtaining
both Latitude and Longitude at once by a Celcf
tial observation, the Lunar*, and new forms of
journali for ihips of war, with additional columns
may hear oT a person ready to inflruil them at
their apartments, who has compendsof the above
so fimplifiedby explanations of figures, marginal
roferunces, &c. that they may te uuder ood in a
few days j by applying at No 93, south Seconci
ftreet, eppofite the Cicy Tavern.
Ht engages to teach Navigation (the common
method of keeping a journal at sea) tn 6 days.
He has taught the Mathematics, French lan
guage, &c. for many years in different univer
fities, and (hips of war, to which he has been
regularly appointed—He kas also lirf confide ra!iii.
practical experience in surveying and boslt-ketp
iug ; i» which he gives >rivate lectures.
His terms are low and accommodating.
He vrill open
A Marine: nd Commercial
On Monday the Bth of September, at an
elegant and i'pacicus in Harmony
Cuurt, (oppolite No. 74, louih Fourth
ly reet.)
SC7* The business of an Agent and In
terpreter faithfully trdnsacttd.
Augufi 25
d 9ot
tod il*
■* . "
To Printers.
WANTED—in Exchange,
A. FOUNT o- Lunp Prtn; , weighing 6
7. . or 7o- lb. or upward, and a fount of
Brevier, weighing' 400 lbs. or upwards.
September a.
French Tuition,
f rt ]f essor of lix French Language, '
«J AS the honor o ( informing his Fillo-.v Citi-
Aj~ ? Ws of Phihde|pl.ia r that he w!' open his
School on fAonday the 14th <,l Scpteft&4, at No.
J, south Fifth ftrect, and oiv 'e hi? hours of in
llriiction tti the foil wing maimer.:
Attendance on Ladies an Gentlemen, at their
own _hß, will b. given as usual, from a
o clock in the mormng till *jn the sfrernr.on
H.saltcrnoon and evening fchooi will begin
(evtry other day) from 4,10 6 and from 6 till a.
1 ra:.liitions fr<rr. either, language into the
other, performed with accuracy, eWnnce fecie
cy and :iifpatch " ' ,
N, B— Nicholas G. Dufief, refpeafully in
vites the I.adies and Gentlemen, air.biticus to
learn the French, to agree, with fonve of their
fric.-.ds <ir acquaintances, of receiving les
sons in that universal and improved language, to
meet at the far.c huur ajid place ifer mutual'in
firn&ion—they rj.ay be allured it will be to their
a>l vantage to do To, if they peruse with attention
the following .
To the Lovers of the F-erich Language,
IN an age when fuccefjtllT efforts have beeti
made towar<l»tbe imjrrrpjrtieut ol' the art of Think
when Analysts ha* bsen dilcovered the
tioivefla!, and fr»lc good method to improve all
iciences, and receive iniiruwlion in it may
be a natter of astonishment that it has not been
yet generally mhraced, and rendered the familiar
method of learning The citraoVi t .ary rife and
progref* of Chyu i ry wrhii a very few years,
are entirly due t* ; hut there is an art on
which it flvuld Have fir., d.iwt i . ben-ficial rays,
I allude lathe 'Teaching of Languages. In fadl, Na
ture, this excellent analyll, »a* before onr «yes
guiling children in learning the langw ige of their
mother, and oo ohild ever failed in acqu'firig it,
profiting furprilingly by her unerring leflbns—,.
Fally convinced by realon and experience, chit
the fame method (be purflie* (hould be followed as
nearly as poflible, I adapted, i'i the c r urfs of my
inftru&ions, such books eltabiiib'd t-n principles
that least deviated from her fimpledidlates. 1 soon
perceived that the method acquired from thsfe aids
was but a very irregular and nnperiecl Analysis
—l, thcrfore, rtfolvecf though with a very frrvall
confidence in my ft-nder abilities, but animated
with zeal ior the improvement of those wVn may
•*ifli to learn French from me, to ua.iertake the
la' orious and arduous talk ofwritinga work,groun
ded or. Analytical principle, which mufht com
prehend what is wiihedfor by thofeapplyiog them
selves to the of the living languages, and
am happy to fay, I have now nearly concluded it.
It confirts of three parts
The first, is achofen Vocabulary of words most.
fr«quer;t!y.ufed infpeech, ccutainining 1,50c —the
most natural acceptation of each is determined by
a phrase prefixed to it.
The fecond,contains the French vetbs, both re
gular and irregular, from a new system in which
the principal difficulties attending conjugation are
first explained, and ohfervations yivsuonthe use
of each sense, illustrated by proper examples, so
as to enable the learner to expreii fcimfelf with
The third, is a complete list of those words fir
var.t delieh w de complement de fens entre lesautres pareles
da difcours : that i„ to fay —forming the lint or comple*
iion offenfe between the other farts of speech, whofc
principal ule is to establish in fpe.-ch conne&i
---011 between words, which a ready exists in the
mind between ideas. I fully determined
the sense and acception of these impo-tant words
(which are divided into appropriate dalles to fix
thfoi the easier in the memory) by annexing to
each examples in French a d Engliih
As Idon. t intend to publilh the above,for feme
time, and in order, fievcrthelef*. that my pupils
may reap the fame advantage without it, I hasten
to inform those who may he inviuced toputthem
felves under my care, that hall the time of school
(the other half being devoted to other exercifes) t
will be employed in ejercifing them in the fol
lowing manner
We first begin with the Vocabulary; each word
of which will t« proliuunced iu Englilh then is
French, to! - e repeated by one or mere of thefcho
lars; and a similar repetition of the phrases before
mentioned will follow.
It is worthy of oMe-vation, that in o*r infan
cy, arvd as we advance in years, wj learn tke pro«
rtuuncii'.ion of r>ur vjrr.acular tongue, by pro
iMGnciug word by word; end
es what remains to b? done, in or :er to acquire
the neceflary knowledge of it. The rules given
by Grammarians to attain this obj.rfl tire a most,
useless to us, and still more so to tire foreigner*,
•trugglirg in vain to learn the true pronunciation
of a teuguage with the help of <H<ftionari« and
Grammar alone. I hough I conceive mjr fcholarj
may attain ia the abi ve manner, the accurate
pronounciafion of th« French language, yet uriit
attention is pai l to their reading in approved au
thors before we begin the foregoing txercifcs.
1 will pursue nearly tbefam* method in impart
ing to them the «ont»nts ol th>; two other div si ,a»
of my work. I cannot conclude this address with
out thanking my Fellow-Citizens for the lih.-ral
encouragement I have experienced irom t' rri
thefsfix years past, in ir-.y profeffional caretr jre
fumir.g that I may be permitted to fay, that I have
not been altogether undeserving of it
September l. d2t taw iw
To Gentlemen Farmers.
DECLINING fanning, will offer at public
sole on his Plantation, opp'ifitpJtJewboM'li
Iflat.d on the Delaware, within two miles of
Kordfntown.ltats Nenr-Jerley, oh' Saturday,
13th September next at a o'clock, hit stork <.f
Horses, Cattle (mostly tat) an about eighty
St.eep, f njrteen of which are Hams. The prin
cipal part of both Ewes and Rami are an excel
lent breed His plantation he will hold for sale
till next spring, when if not fold it will Ire
rested. Terms of sale made known at the
1 f ••
August jo.
V 1