, Late FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. London, Augoft 7. Our readers are informed that two more Danish velfels have been detained by rhs Phoenix lugger, anufcrought into Bridling ton, in Yorklhire. The one was in ballad, bound to Norway ; Hie other from Copen hagen to Leghorn. We cannot account for the detention of tlefe vefieis. Did the cap tain of the lugger detain tliein without or ders ? Or did tile Danes resist the attempt to search them and prefer being Cap'ured, in order to give additional fwce te the coia plaint of D-n nv-.fr k ? The particulars are not known, so that we cannot answer these ques tions. Notwithftonding the menacing afpeft of affairs in the North, tt seems not to have excited any conliderable alarm, at Lloyd's for the ililarauce to the RutJian ,nd Swedilli ports in the Baltic has risen only i percent. It is improbable, likewise, ?hat any general order ihou'd have been given to seize Daitifb (nips at sea, as no hostile me.ifure has been eaevcifed againll thole in of the Port of Philadelphia. Warden's Office, Sept. 22, 1800. L'AVENIR fc? ARDLEY, Nc. 63, suutb Third, street, Opposite the United State* Bank, BEG Irave to inform their friends and the pub lic, that they trani'adthe buftnefs of p»rchafing and felling of Stock, negociating Bills of Ex change, haying and felling of Koufcs, Lands, Pic on commidion —Such as will fav r them with their cullom, may reft alfured that the utmost ex ertions will be cxercifed,to render every poflible fatisfailion. They have at prcfent for sale, 4170 acres of well chosen LANDS, being military warrants, already locattd an 4 fur veynl.fituate between the Little Miami aisd Scio ta Rivers, in the North Weflern countries, september 19 § The following work may perhaps appear from its Title only necelTary to the Gentle men of the Hit-—The whole trading world are interested in flic knowledge of its ctxitentt. It i» replete wi'.h information to the Man of Buji ntfs ; and y'he Merchant, the Underivriter, the Sea Captain. &c. Sec - will find then:felv«s par ticularly and immediately Concerned in the knowledge WATCHES Hcjaind m «fo»U 1 v J-" u ' 3 Philadelphia, September inc:l3 was read, and a number of alterations being proposed as fubftitutcs for chafe perfoas whs declinsd serving Whereupon. Rtjdved unanimoiifly, That this meeting will "upport the following Tickets at the enfung tle&ion for members of the Selefl and Ctmmon Councils. Resolved, that tie names of the mem bers of both coun:ils, agreed upon this evening be publifted, together with the names of ttofe whc have heretofore been agreed upon as canddates for the several of sices of Member of Congress, Stase Senator and Members of A(L-mbly, Congress. Francis Gurtey, Senator. Nathaniel Npwlin. yljfimi/y. William Hall George Fox Godfrey Haga Samuel W. Fisher John Bleaklty H. K. Helmuth. Sclcft Council. Henry Pratt William Poyntell William Dawfon Thomas Parker Andrew Bayard Common Council. Robert Ralfton John Morre'.l George Krebs Isaac Snowdeo, jun. George Dougherty Kearney Wharton Jacob Crtfaler Malcom M'Donald P.ifcal Hollinjfworth Timothy Paxfon William Young Jacob Jonathan W. Condy Charles W. Hare John Carrol Daniel Smith Lawrence Herbert Alexander Henry Thomas P. Cope James Milnor. Resolved, That the following gentlemen who were appointed a committee to corrtfpond with our Federal friends, and to pursue such measures as may be found advifeable to pro mote the Federal interest, at the enfning election be centinued for the fame purpose. William Rawle Levi Hollingfworth John Infkecp Robert Wharton Joseph Hopkinfon John Hallowell, and Thomas Fitzimmons JOHN MILLER, Jun. Chairman. Attest THOMAS E. ADAMS, Sec'ry At a refpe&ablc meeting of the Federal in habitans of the county of Philadelphia, at the honfe of Joseph Hart, in the Nor thern Liberties, on Wednesday, the 17th of Sep'ember— Rtfohid, That a meeting of the citizens of the county of Philadelphia, who are friends to the Federal Govetnroeut, be heid at James Hart's tavern, at the three mile run„on the German town road, on Fhurfday the 25th day of September, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of nomi nating those persons whom they will support at the next general eleftion for the different offices ot government. By order of the meeting. WILLIAM WARNER,Chairman. RICH. PETERS, jun. Sec'ry. an apprentice ; WANTED, At the Office of the Gazette V the United State*. July 6 tu&F tf Gazette of the United Staets PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER J5. PRICES OF STOCKS. PaiLADELroiA, September 14. Old g perC*nt Stock for calh io8~) O o percent Si* per cent, (net amount) do. 86 ( J - Navy do. do. 86 f" 2, Three per Cent. do. Deferred, - do. 84^ B4NK United States, do. 31 —— Pcnnfylvanii, do. »6 North America, do. 48 Infuran«e comp- N.A. (hares 10 percent, be low par. —— Pensfylvania, (hares, it per cans, adv, Turnpike Shares, 10 per cent, nnder par. Bridge (Schuylkill) Stock, par. East-india Company of N. A. 7 per cent advance Land Warrants, 15 dolls, per 100 acr»s. Water Loan, Sj pei cent. COURSE OF EXCHANGE Bills on Lon. at 30 days for cash 170 per ct. Do. do. 60 days do. 168J do. Do. do 90 days do. 166 2-3 Bills on Hamburgh at 60 days per Mark B*rco Do,-in AmQerdaoi, 60 day* 39 a4O ct». per dr 7he Carriers of this Gazette, have been strictly forbidden either to sell or give away, any of their papers ; and should the Editor detect, or re ceive information of any person at tempting to seduce them from the line of their duty, he will employ legal means for redress.—-It has become a serious inconvenience, and those who are friendly to the interest of this paper, arc requested to give such in formation as may be in their power on the subject, and they will confer an obligation on The Editor. |C7* It is requeued that Gentlemen who are negle&ed by the Carriers, will not per mit several day? to elapse without giving in formation of such negleft ; but immediately give notice. They shall be served re gularly. To Readers ar.d CorreepondentSi Harcowrt's complaint of the coquetry of his Amanda and of her visible partiality to a weak and coxcombical rival, would not be interesting even to our gayer and lounging readers. The cafe is not a new one, and it maydeferve compaflion, will be pronounced by every woman too common and rrite. He, and his favored rival are the Edwin and Sir Topaz of Dr. Parnfll- l" He felt the charms of Edith's eyes. Nor wanted hope to gain the prize, Could Ladies look within ; But, one Sir Topaz drefs'dwith art| And, if a Jkape can win a heart, He has aJhape to win." The lady, Who tranferibed and transmit ted the beautiful Lines to Sensibility is en treated to crop more of the flowers of Poe sy. In th« intervals of domestic duty it is more illustrious for a woman to peruse the brilliant and the ufeful, than to flaunt in public places or to cheapen fans. Ah, friend to dazzle let the vain deiign, To raise the thought, and touch th« heart be thine. " Lines from Floriq" are inadmiflible. The rhymes are not legitimate, and we discern n«ither plan, nor connection in His Poem; Flohio may continue to scan ver ses with ten fingers, but he never can be a Bard. " But, left you think I rally more than teach, Or praise malignly arts ( cannot reach, Let me for once presume to inftiuft the timet, To know the Poet fram the man #f rhymes 'Tis he, who gives my breast a thousand pains, Can make me feel each passion that be feigns, Enrage, compose, with more than magic art. With pity and with terror tear my heart; And snatch me o'er the tarth, or thro' the air, To Thebes to Athens, when h« will and where." Duane boalb of the facility with which business under a State Government is tranf afted—ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN TY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, is pocketed by a State officer with amazing facility, Mr. Duane. Regimental orders have been iflued in Virginia ; patroles are ordered on duty 4 75 cents are allowed for every 12 hours duty, to each individual ; they are called on to use their utmost #x«rtions, See. &c. On the 19th instant, the Town Council of Providence, reported five persons dead iiace last report, eight new cases, fourteen now sick, fix of which are in the hospital, eight in the town. For the 24 hours, preceding Tuesday mor ning. there was J5 deaths in Baltimere and its vicinity. Total in the Hefpital sick with the prevail ing difeale, 39 Convalescent, 13 Discharged cured, since last report, 2 We underfland that Capt. Richard Derby, of Salem, (Ma(T.) is appointed to the com maud of the frigate General Greene. N. T. Com. Ad. We saw a letter last evening, dated St Thomas, August 19, which fays, '• Rigaud arrived here yesterday aftrr a narrow escape from Touiffuit." N. T> Gaz. If Fries' regiment was to be orceredto Virginia, which fide would he take, Bliick „ •' . - v-<. •• N ' r/ « • ; or White ? j6 • 37 eta. Florin. The Epiflle fiom the Friends' yearly [nett ing, {igned " William Alexander," it as usual, fraught with the purell spirit of true Chriflian morality; for which they with the other clafles of the Christian Church, will be bitterly araign'd by our Jacobins. It mufl be pleasing to »ur worthy PreG dent and to out southern brethern to learn, that (liould danger encreafe, and their coun try call, the True Federal Blues as America, will again feijze their mutketj to defend their country—already do we fee the uniforms preparing, and they fay one to the other, " prepare, for our country ere long will in voke your aid." Duane fays that fifty persons who were under arms in the Legion on Monday, had a fliare in the battle of Germantown— but he don't fay a word about whose army they were in ; we know that many of them are recently from Britain and Iretand. " The End shall justify the Means," Is a maxim of long (landing, and universally praftifed by the Jacobins. It was this fa vouriteaxiom, that urged thecharge of Deism againfl Mr. Rofs, prior to the last eUdlion for Pennfylvania. The basest means were then used, by the Bemos and the end was obtained by the ele6\ion of M'Kean- It was a belief of this " Aurora" falfehood, that loft the eleftion of Mr. Rofs, and although fully and clearly dispro ved, bv the solemn testimony of a Clergy man, and the Veftryof the Church to which he belonged, yet the aifertion had its eflec> t and many haneft, worthy farmers, and others do to this day believe the charge, and were induced to vote against him for no other reason, (I must confefs, that were the truth ot the charge substantiated, it ought to ope rate against every man). It was by this falfehood, widely circulated, and bodly aflerted that the good, people of Pennsylva nia were deceived, by pretended friends to Republican Liberty ; that they did mislead the 1 people, and that their boasted refpeft for religion is a mere veil to disguise their real views, it is only nectff.ry to oblerve, that the fame charatters who cppofedMr. Rofs, as a Deist, and supported M'Kean, as a reli gious man, aie now supporting an acknow ledged Deist in the person of Jcfferfon ; and we defy all his satellites to prove the contrary, for out »f his own mouth is he condemned. It was at one time given as reason, why M'Kean, ought to beele&ed, because he be longed to the fame Church with Adams* and consequently Was a goo I man ; —if the' its was so necefT-try to tell the people, to what Church M'Kean belonged, why do [they not (hew to what Churqh Mr. J. belongs, and why do they not bring Certificates toprove him innocent of the crime, as the Federa lists did with refpeft to Rota ; a(k them these questions, and theyare mute ; fubteifuge is in vain resorted to—He (lands confessed a Deist, juid amember of that Church, whose partizens think it of no consequence whether a man believes in Twenty Gods or Na G»d. Suchis the Charafter whom, the Amiiiiean People are told is their friend, and are called on to support, as the Chief Magi strate of their country. Let them then make a solemn pause ere they pass the Ru bicon. I trust my countrymen have ret too much real refpeft for the religion of their Fathers, , to place this man in power ; the Jacobins are seeking the ruin of our country, and the " means (hall juflify the end," Unite then Americans, and remember your faith ful, and well tried friends, the Ftdera lifts, and by giving your votes for Adams, and Pinckney give a deadly Mow to afpir -1 irg ambition. Extraft of a letter from Cape Francois, August 29th, to a gentleman in this rity. « l 1 havejuft time to teii yon llia< Fezce is now established throughout the wh- ;<■ i(l_- and ';' that Rigaud is gone with his family, that he was fecn at St Thomas's fix days ago, and that he has failed from thence for St Martins—That Gen. Touiffaint is i>. pof reflion of all the south part, and that in confequenee Pe ce has been proclaimed f Tc Deum sung, and the town illuminated, Mr. Wayne, Dover, September 19, iSco. AS your paper has a more exten sive ciiculation through this State, th n any other, I wish to contradidt a Jacobin lyc which is gaining ground. They fay, that, the Mathodifts who fortu a very large prc*- poition for the Federal intereii of Kent coun ty, intend to drop the Honourable James A. Bayard at the next ele&ion. I can with boldnefß contradift the mifchievious and ill-founded untruth, and fay, that, there is iot twenty voters, of that society, in the :ounty, who will not fnpport him with all heir influence. The following is the Me» hodift Ticket. M A METHODIST. Rtprefeniative to Congress. James A. Bayard Se tator, George Cummins. resent jtives, Nicholas Ridgel James Henry tt Henry Molleftoi John Lockwood H William Sordeu Manlove Emcrfon. iCsron:rs. Richard Harrington William Needles JLevj Court Comfr.iiSiimt*x. Israel Peterfon John Stout John Hufur* y'ti s *. » * 1 .-VP. „