Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, September 24, 1800, Image 3

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    who pay taxes to support government, and
against whom the arms of the insurgents were
d reined, are now compellled to contribute,
to furnifh with muikets those once convift
ed rebels.]
For the. Gcxette of the United States.
mk. irjiryr.,
The re is a large Portrait hanging up
as an ornament, in a small house of mine,
which (lands back in the yard,—whose do
you think it is, Gates, no ; Clinton, no ;
little Burr, no ; Charles Pinekney, no ;
Gallatin, no ; Alexander Hamilton, O no,
no, no, no,- It is T HOMAS
M«K £A N !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For the GaZETft: of the United Staips.
Mr. Wayne,
OBSERVING in Bradford's Paper
of September 12, a piece signed Mercator on
the fubjed of yellow fever, advancing argu
ments to prove the non contagious quality
of the disease, and to fix in origin to the at
mosphere of this country ; remarks in ray
opinion as fallacious as tbey are deftru&ive
to the the credit and prosperity of the
United States. lam informed Doftor
Ru(h intends shortly to ifTue another
Pamphlet on this fub:edl, pointing out
in a clear and decided manner the causes of
its non appearance iu Philadelphia this year,
owing to an uncommonly pure and whole
some atmosphere ; I hope he will at the
fame time account for its appearance with
such malignancy in Norfolk, Baltimore and
Providence, where t'ue air must be much
the fame as iu Philadelphia. The facnefx
titing causes are to be found here this season,
as have beep attached to us for three prece
ding years. Indeed, fir, I was in hopes
the idea of yellow fever beinga native of this
country, would ere this have been relin
quiflied, even by the infatuated dost. Rufli,
and consequently byhis numerous adherents,
w 10 pin their faith so closely to his, that no
thing ftiort of a change in the do&ot's opi
nions, w>ll produce an alteration in theirs.
In my opinion the strongest ground for be'
lieving the Disease is a Foreign one, is
the Jery argument advanced by those 1
who advocate its origin here, viz. Phi- <
ladelpbia has escaped this Sea/on ; (and j
many other places in the United States ;
ar« afllidted with it) —We have efeaped
not in coqfcqnence ot a favourable change
in our atmosphere, not because our gutters
are more frequently washed and greater pre
cautions to remove filth from the flreets j
adopted, not because the common fewer*
have been cleanfcd and the dbeks emptied ;
but in consequence of the wholesome and
rigid quarantine law, executed by the Board
ot lh-alth, wh' le exer ions dtlcrve mere
than the appiobatio* of their fellow citi
zens ; men who have taken every pains in
their power ar.d spared none, to carry the
law into complete effeft, whereby to prevent
its introduction ftom abroad, cither by means
of fhippirtg or by inledttd peifons ; men ref
pe£table and indultrious and fully persuaded
that the yellow fever is not a native of the
United States : J fay such are the men who
ought to conflitute a Board of Health, and
I hope and trust none but men of those feu
timcnts will ever be placed in that office.
It is absurd indeed to appoint charafters to
execute laws which they believe to be unne>
ceflary—l know the duties are not only ar
duous but dangerous ; yet for the good of
thecity, I do moll ardently hope the present
Board of Health will agree to be coutinued
another year, the facrificts to some of them
may I e considerable, but the rtfk&ion of
having under the favour and blessings of a
kind Providence, contributed to preserve
the health of this flourifhing city, and the
exclusion from it of yellow fever, will I
hupe with the approbation of their fellow
citizens be to them a llimulating recom
pense—The fnaooth and easy (tile of Doc
tor Kufh, who is a man of considerable in
fluence, will I am afraid continue to hav«
an undue weight on the minds of many,
tending to dagger or confound them, aud
at the fame time prevent acceflary steps be
ing taken, to guard againit the introdufti
oii of the fev r Jrom the Weft Indies. Fails
are more obvious and fatisfadlory to the
hone& enqujrer than arguments, and of
.courcfc ihall be brought forward to prove the
•contagious quality of the yellow fever.
The instance in *9B of the family of John
fo:;c ax' in which fevcral who
had not been near Philadelphia died ; the
irtftances of Mr. Wallace and Mr. Pollard,
neither of wi>om had breathed the impure air
of this city, but who slept on infected beds
at taverns at that diftanceftom Philadelphia
fell vidlims to the fever in the fame year,
and it is a well authenticated fadt, that a
•veflel from Philadelph a to City Point in
Virginia, communicated the disease there,
and that twelve or more pcrfons who work
ed on board the veflel took the fever and
died ; many ut-her instances if neceflary
could be advanced to prove the yellow fever
highly coatagioAis. I believe every time it
made its appearance in Philadelph a parti
cular veflels could be traced to its introduc
tion. It is an incontrovertible faft that the
real yellow fever, has always made its ap
pearance along the wharves or near to the
Tiverand twice in the mod cleanly street in
the city, viz, Penn street, it never has sp
peared in any other than sea ports in the
United States, (except where infe£ted per
sons have removed to) many inland towns
are more favourably situated to generate
yellow fevers and less attention (hewn to
cleanlinefi, y;t it appears they are exempt.
I don't mean to pursue this fubjedt much
further at present, as I am not a medical
man my remarks are merely confined to
fa£t? obvious to most men. I feel cofinder
ably .interested in the establishment of tKe
origin of the yellow fever,believing it of the
' fir!} ; m p .rtance and dreadm t t!-e ft.- fr-r
unhappv diffcrer.ce of opio on on this sub
je&, until the point js fully established and
universally acknowledged, we may expeft to
be visited and revifitrd, with this dreadful
scourge. I fliould rejoice if Congrcfs would
take up the fubjeft and suspend a 1 inter
coure with the Weft India tflatids for fix
months fay from May i, till November I,
in next year, which I am of opinion is the
most tffe&ual method that can be adopted
ito fix the fa&, otherwise we may eternally
be disputing and quarrelling about its ori
gin and every year relaxing in our endeav
ours to prevent its introduftion. This idea
I know would meet with strong opposition,
but [ am convinced it would be attended
with much less inconvenience to the com
mercial interest than is imagined, the good
resulting would more than counterbalance
the injury to be sustained, and the other
fix months in the year make up in a great
degree for the time loft. If this measure is
not adopted, I hope the most (triift general
quarantise laws throughout tha U. States
may take place previous to the enufuing
Important to Commerce.
Extract of a letter from Halifax, Sept 8/Z>,
" Presuming that any new Orders or
InftruAions relative to American or neutral
Commerce, may be eagerly fought after by
Merchants and others engaged in such
Traffic, I have procured the original
printed mftru&ion, received per the last
Packet from England, by the Judge of the
Vice Admiralty Court for this Province ;
and herewith end fe you a correft copy,
just taken, and compared by me with the
" It may be neceff.ry further to observe,
that, while thofc Orders tend to encourage
such Commerce immediately tuith Great
Britain or Jt+elanc they will probably be
conftruced into a tait permission teharrafs
still further the trade carried on by neutrals
with the enemies of those countries —At
any rate, vessels not provided with the
Certificates mentioned in this order, will be
liable to interruption in their voyages, to be
carried into port by English cruisers, (pub
lic and private)—and probably in many
instances, will be condemned in courts of
Admiralty, where the property is net in
dubitably proved to be neutral—the bur
then of which proof will be thrown on the
"We have now lying in this hz r hor a
number of vessels with American colours
flying, sent in, under different pretexts, for
examination—l can truly fay that the fight
is very disagreeable to me, and I fincerly
wish that the two countries (Great Britain
and America) may come to a better under
standing with each other."
Gkohok R.
Instruction to our Courts of admiralty,
and ta commanders nf , u - Ships \rf
L. S. War and Privateers. Given at cur
Court at St. James's, the twelfth'
day of June, 1800, in the Fortieth
Tear of our Reign.
WHEREAS by an att palled in the pre
sent Sefiion of Parliament, intituled, An
Art to permit the importation of Goods and
Commoditiesfuom Countries in America,
belonging to any Foreign European Sove
reign or Stale, in Neutral Ships, until the
1 ivetny-n>nth day of St{.t ember, One Thou
sand Eight Hundred and One." We are
authorised to grant Licences for the Impor
tation into this Kingdom, from any Coun
try in America, belonging to any Foreign
European Sovereign or State, any Goods or
Commodities of the Growth or Produce,
whether nianufaflured or otherwifr, of any
such Country, not prohibited to be used or
consumed in this Kingdom, under certain
Rcllrittio»s, in any Ship or Vessel, belong
ing to any State ia Amity with Us ;
We *re theiefore graciously plcafed t<> di
rest, that Neutral Ships confing with such
Cargoes, under the Protection of our Special
Licences, granted under the Authority of
the laid Art, (hall not be interrupted in
their Voyages by our Cmize-rs, and Private
Ships of War, upon producing, the Licences
•so granted ; and if they should be brought
into our Ports for Adjudication, they (hall
he forthwith liberated by our Courts of Ad
miralty, upon its being (hewn that the
Cjaimants have obtained (uch Licences, and
have conformed to the Regulations prcfcri
bed therein.
By ifis Majesty's Command,
The average price of sugar in England,
computed from the returns made in the
week ending the 6th of August, is 70%
9d -J per hundred weight.
The average price of rice' computed from
the returns made for the week ending the
6th day of July, 1800, in us. 3d.3-4 per
hundred weight.
Average price of corn in England and
Wales, from the returns ending the 2d of
August, 7800. Wheat, I2\t. nd. rye,
87s. 9d bailey, 655. Bd. oats, 465. lod.
beans, 71s. 9d. peas, 735. 7d.
To the Eleßors of the City and unty of
When the present (heriff's time of office
xpires, I take the liierty to offer myfelf as
e candidate for faid,office, and solicit your
votes in my favour ; in doing which you
will confer an obligation, which will be
gratefully acknowledged by the public's
assured friend and humble servant.
Joseph Cowperthwait.
tuAf tE
Sept S
; AT a meeting of a number of Federal
citizetjs of the counties of Chester and Dels- l
ware, st Weft Chester, on Saturday the j
jo'th tf August, 1800, it was refo'.ved to ;
Fuppiirt Josf.pu Hemphill, Esquire, at
, the enftiing eleil ion for member of Congress
for said counties. 1
The c tizens of Delaware having retired, ' FORT OF PHILADELPHIA,
it was, on motion, resolved, that Thomas 1 •
Bull, Isaac Wayne, and Joseph M'C|ellan, Came up from the fort, j
Elq ires be appointed Conferrees on be- Carmelite, Weft, Baltimore
half t,f Chester county, to meet Conferrees j Fel x, Harrifon, Havanna
already appointed by the counties of Bugks j Sugars ; F. Imbtrt
1 and Montgomery, at Norriftown, the 12th ! ■ ■ Cleared,
of September next to fix upoti some (uitable Ship Berry, Cork
Federal Charader to be voted for the enfu- ! Bri g Hope, Anderfon, from Tortola,
ing eleftion, t 9 represent the diftrift in the ! all< l Brig Harriot, Sweetzer, from Charles-
Senate of Pennsylvania. , tin, bave arrived at the fort.
On motion, in was refolded, That the j Barque Patty, Snell, from hence, has ar-
Federal citizens of Chester countv be re- r '* e d at Dublin.
quested to meet at the houle of Abraham! Brig James Stuart, Maxwell, from henae,
Marftiall, in Weft Bradford, on the 30th j arrived at Cape Francois
of - eptember next, for the purpose of iaxing ' Ship Criterion, Weeks, from hence, has
on a ticket generally for said county, and aHvcd at Hambro.
that the \yhole proceeding of the day be! Ship Harry, Boyd, from hence, has ar
publifhed in Ha 1 and Selle «, Gazette, with ] at Barcelona.
a requelt to the other Federal printers of _ Brig Peggy, Cotten, from hence, has ar
thecity of Philadelphia, to publi/h the fame r ' ve< i at Cork.
in their papers tiutil the eleftion. Ship Robert, Houston, of this Port
JAMES MOORE Chairman. or Baltimore, and (hip Mohawk, We- M L.lellan, Secretary, .therbey, of and for thi> port, failed from
August 30th, 1800. Liverpool in co. with the Louisa, arrived
at Baltimore.
At a meeting of the citizens of Phila
delphia, held_purfognt to a public notice
at Mr. Dunwoody 8 Tavern on Thursday
evening the 18th September.
JOHN MlLLhß.jun. was appointed
Chairman, ;md
B. DAMS, Sec'ry.
A lift of the members proposed for the
Seleft and C mmon Councils was read,
and a number of alterations being proposed
as fubllitutes for those persons whs declinad
Whereupon, Rifolved unanimoujly, That
this meeting will fupp>rt the following
Tickets at the ensuing ele&ion for members
of the Seleft and Common Councils.
Resolved, that the names of the mem
bers of both councils, agreed upon this
evening be publiihed, together with the
names of teoie who have heretofore been
agreed upon as candidates for the several of
sices of Member of Congress, Staae Senator
and Members of Aflembly.
Francis Gurney,
Nathaniel Newlin.
William Hall
George Fox
Godfrey Haga
Samuel W. Fisher
John Bleakley
H. K. Helmuth.
SeleS Council.
Henry Pratt
William Poyntell
William Dawfon
Thomas Parker
Andrew Bayard
Common Ctuntil.
Robert Ralfton
John Morrell
George Krehs
Isaac Snowden, jirn.
George Dougherty
Kearney Wharton
Jacob Crefsler
Malcom M'Donald
Pascal Hollingfworth
Timothy Paxfon
William Young
Jacob Lawerfwyler
Jonathan W. Ccndy
Charles W. Hare
John Carrol
Daniel Smith
Lawrence Herbert
Alexander Henry
Thomas P. Cope
James Milnor.
Resolved, "*
That the following gentlemen who were
appointed a co-rmittee t» correspond with
our Federal friends, and to pursue such
measures as may be found advifeable to pro
mote the Federal interest, at the ensuing continued for the fame purpose
William Rawle
Levi Hollingfworth
John lnfkeep
Robert Wharton
Joseph Hopkinfon
John Hallowell, and
Thomas Fitzimmons.
JOHN MILLER, Jun. Chairman.
At a refpe&ablc meeting of the Federal in
habitant of the county of Philadelphia,
at the honfe of Joseph Hart, in the Nor
thern Liberties, on Wednesday, the 17th
of September—
Resolved, That a meeting of the citizen*
of the county of Philadelphia, who are
friends to the Federal Government, be held
at James Hart's tavern, at the three mile
run, on the' German townroad, on Thursday
the 25th day of September, at 3 o'clock
in the afternoon, for the purpose of nomi
nating those persons whom they will fuppsrt
ac the next general election for the different
offices of government.
By order of the meeting.
RICH. PETERS, jun. Sec'ry.
At the Office of the Gazette of the United
July 6
t r ■ \
Gazette Marine Lift,
►T?" THE Letter Bag of the (hip Tho
mas, Wyllefton, for Liverpool will be la
ken from the Coffee House on Tuesday
exening next.
NEW YORK, September 23.
No arrive!; at this bortyesterday*
c 9.T rge * i akw »y»» Havanna
Schr. Three Sifters, Ncrrife, Halifax
Americana, Pei rce , Demarara
The ship New York arrived at Liverpool
in 35 days ; fell in with two French priva
teers and treated politely.
The brig Sally, Coffin, arrived at Li
verpool on the 7th August in forty-nine
The ship Hope, Phelps arrived at Bris
tol sth August, in forty-two days.
From Loyd's li t of 'Hugu:t I.
Arrived, at Gravefend, the Adventure,
Dobfon, New York ; Argo, Howland,
CharleUon ; Rebecca, Roftou, Savannah ;
Amelia, , Svannah ; Minerva, Ell
ford, failed for Charlelton.
Arrived"at Plymouth, Three' Sifters, Mur
phy, New York j Hind, , Savan
Arrived at Falmouth, Fame, Rogers,
Baltimore ; Catharine, Moore, Virginia,
bound to Hotterdam ; Juno, Owen, do.
do ; Richardlon, , Virginia, bound to
Arrived at Liverpool, Venm, Jamefon,
Boston ; Sally. Coffin, New Yo>kj Fell*
city, , Bahrtjiurc ; New ¥mk,
New York ; Mars/George, Philadelphia ;
Suffolk, Whipple, New York ; Belvidere,
Rofs, Baltimore.
Arrived at Bristol, Roba and Betsey,
S Virginia ; Hope, Phelps, N. Y.
Araived at Dover, Rebecca, Howard,
Savannah ; Adventure, Dobfon, N. Y.
Arrived at Clyde, Malvina, Cbriftie,
Charlcfton : Mary, Linn, do.
Arrived at Dublin, Patty, Soell, Phila
celphia ; Felicity, Read, Baltimore.
Arrived at Cork, Cornelia, Ochterlong,
Virginia ; Polly, Sorrel, Philadelphia ;
Henry, Emberton, Baltimore.
Arrived at Hamburgh, , Rogers N.
York; Wakes, Philadelphia.
Arrived at Cadiz, Rover, Hoflcjl, Boston.
The Iris, Barnard, from New York to
Bristol, was taken 20th July, by a French
privateer, and carried into France.
Extraft from the Log Book, of the (hip
Wednesday Augult 13, pafled through
the Downs, (poke the (hip A&ive, Captain
M'Dugal, lyintr there, of and from Phila
delphia, he had been chafed by a French
privateer for sixteen hours and escaped in
the night.
Tkurfday August 26, latitude 46, 16,
N. loagtitude 33, 50, W. spoke (hip Brif
fis. Captain Anthony HarS of New York,
and )>nundto do. from Liverpaol., out 16
days, all well.
' Wednesday September 10, latticude 43,
12. N. longtitude 33, 00. W. spoke the
{hip Betsey, of Portsmouth, N. H Jufeph
M Salter, matter, forty five daysfrotb Li
verpool, bound to Wilmington, [N C.)
who had the day before in a heavy gale of
wind carried away fore and main mast heads
close to the rigging all above which they
loft in clearing the wreck. Captain Salter
came on board us, and said he ltoed in need
only of some fait provifioni, which we sup
plied him with. He had several storage
paflengers, and made a considerable quanti
ty of water.
i ~
e BALTIMORE, September 2,2.
y Arrived,
c Ship Fame, Lord, 90 day» St. Sebaflians
- and 14 from Bermuda.
1 On the Bth August was takeivby a French
' brig of 14 guns and 100 men, froro Guada
loupe that took the owner of the veflVl and,'
all the men from on ,board, and replaced
■ them with a prize mailer and ten and
a Gentlfman that had been uken in a vefTel
belonging to Norfolk, who with myfelf on
the 9th, retook her and put intoiß. rmudas
for a crew and pro«ifions.
Barque JEolus, Hendrickfon, 73 days
Bremen. Left there, the fliip Olive, capt.
Strafford, of Baltimore, to fail in eight days.
Ship Liveipool,
B"g J'no, R x iurgh, of Bjl*»ir/oiß failed
ten days before us, and the ship Almy, Snow
of do. fiyed ivs. 1 hefo V*vhig vefiels fail
ed with the Loufai)
Ship Robert, Hu ft n, of ai d for Baltimore."
Apollo, Trufton, of and fnr do.
Montezuma, Philips, of do for Madeira.
Mohawk, Weatherby, of do. far Phi
; Felicity, Read, of do. (or Dublin.
L ft there Uie ships George VVafhifljrton,
Sampfqn ; Carlisle, Gibfon ; ard Rebecca,
Folgvr, to fail in fix days for B.iltimare.
Spoke nothing'on the p .sTage but the
English frigate Minerva, who boarded and
treated us politely.
BOSTON, September 16.
Arrived fliip Aftrea, Prince, Manilla, one
of the Philippine Islands, held by the
'P aQ r
iTn, )h a 177 days passage. Was boarded
by a Briti/h Privateer, and .well treated.
?hip Recovery, Phillips, Calcutta, via
Salem ■
Ship Packet, Trott, Liverpool, 39 days.
Left there the Sarah for Newburyport, to
fail augull 15 ; Washington of Portland,
ior Charleston, do—America, for Boftoa
august 14 ; Venus do 27 ; John and Phebe,"
of Caftine, do 24 ; Madifom and Hibernia,
do. fitft wind ; Magiftrete, Kenncbcck; do.
Merchant, Portland unknown Sept. 16*
off Cape Ann, spoke the Sarah, from Liv
erpool for Boston.
Brig ICaty, Homer, Havanna ; Union,
Wales, do.
Sehr. Elizabeth, Rakeftraw Halifax, 6
days, Saw the Cleopatra going in with a
VeflTsls lately sent into Halifax —sloop
Louisa, Millward, from Charleston to St-
Sebaltians. by the Cleopatra, ; ftiip Mary,
1 add, from Curacoa for N. York, by the
Pheasant ; Lydia, from Charleston,
for the Havannah. by the Andromache ;
sloop Brothers, from Charleston for the
H;:vannah; by do. ; brig Columbia, from
Charleftnon for tht Havannah, by the Cle
opatra ; f:hr. Sukey from Harannah, for
Salem, by do
Condemned ; the Amcr'can fhiji Brutus,
and brig Sally, with their cargoes.
The U. Ihip Warren, Lieut prout,
commander, lad from Quarantine. All in
health on board.
S'lip Sarah, Gray, Liverpool, 50 days.
Paflengers, Mr. and Mrs; Worthington.
august 11, lat. 48. long 28, spoke the
Washington, 34 days from Baltimore for
Brig Ruthy, Dublin, 5 2 days*
Paflengers, Mr. and Mr*, parrow Sept.
1, lat. 44 12 long 48 spoke a fchr. from
MarbUbead for B lboa ; and a (hip from
Alexandria for Liverpool ?ept. 7, lat 44
20 long 57 spoke and armed (T»ip 53 days
from Liverpool ; it is feared {he went on
shore in a gale which succeeded,
An American brig arrived in the Cove
of Cork July 28.
The Prince Ertieft Packet was to fail
from England, for Halifax and New-York,
the fcrana weelc in august-
The Rebecca, front Savanna, paCed
Gravcfend mguft 5.
To the Pilots of the Bay and
River Delaware.
THAT aijre ably to Directions of the
B;>ard of He*hh that they " br ng the vessels
to, which thry may have ch rge of, before
th&Lizaretto, after the firfl of next month
as heretofore, until otherwise dire&ed.
Mr.fbr Warden of ihe Port f i : hiladelphra.
Warden's Office, Sept. 22, 1800.
George Davis,
N». 319, High-Street,
Per Adrian* from London,
A few Trunks and Cases of 4 4, 7 8 k 3-4
Irifli Linens,
Gentlemen'?, Youth: , and Boys, Fine
Which he will lell on mode rat; '.erms, at
a reafonnble credit,
september 24
Al , VIE Wi vr.
0? THE
American Revolution,
In Nineteen Difoourfes.
Ry the
Rev. Jonathan Boucher, A. M. F. A. S.
Price 2 Dollars 50 Cents.
July 30.
The Frenchman,
WHO refufed to give up a STTLEN
POINTER DOG when demanded of
him on Wednesday morning last about seven
o'clock, by the servant of the owner, at the
corner ef Arch and Sixth streets, is defirsd
:o fend him to the office of this Gazette, or di
ligent search will be mad* after him, and he
will be prosecuted as the thief. The Dog i«
white, excepting a yellow spot on his back, one
fellow ear, and two or three yellow spots in
*is forehead—the other ezr is speckled—he is
■'»ry poor and hip (hot. An lianJf me reward
will be given for the dog, and Five Dollars on
:onviftion of the thief. The Frenchman is a
all thin man, of a complexion v ry !ark, and
Ireffed in black clothes (excepting a firiped blue
ind wh'te gingham coatee) —He was seen with
he dog in company with a short fat man, ia
lace near Seventh street, on Sunday afternoon
aft. U>
• Jimiff J ill*
s /