Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, September 24, 1800, Image 1

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    NuMSFIi 1494.^
pCf* The price of this Gazette is Eight
Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay
one Dollar additional, for enclosing and ef
fecting 1 and unlesstsome person in this city
it)ill become answerable for the subscription,
»'t must be paid Six Months in Advance.
*„* No Subscription will be received for
a shorter term than six months.
December 1 1799.
Fnm Siptmiir 17 —1» Sifhmin >4.
■lO ■ VAtll,
Just Received,
By the late arrival: here, and at New-Tori,
Lorain & Son,
No. 5, North Thfrd Street.
An elegant alignment of Chintzes »ad.C«licoes,
English Satins, Preatongs, Modes, Sar£net«. and
Lureflrings ; Dimities, Bobbins, Coatingi, Flan
nels, Booking Baoz'es, Broad-Cloths,Swandowns,
Double-mill'd DrabsWorfled Yarn and Cotton
Hosiery ; PI in Forest Cloths
Also on Hand,
Low-priced and fine India tnuflins, IriCh and
quadruple linens, Ger man D' wlas, ribbons India
Catiß<,lutftring», and fortfhsn*<».mill'd yarn plovei,
ivory and horn c >mhs, fadlety, and a variety ®f
Ironmongery, and fesforable
dry goods.
To be Sold, or Bartered,
For DRY Gt)OD3, a Handl'ome Three
With Piazza and Kitchen adjoining, fituat* in
Vine near Fourth Sereet, built in modern style
"with excellent materials, an J well calculated to ac
commodate a Urge family.
S'pt. 2t
Horses & Phaeton.
AVAIR of wcH broke, found HarTes, and a
handsome Phaeton, for Tale at Thomas Allen*!
LmryftaMe, in 6th near Arch streets.
feptember 13 d6t
No t to S,
Ebcnezer Large,
200 boxes fliort pipes
ioitable for the Spaiiifli Market.
9 mo. 13th, 1800 yir
Charles Marftiall
No. 46, Cbesnut Strett,
Per brig Liberty, capt Henderf>n, from Amiler-
and other arrivals,
A quantity of the following article", which they
fell for calb, or the usual credit—
Antimon crud Ol Anifi
Arsenic alh Juniper
Sac faturni Suceini
Vitriol alb Rbo.lii
Borax Camphor
Opium Ooecinnclla
Annate Gum Benzoin
, McrcDulc Arabic
Proecip rub Myrrh ..
Corios sub Kino
Sal G aubcr "A ("Manna flak
Rad (jertian | & | Com
fb'sislphitr {< J Liquorice ball
Sweet oil f y ] Cort Peru slav
Sem anifi ' 7. ' lu ' >
Rheubarb J"" L
And a quantity of
, Shop furniture, surgeon« inftruinents, patent
medicines, &c.—Medicine cherts, aod orJtrj, from
the cotmtry, put up on moderate terms.
feptembcr 13 w 3 W
Houses to Let:
ONE large convenient thtee-ftory Brick
D welling-Houfe, with four room» on a
floor, and two Kitchens ; there is a pump
of water, and a rain water cistern in the
yard ; situate on the east fide of Fourth-
Street, one door above Race-Street, lately
occupied by Solomon Moroohe.
A convenieut Three Story
Next door, but one, north of the above,
No, 57. It has a Pump and Ciflern in
the yard, fee. For terms apply at No. 116
August f, Sep. 16 m&wtf
Gazette oj the United States, & Daily Advertiser.
TO wit :
BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the ®td day
of August, in the 25th year of tho Indepvn
deuce of the United States of America, William
Young, (B.oMelltr,) of the fiid Dittria.hath
deposited in this Office, the title of a Book, the
right whereof he claims as proprietor ; in the words
following, to wit.
•' Unsays on Political Society."
IN CONFORMITY to the ad of the Con
grefs of the United States, intituled" An
A<ft for the encouragement of learning,
[sea c.] by fccuring the copies of Maps, Charts
and Bowks to the Authors and Propri
etors of such copies during the times
therein mentioned "
H. M
7 I
8 3
9 S
10. 3
- 10 57
11 47
o 13
>fy/) fOR SALE Br
6 » f 58
6 3 5 J 7
6 i 5 j6
- 6 6 j 54
- 6 7 S Si
6 8 j ji
O 10 5 J°
200 lbs. Mace, 1 c r ■
400 lbs. Nutmegs, J * fu P er,or V" 1 "?-
Jamaica Spirits, 4th proof,
Do.. Sugar of the firft quality,
Holland Gin in pipes,
Port-au-Prince Molafles—and
30 Tierces Rice.
R. isf K. have also on bbnd. for sale,
Hyson, 7
Young Hyson, & j. TEAS, v
Souchong j
Co£niac Brandy, ill & 4th proof,
Sherry Wine in quarter calks, very nic#,
50,000 Spanish Segars,
And a Variety of other
August 26 eo tf
A Nfi CO.
No. 39, North Front Street,
Ironmongery, Sadlery, Cutlery, Brass and >
Japan'd Wares, j
6d 8d tod lid and aod flat point nails,
German Steel,
Hats alTorted in cases,
Piflols, guns and flints, &c.&c-
September n. dim
The House,
LATELY occupied by the Chevalier
D'Yrujo, Spanllli Ambassador, will be
let out to an approved person er family, on
easy conditions. It is Urge, commodious
and ekgant, with coach-house and fla'oles
Enquire at No. 100, Spruce fireet.
Arch Street, No. 94.
July 23. eodtf.
~pHAT Handsome and healthy COUNTRY
SEAT, called Laurel Lodge, the late
refidefice of Thomas Rutter, Esq. filiate in
Po:ts Grove, M ntgomcry County, thirty-l'X
milo! from Philadelphia, containg about 10b
acres, twenty as which ire ptime woodland,
fifteen excellent watered meadow, the residue
divided in arable lots. On the premises are a
large handsome Brick House and adjoining build
ings, ccntaitig two parlours, a large din:(ig
ro>m, and a Hall, twelve feet wide, by forty
long, a large ki chen, wafhhonfr with apa/np
of excellent water in it, fix handsome chambers,
two ftorc-roomt, four garret tham <-rs pliiftered
and a gram room over the arij ining budding,
a double spring house, with a fm<Hce houl* over
the fame, within fife v yards of the kitchen—l he
spring, in the dried season never known to low
er in the leaf!, *nd from which the pieadov* is
watered; a garden rontiitimg abou'iur.e acre,
(locked with the mod delicious fruiti, such as
peaches, plumbs, cherries, pears, raib:rries, &c.
several alpiragus beds its great ptrfetfion. AMo,
a young bearing appletree orchard,•containing
several hundied trees, thelrujt fele&ed fromdif
frent parts ot the United States, a large conveni
ent barn with t threlhing.njor, with commodi
ous /tabling for ind cows, carriage and
houjes, grrin room, &c. Alfojurtdry out build
ings, conii/Hag of a lifge frame piultry-houfe
and corncrib, &c- Alio, a tenant's honfe, gar
den and flable,and a pump of excellent water
belosging to the fame.
f he firuatian of P«!ts Grove is remarkably
healthy, --eguarly supplied wi h Butcher's meat
and poultry in abufKlahcs, to be purchased at a
low rate, and the Schuylkill affjrds a plentiful
fuppiy of excellent fifh. Two grid mills in the
rear of the town. Perhaps few country towns
in Petinfylvania, are more rapidly improving,
or have more loeal advantages than Potts
Grove. The several places of pub(ic wor/hip,
the lilubrity of the air, genteel focii-ty, and
cheapness ot living, are among the few advan
tages it pofleffes.
Any perfoa wifiling to view the premises,
will plrafe to apply to Mr. Wm. POTTS,
in Pottfgrove, and for terms te the fubferi
ber, in Philadelphia.
WHO is about taking his departure from
hence to the Well Indies, wh«re he in
tends to reside, will undertake to tranfail busi
ness on the most reasonable terms for Mer
chants who may be inclined to intruli him with
their commands.
He would likewise wlfh to be concerned with
a pcrlon of rel'peflability here, who may be de
sirous offuch a connexion.
Apply at No. 116, North Front St.
A-g it. eodiw<[
Clerk of the District of Pennsylvania.
feptember 18 »uw4w.
Just Received,
To be Sold
J o hn clement stocker.
Sept. 19 2awtif.
By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Eront-ftreet.
THE following property belonging totheTruf
tees of the Agg.cgate Fund, provided for the
payment of certain creditors of Edward Fox
and James Greenltaf.
On Monday ibe f>tb Qctbher inst.
PART of the property of said fund, in the City
of WaftitHgton, that now is rendered clear of
every incumbrance, v.ill be expo/ed at Public
Au&ion at Tanfiiclifl Tavern, amongst which are
the following valuable fituatio», viz. n Lots in
square N». 973, » lots in square 574, 15 lots in
jquare N» 995, 1 lot» in square south of fqturi
1019, 19 lots in square 1010,1 lot in square lose
1 lot in square 1021, 7 lots in square 1043 4 lot
in square 10*4, 3 lots in square 1045, 3 lo i in
square 1046, 9 lots in square 1047, i» lots in
square 1048, with funjry others, aavantageoufiy
situated in various parts of the citr. Alio the »
llory frame houfc no v.' occupied hy Mr Deblois,
beautifully situated (with an extensive view of sev
eral miles down the Potomdc) on the south east
corner of square 973, fronting 42 fiqt on 11 street
east, and 41 feet on south G street; a commodious
Kitchen with an oven, &c. adjoining the south
front. A large frame stable, carriage hoofe and
hay loft 50 feat by 15, and a pun,p of excellent
water near the back door of the kitchen, the lot
extending9l feet on 11 street, and 139 feett inch
in G street, comprizing lots Nos. 1, », 3, and part
of 31, in the registered division of the fqttare.
The sales will commence at the said ttvera at ten
O'clock in the forenoon.
The terms one fourth cafti, one fourth in fix
months, when a deed will he given, the remain-*
ing moiety in two years, paymen' to be secured
by bond and mortgage. But the creditors in the
ahove fund, may in lieu of mortgage feciire pay
ment of their bonds by depafri oi certificates f
the truAees at the rate of five fiuliingi 111 the poand,
to the amount fecurcd and fticuld a dividend take
place before the expiradou ot the two years, it
will'be set off against the bond, and the certifi
cates returned in the fame propsrtion.
Thomas W. Francis
John Miller, jun.
John Afhley
Jacob Baker.
Aagull 4.
On Fifth Day the gth of Oftobcr, on the
premises, The
And Plantation :
SITUATK pa-1 in iJrandywine township, anj
part In Wercfcland, about 30 miles from Phi
ladi lphia,and one and an hall mile from the Turn
pit l road, anil Downing'J town i containing
absut 330 acrct., wich allowance of 6 acres per
too ; two third* of the land is good woodland,
some excelle nt meadow mu'.e, and much more
can be made of the firft quality; the forge it
turned by the main branch cf Brar.'ywine Creek,
a forcible Stri am, the Jarge has three fires an J
two hammers all in good repair. The dam being
found and well backed, and apparantly able to
rcfift any frefn (not fupernitural,) Likewif.' there
is another lively stream and current of water, tha:
empties into ihe fa id daw, that might be v ry con
venient for a Grift Mill, or . other kind of water
works, might be with lacility cr*sted; there is a
good twe-llory stone dwelling house for the ac
commodation of the proprietor of the works, with
an excellent spring and good house over it; con
tiguous to the door also convenient (tone stabling-,
with an entry through the middle fufficient t»
accommodate three teams, befidts haakney hnri'e ;
contiguous to-the forge stan.!i a good stone office,
and a number of convenient houfee for tha work
man is erected amply adequate for thj said work -
If not then fold it will he rented for a term cf
years Terms and conditions made known by
applying to
WILLIAM EVANS, in Willistown,
or JOHN MARSHALL, in fhorr.
bury Township.
N. 6. The Sale ts commence at 1 o'clock on
faitl day.
Aug. 5
Reserved Trafts,
ON Wednesday the ift day of Oflobcr next,
books -vill be open in the Office of the Sub
scriber, rcfiding in Franklin, for the fa!e of the'
Reserved Trails, laid out by virtue ot an aft ot
AlTembly pafled the nth of April, 1799. —
One fifth part of the purchase money to be p lid
at the time »f sale, one fifth part witkin twelve
months from the day of sale, one fifth part within
two years from, and the remaining two
fifth parts at er befo.-e the expiration o: thrct
years after filch sale Nc contrail to be confirm
ed foi; fifteen days after the said books (hall be o
pened, and the highell price offered within that
time will be actfeptid. All payments made will
be forfeited unless the purchaser within three years
from the day of sale makes an aftual settlement
on the tra& purchased, by cleafing, fencing, and
•ultivating at lead two acres for every fifty con
tained in the survey, and crefl thereon a mes
suage far the habitation of man, and reside there
on t«r the space of five years Beit following the
firft settlement of the fame. No patents to iflue,
unless fatisfafkury proof shall be made of such
a&ual settlement, relidenee, and improvement.
Franklin, July 18, 1800.
augull 8, dAw.
r "pHE owners of unimproved lands in Wayne
* county, ate hereby notified, that Taxes are
become payable thereon for the years 1799 and
1800. Those who have not already paid their
taxes, re hereby required to discharge the fame
to JOHN BRINK, Esquire, Treasurer »f said
C'ounty at Milferd, within three months from
this date .otherwise proceedings to sale, ac-cording
to the aS of Afiembly in fuch 1 cafe-provided, will
e had by the Commillioners for the said county.
Asa Stemon, ~i
John Carton, > Commissioner?
Jtbannes Fan Etten, J
£* Qk*
July 9,1500 4 sot
For Sale,
,EY, Agent.
3««w t«
City Commiflioner's Office,
Philadelphia, Aug. 26th, 1800.
IN pu*fuance of an Ordinance of the Seled and
Common Councils, paiTed the ud day of IVlay
(in writing)
Will be received by the City Cornmiflioners, until
the thirtieth day of September next, for renting on
Leafcs, for one year, to commerne on the first day
of January next, the following public property of
the ciry, viz.
1. The Wharf and Landing on Vine Street.
а. ditto on SalT,ifras do.
3 Ditto on Mulbnry do.
4. The Wharves and Landings o* High and Chef
nut street«.
$. Ditto on Walnut street, the Drawbridge,
Spruce, Pine and Cedar streets, including the
Filh House.
б. The Cellar under the City Hall.
Applications may be left with either of the
Commiflioners, or with their clerk, at No. 63,
Cherry Street. / eotioS
Opposite Christ - ChurcK,
English Papers
Philadelphia, Aug. 6.
To Printers.
The fo!l«wihg MATERIALS will bp fold
reasonable if applied for immediately.
1 PreTsj
5 Founts Long-Primer (partly worn)
2 ditto Small-Pica ou Pica body,
2 dittb Pica,
1 ditto Englilh,
2 ditto Brevier,
i ditto Burgeois,
Several pair of Chafes, several composing
flicks, frames and galleys, some bral'3 rules,
Quotations, See. See. £u: all of the above
will be fo'd very reasonable for Ca(h.
September 8.
Of tie Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVING procured a fufficitnt number of
the mod approved European GJafs Manu
fu<sWers, and having on hand a large stock of
thebeft Materials, «-n which their workmen arc
now employed, have the pleasure of afluring
the public, that window glass of a furperior qua
lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 14
ip.hrs, carefully packed in boxes containing
100 feet ea h, may be had at the (horteft notice.
G at of larger lizes for other purpofej, may
also be hatl, such as for pidlures, coach glades,
clock faces, &c. Bottles of all kinds and of any
quantity may also be had, together with pocket
flalks.picklingjars, apothecary's shop furniture,
or other hullow ware—the whole at least 2; per
cent, lower than articles of the fame quality
brought from any of the sea ports of the United
States. A liberal allowance will be made en
sale of large quantities. Orders from merchants
ind others will he punctually attended to on ap
plication ta JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC
CRAIG, or at the Store of Meflrs. PRATHER
andSMILIE, in Maiket-Street, Pittlburgb.
March 4, 'uthtf.
And to be Sold by
No. I*6, south fide Market Street,
Reports of Cases
Argued and determined in the
(grk at-britain)
commenced with
Tire flight Honorable WILLIAM SCOTT,
Mitbaelmas Term I 798.
By Charles Rofcinfon, LL. D. Advocate.
Volumk I.—Part L
Thrfe B «port will be c nfiuued regularly;
The fttmd Part which coiacludes this Volume is
now 10 the press, and will be publ'ilhed with all
the expedition poflible,
August 11.
Candidates for the Navy.
AND others, who are desirous of becoming
acquainted with the following very eff.nthl
improvements in Navigation, viz—The method
of finding the Latitude by a tingle altitude of the
fun at any hour of the day and of afccrtaining
both Latitude and Longitude at once by a Celes
tial observation, the Lunars, and new forms of
journals for Clips of war, with additional colHmns
may hear of a person ready to inflruft them at
their apartmenis, who has compendsof the above
so Amplified by explanations of figures, marginal
references, &c- that they may be uudcr ood in a
few days ) by applying at No. 93, south Second
firect, eppofite the City-Tavern
H« engages to teach Navigation (the common
method of keeping a journal at f«a) in 6 days.
He has taught the Mathematics, French lan
guage, &c. for many years in different univer
fities, and Clips of war, to which he has been
regularly appointed—He has also had confidcrabie
practical experience in lurveying and book-ketp
ing ; in which he gives puvate lectures.
His terms are low and accommodating.
He will open
A Marint nd Commercial
On Monday the Bth of September, at an
elegant and fpaclous Room in Harmony
Court, (opposite No. 74, louth Fourth
' Itreet.)
JtZF" The business oj an Agent and > In
.terpreter faithfully transacted.
August 75 «odds.
To Printers.
WAN TED—in Exchange,
yV, FOUNI ot Long Primer, weighing 6
or 700 lb. or upwards, *nd a Fount of
Breeier, weighing 400 lbs. or upwsrda.
September 2.
French Tuition,
Professor of the French Lariguage^
HAS the honor of informing his Fellow-Citi
zens of Philidclphia, that he will open hit
School on Monday the 14th ol September, at No.
S> south Fifth (Irect, and divide his hours of ia
ftruflion irj the following manner.
Attepdanqe on Ladies and Gentlemen, at their
own hsufes, will be given as usual, from 9
o clock in the m».-ning till a in the afternoon.
Hisalternoon and evening school will begin
(every other day) from 4to 6, and from 6 till 9.
Tratjflations from either language into the
other, performed with accuracy, elcgnnce' fecie
cy and dispatch.
N.B—Nicholas G. Dufiei-, rcfpeafully in
vites the Ladies and' Gentlemen, ambitious to
learn the French, to agree with some of their
friends or acquaintances, desirous of receiving lel'-
lons in that universal and improved language, to
meet at th_- fame hour and place for mutual in
ftruiSlion—they may be allured it will be to their
to do so, if they peruse with attemioa
the following.—
To tie Lovers of the French Language.
.IN an age when fuccefsful efforts have been
made towards the improvemeut of lit art of Think
an J wh;'n Analyjii has been discovered the
umverla!, and iolc good method to improve all
fcieiice»/,«nd revive iiutrudion in them, it may
be a matter of atiomfhment that it has not been
yet generally , mbraced,and rendered the familiar
method of learning. The extraordinary rife and
progrefsof Chymillry, within a very few years,
are entirely due t« analysis; but there is an art on
which it lhould have firft darted its beneficial rays,
1 allude to the 'Teaching of I.angvages. la fa&, Na
ture, this excellent analyfl, wa. before our «ye»
guiding children in learning the language of their i
mother, and .110 ahild ever failed in acquiring it,
profiting furprifiMgly by her unerring lessons
Fully convinced by tea'oh and experience, thit
the lame method she pursues fhonld he followed as
neaily as poOihle, I adopted, in (;hc courts of my
inflru&ions, such books ellaMiHicd on principles
that lead deviate 1 from her simple di&ates. I soon
perceived that the method acquired from thefeaid*
was but a very inegular and imperfeft Analysis
—l,therforc, rcfolved though with a very small
confidence in my (lender abilities, but an Hunted
with zeal lor the improvement of these who may
wish tr> learn' French from me, to undertake the
laborious and arduous talk of writing a work,groun
ded or Analytical principle, which miflit com
prehendwhat is wifhedf»r by thofeapplying them
selves to the study of . the living languages, end
am happy to fay, I have now nearly concluded it.
It confittt.qf three parts
The first, 19 acholen Votabulary of words most
frsquently «fed infpeech, containining I,soo—the
most natural acceptation of each is determined by
a phrase prefixed to it.
The second, contains the French verbs, both re
gular and irregular, from a new fjstem in which
the principal difficulties attending conjugation arc
first explained, and observations giv?n on the use
of each fenfe,-illustrated by proper examples, fa
as to enable the learner to exprel* himfelt with
The third, is a complete list of those words fir
•vant delicti ou de complement defens entre let autres parclct
du dfcours: that is to fay—/irraiof the link or comple
tion of sense between the other parts of fpeecb, whole
principal use is to eitablilti in I'peech that connedti
,on between words, which already exists in the
mifid between ideas. 1 haw also fully determined
' the sense and acception of these important words
(which are divided into appropriate claftes to fix
them the easier in the memory) by annexing to
each examples in French and English.
Aa Ido not intend to publish the above,for some
time, and in order, nevertheless, that my pupils
may reap the fame advantage without it, I hasten
to inform those who may be induced to put them
selves under my care, that half the time ofi'chool
(the hall being devoted to other exercises)
will be employed m exercising them in the fol
lowing manner:—
We firit btjjiu with the Vocabulary; each word
of which will be pronounted in Englilh then ia
French, to be repeated by one or more of the fcho •
lars; and a similar.repetition of the phrases before
mentioned will follow.
It is worthy of obfe-vation, that in our infan
cy, and as we advance in years, We learn the pro
nounciation of our vernacular tongue, by pro
nouncing word by word; and Analogy accomplic
es what remains to be done, in order to acquire
the ndceffaty knowledge of it. The rules given
by Grammarians to attain this objeA are ainost
useless to us, and still more so to the foreigners,
struggling in vain to learn the true pronunciation
of a iauguage with the help of diitionaries and
Grammar alone. Though I conceive my scholars
may attain in the above manner, the accurate
pronouncia'ion of the French language, yet striil
attention is paid to their reading in approved au
thors before we begin the foregoing excrcifcs.
I will pursue nearly the sam .' method in impart
ing to them the «ont»nts of the two other divisions
of my work. I cannot conclude this address with
out thanking my Fellow-Citizen* for the liberal
encouragement I have experienced from them,
thefs (ix years past, in my profeffional career,pre
fumir.g that I may be permitted to fay, that I have
not been altogether undeserving of it.
September s. dit law 2w
To Gentlemen Farmers.
DECLINING farming, wiii effVr at puh'V
file on his Plantation, o;ip: Cite Ncv'joM'"*
Iflar,d on the Delaware, within twi mites of
Bordentown, state of New-Jtrfer, '»n Saturday,
13th September next at a o'clock, fi'u flo:k of
Horses, Cattle (mostly fat) an about tight y
Sheep, fourteen of which are Rams. Th» prin
cipal part of both Ewes and Kam» are a'n excel
lent hreed His plantation he will hold for !~le
till next fprinp, when if rot (old it will '*
rented. Terim of fa'e made known at the-
August 30.