Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, September 23, 1800, Image 3

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    (natters have, however, been adjafted, by a
lctteufrom his majesty ; and miuifters, to
gether with the maftcrs of the ceremonies,
having arranged every thing in their ref
peftive departments, the ambaflador will
on Thurfdayfet off for Yarmouth where he
will embark for Cuxhaven ; takiug-with him
the regret ofallperfons in this country by
■whom he is known, and which regret iaen
creifed by the dangerous responsibility at all
times, but particularly the present, of the
high oflic* to which it is faij he is to be
The Paris papers of the 7th inclusive, re
ceived yesterday, are filled with conjectures
of an immediate peace with the emperor, and
some of them even intimate a belief that the
preliminaries are already concluded. Duroc,
the confidential friend and firft adjutant of
Buonaparte, (and whom he had fuccefsfully
employed in a nogociation at Berlin) is said
is accompanying the Count St. Julien to Vi
enna, to be empowered to adjuit some mat
ters which were objeftionable to the Imperial
Cabinet. In confirmation of this opinion, a
paragraph is extradted from a letter from
Wefel,dated July 25th,which fays: "The
Baron de Dohm, the Pruflian minilter, who
presides in the Congress of the German States
included within the line of neutrality, the
deputies of which are aflembled at Hildefhe
ira, has just announced that the supplies for
the obfervation, which protests the
north of Germany, mud not be extended
beyond three month, as there is every reason
to hope, that by that period, peace luill be re-
Jlored to Europe."
The account of the detention of the Danish
frigate and her convoy, was on the 6th com
municated by the Telegraph to Paris, where
it is said, Denmark, though goaded by Ruilia
and Sweeden, is averse to take any step a
gainst England, from the apprehension of
her eastern possessions.
The objeft of the expedition which failed
from Portsmouth on Wednesday, and com
prised about 10,000 soldiers, continues to
be, as it ought, a profound secret. Every
thing that distinguished gallantry can atchieve
may be expe&ed from ihem.
Admiralty Office, Augujl 9.
Copy of a letter from Earl St. Vincent, K.
B. Admiral of the white, &c. to Evan
Nepean Esq. dated on board his Majes
ty's ship Royal George, at sea, on the
4th instant.
I did not think the enterprize of Sir Ed
ward Hamilton or of Capt. Campbell could
have been rivalled, until I read the inclosed
letter from Sir Edward Pillew, relating the
defparate service performed bythe ailing lieu
tenant Coghian, of the Viper cutter, which
has filled me with pride and admiration; and
although the circumstance of his not having
completed his time in his majesty's navy ope
rates at present again ft his receiving the re
ward he is most ambitious of obtaining, I am
persuaded the Lords Commiflioners of the
Admiralty will do all in their power to con
folc him under his severe wounds, and grant
him promotion the moment he is able to re
ceive it. I am, £ir, &c.
St. Vincent.
Impeiueux, Palais Road, 1800.
My Lord
I have true pleasure in dating to your lord
ship the good condudl of Lieutenant Jeremiah
Coghlan, to whom for former gallant beha
vior, you had given an a£ling commifTion to
command the Viper cutter, from this (hip.
This gallant youpg man, when watching Port
Louis, thought he could fuccecd in boarding
fomctjf the cutters or gun vefTels which have
been moving about the entrance of that har
bour, and for this purpose he intreated a ten
oared cutter from me, with twelve volunteers ;
and on Tuesday night the 29th inft. he took
this boat, widi Mr. Silas H. Paddon, Mid
shipman and fix of his men, making, with
himfelf, twenty, and accompanied by his own
boat and one from the Amethyst, he deter
mined upon boarding a gun brig mounting
three long 24 pounders, aud 4 fix pounders,
full of men, moored with springs on her ca
bles, in a naval port of difficult access, within
pistol (hot of three batteries, surrounded by
fcveral armed craft, and not a mile from a
74 and two frigates bearing an admirals flag.
Undismayed by such formidable appearances,
the early discovery of his approach, (for they
were at and the loft aid of the two
other boats he determined bravely to attack
alone, and boarded her on the quarter; but
unhappily, in the dark, jumping into a trawl
net hung up to dry, he was pierced through
the thigh by a pike, and several of his men
hurt, and all knocked back into the boat.
Unchecked in ardor, thsy hauled the boat
•further ahead, and again boarded and main
tained against 97 men, 16 of whom were
foldicrs, an obstinate conflitt, killing fix and
wounding 20, among whom was every officer
belonging to her. His own loss, one killed
and eight wounded; himfelf in two places;
Mr. Paddon in fix*. I feel particularly hap
py in the expected fafety of all the wounded.
He speaks in the highest terms of Mr. Paddon
and the whole of his party, many of whom
were knocked overboard, aud twice returned
with unabated courage. I trust I £hail stand
excused by your lord/hip for so minute a de
scription, produced by my admiration of that
courage which, hand to hand, gave victory
to a handful of brave fellows over four times
their number; and of that fki»i which ortiti
ed, conduced and effected so daring an cn
terprize. Le Cerbere, commanded by a
Lieutenant de Vaisfeau, and rowed out under
a very heavy fire, is given up as a prize by
the squadron to mark their admiration, and
will not, I know, be the only reward of such
bravery; they will receive that proteftion your
lordship so liberally accords to all the young
men in the service who happily diftinguifii
themselves under your command. 1 enclose
Lt Coghan's letter, and have the honor &c.
Signed Edward Pellew.
fimtral, the Earl St. Vincent, K. B.
j li. M. Cutter Vipsr, Tutflay horn. S o'clock
j I have succeeded in bringing out the gun
, brig Le Cerbere, of 3 guns 34 pounders,
I and of four 6 pounders and 87 men, com
! manded by lieutenant Vaifleau. Pray forgive
me when I fay from under the batteries of
Port Louis, and after a molt desperate resist
! ance being made, firft by her, and afterwards
by the batteries on both fides, and a fire froni
' (ome small vefTels which lay round her; but
: nothing could'l expett from a vessel laying in
, that inactive situation, was equal to the few
I brave men belonging to our (hip, whom I so
I ju'My confided in, afiifted by fix men from
: the cutter, and Mr. Paddon midship man,
I who, 1 am sorry to fay was wounded in seve
ral places, though I hope not mortally. I
am sorry to (late the loss of one man belong
ing to the cutter, who was (hot through the
-head, and four of your men wounded, with
rayfelf, wounded in several parts of the body:
the principal one I received was with a pike
which penetrated my left thigh. Mr. Patier
fhall in the cutter's small boat, aflifted by two
midshipmen from the Amethyst in one of their
boats. The loss of the enemy is not yet as
certained, owing to the confufion.
I remain, &c.
N. B. There are 5 killed and 21 wound
ed, some rery badly.
By this Day's Mail.
BOSTON., September 18.
For the Boston Commercial Gazelle.
Mr. Cutler,
The following communication just receiv
ed from my friends and correspondents,
KNOX Sc HAY, of Hull, is so full of com
mercial information, that I am convinced it
is only necessary to give it you, to its
insertion in h paper so devoted to the true
interefls of our country, as your's.
Yours, &c.
W. W. Jar..
Dock-CJfict, Kinqiton upon Hull.
May id, 1800.
I Have to inform you, that your letter ta
the Deck Company of the 10th of April
lalf, was this day uken into consideration,
and that in confluence thereof, the Dock
Company have come to the Resolution, of
which I have the honor to enclose you *
copy. lam with great refpeft, Sir, your
mod obedient humble frrvant,
George Kn. x, Esq. >
American Consul, Hull. £
At a meeting of the Dock Company held
this day.
Resolved, That from ar.d after the 10th
day of Oftobrr next, the sum of one shilling
and nine pence per ton only, inflead of the
present dues of three (hillings and sixpence
per ton, h* taken on ail American Ihips
which limit enter thi* port after that time.
Ii it shall be made appear to the Dock Com
pany, that one half of tonnage of such
(hips consists of Weft-India produce for ex
portation, and tliat no higher dues lhall be
taken on Inch ships so laden, until twelve
Calendar Months next aft«r this resolution,
fliall be refeinded, and notice thereof given
to the American Confulrefident at this port.
Miy 2i, i8o»
The Port nf Hull now allowed to be
third in conftq icnce, to Great Britain, is
situated about twenty miles from the mouth
of the Humber, the largest river in England,
and navigable up to the Port by the largest
(hips. There is a very spacious We: Dock
within the Port. '! he mouth of the Hum
ber entering the German Ocean is nearly
oppofue the mouths »f the Elbe, the Ems,
aad the Wefer, with the cities and towns
situated 011 thtfe rivers, Hull cirri s on the
grcateft trade of any port in Great Britain,
London excepted, and from thence to tliofe
ports, there are regular convoys once a
fortnight in time of war ; it is also next to
London in its trade, to the ports in the
Bahic, and in times of peace to those ps
Holland, Flanders, and the northern potts
<*{ France, export hg to all tliofe plac«s
immerse quantities of woolens, ironmvngers
ware, and other goods, the produce of York-
Ihire. Its tradj is never interrupted by ice ;
no fro ft, however severe, was ever known to
(hut the port, and Ihips at all liafons, ar.d
in all weathers, may enter and find fhrlter
in the Humber ; and of late the Parliament
of Great Britain bath palled an a£f for the
regulation of pil us, concluding (hips into,
aiid "ut or ths Humber, which tffettually
prevents abule and iinpolition.
With the United States its trade hath
greatly incre.ifed of late years, and fo
rteil lituated for the sale of their prwdme to
the large internal ratntifa&urii'g towns 111
blngtand.and for the exportation of tobaccos
and Weft-India produce to Germany, Hol
land and the. Baltic nuill increase further,
particularly as cargoesconfiltihg of woollens,
earthen ware, cutlery, mid all kinds of im
plements for hufbandrv, together with al
lum, copperas, le;:d. See. can be obtained as
freight back to the ft.;tes.
Hemp, linens, iron, cordage and all other
articles, the produce Ruftin, Germany,
and the Rates, bord ring on the Baltic Sea,
can here also be obtained on easier term'
than in any other port in Great-Britain, and
at a feaCon when the ports in those Countries
cannot be approached for ice.
. Wanted,
A WO WAN, either white *rbU«h whosn
derfls,«!« plain conking! aud will undertake cSe
wdekof a 'malt family. None need apply * ith
nat un«scrpiionabl) rrcoraineiulation* of her ky
iietly and Cokriltf. Affif St the OStc »i thU
September so. dtf
Gazette of the l/rlited Staets
t'uii.Anxr.riM, SiPTiMat* j,
Old 3 per C«nt Stock for cast 100 per cent.
N%ivß per Cent Stock di. joߣ
Six per Cent, (net
Navy do. do. 87^
I hree per Cent. Ho. jj
inferred, - do. 841
BiYWIt United States, do, "
Pcrtnfylvania, do. if>
— North America, do. 4S
Infuran»e comp. N.A. (hares to per te'ht. be-
I™ par
Turnpike ihares, 10 pet* cant, nnder par.
Bridge (Schuylkill) Stock, par.
Eaft-Iniia Company of M. A. 7 per cent advance
I,and Warrants, 15 dolls, per 100 acres.
Water Loan, 85 per cent.
Bills on Lob. at 30 days for cash 170 per ct-
Ho. do. 60 days do. |6B£ do.
Do. do 97 days do. 1664
Bills on Hamburgh at 60 days 36 a 37 tti.
per Mark Banco
D®. in Amftardam, 60 days 39 a 40 cts. per
C/- 7he Carriers of this Gazette,
have been strictly forbidden either to
sell or give away, any of their papers;
and should the Editor detect, or re
ceive information of ar,y person at
tempting to seduce them from the line
of their duty, he "will employ legal
means for redress.—lt has become a
serious inconvenience, and those who
are friemlly to the interest of this
paper, are requested to give such in
formation as may be in their power on
the subject, and they will confer an
obligation on The Editor.
tCT" It i« requested that Gentlemen-who
are nrglefted bv the Carriers, will not per
mit several day to elapse without giving in
formation of fucli ntgleft ; but immediately
give notice. They shall be served re
To Readers and Corretpondents.
We are tormented daily with the tuneless
rhymes of many a pretended poet, as unlike
t» Popk and Dkydkn, as a farthing candle
and the cl; llical lan p. From internal
evidence, bad ipelling', bubbling verse, and
profligate fentiruents, we conclude that the
articles in qitertion, proceed from the Jaco
'« Each fongfltr, ri<!t!ler; every nameleft name,
All crowd, who foremoit Iha;I be damn'd to
Some ftri;n in rhyme, the :nufe» on their r_cko,
Scream, like th- winding of ten timufand.
We hope the author of " Note son Galla
tin" will continue his fifcal icG-arches, I lie
Genevan loph.ft, in his engerncL to gUe
the public debt a falfe and bloated appearance
has finally involved Mmlelf in the common
logical erfor of proving too ftuich. Galla
tin and his crew we undeift.ind, are mtch
mortified at a consequence flowing from bis
oivn principles. His ohje£l is to (he w that
our Debt is greater than J'trafory Reports
and Congress Committees make it. He
avers that the official ftaterwents of the a
mount of bonds receivable was erroneous,
because the people, that is the United States,
ilill owed the money, the amupnt of thde
bond.-.. Now it follows, that if ivbat peo
ple of the United States rit»e the people of
the United State? bs a falfe item in the
document, the public debt due to our own
citizens, is not doe At *ll. Thus, the would
be Chancellor of our Exchequer his cancel
led the Puolic Debt, in the midl of his la
bors to make it appear kirger than the life
to evrry Jacobin eye. We would fuggefV to
the author of "The Notes," to pnrfue the
fuoject, to divide his discussions into small.
part\ in the form, fnr example, of Letters,
and to employ that fnnplicity of style, and
perlpicuity of reasoning, for which D.-a-n
Swift was so conspicuous in his mallerly
" Examijires."
" uir.K vui.can," to-morrow.
The Insurrection of the Negroes in
the southern states, which appears to be
organized on the true French plan,
must be decisive with every reflecting
man in those States of the election of
Mr. Adams and Gen. Pinckney.
The military skill and approved bra
very of the General, must be peculiarly
valuable to his countrymen at this try
ing moment. He is not one of those
%v /jo shrinks from danger,—He has
met it, and, when occasion requires
he will meet it with .firmnefs in its mo ft
horrid form.
We congratulate our fellow citizens
of South Carolina on the pofieflion of
this Gallant Soldier at this Important
crisis. To him they may look with
confidence for every aid which courage
and talents can supply.
Far the 24 hodrs, preceding Saturday
moriSing, (sim-rile) thee were jS's in
Baltimore and Fell's Point.
Total nf Tick retminiug in the Hefpital
with the prevail' lig dilfcaft, 32
Convalcfcents fine tail report, 11
Difclurged cured, ditto 3
Mr. Hollared is elefted M«;r>btr of Con-
S'refs from North-Carolina, in the place of
Mr. Dickinfon.
Extraft of a letter from a gentleman in
C arlellon, (S. C.) to his friend in this
city, dated Sept. 13, 18 6.
" I havejuft recovered from a severe at
tach of the yellow fever. It has been very
fatal among the northern people. The
principal part of those Vvho have taken it
have fallen viftirhs-
" The negroes have rose in arms againfl
the i a,this country, and have killed
feverat. All the troops of Lijht Horse a e
ordered out by the Govetior, to fnpprefs the
infurre&ion lirider the penalty if 15 pounds
sterling, for eVery private, ar.d in propor
tion or the officers It is expe&ed there
will ferio'is work before they are fub
A gentleman from Th irlefton mentions
that this infurre&ion hid caused a very
serious alarm in th t city. Some reports
stated the number of the in nrgents, who
were embodied about 30 miles from the city,
to be four or five thoufaiid ft ong, and
Others decreased their numbers to 7 or 8
hundred. However this may be, the citi
zen were unfortunately backward in turning
out, owing to the sickly (late of furroui.ding
country. Many chose rather to pay the
Jienalty than run the risk of falling a pr«y
to the fever which generally attack those
those inhabitants of Ch riefton that venture
into the country in the autumnal months.
The following notice has been pulliflied
in tie Boflon papers;—lt stems probable
from the nature of the notice, that some
fufpicioni of the design of the Negroes are
entertained, and we regret to fay there is
too much cause.
BOSTON, September 16.
Notice to Blacks.
The officers of the Police having mads
return* to the fubferiber of the names of the
following persona, who are African* or
Negroes not fubje&s of the Kmperor of
Morocco nor citize"* of any of the United
States, the fame are hereby warntd and di
rected depart out of -this Comnaon wealth
before the 10th day of O&ober next, as
they would avoid the pains and penalties of
the law in that cafe provided which was paf
f,-d fcy the legislature March 26, 1;88,
Charles BU I FINCH Super inttndmnt.
By order and dir iticn of lb- Selectman.
Here follows a lift of names, and the pla
ces they came from is annexed, it occupies
a column of the Bolton paper and we sup
pose there are three hundred of tlicm.
Gazette Marine Lift.
Sloop Harmony, Wethman, Richmond 15
Coal and tobacco.
Schr. Patfey, Walker, Frederickfburg 13
Corn, to Captain.
Brig Abigail, Lord,
Scbr. Lyon, Andaule,
Schooner John, Gemmeny, from hence to
la Guira, on the 16th inft. off Gape Hattc
n which sustained a loss of the mate (Mr.
Dickfon) and one hand, who were wartied
)verboard ; likewise the boat, cambouie, the
juarters stove in ; but fortunately the gale
übliding, the schooner made the Capes of
Delaware on the 2Cth, and arrived at New-
Caftlc yesterday. In the morning of the 2cth,
30 miles south of Cape Henlopen Light-
House, capt. Gemmeny fpuke the schooner
Miria Matilda, Shirtliff, from Havanna to
Philadelphia, the captain of which informed
above mentioned gale, and had been obliged
to throw all his guns overboard—That lie iiad
or. board the crew of a British schooner from
famaica to Halifax, which was wrecked on
the 16th.
Sloop Genet, Whelen, failed from Char
leston the 13th instant, for this port.
Received by the brig Hannah, capt. Nor
ton from St. John's, Porto Rico, the follow
ing lift of vessels at St. John's, from the firll
of August to the fourth of Septemper :
Brig Ruby, Lillibridge, to fail the latter
end of September.
Schr. Sabra Haren, Hathaway, of and for
Charleston, to fail 15th September.
Brig Gratitude, Reynolds.
Schr. Lark, Randall, of Norwich.
Scbr. Favorite Clery, M'Connell, of Nor
Schr. Jason, Bagley, of Portland.
Schr. John, Bayton, of Norfolk.
Brig Juno, Vincent, of Charleston.
Sloop Hiram, Willifon, of New York.
Sloop Hercules, Tallman, of Baltimore.
Schr. Brothers. Story, of Halifax.
Brig Sophia, Hopkins, of do.
The brig Enterprize, Langdon, of Ports
mouth, from Surrinam bound to this port, on
the 28th of Augult last, was taken in lat. 21,
N. long. 59, 30, W. out 14 days, by the
French brig Bayonne, capt. Cadet, from
Guadaloupe bound for St. John's, (P. R.)
with three of the above prizes in company —
and on the 30th, was recaptured by some ves
sel unknown.
No anivah at the Firt.
Ship Galen, Snath, from hence has arri
ved at the H.ivanna.
Ship A£tive, M'Dnigall from h»ree. i as
*rrived in the Downs.
Ship Mjts, George, (hip Belvidere, Rt
(from Biltinnif) and britr Amir.ble Addel]
I 1 atton, lroin Hence has arrived at Livetposl
Schooner J.i'.-.e, Foley, frtrri hrnfit has ar«
! rived at tue i i ivanna.
Brig Two Brotltns, Stoddertj for Liv
erpool went to fcarn Friday last.
Schooner Hope, B >'choz, for the Spanifli
Main, put Ujck .in the late gale. Left at
T- a the hr g Lark, Wallace, from hence to
St. dc Cuha.; both pumps going.
■ thr, Msria Matilda, Shirtcliff, has arri
ved at Ncw-CatHi.
SALEM, Sept. 16.
Ship Mount Vernon, Neal, La Guira
Catharine, Obear, Cuba.
Arrived the (hip Recovery, Phillips, Cal
cutta. He left the pilot the nth of May.
The fliip Winthro'p and Mary, of Gloucester,
failed the day before, and the ship Ulyfles,
Mugford, of this port, in company with him.
Left there, brig Washington, Captain Mur
phy, of this port, to fail in 7 days; and ihips
Delaware and William Penn, of Philadel
Capt Phillips has performed his voyage
with remarkeble expedition, it being only 9
months and 10 days since he failed front
Hamburg for Calcutta.
Arrived here on Thursday last, (hip Belli
farius Samuel Skerry, jun. master, in 104.
days pafTage from Tranquebar, on the coast
of Coromandel.—Having failed from Salem,
on the 23d Dec. last, (he has compleated her
voyage to India and back to Salem in 8 months
and 12 days—notwithstanding (he remained
at Madras and Tranquebar upwards of forty
days of that time. It is not recolledled that
any (hips from this country have made (horter
paflages to India. The Bellafarius pafled the
Equator in 23 days and the Cape of Good
Hope in 55 days from Salem, and arrived
at Trincomalie, I (land of Ceylon, in 106
days, by a veiy circuitous rout, and againlt
winds and circumstances which were for a
considerable time opposed to a short pafTage,
Left no American vessels there—and spoke
nothing on his homeward paflage.
Brig Washington, Murphey, of this port,
arrived at Calcutta, April 21 ft. from Lisbon.
Brig Neponfit, Capt. Kitfon, from Bof
ton> arrived at Bambay April IJT
NEW YuRK, September 22.
Arrked. days
Ship Phcenix, C >ppinger. St. Croix 1 j
Brig PhUamhopift, O'Conner, Alrx-
Virginia 9
do. 8
do. 2
Schr. Betsey, Hull,
Success, Bnrtow,
Eagle, Woodw^T'b,
Schrs Lark, Bourdett, St. Johns
Lovina Rommay, St. Bartholomews
Sally, Oinn, Yarmouth
Di'patch. Shoemaker, Antigua
Lydia, Barnard, Jamaica
Yesterday arrived here the ft : p Phoenix,
Captain Coppinger, belonging to Copenha
gen, in seVenteen day» from St. Croix.
Captain C. informs that on the 6:b in
flant, an a&ion took place within gun shot
of him, between his Dan.fh majelly's brig
Lougen, and an English fchoaner privateer,
which laftid a quarter of an hour, when the
fchoonerftruck, and the brig carried her into
St. Thomas; could iearn no farther parti
Captain C. further infrrms, that on the
2d inltant, an aftioa took place between an
English and Danish schooner, in which the
Danish Captain (FoedJer) was with one
mankilled and -three wounded The EngliOt
schooner made off on feeing a Danish brig
come on to attack her.
Mrs. Cruger, son, and three daughters*
came out in the Phoenix.
An Vim rican consoy was to fail oa the
6'h iniiant, from St. Thorn's, under con
voy of the United States biigs Eagle and
BALTIMORE, September2o.
Ar : vcJ, days
ScV. Invincible, Miller, Havanna 19
Captain M. has pulictly favoured us with
the follow ng Marine news :
Left there Augtift 30, in co. with the
schooner Maria Matilda, of Philadelphia.
L ift a' Havanna tb<? following vessels :
Barque John and Jane, of
[arrived tliree days before
Brig Two Brolhnrs, arrived three day*
schr. Charlotte, Stanly, arrived in 5 days,
Nitnrod, Hamilton, do.
Little. JoS ii. to fail in 3or 4 dayt
Zephyr, to fail in four days.
Sept 1, off Orange Key, at 4 A.M.
vas boarded by the brig Two Brothers,
ftethell of New Providcnct, treated po
itely ".ho scut on boaid an American fca
nan, William Arnold passenger, whom he
lad taken up, formerly of the bn'g Molly,
Captain John Lewis, of and from Savannah,
to Vera Cruz, with provilioris, which was
cast away 011 the Camaines, the 246 July-
Sept. 17: oil VViudwill point, spoke ths
ship Paulina, Captain Brooks, of Balti
more, to Alexandria, uin; weeks from BeU
faft, wiih three hundred Irish paflengers on
The (hip Sally, Captain Brown, of Bal
timore, failed the day before the Inv.nci
Elifha Fisher & Co.
No. ncrtb Front st r eet,
Sheet Iron, tin plates in boxes, sew
ing twine, hoes, windew glai's, and
a large assortment of
Ironmongery, cutlery, fadlery, brass
and japau'd Wares,
Hats in cases, Ceach & Coach har
ness furniture, &i &c
september 23 d> *r
y ■ *K