Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, September 23, 1800, Image 1

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|C7* Tie price of this (Jatette is Eight
Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadelphia. Alt others pay
#*e Dollar additional, for enclosing and ck
rcctine ; and unless-some person in this city
will become answerable for the subscription,
it must be paid Six Months in Advance.
, k „* No Subscription will be received for
a shorter term thin siit months.
December 1 1799-
from September 17—to September 14.
■taa vittti
Marshal's Sale.
Pennsylvania District.
BY virtue of a writ of venditions exponas to
me direfied, issued out of the Circuit Court of
the United States in and for the Pennfylvjnia Dif
tricft, will be expc.fed to public file, at the Mer
chant's Coffre Houfc in the city ot Philadelphia,
on Monday the 6th day of O&ober nrxt. at tt
o'clock, at coon—all the right, eftatr>and int reft
of William Cannon and Joihna Cannon, el, in and
to part® of *l7 acres of land, fitnate on
Chartres creek, in Waftiington coun:y. on which
is er#£tcd a merchant mill, fiw mill and other im
Also,—a Lot of one acre arid three fourths, in
Connonfburgh, on which ii eroded • three story
stone dwelling houf'J, Sec Seited and taken in
execution and to be fold as the property ef William
Cannon and Jolhua sin«oa the younger, by
JOHN HALL, Marshal.
Ma'ibal's Office, 1
September io. 1800. y 3HWtS.
Mary Beck,
RESPECTFULLY informs Iter Friends and the
Public, that she intends opening her Select
on the firll *f October, in Fifth n#ar
Walnut Street, opposite the State House Yard,
where (be will as nfuai, teach the brar.eSe* «f po
lite and »feful literature, including Geography,
Aftrcnomy, Writing, Arithmetic and every ac
complifhmeiit necessary to form a complete liberal
Voting Ladie# may be accommodated with
Boar I, £c. in the Houfc, which is very airy and
G. Bfck's Drawing and Painting School
viH commence at the fame time.
faptembcr 10
»Jo 1 to
Ebenezer Large,
200 boxes fliort pipes
fpitable for the Spanilh Market
9 mo. 13th. 1800 fmwfcfa 7W
' Charles Marfliall
No. 46, Chesnut Street,
Per brig Liberty, capt Htoderf.'n, from Amller
dam, and other arrivals,
A quantity of the following article*, which they
fell for ca(h, or the usual credit—
Antimon crud Ol Anifi
Arfeoic alb Juniper
Sac faturni huccini
Vitriol alb Rho J ii
Borax Camphor
Opium Coetijinelfe
Annetts Gum Benzoin
McrcDulc -—Arabic
Prcccip rub Myrrh
Corros sub ' Kino
Sal G tuber ("Manna fhk
Rad gentian SjJ | Com
Flo Sulphur 1< jj Liquorice ball
Sweet oil f c ] Cort Peru slav
Sem anifi I 2 I Rub *
Rlieubarb J"" L
And a quantity of
Shop furniture, surgeons inftrurr.ents, patent
medicines, &c.—Medicine cheftt, and orders from
the country, put up oa moderate terms.
fcptem' er 13 / w f» 3 W
Houses to Let:
ONE large conven eat thtee-ftory Brick
Dwelling-House, with four rooms on a
floe, and two Kitchens j there is a pump
of water, and a rain water cistern in the
yard situate on the east fide of Fourth-
Street, one door above Race-Street, lately
occupied by Solomon Morochc.
A convenieut Three Story
Next door, but one, north of the above,
No. 57.— It has a Pump and Giftrrn in
the yard, &c. For terms apply at No. «i 6
August 4. Sep. 16
Gazette of the Uiiitcd States, £$ Daily
BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the 2id day
of fl. in the 2 fth year of the lndep«B
deuce of the Uui'cd States ot America, William
YouNts. (B«okfelicr,).of the said Diftri», hath
depoftred in rhis the title of a Book, the
ri;?ht whcreol he claims as proprietor ; in the words
following, to wit.
in confabp rv 1# <: . I*4 c«n
grel's .! the United States iotiuiled " An
* s Act for the en ouragemect of learning,
[sKAt.,l by securing the copies o' Maps, Charts
and Bosk* to the .Authors and Propri
etors of such copies during the time*
therein mentioned "
Clerk of the District of Pennsylvania.
leptember 18 zaw4W-
H. M
i »
8 ?.
9 5
10 3
- 10 si
11 47
o 13
6 * Si 8
200 lbs. Mace, 1 ..
400 los. Nutmeg*, J 11 ru P enor W* Ut Y-
Jamaica Spirits, 4' h proof,
Do. Sugar ot the firfl quality,
Holland Gin in pipes,
Port-au-Prinqe Molasses—and
30 Tierces Rice.
R. ijf K. bave also on band, for sale,
Hyson, -I
Young Hyson, Sc i. TEAS,
Souchong J
Cogniac Brandy, (it 8c 4th proof,
Sherry Wine in quarter ciifks, very nico,
jo,ooo Spanish Srgars,
And a Variety of other
August 26 eo tf
t J SI
6 a 5 i 6
- 6 6 5 J4
- 6 7 5 Ji
6 S s 51
6 10 S .1°
jnd Co.
No. 3g, North Front Street,
Ironmongery, Sadlery, Cutlery, Brafj and )
Japan'd Wares, J
6d 8d tod i id and jod flat point nails,
Oerman Steel,
Hats afTorted in cafrs,
Pifiols, g'ins and flints, &c.&c.
September ix. dim
The House,
LATELY occupied by the Chevalier
D'Yrujo, SpunTlh AmbafTudor, will be
let out to an ipproved person or £itruly, on
easy conditions. It is large, commodious
and elegant, with ceach-houfe and (tables
Enquire at No. too. Spruce flrcet.
Arcb Street, A r ». 94.
July 23. eodtt'.
tu th& fa im
-pHAT Handfoine an hcaiihy COUNTRY
SKAT, called Laur l L> DGE, the late
residence of Thomas Rutter, £fq. fiiuate n
f'otts Grove, M mgomcry Count)', rhirty-i'x
niiies from Philadelphia, combing about ic6
acres, twenty of which are ptime woodland,
fifteen excellent watered meadow, the reGdue
divided in arable Its On the piemil'et are a
large handfomeßrickHoufeand =dj -ini. g build
ings, contains two parlours, a urge dining
ro'in, and a Hall, iwelve feet wide, by forty
long, a large ki.cheu, wafhhotife withapurt.p
of excellent waterin it, fix liandfome chamber,
twi> ftorn-rooms, garret charufer» plaiflered
a id a graia room over the adj ining bu ding,
a double tyring hnafe, with a l"m< ke ouie 6ver
the fame, withiafiftv yards of the kitchen—The
faring, in the driest leafon never k mwn to low
er in the leali, and from which the meadow is
watered ; a garden containing about one acre,
flocked with the mofl delicious fruits, such as
pearTirs, plumbs, cherries, pens, ralberries. &c.
several alpjragus beds in great pcrfedlion. Also,
a young besrint: appletree orchard, containing
several hurdied trees, thefrui: I'eleiled froi.. dif
frent parts of the Uni e4 States, a large conveni
ent barn with a/threfhmg ft or, with commodi
ous stabling tor horfei* and corns, carriage and
houl'es, grain room, &c. Also, fund-y put build
ings, Con lifting of a large frame
and corticrib, &c- Also, a tenant's house, gar
den and (table,and a pump of excellent water
belonging to the fame.
fit nation of Petts Grove is remarkably
hcatthy/regu.arly supplied wiih Butcher's meat
;nd poultry in abundance, to he purchafcd at a
low rate, and the Schuylkill affrds a plentiful
fajipty of excellent fill Two grift mills in the
rear of the town. Perhaps few country towns
in Peisnfylvania, are more rapidly improving,
or havt more loeal advantages than Potts
Grove. The ievcral places < f public worship",
the filuhrity ot the air, genteel society, and
cheipnefs ol livmg, are among the few advan
tages it poffdfcs.
Any pcrfon widliiig to view the prcmifrs,
will plcal'e to apply to Mr. Wm. POTTS,
in and for terms to the fubfcri«
ber, in Philadelphia.
JqHN clement stocker,
Sept. 19 2nwtf.
WHO is about taking his departure from
hence to the Weft Indies, wh*re he in
tends to reside, will undertake to tranfail busi
ness on the moll reasonable terms for Mer
chants who may be inclined tointruO him with
their romroatids.
He would likewise wish to be concerned with
a perlon of refptdlability here, who maybe de
urt>us offuch a connexion.
*,* Apply at No. 116, North Front St.
Aug- eodtwf
" Essays on Political Society. '
Just Received,
Jan for sale nr
To be Sold
By C. P. Wayne, No. 64, South Froht-flreet.
For Sale,
by Public auction—in the
i he following property belonging totheTruf
tees of the Aj*g * - lyi, provHed for the
payment of certain creditors of Edward Fox
and James Greenleaf.
L n Monday the h'b Octnbrr in.'it.
T) ART of tbe pnogßf f f#i(i fund, In tl«e C'.ty
i of Wa&ington, that new is rendered clear i)I
every incumbrance, will he exposed at Public
AuSion at TaaKiclifl Tavern, aniongfl which are
the following valuable fituatioi,, vit. ii Lots in
| square No. 975, 2 lots in square 974, 15 lots ia
jquarc Ne. a lots in square south of fquan
1019, 19 lots in square 1010,1 lot ir. IqUare lose
: lot in square io»i, 7 lots in square »o»3, 4 lot
in square 1044, 3 lot« in Itjuare 1045, 3 lo « in
(quare 1046, 9 lots in square 1047, it lots in
square ) wirh sundry others, advantageously
situated in various parts of the city. Also the 2
story frane house now occnpied by Mr. Deblois,
beautifully Otuited (with an extensive view offev
eral miles down the on the south east
corner of square 973, fronting 41 feet on II street
east, and 4a feetonfoutb G ureet: a commodious
Kitchtn with a:i oven, kc. adjoining the south
front. A large frame liable, carriage h use and
hay loft {O feet by 25, and a pump ef excellent
water near the back door of the kitcnen, the lot I
extending 91 feetoll ?t ftreet,and 139 feet 1 inch
in G ftre«t, comprizing lots Nos. 1, », 3, and part
of n, in the regillercd division of the square.
1 he falcswiil commence at the said tavern at ten
o'clock in the forenoon.
The termsone fourth cafli. one fourth in fix
months, whea a dee<! will he given, the remain
ing moiety iii two years, payntrit to be fecurrd
by. bond and mortgage. Bu' the in the I
fond, may m lieu of mortgage secure pay- |
ment ot their bonds by depof.t ol cer:ificati-s «f
the trustees at the rate of five '.tilings in the pound, I
to the amount fecpred and fticvlri a dividend take 1
plare before t e utpiratiori of tie tw H
will be set "sis thtf bond, and j
cates returned in the fame proportion.
Henry Pratt
Thomas W. Fraiicis
John Miller, jun.
John Afh'ey
Jacob Bnkcr.
Augull 4 3'aw "
On Fifth Day the 9th t»f October, on the
premises, The
Mary- rVnn Forge
And Plantation :
SITUATE part in 1 ra.i. ywn-c townftiip, and
1 J ) art in Wcrckhnd, about 30 miles from Ph: one and an hal> miicfroot the Turn
pike r'-ad, and owning*® town ; containing
about 3 »crcß, wi'h allowance of 6 acres per
'OO ; two thirds of the land is good wooiiland,
tome excellent ijiea'do .v rw\;! n» ' n.uch imre
can be made of the firft q;i:.lity the forge is
turned by the main branch of Bnn 'ywinc Cfeek,
a forcible Stream, the f6rge has tbfee fires and
two hammers all in g*od repair. The dam (icing
fo-jrid an.i well hacked, and apparantly able ro
rcfifl < y frefh (n >r fupernitural) Likewtf? there
i« as»c.t h "-r iirdy llrcam ansl current of water, that
tit* nto the said dam, that might be Vcrycon*
v.c icnt (or a Grid Mill, or other kind of water
might be with facility er<*£tcd; there is a
good tw - 'lory stone dwelling-house for the ac
commodation of thepropri* torof the work.®, with
an excellent faring and good houfc over it; con
tiguous to the door also convenient ft one stahlii g
with an entry through the mid-le fuflicient t«
accommodate three teams, befidet h *okney hnrlVs;
contiguous to the forge stand* a good stone office
auid a num er ol convenient houfrvi for the woik
man is created amply aJequa'e or thi* said worw-i
If not then fold it will ! e rented for a term o
years Term* and conditions made known b
WILLI AM EVANS, in Willistown,
or JOHN MARSHA! L, in Thorn
bury Towufhip.
N. B. The Sale to c«mm'ence at i o'clock ob
(aid day.
Aut*. 5
Referred Trafts,
ON Wednesday.the ill day of O&ober next,
books will be open in the OiSct of the Sub
scriber, residing in Fraflklin, for the sale of the
KefervedTraAs laid out by virtue of an aft ot
Allcmhly passed the Itth <',;y of April, 1799. —
One filth pare of the purchase money to be p lid
at the time *1 sole, one filth part within twelve
months from the day of sale, onr fifth part wiihin
two years from laid day, and the remaining two
fifth part) at or before the expiration o three
years after such sale Nu contrail to be confirm
ed for fifteen days after the said hooks (hall be o
pened, at.d the highefl price offered within that
time will be-accepted. All payments made'will
be forfeited unlrfs the purcVafer within three ye rs
front the day of sale makes an actual settlement
on the trail (urchafed, by clearing, fencing, and
liultivating at lealt jwo acres t r every fifty con
tained in the survey, and eriil thereon a mef
fv.age for the habitation of man, and reside there
on !er the space of five years next following the
firll v fett!en»er>t of the fame. No patents to issue,
unless fatixfa&ory proof fball be ;nade of such
aflual Icttlcment, rnidetKe, and improvument.
Cemm Jji tier.
Fra-k!in, July aS, ißco.
aoguft 8, d/jw.
r pHH owners of unimproved lands in Wayne
* county, hereby notified, that Taxes are
Ijecome j-ayable thereon lor the years 1 ->99 and
ißod. Those who have not already paid their
taxes, re here!iy required to diicharge the fame
to J rtiN BRINK, Esquire, Trcafiirer »f said
County »t Millwrd, withia three , months from
this date ,otherwise proccedirgs to sale, according
to the ail of Afiembly in such cafe-provided, will
e had by the Commissioners lor the said county.
Asa Stent an, ~i
John Carson, > Commissioners
Johannes Van Etten, J
E. Kellogg, Clk.
July 9,1800
d 90t
City Commissioner's Office,
Philadelphia, Aug. 26th, 1800.
TN purfuarce of an Ordinance of the Select and
J ornraon Councils, passed the sid-day of May,
* 797»
('•• writing)
Will be received hy the P;t? "owmiflidners, until
the thirtieth day cf Sh* '.'wi' <r
5 ' ,l r 0«e year, to corrmeßte on the first day
of January next, the following public property of
the cify, vi£.
I. 1 he Wharf and Landing on Street.
ditto on SaiTifras do.
3 Ditto on Mulhiiry do.
4- The Wharves and Landings on High and Chef
nut streets
J. l)itto on Walnut street, the Dra'wbridfe,
Spruce, Vine and Cedar streets, including the
Fish Houte.
6. The Cellar undet the City Hill,
Applications may he left with either of the
Commilfioners, or with tkeir cl;rk, at No. 6J,
Cherry Street. comoS
Opposite Christ - Church,
English Papers
/ Philadelphia, Aug. 6.
To Printers.
The following MATERIALS will be fold
reasonable if applied for immediately.
1 Press,
3 Founts Long-Primer (partly worn)
2 ditto Small-Pica on Pica body,
2 ditto Pica,
1 ditto Englifli,
2 ditto Brevier,
i ditto BurgeoiS,
Several pair of Chafes, several composing
flicks, frames and galL-ys, some brass rules,
Quotations, Btc. &c. &c: all of the above
will be fold very reasonable for Caflv.
September 8.
Of the Pittsburgh Glas: Works,
HAVING procured a fufficifttt r smber of
ihcmoll approved European G i!s Manu
fjilurers, and having on hand a large flock of
the heft Materials, »n which their woikmenare
now employed, have the plejfureT j affurihg
the public, that window glass of a fupnior qua
lity and of any size, from by 9, to 18 by n
inches, carefully packed in boxes contain teg
loc feet ea h, may be had at the (hor .■ ft notice.
Glass of largtr sizes for other ptirpoTes, may
aWw be had, fnch is for piflures, coach glaflcs, faces, See. Bottles of all kinds and of any
quantity may also be had, together wiih pocket
flalks, picktingjars, apothecary'sfhrtp furniture,
or other hollow ware—the whole Jt 1 call per
cent, lower than articles of ihe fame quality
brought from any of the sea ports of theUni/td
Statea. A liberal allowance will be made pi»
sale of large quantities. Orders from merchants
and others will be punftually attendee! to on ap
plication t» James o'hara or isaac
CRAIG, or at the Store of MefTrs PK ATMEk
and RMILIE, in Mai ket-Street, Pttfburgh,
March *, tuthtf.
And to be Sold by
No. 1 «6, fou(h flue Market Street,
Reports of Cases
Argued and determined in the
(grp. at-britain)
commenced with
Tfce Right Honorable WILLIAM SCOTT,
.bailmat Term 1798.
By Charles R(jbinfoti, LL. D. Advocate.
These P«port will he continued regularly.
The second Part which concludes this Volume is
now in the prefn, and will be published with all
the expedition poflible,
August 1;.
Candidates for the Navy.
AND others, who are desirous of becoming
acquainted with the following very effmtiM
improvement* in Navigation, viz—The method
of finding the Latitude by a Gngle altitude o( rhc
fun at any hour of day ; and of afctrtatuing
both Latitude and Longitude at once by a Celes
tial observation, the Lunar*, and new forms of
journals for ships of war, with additional columns
nny hear of a person ready to inflrudt them at
their apartments, who has expends of the above
so fimplified by explanations of figures, marginal
rpferunces, Sec• that they may be uuder ocd in a
lew djiys ; by app'ying at No. 93, south Second
ftreet, ©ppofite the City Tavern
Ht engages to teach Navigation (the common
method of* keeping a jourral ct sea) in 6 days.
He has taught the Mathematics, French lan
guage, &c. for many years in different univer
fitie*, and (hips of war, to which he has been
regularly appointed~-He has also had considerable
pra&ical experience in surveying and book-ketp
ing ; is which he gives private ledtures.
His terms are low and accommodating.
He will open
A Marine; nd Commercial
Oil Monday the Bth of September, at an
elegant and spacious Room in Hirroony
Court, (opposite Ho. 74, Youth I : ourth<
gCf* The business of an Agent and I.i
terpreter faithfully transacted.
August 25 eod'df.
To Printers.-
WANTED—in Exchange,
A FOUN I of Loup Primer,
■r. w? '!'• nr »pw»rdm *»< i * Fouml »
v. V i ef ' w ' -'ghing 4oolbs. or upwards.
Jepttnibsr 2.
Fic.icii iuitioii,
Pt oftssor of the trench Language,
HAS the honor of informing his Fcllow-Citi.
ztns of PhiUdelphii, that he will open hit
School on Monday the 14th of September, at N>,.
S, louth Fifth (ireet, and divide hi; hours of in
ilruch'on in the following manner.
Attendance on Ladies and Gentlemen, at their
own heu!'e«, will be given as usual, from o
o clotk in the m#rning till 2 in the afternoon.
His afternoon and evening school will begin
(every other day] from 4to 6, and from 6 till 9.
J ratflations from eirher language into the
Other, performed with accuracy, eltgancea secre
cy and dispatch.; t
N B —Nicholas G. Dufiif, refpeSfully in
vites tl;e l adies and Gentlemen, ambitious to
learn the French, to agree with some of their
frieedi'or acquaintances, dfcfirous of receiving lcf
fons in that uniVersal and improved language, to
meet at the fame hour and place for mutual in
ftruaion—they may l-e afTurrd it will be to their
a 'vantage to do so, if they peruse with attention
the following .
To Ike Lovers of the French Language.
■N an age when fucccfsful efforts have been
made towards the improvement of tit art of Thinh
/.vtf, ■ -i' whn tinalyjis has h? n discovered the
univ ' a? l, go ' -icthod to ifnpreve all
lciences, ann receive iriuru&ion in t'em, it may
be a matter oi allonifnmcnt that it has not been
yet generally '..braced, and rendered the familiar
method of It "ing. The extraordinary rife and
ptogrefsof ■ y. within a very few years,
are entirely -a an yCs; but there is an art on
which it fhouU have fir ft darted its beneficial rays,
1 allu Je to the i caching of Languages In fadl, Na
ture, thi« excellent »nalyft, w;n fcefore our eyes
guiding children in learning the language of their
mother, and no «hild ever failed in acquiring it,
profiting furpriiingly by her unerring lesson*
Fully convinced by rea'on and experience, thit
the feme method (he pursues (hould be lollrwed as
neatly as poll.ble, I adopted, in the ecu rid of my
inflru&.ons, fiich books eltibiithed cn principles
that baft deviate! from fier fimpledi&atei. I soon
perccivad that the method acquired from tbefeaids
wis bet a very iaegular and imperfect Analysis
—I, therfore, refolvtd though with a very small
confidence in ny fl<-iider abilities, but animated
with zeal lor the improvement of those who may
v ifh to learn French from roe, to undertake the
laborious andar'uous talkofwritinga work,groun
ded or. Analytical principle, which com
prehend what is wifhedfer by thofeapplyiiig them
ielves to the (turfy of the living languages, and
am happy to fay,'l have now nearly concluded it.
ft conlifts oj three parts
The first, i;aehofen Vocabulary of words most
j fmquentiy used in fperch, containining a ,soo—the
most natural acceptation of each is determined by
a phrase prefixed to it.
The fecond,contains the French verbs, both re
gular and irm-ular, from a newfystem in which'
the principal ii.lHculties attending »orjligation ar«
first explained, and observations given ok the use
of each sense, il'.u trated by proper examples, so
as to enable the learner to exprels kimielf with
The third, is s complete list of those words Jer
vant Je lici> ou de complement defens esitre lei aufret parelcr
du difcotirs : that is to fay—forming the link or complex
tion of fcnfe-beiiveen the other parts of fpeecb, whose
principal ute is to csubtids in Ipeech that connexi
on between words, which a'ready exists in the
mind between idebs. I haw also fully determined
the sense and acception of th. fe important Words
(which are divided into appropriate clafTes to Hi
them the eafior in the memory) by annexing to
each examples in French a. d English
J .s Ido not intend to pubjifh the above,for feme
time, and in order, NevertbtUfs, that my pupils
may reap the fame advantage without it, I hasten
to inform those who m iy he induced to put them
selves under n-.- eare, h :lf t!'<? time cf fchocl
(the oth*r halt-being devoted to other exercises)
will be employed in exsreifing them in the fol
lowing manner :
We first begin with the Vocabulary; each word
of which will I cpronouncedHu English then m
French, to he repeated by one or more of thefcho
lars; and a ftmilar repetition of the phrases before
chertioned will follow.
It is worthy of observation, that in our infan
cy, and as we advance in years, we learn the pro
nounciation of our vernacular tongue, by pro
nouncing word by word; and accornplifh
e>'.vl/it remains to be done, iu order to acquite
the neceflary knowledge of it. The rules given
by Grammarians tp attain this obj-fl are a most
useless to us, and stil! mere so to th* foreigners,
struggling in vain to learn the true pronunciation
of a Isuguag: with the he!t> of dictionaries and
Grammar alone. Though I conceive my fcholarg
may attain in the above manner, the accurate
pronunciation of the French language, yet striit
attention is pai.i to their reading in approved au
thors b.-fore we begin the foregoing exercises.
1 will purfuc nearly the fam< method in impart them the tonttnts ol the two other divifi jns
of my work. 1 cannot conc'ude this address with
out thanking my Fellow-Citizens for the liberal
encouragement I hav» experienced from them,
thefsfix year past, in my profeffional career,pre
fumir.g that I may be permitted to fay, that I have
not been altogether undeserving of it.
September 1. Dat taw 4W
To Gentlemen Farmers.
DECLINING farming, wiii offer at public
iVle on his PI jntation, oppofitc Newbold'*
Maid on tbe Delaware, within tw > miles of
Rordentown, state of Nev-Jkrey, on Saturday. '
tjtb September next at i o'cloekj his fto<k >f
Horses, Cattle {(noftly fat) an about eighty
Sleep, f .urteen of which are Rams. The prin
cipal part of both Ewes and Ram* are an excel
! lent breed Hi* plantation he will hold for file
rented. Terms of fa!e made known at the
August 30. ,
[Volume XVIII.