Trade interdicted with Baltimore,as well as Norfolk. Health-Office, Blb mo- WHEREAS the Board of Health have received information that a contagious disease, dangerous to the community, now exists in NORFOLK, (Virginia,) and also the CITY OF BAL TIMORE, being, as is represented to us, equally ilckly. Whereupon Resolved, with the as sent and approbation of the Mayor, that all veflels from thence, bound to the Port of Philadelphia, bring too at the Lazaretto, to receive a visit from the Relldent Physician, and there wait the determination of the Board. And further, that noperfon (or goods capable of retaining infection) from NORFOLK, or BALTIMORE <hall be permitted to come to the City or Coun ty of Philadelphia, until they produce a fatisfaftory certificate of their being at least 15 days in a healthy state, from thence, under the PENALTY OF FIV E HUNDRED DOLLARS, agreeable to the 7th lefkion of the Health Law, half of which will be paid to the informer on convidtion. All proprietors of Sta ges, both by land and water, are desired to govern the/nfelves accordingly. By order of the Board, EDWARD GARRIGUES, President. Peter KeySer, Secretary. C 3* The Printers generally are requeft cd to give this a place in their papers a» often as convenient. Board of Health Philadelphia, ytb mo. +tb, 1800. WHEREAS the Board of Health, have received information from several refpedla ble sources, that a contagious disease, dan gerous to the community, now exists in Pro vidence, Rbode-Islaud. Whereupon resolved, with the consent ai'.d approbation of the Mayor, he now be ing present, freely exprcfled that all vefTels from the State •/ Rhode-Island, bound to the Port of Philadelphia, bring to at th- Lazaretto, to receive a visit fiom the Refi de.nt Phylician, and there wait the determi nation of the Board. And further, that no peifon (or goods capable of retaining infeaion) from the State of (hall be permitted to come to the city or county of Philadelphia, until they produce a fatisfa&ory certificate of their being at leaf! 15 days in a healthy state from thence, under the penalty of Five Hundred Dollars, agreeably to the 7th Sec tion ps the Health Law, half of which will be paid to the informer on conviAion. — AU proprietors of Itages, both by land and watfr, are desired to govern themselves ac cordingly. By order of the Board. EDWARD GARRIGUES, President. FOR SALE, A Valuable and singularly eligible ESTATE, CONSISTING of two handsome dwelling houses, with excellent stabling for feveti horfei, double coach-house most completely fitted up; a beautiful large and valuable garden richly with choice fruit, surrounded with high board fence, almost new. The premises are beautifully fitaated near the middle of Oermantown, sur rounded wfh rich profpefis of the adjicent country ; an orchard 01 about two acres, with a han Ifomc lawn at the back of the house. One house has been recently built oa an appro- Ted plan; the other has been completely repaired, painted and papered, and contain ten room» with an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty fix The new house is well calculated for a store in either the dry or wet good line. The air and water are unrivalled, and there are some most excellent schools in the neighborhood. For particulars enquire oUkc orr the premife-. dtf May 9: A PARTNERSHIP. A PERSON pofleffing Tome capital, aconli derable (hare of industry, and desirous of engaging as a partner in a lucrative bufincfs, may hear of a fituatinn. All propoiajs on thu fubjeil to be in writing, sealed and direfled to W. R. J. New York, and left with the printer of the Gazette of the United States, wi'.lbe at tended to. £3" A Printer would find it to nis advantage I una «• For Sale, or to Let, THE HOUSE, In Cbcsnut Street, Near the corn- r of Eleventh street, at pre Cent in th« tenure or Mr. A. M'Call—Poffeffion may hi bad the first of November next, or sooner if re quirsd Apply to Edward Shoemaker. September 3 Ibis Dqj Bf J. OR m ROD, No. 41, Chefaut Street, (Pric* w Ccati) T» Death of General WaJfAngton. A POEM. In iinitation of th« manner of Offian. By Rev. John B.Linn, A.M. Miniftcr ol'the First Presbyterian Congregation Philadelphia- fgf Mr. Chan-Iron's Oratisn will be jmbliflied on Monday morning. M»reh tS- ® Fifty 1) all airs Reward. RAN-AWAY from Gen. Ridgely of Balti more, on the loth in*, a light coloured negro t?aft, who calls hi i lift It WILLIAM Mc. DONALD ; He is about 54 years of age ; about 5 feet Shnches high, neat in his dref?, and has a good suit of hair. li*d on, w».cu he went away, a good heaver hat, a lh&rt light green cloth coat, edgEfl with vellow, and ycl ] low gilt buttons—a light buff cailinier, breafttd waiilcoat, a pair of dark olivecoluur ed thickfett pantaloons—a white linen ;hirt, white ribhed cotton flocking*, and a good pair of ftloes with firings He took -»> th him a dark blue cQat, a pair of olive caffimtr panta loons, and a light c»rduroy pair of breeches ; j also a gold or pinchbeck watch, with a steel chain. He is fond of fpiritous liquors, is inso lent, has a llupid look, and chews tobacco. He was bred in ChAilcs county, Maryland, and purchased of col. John Thomas by gen. Ridge ley. Whoever.apprehends faiel negro, and (e ---cures him in any jail so that tie owner may gat him again, (hall receive the above reward, x-ithreafonable charges if brought home, or de livered to jofh'ji B. Bond, Philadelphia, may 1 dtf For Sale, A FEW HOGSHEADS OF Jamaica SUGAR and COFFEE, A Trunk of Mei. and Women*' Shoes, And a parcel »f Tow Linen, ALSO, Boston "Window-Glass, 8 by 10, 9 by 11, 10 by 11 and 17 by 12- Any sizes larger than thole mtty be had on being ordered from the manufactory. Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, Jun'r. 3d wharf south of Market ftieet August 4. djw Robbery. 300 Dollars Reward. LAST Saturday night my (hop in Water ftreet was opened by a falfe key, and lun dry articles of JtWELLERY, to the amount of ten or twelve hundred dollars, were carried off Among them wete. Two marrow spoons marked " Worrock Likerefiesof Mr James Robertfon and wife, of Peterlburg—one do. of a Mr, King —one do. of Mr John Trimble, late of this town, the back set with a large blue glals and a (mailer in the centre, under which was a pliit o! hair laid flrait, with J. T. in a cypher worked in pearl. Together with a number of fancy pie ces, painted by Sully, which cannot now be recollc<£led ; 5 Bo.itfwa:u's Calls llamped ' Wariock.' AND The following Watches: Gold watch t maker's name ProvaH, Paris fiiver do. Thomas Green, Liverpool, 7703 1 do do. George Bifield, London, 13,500 1 gold do. French,no name 1 i!o. do. John Ryland, London, 1331 I fiiver do. French, no mm« 1 do. do. John Bull, London, 744 1 gold do. Rodart, Paris i fiiver do. Joseph Kember Shaw 1 d:t. do. J. Darlington, London t do. do. No. 9561 i gilt do. G. M. Metcalf, London, 4196 i fiiver do. Gewrge Hafwood, London, *906 1 do. do. J Smith, London, tn 1 double cafe gilt watch, R. Olburn, Rich mond, 8764 100 Dollars will be given for the reftoratioi. of the jewellery, or 200 dollars if the thief or thieves are also fccurcl. Mr. Benjimin Morris, the owner of the Watches which were taken at the fame time, will alio give 100 dollars fcr them. July 19 The Printers at Peterlbure, Richmond, Alex<nd'ia—Baltimore —Char efton—and o thers, are requested to insert the above for a few time* GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS 1 Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procured a fuffici«nt number ot themoft approved European Glals Mapu fuiflurers, and having on hand a large stock of the heft Materials, en which their workmen as« now employed, have the plealure of alluring the public, that window glal'» of a fupei ior qua lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 14 inch's, carefully packed in boxes containing 100 feet ea h, may be had at the Ihorteft notice. Olafs of larger sizes for other purposes, may also be ha 4, fnch as for pictures, coach glafles, clock faces, &c. Bottles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket ftafks, picklingjars, apothecary's (hop furniture, or other hnllow ware—the whole at least 2f per cent, lower than articles of the fame quality brought from any of the sea ports of the United States. A liberal allowance will be made en sale of large quantities. Orders from merchants tnd others will be punctually attended to on ap plication ta JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Store of Meflrs. PRATHER and SMILIE, in Maiket-Street, P ttfburgh, March 4, tuthtf. FOR SALE, A Tra& of Land; BEAUTIFULLY iituatad Oil the north fide ofWiKROWGATF. Lane, divided into three Lots, containing between 6 and 7 acres each, adjoining linds of Capt. Hefs, Abrahim Kint zin», Ahiah Brown, John Harrilon and others, it has within a few months past been highly ma nured ; the greater part is now in Timathy and Clover. On it are several elegant situations to build on- Apply to ISAAC W. MORRIS. eo6t JlforrmHfr i 30 Dollars Reward. RA N away fr»m the fubfcribtr, a Negro Man-SUvf) calle 1 Levin —His completion is yellow, his height about five feet and up wards ; hi" hair is b'. shy and long, and cut on the top of his bead; his person is th : ck and well nude, and he is not over thirty years old He is fupp")ed to have pore to the northward. It is reporred that Levin, or one much like him, took water at Vienna for Baltimore, Maryland. Whoever f cures or canfes htm to be secur ed so that I pet him nglin, or brings and deli -1 vers him to the subscriber, (hall receive there | for 30 dollars, and all rsafonable costs and JAMES ANDERSON. Near Stevtns'* Ferry, Somerset County, Maryland September# 1 *1 X& Printers. Ths foUawing MATERIALS will be fold ft ale ruble if applied for immediately. 1 PrtTs, 3 Founts LonJ>?rimer (partly -worn) 2 ditto on body, 2 ditto Pica, 1 ditto English, 2 ditto Brevier, i ditto Burgeois,' Several pair of Chafes, feveVal cowpofing fticLs, frames and galleys, fi'rne brals rules, Qiiotuioris, &c. See. See: all of the above will be fold very reasonable tor Oath. j September 8. TO LET, OR FOR SALE, .4 2-story brickhoufe Situate in Duke-street (or Artillery lane) A*intbern Liberties, TWO rooms on a floor, kitchen and wafti house, all built of the heft materials, and in «xcel enc order ; cellars under the whole, one paved and ha? two latticedol'cts wiih locks, a large gar den and yard, leveral fruit-trees in the garden, two pumps of excellent water near the premises. Enquire at No, 39, Arch ftrcet. July '5 tu*f 6w "HIGH-STREET. The House, LATELY occupied by the Chevalier D'Yrujo, SpinTlh Ambassador, will be let out to an approved person or family, on easy conditions. It is large, commodious and el'gant, with coach-house and (tables cont'"iimble. Enquire at No. 100, Spruce flreet. SAMUEL MAGAW, Arcb Street, N». 94. eocJtt. Jutyy, 20 dollars Reward. J RAN AWAY from the fabfcriber at Speed well Forge. Laticafler county, on Saturday night the »jd instant, a Negro man named NED, about II years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, flrong built, has a remarkable fear on the right check. Had on wh< n he went away a fuftian coatee, caflimere waiflcoat, tow trowfers, and round wool hat. He hat a lalfe pass in which he is called James Ro!s of Bcrkely county, Virginia ; property of David Hcnter. It is probabU he will ftiape his course for New-York. Who' ter apprehends and secures said Negro, so that 1 get him !>ga»n (hall receive the above re ward, and rcafomb)® charges if brought home. WILLIAM COLEMAN. d 3t —eo iw September I To Gentlemen Farmers. THE SUBSCRIBER DECLINING farming, will offer at public file on his PUnution, oppofitc Newbold's Ida d on the Delaware, within two miles of Hordrntown, state of New-Jrrfey, on Saturday) i jth September next at » o'clock, his flock of Horses, Cattle {mostly fat) an afcout eighty Seep, fourteen of which are Rams. The prin cipal part of both Ewes and Rams are an excel ent breed His plantation he will hold for file till next fprinp, when if not fold it will be rented. Terms of sale made known at the time. THOMAS St. JOHN. Adguft 30. FRANKLIN Reserved Trafts, FOR SALE. ON Wednesday the lft day of October next, books will be open in the Office of the Sub scriber, residing in Franklin, for the sale of the Reserved Tra&s, laid out by virtus of an a<ft ol AlYembly pafled the llth <!ay of April, 1799- One fifth part of the purchase money to be piid at the time ®f sale, one fifth part within twelve months from the day of sale, one fifth part wt*hin two years from said day, and the remaining two fifth parti at or before the expiration o three year* after fuih sale No contrail to be confirm ed for fifteen days after the said books (hall be o pened, and the highest price offered within that nine will he accepted. All payments made will be forfeited imfcf- the put chafer within three yeirs from the day of sale makes an adtual fettlemeßt oa the tra<9 ; lirchafed, by clearing, fencing, and cultivating at leail two acres for every fifty con tained in the survey, and ereft thereon a mes s.age for the habitation of man, and relide there on l«r the space of five years next following the firft fetticoient of the fa-re. No patents to issue, unless fatufaftory proof ihall Ee made of such a&ual fcttlement, rtfidence, and improvement, GEORGE FOW'LER, Comm jjioncr. Franklin, July 48, 1800. aiiguft 8, District of Pennsylvania to u>it: BE it remembered thit on the Tenth day of July in the twenty fifth year of the Indepen dence of the United States of America, Alexan der Addifcs of the said DilM& hcth depr sited in this office the title of a book the right where of he claims as Author in tha words following to wit. lt Reports of cases in the Count/ courts of the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court of Errors and appeals of the State of Pennsylvania, and charges to Grand Juries of those County Courts. By Alexander Addifon, President of the Courts of Common Plea* of the Fifth Cir cuit of the State of Pennlylvania." In conformity to the a<sl of Congrefsof the Uni ted States k,titled " An a£l for the encouragement of learning by securing the copies of maps charts and books to the Authors and Proprietors of such cooies during the times therein mentioned." v D.CvLDWELL, CM of tic Di/lritt of Pcnnfylvania. The above book is now published. It will be de livered to lubferibers by Mr. Dobfcn Bookseller. J u 'y __ LANCASTER STAGES. rpHK Proprietors of the Philadelphia »nd Lan- I JL carter line of Stages DISPATCH, return their grateful thanks to their friends and the public m general, for the part favors tfeey have received,and inform them that in addition to the regular Line, th-v are provided with Carriages,fober and careful drivers, to go- through between the City and Boroagh in two days. Tl ofs who prefer this mode of travelling can be accommodated at the Stage Office, sign of United Stat## Eagle, Market street, Philadelphia. SlougbyJksM' n g) Dunvroody if Co. Nev* 30. SI 2t—J Landing fr* n the ship America, IVnlte. Sims,, frdm Canton, Jtnu FOR SALE BT NICKLIN, GRIFFITH to- C«. Bohea, Congo, So'ichongj ift &ind quality, Caper souchong, Hyfnn-fkin, WEAS, Singlo, Young hyTofc, Hyson, ill & ad quality, Imperial, Ytllow £c white nankeens Lutcftrings, black & color'd ( In Boxes Sinfhaws do. ( assorted, Sattins do. J Luteil rings, max. blue & dark green Siulhaws do > boxes. Persian taffetas, dark green 3 They bavi also on band for sale, received bv the late arrivals from Europe, isfo. "j Infmallpack- Striped and checked ginghams i ages assorted, White figured & cclor'd Muf- | calculated tor linetts Ifthe Weft-ln- White corded dimitie9 1 dia market & Color'd silk, f —"*' ed to ~ V •f" —eens | entitlea J drawback. <4 Trunks printed Calicoes, 5 do. do. 3 Bales seine twine io Cases Englilh China ware, Cdrawback, in tea setts J 6 Calks mineral black, I do. white, 10 do. calcother, 3 Casks purple brown, 35 do. nails assorted, 9 do. London porter in bottles, English fail canvas, No. I, a & 3, Russia duck, 17 Boxes white Haranna sugar, 13 Pipes old Madeira wine, Gunpowder, Empty wine bottles, 20 Guns, 6 pounders, 11 do. 9 do. ig do 9 do. with carriages, Ac, ißo,ocolbs. Ceribou coffee, ift quality jo.ooolbs. black pepper f drawback 10 Legs ebony J May A PERSON OF abilities, integrity and experience in mercantile bufwefs, would willingly en gage at CLERK to a merchant or publis of fice, or be concerned with any person as pait ner, as he has an interest of about one thousand pounds in real estate ill the city. Please to ap ply to the Printer ; or a line left at tlx? offiee for B Y. will be attended to immediately. Vfjvio d?t m&th t* Of the Bank of the United States, NO. »59.<* to inclusive, in the name of Thomas Mali tt of London, were forward ed about the Ift of M->y 1797. f"> m New-York, by the ftip Oneida for London, which was cap tured by the French, and said Certificates loft or dellroyed ; therefore application is made at the said Bank for the renewal of the sam«, of which all persons concerned are desired to take notice. Clement Biddle. itember 3., 1800 djm dtw. china goods. riped Twelve Shares Philad NOTICE. A CERTIFICATE, No. »55»9-d*ed lft Jan uary 1797* in favour ol Robert Lindfay, of Charleftsn South-Carolina, for one ftiare of the stock of the Dank of the United States is loft— a duplicate of which will be applied for at the said Inllitution. ROBERT LENOX. m&t^m August 7. A Young Man, PERFECTLY versed in Mercantile accounts, and brought up in one of the firft counting heufeb in this <?ity, wifties employment as Clerk. He is at present absent from Philadelphia, but a line left at the Office of the Gazette of the Uni ted States he will receive, and it (hail be imme diately attended to. Salary a secondary obje<sfc Employment his motive, augttft it A good second band Riding Chair, and an excellent family CHAIR HORSE FOR SALE, Cheap—Enquire of the Printer. September 1 mwfaw WAYNE COUNTY TAXES. THE owners of unimproved lands in Wayne county, are hereby notified, that Taxes are become payable thereon for the years 1i 99 and 1800. Those who have not already paid their taxes, re hereby required to diicharge the fame to JOHN BRINK, Elquire, Treasurer <,f said County at Milford, within three month, from this date .otherwise proceedings to sale, according to the aa of Assembly in such cafe provided, will e had by the Commissioners for the f-id county. Asa Stenton, 1 Jnbn Carton, >■ Commissioners Jthannes Van Etten, J Attoft, F.. Kellogg, Clk« July 9. Notice to the Pilots. IS hereby given—That in consequence of the Beacon on the Brown, being so much injured as to render it unfit for service, a Buoy with a keg on the milt, will be placed on thit (hoal, until it can be replaced by the Beacon, or whirh dtfe notice will be given. W. MACPHERSON, Superintendent. August 16 (,JW Just Received, Br A. DICKINS, opposite Christ Cburcb k View OF THE CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF THE American Revolution, In Nineteen Difoourfes. By the Rev. JqsaMah Boucher, A. M. F. A. S. Trice a Dollars Cfcntt, July 3°* TO BE SOLD PUBLIC VENDUE, On Thnrfday the«lßth instant, 11 At the Dwelling Heufc of the Subscriber, IN THE BOROUGH OF FRANKFORD, All his HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, CONSISTING of Feather Beds, Bedsteads and Bedding ; Mahogany Dining, Ereakfaft, and Card Tables ; Mahogany and Cherry Bureau* an Eight Day Clock, Desks and Book-Cafe ; an excellent Piana Forte ; Mahogany and Windfcr Chairs, a Settee, Looking GlafTes, Carpets, Chi na ; a few articles of Plate ; Venitian Blinds,hraft Andirons, ard some Drye Goods, and a variety of other articles. AUo on tbt fame day—A haiidfome and valuable Building Lot, fronting to the Main Street, and adjoining the house ol the Subscriber, two good Horses, a Cow, and a Riding-Chair with ftcel springs and plated Harness; fix Ten Piatoand two Open Stoves %* The sale to begin at 10 o'clock, A. M. and cenditions made known by) JOHN M'CLELLEN. September 10. eod3t FOR SALE, A PRINTING PRESS complete, Oid Long Prirver, Small Pica on pica body (new and old Pica, do. English, (two fmallfounts) 16 Line Pica, &c. Sundry Frames, and a great variety of Office Furniture, &c. Irois work of a pr'nting-pref9, r£s" They will he fold cheap forcsfii —Apply at the office of ttve Gazette of tht United States. Saulnier & Wilson, WOOLEN DRAPERS, MERCERS, tsV. No. North fide Market-flreet, HAVE a general assortment of befl London fuperfinc Broad Cloths and Caffimeres, (of the newcft fafli ion) silk ft ripe and second quality Cloths, fafhionabhi waiftc ating, silk stripe and twill'J Nankeens, Jean, Futtian, Gingham, Dimi ty, Thickset, fancy Cold, Va!vets, Scarlet, yellow and white Flannels, Flanders, Irilh and brown Linens, Dowlas, mens' and woinens' silk and cottnn Hoficry, coat and vest pearl, steel, gilt and plated Buttons, different colours Silk Velvets, tam boured and Cambric Muslins, Calicoes, Caliman coes, Shiwls, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Glove* Checks, &c &c. mf-'W tf N. B. Taylors' heft quality Trimmingj——all which they will fell very low. July »8, dtf r'HE undermentioned Certificates of Stock -1. of the Bank of the United States, viz. No. 3804, dated tit July 1796, for ten (hare» in the name of Charles Lovegrove of Mew- York. No. 15311 —No. 15314, dated ifl July* 1796, for five fbares each in the name of Sarah Wedgewood of Etruria. No. 19808 —No. 19809, dated ift January, 180?. for ten Ihares each, in tha name ef Henry Waddington, Merchant, London. Notice is hereby given, That application t» intended to be made at the said Bank by the fubferibsrs, for arenfwal of the fame, of which all perfom concerned are requested to take notice. WADDINGTON & HARWOOIi Philadelphia, July 30, 1800. mwf 3m Just Received, jNn for sale bt ROBINETT & KISSELMAN, 2 00 lbs. Mace, "I 0 f a superior quality. 400 lbs. Nutmegs, J r 1 / Jamaica Spirits, 4th proof, Do. Sugar of the firft quality, Holland Gin in pipes, Port-au-Prince Molasses—and 30 Tierces Rice. E. 13" K. have also en band, for sale, Hyson, 7 Young Hyson, 8c > TEAS, Souchong J Cogniac Brandy, id & 4th proof, Sherry Wine in quarter calks, very nic», 50,000 Spanish Segars, And a Variety of other GROCERIES. Augufl 26 eo City Commissioner's Office, Philadelphia, Aug. 26th, 1800. IN pnrfuance of an Ordinance of the Select and Common Councils, palled the aid day of May, PROPOSALS, (in writing) Will be received by the City. Commiflioners, until the thirtieth day of September next, for renting on L.ease», for one year, to commence on the first day of January next, the following public property of the city, viz. I. The Wharf and Landing on Vine Street, j. ditto on Saffafras do. j Ditto on Mulbury do. 4. The Wharves and Landings on High and Chef nut streets. 5. Ditto on Walnut street, the 1 Spruce, Pine and Csdar streets, int. "'jng the Fife Houle. 6. The Cellar under the City Hull. Applications may be left with either Commiflioners, or with their clerk, at No; 6j, Cherry Street. eor.ioS^ d yot JUST IMPORTED AND FOR SALE, AT DICKINS'S BOOK - STORE, Opposite Christ -Church, A N ASSORI untfT OF English Papers fM STATIONARY. Philadelphia, Aug. 6, WANTED—in Exchange, A FOUNT of Long Primer, wefcliißg « : or 700 lb. or upwards, and a Fount ot Brevier, weighing 4Colbs. or upwards. September i. Loft, To Printers. - V •f:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers