' Late FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. PER RECLNT ARRIVALS. PARIS, July 27. The minister at war to General Buonaparte> Firll Consul of the Republic. ** Citizen Consul, *' The general of brigade Greigney, com manding the department of the Lower Loir, has given me a very fatisfa&ory ac count of the political situation of that coun try. He announces, that the government uni .es the affeftions of all in that diftridt ; that unioh and eternal peace resume, from day to day a liable empire ; in fine, that the enemies of order in vain attempt to foment new difturbanccs. '• He has given me at the fame time some details refpefting the lad appearance of the Englilh upon the coast of La Ven dee. He observes that the inhabitants of Noirmontier, and those of Birbatree and Beauvois, who formerly diftinguithed th< m felves under the standard of revolt, have en on this occasion a striking proof of at tachment to the republic, by braving the fire of the enemy's batteries, and by ma king ninety -one prisoners, even before the arrival of the troops of the line. " General Greigney thinks that a letter of fatisfadlion on your part, Citizen Consul, on the courageous} conduftof these citizens, would produce a very salutary effeft upon the minds of the inhabitants of the weft- " I of consequence subjoin the following (ketch of a letter for your approbations " Health and refpeft, » CARNOT." Tlie Prefeft of La Vendee, to the minister at war. " Fontcnaye Le Ftuple, Ju 'y 3. CrTiaEN Minister, " I have this instant received news that twelve Englilfc gun-boats have effefted a new debarkation on the fide of Fromentin. «« The inhabitants of Crefniere, Barbatre, and Beauvois, the persons employed in the custom-houses and the Gecdarmeirie march ed towards the place attaeked. Eight gun boats had not time to get out again to sea : they remained on the Gona, and our troops having attacked them, made 19J men pri soners, of whom 45 are at Beauvois, and 150 at Barbatre. " I have not yet receiv«d any full details. When I receive them I shall hav£.,th« ho nour to communicate them. " Health and refpeft. « LEFAUCHEUX" LONDON, July 32. tIILD MARSHALL tVITJIKKOir. The world never loft a greater captain than the late Field Marlhall Suwarrow— The circumllances of his death are little known owing to the asiatic jcalnufy and po litical reftridtion of the Court of Pcterfotirg, as well as perhaps to regret and remorse for its injustice toward* the most illustrious of the Ruffian# 1 We are gratified in being able to commu nicate from an authentic source particular of the clofc of a life which has filled all Eu- rope with its fame, while it rendered the most important Cervices to the civilized world as well as to the more than uncivilized Km- pire, in whose ungrateful bosom it termina ted its glorious career in negleft and defer, tion. Tbe meflenger who was charged with the letteri which announced the loss of the Emperor's favour, met this great man upon the road to St Peterft>urgh, where he ex pefted to be received under triumphal arch es by the praises of his Sovereign, and the gratitude of ihe people. Suwarrow read the dispatches in his carriage. The meflcn ger re«eived a purse of ducats, and heaid the sole complaint that ever escaped from the brcaft of the hero. "This," then he cri ed ''is the reward of those who devote their exigence to the service of their country." His heart was rent by the fuddenefs of the shock, and exhausted nature, near the term of her carreer, was unable to sustain hiß mighty spirit, indignant at its wrongs. Doubtlefc, it would have been greater to to have despised an injury which disgraced only its author ? the difgraceof Suwarrow ! the world did not wait to do h m justice. Suwarrow mourned the departed Lultre of his Sovereigns name, for he was a man of drift virtu*, of exalted principles, and a patriot in every honed sense of that abttfed name. Under the blow he had received, and at verge of a natural death, fer he nad attained his 74th year of his age, his Teafoii gave way as happened to many illus trious men at this period of life, merely from the intense and assiduous use of their facultios alone. He did not, however, fuffer the calamity of mental derangemsnt, although he survived for a (hart time the full use of his understanding, his wrongs preyed upon his {hattered health and exhaus ted frame. He died of that accumalated chagrin, that proud and sullen resentment and indifference which his family called a broken heart- in a small wooder. house, under the displeasure of his mailer, at a diitance from hisfamily and abandonedjby his Aiends ? No sooner was it known that he had ex pired, that the public sorrow, whkh no despotism can perfeftly restrain, bur ft forth in murmurs both loud and deep, and the Court itfelf tho't proper to relent. The budy received, late and fiipcrfluous, those honors, the just privation of which had overwhelmed the reason aud overpowered the great mind which had inhabited it. Paul I. commanded it to be exposed is state, ill the capital, and to be intered aroidft the pomp of military honours and royal Ceremo nial The tears of the Ruffian,, and the admiratioo of Europe, 3re the mcnunsen s of Suwarruw, and an eternal tomb, which the caprice of Princes neither give nor take away. By this Day's Mail. BOSTON, Sept. 16. Extract of a letter frem Salem, written and received, ye terday. "This dayarrived (hip Recovery, Phillips, Calcutta, 124 days. Sailed in co. with the Ulyfles, capt.' Muxfurd, of this port, and a (hip belonging to Gloucester, 60 days since spoke (hip Charles from Bombay for Boft->n off the Cape ofGood Hope. Short ly after a severe wefleily gale came on. — Brig Walhington of Salem, was to fail in 6 or 7 days after capt. P—The (hip Eliza beth, Canada, at this port, has beeu loft in the river Hoogly. was ladeaed with bale goods. A part of her cargo will be fared. "The m»ft affiiAive information is of the (death of Mr. Wintbrop Gray, fnpercargo of theUiyfles, whose ufeful and refpe&ed life was terminated,by a lock-jaw, produced by a wound which he in a fall. NORFOLK, September n. The fliip Nancy, Lord, arrived in tlie r a Is j6 djys from Liverpool. The (hip reported at Hampton, but the letters, See. hive not yet come over. She failed a few days after the fchr. Favourite. The fchr. Louifi Bridjyer, arrived yefter trom Antigua, fell in with the Patapfco flaop of war, with whom they exchanged several shot before their refpeftive colours were diiVinguifoed; WEST COUNTRY PATENT Canvas, No 1 to 8, FOR SALE BY Ebenezer Large, ALSO 200 boxes iliort pipes faitable for the Spanife Market. 9 mo. 13th. jßso 7W FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. Two Pointer Dogs, ONE answer« to the name of Brulh, i> ahoot 18 months old, a whit* dog, with a numbfr ®l brown spots—the ether about (he fame age, nearly all white. The above reward will be paid on their delivry at r Iff iter's in Germantown, or ha'f the sura tor one of them. feptembcr 18 e»3t Loft this morning, Thomas grerves's a'or£, in favour of Thamas Mifflin. c!ited September 17, 1800, at 60 days, for 1750 dollar*, hut u >t en dorsed Any person having found the fame, and will re'urn it to T. Greevci, No,. 73, Wa'nut street, (hall be rewarded. feptemher 16 Horses & Phaeton. A PAIR of well broke, found Horfc*, and a handsome Phx'oii, for sale at Thomat Allen'j Livery-ftaMe, in 6th n«ar Arch streets. fcptember 13 d6 r An Invoice of Playing Cards. SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the Vlllth, and Merry-Andrew Playing Card*, f#r sale cheep for cafe—Apply at this Office. feptember 11. For Sale, BY PUBLIC AUCTION—IN THE , CITY Or WASHINGTON. THE following property belonging tothcTruf tees of the Fund, provided for the payment of certain creditors of Edward Fox and James Oreenle*f. On Monday the 6tß October inst. PART of the property of said fund, in the City of Washington, that now is rendered dear of every incumbrance, \yill be exposed at Public Au.lion at Tannidifl Tavern, aniongft which arc the following valuable fituatiou, viz. 11 Lots in square No. 973, a lots in square 974. ij lots iR jquaro N«. 995, a lots in square south of fquari 1019, 19 lots in square ioio, t lot in square io»e 1 lot in square ion, 7 lots in square 1013, 4 lot in square iO»4, 3 lots in square 1045, « lots in square 1046, 9 lots in square 1047, 1 a lots in square 1048, with funcfry others, advactageoufly situated in various parts of the city. Also the a llory frame houlc raw occupied by Mr. Dcblois, beautifully situated (with an extensive view of sev eral miles down the Potomac) on the south 93ft corner of square 973, fronting 42 feet on 11 street east, and 41 feet on south G street: a commodious Kitchsn with an oven, &c. adjoining the south front. A large frame stable, carriage house and hay loft 50 lent by 15, and a pump of excellent water near the back door of the kitchen, the lot feet on if street, and 139 feet 1 inch in G street, comprizing lots Nos. 1, 1, 3, and part I of li, in the registered division of the square. I he faleswill commence at the said tavern at ten o'clock in the forenoon. The term6one fourth cash, one fourth in fix months, when a deed will be given, the remain ing moiety in two years, payment to be secured by bond ami tvorrgage. But the creditors in the I above fund, may in lie* of mortgage secure pay | ment of their bonds by deposit of certificates iff the trustees at the rate of five (hillings in the ponnd, to the amount secured and flicald a dividend take place before the expiratiou of the tw > years, it will be set off againfl the bond, and the certifi cates returned in the fame proportion. Henry Pratt Thomaa W. Francis John Miller, jun. John Afhley Jacob Baker. THOMAS TIN Aaguft 4. Gazette of the United Staets SATURDAY RVKNING, SEPTEMBER 20 PRICES OF STOCKS. Plltl.ADtel.FHlA, SIPTIMBER <J. Old % perCent Stock for tafh 109 per cent. 8 per Cent Stock d>- loSij Si* per Cent, (net amount) 87-^ Navy do. d«. 87^ Three per Cent. da. 53 Deferred, - di, 84 J BiNK United States, d>. 31 Pcnnfylvania, do. 16 North America, <\a. 4!! Infurante comp- N. A. (Hares jo per cent, be low par. Pennfylvania, (hares, it per cent-, adv, Turnpike share<, to per ceht. under par. Bridge (Schuylkill) Stock, par. Baft-India Company of N. A. 7 per cent advance Lan 1 Warrants, 15 dolls, per 100 acr««. Water Loan, 85 per cent. COURSE OF/EXCHANGE Bills on I.on. at 30 days for cafe 170 per ct -00. do. 60 days do. i6B£ do. Do. do. 90 days do. 166$ Bills on Harburgh at 60 days 36 «37 c ". per Mark Banco Ds. in AmlWdam, 60 days 39 a 40 cts. per Florin. Cjf Ihe Carriers of this Gazette, have been strictly forbidden either to sell or give away, any of theirpapers ; and should the Editor detect, or re ceive information of any person at tempting to seduce them from the line of their duty, he will emp.oy legal means for redress.—lt has become a serious inconvenience, and those who are friendly to the interest of this paper, are requested to give such in formation as may b$ in their power on the subject, and they vill confer an obligation on 7he Editor. To Readers and Corespondents. We exult to find that lie publication of :he bold and spirited fe mon of the Rev, Mr. Adekcrumbie isbejinning to rou2e Clerical energy againlt the wiles of the Ja cobinic for. The friends of Mr. Jefferfon, dreading the wide and falltary effeft of the warning voice of a christian Preacher are in commotion ; and by auchcious falfhoud, or cobweb fophillry attemjt to screen a Deist and a Philofophcr from :he general gaze. The columns of the Aurcra are surcharged with venom againlt an established Priest and a well principled man, tlat natural foe to democracy and atheifin. But the assertions of the writers in French pay, are of such low, malignant, and fcoandrtl complexion, iliat we are forced to conclude they are the , currish yelpings of the baled of the Jacobin ' pack. " Sons of the day,juft buoyant on the flood, Then number'd wiih the puppiet. in the mud, \flc ye their names ? I could as soon disclose The names of these blind puppies, as of those." Truth will ditfute her radiance from the pulpit ; arid the jult exhortation of Mr. A. hat excited an attention, general and pro found. In all the valuable Gazettes of Con necticut ; in the most refpe&able papert of the city of New York ; in the Boston and >»lem Journals, the celebrated extraft from his nervous difcourl'e has been reprinted,. It has already excited many of the clergy to come forward, and manfully &ppofe the elec tion of Mr. JelTirfon. Dr. Linn of New- York, Dr. Wharton .of New-Jerley, Mr. Jauwa/, of this City, have, like Mr. Abercrombie, from principle, piety, and con science, exhorted the people againlt the laxity of morals, and decay and contempt of reli gion, consequent on the election of a noto rious deiltarrtt FrSnch philosopher. Mr. ABPRCuaMUiE is not alone in this warfare as has been asserted, both by the ma lignant foe and the timid friend. The re verse position is true. The great body of the real friends to energfctic government and religion, "pure and undefiled," ark with him. Many of the clerical »rder in the middle and Southern States openly juftify the principles of his discourse ; and, in New England, it is notorious that Episcopalians and Presbyterians, " those of Paul, or those of Apollos," concur in contending againlt French principles and a French Philosopher. The *Gardiners, the Elliots, the Kirklands, are in the babit of preaching similar sermons. At this perilous hour, it is a duteous and salutary cnltftnH If it become general, we (hall be fafe, and the citizens of America under a moral and religious ruler, will have reason to thank their clerical mentors for warning them against deiftical delusion. "Senex" {hail be treated with that re fpecl which age and experience demand. " 'lime honored" is a venerable title ; and in the effufions of Sknex, we discover the moderation and good lenfe, but neither the garrulity, nor the imbecility of an old man. « Fortunate Stncx hie inter flumina not* Et fontct facros frigut captabis opacum." We (hall be glad to hear again frore the author of the Bai lad, recounting the ad venture between a certain Great Personage and the Oyfterman. The stile is a very to lerable copy of Lewis's celebrated " Alonzo, the brave, and the fair Imogene." We de plore the typographical inacuracy of one or two ps its lines. The author will good na turedly attribute th* circuinftance to the un avoidable hurry in which a daily paper is executed. * Celebrated C lergj men of BoftOn. Truftcti. EY, Agent. 3 taw t8 PHILADELPHIA, / It is fiiiely observed, by a very elegant and correct writer in the Commercial Gaz ette of Boston that, " French philosophy bears no more resemblance to the benevolent fylltm of antiquity, than the transient fury of the Dog Star, 10 the mild, invigorating influence of the Sun." We perceive by a late advertisement in a morning paper that a Mrs. Lovingger it summoned by an angry hulband to a Court of Jultic, in order to obtain that grand quencher of all matrimonial coala—a divorfe —lf Father Shandy's theory of names were really a fotmd one, Mrs. Loving jeer would, we might fuppofit, be too kind, and too witty a woman to quarrel with her protedof. But alas ! «• Whats a name? that which wc call a rose 3y any other name would l'mell as sweet. The classic Giflord, the Editor of the Ami Jacobin Review, expressing his virtu ous contempt for a late French novel, the licentious Spawn of a Jacobin HulTar, de clares that if this gallaot gentleman wield his sword no better than his pen, he mult afford equal disgust 10 his Golontl and his Critic:" We do not rememuer a finer ex ample of cafy alliteration. CITIZENS GUARD YOUR LIB ERTIES ! The Jacobins speak boldly—they make no secret now of their intentions. A few days ago, one who is not altogether unacquainted with the plans of his Honur declared " tliatt as there was no Eleftion Law for Eleftor?, his Excellency meant ta aft under the old one, and iflur his Proclamation accordingly. ' In plainer terms he ought to have laid, as there is no Law, his will shall be law. FEDERAL REPUBLICANS. As you value the right of fuffrage and your liberties, attend at the approaching ward cleft ion for Infpeftors and Judges. It is of prnpary importance that you ciiool'e rel'peftable, honest, and good men, and firm Federalilts. Your opponents are determined to ut'e every effort to obtain their point ; do not by your l'upinrnefs, let them accom plilh their purpoles, turn out in your rel peftive wards to a man, and the day is yours. A DISCIPLE OF Mr. JEFFERSON. In a recent conrerl'ation at a Tavern between a plain, honelt looking countryman and a Jacobin, the following exprcllions occurred. The Jacobin l'peaking of his po litical faith, of Jefferfon, &c. &c. made this declaration—" I weuldl'ooner" fays he "for fake Jksbs Christ.'' The honell fellow who had never heard fach language before, after looking at the wretch with aftonilhinent, said to him " You would ?" 44 Yet," retorted the abandoned Jacobin villain, 44 I would forsake JESUS CHRISI before I wuid TOM M-K.EAN 1 ! ! ! ! This felloA, Americans, is a true Jefferfo nian, this is the del'cription of men wlwal'pire to rule over you—these are they who' abuse Mr. Abercrombie for opposing their dia bolical and facrjligious principles—if by your want of exertion «nd union you fuffei men of this calt to be your rulers, you dr lerve, and it is highly probable you will re ceive, every curse which such blasphemers may draw down upon them, by their horrid impiety. The Son of Matthew Lyon, the Spitten has commenced a paper at Washington City, of the most hostile kind lo the libcrtick and independence ot c>ur country ; and in diretl opuofition to the Federal Government.— This man we are told is adtually patronised by the State of Virginia—a funi has been furnilhed him by that State, for the expreis purpole of a flitting to corrupt the minds of the people, to prepare them to overthrow the prelent government. We are inclined to give confidence to this assertion j—in deed it can i'carcely admit of a doubt; and we know, that at the timfc the old Lyon was confined in the date of Vermont for a breach of the laws of our country, a subscription ot 3,000 dollars was raised, to pay his fine, to luppart him in goal, and to relieve hini from some old debts. Tbefe are fails, —all these proceedings lliew an avowed hofli'ity and de termination to subvert our Confticution and Government. It' these things are not oppo sed by the good tense and unanimity of the people, for whose liberties, chains are now preparing by the Jacobins, they will when too late regret their loft rights. A Quarrel has taken place at Raleigh, (N. C.) between Mr. Boylan, Printer of the North-Carolina Minerva, and Mr. Make \ £akir, Attorney-General of that State.— j It appears that the Attorney is a Jacobin, I and in the late prufecution of the Blount's some improper conduct, favourable to the prefecuted j was evinced by the Attorney, which produced a publication by Boylan, cen tring hiscondutt ; in confluence of which, Bak«r, accompanied by one or two porfons left his . home and rode 75 miles to Mr. Boylan't office, and after some conversation, (truck him ; —fome Gentlemen interfering they were parte4- 1 h' E produced a chal lenge from Mr. BoyLin, which the At torney refused to accept, Mr. Boylan im mediately after met him in theftreet on horse back and Oruck Uim I'eversl times—a magil trate interfered, ;.nd thus the business ended at that time. Mr. Samuel Griffinj of Williamiburg, is nominated as the lucceffor to Mr. Blair, in the Federal Ticket, for ele&ors of Pre fluent and Vice-Piefident in \ ir^inia. Chilii'joan .o represent the united d! <jf Orange iiurgh and Beaufort in Congress in Soath Carolina. General Richard Winn is also a candi date for Congrefs—Mr.Chennl declines. The above gentlemen are nominated in a Paper generally elteeraed Democratic. For the 34 hours preceding Thursday, Sept. 18, fun-rife, there were 31 deaths in Baltimore and its virinit^. Total number of sick in hospital with the prevailing disease 40 C.onva'lefcence since last report 13 Discharged, cured do. t From Monday evening, the Bth* to Friday evening) the tath. there wert i 2 deaths in Norfolk, and 19 new cases. « Departed this on the loth ir.fhnt, near General Morris's in the county of Ot fego, and State of New York, Miss Hannah Cooper, eldefl daughter of William Ooperj Esq. of Cooperftowji. Her death was occa sioned by a fall from her horse.—She was a young lady poffefled of more than a common (hare of mental endowments ; hercharitable and benevolent dipofition was well known to all the poor and affiifted of her neigh bourhood—in thefeveral relations of daugh ter, filler, friend, and miflrefs, she had no luperior, and her who whole conduft thro' life, was such p.s to endear her in an extra j ordinary manner to a very extensive circle of DI ED]— At Baltimore with the prevail ing fever, doflor Charles F. Stinnecke for merly of Carlisle in Pennsylvania. ig fever, Mr. Christian Rofenkilde, a na ive of Norway, aged seventeen years. illness of three daya. Mr. George Seari, a refpedtable merchant of that plaee. COLUMBIA'S BOAST- On Saturday arrived at New-London the United States sloop of war Trumbull, Da vid Jewett, Esq. commander ; brought in with her the French fchr. Vengeance, of 8 four-pounders mounted, pierced for i» guns, two of which are in her hold ; captur ed on the 14th of Augull, just out of Jere mie ; escaping from the fangs of Tauilfaint. She has 130 fouls on board, a number whom are women and children ; all people of ce- ' lour save Monf. Mounier, a vile fello'w, late agent for Riguad's barges at P>:tit Guave About 60 or 70 of the prisoners are officers ; among them are D'Artignave, chief of brigade commandant of Jeremie, and its dependencies ; one Adjutant General, and the principal part of Rigaudjs etar Major. The prize has on board a considerable quan tity of powder and dollars. On tne 6th of August the Trumbull, took the commandant or Petit Trou, Lwe* with his family and several officers, on board a large open boat ; the prisoners, and cargo confining of 40 bags of coffee, were taken on board the Trumbull, and the boat funk. The prisoners amounting to nearly 150 are not yet landed ; it is supposed they will be sent into the interior ot the slate. Extract of a letter from a refpeßable gentleman in Richmond, Fir. to bis correspondent in New-Tori, datad S ptember 8, 1800. " For the week patt we have been under momentry expe&ations of a riling among Qur negroes, wha have aflemblcd to the a raouni of goi or i*oo, and threatened to rnaflacre all the whites. They are armed wiih dtfperate weapons and secrete thera (elves in the woods. God only know 9 our fate—we have strong guards every night, under arms. ExtraS of a Itter received from a gentleman in Ldi burgh, to his friend in iV. York, " America has loft in Gen. Walhington a man whole tn emory all the world reveres, and whose fame will last for ever. President Adams, whom I know chiefly from hii book "ii the American Cnnftitution, appears to be a man of wisdom ?t>d virtue. and the r'i.oi e c.f such a man trt be Waflimgton'# fucctfior gives me a iiigjj opinion (if the Americans, at least of the great body of the nation ; for I know there is a mad party in politics with you, as well as on this fide of | the Atlantic 1 " Frsm the Washington Telegraphe. Lost. THE Governor and Secretary of Penn. fylvania. They departed a considerable time ago from the feat of Government, and have not been since heard of by the inhabi tants of Lancaster. The former is a small " weaale-faced old gentleman," with a ra pier dangling by hU fide. He once com manded a regiment at Amboy He it the fame man who appointed to Public Office, Frederick Stiver, Judge Brannon, Alex ander Ogle the blefphemer ; M'Neavy. the rioter. Palmer, the nfidel ; Israel, the retail er of sedition ; <sc. and an endless train of noted men. The Secretary is so no'orious, that it 1a | almost. unr.ecefTary to defc ibe bim, particu larly, as he fecms determined to Jl'tck to the Government," .hrough thick and thin." It is only necessary to fay, that he has wrote chapters on economies, and was con tented with the t tjl'ing sum of three thousand dollars a month, for his mmenje services in quelling the western infurieftton. A reward of three Jharp shins will be giv en to any man who will bring them 'so y JUS? ICR AT THE SEAT OF GOVERNMENT* I N. B. If they do not return soon the command (houla be placed in the hands of the little Deputy Secretary, Jemmy Tum ble— At Jemmy has to d i almoit all the bufmefs, he fkould have their falfrie* also. He might then flag cheerily to the tuns of 8 SCO dollars per annum. Esq. ia 2 iftrift* ■> =-« 4- ■' A "»v. ••to*/ I I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers