Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, September 17, 1800, Image 4

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    Trade interdi&ed with Baltimore/as
well as Norfolk.
Btb me 21"', \"o \
WHEREAS the Board of Health
have received information that
a contagious disease, dangerous to the
community, now exists in NORFOLK,
(Virginia,) andalfo the CITY OF BAL
TIMORE, being, as is represented to
us, equally sickly.
Whereupon Resolved, with the »f
---fent and approbation of t»'e Mayor, that
all veflels from thence, bound to the
Port of Philadelphia, bring too at the
Lazaretto, to receive a visit from the
Resident Physician, and there wait the
determination of the Board.
And further, that noperfon (or goods
capable of retaining infection) from
permitted to come to the City or Coun
ty of Philadelphia, until they produce a
fatisfa£tory certificate of their
least 15 days in a healthy state, from
thence, under the PENALTY OF FIVE
HUNDRED DOLLARS, agreeable to
the 7th feclion of the Health Law, half
<• of which will be paid to the informer L
on convi£tion. All proprietors of Sta
ges, both by land and water, are desired
to govern themselves accordingly.
By order of the Board,
Peter Keyseß, Secretary.
Cj" The Printers generally are request
ed to give this a place in tkeir papers as
•ften as convenient.
Board of Health
Philadelphia, <)tbmo.\tb, 180®.
«■ WHEREAS the Board of Health, have
received information from several refpedta
ble sources, that a contagious disease, dan
gerous to the community, now exists in Pro
vidence, RbodC'lsland.
Whereupon resolved, with theconfent and
approbation of the Mayor, he now be
ing prefenti freely exprefled that all vrflVU
from the State of Rbcde-Island, feound trr
the Port ®f Philadelphia, bring to at th-
Lazaretto, to receivr a visit fiom the R-fi
dent Physician, and there wait the determi
nation of the Board.
And further, that no person (or goods
capable of retaining infeftion) from th-
Sute of Rbod)-Island, (hall be permitted to
come to the city or county of Philadelphia,
until they produce a fatisfadlory certificate
of their being at least 15 days in a healthy
state from thence, under the penalty of Five
Hundred Dollars, agreeably to the 7th Sec
tion of the Health Law, half of which will
be paid to the informer on conviftion.—
All proprietors of stages, both by land and
watrr, are desired to govern them ft Ives ac
By order of the Board.
A Valuable and singularly eligible
CONSISTING of two Kandfome dwelling
koufe», with excellent stabling for seven horse»,
double coacHhouse mod completely fitted up ; a
beautiful large and valuable garden richly filled
with-choice fruit, furreunded with high board
fence, almost new. The premises are beautifully
fituatod near the middle of OermantowD, fur
rounded with rich profpefls of the adjacent
country ; an orchard of about two acrei, with a
handsome lawn at th« back of the house.
One house ha. been recently built ob an appro
ved plan ; the other ha» been completely repaired,
painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with
mv elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty
The new house is well calculated for a store in
otther the dry or wet good line-
The air and water are unrivalled, and there are
foms mod excellent schools in the neighborhood.
For particular, enquire o^the
on the premifc'.
Mfcy r>
A PERSON poflefling forae capital, a-ccmfi
derible (hare of industry, and desirous of
engaging as a partner in a lucrative business,
may hear of a situation. All proposals on this
ftibjoft t« be in writing, sealed and directed to
W. R J New York, and left with the printer
of the Gazette of the United States, will be at
tended to. .
£3* A Printer would find it to mi advantage
June 5'
For Sale, or to Let,
In Cbesnut Street,
Near the corner of Eleventh street, at present in
the tenure of Mr. A. M'Call—Pofleffion may be
had the first ol November next, or sooner if re
quired Apply to
Edward Shoemaker.
leptember 3 3
>is Daj i
J. Okmrod, No. 41, Chefnut Street,
(Price »s Cent>)
Death of General Wajhingtov
11l imitation of the manner of Ofllan.
By Rev. John B. Linn, A. M.
Miniftcr of the First Prelbyterian Congregation
«' Mr. Chaudron'a OratUn will be publMhed
onday morning.
Mmclj iji
Fifty Dollars Reward*
RA.N-AWAY t'rom Gen, i "igely of Balti
more, on the 10'h inft a light Coloured
hfgro, who calls hjmfclf WILLIAM
Wc. DCWALTJ ; He is about 24 ycarsof a ß e '
about 5 feel 8 inche-i high, ntat in his dress, and
has a good fait of hair. H»d on, when he j
went away, a good heaver hat, a short light
greeh cloth coat, edged with , ellow, and yel
low gilt buttons —a light buff caflimer, double
breasted waistcoat, a pair <;f dark olive colour
ed thickfett pantaloon» —a white linen (hirt,
white ribhed cotton Itockings, and a good pair
of thoes with ttrings He took with him a
dark blue coat, a pair of olive caflimer panta
loons, and a light c»rduroy pair of breeches ;
also a gold or pinchbeck watch, with a fleel
chain. He is fond of fpiritous liquors, is inso
lent, has a stupid look, and chews tobacco. —
He was bred in Charles county, Maryland, and
purchased of col. John Thomas by gen. Ridge
ley. Whoever apprehends said negro, and le-
Qures him in any jail so that the owner may
him again, (kali receive the above reward,
wfth reafenable charges if brought heme, or de-
I livered to Joflm B. Bond, Philadelphia.
I may < Atf
Jamaica SUGAR and COFFEE,
A Trunk of Mei. and Women*' Shoes,
And a parcel »f Tow Linen,
Boston "Window-Glass,
8 by 10, 9 by U, io by 12 and 17 by 12.
Aoy fizej larger than thole may be had
on being ordered from the manufactory.
■Abply to
3d wharf louth of Market fhr
* Robbery.
300 Dollars Reward.
LAST Saturday night my Ihop in Water
ftreet was opened by a falCe key, and fun
dry articles of Jewellsry, to the amount of
ten or twelve hundred dollars, were carried off.
Among them were.
Two marrow spoons marked " Worrock j"
Likcnefles of Mr James Robertfon and wife, ot
Petersburg—one do. of a Mr. King one do.
of Mr Ji hn Trimble, late of this town, the
back set with a large blue glass and a smaller
in the centre, under which was a plait ot han
laid flrait, with J. T. in a cypher worked in
pearl. Together with a number of fancy pi»-
ce«, painted by Sully, which cannot now be
recolledlcd ; 5 Boatfwaiu's Calls stamped
' Warrock.'
The following Watches:
I Gold watch, maker's name l J rovan, Paris
1 silver do Thomas Green, Liverpool, 7793
■ du do George Bifield, London, 13,500
i gold do. French, no name
Ido do. John Ryland, London, 1331
1 silver d . French, :name
1 do- do John Bull, London, 744
i gold do. Rodart, Paris
t si tr do. Joseph Kemper Shaw
j do. do. J Darlii gton, London
i do do. No. ()i6i
i gilt do. G.M. Metcalf, London, 4196
1 silver do. Gev rge Hafwood, London, 1906
1 do. do. J Smith, Lond n, hi
1 double cafe gilt R. Oiburn, Rich
mond, 8764
ico Dollars will be given for the restoration
of the y wellery, or 100 dollars if the thief or
thieves are also secured.
Mr. Benjomm Morris* the owner of the
Watches which were taken at the lame time,
will also give 100 dollars for them.
July 19
£3" The Printers at Peterfburp, Richmond.
Alexind. ia—Baltimore —Chanefton—and o
thers, ire requested to insert the above for a
few times
Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVING procured a fuflTci«nt number of
the moil approved European Glaf9 Manu
fuAurers, and having on hand a large flock of
the best Materials, on which their workmen are
now employed, have the pleasure of alluring
the public, that window glass of a superior qua
lity and of any size, from by 9, to 18 by 14
inches, carefully picked in boxes contsining
100 feet ea h, may be had at the fhortef! notice.
Glass of larger sizes for other purposes, may
also fc* had, f.ich as for pictures, coach glaflea,
clock faces, «cc. Bottles of all kinds and of any
quantity may also be had, together with pocket
flalks, picklingjars, apothecary's (hop furniture,
or other hullow ware—the whole at least per
cent, lower than articles of the fame quality
brought from any of the Tea ports of the United
States. A liberal allowance will be made en
sale of large quantities. Orders from merchants
and others will he punctually attended to on ap
plication te JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC
CRAIG, or at the Store of MefTrs. PRATHER
andSMILIE, in Maiket-Street, P:ttfburgh.
March 4, tuthtf.
Tor sale,
A Tra& of Land;
BEAUTIFULLY Gtuattd on the north fide
ofHARROWGATE Lane, divided into three
Lots, containing between 6 and 7 acret each,
adjoining land* of Capt. Hefs, Abraham Kiat
zinc, Abiah Brown, John Harrifon and others,
it ha« within a few months past been highly ma
nured ; the greater part ii now in Timothy and
Clover. On it are several elegant situations to
build on. Apply to
■ 6t
September i.
30 Dollars Reward.
RA N away fr®m the subscriber, a Negro
Man-Slav®j called Levin—His completion
is yellow, his height nbout five feet and up
wards ; his hair i' boftiy and long, and cut on
the top of his head; his person is thick and
well made, and he is not over thirty years old
He is fuppnl'ed to have gone to the northward.
It is reporred that Levin, or one much like him,
took water at Vienna for Baltimore, Maryland.
Whoever frcures or causes him to be fecutv
ert so that I get him again, or brings and deli
vers him to the subscriber, (hall receive there
for 30 dollars, and all ruafonable costs and
Near, Stevens's Ferry, Somerset County,
September 6-
For Sale,
For Sale,
at Say's Wharf, above
Market Street, burthen 7° t-r.s, supposed W be
a remarkable ("aft failing vet Tel, ai.d may be fit
ted for fei in a few Hay., Inventory to be feeu
and'terms of sale known by applying to the sub
Mo. 4. South Water Street.
3; Hhds Mufco*ado sugar.
White and brown Hava--nah dit'C in boxes,
Eafl India do. in bags.
ttcft.Tndia and Conntryßuin
100 Hhdi.
Holland Gin
French and Spanilh Brandy-
Pepper, OfTee, &c.
Aui'iifl i).
The New
Iflitt Anna,
j OhN jjjRGENS, Master 5
A ttrong,, fafl failing vessel, (being her
second voyage) will commence l«ading on W«d
nefday next, and will be difpa'ched with all con
venient fpted—Freight will be received, apply
t6 JACOB SPER.RY, is" Co.
Several Redemptioners
Are dill on board, whose times are to be dil
posed of—Apply a» above.
Srpunpbcf 4.
The House,
LATELY occupied by the Chevalier
D'Yrujo, Spitu>lll Ambassador, will be
lei out to 1 an approved person or family, on
easy conditions. It is large, commodious
and elegant, with coach-house and stables
Enquire at No. 100, Spruce street.
Arch Street, No. 94.
J°'y »3
Reserved Tra&s,
ON Wednefrtay the ift day of Oaober next,
books -vill be c pen in the dffic* of the Sub
scriber, residing in Franklin, for the sale of the
Keferved Trails, laid out by virtue ol an a<S ol
rtffembly passed the nth <ay of April, 1799-
One fifth part of the purchase money to be p .id
at the tiir.e «f sale, one fifth part within twelvr
months from the day of sale, one fifth part within
two years from said (Jay, and the remaining two
fifth parts at or before the expiration o; three
years alter such sale No contrail to be confirm
ed for fiitien dsy>after the said books (hall be o
pened, and the highest price offered within that
'ime will be accept-d All payments made will
be forleited unlrfs the purchaser within three ye<r»
irom the day of sale makes an afluil f. ttlement
■id the traS purchased, by clearing, fencing, and
«ultivating at lead two acres for every fifty con
tained in the survey, and ere£t thereon a me :
f age for the habitation of man, and rtlide there
on ler the space of five years next following the
firft settlement of the fame. No patents to i(Tue,
unlets fatisfa&ory proof shall be made of such
actual fettlemetvt, rsfidenee. and imprivsment.
Pre- klin, July at, itoo.
aaeufi 8, .
District oj lennsjlvania to vjil :
BE it remembered tint on the Tenth day of
July in the twenty fif'h year of the Indepen
dence of the United States of America, Alexan
der Addifon of the said Diftrift hath depoßted
in this office rhe title of a book the right where
of he claims as Author in th« wordi following
to wit, " Reports of cases in tke County courts
of the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court of
Errors and appeals ofthe State of Fennfylvinia,
and charges to Grand Juries of tholje County
Courts. By Alexander Addifon, PreGdent of
the Courts of Common Pleas of the Fifth Cir
cuit of the State ef Pennlylvama "
In conformity to the afl of Congrefsof the Uni
ted States Mtitled " An a<st for the encouragement
oflearningby securing the copies of maps charts
and bioks to the Authors and Proprietors of such
copies during the times therein mentioned "
Clerk of tie Diftrift of Pennsylvania.
The atove book is now puUilhed It will be do*
livercd to tubferibers by Mr, Dobfon Book Teller.
J»'y *3
THE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan
caster line ef StagesDl3PATCH,return their
grateful thanks to their friends and the public in
general, for the past favors they have received,and
inform them that in addition to the regular Line,
they art provided with Carriages,fober and careful
drivers, to go through between the City and
Borough in two days. Thof* who prefer this mode
of travailing can be accommodated at the Stage
Office, sign of United States Eagle, Market street,
Slougb, Downing, Dun-woody W Co.
Nov. 30. it—s
Modern Europe.
The public are refpeflfully informed that tbe
Pirft Volume of the above Work is printed and
will be immediatly delivered to the lubfcribers.
Those Gentlemen who have expressed a wife
ta fee the manner in which it is executed before
they become fubfcrihers, are requested to call at
W. Y. BIRCH's No. i7,fonth Second-street.
It is that on comparison it will be
found f'jperior to the London copy.
Auf. e °d
WHO is about taking his departure from
hence to the Weft Indies, wh*re he in
tends to reside, «U1 undertake to tranfift busi
ness on the most reasonable terms for Mer
chants who rosy be inclined to intrufi him with
their commands. ...
He would likewise w.fh to be concerned with
a perlon of refpeaability here, who may be de
firoui of fiich a connexion.
• * Apply at No. 116, North Front St.
Au* g .»:x eodsw, l
Landing frt n the ship America, Walt*.
Sims, Commander, from Canton,
Souchong, ift & jnd quality,
Caper souchong,
T inkay,
Young hyson,
Hyfori, ift & »d quality,
Yellow & white nankeens
Lutcftring9, black & color'd ( In Boxes
Sinfhaws do. C aborted,
Sattins do. J
Lutestrings, mar. blue & dark green "*> j n
C boxes.
Perlian taffstas, dark green J
Tbey have also on band for sale, received bv
tbe late arrivals from Europe, iSc-.
Infmal! pack
age! afTirted,
calculated for
the Weft-In
dia market &
entitled to
fa tu&
Striped and checked ginghams
White figured & color'd Muf-
White corded dimities
Color'd silk, striped Nankeens
14 Trucks printed Calicoes,
j do. do.
3 Bales seine twine (Entitled to
10 Cases Englifli China ware,
in tea l'etts J
6 Calks mineral black,
I do. wbite,
l© do. colcother,
3 Caflcs purple browH,
3J do. nails aflbrted,
9 do. London porter in bottles,
Englilh fail canvas, No. I, a & 3,
Rufiii duck,
»7 Boxes white Havanna sugar,
13 Pipes old Madeira wine,
Empty wine bottles,
so Guns, 6 pounders,
ti do. 9 do.
18 do. 9 do. with carriages, Sc.
aßo,ocolbs.Ceribou coffee, ift")
(Entitled ti
iO,ooolbs. black pepper f drawback
10 L ips ebony J
Mnv 13.
d lot
OF abilities, integrity and experience in
mercantile business, would willingly en
gage at CLfcKK to a merchant or public of
tj e, or be concerned with any person as part
ner, as he has an interest of about onethoufand
pounds in real efUte in the city. Please to ap
ply to the Printer ; or a line left at the office
for B Y. will be attended to immediately.
Mavio m&th tf
Of the Bank of the United States,
NO. »59iJ to 1596} incluGve, in the name ot
Thomas Mull tt of London, were forward
ed about tht ift of May 1797, from New-York,
hy the ship Oneida for London, which was cap
tured by the French, and said Certificates loft or
dellroyed; therefore spplication is made at the
said Bank for the renewal of the fama, of which
all persons concerned are desired to take notico.
Clement Diddle.
itetnber »800 d jm
A CERTIFICATE, No. 45.519. <i* e 4 lft J an *
uary 1797» * n favour Robert Lindfay,of
Chartefton South-Carolina, for one fliare of th
Clock of the Bank of the United States is loft—
a duplicate of which will be applied for at the said
A Young Man,
PERFECTLY vtrfed 111 Mercantile accounts,
and brought up in one of the firft cownting
heufes in this eity, wishes employment as Clerk.
He is at present absent from Philadelphia, but a
line left at the Office of the Gazette of the Uni
ted States he will receive, and it Ihail be imme
diately attended to. Salary a secondary objed—
Employment his metive.
aucsft II
A good, second band
Riding Chair,
ant'an excellent family
FOR SALE, Cheap—Enquire of the Printer,
September I m« fiw
THE owners of unimproved lands in Wayne
county, are hereby notified, that Taxes arc
become payable thereon for the years I --99 ami
1800. Thole who have not already paid -lien
taxe*, re hereby required to difenarge the fan>e
to JOHN BKINK, Ef-jufre, Trcafurer «.f fai.l
County at Milfvrd, within three months Iron'
this date , otherwise proceedings to file, according
o the aA of Assembly in such cafe providod, will
• had by the Commiflioners for the fiid county.
Asa Stenten, ~i
John Carton,
■*»hannes Van Ettcn, J
E. Kellogg, Clk.
July 9,1800
IS hereby given—That is conference of the
Beacon on the Brown, being so much injured
»s to render it unfit for service, a Buoy with a
keg on the mast, will be placed on that shoal,
until it can be replaced by the Beacon, of
which <Jffe notice will be given.
W. MACPHERSON, Superintendent.
\ Anguft 16
Just Received,
Br A. DICKINS, opposite Christ Church
American Revolution,
In Nineteen Difeourfes.
Ry the
Rev. JwAtHAN Boucher, A. M. F. A. S,
Price 2 Dollars jo Gents.
.July 50.
Twelve Shares
iQ y.
Notice to the Pilots.
Al View
On Thnrfday the 18th instant,
At the Dwelling House of the Subscriber,
CONSISTING of Feather Beds Brdfteads and
Bedding ; Mahogany Dining, Rreakfaft.anA
Card Tables ; Mahogany and Cherry Bureaus
an Eight Day Clock, Desks and Book-Cafe; an
excellent Piana Fcrte ; Mahogany and Windsor
Chairs, a Settee, Looking Glasses. Carpets, Chi
na ; a few articles of Plate ; Venitian Blinds, brafa
Andirons, and some Drye Goods, and a variety
of other articles.
Also on tie fame day—A handsome and valuable
Building Lot, fronting to the Main Street, and
a-'joinmg the house ot the Subscriber, two good
riorfes, a Cow, and a Riding-Chair with steel
springs and plated Harness; fix Ten Plate and two
Open Stoves
%* The sale to begin at 10 o'clock, A. M. anil
conditions made known by'
September 10.
Old Long Priraer,
Small Pica on pica body (new and old
Pit«, do.
Englitb, (t*n £naU fobati)
lb Line Pic*, Act.
Sundry Frame*. aad a great tuicty of Oftcfc
Furniture, &c.
Irois wsrk of a pr siting preft,
They will be fold cheap forcafh—Apply
at the office of t-He Gazette of the United
Saulnier & Wilson,
No. 63, North fide Market-flreet,
HAVE a general assortment of befl London
fuperfine Broad Cloths and Caffimeres, (o£
the newest faftiion) (ilk ftnpc and second quality
Cloths, falhionahli waiftcoating, silk stripe and
twill'd Nankeens, Jean, Fustian, Gingham, Dimi
ty, Thickset, fancy Cord, Valvets, Starlet, yellow
and white Flannels, Flanders, lrifh and brown
Linens, Dowlas, mens' and womens' (ilk and
cott"n Hosiery, coat and veil pearl, (leel, gilt and
plated Buttons, different crl jurs Silk Velvets, tam
boured and Cambric Muslins, Calicoes, Caliman
coes, Shiwls, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves
hecks, &c &c.
N. B. Taylors' best quality Trimmings——all
which they will fell very low.
July 18- dtf
m&w tf
rHE undermentioned Certificates of Stock
of the Bank of the United States, via.
No. 3804, dated ill July 1796, for ten (hares
in the name of Charies Lovegrove of New-
No. 15311 —No. 45312, dated id Ju'y»
1796, for five (hares each in the name of
Sarah Wedgewood of Etruria.
No. 14808 —No. 19809, dated lft January,
1800, for ten (hares each, in tha name of Henry
Waddington, Merchant, London.
Notice is hereby given,
That application is intended to be made at
the said Bank fcy the fubferibers, for a renewal
of the fame, of which all perl'ont concerned
are reqiu'fied to take nntice.
Philadelphia, July 30, 1800. mwl 3m
uft Received,
akd for sale Br
200 lbs. Mace, l os a f ior u
400 lbs. Nutmegs, J
Jamaica Spirits, 4th proof,
Do. Sugar of the firft quality,
Holland Gin in pipes,
Port-au-Prince Molafles—and
30 Tierces Rice.
R. if K. have also on band, for sale,
Hjrfon, 7
Young Hyson, 8c J. TEAS,
Souchong J
Cogniac Brandy, id & 4th proof,
Sherry Wine is quarter calks, very nice,
50,000 Spanilb Segars,
And a Variety of other
August 26 fn tf
City Commissioner's Office,
Pi.4ede/'bia y Aug. ibtb, 1800.
fN purfuancc oi an Ordinance of the Sele6l and
Common Councils, pafTeil the aid day of May,
(hi writing)
Will be received by the City C on* mifli oners, until
the thirtieth day of September next, for renting on
l eal's, for one year, 'o commence on the first day
of lanmry ne»f, the following public pro; my oi '
the city, viz.
I. The Wharf and Landir.g < n Vine Street.
l .
4. The Wharves and Landings o « High and Chef.
d 90t |s•
nut streets.
Ditto on Walnut street, the Drawbridge,
Spruce, Pine and Ceiiar streets, including the
Fi{h House.
6. The Cellar under, the City H.-.11.
Applications may be left with either of the
Cominiflioners, or with their clerk, at No. 6_j,
Cherry Street. eotTC^
Oppof.te Christ - Church,
English Papers
Philadtlphia, Aug. 6.
To Printers.
WANTED—in Exchange,
A FOUNT of Long Primer, weighing 6
or 700 lb or upwards, and a Fount of
Brevier, weighing 400lbs. or
September 2.