Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, September 17, 1800, Image 3

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    about the confluences that may flow, to toy
I7'\r • a ' Kl fuU,rC ha PP in " fs > and that
of others, from the conduit I Yhall adopt a<
a citizen, and the duties that rife out of the
oiefight of these confluences, and which
derive, more than all. other duties, their oh
ligations fr»m rel, g ,on ; why then all my
° r { 'V" Ar /] s ; and "'ismuch as he i s the
mod formidable eftemy to my success, I
compensate h.m with the largest portion of
my hatred. 4
Thus passion turns, in her beaft-nukin* Tchool
Min to a purblind bit, or mule. '
Such a one, I not, should I be,
when lubjeft to the like influence, and if in
the preleux cafe, my conclusions are neither
■catttsb not mulisb, it is because the cause
before the public has no connexion, with
cither my interefla or my passions, and be
cauie I amvfl mere
A certain great man who likes to mono
pohze all the street to himfelf, one day met
an OyHerman of Democratic hue, who was
not disposed to indulge this pretended pre.
rogative, when the following incidents oc
AN Oyfterman bawling, met his Honour so
Wll6 j
In the street near the. State House one day.
The Chief flar'd at t'other with maniac's eyes
And darted the frown of conceit arid surprize,
baying—" Sitrah ! get out of my way !"
The D—l I will said the Oyfttrtnin bold,
And the Barrow ran fnul of his le>r,
The Chief bein K tortur'd, cry'd,«' hold I mon
Iter hold !
Tor twenty (hort minutes can scarcely be said
Ere fotgivenefs from me you (hall beg !"
V The law'l'll interpret to favor mvfelf
For Ch-f J ... e am I of the State,
I II make that law (.end to panilh an elf
V j P i lrt W ' th my officc ' or >H my pelf"—
And then haotmer'd a cane ah his pate.
" Och Honey I Oh Paddy Whack I strike
while y >u can
' T j» J. u * e off t h '« strap" said the fellow,
" By St Patnck I think, that 1 am the man
What dont mind f«ch a Turkey Cock Juf-ea
damn ;
I'll beat 'till y<.ur honour lhall bellow."
The Chief was difmay'd, and in his affright,
Sobb d "let mc—dear fir—let me go-
All your Oysters I'll buy, on this very-night
I never was feeo in public to—fight
Since an Oilier I, —was long —ago —ho—ho.'"
T he Oyfterman said " tbe/vgam'rr.e a treat
For the hlo ws they crack'd hard en mycr-wn."
! ne home" (said Judge Jcffry's) we'll fit
fat to feet,
You (hall drink of my whiskey,—partake of my
And Cockufey will be before fun down."
To h.s lienor's they polked—the oysters were
roasted ;
Some were iry'd—others brought in a fauce
Then his profpefl of governing (hertly, was
boa fled, —
And afterwards " all honest oyftermen" toasted,
Saying <• pray Sir will you give me your vote ?"
41 My vote ! no honey, youf whiskey is good,
Which J drank by the way o' fatisfa&ien,
Else a fining Oak Ihelajah, made o' hickory
Inflead of the oysters and old whilkey would
Hive wrought in you this ftupefadliou."
Away went the oyfterman,wheeling his barrow,
The Chiel reeleJ back to the tahle—
Which he turned up with glaffcs and ckairs like
a harrow,
Knocked the skin off bis /him that had loag
wanted marrow,
Crying " Dim me —-I'll live while I'm able."
lor the 48 hours, preceding Monday
morning fun-rife, there were 55 death) in
£ ltimorc and it« vicinity ; there was then
71 in the Hospital, 7 cunvalefcents, and 4
had been discharged, cured.
The Baltimore Board of Health, enrneftiy
solicit Donations for the support of the sick
and poor : they have confined their address
to the inhabitants of that city and neighbor
hood j but we doubt not that the liberal
hand of Charity extended from Philadelphia,
would be acceptable j and we could not
evince our gratitude, for the health we en
joy, in a more fuita.ble manner, than by con
tributing to the ie!ie( ol those unfortunate
people, who are labouring under a dreadful
At a court ot Oyer and Terminer, held at
M C.t I'll tie, for Ci:ii I crime! < nu,: v, S■ -j >tt-:i :be i
p 6? John M'Alifler, and William M'Alifter,
were ti led tor the murder ot Cxfar, j negro
man, belonging to John M'Alifter, on the
14th of April lalh
It appears from the on the trial,
j that the negro was Incited of dealing, in
consequence of which they tied a rope round
his lieck, and dragged hi 111 : y it, beating
Kim at the lame time with hickory sticks and
A loaded horse-whip. The whale proceeding
• was marked with a great deil of barbarity :
the consequence was the negro died in aboui
' . two hours : the men have been f .unci pi:!;-,
• oi murder, and have be; 11 Center,ced to fiv<
years confinement in tin* Goal and Peniten
tiary house of Philadelphia ; fix months o
| , the time to be kept in solitude, and the reli
due at hard labour.
Ttieyoungeft of these r»en is above sixty
years of age. The Judge admoniflicd them
in the mod foleinn manner to repentence for
so great a crime. He mentioned that it was
most probable the Jury would be juflified in
Ending their offence murder in the fir ft de
' We that there is no person at pre
sent sick on board of rhe Warren sloop of
From Halifax—Aug. 14.
Admiral Parker hasarn'ved from Eegland-
A change is expeded in the admiralty
Court. A regiment of troops have arrived
two are to go from hence for England.
An expedition from England against
Guadaloupe is thought to be iu contempla
tion. At the time of Admiral Parker's
failing from England, there was no rumour
nor expedition of a war with the United
States, which has been so much talked of
SC7*The friends of the Federal Govern
ment are requeued to meet at Dunwoody's
Tavern, on Thursday Evening, the jßth
of September instant, at seven o'clock— on
bufmefs of importance.
Sept. 15 th
£Bos. MercuryJ
I It h iv> iratteii of - furpriie fee so many
Jacobins-hankeri^.-after the office ofSherifT.
rHOUSAND DOLLARS is no " smsll
balance" for a Pennfylvailia State Officer,
to retain » unaccounted for," when his term
of service expires.
Duatie has been attending the Jacobin
meetings in diffe rent parts df the State'. At
one lit Id in Bucks county, a Resolution of
hanks, was paflVd, for his attendance and
valuable communications, &c.. That Dvane
fh uld be there, is natural, and he will g„
wherever the whisky circulates ; but what
weie the valuable communications ; perhaps
he was deputed purse holder on this occasion,
tiom lome ot the Jacobin committees, i.nd
a little of the Rhino, for eleftioneering pur
poles, as indeed a valuable communi
cation to these men.
Last Thursday evening about the hours
of 9 and 10 o'clock, as a yonr.g gentleman
was returning from New York to his coun
try retreat, he was flopped at thecrofs road
near Byard's Lane by a foot pad, armed
with a dub and pistol, who madi a demand
of his money, and on being refufed immedi
ately took from under his coat a pistol, and
" -Do you fee this."—Upon which the
gentleman drew from his pocset a carpen
ters rule, and prefentedat the cowardly af
fafin. exclaiming "do you fee this which
from the vehemence of the voice and taking
the rule for a pistol, so frightened the cul
prit that he instantly took to his heels and!
was soon out of light. He was a middle
fixed man, dressed ill a (hort blue jacket
and trowfers.
Extract of a letter from u gentleman in
Halifax, to the Editor of the Baltimore
Telegraph, dated September 3, 1800.
" It was this day spoken lirre, and gene*
raliy credited, that orders had been sent
from Mie court of Britain, to capture all
American veflels, trading to an enemy'?
port." [A Jacubin Stoy for an electioneer
ing purpose.]
ExtraO of a letter from Norfolk, to a gentle
man in New-York, dated September 6.
" I fufpeft you will be without the H* •
Rald this day, as the sickness prevails very
much in the Printing Office There have
been upwards of 105 new cases for the last
4 dayt», and I fufpedt upwards of 24 or 26
" R-quetl you to get the following state
ment pnblifhed, of an unfortunate affair
which took place lately in the adjoining state.
"We yesterday le 3 rnt the difagecable
news of the death of Dr Ramek ,of 1- den
ton, which is as follows : Dr. Rameki has
been a Jong time at ncc wth Dr. Ry n
Butler, of Kempfville They met near Ed
enton, aid exchanged three shots ; when '
the Mag.ftrate- inttrferea a,d put an end >
to the bufintfs. On Thurfdaylaft they met '
again on the line which feperates Virginia
foom Carolina, and again exchanged three
fli«ts ; when th last of Dr. Ramekc's fh .ts
entered the thi h of IV Butler and broke
it, the bufmefs thus ended. Dr. Rameke
wet.t horre and fat up greateil pa t of the !
night with some sri nds ; i th morning he
arose, dressed himfelf, and ordered his ser
vant to saddle his horse. ai h wan ed to
ride out. When the f rvant was gone, he
went into a small room adjoining his fhoii,
and put a pistol to each of his temples, and j
blew his trains out—thus ended Dr. Re- 1
From the Gfo&gia GAXET T r.
Vice Consulship of S[fin for the States if
North Caroti/ia, South Caroliua, and
M-lfrs. Nicholas JohnMon and Co.
Gentlemen, ,
His Excellency Lieutenant Colonel Don
Vincents Folch, Governor of the Province
of Wett Florida, in a letter, d ited Panzaco
j ' a i August, hat been ple*fedto commuui
! cate to me thefollowing 1
" f have issued a proclamation, offerinr
HOLLARS to any person' who will deliver
litre, or in Apalache, the body of WIL
produce lufficient proof of having killed him;
which information I will thank you to make
public, in order that some clevei- fellow, at the
cheap rate of one gun fhrt, will place in his
pocket the said sum, which (hall be paid,
with the greatest acknowledgment of grati
tude, in good Spanish dollars, without the
leaf! delay.
1 iieretore I recjueft you to give this a
cDnfpicuoiis place in your paper. It is,
1 doubtless, a very interesting fubjeft to Spain,'
America, and the Indians, that th'cy be rid
oi this noted vagabond.
I am, with refpeft,
Your obedient frrvant,
Savannah, 25tb Jugust, 1800.
' I For tie Gaze rri<. of the Uinta n Sr..res.
A writer in the Aurora complains that
the poor peopJeof England do n >t, yet p ay
enough for the bread we fend them, alilio
it is notorious that trebcl the peace prices
have been received, For a great portion -of the
late fliipment3, what ,ap unconpi enl t; ous v n
lain must he be who can t,hus lantalife over
the miseries of mankind, he further fayj that
[ the Brifh government, do not comply w ; t h
their engagements retyping the additional
bounty in certain stipulated cafe», this is f«
barefaced a lye that it needs nothing in an
swer. Neither the of Great
Britain or indeed any other p»wer would
dare to trifle with their sole dependence
bread in time of great scarcity for fear of
future famine.
No arrivals ot the f rt.
Ship Adriana, Fletcher, from London,
and another (hip name unknown are below.
Ship l ancy, Braine, from Greenoch,
arrived at New-York, yesterday.
Ship Kingston, King, from Liverpool is
From Lloyd's List of August I.
Arrived at Gravefend, Two Friend,,
Gardner, from New York; Stranger, Bell,
Charlelton ; Anna, Diumfreeze. ditto •
Diana, Break, Boston.
At Plymouth, Rebecca, Royfton, Sa
vannah ; Harriot, Atkinfon, Bolton, bound
to Rotterdam, detained.
AtCowes, Huron Cole, Charleston,
and Zenobia. Haywood, New York.
Off the Stuart, Hare, Ogilvie, New
At Lnucaftcr, Lancaster, Wilson, Sa
vannah, alter being retaken*
a \ armouth, Delight, Tngraham, Am
■nerdam, bound to \'ew York.
At Falmouth, William and Jane, Lluw
lyn, New York.
At Bristol, Nelly. Chapman, Charleston.
At Liverpool, Cornelia, , Portland ;
Diana, Deval, Savannah ; Felicity, Reed,
Baltimore ; Sar?h, Stone, Newburyport ;
Mercury, Weldon, Charleston : Jofiah,
Cullias, New York.
Toe following list of American vessel were
tjken fr Hancock and Co's Marine
Register, 26 tb August :
Frigate ' o ftellation, captain Murry '
Brig Nancy, Brufter Philadelphia
I' ion, Adam* Newburyport
Brothers, Grnfby, Charlcllon
Ship Koebuck vllcn, Gloticefter '
Loiifa Kellburn,
schooner Zmina, Gould, do
Orange. Ketten, Charleston
Fiili Hawk, Cook, Salem
Lidea, Bredilh do. |
Lucy, Bazwc-et, Rhode-Island
B 1 i>l
Sch'r Derbev, Cousins ditto
Jeremiah, Spiague ditto
VV iddowfon Wickham Baltimore
liabclla, Smit.' Nofolk,
Spoke the fchr. Traveller, Chamberlain
nine dai a frum Baltimore, to St Jago.
Pafle.i the flaip Atalanta. and a Danish
baqne, both of which will be up in the
BOSTON, September 10.
Arrired, fchr, Hawk, Pedrich, L Ibon,
37 days. Spoke (hip Hnpe Stephens 25
days, from Chirlelton. for St Scbaftians.
Arrived fchr. Edward Appleton Triua
dad Sailed in co Uiih fchr. jafon.of Fort
land, Left there augull u (hip Fjir Amer
ican, Turner, Independence, Swain, and
fchr. flet'ey. Wilson of Boston ; capt. Aik
insof Damafcatfa, spoke augull 20, lat 18,
long. 64, 41, capt. Siiow f ~m Martinique,
for New Haven ; fame tin* was boarded by
two privateers, searched and ro bed of f«v
eral articles. In lat 41, 40, spoke c ptain
Nicholfon from Salem for .Liverpool 34
hours out.
NEW YORK, September 16.
Jlrrivcd, days
Ship Caledonia, Mallaby, Liverpool 48
Brig Hulker, Smith, Turks Island 2 1
Schr. Difpatih, Sparrow, Bay of
[[Honduras 40
Ship Cleopatra, Whittimore, Bremen
Sehr. Swan, Penny, Halifax
Sloop Ann, Orr, Jamaica
Schooner Fox, from New London to
Martinique) ia captured and carried into,
I here was a sloop in seventeen days from
St. Thomas bound to New London, put
into the Hook on Friday last in distress,
having loft her main boom and forefail ; in
want of water and provisions; was supplied
by tile pilot boat Trial. Information was
received of the arrival of the schooner Cla
ra, Horton, from this port at St. Thomas's,
T he Captain of the sloop vow'd he ftiould
like to paf6 the quarantine ground; and
alked the Pilot if he could not get him by
the quarantiner.
NORFOLK. Sept. 7.
Arrived in Hampton Roads, (bound to
City Point) the ship New.York, Colley, 56
days London; The (hip Fair Virginiaß,
capt- H'pkins, was to fail the next day for
this port, as was the ship William and Mary,
capt. Dickfon, in four days.
Same day arrived in the Roads the fch'r
Favourite, Teulfon, 56 days' from Liver
pool, bound to the city point ; saw the brig
Mary, capt. Brenan, going into Liverpool
as they were coming out*
Gazette Maririe Lift,
•«* • A •
Marshals Sales.
• United
, Pennsylvania District. $ J?'
BY virtue of a writ f» trie dirctfed from the hon
Richard Peters, Elq. fudge of the Di!trid Court
of the United States for the Pennsylvania Diftridi'
wiU beexpofed to public sale, at rhe'Merchant's'
Coffee. Houfem the city of Philadelphia, on Mon
day the 2 9th of September inft. at 11 o'clock at
noon— . f
r1- vx The armed French vetsel
to the United States armed
w>f> ~ n £* s > J o^o Mullowny, Esq. commander,
with ail andfingaUrherappacel, guns and appur
tenance* the fame haviftg been lately condemned
in the laid court as forfeited, &c.
JOHN MALL, Marshall.
Marshal's Officr, 1
Philadelphia Sept. 17, 1800.J mwfts
United States, . 1
Pennsylvania District. J
BY virtue of a Writ to me direded from ths hon.
Richard Peters, Esq. Jn. J the DifMA Court of
the UnitedStateifor the Pennsylvania Diftrja, will
be exposed ts public sale. at the Merchants Coffee
Heufe, in the City of Philadelphia, on Wedncfday,
the »9th day of September u o'clock at'
WITH all and Angular her tic-
Kle, apparel and furniture, the fame having been
lately condemn«d in the faidcourt as forfeited, &c.
Miirlhall's Office, )
Philadelphia, Sept. 17,1800 eotS.
JOHN HaLl, Marshal.
Pennsylvania District, 3
to a writ to me direfled from
"7 . !'vr°'" le KicharW Peters, Sfq. Judge
of the Diftna Court of the United States for
the Pennsylvania Diflnfl, will be exposed to
piHic file, at the Merchants' CcfFee House, in
the city of Philadelphia, 011 Wednesday the
J4th f September, inflant, at ij o'clock at
Tfee arme d French schooner or veflel
Prize t0 the United States schooner
Enterprize, lieutenant Shaw, commander—With
an ana Angular her apparel, gun. and apptirtenan-
The fame having been condemned in the
laid curt, as for eited, &c.
JOHN HALL, Marjhal.
Marjhal's Office, I
September 13, 1800. J"
United Sta„tes )
Pennsylvania District, $
virtue of a writ to me diretfed from the
Honorable Richard Peters, Esq. Judge of
D ,e ' Court of the United Sraes or the
Pernfylvania Diflri<st, will be e*p.>)ed to Pub
lic Sale, at the Merchants' Coffee Mouse, in
the city of Philadelphia, on Wed-iefday the
»4th Ot September inft. * ia<»'cl ck at noon,
jfjkjn The armed French vessel called
Prize to United States ,irmed lhip
Philadelphia, steph n D catur, commander, with
al and lingular her apparel, guns and appur
tenances—the fame having bten lately condem
ned in the laid court a forfeited, &c.
JOHN HALL, Marjhal.
Sept. i 3, iSoo. $ 3awtS
For Charter,
Burthen about i 4oo barrels.
O.'T? irills wcllf
Apply to
Moore Wharton,
•No. 18, Dock-street.
Coffee, in bags,
■And a well assorted Invoice
irptenbrr 16
for sale;
Ship India,
Burthen 401 tons ; now
laying at the Still-house wharf.
Far terms apply to
september 16 diet
Charles Marshall
No. 46, Cbesnut Street,
Per brig Liberty, capt Henderfin, from Amster
dam, and other arrivals,
A quantity of the following article*, which they
fell for cash, or the usual credit—
Antimon crud Ol Anifi
Arsenic alb Juniper
Sac faturni Suceini •
Vitriol alb Rhodii *
Borax Camphor
Opium Coccinnella
Annetto Gum Benzoin
MercDulc Arabic
Fruecip rub Myrrh
Corros sub Kino
Sal Glauber m f Manna flak
Rad gentian id 1 Com
Flo Sulphur !< j Liquorice ball
Sweet oil | i cru slav
Sem anifi 2 Rub
Rheubarb J~ L
And a quantity of
Shop furniture, surgeons inflrumentu, patent
medicines, &c.—Medicine chefti, and orders from
the country, put up on moderate terms.
rt«*. » 1 , t ~.
Via. New Fork,
And for Sale by
No. 48, Soatb Front Street,
Very Low,•
By the Package only,
About thirty Baits of 'Woollens as sal.
Blue Broadcloths "a
Broadcloths afTorted 1 ."2
Caflimers affirted | H -J*
Plans & Forest Cloths
Fine Coatings and Naps
Low priced Coatings
London fuperfine Broadcloths
F:fhiouable Swanfduwns.
September 15
Horses & Phaeton.
icptember 13
BY a small family going to the Weft Indis*, a
Woman, who en be well recommended, to
ail in the capacity of House-Keeper. To f«ch a»
olie a very handfomc compensation will be allow
ed— )pply to No j6, north Fourth ftrcet.
feptemberi} j, t
<f S t
No. 39, North Front Street,
have ho R SALE
Ironmonger, Sadlery, Cutlery, Brass and?
6d 8d iod lid and 2od flat point nails,
Hals aiWted 111 cases,
Piltols, guns and flints, &C.&C.
September 11.
At his House, No. 136, south Second-
Lilbon Wine,
f a good quality, in pipes, hogsheads and
H quarter cafcs. n ■mKP' 9
rttling Corks, in bales,
omen's Shoes, in trunks, &c.
September 15.
Madeira Wine: i
V r
The fubfcribtrhas received in the Apolio,
Hill's Old London particular Wine,
In pipes, hhds. & qr. cafci. Iff
- M T* * S»
For completing St.. Augustine's
The second or last Class.
T"HE ftw Tickets in the above
• A Lottery, which may draw the handsome
prizes of Ten tboufand dollars! Four thou/and
do Jars. Tbre* thousand dollars ! &c. &c. may
be had if called for loon, for the small sum o£
' ' D-tlars■ each. Should any remain on
hand on of Oftobtr, ■ they will be raised
to Nine'and an half Dollars.
Apply to
GEORGE TAYLOR, Jr. N0.39 > Cbesnut
M. M'CONNELL, No. 143 £ street.
September 16 dtf
No i to 8.
Ebenezer Large,
200 b' fli
axes ort pipes
faitable for the Spanifli Market
9 mo - »3'h,ißso Ymw&fa _
Loft this morning,
THOMAS greeyes'S ngtf, in uvour
of Themas Mifflin* cated September
1800, at 60 days, for 1750 dollars, but uot en*
dorfed. Any peifon having found the fame*
and will r? urn it to T. Greeves, No. 73,
Valnut flreet, (hall be rewarde j. ' j
'eptembcr 16
for publishing Br subscription,
Th ? Works
Hon. James Wilson, Esq. L. L. .D
Lc'te one of the Associate Justices of the
Supreme Court of the United States and
Prujessor at Lanv in the College and
Academy of Philadelphia.
From the original manuscript, in the poffeffiofl of
Bird Wilson, Esq.
These works fliall be elegantly printed in two
volumes o&avo, and dtlivered to fubfcrib«rs ac
five dollars.
JTkey tnall he put to press as soon as the subscrip
tions will juftify the cxpence of publication,
Subscriptions will be received by
The publisher, opposite Christ Church, Phila
delphia ; and bj the principal bookfellcrs throngk j
out the United States.
%* A Profpe&us of the work may be feenat
the place of fubfeription.
feptcm')eri3 £
Just RecdveO^ifi,
V J**
5f d 3t
-> r'M