Nvmbu IC7* The price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay *ne Dollar additional, for enclosing and iH recting ; and unless+some person in this city will become answerable for the subscription, it must Repaid Six Months in Advance. *„ _Vt- Subscription will be receivedfor a shorter term tSdn six months. December 1 1799. ALMANAC Fr-rn Stpttmhr 17 —to StfOmitr 14. uoi *ttn> Wednesday Tharfday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday SUN- Wednesday Thursday Friday Batardiy Sanday Monday Tuesday THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE PGjt SALE, AT NO. 35, DOCK-STREET, 1000 Boxes bed marbled Soap,") 80 Boxes Sweet Oil, j Fr»m m kmrdtbe 300 Half cheth Luoca Oil, 1 Louisa, 7 Rales Paper, f from Legbcrn, Brimftona, Parmesan Cheese, J 300 Pipe* heft Bordeaux Brandy, aoo Hoglkeads Claret superior quality, 700 Cates French Sweet Oil, 60 Cases Catherine Plumbs, 6 Calks Prunes, 400 Boxes Capers, Olives, Anchovies and Cor nrchons, 100 do. best assorted Cordials, DRY GOODS ifforted for the Weft-India market, Claret in cases if a superior quality, London dry White Lead, small invoice of Coffee, 6 & 4 Pound Cannon, mounted. Thomas Murgatroyd Of Sons. May 'O. tuth&s if 115 GhKMAN Redemptioners. AMONG which are, Farmers, Gardners, Sadlers, Instrument makers, G)ld and Sil ver Smiths, Linen Weavers, Joiners, Pot ters, Masons, Taylors, Shoema kers, Printers, Hutters, Bakers. Painters, So»p Boilers, Bell Founders, &c. &c. whose times are to be disposed of. Apply on board the Hamburg ship Anna, capt. John Jureens, laying in the Stream a breafl of Vine Street, . criptions. Creas-a-la-Morlaix I ° Ouills Sc Sealing CaflerillotS or j to j Wax. White Rolls 5 Eact-s & Rdgings Coutils >■ D canters Flanders B-dTicks Gill tumblers 8, 9, J Cafes. ALSO, 15 Pipes Coniac !•'randy and 600 Demijohns. Phila. Angufl 20. Just come to hand, AND FOR SALE, BY THE SUBSCRIBER, SUPERFIN- Siltfia rouans") Creas a la Morlaix I Fine i Entitled to Do whi> , la(ill?s f debenture. Estop-lla. and Listalos I Brown Runta (he«ting< J With a general ajforlment of Britifli Goods, Which will be fold low 1 r ca(li or short credit. SAMUEL C. COX, No. 83, Markct-stract. auputt T2 ' 7W BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock & Watch Maker, HAS REMOVED To No. 36, Mahket Street, Where he has for Sale, Spring and other Clocks ; p o ]ci and filve Watches: Tools, Files and Materials; (Ve nd stilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs, fee. See. ' CLOCKS ANP WATCHES Repaired as usual. June 3 tf FOR SALE, OLD Long Primer, Small Pica on Pica Body, Englifi), Chafes, Composing Sticks, and agrea •yariety of articles neceflary to carry or the Prin ini; Bufinefa. They will be fold cheap tor calh. Apply to the Printer. JulT 31- ' too HOGSHEADS PRIME RICHMOND Tobacco, For sale on a Credit, deliverable at N*w- York or this place. Enquire of Samuel C. Cox, No. 83, Market-street. Aagufl 25. diiy Gazette rf the United States, & Daily Advertiser: H. M' 0 54 1 41 i 18 3 »6 4 7 .< ? 6 o « I Whoever apprehends and fecurcs said Negro, (o that I get him again (hall reeeive the above re ward, and reasonable charges if brought home. WILLIAM COLEMAN. September 1 d3t—»o iw SBTB RISKS - 5 J3 6 7 S 54 6 6 5 SS 6 j - 5 5 ? 6 » 5 59 6 I 6 o —6 o To Gentlemen Farmers. THE SUBSCRIBER DECLINING farming, will offer at public We on his Phntstion, opposite Newbold's in* a on the Delaware, within two rpiles of Bordentown, state of New Jersey, on Saturday, 13th September next at » o'clock, his ftoi k of Horses, Cattle (mostly fat) an about eighty Seep, fi"jrteen of which are Ram«. The pri:; cipj] part of both Ewes and Ram< are an excel lent breed His plantation he will hold for sale till next spring, when if not fold it will be rented. Terms of fa!e made known at the time. THOMAS St. JOHN. August 30. TO LET, OR FOR SALE, Al 2-story brick house Situate in Duke-street (or A t llery lane) Northern Liberties, TWO rooms on a floor, kitchen and iridi house, all built ot the he*), materials, and in excel enc order ; cellar- under the whole, one paved and hag two lattice clofcts wi h locks, a large gar dm and yard frvrral fruit-trees in the garden, two pumps of excellent water near the premises. Enquire at No, 39, Arch llreet. July 15 . tuScf 6w Found, A Red Morocco Pockct-Book, Wiv , si, ato plicati >u at llie tin w.14 -etc, ■■■ paying the expence of this a.Jvertifanent July 11. For Sale, The Unexpired TIME of a '.ILAC.K DOT WH ) has three years and five months r* ff-rve ; be ji* oher, toMfti a good wai ter, and un lcrflakds taking carc of horicu. £n qui l *at N.» 60, ' 'Ock rce* RUN away iroir» the Subfcriheron the eveaiog of th* »*th inft. a bound Servant GIRL, name-! Elizabeth Howe Wei. had on and took with her three diSFer«nt changes of garment *nd money, proud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar any p&r Ton apprehending her {hall e entitled to the above reward—no coftt* or charge*: will be paid. N: 8, She had a years and lome months to (prve daniel titzPatrick. Oofhen Town fit ip, < heft «r County, fuly 19. aujju n ft jawtf d«st PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 17, ,Boc. Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office IS removed from No 13 South Fourth street, to No. 1 8 South Third reet An Office for those (cages is a!fo hept at Bar. Hardy's Inn, Mo. 1)8 Market ftrect. General Post office. April ;8. 20 dollars Reward. RAN IWaY from the CuMcriber at Speed well Forge, Lancafler county, on Saturday night the »jd infiant, a Negro man named NED,* about ai years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, ilrori; built, has a remarka 1 le fear on the right cheek. Had on when he went away a fuflian coatee, caflimcre waiOcoat, tbw trowferi, a -0 round wool hat. He hat a lalfe pas« in which he is called James Rots of Berkely county, Virginia; property of David Hunter. It is probabli he will (hape his course for New-York. Ibne Cents Reward. I'o Printers. The- reasonable if applied for immediately. 1 Prrfs, 3 Founts Long-primer (partly worn) 2 ditto Small-Pica oil Pica body, 2 ditto Pica, 1 ditto Englith, 2 ditto Brtvier, i ditto Burgeois, Several pair of Chafes, several composing ftic.Ls, frames aud galbys, fume brass rules, Quotations, See. &c. See: all of the above will be fold very reasonable for Cath. September 8. JUST PUBLISHED, And to be Sold by JAMES HUMPHREYS, No. l®6, south fide Market Street, Reports of Cases Argued and determined in the HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY ; (GRH AT-BRI TAIN) t commanced with THE JUDGMBNTS OF The Right Honorable WILLIAM SCOTT, Michaelmas Term 1798. By Charles Robinson, LL. D. Advocate. Voi.ume I.—Part I, £s* Thi'fe P«port will be continued regularly; The fecund Pari which coecludes this Volume is now in the press, and will be publllhcd with all the expedition pofiible, Auguil 1%, Loft, yesterday, A white young Pointer Dog, WITH liver coloured spots, tall and very thin—kamed Momus, Any person giving informttion where he .nay be found, at. No. 116, Chefnutftreet, will be liberally rewarded, august it djt^ By C. P. Wayne, No.- 65, South Front-street. HAS the honor of informing his Fellow-Citi zens of Philadelphia,that he will open his School on Monday the (4thol September, at No, Si south Fifth ftrert, and divide his hours of in ftru&ion iu the foil wing manner. Attendance qi. an* at their «» hsufes, will be giv.-n as usual, /rom 9 o'clr.ik in the marning till i in the afternoon. His afternoon and evening school will begin (every other day) from 4to 6 ana from 6 till 9 I'rat flatioc- from either language into the other, perl.armed with accuracy, eUgance, fccre cy and .lifpatch. N. B —Nicholas G. Dump, in vites the l.adies and Gentlemen, ambitiom to l-'arn the Frriicft, to agree with some of their frie*ds or acquaintances, desirous of receiving lef lons in that uriverfal and improved language, to meet at the fame hour an') place for mutual in trusion—they may be allured it-will be to their a Vintage to do so, if they peruse with attention the fullowing Its an age when fuciiaful efforts have been v tde toward* the improvement of the art of Think ing an 4 wh"n Analyfti hit bten discovered the univcr al, and sole g«.>«>d Method to improve all fci i ces, and receiv mfcru&ion in r em, it may be a matter of a' rmftiment that it hai not bGen yet g nera'ly mbraced,and rendered the Cam-liar method ot learning The ex rao an .lyrv* is ~arr an: Ott which if fhr-uld have firll darted ki ben ftcr.l ray», I alio eto tie 'TearLing of Languages In ia«it, Na ture, thin excellent analyst, Wa* before our tyes gui 'ing children in learning the Uflniftof their mother, and no ohild ever failed in acquiring it, pre fkmg surprisingly by her unerring lesions Fully convinced by rea'on and experience, tint the fame method she pursue* Ibould be followed a* li-.-ail) .11 possible, 1 ad.-pteci, in rh- c-urfc oi my in iruAiona, such boolcn ellablifhed on principlt-s chat 1.-aft deviate ! from her umpledilates. I soon perceived that the method acquired from these aids kvj* very irregular and imperfect Analysis —I, thrrfore, rcfolved though with a very (mail (oofidcijce in my flcuder abilities, but animated ,vi hz -al or the improvement <»i those wfco may vifti to learn French vom me, to un lertakt 4 the a* orious and arduous talk of writing* work,yroun ted on Analytical principle, whith con >rehend what is wi(hedl©rby tholcd}>plying them blvei to the of the living laugr,. ges, and m hippy to fay, I have now nurly concluded it Th<-first, isachofen Vocabulary of words most frtquentiy used in speech, coiuainining 2,soc—the m >t natural acceptation of «ach is determined by a phrase prefixed to ir. The second, contains the French veibs, both re gular and irregular, from a new ftstem io which priweij al «rn*-jspinnn ate first explained, and oSfervations jiven on the use of each sense, illustrated by proper examples, so as to enable the learner to exprela himfelf with precifioß. The third, is a complete list of those words frr vant morbid lecretions ; to restore and amend the appetite ; to produce a tree pcrfpiraticn and thereby prevent colds which are often of fatal conlequence. A dole sever fails to remove a cold if taken on in firft appeiranoe. They are celebrated for removing hahitnal coftivenefs, sickness of the fteraacfc ami severe head-ache, and ought to be taken by all f)e«il»uo on ■ ofi»nga as _ They have been found remarkably efficacious in prevanting and curing raoft disorders attend ant on long voyages, and should be procured and carefully preferred for use by every feamati. Db.HAHN'S Genuine Eye-water, A certain and fafe remedy for all difeafesofthc eyes, whether the cff«& of natural or of accident, speedily removing inflammations, de fluxions of rheum, dullness, itching, and films in the eyes, never failing to cure those maladies which frequently succeed the small pox, mealies and fe vers, and wonder'ully {lengthening a weak fight. Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues when nearly deprived of fight* Tooth-ache Drops. The only remedy yet discovered which Jive# im mediaie and tailing relief in the most severe in* (lances. The Anodyne Elixir. For the cure of every hind nfhead-ache.and of pains in the face and neck. Injdilible Ague and Fever Drops. This medicine has never tailed, in many thou sard cases not one in a hundred has had occasion to take more tlian one bottle, and numbers not hall a bottle. The money will be returned if the cure is not performed. SOLD BY WM. Y. BIRCH, STATIONER, s No. 17, Soutli Sec»nd Street, And no where else, in Philadelphia. Where also may be had, Dr. Hamilton's Worm Deflroying Lozenges, his Sovereign Elixir for coughs, Stc. Restorative Drops, Fffence and Fx trafl of Mustard. Sovereign Ointment for the Itch, Hahn's infallible German Corn Plailler, In dian Vegetablt Specific for the Venereal com plaint, Gowland's and Persian X.otian, Reflorative Tooth Powder, Damaflt I.ip Salve, Church's Ceugh Drops, Anderfon's &c. April 19 tf IN THE PRESS. A New and interejl'tng WORK, (F.NT"TLrD, ) Practical Education, Br Maria edge worth, Author of the letters For Literary Ladies ami the Parems.Affiflant.andby RICHARD L. EDGEWQRTH, F,R, S. andM R I. A. Subfcrijtiori will be received vy Thomas Oob fon, Second Street Philadelphia, and Zichariah Poulfon, at the Philadelphia Library; by Brown and Stai fbury, and by George F. Hopkir>«, ■New- York; Thomi* and Andrews, Button ; Isaac Bow ers, New Haven, and the principal Bookfelleraia the United States and at the Office of this Gaz ette. August 25 WAR DEPARTMENT, August 4tfi, ißco. ' 'rHE commanding Officers, of corps, de -5 tachments,polls, garrif>ns, and recruiting parties, belonging t < th e military eftablifhraenC of the United States, are to report to, and receive ordqps from Brigadier Ci-ncral Wil kinfon, in the City i t W .fhingt«n, and all officers on furlough are to report themselves to the fame officer with all possible 'ifpatch. SAMUEL DEX TER, Secretary of War. •S3* All Printers wi'hin the Unrted State* who have publiOieH invitations for rorit'jtfls of the 13th of March latt are requested to insert the above in their refpeilive papers, once » week for two months. eod ctf. The Frenchman, WHO refufed to give up a STOLEN POINTER DOG whe # n demanded of him on Wednesday morning last about seven o clock, by the frvant of the owner, at the corner of Arch and Sixth ft eets, is desired to fend him to the office of this Gazetie, or di ligent search will be made after him, and he will be pr.fecuted as the thief. The Dog it white, excepting a yellow spot on his back, one yel om ear, and two or three yellow fpotj on his forehead—the other esr is speckled—he i( v*ry poor and hip (hot. An Landfi me reward will be given fur the dog, and Five Dollars on conv:ion of the thief. The Frenchman is % tall th in man, of a complexion very dark, and dreffid in black clothes (excepting a striped blue and wh'te gingham ci atee) —He was ften with the dojf in compinv with a (hort fat man, in Race near Seventh llreet, on Sunday afternoon last. aupuft 4® d 4t m&'h iw BROKE INTO THE ENCLOSURE res when in the INROIBOROU TOWNSHIP PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, A RED aud white Cow ; the tiu ner it defi* rrd to crme prove property, pay cl.arges, and take her away ALEXANDER CifRANDELL. Anpult i - 6500 lbs- New Orleans Indigo, Entitled to Drawback. 100 hogfhearls Vi pi 'ia Tohacco, 54 kegs nf Virginia T*ift, SUE BT « Tunis & Annefley, Walnut street wharf. d6t ;• . 9 mo ift, 1800 60,000 weight of Prime Coffee, Just imported, and fo> ,sale by the Subscriber. GIDEON H. WELLS. September 9. at. FOR SALE, A Printing Press. Apply at the Office of th« Gazetteof the United Stats. Ju'y 19- AN APPRENTICE WANTED, At the Office of the Gazette ®f the United July 6 German Redemptioners. ANU VTBE are {till on be»ar<' the oip Anna, . from Hamburg, Jying abreaftof Vineftreet wharf in the stream, counting of mechanics of almost tvcry d.fcnption, farmers and others wh® are anxious to provide places Desirous to com mence loading the veltel, their times will be dif pofeol of at the low rate of 80 Dollars for their paflage. Apt>ly v on board the (h ; p, or to JACOB SPERRY fcf September 1 The Bankrupt Law OF THF. UNITED STATES, Was this Day PuMilhsd by A.DICKINS, opr pofiie Christ ChurGh.—[Price zj Ceuts.] HAS JUST RIC IVED FROM NEW-YORK, DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ON THE NewPolltical Afpeft of Public Affairs In tbe United Stat >. [Prise 374 <- en:? ] H. MAXWELL, Printer, HAS REMOVED \TO Columbia-House, (Formerly in the ttnure of Mrs. Groombridge) [Voi.w XV 111. OF THE States. A. DICK INS i» • 'V- . " ""'•A •„ ■> > *• ; ■* ».v- .i o.