Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, September 16, 1800, Image 1
s NuMnrti 2487.1 tcy The price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in tbe city of Philadelphia. All others pay •ne Dollar -JJitional, for enclosing ami di recting ; and unlesstsome person in this city will become ansioerable for tbe subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. * # * No Subscription ivill be received for a shorter term than six months. Decemvir 1 »799* ALMANAC tr*m Septtmier 10 —to StfUmitr 16. ■ 101 »TII> Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday TaefcJay SUN- Wetlnefday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Mo'iday Tuef'.ay • 0 * THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE FOjt SALE, AT NO. 35, DOCK-STREET, 1000 Boies belt marbled Soap,") 80 Boxes Sweet Oil, j Fravt en board the aoo Halt cherts Luocj Oil, I Louisa, 7 Bales Paper, 1 /run Leghorn, Brimfloos, Parmcfan Cheese, J 300 Pipes brft Bordeaux Brandy, aoo Higflieads Caret superior quality, 70® Ca(c» French Swo.-t Oil, 60 Cases Catherine Plumbs, 6 Calks Prunes, 400 Boxes C apers, Olives, Anchovies and Cor nichons, too do. heft assorted Cordials, DRY GOODS for the Weft-India market, ■.< . „ Claret in cases a f«werior'quallty, London dry White I/eacl, small invoice of Coffee, 6 & 4 Pouud Cannon, mounted. Thomas Murgatroyd fc? Sons. May 'O. 115 GtKVIA!\ Redemptioners. AMONG which are, Farmer?, Gardners, Sadlers, Inllrument makers, G >ld and Sil ver Smiths, Linen Weavers, Joiners, Pot ters, Masons, Taylors, Tanners, Sh'ier a kers, Printers, Hitters, Bakers. Painters, Soap B liters, B-ll Founders, &c. Etc. whose times are to be difp>l'ed of. Apply on the Hamburg shin Anna, e»pt. John Jur',ens, laying in the Stream a bread of Vine Strcef, or to J ACOB S PKRR Y W Co. WHO ABE LANMNO From fai veflW from Hamburg, .ind have on hand, received hy the lad arrival*. EftopHlas rC ffec- Mills Quadruple Silefias ~ Scythee Boccad'.ilui Tapes of all def- Rouans ~ criptions. Cre is-vla-Morlaix I 0 . Ouiils k Sealing C*(Te: ill ni or Wax. White Rolls 3 1 Races & Edgings Coutili 3- D canterj "Flanders Bed Ticks 5. Gill tumblers 8, 9, J L Travelling Cases. ALSO, 15 Pipes Coniac randy and 600 Demij Pllil . Anr-nlt 2 . Jufh come to hand, AND FOR SALE, BY THE SV BS C RIB ER, STJPF.K FIN • Silcfia rouar-O Creas a la Morlaix I Fine Br tagnc« i Entitled to- Do white f lati!la» f debenture E topill-i« and Liitalns Brown RulTia 'h , etirj!-i J With a gentr I ojforiment of British Goods, Which will be fold i>w I r ca(h or (ho r t credit. SAMUEL C. C X, No. 83, Markit.->r«et. auwiT*t ra diw Madeira Wine: ■The fubferiber has received in the Apol o, from a Quantity of Hill's Old London particular Wine, Iq pipci, hh '«. 3t qr caflci. " GIDEON HILL WELLS ■DWftl 4W august 4. BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock tjf H atch Maker, HAS REMOVED To No. 36, Market St*rkt, Wh'rc he has for Sa!e, Spring unci other Clocks ; gold and filvt- Watches ; Tools, Files and Miterials ; lire nd gilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs, &c. See. CLOCKS AMP WATCHES Rep lire ! as usual. J**' 3 FOR SALE, OLD Long Primer, Small Pica on Pica Br>dy, English, Chaffs, I'nmpofing Sticks, and isjrea vari-ty of articles.neceflVy to carry on the Priii inn Bafinrfj. They will be fold cheap tor cafla App' y to the Printer. July 31. .Gazette of the United States, & Daily AdveftiHrs 20 dollars Reward. RAM AWaY from the fH''fcriber at Spte! well Forge, Lancaster ceunty, on Saturday night the 13 J in<Unt, a Negro man named NED, about 11 year* of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, ftrontr built, has a remarka' le fear on the right cheek. Had on when h>- went away a fuftian coatee, cafiimere waistcoat, tow trowfer«, round wool hat. He hat a lalfe pass in which he is called James Rnls of Uerkely county, Virginia ; property cf David Hunter. It is probable he will (haps his course for New-York H. M 7 8 14 9 9 - 1 a 50 XI 4' o 19 Who-ver apprehends and fecurcs said Negro, so that I get him again stall reeeive the above re wcri.and reaf in'ble charges if brought home. WILLIAM COLEMAN. September I d3t-eo iw msr.s s»T« S 44 6 '6 5 4< 6 *X j 46 6 14 ■ J 49 6 II 5 ?o 6 10 5 si —6 9 d 15t titSif tf PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMHER 16, JBOO. Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office JS removed from No. 13 Fourth (tree?, to No. 1 8 South Tbird Office for thofc is ilio kept at mr. HsfflyS Inn, No. 98 Market street. General Pott Oificc, April 28. To Gentlemen Farmers. THE SUBSCRIBER DECLINING farming, wiH offer at public file on his Plintation, oppofitc Newb .Id's Ida d on the Delaware, within v tw> roils s of Rordentown, state of New - Jer'ey, on Saturday 13th September next at a o'clock, his flo k t Horses, Cattle {mostly tat) an about eighiy S' eep, f ajrteen of which are Ra s The prin cipal part of both Ewes and Kam* are an excel lent breed Mil plantation he will hold for fair till next fprinp, when if not fold it will be rented. Terms of fa e made known at the time. THOMAS St. JOHN. Anguft 30. TO LE T, OR FOR SALE, d 2-story brick house Situate in Duke-strret ( or Artillery lane) Northern Liberties, TWO rooms on a floor, kitchen and wash house, all built'ot rhe heft materials, and in excel ent order; cellar-under the wh le, one pave \ and hap two lattice clofcts wi h locks, a hrge g it ieveral fruit-trees in the garden, two \ umf sos eictlltnt water ne*r the preniiles. Enqwint at No, 39, Arch ttreet. July 15 tu&f 6w Found, A Red Morocco Pockct-Book, WHOJLVF.K ha» oil ir may rtccivi, it *ri ap plication at the « flic- ot thi*G*z we, and paying the expence (A this adwtifamont. Ju y i». For Sale, Tie Unexpired TIME of a BLACK BOY WHO has three years and fve months to serve ; he is 'ober, hoard, a good wai ter and undcrftands taking care of horfct. En qui" at No. 60, l'ock ftrtse: July a?. eo.v Jhree Cents Reward. n UM iwajr from tfieSiiSferilirron (he evening I\ or the sKtli iofl. • hound Scram OIR!,, named Howefcll. Hal on and took wrtf her three different change* of garmrot tad money. pwiil.Mil and ivpudnit, anoint lyar ; any (»r ---r»u apprehending hit ihjll c cmnle.l to the aS«ve reward—no coUt or chargea will *ie pud. Ni l,lihc bad i ftin and loroe m»n>ha la fn?r daxifj. rrrzfATMTcr. OoftenTow»ftip. I 'b'fter Crmrty, fily tQ. iiiffn' 1 A tiWaf 4 l o Printers. The following MATERIALS will be fold reufonable if applied for immediately. 1 Pit Is, } Founts Long-Primer (partly worn) 2 ditto Small-Pica on Pica body, 2 ditto Pica, 1 ditto English, 2 ditto Bievier, 1 ditto Buigeois, Several pair of Chafes, several cernpofmg flicks, frames and I'all.-ys, f me brass rules. Quotations, &c. Etc. &.c: ill of-the above will be fold very reasonable for CaHv. September 8. JUST published; And to he Sold by JAMES HUMPHREYS, No. I#6, south {lie Market Street, Reports of Cases Argue.t and determired in the HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY; (grk at-bkitain) commenced with THE JUDGMBNTS OF Tke Right HononMc WILLIAM SCOTT, Michaelmas Term 1798. " By Charles Robihfon, LL. D. Advocate. Volume I.—Part I. Thcfc Pep rt will he c ntinued regularly; The second Part which concludes this Volume is how m the pref-, and will be published with all the expedition poflible, August 23, 1 Loft, yesterday, A white young Pointer Dog, WITH liver coloured fpoti, rati and very thin—timed Momui, Any perfnn gitiWg in(qrm««ion where he a»y be found, at No. I l£ t Chcfeet lit ret, -will btf liberally ounriedr Mpft SI C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet. Eliflia Fiflier & Co. No. 39 North Front Street, UAVB Qtf H.iND AUD FOK SALE, G HR.MAN STERI.,, window hats sflort ed in cafe>, Niils in casks, ua 1 a affrt merit of Ironmongery, Cirlery. Sad'fry, Coach, mid Hamefs Furniture, Eral's and Japanned Wares. Pins and Ne^dtej. J ul r 3 9 tQ A.ft.rm, COFFEE. A QJJ ANTITY of remarkable fine Green Coffee, In Hogsheads, Barrels and Ba?s, for sale by JAMES YARD, aupust 23 riot -trench Tuition, UPON- AN ANALYTICAL PLAN. NICHOLAS GOUIN DUFIEF, Professor of the French Language, HAS the honor of informing his Fellow Citi zens of Philadelphia, thac he wili open his School oh Monday the i4tho! September, at No ;,fouth Fish Itreft, and divi 'e his hours ol in ruition ir* the foil -wing manner. own houfea, will be given a* ufu;l, from 9 o'cl, tk in the m#7nit.g tilt lin th ifternoon. H « 'crrnoon and cyetiioi school wil begin (every rtoer djyJ from 4to 6 and from 6 til 9 tra (Id'ion- frem either language into the other. )erformtd with accuracy, elegance, fecre cy and lif patch. N B—Nicholas G Ddfuf, refpei!fully in vites the 1 aJicb and Genti-mcn ambition- to Larn the to agree w,th ol their rte- d-» or acquaintances, defir u< of receiving |rf ions in that u ivtrl'al and impr >vt?d language, to eet at the fa e hour an ' place for n>u ual iri rudlion—they may l>t afiurrd it will he to their * vantage to do so, if they perufc with attention rhe following . To the Lovers ps the French Language. IN an age when fucrdsiul efforts hive been made toward* the impr.iven-eut 01 Ibe art of Tbiik ing and wh n Analyfti ha- bten difo vtred the universal, and jle good method toimpr_ve all fci-t ces, and rec.iv iintrudi"n in t em, it may be a matter of a'ionifcm nt that it has not been yet g- nera ly mbraced, »rd rendered the familiar method of learning The cx rao di.ary rile and progrcf»,of Chyu.i.iry withi-. a v-ry few y ar«, ar entirely ue ts an lysis ; but then-is an art on which it fh uld have firtl darted its *ien ficislrayv, I allu. t to the Teaching of Languages In fail, Na ture, thi- exc ilent aralvtl, wa. liefi te oer .yes gttHing children iu learmug the I-ngu g*of thsir mother, an J to .lttld ever f.ilcd in it, profiting furprilingly hy her untrrirg 1 ffo..a Fally c nvinced by rea on and ex rrimce th ,t the fame method (he purfu»i Uivuhl be lolh.we 1 a neatly as poflihle, I ad | ted, in the c ursa ot my iti(;ruaiotis, such book# ellabhfhed ■ n principhs that I art deviate i fr >m her i mp'e liilatei. I foen [ erc-ived that the method acquire I from thefe»ij» w.,s but a very i-regular a 1 inip.-rleil Analysis —I, therfore, rTolved though w tb av-ry small conliilence in my fl .ider abilities, but animatid with z ;l or the improvement of these who may wifli to learn French from me. to un lertake the la' orious andar 'uoos talk of writing* work,t;roun ded or. Analyical principle, which com preh-nd what is wifhedl»r by thofcapplying them fclve. to the lfu<iy of the living langu ges, and am hippy to fay, I have now nearly concludeJ'it It confills ot tree parM The first, isachofen Vocabulary of word* most fr-.quentiy used in Ipeech, cc uiaiuining 1.50. —ri e m t rafural acci ptation of each is determined by a phrase prefixed to it. T he fecond,contains the French vetbs,both re gular and irregular, fr'm a new f stem in which the principal difficulties attending tot juration ar. Bi«t explained, and o: fervations viv 11 on the use of each seise, illustrated by proper examples, so as to enable the learner to expreia himfelt with preeifi n. I'he third, is a complet list of those words ser vant (te lief, ou Jt complement Atfrnt entre lej autres pareles da Jifcomri : that i- to fIT forming the lint or ample tio* of sense between the other parts of fpeceb, whose principal use i> to establilb in Ipeech that connexi on between words, which a ready exist» in the mird between idens I h. v> also fully determined tbe sense and acception of th fe important wor Is (which are divided into appropriate claflet to fix them the easier in them-raory) hy annexing to each exa' pica in French a d F. 1 ifh As Ido not in'end to publiih t <• abave for f»me time, and in Older, nevertbeltf , that my pupils may reap tbe fame advantage without it, I hasten t inform those who may he induced to put them felvtsunder my care, that hdf the time cf school (the oth?r hah beiog dev' red to other exercise«) will be employed in exercising them in the fol lowing manner We El"st begin with the Vocabulary; each word of winch will he pronounced in Rnglilh then is French, to be repeated by one or more of thefcho lars; and a similar repetition of the phrases before mentioned will follow. It is worthy of obfe vatiottj that in our infan cy, and as we advance in year 9, we learn the pro nunciation of our vernacular tongue, by pfo nmirtcing word by word; and 4na!egy accomjnijfh es what remains to be done, in onier to acquire the necessary knowledge vf it. The rules given y Granimarians to attain this obj-<sl arc a most useless to us, an J still more so to the foreigners, struggling in vain to learn the true pronunciation ofatauguage with the of diAionaries and Grammar alone. Thyugh I conceive my scholars may attain io the manner, the ac* urate pronovneiation of th* French language, yet arid attention is paid to their reading in approved aei thcrs before we begin tie foregoing exercises. 1 will pur file nearly thefam - foethedin impart ing; to them the «ofir«nts o! the two othel divifi ,ns ot my work. I cannot conclude this addrefswith out thanking my Fellow Citizens for the liberal encouragement I havtf experienced from them, i {hels past, in rr y profeffional caretr.pre fumirg that I may be permitted so fay, that I have not been altogether unjtftrving of it. September 1. Dat aaw aw ADDRESS. Candidates for the Navy. A N,4 others, who are desirous of becom • g - - ac<|u;ii .t'ed with the following very ess ntil improvement! in Navigation, v«z the method ol 6«dingthe Latitude by a fugle altitude oi the fan at any hour ot t,.e day ; and of afcertai: it g both latitude and Longitude at once by a Celef tiai observation, the Lunar*, an.l new forms of lournalk for lhip. of war, with additional columns may hear of a person ready to inftriuft them at their apartments, who has tomperMfcof the above so Amplified by explanations ol figures, marginal references, &c*. that they may lie uuder ood in a lew days s by applying at No 93, south Second itreet, apposite the City Tavern H« engages to teach Navigation (the common method of keepirp a j at tea) in 6 day«. He has taught the Mathematics. French lan guage, &c. for many years in different univer si ie>, ai d fliips of war, to which he has bei n regularly appointed—He has alto had confideraSie practical experience in surveying and book-keep iug ; iw which he givse private le&ures. ills terms are low and accommodating. He will open A Marine and Commercial ACADEMY, On Monday the Bth of September, at an elegant and fpaciotis Room in Harmony Court, (oppolite No. 74, i'outh Fourth ftreet.) |Cf* The business of an Agent and In terpreter faithfully transacted. Aiiguft 25 eod jjf. That large and commodious HOUSE, j4t the corner of /irch ar d NinthJlrects. TO BE RENTED, And entered upon this montk, the Houfa, Sta ble, Houfe and Lota, now in the tenure of M jor Burler. situate as above. Enquire at No. *8 north Fifth ftraet. T "'y h ?w Prevention better than Cure.' For the prevention end cure of Bilio- s and Malignant Fevers, is recommended, Dk. HAHN'S Anti-bilious Pills, WHICH have been attended with a degree »f fuccef-, highly grateful to the inven tor's feelings, in fever .1 parts,of the Wei* In dies.ani the wurhern parts of the Ut.ited States particuiarly in Baltimore, Prterfburg, Rich, tnond, Norfolk, Edenton, WilmtnjM n.Charki ton, Sjvamuh He. The teltimo.') of a num ber of ptrfowsin each of the above plates can be adduced, who have reason- to btlicve that a tir*ely us« ot th t falu'ary remedy, lus, un 'er Providem c. preferverl their lives -a hen in the ;nofl alarming circwmftances. Fails of thi conclusive i aiure speak more in fav ur of a medicine, than columns ~f pompous eulogy, founded on mere afferti n, oUhl do It a 11 t indeed pretumptuoufly piopofeJ it, an infallible cure, but the inventor has every poflib.e reason. which can result sri in rxtenfivr experience for believing that a dose r! these pills taken once every two weelis durii.g the preva lence of Our annual bilious fevers, will prove an infallible preventative ; »nd further thatinthr eirtier (lagts of those diseases, their use "ill v.-ry generally succeed in reftorinp health and frequently in caies eftermed dcfpei -ie and bey otn' 'he po« er of common remedies The peration of these pills is perfectly mild and mjyteufrd with farety by pe:l in every situation ai,d of every age. They are excellency adapted te c n-ry ess fu pei fluous bile andprcvem in morbid ieerctioo* ; 10 rei'ore and amend the appetite f to produce a tree perspiration and thereby prevent colds •»hich are often of fatal conlequence. A dole never Jails to remove a cold >F taken on itt firft appearance. They are celebrated for removing habitual coftivenefs, fickhefs the flnmach and severe head-arhe, and ought to be taken by all perf us on a change of climate. t hey have been found rematkably efficaciou.- in prev.ntinp and curing moll disorders attend ant on long voyage«, a'id should be procured and carefully preserved for use by every feamari. Dh. HAHN's Genuine Eye-water. A certain and fafc remedy for all difealesof the eyes, whether the efT<-& of natural weaknef», or of accident, f; eedily removing inflammations, de fluxions of rheum, dullncft*. itching, films in the eyes, never failing- to cure those maladies which frequently succeed the small pox, and le vers, and wonder ully (lengthening a wrak fight. Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues when nearly deprived of fight* Tooth-ache Drops. The only reiifiedy yet discovered which^iveiim mediate and lading relief in the mod severe in stances. The Anodyne Elixir. For the cure of every kind of head-ache, and of pains in the face and neck. Injiitlible and Fever Drops. 1 medicine (ias never failed, in many thou sand cases not one in a hundred has had occasion to take more than one bottle, and numbers not halt a bottle. The money will be returned iftfec cure is not performed. SOLD BY Wm. Y. BIRCH, STATIONER, No. 17, South Set and Street, And no where else, in Philadelphia. Where life may be had. Dr. Hamilton's Worm Diftroying Lozenges, his Sovereign Elixir for coughs, ike. Reflorative Drops, Essence and Fx trt& of Mustard, -overeirn Ointment for the I'ch, Dr. Hahn's inlalSMe German (Jem Plainer* In dian Vegetable Specific for t!?c com plaint, Gotland's and Per(ia?i LotUn, Restorative Tooth Powder, Damalk Lip Salve, Church's Ceugh Drops, *nderfon'i» Fills, &c. &c. aprili9 m tf IN THE PRESS. A New andinte'cjiing WORK, (Entitled,) Practical Education, ( BT M.'iRIA EDGEWORTH, Author of the letters For Literary I idiesairkht: Parents Affirm, and by RICHARD L. EDGEWORTH, \ F. R S. and M R I A. Suhfcriftion will t.e received vy Thomas nob ion, -econl Street Philadelphia, and Zichariah Poulf .n, at the Philadelphia Li; rary ; Vy Brown and Sra .fbury, and by George F. Hopkins, New- York; Thomas and Andrews, B flns; Isaac B<jw ers, N'ew Haven, and' the principal Boot fellers in the United States and at' the Office of this Gaz ette. August r;. dlw WAR DEPARTMENT, Au%yst 4tb f ißco. HE commanding Officers of corps, de : tachments. posts garrif n3, «nd recruiting parties, belongr g t the military eflablifhraent of the United Hates, are to report to, and receive orders from Bri rjiiier Gmcrjl Wil kinf n, in the City of W (hingt.m, and all officers on furlough are to report themselves to the fime officer with all .poffiM'e -lifpatcli. SAMUEL DEXI'ER, Secretary of War. 0" All Printer? wi'hifi th? United S'ates who havr publiihed lnvii aiioris for contrjflj of the 13th oi' March Ia ft are requested to infrrt the a-nve in tlieir reipeiflive papers, once a wt-rk f.'r tw« monthn J 1 He Frenchman, WHO refufr.! to give up a S fOLEN POINTER DOG whe,n rte anded of him on WHrieftlay morning lalt about fevtn o'cloik, hy the f-rvant of the owner, at the c. rner of Arch and Sixth street?. is desired to fend him to the < ffice of this Gazette, or di ligent search w ; ll be made =fter him, and he wiU be pr< fecuted as the thief. The Dig is white, excepting a ye.low spot on his backbone yel o» ear, and two or three yellow spots en his forehead—the o'herear is fp'clcled—he is vsry poor and hip (hot. An me reward will be given tor the dog, and Five Drllars on conviflion oj the thief. Th- Frenchman is a tall t lii man, ofacc.mpl xion v.-ry dark, and drefltd in black clothes ( xcepting a stripe ' blue and wh te gingham coatee) —He was fern with the nctf in company with a Aioft fat ma' ,ia Race near Seventh street, on Sw»diy afternoon last. allF'iO r> 4» BROKE INIO -THE ENCLOSURE OF THE SUBSCRIBERS, INROXBOROUGH TOWN SHI ' PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, A RED aud write rrrnrrn*rnrr red to c mc prove property, p*y eiia.gcs, and take her away ✓ ALEXANDER tffRANDELL. Align!) t6. 6500 lbs- New Orleans Indigo,' Entitled to Draxv/'Uci. aoo hogfhea '« Vi girtia Tobacco, 54 ktg« i f Virginia Tviift, F-R SHE BY Tunis & Annefley, Walmi: ft.eet u ~arf. 9 »• 1 ft,'i 100 60 000 weight of Prime Coffee, Just imported. d foi sale by the Subscriber. GIDEON H. WELLS. September 9. 3t. FOR S \LE, A Printing Press. Apply at the Office of the Gazette of the United s. Julv 19. AN APPRENTICE wanted. At the Office of the Gazette »f the Un ted, States. July 6 German Rcdcmpttoners. \ NUMBER, arc (nil on hc-ar.' the P v 1 :• a« IX. from HarnLurg, lying abreast of Vinelh-eefc wharf in the flreatri, conning of mechanic of almost every d frrif ti"n, f, rm r* a- a other*, who are anxi us to provide phces Desirous merce loading the vtflel, their times will dif pcfe los at the low rare of 80 D->) ars for their paflage. Apply on board the flvp, it ro September 1 -liot The Bankrupt Law OF. THF UN'ITED STATES, Was this_ Day Pu'.nifliad hy A. DIC KIN S. op posite Chrili Church —[Prict 15 Cents.] A. DICK IN S HEW-YOKK, DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ON THE New Political Afpeft ofPutilicAffairs In the United States. [Pri.e 374 ] august T; ,J li. MAXWELL, Printer, HAS REMOVED TO ■ Columbia-Hou r e, (Formerly in the tsnure of Mrs. Groombridge) ' . *> \VOt.UMK XV'III. £■ 4 * * '■» -.V *- v V