Wrtli Baltimore,«s "^''Av-iras Norfolk". Health-Office, Bib Ko. 2 lit, 1800. WHEREAS the Board of Health have received information that a contagious disease, dangerous to the community, now* exists in NORFOLK, (Virginia,) an if a!fo the CITY Ot BAL TIMORE, being, as is represented to us, equally iickly. Whereupon Relolved, with the af icnt and approbation of the Mayor, that all veflels from thence, bound to the ■port of Philadelphia, bring too at the Lazaretto, to receive a visit from the Resident Physician, and there wait the determination of the Board. And further, that nopcrfon (or goods capable of retaining infection) from NORFOLK, or BALTIMORE (hall be. permitted to come to the City or Coun ty of Philadelphia, until they produce a fatisfactory certificate of their being at least 15 dsys in a healthy state, from thence, ynder the PENALTY OF FIVE HUNDRED.DOLLARS, agreeable to the 7th feclion of the Health Law, half of which will be paid to the informer on conviction. All proprietors of Sta ges, both by lard and water, are desired to govern themselves accordingly. By order of the Board, EDWARD GARRIGCTES, President. Peter Kf.yser, Secretary. • K?" The Printers generally are requeft (d to give this a place in their papers as often as convenient. Board of Health P iladelpbia, ylb mo. iBcO. WHKUEXS the Board of Health, h v.- received information from several refpc&a ble sources, that a contagibus difcafe, dnn geroui to the community, now exists in Pre videnci. Rbode-Islci:d. Whereupon refolvedj with the consent «rd approbation of the Mayor, he now le 'ing prcfent, freely expressed that all vtflVls from the Sict? of bound to the p. rt of Philadelphia, bring to at th- Lazaretto, to r.ceive a visit fiom the Resi dent Physician, and there wait the determi nation of the Boaid. « And further, that no person (or goods capable of ret lining infection) from the State tf Rbnds-lsitmd, A PARTNERSHIP. a PERSON poflefiing some capital, a confi- IX derable lhare of induflry, and desirous of engaging as a partner in a lucrative hufinefs, may hear of a Ctiiation. All pr >poU's in this iiibieia t» be in writing, sealed and direftcd to W R. J New York, and left with the printer of the Gazette of the United Stares, will be at tended to. ' ttr A Printer would finj it to his advantage Jone y ILL_ For Sale, or to Let, THE HOUSE, /11 Cbesnut Street, Near the corner of Eleventh street, at prcfent in th» tenure of Mr. A. M'Call—Poffeflion may bs had the first of November next, or sooner if re quired Apply to Edward Shoemaker. September 3 S_ Ibis Day Publisled, By'J. Ouinxrod, No. 41, Cliefnut Street, (Price Cents) TBI Death of General Washington. A POEM, In imitation of th« manner of Officii. By Rev. John B.Linn, A.M. Minister rft he First Presbyterian Congregation ofPhiladelph'a. fgf Mr. Chandron's Orstiso will be publilhed on Monday morning* Mbrch 15; d< Wf canreo cut ihree-ftory Buck J) Hi:nfs.i with f,ur rooms on a' flour, ami i\m Ki'clieos ; there is a pump of water, ai:d a raiji water cittern iti tbe ysi'd ; fituaie on the < ait tide of Foiift'b- Street, one door above Rifle.-Strict, lately occupied by Solomon Moroche. With a picafant yard on the Sout'i fid* of Arch Street, third door above Eighth Street. For terms apply at No. 116 Arch Street. 4* m&wtf \ y AN-AW.'iY from Ge;i. Kidge'.y of P.alti m re, on the 10! h ii\lt a lipkt cohntrri ■nf'rty "in, who falls himfelf IVILLI.VM Mc. DOI;AI.D ; Hris ah ut 34 years of age. about j feet S inches high, neat in his dreGi, atu >as a pond' suit of hair. H'd on, when he went away, a good heaver hat, a lh<>rt light •recft c!"th coat, edged with - ellow, and yel ! nv i'i',t buttona-;a light huff caffimer, dnubh ' rr iHel w&iftcial, a pair of dark olive colour ■H rh'-tcfett, ptrVitaioons—a white linen thin vbt'.e ribhed cotton ftockir.gi, and a good pair ir (hoes with livings He took with him a •lark blue coal, a pair of olive caflimer paata loortt; and a iiglit c«rdur<,y pair of breeches : alf > 3 gold or pinchbeck watch, with a rterl chain. JHc i* fond of fpirkous liquora, is info, irtit, h;a a si. pid look, atid cliews tobacco.- iff- txih bred in Charles county, Maryland, and pun.hafed of col. John Titorp.a- by gen. Ridge ley. Whoever apprehends laid negro, and te cures him in any jail so that the owner may gut him again, (hall receive the above reward, •nth reaionable charges if brought home, or de livered to Joihui B. Bond, Philadelphia, may ' dtf Jamaica SUGAR and COFFEE, A Trunk of Mel. and Womens' Shoes, And a parcel of Tow Linen, Boston Window-Glass, 8 by 10. 9 !»y JI, io by n -uid iy by n. Any sizes larger than thole may be bad on being ordered from the manui'adlory. Apply to • * ISAAC HARVEY, JunV. 3--1 wharf foutli of Market ftieet. Auftufl 4. djw Last ban.rday ji;ght my (hop in Water rtrtet was opti.eJ by a fall'e key, and lun dry art.cles of JbWILLfkY, to the amount o ten 01 twelve hundred dollars, were carried off mor.R thjiii were, Two mirVow spoons marked " Worrock 5" Likti eCT?- of Mr Junes K.-.b.nfon asd wife, of f;terito-g—one do. of a ft'r King one do. of .VJr j lm Tumble, late of this town, the back set with a large bfue glitfs at.d a linalU in the centre, under which was a plr.it of haii laid (Irait, with J. T. in a cypher workei in pearl Together with a n*m!.er of fancy pi«. ccs, painted hy Sully, wh! h cannot now M rccolliiS-d ; 5 fio.itfwaiu's Calls fiampci: ' Wanock.' AND The following Watches: l Gold watch, mjkcr's nimr Frova.l, Paris I li'ver do I bonus Green, Liverpool. 7703 1 do do George Bifield, London, 13,400 1 gold do. French,no name I do do. J'Jm-RyUnd, London, 3331 I fi'.ver d>. French, 1 1 nci'm» 1 do. do John Bull, London, 744 1 gold do J Kodart, t'arn l ("liver do. Jhfeph Keinber Shaw t d '. do. J Uaili gtun, London 1 do ilo. No. 9861 1 gilt do. G. M. Meicatf, London, 4196 1 hK'er do. George Hafwood, London, a9oi 1 do/ do. J Smith, Lond n, 211 1 double cafe gilt watch, R. Ofburn, Rich ico Dollars will be given for the rcftoratioi of the jewellery, or ico dollars if the thief 01 thieves are alio fee tired. Mr. fcnj Q)in Morns, the owner of tht Watches which were taken at the lame time, will alio give 100 dyllnrs.fcr th.m. July a? £5" The Printers at Peterfburp, Richmond Alexind-ia—Baltimore—Char.elton - ar.d « thers, are requelied to insert the above fjr a f-'Wtim^s GLASS MAN UFACTORY. HAVING procured a fufficivnt number of the moll approved Eiiropeas Glass Manu fuflurers, and having on hand a large ftoik qt the best Materials, on which their workmen arc ur>w employed, have the plejfure of alluring the public, that window glass of a fupei ior qua lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 14 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing ioc feet ea h, may be had ?t the ihorteft notice G!afs of larger lizes other purpole«, n\a\ alfn be h.i I, futh as for pi.'lures, coach glaflci), dock faces, Ac. Battles of all kinds r.nd of any q jantity may also he had, together with pocket tiafks.picklingjars, apothecary's (hop furniture, - r other hulftiw ware—the whole at leift if pei cent, fewer shan articles of the fame quality brought from any of the lea ports of the I'nitei! State*. A libtral allowance will be made en I'ale of hKgMuantitics. Orders fr m merchants ind other? will !i>e punctually attended to on ap plication ta JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Store of MefTrs PRaTHEK andSMILIE, in Maiket-Street, P ttlburgh, March 4, tuthtf. BEAUTIFULLY fitua;*d on the north IPe of I akkowgatk J,as e, divided ir.to three Lots, containing between 6 and 1 acres each, adjoininglmd» of Capt. He(s, Abraham Kint zing, Abiih Brown, John Hatrifon and ott-.er it has within a few months past hce.ll highly ma nured ; the i-reater pjrt is Wow in Timothy and Ciover. On it are t'everal elecar.t fita»tjrns 10' hmfld o*> jiPf v to , i;-AAC W. MORRIS. September *. feo^t. Houses to Let: -k iso, A conVenirut Three Story BRICK House, 'olltirs Reward. Fifty For Sale, A FEW HOGSHEADS OF ALSO, Robbery. 300 Dollars Reward. mo-id, 8764 THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works., FOR S ILK, A Trad: of Land; For Sale, ■■£ •jfe'yf ~ Till NEW Pll.ol" EUII.T '.'■r, 'l|w. SCIIOOKBR J sr. Tammany, VING at Say's Whjrf, above Market Street, b'triben 70 t-;M. be a remarkable faO (ailing veflel, ai i may he fit red for fca in' a few 'Jaytt, Invemory to be i'ten ltvd terms of fa!e known by applying to the iub fcribir.. ' CROOKE STEVENSON, No. 4. South K r titer Street. ALSO. FOR SALE, 3'? Hfiri* Mufcovad 1 Sugar. White and brown Hava • nab dit'o in boxes, liift India do. in bags. Weft-India and Conntry Rum. 1 tco Hhd' MolafTei. Holland Gin trench and Spanift Brandy- Pepper, C flee, &c. Aujniftfa tSittJl.tf. FOR HAMBOTTRG~ The Ne-w gjfet HAMBOURG SHIP g|||j Anna, Bg&Ss JOHN JURGENS, Mojl r i * ltrong, iubftantial, fall f.ti!i'ig vedeJ, (being her second voyjge) will commence leading on Wed nesday n r xt, and will be difpa'ched with all con venient speed—Freight will be received, apply t® JACOB SPERRY, \gf Co. __ » Several Redemptioners Are flill oh bojrd, whofc times arc to be dif pi fed of—Apply a. above. Sopttiviher 4. d 10 t HIGH-STREET. The House, LATELY occupied by the Chevalier D'Yrujo, Spain 111 AirbaiTador, will be let out to an approved perfop or family, on esfy conditions. It is large, cofnmodious ar.d elegant, with coarh-houfe and flables conformable., Ei quire at No. too, Spruce street. SAMUEL MAGAW, Arcb Street, Na. 94. July 23. eodtf. FRANKLIN Reserved Trafts, FOR SALE. ON Wcdncfday tht ill day of O&ober next, books will be open in the Olfice of the Sub scriber, rrfiding in Franklin, for the sale of the Reserved Trad®, laid out by virtue of an aft ot Aflembly psffed the nth .lay of April, 1799. — One fifth part of the pv.r chafe money to be p lid at tht: time *f sale, oue fifth part within twelve month*-from the day of sale, oqc fifth pare within wo year® froiri frid day, and the remaining two fifth parts at or before the expiration o: three year* after such sale No contrad to be confirm d ior fifteen day*after the said books fliall be o pened, and the highest price offered within that nme w ill he accepted. All payments made will be forlcited urilefs the purckafcr within three ye rs from the day of sale make® an a&ual fctt'ement )» the trad purchased, by clearing, fencing, and fult'vating at leafl two acres for every fifty con tained in the furvr*y, and ered thereon a mel f age for tbe habita'ion of and rcfide there on er the space of five years n':Xt following the firfl fcttlement of the fame. No patents to 1 Hue, unless fatiwfa&ory proof ihall be made of such a&ual fcttlement, r-fidenee, and imprrv^ment. GEORGE FpWLER, Comtn Jjicner* Fra-kliu, July aB, 1800. aueuif 8, District of Pennsylvania to nit: BE !H*fnrmhfred that on the Tenth day of July in the twenty fifrli year of the Indepen dence of the United States of America. Alexan der Addifon of the fa id Ditttid; hatU dep>.filed in this office the tjt'e of a book ihc right where of he claims *3 Author in tha words following to wit, " Keporis of cases in ti - County courts <■{ the Fifth (Sircuit av.d in the High Court of Effort and appeals of the State of I'enntylvania, and chaiyes 10 Grand Juries ol those County Court*. By Alexander .Vddifon, President of ihc Courts of Common Pleas of the Fifth Cir cu'r* of the State *f Pennlylvanu." la conformity to the afi of Congrefsof jhe Uni ted fitate% i*titi.'d " .\n aifl for the encouragement of learning by frcuring the copies of maps chart* and b 'oks to the Authors and Proprietors ot such copies during the times therein mentioned." D. CALDWELL, Clerk of iic Dtjlrifl of Peurtfyl v ania The above book is now publiftuU It will be de liverrd to iubferibers by Mr. Dobfon Bookleller. J"iy 2? _ LANCASTER STAGES. ' Proprietors ofthe Philadelphia and Lan- X cadcr line as Stages DISPATCH,return their 1 rateful thanks to their friends and the public in general, fur the part favors they have received,and inform tl-cm that in addition to tha regular Line, rhey are piovided with Carriages,fober and careful drivers, to go through between the City and r Jt.ri»Bgh is two days. Those who prefer this mode ;A traveling he accommodated at the Stage • >ffice, Cgn of United States Eagls, Market flrect, t'hiladelr.hia. Slough, Downing, Dur.woody 15" Co. Nkv. 30. 21—f UR PUSSF.LVS HISTORY OF Modern Europe, Tl»e public are refpc&fylly informed that tbe Firfl v oh)me of fbe above Work is printed arid will be immediitly delivered to the fubferibers. Those Genitcmen who have exprefTed a wish to fee the manner in which it it executed before they became fubferiber?, are requested to call at VV. Y. No. i7,fouth Second-ll;eet. It is prefurtSad rhat on comparison it will be found fupener to the London copy. AUf*. eod A PERSON, WHO is about taking his departure fr'nm hence to the Weft I dies, wh*rehe in tcnd< to refirte, will under!.ke to tranfadl busi ness on the mo« reasonable terrm for Mer chants who may be inclined to irnruft him with 'heir commands. He wo'ild likevufe -<• :fh to be concerned with a porloti of rel'ptiflability here> who may be dc firoii! offuch a conu'-tl.on. *„* Apply at No. i) 6, North Front St. Aug. si. - eodiwlj CHINA GOODS. Landing frt n the ship America, Watte. Sims, Commander, from Canton, ' AND FOR SALE RT NICKLIN, GRIFFITH far Ce. Bohea, CoflgO, Souchong, id & jnd quality, Caper souchong, Hyf>n-lkin, T nkay, Singlo, ' Young hyfrn, Hyson, ift & id quality. Imperial, B YHiow Sc white rtartkeena Lutcilrings, b.ack&color'd ( In Boxes Sinfhawa do. C .JTuited, do. J \ Luieftriugs, maz. blue & dark green ~) , Sitjfhaws do C . In Persian taff;tas, dark green J boxes, Tbey bane also on band for sale, received bv tbc late arrivals from Europe, ijfo. 1 Infmal! pack- Striped and checked ginghams i ages alTirted, White figured & cclor'd Muf- | calculated for linetts the Weft-ln- Wliite corded dimities 1 dia market & Color'd silk, ftnped Nankeens | entitled to J drawback, 14 Trunks printefl Calicoes, 5 do. do. 3 Biles seine twine f Entitled to o C.ifcs Enphih Ch , £.nph. m lyare, ack, in tea ■ i Calks mineral black, ( do. white, 3 (l'i. colccther, 3 Calks purpJe brown') 9 do. London porter in bottles, Engtijh fail canvas, No. i, i & 3, Ituilia duck, Boxes wt.ite Havinna sugar, 13 Pipes old Madeira wire, Gunpuw 'er, Emury wine bottles, 20 Guns,*6 plunders, 11 do. 9 do. 18 do. 9 do. with carriages, &a ißo,ccolbs. Cerihou coffee, J ft") quality (Entitled to jo,ooolbs. black pepper (drawback, ao Logs ebony J May 13. mftw tf A PERSON OF abilities, integrity and experience in mercantile bulinefs, would willingly en page as CLERK to a merchant or publia of fice, or be concerned with any person as pait r.er, ns he has an interest of about one ihouiand pounds in real ellate in the city. Pieafe to ap ply to the Printer ; or 1 line left at the office for B Y v w(llbe attended to immediately. May 10 dst rr&th tf Twelve shares Of the Bank of the United States, 1 NO. »59J» to 15963 inclusive, in.the name of Thomas Mull-tt of London, were forward ed about the ift of May 1797, from New-York, by the (hip lor London, which was cap tured by the French, and said Certificates loft or rtellroyed ; therefore application is made at the said Bank for the renewal of the faino, of which all persons concerned are desired to take notice. Clement Bidd/e. Philad : September j, »Bco awn NOTICE. A CERTIFICATE, No. *ss*9- d* ed Jan uaryi797, in Tavour et Robert Linufay, of Charlelten South-Carolina, for one fharc of the flock of the Bank of the United States is loft— a duplicate of which v ill be applied for at the said Institution. d6w. Augufi f. A Young Man, PERFECTLY versed in Mercantile accounts, and brought up in one of the firft cownting houfes in this oily, willies employment as Clerk. He is at present absent from Philadelphia, but a line lelt at the Office of vhe Gazwte of the Uni ted States he will receive, and it (ha'.l be imme diately attended to.' Salary a fecrndary olijedl— Employment his metive. SUlJsft II . d?f A good second band Riding Chair, and an excellent family CHAIR HORSE FOR SALE, Cheap—Enquire of tie Printer. September r mwfaw WAYNE COUNTY TAXES. THR owners of unimproved lands in Wayne county, are fc«reby noticed, that Taxes are become j. ayable thereon for the years 1799 and ißod. Those who have not already paid their taxes, re hereby r quired to discharge the fame to > JOHN BRINK, Esquire, Treasurer *f said County at Milfurd, within three months from this date otherwise proceedings to sale, according to the ail of t. ITembly in such cafe provided, will e had by the Commiflioners for the said county. Asa Stenton, ~l John Carssn, > Comniiffioners Jtbannes Van Etten, J Attest, E. Kellogg, Clk. July 9,18- o d 90t Notice to the Pilots. IS hereby given—That in. consequence o' the Beacon on the Brown, being lb much injured as to render it unfit for service, a Buoy with a keg on tht mast, will be placed on that Ihoil, until it can be replaced by the Beacon, of which due notice will be given. W. MACPHERSON, Superintend :M. Ai Kuft 16 Just Received, Br A. DICKINS, opposite Christ Church h. View / OF THE CAUSES AND CQNSE^UENCES OF THE American Revolution, In Nineteen Discourses. l'.v the Rev. JosAfHAH Boucher, A. M. F. A. S Trice 2 Dollars 50 Cents. July 30. •TEAS, ROBERT LENOX. m&tjm 'daw Saulnier & Wllfon, WOOLEN DRAPERS, MERCERS, SSV. No. 63j North fide Market-street, HAVE a general aflortment of bed London luperfine Broad Cloths and Caffimeres, (of the ntwrfl fafhion) (ilk (Iripe and second quality Cioths, fa(hionabl< waif>coating, lilk stripe and twill'd Nankeens, Jean, Fullian, Gingham, Dimi ty, Thickset, fancy Cord, Velvets, Scarlet, yellow and white Flannels, Flanders, Irilh and brown Linens. Dowlas, mens' and wnmens* lilk and coctnn Hnfiery, coat and veil pearl, steel, gilt and plated Buttons, different colouMSilk Velvets, tam- Doured and Cambric Muslins, Calicoes, Caliman coca, Shiwls, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves Checks, &c &c. N. B. Taylor"' bed quality Trimmings—wll which rhey will fell very low. |uly a 8 Loft, I 'HE undermentioned Certificates of Stock - of the Bank of the United States, viz. No. 3804, dated lit July 1796, for ten (hares in the name of Charles Lovegrore of New- York. No. 15311 —No. 45311, dated ill July, 1796, for five lhares each in the name of Sarah tVedpewood of Etruria. s No. i TEAS, Souchong J Cogniac Brandy, ill & 4th proof, Sherry Wine in quarter calks, very nice, 50,000 Spanish Segars, And a Variety of other GROCERIES. August 26 eotf FOR SALE, In the Ci j of Burlington, State ef New - TWO NEW TWO-STORY Brick Houses, Situate on Market street, BEING twenty feet front ani thirty-two feet deep, each with cellar under them and kitch ens in the rear, hkcwife a well of good water in front. ALSO, Four twenty feet Lots, Adjoining the above premiCea, one hundred aad fifty fcjet deep. For terms offale apply to the fubferiber in Bur lington, by whom an mdifputabU title will be i»ivcn. MIC AJ AH ELLIS.. BnrlinpOß.Jntyo.tgjQ M.*9) . For Sale, In the pleasant village of Mount Ho'ly, Bur— iingten Cuiity, 18 miles from Cooper's Ferry, and 7 from Burlington ; ONE It Alt C TWO STOBY Brick - House, FIVE and thirty feet square, four rooms on each floor, anil a cellar uii-er the whole.— Likewile .\rijeining, a forty foot front Lot, litu ate 011 Mill itreet, near the m.rket, with a new Carriage House and Stable# on the rear of