WiiTCOUMTHY l'Al EHf Canvas, TJo t civ R, FOR SALE "BY Ebenezer LaVge, A LSO 200 boxes ihort pipes faitable for the Sfuiiilb M rk«. 9 ma. 13th, Charles Marfliall AND SON, No. 46, Cbesnut Street, HAVE RECEIVED, Per brij Liberty, capt HerMerf«>n, from Amtter- other,arrivals, A quatiti'jr (f the f'oHowing article®, which they < fell for c»fli, or the usual credit— .Actlmi&triid Ol Aoifl Arsenic itb - Juniper Sac Immi Sucdini Vitriol alb fel.u !ii Bnrax C%mph>'r Opiu&l C'cciuorlU Ansctto GLm Brosoin Merc Dole 'Ate Prttctp rub ■ MyrrS Corrot sub - Kiao ALSO ON HAND, fial G' i auber Manna Rad gentian | Com Flo Sulphur, I < J Liquorice ball Sweet oil *- | Cort Peru slav Sem ar.ifi ! Rheubarb J"" L And a quantity of Shop furniture, surgeon* instrument*, patent medicines, &c.—Miclicine chests, and or. ers from the cxi try,put up on moderate terms fp • m rt 3 Marshal's Saks. I UNITED STATES ? P nnxylvania District, J PUrtSU.-.NT to a to me direfted from th« honrv Uichar! Peters, Sfq. J«dgf ot the Dftritfl Court of the United Stat" lor the PennfyNania Diltridt, will be exppfed to public fair, at t»ie Merchants' Coffee House. in the city of ! hiladelphia, oil \V«dne'cl»y the 14'h > f September, inliant, at 12 u'cl ck at • yoon, i-, T>:e armed Fr«nch fchocner or veflel called the " ; 1. *A 1 (31. E, roe direiSled from the Honorable Richard Petert, El'q. Judge of j the 'lMllrifl Court of the Unite-1 Stairs Mir the {'clinic Ivama Diftri<9, will be e*po!'cd to Tub lie Sale, at the C free Hdufe, in the tity of Philadelphia, on Wednesday the 14th of September ii.it. at 11 n'cl < k at n ion, -1 The arm eel French vessel, cat ed MSg CHOUCHOU, J Prize to t « Utiittd St tes armed Clip Vli'.ude'phia. >ieph u D catur c WcianJer, with all i d fi-gn'ar her apparel, gm-and appur ttnar.ee> —the faipe havii g hit . lat.ly co dera ned in the laid coujt a forfeited, &c. JOHN H \LL, Mvjhal. Ma-fiaTi-Officc, ? Sept. 13, *Noo. > 3aw*S BY ADJOURNMENT. UNITED STATES, ? , Pennsylvania L'i t'ict. } J / if*Y »,rtue of a writ of Fieri Fa-'as to me di Uuitod States in k)«(Vipi tlic I ennfylvau* Dif tiiit, wrtl he I'ni 1 at Public Vendue atth.c !Wer cht.'t's Coffee HI use, on Tiui'layth ifttji .'ay o- September inft at 7 o'clock, in the evening, two this J pa ; t6of he BR. IGi CALLED THE | ; VENUS, .yf WI VII the lame proportion nf itr tick e, apparel aiid appur enances, &c. Sc /rd and take * inio execution »nd to be fold as the property of « >bert P Bid. deceased. J( )-,N HALL, Marshal. M .-s'nnl's Officty "1 Sptftiiber 13, 1 800. j PROPOSALS TOR PUBLISHING Br SUB SCR lI'TtOS, The Works Hon. James Wilson, Efq- L. L. .D Late one of the* Associate Jusi.ces of tbt Su( 'rim* Court of tie Ur.nei States and Professor at Law i" College and Academy of Philadelphia. From the original manuscript, in the pofftffiou of Bir'd ifsoti, There works frail be elegant,y printed two volumes oStzvo, and delivered to lublcribers at five dollars* . TKv shall be put to pref» as soon as the fubknp tions will juttify the cipence of f übhcatioß, Subscriptions will be received iy asbu-uvdickins,. The pnTilift.tr, opposite Christ Ciwrch, PWa delr,|.u; ahdbj tfcpviiifipatbooMdUrsthrough out the United States. ... f •,* A t'rolpe.flue of the werk may befeenat the ( lace of fuhkrivtion. fc.ptcm.bCr 13 m (* iw 01 TUB cosDjriai"' Horses & Phxton. A PAIR of veil broke,.found K* ?»'e'> and a f\ i,a>«if..me :-l,x'on,f)r l\.h a* ■ -a* Al!cn*t ■ 6th near AteK iir.--. iu Wanted, BYafmv.ll fam-'y gotag to the W ll Indies, a Wo - un, who c n lie well rfecors.r to ail in t\\c capacity ' f Houfe-Kceyv.r m Inch an :eav~ ry )^andfow , .c cc *v.il.l tr&ahow cd—-apply to No 56, riorth J Fourth ftrcet. * 1 jnber 13 .j> An Invoice of Playing Cards. SUPERFINK ColiiwAian, Harry the VlMtfi, and Vlerry-Andrew Cards, ferfole cheep for cafh —Apply at this Office. foptemher 13 ELISHA FISHER aub Co, No. ."9, Nortli Front Stifft, II A V E J O R S A L E, fmmnonptrv, Cut fry, Brass and £ JapHi'd Wares', j 6'! s■' 10.; jid anl jod flat ppiritnailsj German Steel, , Hars assorted in cases, PilinU, {rims and flints* &c.&c. 'feptenfber ir 4 dim' PRINTING, Neatly cxectrted at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. Book-Work---Pamphlets—Hand-Bilk, C nds-'-BliinUs of all kinds, &c. Sac. Will be printed at the Shortbst Notice. r,ugo(Y 23. , TO BE SOLD, A 7 PUBLIC SJLE, On Fifth Day the 9th ot Oclobrr, on the premises, The f Mary-&nn Forge « And Plantation : L SITUATF part in Brandy wine *town (hip, and * 0 part in Werckland, about 30 miles from Phi ladelphia, and one and Ah h? 1 mile from tb* Turn pike road, and Downinp'4 town ; cor.taming 'tb*ut 330 acres, \virh allowance of 6 acres per t!" 100 ; two thirds of the land is good woodland, 1 fomc excellent meadow made, and much more |* tan be made of the firft quality ; tke iorg- is tfirned by the main branch of Br?n.!y wine Creek, a forcible Stream, the forge has thre, fires and two hammer- all in fijo<: * :l tyBI.iC VENDUE, ■ On Thnvfday the iS'.h intbofj* ' At the Diveltng House of the Sulfcribcr, BOROUGH ok FRANKFORD, j di bit HOUSEHOLD '> AND KI TCHEN furniture, .: BcM«, Bedftrart, m l A Bed A RELIGIOUS ; PRESIDENT; Or impiously declare for JEFFERSON— AND NO GOD !!! The Yellow Fever, it is poflitivrly aver ted, has had no exigence in New York, but in the brain of .m Ir'.fh X)oftor, who has dreamed the fame dream already four times this feafon—lt wouH be a curious if it were not a melancholy, conlideration that the enligbtt ntd Public of this enlightened coun try yield up themselves, their judgements, and luidirftah&ngs with fcandalouj frequency and rathnifs to the mod ridicu.ous- influen ces We have long been patriot ridden and mob rtdnen and now we ate effedtually Doctor ridden. For the lad 24 hours preceding Fiiday, fun-iife, titer were 24 deaths in Baltimore md its vicinity—there were then 58 in the Hol'pital, -.nd 7 convalefoents— four had been cured and difchaigcd. DIED] —it Port Republican), on the 2d tilt. in the i;d year of his age, Mr- Robert HarbesoN) son of Mr. Benjamin Harbelon of this ci'.y. Nature might (land up " And fay to all {ta world ' this zuas a man." Thi body of a man recognized to be, James Uaselht, a late relident in Cumber land county, has been found in the high way sundry papers found in his pocket are. now in poflefiion of John Rugp.» Coroner of Lancjiftei 1 county. Tlve Coroners Inquest found a verdift of accidental death. It is <1 pleafmg fafl, fays the Editor of the N. Y. Gazette, that not more than two rown persons have died in a day in this city, firyce tIU firft d<»y ot Jui.e la(l> « Capture of Surinam. » Capt. Riley, of the lugger Viper, arrived at New-London, on the 3d inft. from St. Thomas's, in 15 days, irif»rms that the Dutch have re-pofl*fTed themfelvei of Sur rinam, (t vheji or how, he fath not J I hat Rigaud arrivfd at Thomas's from St Do mingo he day before he failed ; and tl at the French who attempted the ifiaud of Curra coa, were alt made prisoners. In a late trial for Cr'm Coq, Addifon va. J Campbell, the fervatrt, v}\\o.pec[>'d through j a hole in the waiiifcot. and dete&ed the in- | fidelity of the Plaintiffs •wife. has been de nominated Addifon's SfeSalor. A wit arch- ly obfervss that the title would have been appropriate enough, if he had ' not after wards proved himfelf the Tatlcr. I At the election for Governor of Penn- ' fylvariin, the Jacobins, by way ol recom- j mending M'Keaii, told the VEOPLE . through the siurora that Mr. M'Kcau be longed to ijie fame Church a« Mr. Adams ! ' 4 Why are wenot totd to what Church Mr. 'Jfff rfttn belongs. His Excellency Arthur St. Clair, passed i 'ihrojigh Chilicothe, the 29th of Auguil, ! on hit way to Muikingum. Governor -St. CUir has issued hi 6 procla mation, fumnioning • the members of the Lcgiftaturc of the North Western Territo i ry, to meet at the Town of Cbiiicothe, on the firli Monday in November next. Two hundred Federal troops undor the s comma dos Capt* maichtd thro f Pittlburg Ctce 2ijth of Augutt, for the en campment about three miles from that place.. J The friend* of the People, the Federal o Republic 11s of York, (P.) held a meeting on the,B*b inll- at the houle ot Captain Gofsler am! «n: :ed into a refoluti«n„;that the Ft-deial KepuUicani of the Borough, . and of each Towiilhip in the County, be in vited to fend Delegates to a meeting to be held at the Court houfif, in the Borough of York, 011 Tuesday the 16th inft. to consult on intafures, and torm a 1 icket of Federal Candidates for tl>e next Eledlion. An Englilh arm?d vessel has taken a Phi la 'xlphja veffcl, out of a-Convoy from Cape L-e Francois—So lavs Carptnin Cole, who has | arrived at iibfton ; and failed in the convoy. The (hip SwanfoetflUgh. Vredenburg, of Philaddptxs, Hnmd up the Straits, has been capture* by. a French ai)d a Spamfh P r ' va_ teer, 111 light of Gibraher, and sent to Cadiz. A gentleman lauly-arrived from the Mouth of li e Ohio, i forms, that the In dians from the Missouri country repotted iu April and May last, that their mountains had not been cevired with f, ow ail the last winter ; and as a proof of the (ruth of their report they predicted there would be no rife of the waters of the Mifiiftippi this y ta r We insert this paragraph -with the h-.p t th t some persons from New-Orleans will tell U6 wheihfr the frelhets on the Mississippi M th*t place have this summer been. M than ufuah lii order that individuals, whc wi(h to pur chafe Tickets in tbe St. Augustine Cbureb Lottery, may not be dilsippointi'd, tbe public are informed, that as not mo»e than me foursb part .ct' the Tickets remain unsold,• the prire will be railed after the firft of October, from 9.t0 g 1-2 dollars; afid that the drawing will probaoly com menee ac an earlier period than was contem plated. The celebrated Schiller has translated Macbeth into lanjbic measure for the Ger man Stage His Tragedy of Maria Stuart remains unfiniihed. It appears that the number of ConilitU tions framed by the Abbe Sieyes, amounted to 365 ; he had one for a rainy day, another for a fair one' and several for the dog days, all calculated for the meridian of Paris- The fortrefTes of Piedmont are to be abol ished The demolitiou of the citadel of Milan is commenced. Luaca (in Italy) has been taken by the French, and a contribution of a million of liveres imposed. 11 I thought you were going to come late to night," fays,Thaddy to.Ned, at the club room. " No,"' replied Ned, " I'have got here first at last." "I am glad ©f that," fays he; " for you wer£ always behind be fore." A new Academy as Architefture has been etlabiifhed at Berlin, the objeft of which is. to form able Land Surveyors and Architefts. The Danes have discovered a finqfand in the island ot Biornhohn, of which they have already began to make a beautiful kind of porcelain. It was a remarkable incident, that at the time Kotzebue was imp ifoned in Petcrf burg, a new edition of his works was ad vertised in Vienna, elegantly bound in Russia. A Bahama paper of August 15, contains an account ot a very gallant delence made by the tchooner Favourite, belonging to Nassau, carrying twelve guns, 4'* and 6's, and fifty nwii, against a Spanilh vessel ot war, mounting 22 guns, 9's and 6's and a crew of 350 men ; after fighting'far 6 hours t® Spaniard was obliged to Iheer off. She had 011 laoard 35.0 : 0(jo dollars. For tbe Gjzettjs of tbe United Staves. Sweet fenfibilitv ! to every charm, 'Til thou cati'it scaled energy impart, 'Til tkou beftoiv'it ihe all awakened glow The m.ral poliih of the human heart. In vain may Beauty boast the finilh'd form Her eyes with but unmeaning lustre toll; .'Till thou daft give, the finely pointed charm That finks, reliftlefs. to the tc«hng foul. A FAVORITE BEER-HOUSE SONG, Sun* by Lloyd in consequence of a late quar- ? i il between Him an( i Duane* To tlit tune of Allay Ci*o;ilicr. Ti-'/iIRE camca fiucy iiiiliuian, from j ucar KUUrney, A fcurvc/ cu.i:.ing Jac«Mn,aa:i very .a., of Mar- . Lmg'had he figh'd, for an office and a 1 And thu* this Paddy, t ever Mad thc brogue, Sir, , , Hamilton, »i\d Harper, Chac£, Pukermg, and then O, _. . t .« Blodrst, Abercrombie, Allen, Lma and Tenr-o, (J, was not he a gracelels r. guc, cms lying Will Duane fi>, by half a dozen new ones to morrow." Instantly was my wjfes counte nance altered, the lowring frown upon her brow was now exchanged, for that gracious smile, which (he wore when I firft saw her. I will hot have the reader (if any I have) believe, that we are often troubled with these little fracas ; 110, no we live very hap pily together, and to do my wife justice when ever they do happen, it is my fault. 1 o re turn. — For the life of me, I could not get Worthy's aflertions out of my head, I fat 1 down, I got up,l walked about. I went to bed, allwould not do, there was no thinking of any thing else. Perhaps the reader may be surpri zed that a man of my situation fliould be so wholly intent upon thebufinefs ot the nation, and in that way negleft my own. private, concerns. There are some people, Mr.' Reader, who pay more attention -to their neighbours' business than their own perhaps I may be one of them. 1 here are* ethers, fir, who do net approve of having an Atheist for their Chief Magiftn.te, of that class am I, and I candidly confefs th t my feelings were greatly excited when the thing" was mentioned. Itc be fore, am H little of a politician, but I never let politics % interfere with wjy business, except on this occasion. By my own afliduity and by my readings in the Aurora, have I became a politician, and if you will have a little pa tience I will inform you how I have become a politician of the right fort'. " But why this digression."" It is your own fault, fir, I am only fatisfying your doubts, and endea voring to prove to you, th'U whit I relate is not of the " marvellous'' To proceed then. No'fleep could I get all that night ; « If this be trur," fays I, " if ] ff" rfon be an Atheist, I'll immediately abandon the , party, I'll difnwrtW Do mydear »Hd yiur j tongue and lay flill." cried my. wife, "I i can'* get a wink of sleep- for you." At length the day broke, 1 rof- up, went to my shop and began my work, but I . id more mifcMef than goo.), for so intent was I upon Jtfferfon's religi us principles, that for the foul of me I could not make a flu* to fit a boric* 1 bus t' e day p .HVd, until about 4 o'clock, when I perceived Worthy coming t wards the shop ; I w s just then I fliaping a piece of hot ir 11 while my appren tice was holding it. In my joy, lit the hammer fall, it fell upon the iron, ana down fell both upon the poor boy's toes, but for ■ tun tely did him no material injury. " You have come at last" cried I, running up to I Worthy, " now prove to me that Jelf rforf is an Atheist, now display to me the wicked ' plots and abandoned projects ol th? J icobin ! party, now— — " Softly neighbour" said 3 he " do not be too hasty, I will perf irm my ->romife and so will I, Mr. E.itor in ! my next .number, which thall be sent you with convenient dispatch. 1)ICK VULCAN. Extraß of a letter from the Sufiercago of the n] trig Lou'.fa, captain Maet of tbi, fort, j dated. " Carthagena, July 30, 1800. » I arrived here on the 26th ult. after a ' pafTage of 30 days from the Capes, in com pany with the United Suites brig Norfolk, and brig Maria, capt. Conyngham. 1 On the 19th ult. in lat. 18, 48, N. the island of St. Martins bearing S. by W- M about 8 leagues e- schooner bearing down upon us, which pro ■- ved to be a French privaieer of 14 guns, ! i at least l.omm ;We all immediately fhort -5 ened fail and prepared for aftion, but capt. re Calv 1 Iwileri and ordered us to make fail " e and keep our courfi. with which we compli ,J*; ed 1 . till we saw him r mod t> and lay his , im mair:-topfail to the mall, when we did the fame The Frei chman was at this time "wihin about half gun shot ol 1)8, whrn he hoisted his colours a d fired a gun. When cK }, e gnt fonear 39 that we eon d difti• guifk '■' r plairly every pe son on board prepaied for n • boarding, with their shirt sleeves rolled up KS The Norfolk fired i u> him, four or five broadfidea : ai length they were along fide 'J l' r.