Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, September 13, 1800, Image 1
Numbpk 2485.1 tCT* The price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay ene Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unless+some personin this city / will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. ■ % No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. December 1 J 799* ALMANAC From September 10 —to September 16. HIGH WATER- Wednesday Thnrfday Friday j Saturday Sunday Monday T Hefaay Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday FOR HAMBOTTRG, The New gjfcl hambourgship |§ifrj Anna, JOHN JURGENS, Mojhr S •A strong, substantial, sal) filling veflel, (being h«r second voyage) will commence leading on Wed nesday next, and will be dispatched with all con venient fp«ed—Freight will be received, apply te JACOB SPERRY, E5 1 Co. Several Redemptioners Are still ob board, whose times are to be dif p»fed of—Apply a« iLcve. September 4, For Sale, r ' THE NEW PILOT BUILT jEsseS ST. TAMMANY, at Say's Wharf, above Market Street, burthen 70t .n«, supposed te be a remarkable faft failing veflil, and may befit ted for sea in a few dayr, Inventory to be feeu and terms of file known by applying to the fub fcribsr. CROOKE STEVENSON, No. 4, South IVater Street. ALSO, FOR SALE, 35 Hhds MufcoTadn Sugar. White and brown Hava-nah ditto in boxes. East India do. in bags. Weft-India and Conntry Rum. Leo Hhd«. MolaiTej. Holland Gin French and Spaniftt Brandy* Pepper, Cnfle#, &c. August 9. FOR SALE, The remarkable fast sailing three masted SCHOONER JgigjJl Myers, Lying at Walnut Street Wharf; bur then ah..ut 144 tan#, has made but two voyages, is OOw in complete order to receive a cargo. Enquire of Samuel Emery, Ship-jßroker, No. 129, south Front strc«t September 3 dlot For Sale or Barter, the SLOOP RAMBLER, Will carry upwards of three jfiyt '.VigtA hundred barrels; fai.s remarlc 'bly faft, and in complete or der, now lyif.g at Jackson and Murrit'a wiiarf. Apply at Ne. aoa, South Front street. September 5. dst For Sale, In the pleasant village of Mount Holly, Bur lington County, 18 miles from Cooper's Ferry, and 7 from Burlington ; ONE LAIiCE TWO STORY Brick - House, FIVE and thirty feet square, four rooms on each floor, and a cellar un ler the whole.— Likewise adjoining, a forty foot front Lot, situ ate 0* Mill-flreet, near the mirket, with a new Carriage House ind Stables on the rear of the Lot, fronting a public alley. For further par ticulars applv to , MAHLON BUDD, or ISAAC CARK, in Burlington. Who will (hew the prtmifes and nuke known the terms, or of the fubferiber in Burlington, by whom an indisputable title will be given. MICAJAII ELLIS.- Burlington, July 9, 1800. July *9 eodtf Eliflia Fiflier & Co. No. 39. North Front Street, HAVE c/rf HAND .AND FOR SALE, GERMAN STEEL, window giafj, hattaffort ed in cafe», Nails in caik», aad a large alTort meat of Ironmongery, Cutlo»y, Sadlery, Coach, and Hai-ncfs Furniture, Brafa and Japanned Wares, fins ami Nocoit*. July 29 Gazette $ the ynited HAV£ a general affortmeßt of best LoDdon filler fine Broad Cloths and Caffimeres, (of the newest fafhion) silk stripe and second quality Cloths., falh-.onabls wairtcoating, ftlk stripe and twi'Ti N'ankeens, Jean, Puflian, Gingham, Dimi ty, T1 ickfet, fancy Cord, V<#tvet«, Scarlet, yellow and white Flannels, Flanders, Irili and brown Linens, Dowlas, mans' and womens' lilk and cotton Hosiery, coat and vest pearl, steel, gilt and .plated Buttons, different colour* Silk Vulvets, tam boured and Cambric Muflinj, Calicoes, Caliman cocs, Shiwls, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves Checks, &c. &c. H. M 7 *4 8 14 9 6 9 - 53 - io so II 4< o 19 N. B. Taylors' best quality Trimmings all which they will fell very low. July *B. dtf «ll«» **T* - 5 44 6 16 3 4, & 15 s 46 6 14 - S 47—« 13 • J 49 6 " S f® 6 so J ft 6 -9 200 lbs. Mace, 1 ~ . 400 lbs. Nutmegs, J Ol a sil P enor l uallt >' Jamaica Spirits, 4th proof, Do. Sugar of the firfl quality, Holland Gin in pipes, Port-au-Prince MolalTes—and 30 Tierces Rice. R. fjx K. have also on band, for sale, Hjrfot), 7 Young Hyson, & J- TEAS, Sauchong J Cogtiiac Brandy, ifl & 4th proof, Sherry Wine in quarter calks, very nice, 50,000 Spanilh Segars^ And a Variety of other GROCERIES. August 26 eo If d lot A FEW HOGSHEADS OF Jamaica SUGAR and COFFEE, A Trunk of Meii and Womens* Shoes, And a parcel «f Tow Linen, 8 by 10, 9 by 11, 10 by 12 and 17 by 12, Any sizes larger than those may be ha: on being ordered from the manufatlory. Apply to "ISAAC HARVEY, JunV. 3d wiiarf foutli of Market ftieet. Augufl 4. djw 6500 lbs- New Orleans Indigo, EnHtJea to Dr&uiaci. 200 hoglheads Virginia Tobacco, 54 kegs of Virginia Twist, FOR SALE Br Tunis & Annefley, wharf. 0 win iff, fBOO <36t TO PRINTERS. FOR SALE, OLD Long Primer, Small Pica 011 Pica Body, English, Chafes, Composing Sticks, and agrea variety of articles neceflary to carry on the frin ing Business. They will be fold cheap tor cafl» to the Printer. July ji- fa tu&th. tf. Robbery. 300 Dollars rAvard. LASi Saturday night my (hop in Water- Ureet was opened by a talt'e key, and iun dry articles of JtWELLERY,to the amount of ten or twelve hundred dollars, were carried off. Among thcin were, Two marrow I'poons marked " Worrock Liktnefled ot Mr James iiobenfon and wife, of Petcrlburg—one do* of a Mr. King —one do. of Mr Jukn Trimble, late ot this town, the back set with a large blue glass and a smaller in the centre, under which was a plait of hair laid iirait, with J. T. in a cypher worked in pearl. Together with a namber of fancy pi»i ce«, painted by Sully, which cannot now be recolledUd ; 5 iioutlwam'n CalU flamped ' Wartock.' The following Watches: I Gold watch, maker's name Pro van, Paris x lilvcr do. Thomas Green, Liverpool, 7703 1 do. do. George Bifield, London, 13,500 1 gold do. i'reuclr,no name 1 do. do. John Ryland, London, 3331 I fiiver do. French, no name 1 do- do. John bull, London, 744 1 gold do. Rodart, Paris 1 lilvcr do. Jol'eph Kember Shaw t do. do. j. Darlington, Loudon t do. do. No. 9861 1 gilt do. G. M. Metcalf, London, 4195 1 lilver do. Gearge Hafwood, London, 4906 I do. do. J.Smith, London, 212 1 double cafe gilt watch, R. Oibjrn, Rich- ico Dollars will be given for the reiteration of the jewellery, or ico dollars it the thief or thieves are alio lecurei. Mr. Benjjmin Morris, the owner of the Watches which were taken at the fame time, will alio give 100 dollars fcr them. July 19 gf The Printers at Petersburg, Richmond, Alexindiia —Baltimore* —Chanciton—and o thers, are requested to iufert the above far a few times. t». A. (*. 18, PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1800. ' ' ' - ' '1 Saulnier & Wilson, WOOLEN DRAPERS, MERCERS, No. 6i, North fide Market-fireet, Just Received, ANT) FOR SALE BT ROBINETT & KISSELMAN, For Sale, ALSO, Boston Window-Glass, 60,000 weight of Prime Coffee, Just imported, and for sale by the Subscriber. GIDEON H. WELLS. September 9. it. AND mond, 8764 4* 2 dlttO BICVICTj J. 1 HHCIO. x ditto Burgeois, WANTED—/'/! Exchange, Several pair of Chafes, fey era! cctnpofinp A FOUNT of Long Primer, weighing 6 frames and galkys, some brass rule, or 700 111. or u;'wards, and a i our.t of ! Quotations, &c. See. &c: all of the above Brevier, weighing 400 lbs. or upwards. j will be fold very reasonable for Cad). September 2. I September S. Cot By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet. PUBLIC VENDUE, On Thnrfday the 18th instant, At the Dwelling House of the Subscriber, IN TH(i BOROUGH OF FRANKFORD, All his HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, CONSISTING of Feather Beds, Bedsteads and Bedding ; Mahogany Dining, Breakfaft, and Card Tables ; Mahogany and Chprry Bureaus , an Eight Day Clock, Defies and Book-Cafe ; an excellent Piana Forte ; Mahogany and Windsor Chairs, a Settee, Looking GJaffes, Carpets, Chi na ; a few articles of Plate ; Venitian Blinds, brass Andirons, and some Drye Goods, and a variety of other articles. Aih m tiffimt itj—,A haidfom* and Talnible Poildiog Lot, fronting to the Main Street, and a*tjoining the house ot the Subscriber, two good Horfc*, « Cow, and a Ridifg.Chair with fictl spring* and plated Harocf*; fix fen Plate and two Op*n Stove* 1 , %* The sale to begin at 10 o'clock, A. M. and conditions made known hy< JOHN M'CLELLEN. September 10. eod3t City Commissioner's Office, Philadelphia, Aug. 261b, 1800. IN pursuance of an Ordinance of the Select and Common Councils, passed the nd day of May, *797> (in wricine) Will be received by the City Coremiflioners, until the thirtieth day of September next, for renting on Leaf<«, for one year, •ocoranieme on the first day of |anuary next, the following Pfibi.c property of the city, viz. I. The Wharf and Landing on Vine Street. *• ditto on Saffafras do. J Ditto on Mulbury do. 4. The Wharves and Landings ou High and Chef nut streets. 5* Ditto on Walnut street, the Drawbridge, Spruce, Pine and Cedar streets, including the Filh House. 6. The Cellar under the City Hall. Applications uoay be left with either of the Commiflioners, or with their clerk, at No. 6 3, Street. eot.«>S THE Remaining Tickets, In tbe second or last Class of the ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH LOTTERY, AUK NOW SELLING ONLT BY Go. Taylor, jr. at No. 39~) Chefnut AND C a- M. M'Conntll, No. 143 j AL4KGE p rtion of the TICKETS being alieai'y fait, and the firft of December positively fixed on as the mojl dijlant period for commencing toe dra<wing f the price has. with the conftif i>f the Managers, been raised to N ins dollars, and will be raised from time to time until th? drawing is finilhed, according to circun fiances. It is to beobferved that by law, the Managers are obliged "to finilh the drawing in thirty days fr>>m its commmcement —jnd to pay the prizes wi;hin thirty days after the drawing is finished. Philadelphia, Sept a, 1800 tuthfuw FOR SALE, A Tra£l of Land ; BEAUTIFULLY fituatad on the north fide ' o(U arkowgatk Lan e, divided three Lots, containing between 6 and 7 acres each, adjoining lands of Capt. Hel's, Abraham Kim zinj, Abiah Brown, John Harriton and others, it has within a few months part been highly ma nured ; the' greater part is now in Timethy and Clover. On it aro several elegant fitualions to build on. Apply to tSAAC W. MORRIS. September ». FOR SALE, In the Gi j of Burlington, State of Neiv- Jerscj, TWO NEW TWO-STORY Brick Hou.fes, Situate on Market street, BEING twenty feet front ami thirty-two feet deep, each with cellar under them and kitch ens in the rear, likcwite a well of (food water in froHt. ALSO, Four twenty feet Lots, Adjoining the above premifcs, one hundred and fifty feet deep. For terms of sale apply to the fubferiber in Bur lington, by whom an indisputable title will be given. MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July 9, 1800 (19) eotf ioo HOGSHEADS PRIME RICHMOND Tobacco, For sale on a Credit, deliverable at New- York or this place. Enquire of Samuel C. Cox, No. 83, Market-street. Anguft 25. ' diw TO BE SOLD PROPOSALS, Loft, I'HE undermentioned Certificates of Stock of the Bank of the United States, viz. No. 3804, dated ift July 1796, for ten shares in the name of Charles Lovegrove of New- York. No. 253 j,i—No. 25322, dated ift July, for five shares each in the name of Sarah Wedjjrwood of Etrurii. No. 29808 —No. 19809, dated ift January, 1800, for ten shares each, in tba name as Henry Waddington, Merchant, London. Notice is hereby given, That application is intended to be made at the said Bank by the fubfcrib«rs, for a renewal of the fame, of which all perfoni concerned are requeued to take notice. WADDINGTON & HARWOOD Philadelphia, July 30, 1800. mwfjm , GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procured a fufficisnt number of the molt approved EuropeaH Glass Manu facturers, and having on hand a large stock of thebeft Materials, on which their workmen are now employed, have the plealure of alluring the public, that window glass of a fupeyor qua lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 24 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing 100 feet ea. h, may be had at tbe (horteft notice. Glass of larger sizes for other purposes, may also be had, such as for piilures, coach glasses, clock faces, &c. Bottles o'f all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket flafks,picklingjars, apothecary's ihop furniture, or other hsllow ware—the whole at least a 5 per cent, lower than articles of the fame quality brought from any of the sea ports of the Uuiti-d Stat-es. A liberal allowance will be made un sale of large quantities. Orders frrm merchants tnd others will be punctually attended to on ap plication to JAMES O'HARA ir ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Storeof Meflrs. PRATHER andSMILIE, in Maiket-Street, Pittiburgh. March 4, tuthtf. "WANTED TO PURCHASE, A FEW CANAL LOTTERY Prize Tickets, By M. M'CONNELL, At No. 143, Chefnut-ft. augufl m The Bankrupt Law OF THE UNITED STATES, Was this Day Publiihtd by A.DICKINS, op posite Christ Churoh—[Price aj Cents.] A. DIC KINS HAS JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW-YOKK, DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ON THE / New Political Afpe£t of Public Affairs In the United States. [Pri«e 374 Centt j august is H. A Young Man, PERFECTLY verfcd in Mercantile accounts, and brought up in one of the firft counting heufes in thii vity, wishes employment as Clerk. He is at present from Philadelphia, but a line left at the Office of the Gazette of the Uni ted States he will receive, and it Au.l be imme diately attended to. Salary a secondary objedt— Employment his metive. augull 11 dtf HIGH-STREET. The House, LATELY occupied by the Ch«valier D'Yrujo, Spanish AmbafFador, will be let e\tt to art approved person or family, on eafr conditions. It is large, commodious and elfgant, with coach-house and stables conformable. Enquire at No. 100, Spruce street. SAMUEL MAGAW, Arch Street, N«. 94. July 23. eodtf, Just come to hand, AND FOR SALE, BY THE SVBSCRIBER, SUPERFINE Silesia rouans") Creas a laMorlaix | Fine Bretagnes 1 Entitled to • Do. white jilatillas . debenture. Ettopiilai and Liitados | Brown Ruflia Iheetings J W'uh a general ajjortment sf British Goods, -» Which will be fold low ior cash or fliort credit. SAMUEL C. COX, No. Bj, Markec-straet augutt ii - daw To Printers. The follswing MATERIALS will be fold reafonabfc if applied for immediately. 1 Press, 3 Founts Long-primer (partly worn) 2 ditto Small-Pica on Pica body, 2 ditto Pica, 1 ditto English, *£ ' V"/'*.. *>■ eod 6t IV.'.e 2 Dollars 50 Cents. July 30. >' « WAYNE COUNTY TAXES. "T'HB owners of unimproved lands in Wayne ■* county, are hereby notified, that Taxes are become payable thereon for the years 1799 and 1803. Those who have not already paid their taxes, .1 e hereby required to discharge the fame to JOHN BRINK, Esquire, Trcafyrer if said County at Milford, within three months from this date ,otfcerwife proceedings to sale, areordintf 1 to the ail of Afiembly in such cafe<f>rovided, vvitl 1 « hid by the Commiflioners for the fsid cobnty. " yisa Stentan, ~i Jtbannes Van Etten, J Vtteft, E. Kellogg, Clk. July 9,1800 d 90t ~ WANTED, At Ike Office of the Gazette of the Unitcl States. J-jJy 6 CHINA GOODS. Landing fra.n the ship America, Walte. Sims, Commander, from Canton, and fox sale nr , NICKUN, GRIFFITH fc- Co, COTI)^O^ Souchong, ift &and quality, Caper souchong, Hyfon-ikiii, .. Ti,nkay, Singio, Young hyson, Hyson, ift & id quality, Imperial, Yel4ow & white nankeens Lutcftrings, black &color\ Sirilhawi do. -uteftriugs, inaz. blue & dark green") iinftiaws do. ' r 'erfian taffctis, dark trreen ) oxes " They bave also on band for sale, received by the late arrivals from Europe, l?e. 1 Infmallpsck- Striped and checked i agf* ail rrcd, White figured & color'd Muf- [ calculated for 'inetfs £the Weft-In \V hite corded dirr.ities | dia market & Color'd silk, striped Nankeens | entitled to J drawback, 14 Trunks printed Calicoet, 5 do. do. "J " 3 Bales seine twine (Entitled to o Cases Englifli Chin- ■ drawback, in tea JV-tts > Calks mineral black, H an • do. colcother, 3 Calks purple brown, -1 S do. nails affirm^ Jneiilb'fail canvas, No. x, % & 3, <uffii duck, junpowder, imply w inc bottles, ,0 Guns, 6 peunders, 4 a do. 9 do. 2 do. 9 do. with carriages, &c. quality (Entitled to ao Lo£sebony J Ma y »3- n#<w,tf ~~ A PERSON §| □ F abilities, integritv and experience in mercantile bufinef9, would willingly en i.c, or be concerned wilh any perron 39 pait ;er, as he has an intereA of about one thou/and >ounds in real eflate iu the city. Pleal'e to ap- Mayio m&th tf Twelve Shares ~ 3f the Bank of the United States, 1 d about the ill of May 1797, from New.Yo/k, >y the Ibip Oseida for London, which was cap ured by the French, and (aid Certificates loft or 'cllroyeJ; therefore application is mide at the aid Bank for the renewal of the faaw, of which ill persons concerned arc desired to take notice. Philad : September 3, iSoo 03m NOTICE. A CERTIFICATE, No. 155*9. dated id Jan. uary 1797, in favour ot Robert LUndlay, of 'harleften South-Carolina, for on: faarc of the stock ul the Bank of the United States is loft— .l duplicate of which will be applied for at the said institution. ROBERT LENOX. 7. m&cim Notice to the Pilots. IS hereby given—That ita consequence of the Beacon on the Brown, being so much injured 's to render it unfit for service, & Buoy with 3. keg on the mail, will be placed on th»t Aoai. until it can l.e rtphc. dby the Beacon, of • which dfie notice will be given. W. MACPHERSON, Superintendent. Airguft 16 dtw Just Received, Br A. DICKINS, opposite Christ Churn & View OF THE CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES American Revolution, W In Nineteen Discourses. Rev. Jonathan Boucher, A.M. F. A, S. • ■*. e. . -i -'■'■isfe * -iVo.unß XVIII., *»* ' Tfcaa;,'- v.-/ 1 - '"f r .-:--jS'C ■ »V * In Bare* aflbrt«4>