Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, September 10, 1800, Image 2

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    £3* The Editor willies to contract
for a conllant supply of Super-Royal
wanted annually will be about one thousand
reams. Any person difpoft-d to contrast,
by calling at the office vilt learn further
September 3.
IS this day dilTolved by mutual confent—
they having- patTed receipts reciprocally.
July 28—(S. 9.) 2t.
60,000 weight of
Prime Coffee,.
Just imported, and for sale by the
September 9. it.
'T'HE undermentioned Certificates of Stock
A of the Bank of the United States, viz.
No. 3804, dated tit July 1796, for ten (hares
in the name of Charles Lovegruve of New-
No. 15311 —No. 45311, dated id July,
1796, for five (hires each in the name of
Sarah iVedgewood of Etruria.
No. 19808 —No. 19809, dated ift January,
1800. for ten (hares each, in lha name of Henry
Waddington, Merchant, London.
Notice is hereby given,
That application is intended to be made at
the fjid Bank by the fubfcrib«rs, for a renewal
of the fame, of which all persona concerned
are reqiu-fted to take notice.
Philadelphia, July 30, 1800. mwfjm
Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works,
HAVING procured a fufficiant number of
the moil approved European Glafa Manu
fudurers, and having on hand a large ftoik of
the best Materials, on which their workmen are
now employed, have the pleasure of afluring
the public, that window glass of a fupeiior qua
lity and of any from 7 by 9, to 18 by >4
inches, carefully packed in boxes containing
100 feet ea h, may be had at the shortest notice.
Glass of larger fizea for other purpofea, may
also be had, such as for pidlures, roach glades,
clock faces, &c. Bottles of all kinds and of any
quantity may also be had, together with pocket
flaftcs,pickhngjars, apothecary's (hop furniture,
©r other hallow ware—the whole at least 15 per
cent, lower than articles of the fame quality
brought from any of the sea ports of the United
States. A liberal allowance will be made en
file of large quantities. Orders from merchant!
and others willie punctually attended to onap
plicat.n te JAMES O'HARA rr ISAAC
CR AIG, or at the Store of Mcffrs. PRATHER
and V MILIE, ih Maiket-Stieet, Pittfburgli.
March 4, tuthtf.
Clock K3 Watch Maker,
T<J No. 36, Mahket Street,
Where he has for Sale,
Spring and other Clocks ; gold and filve
Watches; Tools, Files and Materials; lire
and gilt Chains, Seal* and Keys ; Springs,
See. Bcc.
Repaired a» usual.
%'ie 3 tuStf tf
o Printers.
The foll«wing MATERIALS-will be fold
reafonablt if applied for immediately.
1 Press,
3 Founts Long.pritjier (partly worn)
1 ditto Small-Pica on Pica body,
s ditto Pica, ; /
1 ditto English,
j ditto Brevier,
I ditto Burgeois,
Several pair of Chafes, several composing
flicUs, frames and galleys, some brass rules,
Quotations, &c. &c. &c: all of the above
will be fold very reasonable for Cafti.
September 8.
Candidates for the Navy.
AND others, |vho are desirous of becoming
acquainted with the following very cffcntial
improvements in Navigation, viz.—The method
of finding the Latitude by a single altitude of the
fun at any-hour of the day ; and of ascertaining
both I atitude and Longitude at once by a Celes
tial observation, the Lunar*, and new forms of
journals for ihips of war, with additional columns,
may hear of a person ready 19 inftrud them at
their apartments, who has eompends of the above
so Amplified by explanations ot figures, marginal
references, &c. that they may be uuder ood in a
few days 1 ky =ppiying at No. 93, south Second
ftreet, apposite the City-Tavern.
H« engages to teach Navigation (the common
method of keeping a journal at f«a) in 6 days.
He has taught the Mathematics, French lan>
piagc, &c. for many years in different uDiver
Sties, and (hips of war, to which he has been
regularly appointed—He hasitfohad considerable
pra&ical experience in purveying and book-keep
ing in which he gives pri»at4 lectures.
His terms are low and accommodating.
He will open
A Marine and Commercial
On Monday the Bth of September, at an
elegant and fpauous Room in Harmony
Court, (oppoGte No. 74, south Fourth
JET* Tb* fnuintn oj on Agtift and In
terprrftr faittyuUy troniaclcj,
T» the EleSors of the City and County of
When the present (heriff's time of office
expires, I take the liberty to offer mylelf as
a candidate for said office, and solicit your
votes in my favour f in doing which you
will confer an obligation, which will be
gratefully acknowledged by the public'*
allured friend and humble servant.
Joseph Cowperthwait.
Sept 8 tu&f iE
Marftial's Sale,
Unitsd States
Pennsylvania District, $
BY virtue of a writ to me dire£led from the
Honorable Richard Peters, Esq. Judge of
the Diftrifi Court of the United Stales for the
Pennsylvania DiftriiS, will be expofrd to Pub
lic Sale, at the Merchants' C flee House, in
the city of Philadelphia, on Thursday the nth
day of September next, at it o'clock it noon
t The Vessel called
lllfi, PRUDENT,
3.2 As (he now lies at Brown's
Wharf—with all and lingular her tackle, ap
parel, and appurtenances, the fame having been
condemned in the laid court as forfeited, &c.
JOHN HALL, Marjbal.
Marjhal' t-Officc, \
Sept. 8, i»oo. S d3t
Marflial's Sale.
United States, } ,
Pennsylvania District, y
Notice is hereby Given,
THAT in purfuancc of an order to Tie direfled
from the hon Richard Peter*,efquire; judge
of the DiftriA Court of the United States, in and
for the Fennfylvania DiftriA, will he exposed to
public sale, at the fleres of Melfrs Gumey and
Smith, No. 198, So. Water Street, in the city of
Philadelphia, on Thursday the t tth day ol Septem
ber inll. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon,
The Cargo
of the armed French vessel Chouchau, prize to the
Uuited States (hips Philadelph-a, Stephen Decatur,
Esq. and Connecticut, Moses Tryon, Ef.j confilt
ing of the following articles, via.
17 Trunks and fix Boxes Hair Powder
3 Do Pomatum
8 Do Powder and Pomatum aflorted
8 Do containing Drtfli gand shaving ~h
Boxes, Scented Waters, Puffs >
Combs &c &c. • J
3 Cases Playing Cards
1 Cafe Black Ink in Bottles
3 Boxes Scented Soap
8 Trunks continaing W'iliig Paper, "j
Blank Books, Grammars, Didti- >
onaries, &c. &c. J
1 Tru k Quills
4 Cases Ironmongery aflorted
1 Cafe Looking Glaflcs
3 Cats Artificial Flowers,
2l Boxes Vermicella
2 Cases contg. Fans, C«smbs, Snuff Boxes
Medallion's, Pencils kc. See.
19 Boxes Tallow Candles
10 do—Wax do.
40 Calks 4th Proof Brandy (about ig
Gallons each)
17 Calks Malaga Wine do.
8 do Sherry do.
179 Boxes Soap
jo Bottles Sweet Oil
1 Cafe Lard and 1 Cafe Hams
80 Boxes Raifint
10 Potts Olives 1
87 Potts Anchovies
JOHN HALL, Marshal/.
Marshal's Office, 1
Philadelphia Sept. 6, 1800.J eotS.
For Sale,
THE following property belonging totheTruf
tees of the Agg egate Fund, provided for the
payment of certain creditors of Edward Fox
and James Greenleaf.
On Monday the 6tb October insl.
PART' of the property of said fund, in the City
of Wafliiagton, that now is rendered clear of
every incumbrance, will be exposed at Public
AuSion at Tansiclifl Tavern, amonpfl which are
the following valuable fituatioi., viz. 11 Lots in
square No. 973, 3 lots in square 974. 15 lots in
jquaro Na 995, 1 lots in square south of fqiwrt
1019, 19 lots in square 1010, t lot in square iote
1 lot in square 1011, 7 lots in square 1013, 4 lot
in square iO«4, 3 lots in square 1045, 3 lots in
square 1046, 9 lots in square 1047, 11 lots in
square 1048, with sundry others, advantageously
fituatcd in various parts of the city. Also the 1
story frame houle now occupied by Mr. Deblois,
beautifully fituatcd (with an extensive view offev
eral miles down the Potomac) on the south east
corner of square 973, fronting 49 feet on 11 street
cad, and 41 feet on south G street: a commodious
Kitchjn with an oven, &c. adjoining the south
front. A large frame stable, carriage house and
hay loft 50 feet by 15, and a pump of excellent
water near the back door of the kitchen, the lot
extending 91 feet on 11 street, and 139 feet 1 inch
in G street, comprizing lots Nos. 1,1,3, and part
of 11, in the regiflered division of the square.
1 he fates will commence at the said tavern at ten
o'clock in the forenoon.
The termsone fourth ca(h, one fourth in fix
months, when a deed will be given, the remain
ing moiety in two years, payment to be secured
by bond and mortgage. But the creditors in the
above may in lieu of mortgage secure pay
ment of their bonds by deposit of certificates of
the trufteea at the rate of five ftillings in the potind,
to the amount secured and (hculd a dividend take
place before the expiratiou of the two years, it
will he set off against th« bond, and the certifi
cates returned in the fame propertion.
Henry Pratt "J
Thomas W. Francis |
John Miller, juu. Trtifttet.
John Afliley
Jacob Baker. J
August 4. 3 taw t8
*• 0
eod df.
Gazette of the United States.
' >
Psiupuriit, SarraMaaa 9.
Old I per Cant Stock fw cafe fo< per cantl
N«wl per Cent Stock do* toßi
Six per Cent, (net ameSnt) Ijf
Navy do. do. 87
Three per Cent. do. 53 ,
Deferred, - do. 84
II INK United States, do. 31 a
— Pemifylvania, do. 16
■ North America, do. 48
lnfurau«e cemp. N.A. (hares 10 per cent, be
low par.
—— Pennsylvania, (hares, 7,1 per cent, adv,
Turnpike Share*, 10 per cent, nnder par.
Bridge (Schuylkill) Btock, par.
EaCt-India Company of N. A. 7 per cent advance
Land Warrants, aj dolls, per 100 »cr»».
Bills on Lob. at 30 days for cash 170 per ct.
Do. Jo. 60 days do. 168J do.
Do. do. 90 days do. 1664
Bills on Hamburgh at 60 days 36 a 37 cts.
per Mark Banco
D*. in Amftcrdanv 60 days 39 a 40 cts. per
Ti S. E. is well known to the Editor and,
has received particular attention ; but it will
be proper to let tie two Secretaries remain
in that obscurity which nature intended.—
This Gazette is devoted to higher perfuits.
Should they ag«in be guilty ot irtdeceat be
haviour at St. Marys, let the punishment
suggested Ojr a member thereol be intiifted.
The rcqueft of a " Irenton Federal
ist" (hall be conf.dered.
It is grateful to the Editor, to render tri
bute, where tribute is due, and to give cur
rency to honest praise, beflowed on well earn
ed merit.—Those who entertain conge
nial fcnumentSf and all real Americans,
will read with pie lfure the (jharafler of Gen.
by the pen of truth, in this days Gazette.
For the forty -eight hours preceding Mon
day morr iag fun-rife there was forty-eight
deaths at Fells Point a< d Baltimore.—There
was then 46 Patients in the Hospital and
thirteen qonva.cfccnts, and seven had been
difchargca cured.
Married on Tuesday evening last, by tlie
Rer T- Uttick, Mr. John Cranlion, of
this City, (lateof New-part, Rhode Island,)
to Mifi Eliza Woodßeld, of the Nothern
Died, lately at the Havanna, in his 19th
year, Mr. Robert M«Cunnell, foil of Ma
jor M. M'Conoell, of -this city. He was
Midshipman on board the United States
(loop of war Ganges.
The federal lift of Candidates to repre
sent New Hamplhire in Congress bate ob
tained by a large majority.
* i
An infurreftion was difcoverrd on the
30th ult. amongfl the Negroes in the neigh
bourhood of Richmond. Virginia, and some
of them are lodged in the gaol of that city.
It is stated to hare been the bed planned
and most matured of any before attempted.
This information was received yeftcrday
by a refpe&able Mercantile house, in a let
ter from their correspondent at Richmond.
The Uni'ed States frigate Boflon, Lit
tle, is under failing orders from Boston.
Seventy men. engaged to cut and prepare
timber for the 74 gun (hips, which a law of
Congrtfs directs to be built, have taken
paflage from Button for Georgia*
An arrival at Charleftou, (South Caroli
na) from the Havanna, brings accounts
that the United States (hip Warren arrived
there three daysbefere she failed, from La
Vera Cruz Her situation was vejy dif
tveiling, owing to a ftfyer.- which had broke
out on board of her, which carried off the
Captain, three officers, and forty seamen.
When (he arrived, there were but two offi
cers able to attend to the working of the
(hip. Captain Newman died the day be
fore (he got into the Havanna ; he was bu
ried there with the usual honors.
A London paper fays—American flour
requires nearly double the quantity of water
to make it into bread, than is used in knead
ing Englilh flour, and hence it is most pre
fitable, a (lone of the former will make 21
lbs 8 oz. of bread, while the Utter yield*
only 18 lbs 8 oz.
We observe, •with fatisfa&ion, that in the
" True Briton'' of May last, a third edition
is advertifrd by Cadell and Davies, of that
standard and pious work " Elements of
Chriftiari Theology," by George Pretty
man, Lord BiOiopof Lincoln. This learn
ed prelate, the ornament of the Church, and
she sometime tutor and constant friend of
the Premier of Great Britain, has employed
his liberal leisure ill adding another volume
to the stores of religion < and his book will
be ! lumrrated among the produftions of the
He feleys, the Paleys, and the Wilberforces
of .he age.
Dr. Gogan, the Iprightly author of Tra
vels on the Rhine, has just-published a Phi
losophical Treatise on the Paflions. Such
a work mufi be highly curious, proceeding
from an author who is a fktlful physician anr-l
an accurate fclri>lar, who has united to ex
perience meditation, and, who, like the
Ulysses of the Grecian bard, observed the
manners of many men, and-traced the streets
of numerous cities.
• One of the misfortunes, under whifch lite
rature nq w labours is, that the title of a work
no longer announces its intention—Books
of travels are converted into vehicles of po
litics and systems of legislation. Female
letter writers teach us the arcana of govern
ment and obliquely vindicate, or even re
commend manners and action? at Which
female delicacy (hould blulh and female ten
derness mourn. * Tradls ®n education
every principle of filial reverence.
Writers on morality lay the axe to the
root of domestic harmony. -(-Compilers of
natural iiiflory debase their pages with des
criptions which modesty cannot peruse.
J Philologies disputes the revealed will of
God. JPhilofophers and Antiquarians deny
its historical credibility, and Mathematicians
define the non-entity of Him in whom we
live, and move, and have our being. **The
Muse chaunts the yell of discord, and, un
der the pretence of universal citizenlhip,
founds the dirge of those principles, which
her classic predeceflor fought to inspire.
I.aft, though not least in efTeft, *** the
Novel, calculated infinuating narra
tive and interefling description, to fafcinate
the imagination, without rouzing the strong
er energies of the mind, is converted into an
offcnfive weapon, diredted against our reli
gion, our merals, or eur government, as the
humour of the writer may determine his par
ticular warfare.
* See Godwin's Enquirer. fSee Button,
and his deiftical followers. J See Dr. Gedries,
§ Mr. Gibbon, &c. ** See s»®uthey's poems,
pal Tim. See Caleb Williams," " Mary,"
et id genus omne.
I- The following, if the theory of a genuine
lover, is more philosophical, than is com
monly formed in those ardent and uncon
trolled hours, wheß rrien are bewitched
by the f.ifcination of Female beauty.
Why we love and why we hate,
I« riot given us to know,
! Random chanc«,or wilful hate
Guides the (haft from Cupid's bow.
If on me Zilikoa frown,
'Tis'madnefs all in me to grieve;
Since her will i< not her own,
Why should I uneaiy live ?
If I for Zeunda die,
Deaf to poor Clarissa's cries,
Ask not me the reason why \
Seek the riddle in the fkiei;
[The following is very old, and has gene"
rally patted under the name of the ballad
of Bedlam. It is a wonderful specimen of
the vivid force, and romance flights of
that aerial faculty, our Imagination.]
I'll fail upon the Dogflar
And then pursue the morning,
I'll chafe the moon, 'till ic be noon)
I'll make her leave her horning.
I'll climb the frofty mountain,
And there I'll coin the \yiather ;
I'll wrench the rainbow Irom the Ikies
And tie bjb endt together /
The Oars pluck from their orbs too,
And croud (hem in my budged;
Now, if I'm not a roaring hoy,
Let Gretham college judge it.
I'll mount the clear Cerulean
I'o fhuu the tempting gipQes!
I'll play at bowls with the fun and moon,
And fright ye with ediples.
Mr. Editor,
£The following was fotlnd in a volume of
anouymc.u3 pieces It strikes my mind as
well fancied, and is certainly a true pic
ture of the invaluable affection thai it
DISTILLED amidst the gloom of night,
Dark hangs the dew-drop an the thorn ;
'Till noticed by approaching light,
It glitters in the fra:le ot morn.
Mora Toon retirei, her feeble power
Tbe fun out-beam* with genial day,
And gently, in benignant homy
SabaJvv tbe liqu.d pntl away.
Tbtu on AdMea't Abe bad,
Derf forrowt rife, of £nbM > bw ;
CtMcoliig roood Ibe mounter'l bead,
They bathe the cheek with chilly dew.
Though pity (hews her dawn from Heav'n,
When kind (he points alEftauce near ;
To FriendJhip'j Sun alone 'tis given
To footke and dry the mourner's tear.
[The following is a very elegant expansion
of a trite idea. It reminds us of the man
ner of Dr. Lamghorhe. The author is
our own, and joins the powers of song to
thole of Dramatic Imitation.
Alk why a blush e'erfpreads the rose,
Its beauteous leaf in crimson dy'd,
Whj round the busy icphpyr blows,
And waxes the flower in stately pride ?
Aflc why the lillies drooping Ihed
The dew-drop from rheirpallid leaf-
Why each reclines its b«auteou* head
As weighed to earth with bitter grief ?
Emma vouchfafed the refe a kiss
The modest lilly fee disdained.
Who would not weep such joy to miss ?
Who would not blu(h such joy obtain'd !
Qu»th L—b to Duane,
Prithee wipe off thisftain,
Which so cursedly flicks to my flcirt—
Thatl would if I could,
Replied Mohamoud,*
But THEFT is indelible dirt.
Alas ! cried the Quack,
With this blotch on my back,
I never ftull rife to a palace-
No matter, said Will,
With your fid and your pill,
You may yet rif® as high as the GALLOWS,
•The name which this foreign renegnado as
sumed, when,M tbedisguife of a native, te fled from
ndiiiand came to be the oppr«!»iiim of this coun
From the Boston Commercial GantH',-
The Cnaractir sir
[ ConduJti.]
HAVING fully coufidered the little tales
and {landers which have been propagated by
the malicious industry of his enemies, it It*
mains that we confound these pitiful calam*
niators by a Ample exhibition of that galaxy
of talents and fcrviset which luve drne
honor both to his country and age. Would
to heaven ! t possessed for this octafion the
pure, slafilc, and eloquent pen, of the refi
ned and modefl Kirkhnd, whom the savage
spirit of Jacobinism has dragged before the
public, and with its Wonted regard to truth
has charged with being the writer of this
piece so infinitely beneath hii talents.'
In no one man in America, are cimbined
so many, and such extraordinasy qualities,
which writers upon human nature, have de
clared to be incompatible as ift the charadler
of Hamilton—all his faculties are so perfeft
ly formed and so dtftin&ly marked, that
they appear to have been produced, by the
ffrongeft energies of To an imagi
nation lively, rapid and richly (Wed with
the best of nature's imagery, he unites a
strong, clear, nervous and corrett unders
tanding—with a memory so retentive that
it fufFers nothing valuable to escape it, he
poff. fles a power of refleftion, combination
and arrangement wlvch renders all his ideas
ufeful. Equally capable from thesis rare
talents of drfpla mg flights of
fancy, or the abllrufe refleftions of Icience,
he has been equally distinguished at the Bar,
the Senate and in the Cabinet. Great ge- '
muf-s, great oratois and great ftatefmet',
have too frequently been great cowards. 1%
certainly was the reputed misfortune of
Cicero, of Condot eel and of Jefferson—-But
Hamilton has a foul as brave as Cxsars,
and a heart as pure as Cato't ; fearlefs of
dangers ; proud of nothing but fiis integri
ty ; covetous only of his country's good ;
Ik has often dared its foes in battle, and
his assailants have known full well that he
is ready and willing to vindicate his own
fame whenever they dare openly to attack iu
With qualities so rare, and so unfrequently
united, it had not been polfible, that
ton could have pifled down the furretn un
diftinguilhcd and i|nknown. When our re
volutionary war called for talents, andfur
nifhed the occasions for their exercise, Ha
milton, then just of age, girded on hi*
sword for the defence of his country. In
his department, which I have underdo )d r
was in the artillery, he soon diftinfcuilhed
himfelf and with no other friends than his
own superior talents, he fyeedily attrafted
the attention of that excel ent judge of
human nature, WASHINGTON. In the
family, and peculiar confidence of 'he com
mander ifl chief, he pitted a very large par
tion of the war ; but a spirit so aftive as
Hamilton's panted for Gtuations of more
danger and more exertion. He quitted the
General, aijJwas inverted with the com
mand of a Tegiment of artillery. In this
situation, at the siege of Ynrktcwn, he was
enabled to display his courage, his firmnefs
and military {kill. At the clufeofthe
he refamed his profeffion, and with a rapidi
ty unparelleled in the history cf the Ameri
can bar, and imprafticable to any other man,
he attained almost inllantaneeuflv, the moA
eminent reputation. The confidence of his
fellow citizens at this period, plated him in
the Gongrefs of the United Statrs Where he
Jirst acquired the hatred of the Gallic fadl
ion, by opposing the intrigues, the secret but
fcandaloue intrigues of the Cabinet of Ver
sailles. In the date of convulsion, distress,
disorder and decline which eniued the peace
of 1783, there was no room for the exertin
of superior talents until the year 1787, when
the Convention which framed our excellent
Constitution were aflembled.
In that illuftriouß body, Hamilton was a
powerful, influential, able and important
mtmfcer—ln the cowrie of those debates,
he developtd that intuitive perception, that
strength and clearness of mind, that knowl
edge of human nature, and that acquaintance
with the interests, wants and charafter of
the American people, which have since been
so confpicious in him—after the promulga
tion of the Constitution, he was indefatiga
ble in his exertions for its adoption—the
great and important State of New-York,
without which our union could not have
been perfe&ed, was the moll opposed to the
Constitution By the unremitted exertions
of Jay, Hamilton, and King, the objeft was
atlaft effefted, and nothing contributed more
largely to the elucidation and defence of
that excellent fyftcm of goverßment, than
the admirable essays under the title of the
Federalist, of which Hamilton deservedly
has the principal nn^rit.'—After the firft «r«
ganization of the government, it became
important to feleft the greatest talents to
fill the different departments. The finance*
of the nation exhibited a melaucholy and
confufed afpedt ; no branch ef Revenue ex
isted. The promises of the government
were treated with contempt. The habits
of the people were avef: to the regular re
ftiaints of a well conduced finance. Or
dinary talents wsra not fitted to the magni
tude of the exigency.
The requisite abilities must necefiarily be
prodigies, and the country could not and
woulJ riot offer the rewards neceflary to at
tempt so Herculean a talk. Washington
had seen the talents of Hamilton in the
dawn of their splendour, and eight year*
absence had not effaced the recolleflion of
them. He knew also the d'tfinterejied nature
of his foul, that his country's fnccefs and
glory was all the reward he would alk.—
From the Potowmac he looked northward,
and drew from the bankj of the Hud fori,