Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, September 09, 1800, Image 3
nit Hunger's head, alyfed k!m ap.'a cock- 1c ai.d a fcou'idrel, told him his Infiffjiificafict' protested him, that (he would not difgraee ller sword with tha blood of r fuch a coiir temptible rascal, and kicked him davn flairs. The apjjlaufe of k'ParlUan eirfcle again soothed her'chagrin | as bid age and infir mity came on, ftie quitted the flai;e and as sociated with her forfaken husband ; who, in her accumulation Of wealth, overlooked liis domcftic di%race, After a life of im pudence, licentioi»fnefs, and flagitious enor-. wity, this horrible ,fa male was comforted in her last momenta by an indulgent priest, •Who, from gratipade.or cottvi&ion, thus teplied to certain doubts and qutOions, na turally ariling in the breast of gi?at : * sinner : " Your peacels Cr»>d ; and although you have been a late labourer in the vineyard, you lhall deep in Abraham's kofom." - If this (lory impress the reader in the fame manner it has done your correspon dent, he milß : 'difcover in the charafter of La Maupin, a strong likeness in miniature, or rathep-an 'epitome, qf the French Repub lic. Crimes enortnotis ; not to be matched in the page of history, too long triumphant in both ; —an Almighty Providence flow, though wife as at last, in punifh jng the horrid criminal perhaps, to finifh the parallel, fi«J-politic»l strumpet may expire as peaces My,' in a-mild, mixed mo narchy, as the-n4t«rtH*<Sne did in the arms of an indulgent ' But,. however this tnay be, I thanrk- God in believing, there U not a spot' on this globe, hut France, capable of producing such another pl#nt of Hell as either. < *\ Extract »fa letter from New-England. " I underdand from foirie of the newspa pers that Mr. Abefcrombie, one «f your Ejsifcopal Clergymen, has in a sermon, cau tioned the people ai*tinft " ever placing at the head «f civil society a man, who is not an arowtd Cbnflian, and in exemplary be lieverin our' Holy Religion;"in conleqi'ence of which, he has drawn down the ven geance of all tW Jacobins, and among the reft their redoubtable champion, Duane. Why Mr. Abercrembie should be attack ed more than other Clergymen, I cannot conceive. Do not the Clergy in Penn sylvania gttiettlly d 6 the fame ? I confefi I think it thtif duty, and I remember reading 4» Ext raft from a Sermon, preached by Or. WhaHon of Burlington, on the 4tli day •f July in which'he was very pointed on this fubjeft, arid alluded to Mr. Jeffer son personally, yet • igairtft Dr. Wharton, nothing has been uttered, and here, we are always cautioned'By our Pastors against such charadters. as K. J. and no person, in bit senses, thlulcj of objedling to it, In tny Opinion the Ration in which Clerical •Gentlemen; are placed, compels them to op pose ail irreligious and immoral people, but above all Xtl\ei£b and Deifts/' "JLzttraS of'a letter from. Capt. Rutherford of the Itip Brutus lately captured and car ried into Halifax, to bis orjners at New bury-port dated Halifax, August 14. 1800, " The Brutus is uploaded and waiting trial, which will be on the, 21 ft inft. As the cargo e*a.&ly corresponds with the the invoice, appears nore in ray favor. Bot the Attorpey-Geoe a! has so much in fluence with the , Judge and Court of Amiralty that there is but litt'e profpeft of the (hip hetug cliated. " Tbe9jh of this month John Dial?, of Cape Ami, and fiiemzer Stan wood of Portland, bothii4tiije Americans,and having protection's 3efcrted the (hip and entered on board the priya eer Earl of Dublin, which fai'ed last Sunday; to cruise in the mouth of the South channel to intercept American vefiels- ■ John Diale, was boat fwain'i mate on bqard tbe Merrimack on her firft cruile. » •' Admiral Parker arrived here yesterday from England to rake the command on this station. It v* expected that some change will take place in the court of Admiralty. An American war is mnch talked of."—[FuJgs.'J We are informed by the most refpe&able authority, fays a "London paper of the 21ft July, that the Rate of Buonaparte's health "would not permit him any longer to remain with the army, and he has rcturhed to Paris to undergo x* ftirgical operation f6r the £(lula. Attbe battle of Marengo he could only occafiomty appear in it, not being able to (it on horfebtck more than a half an hour 'without some relief. * ffe T«« A London: Paper contains a tetter from *n officer atrthe Cape of Good Hope, dated in March laTl, wherein he dates, that he encountered a.-iiorni, in which' he had " bis sbirt blown in. pieces from bis back !" And addsaurioufly enough, that it wit great mercy it had not also "blown away iis Jlin -Thir we suppose, is a relation of ■Baron Munckbattsen. From the Neib-Tork Gazette. i- „ CASE OT CONSCIENCE. I have heard the author of Serious Con siderations," &c. on the supposition of his being a clergyman, blamed for meddling with what did not belong to his profeffion. Sat in my opinion this judicious and pious writer hat -foked a r.ew and important cafe of coofcieiice, Suppofr one of his hearers 1 who was a member of the legifiature and ex pected to vote for ele&ors, or who was him felf an *lcAor fliould address him in the following mamer ; " I believe Mr, Jeffer fon to be a Deiil f at least I havefuch fuf piciorft of i»im ti [ cannot banish from my mind* I k«ow thj|t there it nothing in the conftitutioo which prevents my voting for a Oeift or a Mahometan. Can I confifteutly | X V P"°fefTion and obligations as a Clirmian give my vote for him?" iWis properly a cafe of conference, and has no thing do with the political sentiments of my party. It is a question which mtift na turally arise in the bread of every sincere Chriftint) who is e gaged in the momeotous of electing a chief magiitrate. Were the government of the United States not elc&ive, or were the eleftiou is once made, the Christian religion enjoins fnbmif fion and refpedt. Buvthe questions, whe ther a Christian may of his own choice, and by hjg ,fi<ee vote, place an avowed enemy to Ijia I/prd in this high & influential station ? I ht qucltion has fcldom if ever occurred be fore. in the world. Ihe author of 1 ' Serious CooGaeratro'ns," if he be a clergyman, Was perffl&ly the line of his duty he difctiffed it; and, in my opinion, Christians are obliged to him for'his clear and fatif fadory foluiion. For the GazsTTe of tbe Usited States. ORIGINAL POETRY. THE OATH. By the look of confcr.t, by the glistening tear, That spoke to my foul in a language divine j By the rubies that glow'd on the lips of my fair When, with rapture, transported I prell them to mine. By the ikrobbings, that wav'd on her bosom of snow, Bji the hlulhes that, mantling, vermilion'd her cheek, When afraid ts Jay yet —and all loth to fay no She figh'd what her tongue was unable to speak. By the smiles, that enliven'd her elegant face When Ihe saw, that I construed thosc. BLUSHKS SO WELL When (he saw that Leve's eye could each cha radler trice, And read on her heart,. what her tongue weu'd'nt tell. By that heart, sensibility's fivorite shrine, Where innocencei virtue, and truth fix their throne, By these let me swear that this bosom of mine Isfill'd with thy image, my. , alone ! But flop, filly Damon, 'tis needless to swear When arguments ltrouger thy fondnefs can prove, Dost thou doubt, my dear girl, that my pas sion's sincere, Yon Mirror will shew yeu a pledge of my love. ruoM THK CHIRPINGCOBLER TOM THE TINKER. HOW durftthou wreteh ! insult the poor, By offering me a bribe j I wcu'.d not ('arken, Tom thy door, For all the Demo Tribe. Think on the part you're bpond to ail, And think where all will end'; Think, while you make a thousand foei, You will not gain a friend. You said the Federal c>ufe was good. Yet you that caul'e f"ri -.k ; 'Gainli place and fycophonte you raii'd, And yet a place you took. Of Jacobins hew ill you spoke, With whom, you row afTent : Mc. Kean how oft, have yo*i pourtray'd, Yet to Mc. Kcan you went. Hrw could yon swear your cauutry's good, Was all your wilh, yowr fear ? And how could 1, poor doating fool, Believe my Tom sincere. i And will thy cold, thy faithlefs heart Rejoice to fee the day, When irrsligious Jacobins, Shall bear imperious sway. Riot and flanghter from that hour, With ruin lhall commence ; While drunken and unlettered fools, Rule learned, men of fenft. Thy rival Sycophants ere naw, In fccret plan thy ruis ; And Coze and Leib.and Will Duane, All long for thy undoirg. Once more attend, Tom mark thee well, ' " Fly thou the wrath to come." So may ft then find met more thy Friend, And scape impending doom. In lieu of fatutary ode. Of kind congratulation. Read tho» my heart, such it my mind. With no diflimniation. Great Mac, whcne're thy haughty reign is o'er, When faithlcfs Demos trull in thee no more, And timid Feds n* lunger fear you ; You need not ope your hated door, The caath will pass, that ftop'd before, Nir will one Friend come near you. No'more e'en Rogues, delight in your g»od •I. ', --J graces, Inform of Feds, and alk of you their placet, Or hand their bold Petition Detailing by what tiick they hare defsrved, ,How many honed men turned out have flarved, For Federal opofition; With vapouring, Gall, and hatefulfplecno'srcaft, Reflect on Jacobinic aflion past, With sorrow and contrition ; While horrid Phantoms flit before yoor eyes, Believe each dlfapointment from the Ikies! ly)r vena!, curs'd ambition ; Then hop« to fee thy fawning tribe no more, The ingrate Ra ti desert the falling tower, Knaves only follow Power ; Hence, Dallas, Coxe, Duapc Leib, And eke the scoundrel, and the lying tribe, Too falfe to satan to be true ; Their fcornful finger, point it fallen you ; Retorting thy «tld Tory ,N They cry Memint* Mori, Alas Poor Tom. Sic tranlic gloria Mundi! 0- The Editor wishes to contrast for a constant supply of Super-Royal PRINTING PAPER. The quantity wanted annually will be about one thousand reams. Any person disposed to contrast, by calling at the office will learn further particulars. September 3. A CHRISTIAN. —No. VII.— ODE. Gazette Marine Lift, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. :V ■ H Arrived at the fort'. », Schr. Felix, , Havanna [Left it' 24th —Molaffeß, , Viftory, Holmes, New York 5 Dry goods, dye-wood* Ictf. Sloop George, Slocum, Newport (R. I.) —Rum andcheefe 9 C"tne np Jrom the Port Sliip Providence, Adams. Leghorn Wine, Oil. &c.—Smith and Ridgeway Brothers, Hawkins , St. Kitts Silt—J. Gardner, Brig Sally, Davidfon Cipe Francois Coffe.&ct—A.M'Call. Morning Star, Skelly do. Montgomery ahd Newpold- I Susannah, Cummings, P. Republican. Coffee and Sugar. { Schr- Regulator, Smith, St: Mary's CLEARED. Schr. Paulina, Da Coda, St Bartholomews' Sloop Cicero, Remington, Havaniiah Brig Molly, Weeks, from Londonderry is below; Brig Anguftus, Smith, and schooner Sitters, Thornton,, from heoct has arrived at St. Jago de Cuba. Sloop Clementina Hunt, from Alexandria, arrived it New-Port (R. I. ) September 1. Schooner Cuiziah, Fry, .the. Rambler, Saunders, and the Sloop Young Greyhound, Mathewfon, cleared pi)t from New-Port, (R. I.) forCharlefton, Se?t. mber i. BOSTON, September 3. No Foreign arrivals. Two brigs in fight, one supposed from Virginia : the other new, from the Ealh»ard. ■> NEW-YORK, September 8. ARRIVED, Ship Atli«, Wilson, Hull 58 Brig Crooker, Parton, Salem 20 Schr. M..ria, FernSndes, Port# Rico— CLEARED, Schr. Rambler, Tylee, Madrra Lark. Rand, H litax Sloop Cleopatra-. Brown, Jam ica The ftjip Atlas, Wilson, in 58 days frotn Hull : On her paflage, in lat 40, fieli in with a fma'l black brig, with her yards down, fcoth anchors off bows, all her running rigging "nrove, and to appearance, half full of water—supposed to have sprung s leak, and (horrly after fell in with by fomeveflel who took the captain, and crew from the wreck, together with all the articlefcon deck worth saving. Left at Hull the ship Prifidcnt, of this port, to fail in 6 days after capt. Wilson. Letter bags up at the Tuntine Coffec-boite A/ew Tork. Ship Union, Loudon, to fail 1 ith inft Liberty, Liverpool, nth Gen. Mercer, ditto. 14th Mercury, ditto. ditto South Carolina, Charleston, —— NORFOLK, Aaguft 30. Arrived, „ Jayt Schr. Friends, Steed, Cape Francois 14 Bchr. John, Forfyth, St. Jagode Cuba 19 Left at that pert the following American vefleji: Ship , Watson, Ntw York to fall is [five days Brig Fox, Bede, New Yoik, jiill Tin-ive'd Augultus, Smith, Philadelphia, fif [tc/'."ii days Schr. Speculator, Price, Baltimore. 12 do. Evelina, Holmes, do. twelve diys Fidefity, Pease, do. fouVdayi ' Resolution, Field«, da. just arrived Sifters, 1 hornton, Philadelphia, do. Harvey, Sheridan,. N. iwtlve do. Adventure, Payfon, Boston, 12 days Freedom, Millet, Baltimore, 4 days Miiford, Clop, do. ready for sea. To Printers. The following MATERIALS will be fold rea fori able if applied .for immediately. 1 Press, 3 Founts Long-primer (partly worn) 2 ditto Small-Pica oa Piea body, 2 ditto Pica, 1 ditto Englifli, 2 ditto Brevier, 1 ditto Burgeois, Several pair of Chafes, feVCral cOfrfpoflng fticUs, frames and galleys, some brass rules, Quotations, &c. &c. Stcc all of the abbve will be .fold very reasonable for Ca(h. September 8. Twenty Dollars Reward. r. "i-. > RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, In York negro man, named ISAAC, other wise CUDJO, about at years old, the property of Robert Coleman; Esq. He u about 5 feet 8 inches high, has a blemish in his eyes, more white in them than conmtn, by trade a Fergeman; had on and took with him a drab coloured broad cloth coat, almost new, a sailors jacketjmd pantaloons* printed fancy cord, a (wanfdown striped under acket; a rorum hat; one fine and one coarse shirt' one muslin handkerchief, sprigged, two ditto flriped border, a blue Persian under jacket •nd two peir cotton dockings. Whoever takes up said negro and lodges him in any jail in this or any of the' neigabouriitg dates (ball have the above re ward or rcafonablc expencesif brought home, JOHN BRIEN. Spring Forge, o<SUber»3,l799. N. B. As said negro formsrly Kved io Chctttr county, it is prababU he may return there. November 5 2e the sos lie. Clip..- and .(jaunty of ' ' PMcdclUta. GENTLEMEN, . ... When the present (heriff's time of, office expires, I take the liberty to offer myfelf as a candidate for said. office, and solicit your votes in my favour j in doing which you will confer an. obligation, which wijl be gratefully acknowledged by the public'* allured friend and humble servant. Joseph Cowperthwait. j Sep* 8 - tn&f tE Notice: 4 v " the partnepship of «- ABRAHAM MOORE ■& JAMES CAMPBELL, IS this day difTolved by mutual confent— they having passed receipts reciprocally. July 28.—( S. $.) 2t. 60,000 weight of Prime Coffee, Just imported, and for sale by the Subscriber. GIDEON H. WELLS. September 9; at. IN THE PRESS. A New and intere fling WORK, (Enrirttiy,) Praftical Education, BT MARIA EDGEWORTH, Author of the letters For Literary Ladicsand the Parents Afliftant, and by RICHARD L. EDGEWORTH, F. R. S and M R.I, A, j Subscription will be received vy Thomas Pub fon, SecoOd Street Philadelphia, and Zachsriah Peulfon, at the Philadelphia Library; by Brown and Stai.fbury, and by George F Hopkins, New York; Thomas and Andrews, Bnfton ; Ifaacßuwv ers, New Haven, and the principal Booksellers in the United States and at the Office of this Gaz ette. Aujjuft 45. diw 20 dollars Reward. RAN AW AY from the fuyferiber at Speed well Forge, Lancaster county, on Saturday night the 23d instant, a Negro man named NED, about ax yearscf age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inche» high, strong built, has a remarkable fear on the right cheek. Had on when h. went away a fuftian coatee, caflimcre waistcoat, tow trowfers, and round wool hat. He hat a lalfe pass in which he is called James Rols of Berkely county, Virginia; property of David Hunter. It is probabls he will shape his course for New-York. Whotver apprehends and fecurcs said Negro, so that 1 get him again shall receive the above re ward, and reafonsbls charges if brought home. WILLIAM COLEMAN. September 1 d^t— eo iw 30 Dollars Reward. RA N away fr«m the fubferiber, a Negro Man-Slavs, called Levin —completion i» yellow, his height about live'feet and up wards ; his hair is bushy ar.d hr.g. and cut on the top of his head; his person is th ; ck a< d well made, and ! e is not over th'rty yci s old He is fupp'.ted to have j»or.e to the n^rthward. It. repot red that Levin, or on? much like him, took water at Vienna for Ik'timoi e, Maryland.. Whoever f-curet or ranfes him to be i'ecur rd so that T get him agiin, or h-mps and deli vers him to the lublcriber, (ha!l receive th-re f r . 30 dollars, and all riafonable colls-and charges fpim JAMES ANDFRSQN. Near Stevens's Ferry, Somerlet County, VfarySand September 6- if Candidates for the Navy. AND others, who are defirnus of becoming acquainted with the following very cfT-nti,) improvement in Navigation, viz of finding the Latitude iiy » (ingle altitude of the iuA-at a»y hour ol the day ; and of both Latitude and Longitude at once by a Gelef tial observation, the Lunar*, and new forms of journals for fliips of war, with additional columns, may hear of a person ready to in(lru£l them at their apartments, who has compenda of the above so Amplified by explanations of figures, marginal referunfes, &c. that they may be uuder ood in a few days ) ky applying at No. 93, south Second flreet, eppofite the City Tavern. H« engages to teach Navigation (the common method of keeping a journal at sea) in 6<iayi. He has taught the Mathematics, French lan guage, &c. for many years in different univer sities, and ihips of war, to which he has been regularly appointed—He kasalfohad considerable practical experience in surveying and book-keep ing ; in which he gives private le&ures. His terms are low and accommodating. He will open A Marine and Commercial ACADEMY, On Monday the Bth of September, at ail elegant and spacious . Room in Hsrmouy Court, (opjJoGte No. 74, louth Fourth ftreet.) 1 IG7* The business of an Avent and In terprtter faithfully transited. August 25 eod df. Loft, V m *»V: "'*• r"fiE undermentioned Certificates of Stock A of the Bank of the United Slates, viz. No. 3804, dated ift July 1796, for ten fharce in the name of Charles Lovegrove of New- York. No. 45311—N0. 15.31 a, dated Ift July, 1796, for five stares each in the name of Sarah Wedjjewood ot Etruria. No. 19808 —No. 19809, dated .1 ft January; 1800. for ten (hares each, in tha name of Henry Waddington, Merchant, London. Notice is hereby given, That application is intended to be made at the said Bank by the fubferibers, for a renewal of the fame, of which all persons concerned ate requested to take notice. WADDINGTON ir HARWOOD Rhiladelphia, July 3©, ißco. mwfj-m ✓- ■* ! • Fof,SaJ.e, BY PUBLIC AUCTION—-IN THE CITY OF 'WASHINGTON. j THE following ptop_er«y , belonging to the Tiuf tees of the Agg egats Fund; provided for rji» payment of certain creSiters of Edward Fox and James Greenleaf. , , , . . Cti Monday tbc 6th October inst. i TrtART of th<- property of {aid fund, in the City A ol Wafi.irgton, that now if rendered clear of everi incumbrance, wit! t e exposed at PuHic AuSion at Tanfiiciifi Tavern, amongst which arc the following valuable fituatioi,, y:z. it Lots in square No. 973, a Jots in square 974, 15 lots ia jquar« Nn. 995, % lots in square fosth of fquart 10x9, 19 lots in fijuare 1010, t lot in square xo'«e I lot in square, ,7 lots in square 1013, 4 lot in square 10*4, 3 lots in square JC4J, 310 t in square 1046, 9 lots in square 1047, 11 lots in square 1048, with fune'ry others, advantageously situated in various parte of ,the city. Also the % story frame house now occupied by Dehlqls, beautifully situated (with an extensive vtw of sev eral mto down the Potomac) on thefcuth east corner of square 973, fronting 41 feet on 11 street eaift, and 41 feet on south G street: a commodious Kitchen with an oven, &c. adjoining the south ' front. A la£ge..frame liable,, carriage house. and hay loft 50 feet by 15, and, a pump of excellent water near the back door of the kitchen, the lot oxt.ending9i feet on x j street, and 139 feet t incli in G street, comprizing lots Nos. i, T{s, and part of si, in the regiflered division of the square. T he sales will commence at the said tavern at ten o'clock in the forenoon. K The termsone fourth cash, one'fourth in Cs months, When 'a deed will be given, the remain* ing moiety in two years, payment to be fecjircd by bond and mortgage. But the creditors in the above fund, may ir> lieti of mortgage secure pay ment of their bonds by depoGt of certificate* of the trnftees at the rate of five fllillings in the pound, to the amount fecurcd and Ihruld a dividend take place t-efore the expiration of the tw t years, it will be set off against the bond, and the certifi cate! returned in the simS proportion. Henry Pratt Thomas W.'Francii | John Miller,-juD. Trujlctn John A(h'<y | Jacob Baker. J THOMAS TINGEY, Agent. < August 4. .31a# ta Prevention better than Cure. For the prevention and cure of Biliovs and „ » Malignant Fevers, is recommended, Dr. HAHN'S Anti-bilious Pills, WHICH have-been attended .witb a degree »f success highly grateful to,the inven tor's feelings, in fever <1 parts of the Weft-Iri dies,anri the southern parts of the United Sfates particularly in Baltimore, Pct'erfburg," Rich, mond, Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmington,Charldf ton, Savannah. &c. The testimony ofYnum ber of persons in each of the above places can be adduced, who have reason to believe,that a timely ufs of th » salutary remedy, hat, under Providence, prelerved their lives when'ln the ' most alarmipg circumftancea. . • Fafks of this conclusive nature speak more io favour of a medicine, than columns of pompous eulogy, on mere aflertfn, could do. It a 11 t indeed presumptuously propofejJ iff an infallible cure, but the. inventor has every ~ possible reason, which can result from extenfisfe experience for believing that a dose of these pills, ta <en once every two weeks during the preva lence of ouraflnual bilious fevers, wi!l infallible preventative ; and further, that in the , earlier stages of those diseases, their use will v.-ry ger.eially succeed in restoring health and frequently in cases esteemed desperate and bey ond the power of common remedies. - ; The operation of tbefe pills is perfeiSlly mild and may be uftrd wiih fafety by persona in every situation arid of every age. They are exc.Htntly adapted te carry oil! fu perfluous bile and prevent Us morbid fecretiooe ; to reitore and amend the appetite.; to produce a free perfpiraticn and thereby prevent colds whirh are often of fatal confeqnence. A dafe never fails to remove a cold it taken on its firft. appearance. They are celcbratrd for removing habitual coflivenefs, sickness of the.ftiwsach and severe head-ache, and ouj;ht to be taken by 4>erfons on a change'-ot chmit -. They have been found remarkably efficacious in prev#nting and curing most disorders attend ant on long voyages, and Qiiuld >be -procused and carefully preserved for use by every fcamari. , Dr.HAHN'S Genuine Eye-water. ■A certain and fafe rtme ! y for all diseases of the eyes, whether the effsfl of natural weakness, or of accident, speedily removing inflammations, de timioiis of rheum, dullness, itclvng, and films in the eyes, never failing to cure those maladies which frequently fuccced the small pox, measles and fe--' vers, and wonder'ully ilrengthenjng a weak fijtht.. Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtuer when nearly deprivsd Jot fighfi Tooth-ache Drops. The only remedy yet difcovereiTvvhich gives im mediate and felling relief in the mod fever? m- The Anodyne Elixir. For the cure of every kind of head-ache, and of pains in the face ind neck. \ Infallible Ague and Fever Drops. This medicine has never failsd,.in many thou sand cases not one in a huudred has had occasion to take more than one bottle,.and numbers not hall a bottle. The money .vvill be returned if tfcc cure is not performed. ■ ■ t SOLD BY Wm. Y; BIRCH, ■; , STATIONER, No. 17, South S&c»nd Street, And np ivherc e!pc, in Philadelphia. Where a"lfa m?y bf feji, Dr. Hamilton's Worm D«ftroying hi* Sovereign, Elixir far «>ughs, &c. Rfftorative Drops, Effenoe and Ex trafl; of Mustard, Soverei jn Ointment for the Itch, Dr, Hahn's infallible German Corn flatfter, In- 1 dun Vegetable for the Venereal com plaint, Gowland's and Perfiau Lotion, Reltoraiive Tooth Powder, D,»maflc Lip Church'* C«ugh Drops, Anderfon's Pills, &c. &c. ' aprili<> A mtf ' H. MAXWELL, Printer, rrhz>> f;n rb Columbia-House, t ' *■ (Formerly in the Unure of Mr». Grocmbriiijje) 1 " I .* 1