17 Diiry on Carriages. NOTICE 16 HEREBY GIVEN, TM Vl' Jfegiff .Mo ti> an adl of C n ctf« o 1 the Übitrd. State# .*/ America, p;.flefl at t?h- de'phia the diy May 1796, Uyin» du ties on>Ca:rijpiß for the conveyance (if Rf'* foe, an I repralirjii the former, a<£U for that purpor—That'(here shall b» leVied, collected and pa! K up nil cirriipe# for the conveyance of perfrtnf, wh'ich Ibill be kept by er for any ptrfon",; for si» ' r herom n use, or to let out to nire, rr for ("be conveying of paflrngers, the fe- Veral duties and rates following to wit i boi. >5 »» II I* For and upon every cn-.ch upon ev-ry chariot upon-every poftcVariot upon every post chaise I* upon every Phfctfr>h> with or without t"p 9 every coarhee 9 Upon other carriages, having binds. t>ltlTes or curtains 9 upon fmir whrel carriages having framed p'>fts and tops with ftre I firings 6 upon 'our wheel toil carriages with wooden or iron pon other two wheel top^ar a°es ' 3 up'-n- two whe*l c»rri.rpe* with ftrel or iron springs $ For and upon ail otht-r two wheel car rial's , * Opr.n every four wheel carri age, havinc framed pods and top-, and reftlng upon . wnoden fpirs * _ The Colleflor < f the reve-.ue of the firft di vision of the firft survey ot the diftridl of Penn*- fylvaaia, will attend daily till the joth day of September next for the putpofe of receiving the duties on carriages, at No. 49. pofth Third Street, in the City < f Philadelphia, of which all perfofiJ possessed cf such cairiagef, are desi red to take notice. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN. To all retail dtalrrt in wines and f reign dis tilled fpirituiHis liquors that licences will be granted to them , ore licence for carrying oij the bufinift of retailing of wines in a ieft quan tity, or in lef» quantities than thirty gallons, and one licence for eirrying on the bufinefi of re tailing Ipiritous liquors in lefr quantities than twenty gallons, at the fame time and at the fame place, by JAMES ASH, ColleArx of the First Surrey nf the Dif tridl of Pennsylvania. Office t f infp ilion it Philadelphia, August i, 1800 • Kvery denomination of St»rop»dPiper to br had a' fuid office. ' August 14. eFtjoth HIGH-STREET. The House, LATELY occupied by. the Chevalier D'Yrujo, Spnnifh Ainbaffadori will be let out to an appreved peribn or family, on , «afy conditions. It is large, commodious and elegant, with coach-house and (tables *iinf>)rm*ble. Enquire at No. 100. Sprues flreet. SAMUEL MAG AW, Arcb Street, No. 94. eod.f. July rj. Just come to hand, AND FOR SALE, Br THE SUBSCRIBER, SUPERFIN? Silesia rouans"} Creat a W Mjrlaix I Fine BreUgiici L Entitled to Do. white platfl!a« f debe»ture. Ettopillas and Li»tajo« •Brown Ruflia sheetings J Wuh a general ejfortment of British Goods, Whieh wUI be (old low f'-r cafli or short «redit. SAMUEL C. COX, No. Bj, Market-street. daw aaftoM it Notice. A General Meeting OF the creditors of James Wilson, F.fq. dcceafed, is requeued,. at Mr. Ru bican's Tavern, Sign of the White Swan, in Race-street, No. 10a, on Monday the 35th iflflant, at 3 o'clock in the Afternoon, ■when and where abatement of his affairs wiM be laid before them. WILLIAM NICHOLS, /Mmini/lrator Augufl 19 Loft, THE undermentioned Certificates of Stock of the Bank of the United State#, viz. No. dated ■ft July 1796, for ten (hares in the name of Charles Lovegrove of New- York. No. No. *s3* 1, dated ift July, 1796, for live (hares each in the name of Sarah Wedeewood of Etruria. No. »<;8o8 —No. 19809, dated ift January, 1800. for ten flu res each, in tha name of Henry Waddington, Merchant, London. Notice is hereby given, That application is intended to he made at the said Bank by the ful>fcrib»rs, for a renewal of the fame, of whicS ail perfoni concerned are requeued to take notice. WADDIN'GTON ir HARWOOD. Philadelphia, July to, 1800. rawfw Madeira Wine: The fubferiberhas received in the Apollo, from Liverpool, a Quantity of Hill's Old London particular Wine, In pipes, hhds. & qr. cafe«. GIDEON HILL WELLS, august 4. mw&l 4W French Tuition, UPON, AN ANALYTICAL PLAN,i NICHOLAS GOUIM DdFIEF, Prifcssor cf the Frerth Language, HAS the honor of informing hifc llovf-Citi zsns of Philadelphia, that he Will open his Schcol oil Monday the »4'h of September, at No. f, fotith Fifth flre-t, ahd divi 'e his hours of in ftruillon In the' foil wing tnanner. Arte: danteon l.adicf anaOentlemen, « their own fceults, will be given as ufu il, Iroui 9 o'clock itr the m#rnii.g till i in the afternoon Hi> aitcrnoon and evening school will begin fevery other Joy) from 4to 6, and (rem 6 till 9 Translation - from either language into tht oth'T, perlornad with accuracy, elegance, I'ecie ejr and t" liarn thi? Ffeneft, to agree with (oiienl their friecds or aequain'ances, tlefirous of receiving lef foru in that univcrfal and improved language, to meet at the fame hour and place for mutual in ftruflion—they niqy he affurrd it will be to thcit a '-vantage to de so, if they pcrufe with attention the fallowing To the Lovers of the French Language. ' «-» r-v n n'c* I ADDRESS. IN an age fucctlslul efforts have been Made towjr.is the improvement ot Me art of 71/ini /'*]/, and when Analysts has b«cn discovered the universal, and lole good method to improve alt fiici ces, and receive initru&ion in t'.em, it may be a matter ot a ionifhment that it has not been yet grneraily mhraced,and rendered the familiar method of learning. The extraordinary rife and piogrtf*of Ct.ya.i 'ry wirhil a very few years, arr entirely dud t« an lysis ; but there is an art on whi. h if flitild have fir ll darted its beneficial rays, I illuje to the Teaching *j Language!. 11l fail, Na lure, th\« excellent analyst, wa« before our »yes gui'ing children in learning the language of their mother, and ro dhild ever fated in acquiiing it, profiting by her unerring lessons Fully convinced by realon and experience, thit the lame method (he purities fauuld be followed at neatly as poilible, I adopted, in the courft ol my inflruAions, such books ellab!i(hcd rn principles that lead deviate < from her simple dilates. I foqn perc ived that the method acquired from these aidt wjs but a vtry iitegular and imperlecl Analysis —l, thcrforc, rcfolved though with a very ftnall confidence in my fl'iider abilities, but animated with teal lor the improvemcat of those wko may wish to learn French from me, to undertake the laborious and arduous taflt of writing a work,groun ded on Analytical principle, which com prehind wkat iswilhedf»rby thofctpplyiog them lelves to the IU-y of the living languages, and am hippy to fay, I have now nearly concluded it c» ! It contifts of tfcree parts The first, isachofen Vocabulary of words mosr frequently used in speech, et niaitjining I,soo—the mwt i.aturaj acceptation of each i> determined by a phrase prefixed to it, -The second, com.ins the French veibs, both re gular and irregular, from a new system in whisk the principal difficulties attending conjugation ar fir»t explained, and oTervations given on the u(e of each sense, illustrated by proper examples, so as to enable the learner to exprils lumfeil with precifii >». The third, is a complete list of tho*e words/r ---van! de tin tm de complement dtfens entre Ir autre, firth, dv diftours : that is to fty—forming the Ihi or earn pie .tion »f sense betmtn the other farts of fpeecb, whofc principal use it toc»tiblil!» in speech connexi on between words, which already exists, in the mind between id' as- 1 ha 1* also fully determined the sense and exception of th-fe important wor's (which are divided into appropriate elides to fix them the easier irt the mrmory) hy annexing to each examples in Fret ch »nd English. As 1 do not in'end to publish the abava.for fom< time, and in order, fceverthelcfi, that my pupils may reap the fame advantage without it, I hasten to inform rhofe who may he induced topu' them (elves utlder my care, that hilf the time of fch< ol (the othjr half biiig devoted to other txercifes) will be employed iu exercising them in the fol lowing manner : We firit begin with the Vocabulary; each word of which will 1 e pronounced In Ei-glifh then i* French, to he repeatedby ore or more of the fcho lar*; and a fimilnr repetition of the phrafei belore mentioned will fellow. It i» worthy of ol fcrvation, that in our infan cy, and a» we advance in years, we learn the pro nounciation of our vernacular tongue, by pro nouncing word by word; and inalogy aceomplilh e# what remain# to be done, in order to acquire the necessary knowledge of it. The rules given by Grammarians to attain this ohjeA are a most dfelrfu to u», and still more so to the foreigners, struggling in viin to'earn the true pronunciation of a lauguage with the help of diflionariai and Grammar alone. Though I conceive my scholars may attain in the abore manner, the accurate prono:'Bcia»ion of the French language, yet itrifi attention if paid to their reading in approved an thers before we begin the foregoing exercises. 1 will pursue nearly thtfam i'method in impart ing to them the sontsnts of the two othtr divifi ns of my work. I cannot conc'ude this addref»with out thanking my Fellow-Cititns for the liberal ancoursj-merit I have experienced from them, theft fix years past, in try profeffional carecr.pre fumir.g that 1 may b« permitted to fay, that I have not been altogether undeftrving of it. September i. dlt law lw WAR DEPARTMENT, August 4tt>, ißco. THE commanding Officer» of corp«, de tachment, pnfts, garrifrnn and recruiting parties, helongif'gto the military eftablilhment of the United ;*tat>es, are to report to, and receive orders from Brigadier-General Wil kinfnn, in the City of Wafliingt«n, and all officers on furlough are to report themfelvei to the f„me officer with all possible difpatcli. SAMUEL DEXTER, Secretary of War. All Printers wrhin rke United States who havr publiftitd invitation* for contrails of the ijth of March last are requested to insert the above in their refpeflive papers, once a week for two months. JUST IMPORTED, AND FOR SALE, AT DICKINS'S BOOK - STORE, Gpp< f»:e Christ-Church, AH ASSORI2IENT OF English Papers AND OTIIER STATIONARY. Philadflphia, Aug. 6. A good second band Riding Chair, ar.d an excellent family CHAIR HORSE FOR. SALE, Cheap—Enquire of the Printer. September 1 mwjW A PARTNERSHIP. A PERSON pofitfline some capital, a co&ti derible (hire of industry, and desirous of enpigingas a partner in a lucrative business, hear of a fituatbn. All pr'ipnfa's >n this to he itt writing, sealed and dire&ed to W. R. J New York, and left with the printer of the Ga aette of the United States. will be at tended to. tr A Printer would find It to an advantage June 5- d-l FOR SALE, A Valuable and singularly eligible EbTATK, CONSISTING of two handsome dtffolling houses, with excrlU-Pt (UMing for (even horses, rfouhlr coach-house moll completely fitted up j a beautiful large and valuabU garden richly filled with-cboice fruit, surrounded with high board fence, almofl gew, Ihe premises are beautifully fi'uauid near tl.e middle of Germantown, sur rounded «yih rich profp.dU of the adjacent cptijtry ; an orchard of about two acres, with a Itanrtfomc. lawn at the back of the house. One house hi» been recently built en an appro ved plan ; the other has been completely repaired, painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty fix. The new house is well calculated for a flore in either the dry or wot good line. Th« air and water are unrivalled, and there are some most excellent schools in the neighborhood. For particulars enquire of the Printer, or of M*. POTTER, on the preniife'. May 9s dtf * FRANKLIN Referred Tradls, FOR SALE. ON the ill day of O&ober next, books will be open in the Office of th* Sirb fcriber, rcfiding in Franklin, for the sale of the Refer vedTrafts, laid out by virtus of an an Mercantile accounts, and brought up in one of the firft counting haufes in thik »ity, Wishes employment as Clerk. He is at present ab/ent from Philadelphia, but a line left at the Office of the Gazette cf the Uni ted States he will receive, and it ftia',l be imme diately attended to. Salary a secondary obje&— Employment his merive. augult »c dtf Bank of the United States, August 23d, 1800. WANTED, appro VZD Bills on Amsterdam, At sixty days sight ; FOR WHICH Cafli will be paid, At tbe rate of Forty Cents per Guilder. d7t Found, A Red Morocco Pocket-Book, WHOEVER has loft it may receive it en ay plication at the office of this Gazette, and paying the expcnce of thii advertisement. July a». " For Sale, The Unexpired TIME of a BLACK BOY WHO has three years and five months to serve ; he is tober, honest, a good wai ter, and understands taking care of horses. En quire at No. 60, Dock llreet. Tulv 10. 1 TO PRINTERS. for sale, OLD Long Primer, Small Vica on Pica Brdy, English, Chafes, Cooipofinp Sticks, and a«rea. variety of articles neceflary to rarrv on the Prin ine Bufmefs. They will be fold cheap tor cash Apply to the Printer. July 3t- Houses to Let: ONE large conven'ent ihree-ftory Btick Dwelling-House, with four rooms on a floor, and two Kitchens ; there is a pump of water, ar.d a rain water cittern in the yard ; situate on the call tide of Fourth- Street, one door above Race-Street, lately occupied by Solomon Moroche. ALSO, A convenieut Three Story BRICK HOUSE, With a pleasant yard on the South fide of Arch Street, third door above Eighth- Street. For terms apply; at No. 116 Arch- Street. August 41 m&wtf Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY (roih Gen, Ridgely of Balti more, on the aotk intt. a light coloured negro r*an, who calls himfc|f WILLIAM Mc. DONALD j He is about 14 vtars of age, about s feet 8 inches high, neat ift his dress, and has a good fait of hair. Had on, wheti he went away, a good beaVer hat, a (hurt light green cloth coat, edged With yellow, and yel low gilt buttons—a light buflf caflimer, double brealttfi waiiicoat, a pair of dark olive colour ed thickfett pantaloons—a white linen thirt, white ribhed cotton Dockings, and a good pair of (hoes with firings. He took with him a dark blue coat, a pair of olive caflimtr panta loons, and a light corduroy pair of breeches ; also a gold or pinchbeck watch, with a Heel chain. He is fond of fpiritous liquors, is inso lent, has a fiupid look, and chews tobacco. — He was bred in Charles county, Maryland, and purchased of col. John Thomas by gen. Ridge ley. Whoever apprehends said negro, and (e cures him in any jail so that the owner may gat him again, ffaall receive the above reward, with reasonable charges if brought home, oV de livered to Joshua B. Bond, Philadelphia, may f dtf A PERSON, WHO is about taking his departure from hence: to the Weft I dies, wh.rehe in tends to reside, will underwke to tranfi6, south fide Market Street, Reports of Cases Argued and determined in the HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY; (GreAT-BttITAIN) commenced with THE JUDGMBNTS OF The Right Honorable WILLIAM SCOTT, MUbatlmat Term T 798. By Charles Robinlun, LL. D. Advocate. Volume I.—Part I. ss* Th'fePep rt will he c ntinued regularly; The ffcond Part which concludes this Vr.lum- is iiow mtheprefs, and will be pubKfhed with all the expedition pcfhble, Augult *3, LANCASTER STAGES. r *r , HE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan- A caster Sine »f Stages DISPATCH, t«turn their grat;ful thanks to thoir friends and the public in general, for the past favors tkry have received,and inform them that in addition to the regular Line, th«y are provided with Carriages,fober and careful drivers, to go through between the City and Bnro«gh in two days. Those who preftrthis mode of travelling can be accommodated at the Stage o(sce, sign of United State* EagW, Market ftrtet, Philadelphia. Slough, Downing, Dunivoody Isf Co. f?9v. 30. ii —{ DR. RUSSELL'S. HISTORY OF Modern Europe. The public are refpeiSlfully informed that tbe First Volume of the above Work is printed and will be immediitly delivered tj the fubferibers. Those Gentlemen who have exprefied a wilh ta fee the manner in which it is executed before they become fubferibers, are requeftedto call at W. Y.BIRCHVNo. 17, foiith Second-Hrcet. It it prefuraid that on comparison it will be found fupericr to the London copy. Aup. *1 eo(^- FOR SALE, A Printing Press. Apply at the Office of the Gazette o the United State*. July 19. FOR SALE, A PRINTING PRESS complete, Old Loop Prir. er, Small Pica on pica body (rew and old Pica, d°- English, (two small founts) 16 Line Pica, &c. _ . Sundry Frames, and a great variety ot O.^ce Furniture, &c. Iroft werk of a pr nting-prefs, ty Tliey will he fold cheap for cash Apply at the office of th< Gazette of the baited Siatts. WAYNE COUNTY TAXES. r T'HF. owners of unimproved lanr's in Wayne * county, ate k-rel.y notified, that Taxes art become payable tfctr99 an J 1803. Thole who have not'already paid 'heir taxes, re hereby r;quired to dilcharge the fan e to JOfcjN BRINK, Esquire, Trcafurer if faiil County at Milfurd, within thrie mont) « Ironi this date,otherwife proceedirgi to file, according to the ail of Assembly in fu'ch crifs provided, will e had by the Commiffioncrs "for the f»id county. At a Stemon, "1 John Carton, V Commiflioners Jahannes Van Etten, J Attefl, E. Kei.logo, Clk. July 9, 1800 For Sale, A FEW HOGSHEADS OF Jamaica SUGAR and COFFEE., A Trunk of Mei. and Women*' Sht»es, And a parcel of Tow Linen, ALSO, Boston Window-Glass, 8 by 10, 9by ij, 10 by u and 17 by 12. Any sizes larger than tliofe may be bad 011 being ordi red from the manuiadlory. Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, Jun'r. 3 J wharf footU of Market sheet. Augtift 4. d^w The Bankrupt Law OF THK UNITED STATES, Was this Day PuV.iflml by A. D IC K1 N S* op poiitc Chriii Church.— [Price %$ Cents.] A. DIC KINS HAS JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW-YOKK, / DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ON THE New Pol itical Afpett of Public Affairs In the United States. [Pri«e 374 Cents ] august I; Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Spr:t)g Forge, in York CouDty, a negro man, named ISAAC, other wise CUJIJV, about »I years old, the property of Robert Coleman; Esq. He is about 5 feet 8 inches high, ha* a blcraifh in hia eyes, more white in them than commsn, by trade a Ferge man ,• had on and took with him a drab coloured broad cloth coat, alraoll new, a sailers jacket and pmtaleon«» printed fancy cord, a iwanfdown striped under acket; a rorum hat; one fine and one coarftf shirt' one muslin handkerchief, fpriggtd, tw<» ditto flriped border, a L !uc PerOan under jacket and two peir cottoß (lockings. Whoever takes up faiJ negro and lodges him in snv thit or any of the neighbouring ftatcs shall have the above rft ward or reafotiable expencesil brought home. JOHN BRIEN. Spring Forge, Oiteher»3,l799. N. B. As said nrgro formarly lived iH ChefUr county, it is probable he may return there. November 5 Just Received, Br A. DICKINS, opposite Christ Churchy A. View OF THK CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF THE American Revolution, In Nineteen Discourses. By the Rev. Josathan Bouchkb, A. M. F. A. S. Trice 2 Dollars jo Cents. J"ir IN THE PRESS. A New and intcrtfling WORK, Practical Education, BT MARIA EDGEWORTH, Author of the letters ForLiteraryl adir sand the Parents AfEflant, and Wy RICHARD L. EDGEWORTH, F.R. S.anJM R I A. Subscription will be received vy Thomas Dob fon, Second Street, Philadnlphia, and Zichariah Psulfon, at the Philadelphia Library; t>y Brown aud Stai lbury, and by George F Hopkins, New York; Thomas and Andrews, B >fto»; lfaacßaw rrs, New Haven, and the principal Boohfellerk io the United States and at the Office of this Gaz ette. Auguftij.