Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, September 05, 1800, Image 3

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    set of Mintfters, shut up in the palaces of Vi
enna, London, and Conftantinopfe, coldly
calculate whether the lives oi a few thousand
more men can preserve thetn a short time lon
ger in their places. As they clearly fee that
peace put an end to their influence, they
postpone the conclusion of it as long as they
can. They diminish in the eyes of their mal
ters the importance of our victories. They
exagci ate the resources of the Coalition, and
represent our efforts as the work of del pair,
or the effect of a political revolution, which
cannot lift, It is thus that they deceive the
King-, Who give them their confidence.
But now the \idlorious Republic multfeize
peace, if it cannot be granted her. She has
trampled her enemies on the field of battle.
She ought pot to be the dupe*>f their cunnmo,
and their diplomatic intrigues. After the
dreadful blow she has fTruclti f!ie ought to
p.urlue them before thty have time to breathe.
1 hey will not fail to endeavor to ensnare her,
and under the hop.Q of a frivolous
will seek to cool her zeal, and repair their
own lofles. The House at' Aultria particu
larly, unfuecefsfui in war, extricates
'itftlf from calamity by policy.
But the fame genius which created an ar
my, which transported it across the Alps, and
in fifteen days destroyed what 0,000 Ruffi
ans and as many Aulhians had taken fifteeß
months to acconiplilli—that genius which
crossed the leas in fafety, and fullained the
Republic on the brink of the abyss, will pe
nutrae the designs of a few courtiers and
stop them in the crooked course 0 their dark
We are perfeftly confidant, that if in spite
■of the cries of humanity, our enemies should
reh:fe to treat in a candid and upright manner
with the Republic, nothing can prevent the
Republic, armed with all it* energy, from
prt.Tmg them in its turn, and rendering then)
r-dponliblc ■for the miseries they lhaU haive
caused to lnunanity.
VIENNA, June 21,
Ibe States of Aufttia, Bohemia, an 4
Hungary, have granted a levy of recruits for
a new army, which will conftft of 80,000 in
fant™ and ooc o cavalry; but they wish the
Archduke Charles would command them
without limited ordtfs as GeneralifTimo, and
they will only fight in defence of the Auftriarj
I.Monarchy. A deputation from Hungary
and Bohemia has been sent to the Archduke
at Prague, from whence he has been invited
*0 go to Vienna. His highness is not yet
but some of his adjutants daily pass and
re-pass, as couriers.
Junt 22.
General Kray has applied fw his recall,
because he has not the confidence of the ar
my, and cannot acquire it like the Archduke
Charles, who annually distributed among the
troops and subaltern officers more than Bft,ooo
ducats. This liberality gained the hearts of
the ("oldiers, and the orders of the Archduke
were executed as soon as given.
Constantinople, May 28.
Negociations, we learn, between the Grarid
Vizer and General Kleber, in Regard to the
evacuation of Egypt have been already re
lumed. It is not believed that they will ter»
minatc so soon as the last time, and the Turks
flatter themlelves notwithstanding the bravery
displayed by the troops of General Kleber
the terms will be more favorable. /It any
rate they will rofift that the French on their
return to Europe (hall not serve again the
English or Lnperialifts : a great number of
the French have already been swept off by the
Paris, July 15. '
it appears certain, that the Archduke
Charles refules to take command of the Au
strian army. Gen. Stzarray it is said, has
resigned his command under Kray Several
other Generals arc likewise desirous to re
sign; and General Kray him/elf has, it is
laid repeatedly solicited his recall.
.The Americans who are in Paris met on
the 4th of this month to celebrate the anni
versary of the Independence of the United
States. At this meeting many toafls were
given in honor of our invincible armies* and
to the speedy re-establishment of good har
mony between the (wo Republics. j
The Marquis de la Fayette lately spent a \
few days in Paris and then returned to his
country feat nearMelum.
It is reported at Paris, that in answer to
the courier of M. de Melas, the cabinet of
Vienna had proposed to the French Govern
meat a suspension of arms for a year; but
that the latter replied that it mult have a
Ipeedy and solid peace, or would resume hos
tilities.—Journal du Comm. tree.
Yesterday evening the different subsidies of
foreign powers were voted in a committee of
this House of Commons. There was an ex
pectation among many perlons thatfome words
might drop in the course of the debate v/hich
"would serve to guide the public opinion in re
gard to the present conjunfture of affairs.,
Nothing, however which could lead to any
conclusion on the fubjeft. Whatever may be
the answer of his majesty s miniftefs to the j
COilrt of Vienna in regard to the overtures of j
t he firft consul it is obvious that secrecy ought I
o be the foul of the coirefpondence.
A Small Font of Brevier: applv at
thi3 Office.
Clock V Watch Maker,
To No. 36, Mahket Street,
Whrre h« has for Sale,
Spring and other Clocks ; gold and filve
"Watches: Tools, Files and Materials; fW
#nd gilt Chains, geal» and Keys ; Springs,
Ac. See.
' Repeiwd m vfotl.
gr The Editor willies to eontraft
PBTvr-,.?j!V ,U of Suprr-Royal
PRINT TNG PAPF.It J> 6 uant [ ty
wanted ahninlly will be about One tlioiiCmd
reams. Any person difpofrd to contrast,
by calling; at t | ie () ffi Ct . w i|( leam
September 3.
To be Sold
(the Bth in t )
At tic J/crclants' C J/e '-House,
For approved trndorfed Notes, at 2 and
i . Tbt neiv and fast sailing
Jilt St. Tammany,
'ow laying at ay's wharf, above Market street,
•n*. iitory may be seen at No. 4, south Water
• rcet, and at rh« tit n col Tale.
Samuel Yorke, AuEl':o?wer.
s«p'ember 3 djt
"Ihe Netv
hambourg siiip
IPSt'"' Anna, ■ :
* ttroiig, juh'iUuti J, fill (iflfjfg vdKti [imc he'
fecqtiJ vuvige) wIU roljamenie UoJirg on We •-
npfjay n:it, ard will be flilju'chpd with a'l Ck>flT
ient fpced—Freight will' be r 'ceivel apply
10 JACOB SfERRY, is" Co.
Several Rcdemptioners
A r " fail or ''»»r I. whoft times *re to be Jif
pofid of— \pply a' eve.
September 4. * ' d lot
For Freight or Charter
VW&sSr Jeremiah B!ancha:d, A alter,
Now lyin.* at Beck's wha / (the feeond he
low Market ftrett J. i« ready ro take in a cargo,
atid wrll cany about SOO harrels.
Apply to said inaftcr en bard, ox to
' Isaac Harvey. Junr.
3d wharf south Mark 1 ftrett.
S-ptember 1 dnv
The remarkable fast sai.'in «* three masted
Eliza Myers,
3Lying at Walnut Street Whari ; bur
thci. <1 oti> 144 ton», has in* 'e but two v«yagc», ig
oow in complete order to receive a cargo.
Enquire of
Samuel Eipery, Ship-Broker,
No. I iouth Front Ktc«c
«tptem!ifr $ <tt t :
From the Brig Brticy, Captain \ndrew§, at the
finl wharf below Sou'li ftre-t,
Mahogany and Logwood,
F r icte bv . 1
Fcpti-mbcr 1
6500 lbs- New Orleans Indigo,
Entitled to Ur whack.
200 Kogfhn Virginia Tobacco,
S4 kegs f Virginia Tuift,
F,E S4I F. Br
Tunis & Annefley,
Walnut flrv-ct wharf.
9 ma jft, 1800 d6t
German Redemptioners.
A M'MBKH are fliii <(u the Pip Anna,
£ » from Hamburg, lying abreast of Vine fire. t
wharf, in the dream, conli iag ol mechanic- of
almost every d fcripfioD, farmers atxi r;Ven wh».
are anxi -us to provide places De.Crou' to com
mence loading the vessel, their times will he dif
pofesl of at the low rate of 80 Do :ar» for their
jaflage. Apply on board rHe T to
September 1 4l ot
For Sale, or to Let,
In Chi snut Street,
Nrar the corner ol Blevnth street at pri-fent in
th« 'enure of Mr. A. M'Call—Pofleliion may V
had th\ first of November next, or fooocr if re
quired Apply to
Edward Shoemaker.
September 3 $
Of the Bank of the United States,
NO. »S9S* to 1 j963 ineluftve, in the cam; «,!
I hornas Mall'tt ol London, were forward
ed about the id of Miy 1797, from Ntw.York,
hy the fLip Onci.:a lor London, which was cap
tured by the French, aqd.faid Certificates loft cr
dettroyed ; therefore application is made at thje
fai j Bank for the renewal of the fame, of which
all persons concerned are dciired to take notice*
Philad : September 3, ißco d^m
HIS Swedilh Mijsfty's Consul General, and au
thorized to tranfadl the Consular Buliuefs,
tor his Majesty the King of Dcomaak iu the United
State» of America, reGding at Philadelphia,
Hereby gives public Notice,
That in obedience to recent inftru&ions received
ir< m his government, it it the duty of all Maflen
ol Swedilh and Danilh vessels, b<. r or« their failing
from any port in the said Sf*te«, to call upon him
or the Vice Cosful, in to be granted such
Certificates for their Cargoes; which the exigency
of the ilate of the Neut.r;l Commerce ami the se
veral Decrees of the Belligerent Pcwcrf, renders
laJitpenfably neccflary, and, that any Maftcr of
vessels belonging to the rtfpeifive nations, or na
vigating t .nder the proteaion of tJ.eir flag, j n
omitting,to take such certificates, will pcrfe U a" v
stand refponCMe for the conf'equenres
Phils 'flfhfy fgtf- X) ce.7iSw, j
tu&f tf
«n -jr-
Twelve Shares
Gazette of the United States.
-■ - "■ ' '
i'lilCES .yjF S TOCKS.
r.M Q ' „ P»'"W»«av,
Old 8 per Ceiit Stock for caA 109 ptr cent.
-\«wß per Cent Stock d<v ijc?BA
per Ucut. (nQt amount) #jl
N» y do J g*
three per Cent.. jfc. s
Deterred, .. vfo.
BANK United State!,, do.
Pcnaiyi»a»ia, do.. %(,
North America, do. A$
Infuran«c comp. N.A. fe a ,e S 10 per cent, be
low par. '►
—— Penßfy'vania, ihares, ii pet cert, adv,
Turivpiks Share. I 0 per Cent . r f nd „ ar ;
Bri.igc Stock, par. •'
fiall-lßd.a Company of N. A. 7 per cent advance
i>and W»rrant«, a 5 dolli. per 100 acr«s.
Bill, „„ 1.01,. „30 days for cafe ,jp per
Do' 2°' 6p . da y» do- «68 do.
Bills on Hamburglf day« ct }
Da " in Anillcrdam, 6o d, y ,
Mo r in.
SCTThc quantity of Foreign Intelligence
caiuined i„ yeft or d a y' s ant j this d ,|.
Gazette, has compelled U3 to omit' Teve
ril cflays and piragr^pfcg.
For the 24 hours preceding y^^ferfia,
% rUn - nfe ' thc ' e 23 new cald
at F; II s 1 oint, now ftclf 7 6, exclusive of
4' 'n the Kofpiul—Convclelc«Bts 2l _
deaths 18.
The Amcha, Dcaldfon, from Savatiruh
to L.onaoji, was W ken 20th b u
Miner* trench priiateer, the captain' .„d
leveraLmtrn kiil.-d. .
The ridiculons ibufe of tfc words sent
Kent and sentimental by the affecled imita
tors ot Stern?, and the die-away da~fels
°t-every corrupc metropolis, didnot escape
the acute relearch nor the acutur satire of
'rT d" P eri P' cum) s aild amiable writer,
Dr.Biattie «We have heard," favs he,
not only of women of fentimenc, and of
se .t,mental n,en and women, (which I know T , . , I
not whether I understand) ; but alio of If that t>« a ftafe of liberty in which
sent,mental tales; and, what is yet more fV " y ™ n ' 3 Pcrfonand proptry is fuffici
extraord.nary, of sentimental jourmes— ""J, fecMred » the people of the United
•Hhich I think Ihould be advrrtifrd j M t , 6ta,ts ma T fa '' d truly to enjoy it. Our
lame paragraph \vith philosophical razors / . 4 l avc hitherto promoted the prosper
. _ "7 happinefn of the people in. the
A trench student of medicine lodged in ,S hcft aeg ee and far beyond the mort
I ,ome house 1-ondon, with a man in a, f ""g u,ue Our country is at
fever, Ihe pauent was continually teamed thls mom «t of time blessed with the
l»y I'.s nurse to drink, though he naufeaud S rcatfft of freedom upon the face of
the iniipid liquids, that were prefe.ued to the f Vth } our constitution secure to
11 ' At lalt when rhe wa, more impor* [■ indiv, ' dual > the enjoyment t f all that
tunate than Usual, he whispered in her ear P" d a " d rea( °» have taught him to hold
tor God's IrVc bring mc fck Iwrring, dear '> ,c g'»w to every citizen the right of
ana i wi|| ( .,.nk as mushas you please," j "'a byjuryja partcipation of all the offices
I Ihe wonian indulged him in his request •j of hono '"' and trult ; the' freedom of
1 >K the herring, drank pieiHtfaUj,; lh, ?P »»d the privilege of religious and
underwent a copious perfpirnriibn, and re- l P 0 ' 11 apinioos. But of all these bleff
covered. The French student inserted this in S*> a g ross a,ld uncultivated Underftand
aphor.fin in his journal ing ca n Q t form a true estimation ; and
A salt herring cures tin Englishman in a tven thc >fe w ho boast of enlightened minds,
J ev < r ' I but are amb tious, sensual and avaricious.
Un his return to France, he prescribed the Wlll not valu « them rationally True love
lame remedy to the firft patient in a fever. of libcrt y cannot be the offspring of envy
to whom he was called. j or malice, or l„rdid felf interef, or of a
Ihe patient died. On which the student ' P roud and pc«vifh oppolition to the ruling
" V/}' Va' j° u ''" al tlie Wowing caveat, pawc™* Civil liberty and national prosper-
II /. &,..f betnng cures an ' l y depend almost solely upon intellectual
englishman, it kills a Frenchman I and moral impiovement ; upon a man'* im
lubmillion to truth, reason, aud law
to his conference and to his God.
[ -V. D. Adtc.
Mr. Asßuar Djcmvns, Bookseller of
this city, p ;o pofes to publifli immediately
neat and convenient edcvons.of thole admi
rable Ichool books, the>«Qr*Qiniar," «ix cr .
cites" and » Key to the Exereifes" of Litid
ey Murray. It is of high importance
" the u,e thcr fe Grammatical treatises
become univerfcl in Amerifa. I„ the fame
manner as Dr. Blair's LeAures on Rheto
n'^ nd 'it a d,C£ ;rcS * re a c °niplete
Di h e(t and Iwfhtute of Etoijaence and ftiaer
f e*ery other book treating of oratory,
and the fubliduary to i«, f„ th X
little volume, by Mr. Murray 'c 9 mp,e| 1C Kd
every thing, pertinct to that fiance, which
's the rortrefs to the oth.-r fecinces. The
author, with tiie fMfteft propriety, makes „ • >
lollop Uwtb his pole star, feu. Elates to B rir Ex „ ?'T f tbe A
tile correa and elaflical canons of that nre- c u rcfs ' Gardner, NAntigua
late all the ufeful rules and observations ol ' Adventure, ?| , "'^ T ' d S e ' Havahna
luccecdiiip' writers. The i - l L^hAKLD.
Mr.Murray quotes is to iHuftiSte his rlifes Ire AH ' an ' St " J affo dr Cnba
drawn from the purest, most con-eft and Schr *J a,le a " d Mona » Whelen, Malaga
most moral,of the English writers, and thus • Tu 2o ™. m ?* ore Bir y> 9> Francois
the juvenile mind is at once enlarged by rv" v N a » c y> C °*' f ' om St - L » c '"<
Science, and fortified by principle. This 1 Nc *" Y ° rL Cast awa y on Roc "
bnef account is only a flight notice of th/ " y shoals ' Hopes are entertained that
works insertion/ When thW (hall L a of the corgo will be saved.
ready for delivery th? wrifr.r .1: ■ . Arrived at tbe Fort,
will undertake a minute itgitafiu ahd at "irrr B " S r" & ,IZa ' Burnham « N.Orlems 26
to demonfirate the fupericr VaW of'theft q C £ otton ' Jl ,dcs ' kc - 110,1 k Sjjjipfon
fchooJ books. One topic mortmains, and m ° n ' Cy ' H '' Vanna r , 17
it »s add re fled both to real and factiH™,* „ E"* Bell
Patriots ; to thpft who, in very deed are ' J oh ' lfo »> Tru * ill<J
proud of the Genius and Indultry of their **■ [Jnd> S o, &c. W. Stokes
countrymen, and follow up their admiration Hughes, Charleßon 7
of a work by afts of substantial kindness to n • ™ C ~ ot s D ' . Rnm '*='
the author; aud to those who only talk of 1? y ' " 3 Aftive,
the love of ourcountry,.ai>d fulFer its children r °ni Frtn «<»> via Ncw
| either to pine in ohfeurity, or to flee to Fl. ' » bu £ ar > Lo g wood , &c. Jcc.
rope—Mr. Munay ls a nativs Ameui- "d.
CAN. But he resides in England, and nub ? So P h,a . A , rnold . from has
lilhes his books there. Nay, he not on' * amved at Ncw orleans
puhlilhes at a British prefc, bu'r has acquired ' Sl " P Gel,eral Wa fo'' n g ton - Davis, from
a fortune abroad by his literary labours. > hasarr,vt,d m tiie MiflHlippi x<iver
Ihe inconfiHency of his countrymen is wor t>hip Richmond, Glenn, from hence,
thy of observation ; indeed it is worthy of ba ® arr ' V£d 3t
something else ; but let that pass. Wh b Br ' p H " rrlot - Sweetzer, from hence,
Mr. M. wa« at New York, /,>• natal city, uo has arrived at Charletton.
one read or purchased his pro luaions • V et 1
tfefty evidently belonged to t! e ufeful' a : ,d '° '. Au S uft 3°;
necelTary departments of kno-.i'edge ; tbere. Arrived, brigVlahala Win for, Loiing,
fore the usual mifei-ab!e plea, ivat we are too IKt y two da y il Rotterdam. August to, in
' . . littitude 45. 20,
infant and too poor to. cncouraire mete lit? n ■ n "< V *
r*r-y (peculations and efful'ions of fane is Sn ccefs : from New Y- rl<, twelve d«y«
deltroyed, because school books arc the 'con- ° Ut ' 00 '- ; August I a.j'n latitn.ic
sentences and necessaries, not the luxuriec t°' ?°' ,or ff t,: "<k &>, spoke ihip Abigail,
ot literature. Finding that learaing was not i/r " ,gl f ° n, u f Pmndcpce, five days from
the .node, and the honorable pre,, „um for ll,ax f ° r Ha . mb . ur 8 w ho very . t.utranely
literary labour not to be obtained ,n A.jie- p P h " d I^P' 3 !" Lo rmg With some bread.
'!"» Ml - M embarked for Enghnd and 1 * dayfebooner , from Amftcr
ti'-ugh a stranger, a young man.,an unknown ™' m 7 °, 'V '
writer, he receives i« remoter quarter ' j Argo,,, thirty-fc
"t the kingdom, in the city of York that 7" n** L ° ndcn ' Sp , off Sicily
tribute, which, as Bukke jullly and eleg-ant- r al 'P h,n ' Willis, for Charlelton from
•yoxpreffes it, Wealth owes to Gep.usT and , ' *T ft l °' la,tiludt 4-7.' long,,
which honors both the giver and V' „ thc proline, -of i\evr
ver. He obtains tor one .book, and that a I ' ffom Bcl!aft for Alexandria.
*£gjJ from lqTds list:
li \ sc ! 1118,1 an y t'lrw writers in A me- i J u, y 'to iB.
Rica iave tv»i icceived, lor original and vo- G R d PE S E Nt)
luminous performances. The moll Jin'. in," a• , ; "
partot this ftitement :em,ains. The world it Arnved ;. &a PPT» P«M*aw, W, York }
he .. elided .n.Amer lc ,; w Q uld not Burclnfe 1 /■ Pllll2d J P hia i 'Wilhelmi
°'tb s gram;.ri an,thefnlc ot'wl ofebook wh-n ' ?f'/r Llve ''P° o1 "> C rafter Virginia, /t me ia,
England, and when the encouragement will 1 t ■ ,lf J r,van !. a » Philadelphia ; Nordifcbe,
"i no wilp benefit the author, there , S not > sZ m ; Friendftlp - WiUiam.,
only a prodigious dem nd for the British
copteSf .and an annual consumption of live- i i 7 h a X ° Tn ! Ga - len H'nck
ral tl.oufi.ids, but two large American edi- /•' m ; 9"° * e< VValte « Philadel
ti»ms are now adlually printing in Philadel- P V, Mana ' Burton, Chalelt -n ; Julit
phia and Boston. To a national vanity, to oa| h New Yo.k ; ecovery, Rich
the avence ot our patriots and to the llupi- S! , ° 5 H ' h " Fir,h -. pbaicftoq.
dity of the kindling speculator, this is a , Sa ' led *P r ' Howe, Charleft. u ; Ju
n'olt hateful and bitter topic. Inis Pringle, Miller, avar.nali ; biltera,
I lie wuter of this article is careless of t7- : Charlelton ; New York, < oily,
plealing them. He will not flatter mean- Y'^ n,a ' .' M »«ry, Tate, CharUlU.n;
nels and vice, tne lye to truth and ' * Fletchcr , PJiilddelpbia.
nutur«. ■' Of t!,e noble, and manly, and pe- „ 6t:hed J r " m ~ ivlar y> Burker,
neious, and nigh spirited portion of the „ e , W "^ Ol k : Ha. r'ot, ° r| -, Virginia ;
American n.ition and charter'he is an en- " altlmore » Abi .ail, Plnl idelphia.
thulialfic admirer. It real honour • its Liverpdd]arrived ; Wa/rrnJ , Charle
loyal federalifm, its stable f»ri»«ipU 6 , and u °r' ft C . ke *' T ' ott ' Bu( ' ' n ; Ro
what ot its faith has been never broken, and !! ?"* • M /'fachufrtts ; F.xprrimf nt, 1 New
wh.t of its dignity hag bever been sullied • f I<!,ir VirK'"' l * V Baltimore ; Virgl.
he has advocated, he advocates, and wilt !?£• Virginia , Fide lity, Portland,
continue to advoc.itr. But, when.America D ' and J' ne » do 5 Fur American Balti
make6_/;/je pretentions to
ifc isle* : C
Ww Tk»mt Of Her Tnum&*«ee tti4 rrten know
her nmn : when foe lat*» tW doof
lettered vr ortjj, aid .rcfcm* .1)
rI 5° r c " nni, « •nd-cropkfd'
**Jl-*andcd \,,Uom x it i»WhoUfowe and dci
«nt:ta,.« htcr. rrtartf' • <f* r . Bd
MARRIFD] —Lad evening l>y the Rt-v.
Mr. Abercrombie, Mr. J 0( ;n Hastings,
of thi ? city, to Mifj Rkbkcca Sandbrs.
daugbttr of the late Mr. Sanden, of Le
Gazette Marine Lilt,
mm ♦ ft . 4.
M'Ncil ; Charleston.
Fil Im n iilft Tnn r n A-r WIT Q. • U
nuu, arrtvtcl ;K cnmond, Wttfon* North
fterdam Packet,Crockett, NeW-Yc rk ; Lit
tle John, StinCoi), Wii'cafT.-t.
Dublin, aarived Ven-lia Ratvc R^fl^r.
1 w i4r * V II .lldf l|n UCdt IJUI ion*
ITi c Glen, Hinckley, from Boston, passed
Graveknd, July 11 ; the brig Alert, of Bos
ton, taken off Cadii, has arrived at London,
I; NEW YORK, Sept 4..
St- Croix
Louila, Starr * "H;vanna
Schr. Jack, Wiiius St. Lucia
Baltimore, September 3
Xiie fliips Halcyoi) and Hampton r rnnj
this port, arrived fafe at London the qth
i lie ships Union and Francis, and Mary,
arrived this day from Liverpool.
Board of Health
Piiladelpbia, <)tb mo. 1800.
WHEREAS the Board of Health# .have
received information from feveial. rel'pegla
ble sources, th*t a contagious difeifc, dan
gerous to the community, now exists in Pro«
vidence, Rhode-Island.
Whereupon resolved, with theconfentar.d
approbation of the Mayor, he now be
ing present, freely exprelfed that all vessels
from the State of Rbcde-Island, bound to
the Pert of Philadelphia, bring to at th
( Lazaietto, to rrceive a vilit from the Ro
dent Phyiician, and there wai: the determi
nation of the Board.
And further, that no person (or goods
capable of retaining' infeftionjl, from the
State of Rbodd-Island, (hail be permitted to
come to the city or county of. Philadelphia,
until they produce a fatisla&ory certificate
of their beit.g at least 15 days in a healthy
slate from theuce, under the penalty of Five
Hundred Dollars, agreeably to the 7th Sec
tion of the Health Law, half of which-will
be paid to the informer on conviftipn.—
All proprietors of llages, both by land and
water, are desired to govern themselves ac
By order of the Board.
For Sa
the x
, W j ll car T "pw.irds of thrre
"" f C [l barrels; fai s ,|r
/ier, now lyir-g at Jackson
ani] r1- s harf
Apply at Ne. ao i, South Fivm ftrect
SfptCK.b r 5, s " t
A Qu.. rity , f S»; tr R« yil i
n'JSTi P I'ER.
Suitable for Orocerj apply at thij Of ft
See; it consists et out-fidc Quirts