M UYuxbfk 1478.1 in in-, 1 i ■ WiiM»nimigii , jcr v. 1r ire of ibis (iazfitte n Eight UOLLaks her ,to.S'.*Jcrii-ers residing in the.aitj as Philadelphia. sUi others pay cne Dollar additional, for enclosing and di rect ir.g s and unkss'seme jperson in this city will 'tcome answerable fur the subscription, it must be paid Six Months ui Advance. * # * No Subscrtptiex-ivM he received for a shorter term than six months. December 1 1759. AI.MANAO From Septtmber 3 —to Srpttnbtr 9, UICU WATER. WcdMfcWj *KC' t*«ur S *> *4 .5 ,n —6 < }S (t it We'lnerday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday - Monday T urflay \ * "» • 4 • PRINTING, Neatly executed at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. Book-Work—Pamphlets—Hand-Bills, C.i rus— Blanks of all kinds, &c. &c. Will be printed at the Shortest Notice. *« ' * . Trade interditted with Baltimore 3 at well as Norfolk. Health-Office, Stb no. 21 st, 1800. WHEREAS the Board of Health have received information that a contagious disease, dangerous to the -community, now exifb in NORFOLK, (Virginia,) and also the CITY OF BAL TIMORE, being, as is represented to us, equally jiclcly. . Whereupon Resolved, with the af fcht and approbation of the Mayor, that ill veflels from thence, bftuad to the Port of Philadelphia, bring too at the Lazaretto, to receive a visit from the Relident Physician, and there wait the determination of the Board. And further, that no pcrfon (or goods .capable of retaining infection) from NORFOLK, or BALTIMORE si.all be permitted to come to the City or Coun ty'of Philadelphia, until they produce a latisfadlory certificate of their being at lead 15 days in a healthy state, from thence, under the PENALTY OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARJ, agreeable to the 7th feftion of the Health Law, half of which will be paid to the informer -on conviction. All proprietors of Sta ges, both by land and water, are delired to govern them/elves accordingly. By order of the Board, EDWARD GARRIGUES, Peter Kf.yser, Secretary. C> The Printers generally arc request ed.to give this a place in their papers as often as convenient. GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of the I'iltsburgb Glaa Work), HAVING procured a fufiiciilit number of themoft approved European Glals Manu- and having on hand a large Hoik of the belt Materials, r-n which' their workmen art -sow employed, have the pleasure of alluring the public, that window plaf- of 1 fupeiitr qua lity and of any site, from 7 by 9, to 18 by inches, carefully packed in boxes containing 100 feet ea h, r'nav be had at the Ihorteft notice. Glass of larger lizes for other purposes, may •also be had, si.eh is for pictures, coach gfaffcl .clock faces, !kc. Bottle* of all kinds and of any , -quantity may also be had, together with pocket .flafk*, pickling jars, apothecary's shop furniture, or other hwllow ware —the whole at lealt z$ pe: cent, lower than' article* of the tame quality brought from any of the lea ports of the United States A liberal allowar.ee will be made %f sals of iai ge quantities. Orders from merchants and others wiii i»e pun&ually attended to on ap plication t« JAMES O'HAttA or ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Storeof MeflVa PRATHER and ifi ,dl C"i.rt of t/-c Ui.me ' States lor the rennf",lvinia Di)ir<.», will-be :.p >!cd to Tub lie Sift ,at tbe Merchant.' C ff ! cl rk it noon. Tje Vessel called PRUDENT, A« Ole now I cj at Brown's Wlurf —with all and lingular her tackle* ap parel, condemned in the l»H a f'>rfei - et the Diftridt Court of tht Ur.itad Stat'n for the PenrfvWania Dilirift, will be exp >fed to p« .lic (ale, at the Merchants' Coffee House, in the tity of Philadelphia, on Frid y the i»th of September, iuflant, at 1 a o'clock at noon, Tb' sb't l rr ve**et, rolled tie &ss-a THOMAS, With her tackle, stpp.ttcl furni- 1 he tame having been fat"!y !il>e'led in tVe said curt, for miri- era' *ages. and condemned far the psymtrt there f. JOHN HALL, Mar/bal. Marjhafx Office I September 2nd, 1800 J 3tawtS. UNITED STATES, 7. Pennsylvania L i trict. $ J*' t'Y virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias tome di recfie'l, iffsedout of the Diftria Court of the United States in and for the Pennfylvanir D f triil, he fold at Public Vendue at the Mer chant's Cofll-e House, on Friday th lithfla/ o' September ir>ft at 12 o'clock, at noon, two third parts of the BRIO, CALLED THE asSfe VENUS, .•SaSw&vjS WITH the fame proportion of her tack'e, apparel and appur erUfccefc, ice. Se : zed and takes into exeru ion and tf Se fold as the property of Robert P. Bail, !ec«afe>l. JOHN HALL, Marshal. M:t that's OJJie.-, "I Reptemktr J I, J Jfawtf. For Sale, r the new pilot built fWiV, sc it 00 k s ( St. Tammany, LYING at Say'» Wh rf, above Market Street, burth-n 79(1111, luppol'ed to he a remarkable faft la-ling velle., a A may he ®t tedforieain a few 'lay.. Invent dry to be leeii and terms of fai* known by applying to the fub fcribcr. CROOKE STEVENSON, No. 4. Sjutb Water Street. ALSO FOR SALE, 3J Hhds Mufcovadj Sugar. White and bro*n Havaviuh dit o in boxes. Eafi India do. in bags. Wefl India and Conctry Rum. 100 Hhd'. Molafliet. Holland Gin French and Spanish Brandy. Pepper, C flee, tec. Augufi9. fatu&th.tf. Just Received, jy/3 FcR SALE BT ROBINETT & KISSELMAN, zro Its. Mace, 1 c r 400 lbs. Nutmegs, j Ol " fu P enor Jamaica Spirits, 4th proof, Do. of the firft quality, Holland Gin in pipes. Port-au-Prince MolalTes—and 30 Tierces Rice. R. <3 K. have aha on band, for sale, Hyson, 1 Your g Hyson, & j- TEAS, Seuchong J Oogniac Brandy, ill Si 4th proof, Sherry Wine in quarter calks, very nice, 5c, 000 Spanish Segars, And a Variety of other GROCERIES. Augtift 26 eo tf Port Wine & Claret In Cases, cf the first Quality. Wine and Cyder Vinegar. In Vipes and Quart»r Cases For Sale by BENJAMIN W. MORRIS & Co- July 19 jtvnw. That large and commodious HOUSE, > At the corner of Arch ar.d NinthJluets• TO BE RE NTED, Ami entered upon thii mcistk, the Houfir, Sta ble, G'ach-Houfc andLo:s, row in the tenure of Bu:ler, situate a» ibavc. liuquire ai No. 18. north Fifth firc^t. July jo. mSctli jw By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet". P II I L A D E L PIII A, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 5, iHoo'. ACHRTIFICAIE, No. dated ift Jan. uaryi;97, in favour ei Robert Linofay, of Charleflen South-Carolina, for one ihare of th stock of the }iank of the United States is loft— a duplicate of which will be applied for at the laid Inllitutioa. TS hereby given—That iw coWequence of the •■Btacon on the Brown, being so tnarh injured Mto render it unfit for service, a Buoy with 1 keg on the mart, will be placed on tint flioal, until it cjn he replaced by the Bjacon, of whlrh due notice will be pivsn. W. MACPHERSON, Stfti intntiiM, Aoguft it Remaining Tickets, In the Second or ,'ast C!a:s of the ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH LOTTERY, ,A.*K NOW SKIRLING OSLT BY Go. Taylor, jr. at No. 39 ") , M. M'Conntll, No. 143 y net ' AL UGE p rtioa o the TICKETS beirg ilrri'y | |.i, j„d , he fi r , t (lf Dfcember positively fixed on at the>moJi dijlant period fir comntenctyz ibe drawing ; the price Ins, with ;he '.<»!. lent <>t he Managers, b< en railed tci nine dollars, ahd will b'f raised from time ti time.until the drawing is finifhed, accord. t cwcii.i ftah.ei. It is to be oWiTvrd that by law, the are rbligtd to finilh the dhlwiflp in t.Siriy day; fri'iri i-e commtiicetßen: nd t•-> pay the priz' within flirty days after drawing is fir.i'hed PbiUdeli ha St 1, 1800 luthfj 1 v THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE P*h' re he has lot sale jwst ttcuvtj*, EARTHEN WARE, Assorted for ri(Mrtario* mile# of Bordentown, state of New-Jrr ev, on Saturday, l,vh next at % oMock, Ms ftook i»f H< rfc», Cattle (inoftly fat) au abeut eighty Seep, f Atieen of whieh are Rats. The prin cipal part of both Ewes and Kam« are an exorl lent t'reed Mil plantation he will hold for sale till next fprinc, when it not fold it will be ri-nted. Terms of fa e made known at the time. THOMAS ST. JOHN. Angoft FOR SALE) A Trad of Land; Beautifully Gtnat#d on tjie north fide of. t AKROWGATk Lan 1, divided into three L'ts, containing between 6 and ? a'res each, adjwhiing lands of Capt. Hefs, Abraham Kint zi:i», Abiah Brown, John Hjrr:fon and others, it has within a few months past been highly ma nured ; the grater part is now in T ini, ißco. IN purfvai ce «' au Ordinance of (he Spied and Common ton ncils, passed the 1 id day of May 1797, •■ - • PROPOSALS; (i wriciuv) ' W"ill he received by the C\ty Cotv'mifli oners, until the thirtieth day of September next, for renting on l.eases, for one year, 'ocommeme on the first day of (anuary next, the following public property of the city, yiz. I- The Wharf and Landing on Vine Street. *• ditto on SaiT.fras do. i Ditto on Muibury do. 4. The Wharvei and Landings o* High aud Chef nut street! J. Ditto on Walnut street, the Drawbridge, Spruce I'hic and C« iar streets, including the Fiih Houle 6 The Cellar under the City Hail. Applications may be left With dither of the CommilTioners, or with their clerk, at No. 6j, Cherry Street eot.joS I. • J 3Do Dollars Reward. It AS I' Saturday night my (hop in Water -1 was opti.ed by a; fajfe key, and fiin dry article*' of Jt WELLs Ry, to the amount o: ten or twelve hundred dollar*, were carried iff Among them weie, Two marrow spoons marked " Worr .d wile, • f Peterfbutg—one do. of aMr King- -eirc do. of Mr J< hn Trimble, late of this town, tie baik set with a large blue giafs and a smaller in the < e.tre, under w' kh wa* a, plait of hai* l id ftraitj with J. T. m a cypher wcikeii .n peail Topejhtr with a number of fancy pie. i t», pain-cd hy Sully, whi !i cannot now be recollefled : 5 Boitl'waiu's Calls ftaroped ' Warrock.' The following Watches t I Gold watch, maker's name Provaa, Paris 1 silver do Thomas Green, Liverpool. 7 703 1 do do George Bifield, London, 13,500 1 gold do. l'rrnch.no name 1 ds. do. John Ryland, Lond n, 1331 I silver do. French, 1.0 nam* 1 do. do John Hull, London, 744 1 guld.dn. Kodart, Paru 1 fiivtr do. Joseph Kemper Shaw t d". do. J. Uarli- gton, London 1 do do. No. 9^61 1 gilt do. G. M. Metcalf, London, 4196 1 RK'tr do. Ge' tge Hafwood, London, 1906 x do. do. J Smith Lond n: zii 1 double cafe gilt watch, >'R. Ofburn, Rich- mond, 87*4 1 o Do lars till be pivanfor the reftoratjon of the jewellery, or aco the or ihieves arc also frcute t. Mr Brjyatpin Morris the owljer of the Watches which werr taken at tTie fime umei will 'al'o give 100 dollars f r them. July 19 £3" The Printers »t Peierfborp, Richmond. Alejund.ia—Baltimore-—Char,efton--and o thers. ire requefleJ to iaftrt the above fur a fw. times FOR SALE, In tie Cij of Burlington, State of Ntvj- Jersejr, TWO NEW TWO-STORY Brick Houses, Situate on Market flreet, BEING twenty feet front ami thiitytwo feet deep, each with cellar them -»nd kitch ens in the rear, likcwife a well of good wata in front. ALSO, Four twenty feet Lots, Adjoining the above premiers, one hundred aid fi!ty set deep. For terms of Tale apply t«' the fubferibtr in Bur lington, by whom an iy.difputable title will be given. MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July 9, 1800 (10) eoif Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office IS removed from No. 13 South Fourth flreet, to No. 18 South Third fcreet. An Office for those flakes is also kept at air Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market street. General Post Office, April 28. 100 HOGSHEADS PRIME RICHMOND Tobacco, For sale on a Credit, deliverable at New- York or this place Ei quire of Samuel C. Cox, No. 83, Market-(lre«t. Anfftid 25. diw wanted to purchase, A FEW CANAL LOTTERY Prize Tickets, By M. M'CONNELL, At No. 143, Chcfnut ft. aueufl ti eed 6t Loft, yesterday, A white young Pointer Dog, WITH li*cr coloured spots, faH an i very thin—named Momus. Any peri'on giving information where he diay be found, ac No. 116, Chrfnut fired, will be liberally rewarded To Printers. WANTED—in Exchange, A FOUNT or Long Friraer, or ion lb. or up war's, and a Fount of Brevier, weighing 400lbs or uj>w*rd«. • vV J - 4# «• ,✓ ! a I ' *1 - j Skdlers, IndriuTieut makers G -id and Sil lift opi lias rr fT Mii ooccduiiios I 1 1 \ixfs of all ( Lr BY PUBLIC AyCTION-—IN THE city or Washington. THE lollowmg property belonging to itic Truf.' tees of the -*)>g tgite Fhhß, provided for the payment ol certain creditors of Edward Fox ami Jani rs Greenleaf. if.£ Ujti M" diy tbe 6tb October inst. PART ol tfc\c property olTaiiJ iund, in the City aMVafhingtr>n, tlw. now i» rencered clear ot" every irjrtitriHraiiifc; will be eltpofed at Public Auction at 1 ai;« iclifl Tavern, amoneft which are 'he fotlftwjflg Taxable fituatir,:., viz. u Lots in (quar? N'o 973, 1 lots in fuu re 974," 15 lots in jquare N»' 995. » lot, in fqua-r f uth cf fq-iari 1019, 19 lotsm I lot in fqu ire ioti, 7 lot* in square ;oj 1 4 lot» in lquart'io»4, 3 l° r ' in 'quare 104.5, .1 1° »' n lquare 1046. 9 lots,in square 1047, 12 lots ia -square 1048, with luni'ry others, Advanugeoufly situated in various parts of the city. Also the » story fta-ne houle now occupied hy Mr. Debloic, beautifully fittiated (with an extensive view ot sev eral mi!es down the HotomacJ' on the fo«th eift corner of (quare 973, fronting 42 feet on »i/ftrect II a ft, and 4) fectonfouxh G ft;eet: a commodious Knjh.n with an uverr/'&c. rfffim.itg the south fcaut, A large Iramc stable, carrlag.; house and hay loft 50 lest by. 25. and a pump of iXQfilent water-near tht bach di-or o) the kitchen, the lot >xtendjlig-9» freton'll flrest, ar.d feet 1 inch in G flreet, comprizipfjuts Nft- 1 . ,t> and part of 11, in the regiOefed divifiofi of the fqware. he fajeswi'; commence attheiaid t vtru-at ten oMork in the h renoon. , The term, cue fourth calti, one fourth'l:! fix months, when a deed, will be given, the retrain* ■ng meiety in two years, payment to be ;fo ure4 by bon ' and mortgage. But the creditor* in th® above fus , may in li u of mortgage fecore pay - ment of-their bonds by ot ctrtificares of the trustees at the rate of five killings in the pound, t» the an ount fecurod and I) ( did a dividend take flace before the expiration of the tw years, it will ne set rmi ty, Thickset, fancy Cnd V»!*e<«, ye:low nd white flaMceU, flaadefi}, Iri >. and brnvn Linens, D >whs, ms .1' and wimerit" lilk and cotton H»flety, coat avd Tclt pearl, steel jilt and pl&ted Buttdtm, different eel nrsflilVVvlvet*, tam boured and Qarnhrit Mufli is, Oniicoes, Cali"ian coes, Shiwli, docket Mandkercfcici's, Giovcs .hecks, &c &c. N. B Taylor*'heft quality Trimmings—fcall which 'Hey wiilfel. very low. July 28 dif COFFEE. A QJJ ANTITY of remarkable fine Green Coffee, In Hogflieads, Barrels and Bags, for sale by JAMES YARD. august 2 3 UMKJbINTQ 'THE ~ TMI SUBSCRIBERS, IN ROXBOROUGH TOWNSHIP PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, \UKI) and w)'i'r C'<<» i tiie o* ncr is dell* r d to c -tnr ; rove pvpcrty, pjy nd t.'ke Tier i*av ALEXANDER^RANDELL. \ upntl - 6 3 teo i[ AN APPRENTICE r ' -■ VviXTED, ■ • _ Vt