Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, September 04, 1800, Image 3

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    into a shop, the I ar:lilefs proprietor came in
lor i fli're their brutal birb-trity. But
thanks to Heaven, the fame love of pe c?
aii'J oiclt r-whichcliftiDgitilhi'd the great hotly
of thepf'ph- of Cork in the days i»f foreign
invsfi t\ ard internal rebellion governed
them also on tit prtf-nt occafo i ; and its
hippy influence enabled tht m To bear with
unequalled temper and pa.tience, ar.dtriumph
over fur.h hafe hrHility.
To the officers and privates of the regu
lars, fencibles, a'd militia, \flHo were on
duty that day fnfEcunt pr.iife cannot be
given. Their conduit was that of g«nt!e
men and soldiers. They exerted themselves
in the mod laudable manner- and their ex
crttoiis were happily fuccefsfol in checking
the licentioui spirit of a merciless and san
guine faftibn. Indeed no other conduft
could be cxpc&ed from any part of a garris
on commanded by a jjentral, whose pro
d'cricc and modesnu'on at ail limes will ever
endear him to truly loyal and peaceable in
habitants of this city.
The Reverend Mr. Rogers house, at Kil
lea in the neighbourhood of Castle martyr,
w s, on .' uefday night, wilfully set on fire"
and a considerable property, in bank notes,
furniture, &.c. cieftroyed
PARIS, July 2.
The firft consul arrived this morning, at
■half part two o'clock. At eleven the guns
fired. At noon the councilors of v ftate were
admitted. Have you been diligent, said he,
in my absence; to which they replied, \ve
have not been lo a#ive as you, citizen con
sul. An hour a'ter the ctat major and the
constituted authorities paid him a visit, and
in the evening there was a concert at the
Thuilleries ; all the streets were illuminated )
the enthufiafm'of the Parifi'ans were extreme j
every one beliereT.e isfure of peace, and we
can allure them this flattering allusion "will
soon be realized.
The ar.ii*. cr from Vienna is not yet arriv
ed In the mean while'Moreau pursues his „ _ .
brilliant carreer i and we have no doubt that 1 - 1 ' ° " itimore has addreflVd
if Austria does not immediately meet'Sßuona- '' , He cnngratul„tt*s tlwni
pa.te's pacific intentions, Aullria, or rathsr ' V'. grtatrfl part of the city
its government will be no more. • 1 Wtimoi*, and mv.te*tb<fe vho have no
The Clef cfti Cabinet of the id infant, i c unt !7 p to ;( " move 11 the encampment
fays, the carriage of the firil confut Was over- " w m "l? « an " urges :he nec< flity of
turned on his way to Par:?, that he had re«j P rt,ve ' uin S ' le '' ' - perl ins being re
ceived a flight contusion on the head. It is" ' nt ' )C '' >? l' ai ts? ami concludes
nt affrrted that he has brought any thing .. ca " n tle P rO P CI officers to fee all
• r • r i nuuences ar* removeJ.
with h i, excepting the ratification of the j
arrrftice co' ' i Maringo.
Buonaparte has determined upon the re
eftablifhment of the University of Pavia, and
■ nominated the profeffor of rarious sciences.
J*k 3-
The Itahan patriots who took refuge in
France, have publilhed an address of thanks
to the French nation, are now on their way
The cor.fular guard left Milan the 2 ift ult.
to return to France I here are only ico
men at Paris to do the duties of government.
There has .lately arrived at Antwcpt so
great a quantity of colonial commodities, that
in one of the last decades, the duties paid to
the cuftcm house, amounted to the sum of
francs. Frorh this circumstance it
is very easy to form an opinion of the impor
tance of the opening of the Scheldt to France.
In Tufcany there arc no more than 150CJ
Austrian troops, and they are in garrison at
L.Pi'horn. The inhabitants expeft that a con
siderable corps of Engiifh will be shortly land
ed there.
It is said that citizen Lemarois, aid-de
camp of the First Gonful, happening to dine
•with Gen. Melas, the latter, alter having ex
prcfftd the highelt refpeft for Buonaparte,
" After the peace for which I am goi»g to
exjrt myfelf with all my power, I ihall lose
do time to go to Paris, to get a nearer view
of this great man. He is the only general,
who, to this moment ever defeated me in
a flat open, country."
VANNES, June 28.
Belle Isle is surrounded by 30 English
men of war, several transports, cutters and
luggers, and the communication with the con
tinent is cut off- The English block up the
mouths of the Villaine and the Loire. Se
veral boats have come within these few days
to take foundings within cannon (hot of Port
Pcnthiore. A camp of ten thouland men is
eflablifhed in the isle of Houat and Hedie.
The regiments of Welch, La- Chatre, and
two other emigrant regiments in Er.glifh
pay, have received orders to repair to their
camp, as well as four regiments of light dra
goons. It is this rircumlfance which has de
termined lieutenwr.t genei'al Debelle to raise
the camp of Floetmel, and to order the
troops to Vannfs. A camp is eftahlifhed at
ColTthivi, and a park of artillery at JofTelin,
with a regiment of chafTeurs.
r k
HAMBURGH, June 20.
The Englilh we ate told fearing the Ruf
fian garrilbn iii Naples fliould :iot ac
cording to their interells, fjnce the mifunder
{landing with the emperor, it was prevailed
on the King of Naples to quit P_alermo and
return to his capital, which having given a
pew oflence to Paul I. he immediately recall
ed count Moufkin, his ambafiador at the
court of Naples.
For Freight or Charter
Jerenvelv BianrharJ. .Vartcr,
js r "W lvhlH! *t Bjpck'» wharf {ihe fcccnH !>e-
Joxr Market firei't) is rrarly t« tike in a cargo,
a;;d alien* jo: bsrrtfa.
t > laiJ miller or (r to
sa|p Harvey. Junr.
,-i yrYirf fcuth Market Ur.ti,
Se)<reii.birc 1 diw
Gazette of the United States
T!iun*nAt mkwnj, siPT»M»rir 4
Pun.*r)iLPßM, t.
Old S per Cant Stock for cath 105 per cent.
Maw 8 per Cent Stock d>. 1084
i per Cent, (net amount) 87^
Mavy do. do. 87
Three per Cent. do. 53
Deferred, - do. 84
U <»NIC United States, u'o. 31
Pcmil'ylvauia, do. 16
Nerth America, do. 48
infurame cemp. N. . flurei 1 9 per cent, be
low par.
Pennfylvania, thares, 2t per cent. adv,
Turnpike Shares, 10 per cent, under par.
Uri Ige (Schuylkill) Stock, par. %
.ali-lndia Company of N. ri. 7 percent advance
. .and Warrautt, 15 dolls, per 100 acr««.
1 he Arebt'lla Packet iVoin Halifax and
New York, arrived at London after a uaf
fige of 21 days —ln this packet Mr. C.ib
bettand family went palTengers, and arrived
late—Thus tie prayers of the Jacobins, that
the veflel might be loft, and Mr. Cobbett
drowned, lave availed them nothing; but
to (how the malignity of their hearts.
For the 24 hours preceding Tuesday,
morning, fun rife, there were reported 20
new Cases, at Felt's-Puipf; total now sick
57, exclusive of 34 at Hospital.—Deaths 15.
The B Itimore Board of Health are en
gaged in providing an Encampment for the
From the indisposition of Com? of the
phylicians on Fell's Point, fay the Board of
Health, ancUbejemoval of some of t!,c others
th. refrem. tie above new cases and number
of tick w?re all that could be procured for
this cb)'s publication.
It now appears from an advertisement of
tiir Town Council of Providence, R. I. cjiat
a Fever aftually exists theie, but very few
deaths luve occunrd.
John Herd, one of the Representative* to
Concrrrfs from MaffachuG-tts, declines being
conlidered a candidate at the next ele&ion.
1 he Editors of the Connrflicut Courant
fay. that a pamphlet has bzenjlily circula
ted throygh that state g atit, entitled
"A left of the Religious principles of
" Mr. Jefftrfon. " The path of true piety
" it too plain to want any political direai
" on." (Washington ) '« Bhiladelphia :
" Printed by John B-o.tfn for Robert
1 Ra a Lfc, No. yo, North Second flrett,
«• 180&."
It appear*, however, that it was printed
in that state by a Society of Jacobins.
Captain Cox, of tkebrig Two Brothers,
from Curracoa, arrived at Baltimore, in
forms that the La Vengeance, and General
Gonnctt, witn hi squadron of privateers
and troops, were still at Curracoa, and the
place in the greatest confulion ; mod of the
inhabitants had left the city ; those men ca
pable of bearing arms had repaired to the
garrisons ; the wom»n and children had re
tired to the interior parts of the island.
It was expefted the fate of Gdnnett's
trillion would be decided in a few hours ;
he had sent in his demands to the governor,
two or three days previous to the Brothers'
failing, some of which were underlteod to
be—A loan of a sum ef money ; one of the
forts to be permitted to hoilt the national
fl'K and garrisoned with French troops ; to
refund the proceeds of the American ship Ma
ry, of Baltimore condemned there as prize,
which had been lodged in the hands of go
vernment ; his reasons for cutting down the
French flag ftaff; fatisfaftion for the ba
nishment of the French G'-neral, &c. Sic.
In consequence of which the governor
had called a council, the deliberations of
which were not publicly known, though
it wan reported that the governor, was de
termined rot to comply with their demands,
let the confluence he what it would ; eve
ry preparation was therefore making for
rcfiAance. How the affair may terminate,
as yet remains doubtful.
Lord Holland, in the Honfe of Lords,
July 4» moved for papers relative to the in
ftru&ions given to the commander in chief
of his niajttty's (hips in the Mediterranean,
for breaking the convention that had been
agreed on between Sir Sidney Smi;h and
the Freneh general in Egypt ; and also gave
notice, that he would move that an address
be presented to his Majesty, praying that
he might not prorogue, the parliament in the
present awful fituation.of public afTaira
moved that the Lords be summoned for
Mr. Windham in the House of Com
mons moved, That the sum of 25,0001. be
granted for the «ftabhfnmcnt of a Royal
Military .Afyluraat Clielfea."
General Tarleton fp'oke in fevonr of the
met (are. The refoimion wai agreed to.
lathiaeftubliflimeqt the Orphan. Chil
drmpf t ldiei», -are to be tbaintkiocd and
Board of Health
WH ERE AS the Bni'd R f Health, have
received information from feveial refpefta'i
bis foitrresj tint a contagious disease, dan
gerous to the commimity, now exiles in Fro- < Rhode-Island.
Whereupon refotvi-dj wit!) the consent ar.d
Approbation of the. Mayor, which he now
being jlrei'ent, freely exprefled that all vessels
from the State Rhode Island, bound to
the Port of Philadelphia, bring to at the
Lazaretto, to receive a vific fiom the Resi
dent Phyliciaii,' and there wait the determi
nation of the Board.
And further, that no person £or goods
capable of returning infc&ionj from the
State of Rhode IlLind, iliall be permitted to
come to the city or county of Philadelphia;
until they produce a fatisfattory certificate
of their bein> at least 15 days in a healthy
fbtefrom thence, under the penalty of Five
Hundred Dollars, agreeably to the 7th Sec
tion of the Health Law, half of which will
be paid to the informer on conviftion.—
All proprietors of (lages, bi th by land and
water, are defiied to govern themselves ac
By order of the Board,
Philadelphia, September 4, 1800.
At the request of the Chancellor of ttie
Exchequer; the Bank of England have a
preed to cont nue the loan of
Exchequer Bills to the sth July, in the year
en f u
The New
hambourg ship
Wrnl -A N.N A,
Ur'oiig, lubftant al faft failing velTcl, (being he**
feennfl voyage) will commence leading od Wed
nefuaf n xt,, and will bedifpa'ched wirh a l con
venient fptrcd—Freight will be received, apply
to JACOB SPERRY, to" Co.
Several Redemptioners
Are still on whofc times are to be i\{-
pored of—Apply at a l iove.
A Qu»- tity ■ f Su, er Reyai
■ Waste paper,
Suitable for Grocers—apply at this Of
fice ; it coufifts ot out-side Quires.
A Small Font of Brevier; apply at
this Office.
Clock if Watch Maker,
To No. Mauk'&t Street,
Where he has for Sale,
Spring and other Clocks j gold and silver
Watches ; Tools, Files and Materials; Iteel
and gilt Chains, SeaU andrKeys ; Springs,
&c. Bcc.
Repaired at usual,
June 3 tu&f tf
For Sale,
No. 5, Nj>tb Tbii dSi
GURRAHS and low prictd Haftas, entitled
to drawback. Aif > other coarse ai,d fine
4-4 and 5-4 India Muslins, liilh and quadruple
linens, German Dowlas, India Sjtn;s, Int
ftringi and Seaihe<»i, Ribbons, Spades, Frying
pans, with a variety of other Ironmongery and
ieafonable Dry Goods.
Alio, to be SOLD or
A handsome ystory
with piszia and kitchen adjoining, iituate in
Vine near Fourth Steeet, built fa modern style
with excellent materials and well calculated to
accommodate a large family.
august 13. dit.M'f
For Sale,
In tie pleasant village of Mount Holly, Bur
lington County, 18 milts from Cooper's
Ferry, and 7 from Burlington ;
Brick - House,
FIVK and thirty feet square, four rootps on
each floor, and a cellar un ler the whole.—
Likewil's adjoining, a forty foot front Lot, litu
ate o« Mill-street, near theimrket, with anew
Carriage House and Stables on the rear of the
Lot, fronting a public alley. For further par
ticulars applv t >
ISAAC CARR, in Burlington.
Who will (hew the prtmiles and make known
the terms, or of the fubferiber in Burlington,
by whom an indifputal le fit|e will be given.
Burlington, July 9, 1800.
July 19 eodtf
HIS Swedifli Majefty'* Consul General, and au
thorized t© tranla£l the Consular Kufinefs,
fir his Majefly the King of Derimaak in the United
Statei of America, residing at Philadelphia,
Hereby gives public Notice,
That in obedience to recent inflru&ions received
from hi* government, it is thedu'y of all Matters ■
of Swedifti and Danifli veflcls, be-for.; their failing
from any port in the laid St3tes, to call opor him
or the ViceCoplul in orJer to he granted such
Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency
of the (late of the Neutral Commerce aq.' thefe
vertl Decrtsi of the Belligerent Power!, rentier'
inlifpepfsb'.y necelTary, and, that any MaCler of
veffelii belonging to th: rffpeitive nations, r r na
viqating wnrier the proteilion yf their flags, j n
emitting to tik - Aich certificate*, will pej ftiially
stand le for the consequences.
Philadelphia, 13th D:c«m'-er, 1799.
Gazette Marine Lift,
Ship Fame, Griffiths, Havanna
Devotion. Tremels, Cape Francois
Brig Loberty Num, Cumana
Schr Eliza, Roufh, Norfolk
, The brig Mary, James Taylor mailer,
of and for New Tot k, from Port au Paix,
with a cargo of Coffee, &c-.was (Ira .deJ on
thie 17th July last on Afleteague iflaud, a
bout 60 miles to the louthward of Cape
Henlopen In saving the cargo the mod
(hameful pilfering took place, although an
infpeftor, appointed for the purpose. by the
colle&or of the revenur, attended part of
the time.
Brifr Ruth and Mary, Selby, and brig
Gayofa, Griffen, from hence, have arrived
at the Havanna.
The Araibella Packet, from New-York,
has arrived at Falmouth, viz. Halifax.
The Lady Arabella, when ii days out from
Halifax, was captured by a French priva
teer, and soon afterwards re-captured by the
Spy Sloop of war.
Pbaladelpbid vessels at Havannab Aii-jus'
Schrs; Edward, Sherman, and Olive, Ar
nold, to fail with convoy next day.
Charlotte, Stanley, of do. jufl arrived
Invincible, Miller, of do. do.
Brig Gayofo, . tf do-
Ruth and Mary, Selvy, of do. after
[42 days paflage
On the night of the 21 It, a new (hip,
Capt. Gardner, from New-York to Bolton,
run on a flioal off Falmouth, and filled with
water.—She was loaded with (laves and naval
(tores, and owned by Micijah Boaidman, of
Boston, who was on board. Hopes were
entertained that (he would be got off.
The (loops Susan, Howland, from Balti
more and the Union Hathaway and Sloep
Swallow, RuflVll from Norfolk have arrived
at Ne a -Bedford", (Ms.) The Sloop Frank
lin, H>wland, failed from N:w-Bedford for
this port the 23d o f Au'^plt.
Brig Amazon, Devereux of Pniladelphia,
is capured and sent far Jamaica.
d lot
Al ape Francois the 17th siuguft.
Snow Eliza, Wort, Baltimore,
Brig Alfied, Price. Rh ide-Island,
Elizabeth, Cotts Newburybort,
D'fpat.h, Noble, Boftcn,
Alexander & Sally, Gr ffen, do.
Union, HilL 80110 ,
Schr Ha .nah, Turrent, Boston,
Eluafceth, Smith, Norfolk,
Debby, Caufinrs do
Either, Powers B> fton,
Widowyon, Wickham, Baltimore,
M gnet, Chubin Newbaryport,
P"ily, Low Bolton,
H?.r rony, Pigget, Beaufort, N C.
Sloop May Fl> wtr, herer, Philadelphia-
BALTIMORE, September 2
Capt. Cox, of rhe brig Two Brothers,
from Curracoa, Left brig Zebra of Nor
folk, Star, ani fchr. Jerulha, of Boftop, Vin
fail ; the only American's in port.
Arrived Schooner Ho;«, Fitzhue, n
days Havann i.
Left there Ship Sally, Brown, of Balti.
more, to f il next day with the convoy.
Deleware, , of Charletton to fail
with convoy
Sloop Charlotte, , of Wilmington,
(Del ) do.
Brig Mars, . of Salem, tmceriain
Schr. Phoenix, Damrel, of do. do.
John. —— of do. do.
Schr. Peter, of Norfolk
Polly, , of New York
Chriltiana, , Boftoo
The ?choo<ier , captain Tagget,
failed 5 days before tbe Hope, for balti
Wis boarded by four British privateers
that opened some of our letters,
The ship Union, from Liverpool, is in the
, On tbe 12th August, as we were going
into the Havanua, spoke the ftiip Active,
captain DrifcoH, 55 days from Baltimore,
bound to New-Orleans,
NEW YORK, Septer 3.
Arrived, Days
Ship Liverpool Packet, Bebee, Liver
pool 56
Brig Fair American, Spolden, Havanna 17
Schr. Sal y, Everton, Edenton 11
Fairplay, Guther do 8
C leared.
Schr Jenny, Perna • Halifax
Dispatch, Ihurfton St. Thomas
Ship Anna, Johnfton, from hence to Port
Republican, captured by the French, re-ta
ken by the British and arrived at Martinico.
The Ainftrrdam Packet has arrived at
Ship America, Watson, has arrived at
Liverpool, The brig Iris, has arrived at
Ship Mary, arrived at Greenock in 29
Mary, :o days from Boston, both for Liv
Tlie Ship Sally, M'Carty, of Norwich,
with fait, in leavi-g Liverpool haibor. went
ashore ne?r the Queen's dock, and velfel and
ca go loft.
The Liverponl Packet failed in co. with
the ship Francis and Mary, of and for
Baltimore. July 13, in It. 48, 00 long.
44. 00, fpok- (hip President, from N. York
bound to Liverpool.
GR WESEND, July 8.
Pafled by, the Maria Jane, Bowles, aod
Freedom, Taylor, from Charleston,
21 t
i. V '
! 0" The Editor wilhes to contra#
1 for a coillint fuppjy of Super-Royal
j PRIN ! ING PAPER The quantity
j wanted annually will be about one thousand
reams. Any person .difpcfed to cqntraft,
by calling- at the office wiil learn further
September 3. /
Tb be Sbld
(the Bth jrvit )
At the Merchants' C >jee-House t
For approved endoiTed bSotes, at 2 and 3
Tie new end fast sailing
jjSl|i St. Tammany,
Now laying at Say's wharf, above Market street.
Inventory may be seen at No. 4, south Water
street, and at thw time of sale.
Samuel Yorke, AuEtionecr.
September.; dst
The remarkable fast sailing three masted
-^ za Myers,
IxksfiZtff Lying at Walnut Street Wharf; bur
then a; out 144 tons, has made but two,voyages, is
now in complete order to receive j cargc.
Enquire of
Samuel Emery, Ship-Broker,
No. 129, south Front street
september 3 diot
For Sale, or to I,et,
In Cbrsnvt Street,
Near the Corn r of Eleventh street at present in
the tenurif of Mr A. M'Cail—PoffeGion may bit
had the firrt of November next, or sooner if re
quired Apply to
I'd ward Shoemaker.
septembfcr $ ' $
From the firig Betfcy, Captain Vndrcwg, at the
fir : wharf r<elow South ftrect.
Mahogany and Logwood,
F.r s bv
Septs roK r r
German Redemptioners.
A NUMBER are flill on b»a'rj the f ip Anna,
from Hamburg, lying abroad of Vincft ert
wharf in the ft ream, confining of mechanic# of
almost «vcryd fcription, fcrmers and others wh»
are ar.xi ms to provide places Desirous to com
merce loading the vcflel, tbeir times will be dif
f 'feJ of at the low rat? of 80 f>o lars for their
pvflagr. App'y on brwd the (h ; p, rto
September x Clot
6500 lbs- New Orleans Indigo,
Entitled, to L r :iv \.ck.
100 hogfhea '» V! giuia Tobacco,,
54 key* <<f Virginia Ttil,
Tunis & Annefley,
Walnut fir et ■ ;rf.
9 mo. I'ft, 1800
Twelve ha:e»
Of the Bank of the United States,
NO. 1595 j to 15963 inclufivc, in th nam of
Fhoiiias f/Vall tt of X,i ndon w re f rward
ed about the ift oi Miy 1797, froi New-York,
by the (hip On ica lor London, which w.5 cap
tured by the French, and (aid Certificate* loth or
dellroyed; therefore application is made at tho
said Bank for the renewal of the fain* of which
all persons concerned are deOred to take nutice.
Clement Etddle.
Philad : September 3, 1800 d3m
OJ\. Runaway-
N the 23d Augu'ft, ran aw*y
the fubferiber, living in Harrifburgh, m
apprentice to the printing fcu&neU, named benja
min Morrifon, a lad of abuit j6 years of age,
small of stature and very a&ive, lhort hair and of
a failing countenance— Had on and took with
him a calico a pair . f tr. wfa« ai nearly
the fame, a pair of common tanketn ditto, and a
homelpun lya coloured (Irijed ditto, and a iliort
j'.cket of thefam?, with a new hat—All perf na
are forbid harbouring said apprentice at their
peril. Reasonable charges will bs paid for (ecu
ring the boy, so that his wasur may get hmi
Harrifburgh, Sept. I
Candidates for the Navy.
AN!.i others, who are defir us of heconn g
acqH.-iir.teil with 'he following v ry _ff ntial
improvement* in Nav : gation, viz ,he me'hod
of finding the Latitude hy a fi;:gle al'.i'u 'e "I the
fun at any hour of t; e day ; and of :.ficrtai.,ing
hoth Latitude and Longitude at ot Cc by a Celes
tial ol'fervatio!,, the Lunars, an : new forms 0 f
journals for Ihips of war, with additional columns,
may hear of a person readjr to infirufl them at
their apartments, who has compend? of the above
so Amplified hy explanations of figures, marginal
referonct'S, flee- that they may be uuder ood in a
lew days t by applying at No. 93, south Second
ftreet, eppofite the City Tavern.
lis engages to ttach Navigation {the common
method of keeping a jourKa) at f«a) in 6 Jays.
lie has taught the Mathematics, Freo h lan«
guoge, &c for many years in differ, tun ver
ities, and ships of war, to which he has been
regularly appointed—He has also had confi.lerable
praflicai experience in surveying and book-kctp
ing ; is which he gives private lectures.
Hit terms arc Jow and accommodating.
He will open
A Marine and Commercial
On Morula}- the Bth of September, at an
Court, (oppoGte No. 74, louth Fourth
JCP The business of an Agent and In
terpreter faithfully transacted,
• " -*