Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, September 04, 1800, Image 1
Nvxuru 1477.^ |C7* The price of tbis bazttte is Eight Dollars per annum M Subscribers residirg in the city of Philadelphia. All others f\;y *ne Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting s unless.some person in this city will become ans-.verahle for the subscription,) it must be paid Six Months in Advance. * # * JVo Subscription will be received for « shorter term than six months. December 1 1799. almAnac From Stftimber 3—to Seflmltr 9. HIGH WATER. Wednesday Tfoarflay Friday Saturday Sunday M«nday THefaay SUN- Wednesday ThurHlay Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuef lay PRINTING, Neatly executed at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. Book-Work—Pamphlets—Hand-Bills, Cards—Blanks of all kinds, kc. See. ,Wii! be at the Shortest Notice. -augdft 23. rade interdi&ed with Baltimore,at well as Norfolk. Health-Office,^ Btb no 21 it, 1800. WHEREAS the Board of Health have received information that a contagious disease, dangerous to the community, now exists in NORFOLK, (Virginia,) and also the CITY OF BAL TIMORE, being, as is represented to us, equally sickly. Whereupon Resolved, with the as sent and approbation of the Mayor, that all veflels from thence, bound to the Port of Philadelphia, bring too at the Lazaretto, to .receive a visit from the Relident Physician, and there wait the determination of the Board. And further, that noperfon (or goods capable of retaining infeftion) from NORFOLK, or BALTIMORE (hall be permitted to gome to the City or Coun ty of Philadelphia, until they produce a fatisfa&ory certificate of their being at least 1 5 days in a healthy state, from thence, under the PENALTY OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, agreeable to the 7th feftion of the Health Law, half of which will be paid to the informer on conviction. All proprietors of Sta ges, both by land and water, are desired to govern themselves accordingly. By order of the Board, EDWARJ3 GARbtIGCJES, President, Peter KeySER, Secretary. Cs* The Printers generally are requeu ed to give this a place in their papers »s often as convenient. ~ GLASS MAW uFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of the Ptltstrurgb Glass Works, HAVING procured a fufficUnt number of the mod approved European Glals Mann insurers, and havißg on hard a large (tuck of the hell Materials, on which their workmen are now employed, have the pleasure of assuring the public, that window glalaof a fupetior qua lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 14 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing icc feet ea h, may be had at the (horteft notice. Glass of larger sizes for other purpofet, may also be had, such is tor pWures, coach glades, clock faces, ft.c. Buttles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pockei fiafk?, pick'ingjars, apothecary's fliop furniture, or other hallow ware—the whole at least 15 pei cent. I.iwrr than articles of the fame quality brought from any of the sea ports of (he United States. A liberal allowance will be made of sale of iarge quantities. Orders from merchants and others will be punctually attended to on ap plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Storeof Meflrs. PRATIIER andSMILIE, in Mai ket-Street, P.ttfburgh, March \, tuthtf. Philadelphia & Lancaster TURNPIKE COMPANY, July nth, 1800. THE President and Managers hi*? tWis day declared a divi end of Eight Dollars "n each (hare of flock, of which, Gz dollars per share will be pafd the Stockholders or their rcprefentatives any pay alter the 24th in "ant; the remaining two upilara has been retained and expended in Com pjeating and repairing the road agreeably to a r«l'o!utioo of the stockholders. Wm. GOVETT, Tr'casner. »' 1 «♦ Gazette of ibe United States, & Dally Advertiser. H. M 1 8 » 55 3 4° 4 »3 - J 6 < jo 6 36 arses ««t« J 3' 6 at 5 36 6 14 J 37 6 »,V - s 18 6 M - 5 40 6 »o 5 4'——6 19 5 4» 6 18 84.0C0 lb Gonaivci Coffey, and right tons of Logwood import d i;» laid brig, the Coffee entitled to drawback on exportation. Augull 20. d t . Unitbd States > _ Pennylvani 1 District, 5 BY virtue of a writ t > me direfl d from thr Ho'orahle Richard Peters, Esq. Jtidg? of 'the Diflnift Court of the Unite ! Sta-es tor the Pennfvlvania Diflri«. will be e«pofed to Pub lie Sale, at the Merchant.' C ffce House, if. the city of Philadelphia, on Monday the 8:h day of September next, at ta • ■VI rk at noon. Tbe Vessel called PRUDENT, ®>S3E33Bafc3 As (lie'now lies at Brown's Wharf—with all and lingular her ap parel, and appurtenances, the fame having hsen condemned in the laid court a- forfaited. &n. 11 ___ United States, > Pennsylvania District, BY Virtue of a Writ to m< direfled from the Hoi* rabie Richard Peters Esq. J'id f 'e of jpiltriifl Court 0/ the United 3ta-ec. in and for the Pctjr fylvania Diftritfl, will he ex p*>fed to public sale on TUurlday the »Bth of Atiguft .nit. at 11 noon, at thecflii e "■fliifpefti n, No. 49, North Third ft eet, in the city ■ f Philad lp! ia, The fame hiving been fe!ied> tic. tnd led ptoJecuicJ and OAdcinncdia* fur ft.ted, tit' JOHN HALL. Morsel. Mnr4hall'« Offife, > PbUjdelibia. Avp< .i(. 18003 3 1 wtS ROBINETT & KI3SELMAN, 2TO 1 .s. Mare, 7 c r v , }■ ot a iuperior quality. 4CO Ids. Nutmegs, J . r n 1 Jamaica Spirits. 4th proof, 00. of the fii ft quality, Holland Gin in pipes, Port-au-Prii ce MolafTel—and 30 Tierces Rice. R. isf K. have also on band, for sale. Hrfon, } Yourg Hyson, Sc t- TEAS, Souchong J Chgniac Brandy, id Sc 4th proof, Sherry Wine in quarter calks, very nice, jo,ooo Spaniff) Segars, And a Variety of other Port Wine & Claret In C tses, cf the first Quality. Wine and Cyder Vinegar. In Pipes and Quarter Cofks—For Sale by BENJAMIN W. MORRIS & Co- July a 9 3iwjw. For Sale, The Unexpired TIME of a BLACK BOY WH!) has three yfars and five months to fcrve ; he is lober, houeft, a good wai ter, and underUands taking care of horlcs. En quire if No. 60, Dock P.reet. J u 'r *9- eo.?«k A Red Morocco Pocket-Book, WHOEVER las 101 l it may receive it «nap ' plication at the ofEee of thi- Gazette, arid paying the rxpf nee of this advertil'tmen:. July u. 014 c r HI L A D EL -Pit lA, THURSOay' EVKN'IS'G, SEPTEMBER 4) ,800. For Sale, THE NEW Pl'- o ''' 3WILT *""« scnowtH ST. TAMMANY, *-Ifcaiis£!MiCLYlNG at Bay's Wlwrf, above Market St'eetj bowlicn 70 t ■[.«. liippol«d to !>e a remarkable #«ft fa-ting vefleij at M may h«*t tecj for sea in a few diy», laven?<try to befeen and terras of faie known by applying to th.- iub fcriber. CROOKE STEVENSON, Nr. 4, South IVater Sired ALSO. FOR lALB, 3J Hhds Mtifco»ad i Sugar. V."Mfe and brpwn Hava. nah dito in boxes Haft India do. in Welt India and Comatry Rum ioo 11hd ■. Molaflei. Holland' Gin French and Spaniflj Brandy. Pepper, C file, &c. Au|'u(i 9. For Baltimore, rrrf . thf. brig dispatch, JiMis Vanien, Master. <?t'* *"r~tgg r» fjil on Satur lay or 1 uefday next- v\ ill take »n freight -»n moderate terms- Application to be made toth captain on board at Jefle and R b»rt Wain's wharf, or to I Holhugsicorth & S.rt. WiO HAVk FOR SALK, Marflial's Sale, JOHN H \LL, Marjhal. MarJlaPs-Office, } August 27, 1 -00 S 3tawtS Marlhal's Sale. Two Hogflieads of Rum. Just Received, jyn for sale Br GROCERIES. eo tf August 26 Found, By C. P. Wayne; No. 65, South Front-ftrect. THE Remaining Tickets, In tbe second or .'est Class of the ST. AUGUS r INE CHURCH LOTTERY, AWK N'.W SKLLING OSLT BY Ga. Taylor, jr. at No. 3<o cke/nnt M. M'Conncll, No. 143 A L UGE portion o f the TICKETS being •* -V aireaoy 1 ar»d the fir ft of December positively[fixed on as the mojl dijlant period for commencing tbe drawing ; the price hwith the conlent oi 'he Mai a£6is> been raised to nine dollars, and will be raised from time to time until the drawing is f.nifhed, accord ng t * circuc fiances. It is to be observed that by law, the tytmgtra are obliged to finifh the <!rawisg in thirty dys from I's comtncncemen ncJ to pay the prizes within thirty da\ n after drawing is finifhtd. Pi iL ie! hia. Scft ?Boc nirhfaaw fa.tu& THE SUBSCRIBERS have sale, AT NO. 35, DOCK-STREET, 1000 Boxes heft marbled .Soap,") 80 Boxes Oil, j Frnm on boar a the 100 Halt chest- Luce. Oil, ! Lnua, 7 Rale., Paper, . from Lcjbcrn. Brimrto*., ! 4 ' Parmesan Cheese, J Jco Pipes H' (t Bordeaux Brandy, 130 H gfVead* 0 aret fu; erior qualitj, 70s Cal,, I'r nch Swe-t Oil, 60 Cases Cath' rine Plumbs, 6 Calks Prunes, 4C iloxe« apers, Olives, Anchovies and Cor nichoris, 100 do. h, ft assorted Cordials, DR.Y GOODS assorted for the WcA-lndia market, Claret in cases of a superior quality, London Iry White Lead, A fmill in v.lie •of Coffee, 6 & 4 sou d Cannon, mounted. Thomas Murgatroyd Sons. May - *uthScß tl Simon Walker HAS ft KMO V* D HIS COUNTING HOUSE, To No. -9, -Foot* Fuirth Strkk.t, Cwim of Union Street— • h re he has for file JUST RECriVSD, EARTHEN' W/ RE, Aff.>rte<J for eip>rtati'<i> or Irene market. G'af. Ware double flint, id cases. I*r«fe Cloves Nutmegs and Mace. Tu'y 14 tn.rhf»,tf. To Gentlemen Farmers. THE SUBSCRIBER DECLINING farming, win offrr at pubic sale on hit Plintition, oppolirc Newboid's 111 ■ d on the Delaware, within two milei of iiordentown, state of Neiv Jer'ry, on Saturday, ijtfc 'ejte'iiber next at » o'clock, hit Hoik of H'rfes, Cattle (moftiv tat) an about eighty Si.eep, f Hr!eeir»f »h;eh vt H* f ». Ihe prin cipal pirt of both Ewes and Rami are an excrl ent I reed His plantation he a ill hold for sale till next fprinp, when it not (old it will be rnted. Terms of fa e made known at the time. THOMAS St. JOHN. Awpuft FOR SALE, A Tra£t of Land; Beautifully fit»a'«d »n the north fide of: Ainowo.iTk Lank, divided ir.tothree Lot's, containing between 6 and 7 a r res each, a'Jjfiiaittg Unrit of Hell, Abraham Kint ■*•!;£, Abnh Brown, John Harriton and otscr«, it has with n a f w months part l>een highjy ma nured ; the ttreater part is now in ' im thy and Clover. On it ate several elegant situations o build on. App'v to I AAC W. MORRIS. September a 20 dollars Reward. RAW away fr<m the fuWcriber at Sp«el wll Forge. Lancaster cunty, on Saturday night the »J<l lufiant, a Negro man named NEI>, about il years of age, 5 leet 8 or 9 inches high, drorg buiit, has a remarkaMe fear on the right check. flad en when hf went »way a fuftian coatee, eafliu'.cre waiflcoat, tow trowler*, and round wool hat. He hat a lalfc f.ifs in which he is called James R»'s of Hi rktly county, Virginia ; property of David Hantsf. It is probnbU he will (hape his course for New-York. Whoever apprehends and fecuret said Negro, so that I pet him again (hall rcc ive re ward, and reafan«bl« charges if hri light home. WILLIAM COLE It AM. eo tw Scpttmricr t NOTICE. ACHRTIFICArE, No. UJI9. < ' a ' e<l > ft Jan uary 1797, in favour ol Robert Lindfay, of Charieftsu South-Carolina, for one ftiaro of rh flock of the Bank of the United Statei is loll— a iluplicJte of which will be applied for at the said Institution. ROBERT LENOX. Augufl 7. Notice to the Pilots. IS hereby given—That i» confequtnce of the Beacon on the Drown, hcinjr so mach injured as to render it unfit for fcrvice, a Buoy with a keg on the mail, will he placed on that ihoal, until it can be replaced by the; Beacon, of which due notice will be civen- W. MACPHER- ON, Superintendent. August 16 City Cbmmiffioner's Office; PhiiaJtlph a, /(.'<£., 261b, 1809. TN T purfuSoce o: an Urrtinance of the Select apd •», omraon Councils, raffed the ud day of May 1797. . . ■ (i.-: writine) , Will »>e rrccived by th.- C ty C'orxmlfConers, until the thirtieth day of Srptembcr n. it, lor renting on I eaf. s, fur one y<-ar, -o comnitue on the first day of January ucx-, the following public t-ro'jcrty of the city, viz. f. The Wharf and Landing on Vine Street. on Saffjfrat do. 3 Pitto 011 Muiliury do. 4. The Wharves ard Landings on Kigh and Chef. J. D.tio on Walnut strert, the Dr»wl>ri<!p--, Spruce, Pine awd Ce-iar streets, including the Filh House. 6. The Cellar under the Ci"y Hill. Applications may he Jest with either of the Comtnilfioncrs, or with their citric, at No. 63, c herry Street. eot^oS 300 Dollars Reward. LASI Saturday u ght my lhop in Water- Arret was opened hv a falfe key, and lu/i ---dry articles of Ji weileky, to tl.e amount of ten or twelve hundred dollars, were carried off. Among them wece, Two marrow fpcont marked " Worr ik L'kei.efleiol Mr J.ames Rubcrtfon asd wife, of Peterlburg—one do. of a Mr. King one do. of Mr Jokn Tumble, late of this town, the back set with* laige blue glsfs and a smaller in the centre, under wt ich was a plait of hair laid Itrait, with J. i . in a cypher worked in peail. Together with a number of fancy pi». ces, painted by Sully, wlii la cannot now tie recolle<s)ed : j Bo.tiwain's Calls ftamned ' Warrcck.' AND The following Watches: Gold watch, maker's name Provari, Parii silver do Thomas Green, Liverpool. 77 do do George Bifield, London, 13,300 gold do. l'r-,.ch t i»<> name lo do. [ohn Kyland, Lond n, 1331 silver do. French, 1 o name do. do Jol.n hull, Lohdon, 714 gold do. Hod.irt, Paris ftlvtr do. Joseph Kemper Shaw di>. do. J. 1 >arl1■ gton, London do do. No. 9?61 gilt do. G. M. Meicalf, Lond. n, 4196 filler do. Ge rge Hafwood, Loudon, 1906 do. do. J Smith, Lond it, ui double c:fe gilt watcl., H. Ofbtirn, Rich mond, 8 7'-4 roo Dollart will be (riven for the restoration of the jewclirry, or aco dollars if the tiiiet or thieves are also I'ecured. Mr. Benjam n Morr'«, the owner of the Watches which were taken at the fame time, will ai'ogive 100 dollars for. thtra. July 19 0" The Printers at Peteifburjr, Richmond, Alexins! ia—Baltimore—Chareftfln and o thers. are requeued to insert the above for a ew times FOR SALE, In the Cij of Burlington, State of Nexv- Jcrscj/i TWQ NEW TWO-STORY Brick Houses, Situate on Market street, BEING twenty feet front and thiity-two feet deep, each with cellar under them and kitch ens in the rear, likewise a well of good wat.r in front. ALSO, Four twenty feet Lots, Adjoining the above [ remises, one h«K<Jr«d and filty Ketdeer. For terms of sale apply t the fubferiber in Fur- by whom an iß<!i('purable title will be given. MICA JAH ELLIS. Burlington, July (}, jßco (19) cots Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office IS removed from No. 13 South Fourth flreet, 1"! No. 1 8 South Third '. rect. An Office for those (bees is also kept at mr Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market flreet. Oenrrat Pud Office, April 18. 100 HOGSHEA QS PRIME RICHMOND Tobacco, For f.ile on a Credit, deliverable at New- York or this place. Enquire of Samuel C. Cox, No. 83, Market-ftrret. AB^uf} 25. dtw WANTED TO PURCHASE, A FEW CANAL LOTTERY Prize Tickets, By M. M'CONNELL, At No. 143, Chcfnut (I. aninifl »i esd 6t Loft, yesterday, A white young Pointer Dog, WITH liver coloured spots, taM and very thin—framed Momus, Any person information where he may he found, at No. 116, Chefnut street, will be liberally rewarded, aueuft ar d.ulT To Printers. WANTED—in Exchange, A FOUNT or Long Primer, wishing f or 700 lb or up war '.6, and a F;>ui>t o) brevier, wcighirg 4colbs or upwards. • daw PROPOSALS, Robbery. ROWLETTs Copy-Right. DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA— _V" TO WIT.' R E "®MEMBEkEX), That CD the jiftday -M of July, in the » J( h year of the Indep« H denc« ol the United Bt«t.e» of America, John Rowutt of tht ftid DifiriS hath depofifed in this Office the 1 itle of a Boo.k, the right whereof ha claims M Proprietor, in the words following;, to wit. Tables of ])iJcount, or Interest, " -Q»l f'EKT DOLLAR., .. 'RO .t one to two thousand ; on evety ten dol lars,(ri;m two Oi. ufand to two thousand five hun dred ; cn Wry fifty, from two thoufaßd five hun r. d to three .thousand, and on every five hundred In m th-ee thoofar.d to fiv thoufand—from one <lay to fisty four days inclufiv?, AT SIX PER. <-EN r. CcOTprifW i 0 ,j )e w hole, upwardt of one hundred and thirty two thousand one hundred and fifty calculation, or Discount; all performed arc rdn.g to, the e<j':ita' le principles ol the Bants, and as i radifed between individuals throughout the United States WITH NOTES Preceding the work. Q>ewit)g how, by means of the Tablrs to afcertuin tfie Uiicoui.t, AT SEVEN andatElQHl PJ'.K. CENT, recKjjninij; either <6O or 365 days to the year—explained by examples. ALS , Another \'otc, under the firfl page of the W»rk, fcevn'ug the m«dc of calculation on CENTS, t KEWI SB, The ready way to use the Tables for any number of Days exceeding sixty four ■ 0 111 which is added, theprintipK-s of coir.pu tation nf the v r;-.>us exchanges betwtea each ftat» r'fpeflively, and between all th-fa and London ana Paris, at ..iff. r>t.t iute« ef By JOHN ROWLETT, Accomptant, Bank of North-America. IN CONFORMI I Y to the asl of tJe Con gress . f tbj United States,ittituledi" Aa Aft for th« en ouragemett of learning, [it At.] by fecurir * the copies o> Maps, Charts and Bii'ks to the Authors and Propri etors of such copies during the time here in mentioned " (Signed) D CALDWELL. Cle l of the -Dht 1 ict f Pennsylvania. anguftl. »aw 4 w. TO BE SOLD, A 7 PUBLIC SALE, On F;lth D.ty the gth ot Gdlutur, on the preinifVs, The And Plantation : QJ-TUATF. pa 1 1 ja Ifrar. -'.ywine townihip, and J Part ip about go mifcs from Phi lad' !pim,and one and an hiF;':n*ile from the Turn pike road, and Uowrimg'i .town ; cort-i .ir g a! out '■'cr s, vvi'h allowance ot 6 acres per 100 ; two thirds of the- land is good wao land # fomc excellent meadow made, and much mere ran be made of the firfl quality; the forge if turned by the main branch of !3rm ywinc ('reek, a forcible Stream, the forge has thre. fires and two hammer? all in good repair. The dam being found and well backed, and apparantly able to rcfift any frtlh (not fupern-uural) l.ilcewif there another lively dream ami current of water, thaC empties into the (aid dam, that might be very con venient for a Grift Mill, or other kind of water works, might le wi h lacihfy ere&ed; there is a good tw«-f(ory stone dwelling house for the ac commodation of the propiietorof the works, with an excellent faring atid »/ood house eve it; con tiguous to the door also conv„*:>icHt flone stabling, with an entry thr uj;h the mid le Sufficient f accommodate teams, contiguous to the torjre stands a good stone office, and a num-er of convenient houioi fpr the man is ere»sted a r nply adequate for thi* said works# If not then f< Id it will be rented for a term of years Terms and conditions made known by applying to WILLI \M EVANS, iri WillistowD, or JOHN MARSHALL, in rhorii* bury Townftiip. N. R. The Sale to commence at i o'clock oh Aug. 5 s?.w6w H- MAXWELL, Printer, HAS REMOVED TO, Colu m bia -House, in the unure of M-s. Groombrii'ge) Soutli-Wcft corner of Spruce and Eleventh Strecis. AufoA tj Eliflia Fisher & Co. No. 3; N rth Front Street, ///. IE 0¥ JI.. SD Avn FOR SALE) n CN ERMAN STF/FL. window g'afs. hats afTort -7 ed i 1 cases, N »ils i-n cade-, arid a large affort m nt of Ironmongery, Cu'lcry, Sadkry, Coach* and Harr cfs Furii Iture, Brass. and Japanned Wares* Pin? and Needles. _Kv 2q Now Landing, And for sale by the subscribers, ijo PIPES OF Lisbon WINE. JESSE W ROBERT WALN. July 30 ' l « w Pistols, Guns, Gun-locks and Flints, For sale by f.i,is if a niter :/ c:». No. 36, Noith Front-street. ■ Angfft 14 TO PRINTERS. FOR SALE, OLD Lor.g IYnner, KrigUm, Chairs,- ompofinp S'i.'lc. and afrreat varitty of ariicli-s neceltary ro rarry on the Frin ng Bufinrfi. Tf ey will Lie cl,eap tor cafi»» Apply to the Printer. Jul/31- •*' V, " [Vor.uMg XVIII. V«* . V, eo st 4 * ' 1 tu th fa. Tm, V