» i2j GhRMAN" Redemptioners ' AMONG which .ire, Farmers, Gardners, Sadlers, ln!lru|tie,nt .'makers, Gild and Sil ver Smiths, Li he n Weavers, Joiners, Pot ters, MafoifS, Taylors, Tanners,'SUneroa kers, Printers, Hatters, Bakers. Painters, Soap B>ilers, Bell Founders, &c. &c. whose times are to be disposed of. Apply on board the Himburg (hip Anna, capt. John Jursrens, laying in the Stream »• bread of Vine Street, or to JACOB SPKRRY V Cb. WHO ARE LANDINO From fai vtflrl from Hamburg, and have on hand, received by the lalt arrivals, Eftopißas " Coffee Mills Quadruple S'lefias s Scythes Boccadillcs T.ipesof all def- Rouans a- cnptions. Creas-a-la-Morlaix , ~ J Quiils & Sealing Cafferillotl or 5? Wax. White Rolls | Races & Edgings Coutils D-canters Flanders Bed Ticks p. Gill tumblers 8, 9, ic| J * Cases. 15 Pipes Coil ALSO, iac Brandy and 600 mijohns. ,0. Phila. Aiiguft 2 Three Cents Reward. ROM away from the SuSferiber on the evening of thy 4?th inft. a bound Servant GtRI , named Elizabeth-Howchel, had on and took with her three different changes of garment and money, proud, bold and iirpudent, a noted lyar ; any p«r fon apprehending her shall he entitled to the above reward—no co9s or charges will be paid. N: B, She had % year* and (ome mon'ht to serve DANIEL FITZ PATRICK.' Oolhen Towafliip.Cheftir County, July 19» august 6 jawtf JUST IMPORTED, AND FOR SALE, AT DICKINS'S ROOK - STORE, Oppcfite Christ - Church, AN ASSORT MENT OF English Papers AND OTHER STATIONARY. Philadelphia. Aug. 6-' ALL PERSONS HAVING claims auai'ft the Fftate of Margaret Telles, late of this City, deceafcd, are requested 10 exhibit their accout t» to the undernamed Executors or cither *>f them, and all persons indebt#d to the said Eltate, are requested to make immediate payment to the said Executor?. The Re*. M. CARR, GEOROE ARMROYD, DAVIDCALLAGHAN, Augaft 18. dtf Saulnier & Wilson, WOOLEN DRAPS.RH, MERCERS, &c. No. 63, North fide Market-(lree'c, HAVE a general assortment of hell London fuperfi:ie Broad Cloth( and Caffimeres, (of the newest faih ion) silk stripe and frcond quality Cloths, fafl>ionah]« w«if! coating, (ilk ftrije .nd twill'd Nankeens, Jean,'Fuflian, Oingham, Dimi ty, Thickset, fancy Coid, V#lvet9, Scarlet, yellow and white Flannels, planners, Irith and brown Linens, Dowlas, mei>s' and wooaens' lllk and cotton Hoficry, coat and vest pearl, (leel, gilt and plated Buttons, different colours Silk Velvets, tam boured Vid Camhric Muflias, Calicoes, Caliman ■«oe«, Shiwls, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves Checks, &c &c. N. B. Taylors' bed quality Trimming!" all which they will fell very low. July 18 dtf HIGH-STREET. The House, LATELY occupied by the Chevalier D'Yrujo, Spanilh AmbafTador, will be Lt oil to an approved person or family, on easy conditions. It is large, commodious and elegant, with coach-house and flables conformable. Enquire at No. 100, Spruce street. SAMUEL MAGAW, Arch Street, No. 94 eodtf. \ July 23. Just come to hand, AND FOR SALE, BT THE SUBSCRIBER, SUPERFINE Silesia rouan»~) Creas a la Morlaix I Fine Bretagnci L Entitled to Do. white platillas { debenture. E-topillas and Liitadot Browu Russia (hcetings J Wish a general ajfortment of British Goods, Which will be fold low ior cash or fcort credit. SAMUEL C. COX, No. 83, Market-street. diw auftist 14 Notice. A General Meeting OF the creditors of James Wilson, Esq. deceafcd, is requeued, at Mr. Ru bican's Tavern, Sign of the White Swan, in Race-street, No. 102, on Monday the 25th instant, at 3 o'clock in the Afternoon, when anil where aftatement of his affairs wiM be laid before them. WILLIAM NICHOLS, Adminjirator August 19 AN APPRENTICE WANTED, At tlae Office of the Gazette of the United States. CHINA GOODS. Landing fro n thi ship America, Wahe. Sims, Commander, from Canton, ■ * Aftl) FOR HALE BT NICKLIN, GRIFFITH b J Co. Bohea, : Congo, Souchong, ifl &ind quality, C.'t'tr i'ouchong, Hyf..n-lkia, I TEAS, r nkay, I 3inglo, Young hyfcn, Hyf n, it) & ad quality, Imperial, Yellow & white nankeens Lute firings, back & color'd ( In Boxes Sinfhaws do. ( aflorted, Satt'ras do. j Lutestrings, maz. blue k. dark green , SiMfhaws do > " Persian taff.-tJS, dark green * J oxes. TbeJ have alsa on band for sale, received bv the late arrivals from Europe, &SV. 1 Infma!!p*ck- Striped and checked ginghams i ajrrs all' rted, White figured & color'd Muf- | calculated for linetts Weft-In I dia market ! Color'd ill k, itriped Nankeens | entitled to J drawback, 14 Trunks pointed Calicoes, 3 Baits feme twine (Entitled tc to Calis English China ware, f drawback; in tea setts J . 6 Calks mineral black, I da. white, to do. colcother, 3 Calks purple brows, 35 do. nails aflorted, 9 do. L'mdos porter in bottles, Eng'ilh fail canvas, No. i, 1 & 3, Ruflia duck, a 7 Boxes white Hayanna sugar, 13 Pipes old Madeira wine, Gunpowder, Empty wine bottles, 10 Guns, 6 plunders, 11 do. 9 do. 18 do 9 do. with carriages, Stc. 180, cc elbs. Ceribon colfce, lil") quality tt iO,ooolbs Mack pepper C drawback 10 Logs eboi.y J May d 15 1 WAli DEPARTMENT, f'HE commanding Officers of corps, de tach mentspofts, garrifrnj. and recruiting parties, hel>>»girig to the military cftablilhnient of the Uiiited States, are to report to, and receive orders from Brigadier General Wil kinfon, irt the City of Washington, and all officers on furlough are to report themselves to the f.rae officer with all poffi!>le difparch. SAMUEL DEXTER, Secretary of War. gT All Printers wA'hin th.e United States wh"hav, puhlilhtd invit »ti.ini (or contrafls of the mho:' March la it are requested to insert the a ove in their refpedlive pipers, once a week for twi months. i 'HE undermentioned Certificate! of Stock of the Ba k of the United Slates, viz. No. 3804, da'ed ift July 1796, for ten shires in the name of Charles Lovegrove of New- York. No. 15311 —No. »53i»» dated id July. 1796, for five (hires each in the name of Sarah tVrdjjewood of Etruria. No. »,8o8 —No. 19809, dated ift January, 1800, for ten (hares each, in tha name of Henry Wadding ton, Merchant, London. Notice is hereby given, That application is intended to at the laid Bank by the fuhfcrib«ri, fur a renews! of the fame, of which a'l ptrlons concerned are reqi'detl to take n tice. WADDING I ON & HARWOOD. Philadelphia, J ly tq, 180 c mofirn Madeira Wine: The fubferiberhas received in tha Apollo, from Liverpool, a Quantity of Hill's Old London particular Wine In pipes, hhds. & qr. cases. august 4. Jacob Sperry & Co: ' No. 195, Market-Street, Have receivid by the ship Eagle, and other late arrivals from Hamburg, The following Goods, Which they offer en liberal terms ; ESTOPUXAS, . rD«canter», CafferilUs, I S 1 Coffee-Mill", Boccadillos, . -2 t ape*, twill'd .plain Roaans, r % 1 and coloured, Crew a la Morlaix, Sealing Wax, Coutils, J L from London, A consignment oj % Packages of Sadlers' Webbing, and 3 Cases of the Washington Print, in handfsme frames of full length Engraving. ALSO, 2 New Cables, Ea»h 115 fathoms, 10 and II inch. augnf\ 4. d6t m&th Im The Frenchman WHO refufed to give up a STOLEN POINTER DOG when demanded of him on YVednefday morning last about seven o'clock, by the P-rvant of the owner, at the corner of Arch and Sixth streets, is defirsd to fend him to the office of this Gazette, or di ligent search will be made after him, and he will he prcfecuted as the thief. The Dcig is white, excepting a yellow spot on his back, one yel ow ear, arid two or three yellow, spots on his forehead—tbe other e:r is fprckled—he is v»ry poor a«:l hip shot. An handsome reward will be given tor the dog, and Five Dollars on conviction of the thief. The Frenchman is a tall thin man, of a complexion very dark, and dressed in black clothes ( excepting a striped blue and wh'te gingham coatee) —He wasfeen with the dog in company with a short fat man, in Race near Seventh ftrcet, on Suaday afternoon last. aueuft 18 d 4t August 4fo, ißco. Loft, GIDEON HILL WELLS. mw&l 4W A PARTNERSHIP.' A PERSON poflefling some capita!, derible (hare of jnduftry, and desirous of en gaging as a partner in a lucrative business, raay hear of a fituatinn. All prnpola!» on this fubjetf to be in writing, sealed and direfted to W. R. J New York, r.nd left with the printer of the Gazette of the United States, will be at tended to. Its A Printer would find it to bis advantage June 5 FOR SALE, A Valuable and singularly eligible ESTATE, CONSISTING of two handsome dwelling houses, with excellent ftjbling for seven horses, double cnach-houfe mod completely fitted up j a beautiful large and valtrabla garden richly filled with-ihoice fruit, surrounded with high hoard ferike, almost new. The premises are beautifully situated near the middle of Germantown, fur rcunded rich of the adjacent eountry ; an orchard of about two acres, with a handsome lawn at the back of the houie. One house hasbeen-recently built oh an appro ved plan; the other has been completely repaired, painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirtj- Ci. The new house is well calculated for a (lore in either the dry or wet good line. Ths air and water are unrivalled, and there are some mod excellent schools in the neighborhood. For particulars enquire of the Printer, or of Mk. potter, onjthe premise". May 9: dtf FRANKLIN Reserved Trafts, FOR SALE. ON Wednesday the ill day of October next, books -»ill be cpen in the Offics of the Sub scriber, rrfiding in Frsnlclin, for the sale of the Reserved Trails, laid out by virtu: of an a<7t ot Assembly passed the Ilth <iay of April, 1799- — Ore fifth part of the purchase money to be p .id at the time ef fak, one fifth part within twelve months from the day of sale, one fitih part within two years from said day, and the remaining two fifth parts at or before the expiration o three ycar> alter fu<.h sale No contraAto be confirm ed for fifteen day* after the said hooks (hall te o pened, and the highefl price offered within that time wiJl be accepted. All payments made will be forfeited unless the purciiafer within three ye»rs from the day of file makes an aflual settlement or th trail ] iirchafed, by clearing, fenc ; rg, and «ult vating at leafl two acres f r every fifty con tained in the larvty, and er;il thereon a mef fjage for the habitaion of man, and rtlide there on t«r the space of five years next following the firft settlement of the fane. No patents to issue, unless fatitfa&nry proof ihall be made of such adual settlement, mfidenee. and impr ivc-men. tn&w tf GEORGE FOWLER. LommJJtoncr, Fra-klin, July 28, 1800. augull 8, District of Pennsylvania to ivit : BE it remembered ihit on the Teath day of July in thetwenty fif'h year of the Indepen dence ot" the United States of America, Alexan der Addifon of the said Diftrift heth dep sited in thii office the tit'e of a book the right where of he claims as Author in th« words following to wit, " Reports of cases in the Count,- courts of the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court of Errors and appeals of the State of I'ennfylvania, and charges to Graod Juries of those County Courts, by Alexander Addifon, President of the Courts of C mroon Pleas of the Fifth Cir cuit of the State of Pennlylvania." In conformity to the a<H of Congrcfsof the Uni ted States intitled " An atfl for the encouragement of learning by securing the copies of maps chart, and b ioks to the Authors aud Proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned " D.C vLDWELI., Clerk of the Diflriß of Pennsylvania. The above book is now puhlilhed. It will bcd«- livered to lubfcribcrs by Mr. Dobfon Bookleller. July 33 The Subscriber, MASTER rf the Hamburg Ship Anna, for warns all Pcrfons from trusting or harbour ing any of the crew »f said Ship, as he will not pay any debts contrtAed by them. JAN JURGEN3. August »» diet A Young Man, PERFECTLY *erfed in Mercrntile accounts, and brought up in one of the firft counting heufes in this »ity, wishes employment as Clerk. He is at present absent from Philadelphia, but a line left at the Office of ihe Gazette of the Uni ted States he will receive, and it (hall be imme diately attended to. Salary a fecondaiy objeA— Employment his m«tive. augn(l dtf A QJJ A N T I T Y of remarkable Jine Green Coffee, In Hogflieads, Barrels and Bags, august 23 Bank of the United States, August 23d, 1800. WANTED, appro FED Bills on Amsterdam, At sixty days sight ; FOR WHICH Cafli will be paid, At the rate of Forty Cents per Guilder. d 7 t That large and commodiou* HOUSE, At tht corner of Arch and Ninthftrcets. Aa4 cattiM rtfvo »Kh moiti, the Houfc, St»- ble, Sttch-Hoofe ia4ile». now io die «n«r« of Major Batlir, fiUMM *t •hcvc. Soqoira U No, it,-north Fifth July 10. COFFEE. for sale by JAMES YARD. diot TO BE RENTED, m&th iw Let: ONE large cotiven ent three-story Btick Dwelling-House, with four rooms oh a floor, auJ two Kitchens ; there is a pump of wj cr, and a rain water ciltern n the yard j situate on the (aft fide of Fourth- Street, ooe door above Race-Street, lately occupied by Solomon Moroche. ALSO, A convenirut Three Story BRICK HOUSE, With a pleasant yard on the South fide of Arch-Street, third door above Eighth- Street. For terms apply at No. 116 Arch- Street. August 4. Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY frora Gen, Ridgely of Balti more, 011 the aoth in®, a light coloured negro n-.an, who calls himfcif WILLIAM Mc. DONALD ; He is about 24 years of age, about 5 feet 8 Inchei high, neat in his dress, and has a good suit of hair. Hid on, when he went away, a good beaver hat, a (h&rt light greeh cloth coat, edged with \ellow, and yel low gilt buttons —alight buff caffimer, double brealfed waistcoat, a pair of dark olive colour ed thickfett pantaloons—a white linen shirt, white ribhed cetton Dockings, and a good pair of (hoes with firings- He took with him a dark blue coat, a pair of olive cafiimcr panta loons, and a light corduroy pair of breeches ; also a gold or pinchbeck watch, wi'h a fleel chain. lie is fond of fpiritou9 liquors, is inso lent, has a stupid look, and chews tobacco. — He was bred in Charlt9 county, Maryland, and purchased of col. John Thomas by gen. Uidge ley. Whoever apprehends said negro, and le curei him in any jail so that the owner may gat him again, shall rsceive the above reward, with reasonable charges if brought home, or de livered to Jolhu* B. Bond, Philadelphia, may 1 dtf A PERSON, WHO is about taking his departure from hence to the Weft Indies, whfre he in tends to reside, will undertake to tranfail busi ness on the mofl reasonable terms for Mer chants who may be inclined to intrust him with their commands. He would likewise wllh to be concerned with a perlon of refpeflability here, who may be de firotis of such a connexion. *.* Apply at No. 116, North Front St. Aug. ii. codiw<[ Ibis Day Published, By J. Obmuod, No. 41, Chefnut Street, Death of General Washington. In imitation of th« manner of Ofliau. By ttev. John B. Linn, A.M. Miniftcr of the Fitft Prefbytemn Congregation of Philadelphia. €r Mr. Chaudron's Oratisn will be publilhed on Monday morning. March 15. d< d6w. JUST PUBLISHED, And to be Sold by JAMES HUMl J HRB.rS, No. xo-6, south fide Market Street, Reports of Cases Argued and determined in the HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY; (great-britain) commenced with THE JUDGMBNTS OF The Right Honorable WILLIAM SCOTT, M'ubatlmas lera 179^' By Charles Kobinl'on, LL. D. Advocate. Volume I.—Part I. 0- These R*p?rt will be continued regularly; The second Part which concludes this Volume is sow in the prefi, and will be pubttfhed with all the expedition possible, Afc'ult LANCASTER STAGES. TH£ Proprietors of the Philadelphia and T.an cafter line as Stages DISPATCH, return their grateful thanks to their friends and the public m general, for the pafl favors they have received,and inform them that in addition to the regnlar Line, thty ara provided with Carriages,fober and careful drivers, to go through between the City and Borosgh in two days. Those who prefer this mode of travelling can be accommodated at the Stage Office, sign of United State* Eagla, Market street, Philadelphia. Slourb, Downing. Dunwoody & Co, Nov. 30. H at—§ DR. RUSSELL'S HISTORY OF Modern Europe. The public are refpe&fully informed that the Firlt v olume of the above Work is printed and will be immediatly delivered to the fubfcriSers. Those Gentlemen who have exprefle.l a wish to fee the manner in which it is executed before they become fubfc risers, are requeued to call at W. Y. BIRCIi's No. i7,fouth Second-itreet. It is prelumad that on comparison it will be found superior to the London copy. Aug. if e °d- FOR SALE, A Printing Press. Apply at the Office of the Gazette of the United Stat.s. July 19. FOR SALE, A PRINTING PRESS complete, OM Loup Prir. er, Small Pica on pica body (cew and old Pica, do. Engiifh, (two fmill founts) 16 Line Pica, &c. Sundry Frames, and a great variety of Office Furnitur*, &c. Irofi work of a pr'nting press, gjT They will be fold cheap forcafh —Apply at the office of the Gazette of the United States. m&wtf (frit* *5 Ceota) T»« A POEM. WAYNE COUNTY TAJ THF owners of unimproved i> courty, are K - ret y nc'ified, that Taxi ■ become payable then en (or the years I "y< ißod. Those whi> have not paid taxes, re hereby n quired to discharge the f<ime to JOHN BRINK, Esquire, lrcafurer « f t'aid County at Milford, within three month* trcm this date , other wile proceedings to sale, actnr.Vinj; to the a& of Assembly in such cafe provided, :!1 e had by the Commiflioriers "for the said county. Asa Stemon, ~t John Carton, V Commissioners Jebannes Van Etten, J Attefl, £. Kellogg, Clk. July 9,1800 For Sale, A FEW HOGSHEADS OF Jamaica SUGAR and COFFEE, A Trunk of Mei. and Womens' Shoes, And a parcel of Tow Linen, ALSO, Boston Window-Glass, 8 by io, 9by 11, 10 by 12 -and 17 by 12. Any sizes larger than those may be had on being ordered from the manul'adory. Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, Jun'r. 3d wkarf south of Market (licet. Augnft 4. d^w The Bankrupt Law OF THF. UNITED STATES, Wm this Dsy l'uhlifhud by A. DIC K1 NS, op pofice Chriit Church —[Price 15 C'ent».J A. DICK INS HAS JUST REC IVED FROM NEW-YOKK. DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ON Til E New Political Afpeft ofPublic Affairs i/r tbe United States, [Pri,; 3 v.enti ] u|all Ti i wenty Dollars Reward. P) AN-A WAY from Spring Forge, in York IV County, a negro man, named ISAAC, other wise CUDJO, about 21 years old, the property cf Robert Coleman; Esq. He is about 5 feet 8 inches high, ha a blenailb in his eyes, wore wnite in them than common, by trade a Fergernan; had on and took with him a drab coloured broadcloth coat, almost new, a sailors jacket arid pantalooLs* printed fancy cord, a lwanfdown flriped under <cket; a rcfum hat; cue fine -arid one cearfc shirt* one muslin har.ukerchief, sprigged, two ditto flriped border a Hue PerGan under jacket *nd two pt?ir cottoH flocking*. Whoever takes up faisi negro and lodges him in any jail in this or any of the iteigabourirrg states (hal! have the above r«. ward or reafcLabk expeccesil brought home. JOHN BRIEN. Spring Forge, O&ober 13, 1799. N. B. As said negro formerly lived in Chefler county, it i; prohalU Kc i:\ay return there. November 5 Just Received, Br A. DICKINS, opposite Christ Churchy A, View OF THE CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF THE American Revolution, ' In Nineteen Discourses. By the Rev. Jonathan Boucher, A. M. F. A. $. Trice 2 Dollars 50 Cents. J"'y 3 n - IN THE PRESS. j \T, A New and intctejling WORK, (Ektitlid,) Practical Education, BY M.'iRIA EDGE WO RTH, Author of the letters ForLiteraryL adiesamlthe Parents Alliflant, and by RICHARD L. EDGEWQRTH, F.R. S. and M R I. A. Subfcrij tion will be received vy Thomas Dob fon, Second Street Philadelphia, and Zichariak Peulfon, at the Philadelphia Library ; by Browa and Stai.fbury, and by George F Hopkins, New York; Thomas and Andrews, Bifton ; Isaac Bow ers, New Haven, and the principal Booksellers in the United States and at the Office ot this Gaz et e. .August 45 TO BE SOLD, Very low for Cash, or exchanged so- Goods t A Large, Elegant, and well finifhed 2-story Frame House IN the borough of Franklord ; containing an entry and two large parlours on the firtl floor, three bedchJmhers and two garrets. Th« lot, which is 340 feet deep, fronting on two streets, and has the privilege of a 10 feet alley through ; it contains a kitchen, ftxb'e, and coach-house, a well of excellentwatcr, &c. For terms apply to JOHN M'-CL ELLEN, July if tUth&S tf A PERSON OF abilities, inregritv and experience in mercantile business, would willingly en gage ae CLERK to a merchant or publie of fi.e, of he concerned with any person as pait r.er, as he has an ir.tereft of about one thousand pounds in real estate in the city. Pieafe to ap ply to the Printer ; or a line left at the office for B Y. will be attended to immediately. Mayio djt m&th tf TO BE LET, Either separct /y or together,' The Two Hollies, LATELY cccupicd as a HOTEL by Mr. Sa muel Francis, No. 13, south Fourth fir eel. For terms apply to BENJAMIN R.MORGAN, No. 41, Mch (but. , J«lj JO -1 :ivne I jrs and heir * "V "* k '*i djw
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers