tiie chirping cobler '*\o VI WTI'VKE R.. Mighty. *fU! Matter Tom, since your re* j cent promotion, s<* meanly obtained by such cringing de votion, No answer have you, for the challenge I , peno'd For an injury done to a patron—a Friend ! Whenyop dared to procl im, that your Ptace I rcfigned ; While .die faft is well known, I have ever declined, «■! Each offer to bribe me by Profit or Trust ; Let those who want spirit, like YOU, lick the Dujt. What Foft have you gain'd, Sir, that would have taken ? Explain, or by Jove, (han't fa your Bacon. NEW-YORK, September 2. On, Saturday afternoon the U. States frigate President, Commodore Troxton, got under weigh and proceeded to the Hook ; to mprrow or next day we understand she will proceed on a cruize. A report is current that a fatal defeafe prevails at Providence. - ?. v ' - •'V i For the Gazette of the Usited States. POLITICAL. Very urable to the liberty i,f the press than those of other nations. Oo the contrary, it Uapro f that our laws are incompetent to restrain or sup press i's daring licentionfnefs ; and any one may venture to prtdifl with the utnioft cer tainty, the speedy downfall »f any govern ment, that tol ra el futh a sapping e> gin within its jurifdittion. It circulates, like the blood in the human body from the heart to the ejtrremities ; it pervade the entire frame, and being frau. ht with pesti lence and vapour cannot fail to disease and eventually to arcomplifh a difTolution of the vital energies of g .veri m"nt. The Coo i pe*'s the the Lloyd s the Ca i Tij'a, the Reynolds's, the Doane't, eed, I nourish and (lipp it from the abundant fir. ams of their fe itious imagination* the contag'ous flood of U&ion, which daily if : fueefrom "the Aur ra." Th fe men are all for-tVner* ; not one of them firll saw the light of Heaven ifnder the American canopy, and scarcely one of them ca ■ be named that hat tioi violated our law& a d incurred some ignominious punifhiiirnt, fnxe thty intruded ihemfelves among ua. In spite of all these fafli, to 'he Oiame of my country be it confefTed, that the newspaper called " the Aurora, ' thus supplied, and thus tompofed enjoys more patronage both at home and abroad, thao any public news paper in America. I fay it will destroy «he Federal Government; it hat a'ready destroy ed much of the confidence and much of the well grounded attachment of the people to the Federal Government, and it feeing to me, (if my view of opinion! from this Itatioa becorrcfl) that the American nation, hat grown already tired of the government ol tl eir choice ; it wills another government, and we all know the modern dodrine that whatever a nation with, it has a right tojto. Well, I will fay, with the man described in forg, who when told the house in which he lived was on fire, exclaimed, 41 I am but a lodger.'' The Federal Constitution it mine in common with those of my country men who took it " for better for worse" ami who would ratherconUnue to be govern ed by it, than incur the rilk of a change.— Still I care not, if the sense of my counny approve, how soon we exchange the Federal Government for a better. But if the people of America, reflefting upon the past anil rapid progress of the United Sate«, to Empire and wealth in the space of leffa than twelve years, should at tribute thi6 prosperity to the benign influ ence of the federal government and to the operation of just, equal and wholesome laws ; recollecting also with how much labor and difficulty the adoption of the federal consti tution was obtained, should dread the re newal of an experiment of which no one can calculate the result ; if such be the train of their thoughts, they will yet adhere to the federal as to the ark of their political salvation. They will consi der, that at the time when a mighty deluge of pol it ical opinion prevailed throughout this continent, it was in this Ark that fame of every kind and every denomination, took refugo, and after being teffed to and fro, full forty days, the fluids subsided, dryland appeared, an£ the various tenants came forth, with perfect fafety—Here they have dwelt, prospered and flourifhcd, beyond the example of any other people. And (hall we resign these advantages, lhall we abaa don onr chicfefl blessing, V for a mtfs of pottage;" at the i.-ftigation of a Britijh refuge ?—Shall we desert our rulers, who nevtr in the word of times, deserted us, be <"aufe a foreign emtflary reviles them in or der ta recommtnj others of his choice ? It cannot be. MUTIUS SCJEVOLA. Gazette Marine Lift 1 , PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. Arrived Days Schr. Hagard, White, N. Carolina 6 Fanny, Brown, do, , 5 Recovery, Capps' do. 6 Arrivtd at the Fort Brig Flora, Woodward, Cape Francois 20 Sugar, Coffee, 3cc. to Wm Kuox. Ruby, Wrigley, C Francois 17 Sugar, Coffee, &c. to Shoemaker and Berret. S hr. Swallow, Diamond, Baltimore 8 Sloop Two Brothers, Vickbam, Richmond Brig Gtiflavus, Blunt, left at Lisbon the following vefTcU on the sth July : Ship Jofephus, Loveless, Charleston ; ship Pomona. Myers, Bultim-jre 5 ship , Briard. Philadelphia ; Afliduous, Bray, Pli ladelphia ; Rrbuca, Wells, Norfolk; brig- Polly, Gardner, Marblehead ; brig George, of Bolton ; schooner Sally, Gedler, Marble head ; schooner Hawk, Bryant, Plymouth. Detained under adjudicatisiiVjhe brig Su sanna, Spencer, of Charleflon; the brig King Solomon, Hewit, Newport..} and brig Sea Nymph, of Philadelphia. Brig Mary, Tarris, and schooner Favo rite, Donahue, from Cape Francois, have ar rived at New Caltle. Brig Commerce, Bowen, ot and for Charleston from Naples, was raptured by the African, French privateer, in latitude 14 N. longitude 64 W. and sent into St. -Martins. The (hip Swanfborough, and not the Scarborough, of this port, was spoke at the mouth ot the Straits. An Am-rican brig from Cuba te Cadiz, loaded with sugar and coffee, was captured the 20th Augult by the Englilh (hip Eme rald of 36 guns. The Englifti homeward hound Weft India flert was spoke with, August 17 ; lat 36. 1 he United Statrsfrigate Insurgent, capt. Fletcher, was fp»ke Augull lo,in lat 38, long 69. y Schooner Nimble, Clark, »f Charleston, S. C. was raptured and carried into New Providence, and libelled. Sch. oner Frien'ffhip, Brewfter, was to fail from' N. Profidence for Savannah Aug. 19. The Warren, Parker, frvio New York ; William, M'Donald, Portland, (M.iIT.) Hi ram, Whitney, Philadelphia, arrived at Li vi rpool the 7th Ju y. SALEM August 28 Tutfday anived at Beverly, brig -Rover! Capt. John I I iflcll, 40 days from Gibral tar. Left there Capt. Bstlrr ofCharlrft n tsken on his homeward paflage from Cadiz —his vefTel uraa libelled, Mid was to be tried on the 21ft J ily Brig Frrendfhip, Rog ers, of and for Boston, failed for home, J ly 14 —The brig Tbomas Pi nek ey ard brig Georgia Packet, failed from Gib. /or N w yoik, toth July—! poke i.v lat. 42, 46, long 56, brig Commerce, of Newbedfiwd from N'ewyork bound for Hull, 10 days out—j days before in a ad loft both topmasts by the cap, and one topsail—but wanted no supplier BOSTON, Augufl 30; Yeflerday arrived at Quorantine koad, Schr* St. Patrick, Allen, from St. Kitts. August JB, spoke f«hr. Frrderick, 14 days from Edenton for Jamaica. Aug. n,lat. 31, jo, long. 69, was boarded by the United States Schr. Experiment, under French colors, which occaflwned rnueh anxiety till an explanation took place.— Augufl t6, fyoke a (hip 4 days from New- York for the Havanna. Same day a fchr. from St. Kitts for New London. August 17, spoke brig Sally, 4 days from Boston for the Havauna ; and fchr. Rofannah. of Salem from do. Bnd for do. An inward bound (hip was in fight Ufl evening. Capt. Howes fays it was very firkly at N. Providence ; that the mortality was par ticularly great among the soldiery. The Minerva, Brown, from Bafton, puffed Gravefend, June $6. Augufl 3, lat 35, 54, long, 63 13, was /"poke a brig From Portfmsuth for Tobago, with lwmber. In lat 4*, long* 51, was spoken brig Commerce, of New-Bedffl*d, 10 days from New-Yerk for Hull, 4 days before in a Iquall had loft both top-imfts by the cap, ond one topsail, but wanted no afliftance. The Constitution will be refitted where (he lies, in President Road. BALTIMORE, September i. Arrivrd Brtg Two Brothers, Cox, 23 day Curracoa Left there a brig belonging to Norfolk, and a schooner to Boston. Wai boarded by two Englifti frigates in the Mo na callage, and treated politely. CHARLESTON, August ao, Arrived the (hip Superior, Smith, Havan na, 'ii days.- , Sch Phenix, Cox, Port-Republican; ifl PORT OF NEW-TORK. ■ ARRIVED, ! Snip James, Smith Livgrpool 63 Ohio, Allea, Turks IjQand 16 Brig Little George, Skiddy, Haranna 15 George Haben, Ivicca 39 Mary. Tomkins, Norfolk 2 Newfon)- . Do, 2 Betsey, Conklin, Jamaica 30 Martha, , Nova Scotia 20 William Stoder, Port Republican 15 Sloop Swan, Knap, Exuma 25 Patieiice, Montgomery, Philadelphia CLEARED, Ship Industry, Swan, Liverpool Niagara. Lynch, Cowes The Neutrality, Cunningham, fr m hence to Jtmaica, was ftraided on the south lide of Turks Island, the 12th of august. Ship Margaret, Coward, from the Isle of Fiance to Baltimore, is sent into New Providence by the English. The schooner Lovina, Romney, left at St Thomas's. Ship Black River, Mathews, of New York, bound to St. Sebaltians. He in forms that a f> hoarder and (loop from Nor folk, names not recolle&ed, had' arrived there a few days before he failed. Brig Thomas Pinckney. Gardner 47 days from Gibralter. Left there a number of American vessels, names uk ;own ; none from New York. In l atitude 32, longti tude 23, spoke the Ihip William and Hen ry, Jopee, from New York to Madeira, out forty-three days* In lattitude 36, 10, longtitude 28, spoke schooner Phoenix, from New York to Madeira, out twenty feven days. In lattitude 43, longtitude 53> 3°> spoke the (hip Nancy, Heard, from No folk to Dublii, out (ixteen days. Capt. Knapp, left at Exnma, fl'iop Nancy,Johnfon, for Bofton,to fail in 4 days, fc' ooner Betsey, f olliin, for >orf lk,to fail in 2 dayfr; and brig Sakey and Polly, ftobinfon, for Wilmington, N. 0. to fail in 5 days, August 24th,. in lat. 3445 long 69 49 spoke fit*: p Robert, from Live pool, to Norfolk, out 44 d y». August 26th in 1313830,10056925 spoke brig William andHtnry, Thomb on, from Hamburg, t6 Bal'imore, out 54 days. Tne brig George Howland from the ifl and of Eviefer in Spain, was boarded by British and Fre- ch veflels in the Straits 5 and treated politely. Frenchman had or ders not to molest Americans. Sh'p Ohio, Allen, sixteen days from Turks I (land August 25, fp ike the fchr. Trial Blake, three days fr m Salem. Au gust 23, spoke the schooner Eliza, Willi cms, three days from New Lot don. The George was sent into Mahon, by the E glifh, where her cargo was condem ned, and (hip cleared. Captain H* fays the English capture all veflcls bund to or from any port io Spain. VtlTels fjjoke, Sell: o ler Iphigenia from Boston to Jamaica, in fight of Turks-Island out 2 I days, ill well, Augtft 26 spoke the U. S. frigate Chef, apeakr, on a cru.ze. Spoke a fchr. 60 days fr"m Liverpool to North Barolina, Capt. Wardrll, all well. §s* The Editor wiflies to contract for a ronftant supply of Super-Royal PRINTING PAPER——The quantity wanted annually will be about one thousand reams. Any person dilpufrd to contrast, by calling at the office will learn further particulars. September 3. For Freight or Charter to mr. WEST INDIES, THS S6HOONKR SPEEDWELL, Jeremiah Blanchard, :V aiter, N-iw lyinp at Beik't wharf (the fecsnd he low Market ftrett) is ready 10 tilte in a cargo, stall will carry about 50-, barrels. Apply to said on board, or to Isaac Harvey. Junr. 3d wharf south Market ftr^et. S yte-nh. r I Landing, From the Brig Betsey, Captain Andrews, at the firfl wharf below South street, Mahogany and Logwood, For sate by PHILIPS, CRAMOND & Co. September t d3t German Redemptioners. A NUMBER are dill on bsaril the Pip Anna, from Hamburg, lying abreast of Vine ftrert wharf in the flrcam, confiding of mechanics of almofl every d-fcription, farmers and others wh« are anxi.iu» to provide places DeGroui to com mence loading the vcffel, their times will be dif p< fei of at the low rate of 80 Dol.ars for their paflage. Apply on bmrd the ftvp, or to JACOB SPERRY fcf Co. September 1 diet 6500 lbs- New Orleans Indigo, Entitled to Drawback. 300 hogsheads Vi-ginia Tobjcco, 54 kegs of Virginia Twist, FdR SALE BY Tunis & Anncfley, Walnut ftr.et whjrf. d6t 9 mo ift, 1800 A good second band Riding Chair, and an excellent family CHAIR HORS£ FOR SALE, Cheap—Enquire of the Printer. ; Jt To be Sold O'.' > V , A T PUBLIC AVCttOK, i ON MONDAY EVENING NEXt", .< i .(the Bth in-0> At the Merchants' C ffte-House, For approved endorsed Notes, it a and J months, * S. 5 .in, Tbe new and fast sailing , SCHOONER ||§|| St. Tammany, Now laying at c ay's wharf, above Market street. Inventory may be fcen at No. 4, south Water itrect, and a$ th* timeof fair,, Samuel Yorke, AuElioneer. sep'emberj . Pennsylvania Li t ict. y BY virtue of a writ of FiTi Facias to me refled, ilTiedout of tht Diflribtrt H Bail deceased. JOHN HALL, Marshal. N"sbal's Oj/cr, .9 t m i r 3J. i 8 CO. J FOR SALE, 7re remarkable fast saiiins three masted SCHOONER Eliza Myers, '—iS 1 yinp at Walnut Street Wharf j bur« then a ojt 144 tons, l as ma 'e but two vayagej, it now in'omplere ord .r to ree.'ive a cargo. Enqhiro of Samuel Emery, Ship-Broker, No. (29, (»utiiF.cn strtvt ' Sfptember 3 d < at For Sale, or to Let, THE HOUSE, In Cb tnut St'tct, Near the corner of Eleventh street ar ifi the tenure of Mr A. M l Ca!l—Fofleflion miy be had the first of November next, or foor. r if re quired Apply to Edward Shoemaker. September 3 5 Of the Bank of the United States, NO 210 15963 incluC»e r in the name of Thomas Mall tt of London w«re forward ed abou' the Id of Miy 1797, from New York, by the ihip Oneida for JLon'on, which wks cap tured by the French, and said Certificates loft or detlrnyed ; therefore application is made at the said Hank for the renewal of the fame, ol which all persons cuncerned are desired to take notice. Clement Biddle. Phjlad : September 3, 1800 d3tn A Runaway. ON Saturday the 131 August, r»n away from the fublcrihcr living in Harr fbargh, aa : apprentice to thepri. tisg business, named benja min Morr'*fon, a la 1 , ol about 16 year* of age, small of stature and very . dlive, short hair and of a Fmiling countenance—l lad-on and took with him a calico coated, a pair flf #f nearly, the fame, a pair of common r aikecn ditto, and & homelpun ly« coloured ditto, and a fhorc jacket M' the fame, with a neW hat—All perf ,n» are forf>id Inrb uring said apprentice at their peri! Reasonable charges will b of figsres, marginal rsfer .nc 9, fee- that they may be uud*r boil in a few days Iby app'ying at No 93, south Second flrcet, fppofite the City Tavern H« engagi-s to tiach Navigation (th« common method of keepinp a j.-ur-al at f«a) in 6 days. le has taught the Mathematics, French. lan guage &c for many years in diff-rent univer sities, and fliips of war, to which he has been regularly appointed—He haS also had confiderafile practical experience in surveying and bosk-kctp ing ; is which he gives private leftures. HisttrJ s are low and accommodating. H- will open A Marine and Commercial ACADEMY, On Monday the Bth of September, at an elegant and spacious Room in Hjripd'nf Coiirt, (oppoGte , No. 74, south Foyrth ftreet.l a JtO™ she business oj an Agent and In- - t'trprcier JaitbfMj transacted. ■ w - |j|! J 3tawtSi i !**"« Itawtf. Twelve ha e»