A LOT In tb Ror-usb of Frankjbrd, B'O WRING jin the flJ* <■( FranVP-rd cr.vV v t'\ a l.'i se we',l Sui'".c:t ,'Vone tUv; l'.iii j hcufc thereon with a bricjt kirc en adjoining anil alio a large aj.d cot venient frsm? coa l: hmA an .1 tta'.i ' situation :s healthy alio .agreeable. F~r lijriher particulars apply to th fuifcrihcr on t. e y w. ' WILLIAM GEORGE. Aueufl 5. tu Ihree Lents Reward. kftw av>>y Trom the *i» , ifcri»i l»r*r ? ■■ PANIBL rnzpATSicx. J«lj »o. JUrr IMPORTED, AND FOR SALE, AT DICKINS'S ROOK - STORE, Cpp f.te Christ - Church, AN ASSORT HI KT or English Papers AND OTHER STATIONARY. Ph)l*d< Iph'a, A';:- (> Insurance Company Of the State of Pctmfilvauia. TH EDI RECTORS HAVE tjii« d*y declared a DiviJrnd of Thirty Dollar* of each Share of thcSt.clt of thi« Company f> r the la!l fix mor.tha, wh th wilt he paid to tii; Stoikhnl terser their l*f«l Keprefcnta tivesatt«f th» i©tJ' i >;hant. JAMES S. qpx, Prefidant. sncrill I. dlOt. ALL PERSONS HAVING claims a;;ai ft the Fftate of Margaret" Telles, late of this City, deceased, are rcquellwl lo exhibit their accounts to the um .ernamed Executors or cither «f them, and ail persons indebted to the said Eltatc, are rcqutfted to make immediate payment to the hid Executori. The Rev. M C\RR, GEORGE ARMROYD, DAVIDC ALLAGHAN, AustJll iff' Saulnier & Wilson, tVOOI.E V DRAPER*, MERCERS, i?t. No 6J, Horth si J e Market-urret, HWE ■ ginfraJ aflortment of htfl L"!nd"r fupcrfine BroadCloths and Calfinic-rea. (of »he newest tafhion) iilk knpe aud Iccoud quality Cloths, falhicna'U wai n c:>atii>g. lilk flii;e Ind twill'd Nar.kc. ns, J. an, Fustian', Gingham, Dimi ty, Thickfot, fancy Cord, V«lv t>, Starlet yeilow and white Flanoels, Flanders, Iriii airi brown Liuens, D wlas, me> s' and wnmens' iilk ani cott«n Hosiery, coat a:idve(l pearl, Heel gilc and plated Butt< in, different c I urs Si!k Velvets, tam boured *nd Cambric Muflia" Calicoes, Caliman eoes, jhiwls, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves Checks, See &c. N. B Taylors' bed quality Tri:nmings all which they will fell very low. July ail 125 GERMAN. Redemptioners. AMONG whicji ate, Farmers, Gardners, Sadlers, Inflrument makers, G Id and Sil ver Smiths, Linen Weavers, Juiners, Pot ters, Masons, Taylors, 'Humeri, Shoema kers, Printers, Hitters, Bakers. Painter?, Soap Boilers, Bell Founders, See. See. whole times are to be disposed of. Apply on board the Hamburg fh">p Atlna, capt. John Jurgens, laying in the Stream a bread of Vine Street, or to JACOB SPERRY W Co. WHO Alt! LANDING From fai veff-1 from Hamburg, and have on hand, received l-y the lall arrivals, ERopiJl s 1 Coffee Mills Qn Irlip'e Sltßis ? Scythes Boctadill s Tapes of all def- Rouans crptions. Cre s-a-la-Morla'x , ~ Quills. St Sealing CafTerill sor sb ] Wax. White Rolls S I Races & Edgings Coutils D. canters Flanders Bed Ticks p. Gill tumblers 8> 9» lc i J l_T ravelling Cats. 15 Pipes Coniac Brandy and 600 Demijohns. Phila. Angalt A Summer Retreat. TO BE RENTE D, A GENTEEL HOUSE, WITH a liable, car/iage-h: use ami I.>t, iituated in a pleafjut part < f Trenton. Th< terms will be moderate, and poflefiion ran hi hadirrmtdiately ; but the tenant will not be wante.. to' o cupy the premif:s after the loth of next November. For terms apply r» th» printer, cr to ABRAHAM HUNT, esquire, in Trentos. June 14. tuth&stf Philadelphia fc? Lancaster TURNPIKE COMPANY, July Htb, 18co. THE Prflide.nt and Managers have this day declared a divi end of Dollars on each ftnre of stock, of which, fix dollars per (hire wil..be Vpaid the Stockholders or their reprefentatms any pay after tr.c 14th infiant; the remainirg two dollars has been rtfaincd and cxp >« fed in com p|eatinsr and repairing the road agreeably to a rjfo'ution ot the ftockhoK'er j. Wm. GOVETT, Treasuer. ALSO, d 151 NbTlck IS HERE&SMfiN, 7 l-n r AfrfrcoMr (■• in a^V-9* n th* Unjitfl et HhiU !r (ilr.i the li t. d.y <>t May |jyinf the firft survey of the diftrifl 1 F Penn sylvania, will attend daily til the 'Oth day of j September next f T the pufpofe of receiving the i dut!es on carrmpes at No. 49. n rih Third Street, in trt City of Philadelphia, of which all oerfons poflifled of such cairisge*, are doli rtd to take notice. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN. To ail rctai' dealers in wines and f reign dif tilfed !'| 1 itwu" I'q ior', 'hat licences will be 1 pra«t' tl to them , "o- e licence carrying on the fs of retailing of wines in a H i quan tity, or in .el'j qujntitie' 'han thirty pillons, and one licence tor crrying on the h'.fmefs of re tailing Ipiritout liqs> >r« n less qn miiies than twmty gillor.s, at th« lame time and at the fame JAMES ASH, C'lleiiorof the PirßSur»ey "f iheDif tri ft of IVm fyWuiia. Office as infp*iflion U Wiilaile'pl'il» I, 1800 9 m * Kvtry dcn> minaticn of Stiatptd Fijie to b h:d 4 fj ■ i office. • £ ugi.it 14. »FijcA Notice to the Pilots. f 8 hereby given — lul in confequcnre of the Benin on the Brown, 1 eing so 1 h h injure as to rei-der it unfit ft 1" service, 1 Buoy u ;th a ktg 0 the milt, will be placid on that Ihoa', until it can lie replaced by the Beacon, of » nirh d"e pn'ire will hi* ivrn W. Superintend nt. Augult j6 dlw WAll DEPARTMENT, , siugi-ir 4:u, 18C0. T HE crmtnanditig Officers rf corps, de ' ta< .linens, ports girril'n*. and rerrn ting parties, liel >n;;i: g t > th e military rftablifTirat-nt of the Unhid Mates, arc to report to, atid receive orders fioin Brigadier General Wil kins n, in ■ the City of W iAiingt»n, and a I .pffierrs on furlough are t > report thetnfelves to t!.e f.me officer with all pifiiMe lifpaich. SAMUEL DEXTER, Secretary of War. £3" At! Printers wi'hin the United S'ates wh» have pnt !i(h»d invit itijns for contrails of the, 13th o:' March last are requeued to insert the a 1 ore in their relpeflive papers, once a wfek fur l»' i months. Goods Suppofcd to have been Stolen. followi g kfticl*** hate bfta itnpffil aa>! »r the Mjj'j'i orticr.Oft fuiyiciou >1 having been Stolen, JflßEiiy be ricw«J by thofc iutei i I.i'tte <7ph»red oft ike baikO. P. i oi l pit-cMmk ditto » filv. r table fporns m*rked T I » ditto ditto Freach do. E c W B 1 ditto ditjo brchzn do- A M 1 ditto ditto ditto NEC 1 pap ditto E F 6 tea-fponns mark rubbed c ff [ 1 itt •, cyp'ettd JS L maker's nfme C. Wilt berger 1 ditto, no cypher, maker's name S. Anthony Several pair ot men and women's flioes \ quantity t'f wearing apparel Several grwfs pciiiued sreel coat ane waistcoat illttOOi ,* ki£« of flin • left at the late Major't office is Jonr 179^ .'(liyof'iOHlcl, Mfiit 11, 1800 H. MAXWELL, Printer, HAS REMOVED TO Columbia-House, (Pormerly in the t«nure of Mrs. S lutli-Wdl corner of Fpriice ;ind Eleventh Streets. Angiift ts Simon Walker HAS U EMOVED * HfS COUNTING HOUSE, To No. 79, South Fourth Street, Cornsr of Uni.m Street—where he has for sale jW ST RECEIVED, EARTHEN. WARE, AlTorted so* ypori»ti«B «r bono mrhfft.. Olifi V/«r« deaWf Aitt, ia tda, Fr»fiiOlr duflry, and detrmis of «2J?Jiginfc as i partner in a lutratlvi t;> s an g&ual Settlement 011 the trail ;Hrchafed, by Hearing, fencing, and eutt vating at lealt two acres (■ r every filty con tained in the survey, and erefl thcrtf 11 a me<- f ag*r for the habitation of man, and r> li le there on i r the (pace of five years trxt following the firft settlement of the fa e N') patents to iflue, unlrfs fatisfzcSory proof (ball be mad- of such actual lcttleir tut, refidertee. and impr v^metit. GEORGE FOWLER Commjfiner. Fra- klin, July 28, 1800. a ii»ull 8, District oj J innsjlvania to nit: BE it remembered tint on the Tenth day of July in the twenty fif'h year of the Indepen dence otihe.United States of America. Alexan er Addifon of the fiid Diftrifl hatU deputed in this office the tit'.e of a book the right where of he claims as Author in th» words following to wit, " R'efiV rts of cases in the Count, courts nf the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court of Errors and ippeo s of the State of l'ennfylvania, and charges to Grmd Juries of thofij Cour.ty Courts. Hv Alexander addifon,.Prcfident of he Courts of C minon Peas ofVve Fifth Cir cuit of the State ef Ptnnlylvatiu " In conformity to the a£l of Congrefsof the Uni ted States infitli-d ■' An adt for the encouragement of learning by securing the copies of maps chart, and b oks to the Author- and Proprietors of such ccpies durine the times therein mentioned " D.C LOWELL, Cirri 0/ tie DiJlriU if Ptltnfylvanh The above book is now putbftn.t Ir will he de livered to lubfcribcrs by Mr.Dobs n Bookseller. J u| y 2 3 BY a decree ol" th« High Court of Chancery, made in a cause, Jamis againS Newman, it is among other thing" referred toWm. Graves* Eiq. one of the mailers of the said court, " to take at) account of the Legacies bequeathed hy the will of the reOator, WILLIAM PHILLIFS, late of Newgate flrert, London, dereifed. and also to in quire and fbte to the court, whether Francis James, the hrother of the complainant's named as ne of the Legatees in the said will is dead, and wheth-.- he di lin the life timeol the testator Therefore all pcrfons who can give any informa tion whether the said Francis J.imes be living or deal, and it living where he now refines or lift I'efi.led, and when an', at what fbee, and when and where he was'.alt heard of, and if dead, when and where he dipt!, are h>reby requefled to give futh information tethefiid William Graves,Efq at his office in Soatlunipton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London ,011 or before the firft day of March next, otherwile he wiil be excluded th« benefit of the said decree. The said Francis James was horn at or rear Kidwelly, in the crurtty of Caermarthen, and if living, is about the age ( f thirty four years, and abouc the year 1779, was a foremaft man on hoard the Milford, a merchant ftiip, belonging to the por:of Bristol, and failed lor Jamaica in Septem ber, 178 c, afterwards he returned to Bristol, an in November, 1781, was pressed in King road, Bristol, and sent on board the king's frigate called the Dioijiede, in which he tailed from Ply mouth «n a cruile, and on board of which he.af ter ward 9 became a quarter gunner, and deferred the said ship at ChatldLon Bar in Norih-Amenca in' September 1781. Should any person in tly United States of Ame> rica, he enabled to give info-mation of the above named Francis James, whether living or arc requeued to communicate the fame to DAVID A. OGDF.N, No. 69, Stone street, New Y rk. The printers throughout the United States are requcftcd to jublilh the above, april 18: tof tf CO 3t The Unexpired of a BLACK BQI WHO has three yrars and five months to i'rrve ; he is 'ober, honest, a good wai ter and underbill-tis taking care 01 horics. En quire No. 60, Dock flrcet. July a 9, Found, A Ked Morocco Pocket-Book, WHOEVER l» s ioft it may receive it en ap plication at the office of thio Gazette, and paying the expend of this auvfirtifement. WHEREAS . For Sale, Houses to Let: ONE large conven'ent ihree-ftory Brick Dwelling House, with four rooms on a floor, and two Kitchens ; there is a pump of water, a:d a rain wattr cistern n the vard ; situate on the east tide of Fourth Street, one door above Race-Street, lately occupied by Solomon Moroche. ALSO) A convenieut Three Story BRICK HOUSE, With a pleasant yard on the South fide o? Arch Street, third door above Eighth- Street. For terms apply at No. 116 Arch- Street. August 4. m&wtf TO BE SOLD, Very low for Cash \ or exchanged for Goods, A Large, Elegant, and well finiftied 2-story Frame House IN the borough of Frank'ord ; containing an> entry and two large parlours on the firfl floor, c! rce bedchambers and two garrets Th« lot,: 'which is 340 feet deep, fronting on two streets, and has the privilege of a 10 feet alley through ; it contains a kitchen, {table, and coachih >ufe, a •> ell of eicellentwatir, &c. For terms anply to JOHN MCLELLEN, Jjly l( tttth&S if TO LET, OR FOR SALE, . A 2-story brick house Situate in Duke-street (or Artillery lane J Northern Liberties, TWO rooms cn a floor, kitchen and wafli houfe, a!l built oi the heft materials, and in excel ent order; cellars ulcllt the whole, one pave 1, and has two lattice clofcts wirh locks, a gar den and yard, leveral fruit-trees in the garden, two ; urr.jsof excellent water near the premises. rt at I«o, 39, Arch ftrcet uly \$ Fifty Dollslfs Reward. RAN-AWAY from Gen, Kidgely of Balti more, on the »oth inll. a light coloured ?egro fan, who calls himfclf WILLIAM Mc. DONALD ; He is about 14 yarsof age about 5 feet 8 inches h'gh, neat in his dress, and has a good suit of hair. H»d on, when he went away, a good beaver hat, a ihort light green cltSth coat, edged with fellow, anl yel - low gilt buttons —a light buff caflimer, d 'ubk breaded waillcoat, a pair of dark olive colour ed thirkfett pantaloons —a white linen (hirt, white ribhed cotton ft ckitigs, and a good pair of ihoes with ft-ings lie took with him a dark bliie coat, a pair of olive caflimtr panta- I ons, and a ngt.t corduroy pair of breeches ; also a gold or pihchbeck watch, with a fled chain. He offpiritous liquors, is ins > lent, has a ftffpiri look, and chews tobacco.— H- was bred in Charles caubty, Maryland, and yurchafed of col. John Thomas by gep. Rjdgr ley. Whoever apprehends said negrrt and fe cures him in at>y jail lo that the owner rr.ar get him again, (hall receive the above reward, with reaf nable charges if brought home, or de livered to Jofhus B. Bond, Philadelphia, may 1 dtf d6w. Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office TS removal from No 13 South Fourth street, to *. No. 18 South Third f'reet 'Mi Office for thofc (bees i« allb kept at mr Hardy's Inn, No. <)% Marbst street. General Post Office, April 18. Ibis Day Published, By J. Ormrod, No. 41, Cbefnut Street, Death of General Wajlnngton. A POEM. In imitation of th» manner of Offian. By Rev. John B. Linn, A. M. Mimfter of the First Presbyterian Congregation of Philadelphia. Mr. Chiudron's Oration will be published on Monday morning. March 15. 4. WHO is about taking his departure from hence to the Well Indies, whsrehe in tends to reside, will undertake totranfidl busi ness on the mnft reasonable terms for Mer chants who may be inclined to intrust him with their commands. He would likewise wi(h to be conce-ned with a perlon of refpe&ability here, who may be de sirous of such a cotineiftion. *„* Apply at No. 116, North Front St. Aug. 11 eodiwflj LANCASTER STAGES. THE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and I.an csflcr line »fStages DISPATCH,tuturn their grateful thanks to their friends and the puMic ro general, for the past favors they have received,and inform them that in addition to the regalar Line. th>. v are provided wuh Carriages,fober and careful drivers, to go through between the City and Hcrongh in two day t. who prefer this mode of travailing can be accommodated at the Stage Office, sign of United States Eagls, Market street, Philadelphia. Slaugb, Downing, Duhwoody W Co. Nov. 30. ' f 2»—} HISTORY OF Modern Europe. The public are refper&fully informed that the Firrt. 1 olume of the above Work is printed and will be immediatly delivered t > the fubfcri l >er«. Those Gentlemen who have exprefle a wish to fee the manner in which i? is executed before they become fubferibers, are requelled to call at W. Y. BIRCU's No. 17, f uth Second-meet. It is prefumad that en campur'ifbn itw:llbe found fuperier to the London copy. Auj. 11 cru ' eo I FOR SALE. A Printing Press. Apply at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. July 19. tvfrf 6w I; (?rlt# »i Ce»t«) . TUk A PERSON, DJi. RViSELL'B WAYNE COUNTY 'TAXES! THP owners of uriimrrovfd lards in Vf\ J county, are !--re!.-y, ro'ifjed, that Tajep w become ;■ aytlitnod tor the years I ""95. a i8o">. Thole who !av not a.rteidy pailt 'hi taxes r e hereby r ;c]!:ired tj li.icharge the iafl to JOHN , Efqcirc, Trfcafdrer v »W>ftj County at Mi!'. r>!, within fh . e monfhs "ttfs thi» date .©the: wi!e.pr •c;vdirp» to fait aKotJV' to the a'A of fleoibly in fuel; cafe provided" wi e had by the Commiffioiicfi) fur ,tlic tad count s'sa Stemon, ~l John Carson, > Commiflione Jabannes Van Etten, J At'.eft, E. Kellogg, Clk. July 9, jßoo d pot For Sale, A FEW HOGSHEADS OF Jamaica SUGAR and COFFEE, A Trunk of Met. and Womens' Sh&es, And a parcel sf Tow I^inen, ALSO, Boston "Window-Glass, 8 by 10, 9hy ;I, 10 by 12 :nd 17 by 12. Any TiieS' latter than thole miy Be had on being ordered from the -manufactory. Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, Jun'r. 3J wharf Touch of Market (tieet. A ugft 4. d;W The Bankrupt Law OF THF UNITED S 7 ATE 5, Was this Day PuVithed by A, D 1 Kl NS» op pcfi:e Chritt Church—[Price 2$ Cents.J A. D I C K IN S HAS JUST RFC ITED PROM N EW-YUKK DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ON THE New Poli t ical Afpeft of Public Affairs Is the UxitED States. fPri.e Cents ] avpsft r. twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York County a negro tjian, named ISASC, other wise CUDJO, about ai years old, the property of Robert Coleman; Kfq. He is a; out .< tret 8 inchen high, ha a blemish in his eyes, »ore "vnxte in them than eom.nsn, by 'r»dea Fcrge man-.- hod •>n anil took with him a drab coloured broad cloth coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and pantaloonij orinted fancy ccrd, a lwar.f !own flripe! umk'r scket; a rorum hat; one fire and one coar(e ftirt' one muslin hardkercM-t, sprigged, two ditto f.ripfcd border, a ' luc PtrGar. u 'cr jacket nd two peir cotton flcckine Whoever takes up f aiJ negro and lodge* him in an* jail in this or any of the iieigahourinf ftitr (hall have the above rc . ward or rcalonable expencesjt brought home. JOHN BR.IEN. Spring Forge, 0<£10bt;r»3,1799. N B. ii» f«id negro formarly lived ia Chcfler county, ir i* probabls he may return there. November ? Just Received, Br A. DICK INS, opposite Christ Churchy View OF THE CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES O F THE American Revolution, Ry the Rev. JoNArHAN Bouchku, A. M. F. A. S. Trice 2 Dollars jo Cents. July 30. WANTED TO PURCHASE, A FEW CANAL LOTTFRT Prize Tickets, By M. M'CONNELL, At No. 14), ClMfiHK'ft. ' aupui> »I Loll:, yesterday, A white young Pointer Dog, WI TH liver coloured spots, taH and very thin—*ame<3 Momns. >ny pcrfon giving information where he aiay be found, at No. 116, Chefnut street, will be liberally rewarded. augaft 21 Eliilia Fiflier & Co. No. 39 North Front Street, HAVE ON HAND AND FOR SALE, GERMAN STF.FL, window glass, hats affhrt ed in cases, Nnils in calks) and a Ir.rge ass rt mrnt of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sad'cry, Coach, and Harnef? Furniture, Brass and Ja; anned Waret. Pins and Needles. July 29 tu th fa. im, Now Landing, And for sale by the subscribers, 150 PIPES OF Lisbon WINE. JESSE Ist ROBERT WALN. July 30 Piilols, Guns, Gun-locks and Flints, For sals ly EI .IS HA. FISHER W Co. No. 36, North Front-flreet. Augufl 14 ".A Of mrrcintlle V'ifinift, -gvgt at CLERK r®V it e, or I* iobcff#™ ritr, tt Wflta* ■ hrtintfi ft 'riu Hbit - : &? ftasaaflsajay. . DA ,i $' [ u&. 'aid' * / » «T* •'* .£ t ' t. -'t • ' 4.. J * V V -■V ' ■■ J ■ p»d fit