Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 29, 1800, Image 3

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ters ; and ethers who, taking a higher
[ght, think they have diftevered its tmbrio
r : the roofs ot our houses , some afenbe it
vegetable putrefaction ; and others move
\3Joundlv trace it to tlx- grave-yards and
ceflaries. In la cfifHult a «ju-ftion, fad*
are the only Idle guides.
our citizens died ot a contagious
if'oicW, b.arin,T every fymptotn of the yel
iv.FeVtv, which he brought with him from
BaftTmpre, and another p.-rfon, cawing di
red'y from the l\m p! ice, has been sept to
-the Lazaretto. theft fafls, added to thi
daily accounts we receive frem Btltiinoreof
the progrefi of mortality, are good and
lubftmtial real'ons for (lopping the inter
course between the two cities. We hope,
therefore, and expert, that the Philadelphia
B;)ard of Health will continue their watch
and ward, and, in spite of all clamours to
the contrary, use their utm .ft endeavours f
prevent this irjlammato'y bilious feve<
of Biltimore, as well as of every othercon
tagious disorder, introduced among us.
- P r
For tie Gazette of tbe Unjted States
Imrrm r r u.
To a if dutiful young Lady weeping.
Why 'iroops the lovely A s* eye ;
Why trembles on her cheek the ;
Why fwt ll» her bosom »it a the sigh ;
Can aught unhappy cat re there ?
That feat of innocence and truth
Should never fee! thefti g of woe ;
Norfrrm tt-effarkhng 'ys.of youth
Should drep« of anguish ever flow.
Perhaps the blinded Urchins dart
Ha picrc'd foft beauty's,' potlcf* flirine,
And heavet not Damons faithful heart,
Rrtpoufiveto each throb of thine i
Trull me, dear Msid, the tender Swain
Whof hrea«t has rvr'fel thy charms,
Can never Veik 'he si k.n chain,
Can never quit thy folding armi.
But, (hould the thoughtless wand'rer fly
From Hcauty, Virtue, Truth, and Yhee;
Sh, ler th« tear, that. im.s thine eye,
With Pity beam on l.ove and Me.
tor tbe GazbTte of tbe United Statss.
Letter IV.
Philadelphia August 23, 1800.
7'ice Prtjident of the Un ii d Statu.
IT is a serious and important question
to the pe. pie of America, whether a Presi
dent of the United States, is not competed
in consequence of an implied obligah n, to
pursue a system of policy dictated by the
spi'it f the party which elevated him It
this is the fact, a!l-import.itit question
then arises—what are the principles of the
Party ? A-'d if ther are calculated to insure
the public happiness.
I have endeavored in a former letter to
developr the nature of Jacobinism, and to
prove how little it accords with the princi
pies of good government and religion per
mit me now fir to detail its loc»l objetts,
•which have refi rence to the Federal Govern
When the depredations on our coramero
committed by French cruilers, became so
extensive, as seriously to injure our t>ac>
government permitted the merchantmen to
arm in their own defence, and fitted cut seve
ral veflrls of war, as a further security to
to the tr ide—the benefits reflating to the
country in general, from this measure were
immediately felt—the piemium 011 Insur
ance, was greatly and our com
merce, refforrd to the channels, from which
it had been driven hy the Cruisers of France ;
Yet this wif- measure was highly difappro
vedofthe Jscobins, in and out of dnors,
and every means used to prevent iti exacu
t> n.
When the danger to he apprehended fro m
France, was imminent ind to arise
in a great detrree, from the clnfe pol;tical
connexion of the two countries, Congress
declared the treity, between them, void and
no loner binding on the Ur,it«d States,
this, together with the alien bill, which em
powers the Prrfident, to remove from the
country all ali 11s, (particularly pointing at
French emilT.iries) fol'pfcAed to be enimical
to the government, and to the wellfare of
the Nation—were ftrangly objedted to, by
your party, as unconstitutional, and impoli
tic, although it was well eftablidied, that
the United States had received the greatefl
injuries, and that the mod serious dangers,
were to be apprehended from aliens residing
areong us,
A Navy to a commercial pf.ople, is allow
ed by every Political writer, to be a natural
and wife institution—it is a fafe guard to
-the chief source of revenue in the country,
and by rendering trade secure, extends, trd
promotes it. Yet the navy eftablilhment, has
been a llrong ground of oppufitisn among
the Jacobins, to the present administration.
When the French Government, in order
to rid itftlf of its armies (from which it
lrad well grounded fears) were fending them
to the mod distant part of the earth for plun
der and umployment ; it was reafona(jly
fufpedW by our government, that, as the
United States offered obje&s of temptation
and allurement to a French army—there
was tai.fe to fear an invifion ; and to avoid
a danger of such great magnitude, or to
fneet it with advantage when it fliould ar
rive, Cingrefs in their wisdom raifrd and
organized an army of defence, which was
fcelieved to be a measure that rould nut be
<iifyenfed with, by a wife and provident go
The raising of this army was, in the opi
nion of your party, a monftrcus a<St of op
preflion upon the peopVe ; loading them with
taxes to support a body of men which was
one day to rob them of their liberties ; over
torn the constitution, and be a cruel inftru
went in the hands of a lawless and tyrannic
Agauift ail these wife meafores of the Fe
| oeral Government, the Jacobin party of
which y.iu, Sir, are confeff dly the hr-ad,
loudly acclaim, as unconftitutioual and im
polu, t.iat ftich a iy ft'in of admiiiiftration is
tinwile and iniquitous, and will involve the
nation in ruin : this is daily communicated
t.' the wh lent your party through the me
-1 um of vour preflcs ; they teem with abuse
4-; 'infl the President and Govrmment on
account of their niealures ; y.>u hive round
ly aiTerted that these things have been
done by the officers ol government for tneir
private emolument that the people have
>een abufcd and infulttd, and o'ppreflV<J with
t ixes which will accumulate ; that the go
vernment is afitmilating i tic IF more and
more to the Britilh government, and ill (liort,
bat all ibis sj t 'm oj adrr.;ni trjtion must
be overturned before the country can flou
'h } and that you zuill ovc turn it and pro
ceed >n entire newi grounds*
This is the belief, Sir, of the bulk of
vour party ; they believe that for this the
' rty was formed; that our present rulers
ire weak and dVfhoncft men, intent on pi .
vat'* gain } that without the change th- y
w II never be happy ; and that this revolu
tion fur the better will be wrought by your
•ledum to the Prelidency.
These are the views of the great m«fs of
the Jacobin party ;y >u hive agreed to be
its champion ; and you dare not fiy from
v Ur agreement ; y >u dare not desert your
principles, tor if you (hould the party will
desert you, and turn to be your bitterest
f>e ; there will be iro trimmin • then ; you
will have taken your ground, and w.llbecom-
K-.'led to hold it ; death might be the con
s quence of deferring your pod. Our be
loved Governor lias ft It the full force of this
truth, ard daily hears it in the curses of
thousands and the hitter complaints of in
digence. His friends must be gratified ;
the man who raised him to office Jjiuft let
the reward ; and although traitors, thieves
nnd foreigners are of the number,, they were
1-a ;ers of the party and mull be compenfa
trd as such ; it was a part r>f the (yftem to
reward these men, and 'he Governor had not
the power to You, Sir, will have to
be as compliant as y our friend, and the
whole face of American aifms mnft be
changed, it is a fundamental principle of the
Permit me now, Sir, to investigate the
characters of those men who stand highell
on the J icobin lift next to yourfelt', and on
whom the firft offices of your government
will devolve. Perhaps lam not wrong in
supposing that Mr. Madison will be felerted
as your prime minister.
Let us pursue this man to his phihfnphic
retreat, where like the nightly ail (fin h«
lurk* in the dark to corceal the deathly
blow aimed at the liberties nf his country !
What will we find him meditating on there,
but schemes of vengeaoce ? Di'app.-.intcd
ambition knows no bouiid . Ec ipfcd by
(he rtfpleudent glory of Waiiwigion his
little foul fui k into a fallen glo. m h« 1. 1
formed grea i-tn, nuch abo e ins, I' dif they wrif rt his
cou try was to be fairificed n. the It ug.'ie
—To 3"confiplifli this a temporary e
ment fenned he fur methoj B '(ill
the hour iTidil *irnA when the vi<*lim is t-»
bleed at "his feet, h's foul will be a (Iran
gr to rep fe. I'his man wa one of he
chief Framers of the Federal C«nftitutio<> ;
he had always h 'hrrto (liewi an attachment
to energetic g ernmcnt, and i<; an ad reiV
from the House of Repref -ntativtt to Gei>
Wifhington on his firft el-dio to ihe Pie
fidency (drawn up by himfelf) pronounces
him the g-eateft and belt of n. n Yet this
unprincipled man, from a fuppoli ion that
he was neglected by he government, com
menced a violent an ' zeal"us opp-fitio to
all its adta —exerted hia talen.s to confufe
and perplex it, and drove hard to render fuf
pic ous the r putarion and virtue of Gen
Washington in the eye* of his Fell >w -citizen^.
1 he next patriot who will demand rom
you his lhare of Jacobinic favour is that
cunning, artful hypocrite Albert Gallatin
whose name was so confpicurus among the
ring-leaders of the Wcltern Infurreftion
when the laws o' the United Sta es were set
at open defiance, the cotnmiflioners of the
government infultcd, ad a standard of re
ktllion reared agai ll its au.hnrity, at a
town meeting of the rebels, in whici a fy{-
tem of treason was organized, this Gallatin,
was Secretary ; but like a crafty Itilian he
ftieltered himfelf under the President's Pro
clama ion of a general amnesty when all
hopes of fucecfs to the rebellion had fled,
and he knew that with >nt this precaution
his neck would be ftretcbed for the part ht
had taken. He has ever since continued a
violent oppofer of General Wafliington nd
Mr. Adams's administration.
1 hat mode! of dip omatic purity, that /ini
of Frenchphil'fophy the c»er intamoui Mon
r»e who w rktd f.i l/ard night nd day to
facrifice his councry to Fiance a ->d tot 3 htr
unprincipled Rulers that the People of
the United States w<>uld cheers ully fu >-
mit to any demands that would be necef
iary for the interell of their ally will also
have his proportion of the honors and profits
of the government. The claims of ihefe
men Sir, upon you will be extenfiv , and if
y u do not give them their full, they will
point 10 the bloody and injamout charter of
your rights violated snd infri ged, and wilt
redeem its purity by hurl ng vou from the
giddy height to which your miserable am
bition will have led you.
From a London paper.
Two difputaots made np to a foldieron
guard tbe other Gay in the Park, and aiked
him, wheu (hall we arrive at next century f
Before yon come to Buckiugham Gate, was
the aufwer !
eetniß, to rorrefpond with the friends of
the Federal Government in Delaware Coun
ty. 01 tiie fiibjcifl of i)<-minuting aj'uitihle
andidite for the office of Senator, for the
U ftritf, composed of the C ty and C >unty
of Philadelphia, and the County of Dela
ware, prcniucrd an exrraft from the pro
c.edm %of a meeting I eld at the Black Horse
Tivern, in Middle town Towndiip, on the
inllant, by which it i-pp ars that they
-ave determined t • support Ma hanitl Newl
lin, as a C.ndi : ate, f«r taid office.
Whereupon rese'v J untmmoufly, that
thi» me th>£do approve ofihi nomntation of
Mr. Newlin, and that will unite our
exertions, in promoting his election.
The following Gentlemen, were appointed
<1 Committee, to currefpond with our federal
friends, and to pursue such o;her itfc»furc»,
is fn.ty bt found advifeable to promote the
federal interest, at the ensuing' election*
William Ra wicj
Levi Hollingfwurth,
John Inflceep,
R >ber<' VV barton,
Joseph H..pkinfjll,
Jiohn Haliowell, and
Thomas Enzimjtio'ns.
Resolved, that the following tickets agreed
upon at former meet ngs, be repiibhlhed in
tlir proceedings, and under the iaiivlion, an i
approbation of this meeting.
Fr..nci» Guruey,
William Hal!,
Gc re Fox,
Godfrey Haga.
Samuel W. Fisher,
John Bleakley,
D. K. H.lmuth,
Select C uucil.
Henry Pratt,
James Head,
Th. mas Morris, (Tim.)
Andrew B.y«id, (
William Dawfon, (brewer)
Common Cow.cil.
Robert Kalfton,
William Poyntell,
William Young, (bookseller)
J >hti Morrell,
Edward Garngus,
Jacob Lawcrlwyler,
George Krebs,
Jonathan W. Condy,
Nathan Sellers,
Jeremiah Boone,
Robert Evans,
Charles W. Hare,
Isaac Suqwden, (Jun.)
Peter Thomson,
George Dougherty,
John Carroll,
John Wall,
Thomas P. Cnpe,
Timothy Paxfon,
James Milnor.
- i r • ' v- ' ' '* '
The new regulation which permits Sol
dicrt who arc married IP fleepwith t eir wives
is doubtl is intended, as an indutgsncc.
but it would not be furprifirig if many 0 f
them fliould be content to * ave this comforta
.bk privi ege. • , . • j ; •
Seven Phyjici n and a burgeon were lately
| fen' by fume wag to a Gentleman in ruby
; health j in he borough , and an Unde taitr,
! who arrived in the evening to direc
ions for his funeral, fainted on feeing him
ft inling alive in the hali-
Parift n :"r tud. The Prefeft of i^ie,Po
lice of Paris h i thought it ne> tfliry to
p blilh a cauti n 'o his fellow-citizens a
gjinll a ne«y fpgeies of Fr.iud, whicli. he
def ribes a« thus pra&ifcd in ge-eral : A
p rfoß pretending to be confined in the
, 1 tmple, or some other prison, addreffe»
j L tter -o the Citizen whom he has marked
! as his Dupe, in which he. fta es that he has
been in the fcrvic*-of a matter imprifonrd
| f r olit ica I crimes, in confluence of which
■ he had himfelt been obliged to fly in haste ;
! that he took refuse in the Commune to
habited by the Citizen to whom he addrel
! Fes his Letter ; that having been suddenly
c l!ed to Paris by his Master, he had bu ied
a casket of Jewels or a large sum f Mo
ney which remained in his poiTedion. in a
spot near the houle of the perlon to whom
i he writes, but so remote that he canrot d f
; cover the 'pot without havi ig recourse to
written documents These documents are ■
in his portmanteau which having been
in the Infirmary of prison, he ha 9
been bligtd to plei ; eWto the boy who
atten's him ; for a small sum of money.
As he has a confidence in the honour of
the man to whom his letter i' addrefled, he
wishes him to dig up and to take care of his
trealnre for him, until he is hi ftlf in a si-,
tuition to claim it whin ht will repay him
with gratitude for all ihe troublehe has '<ad
In the. mem time, howevvr; jt is neceflary
that lie Ihould be furnilhed with a few livr-a
to fend his p rtmanteau with the docu
ments, and this remittance he earnefiiy re
quells may be sent him. Thi* species of
fr.iud lias i n>any instances been pta&ifed,
and in molt cases, been fucccfsful.
Philadelphia Academy.
SC7* THE different Schools of this Tn
dilution, will again be opened, on Monday
Federal Meeting.
At a meeting r.f the Citizens of Phila'-
Ldelphia, held pursuant to public liot r.e, at
Mr. Bunsvnody'i Tavern, on the 25th of
Aunull in It', lit.
Hens P att wasappointed Chairman, and
James Mi.nor Secretary.
The committee appointed at a f-rmer
'* -»
t - .
Gazette Marine Lift,
lAr ived, '
__„ 7 Jay*
P Planter, Jacobs Amftrrdam 50
Baliaft -R. H. Wilcocks. ,
Brig Frien Iffiip, Rinker, Liverpool j6
Salt;— Davy, Roberts & Co.
• j A rived qt the Fort.
Brig PamJa, Gilbert P olto Rico
Dye Woods 5 Mr. Curcier.
Can 1. u{> fr-ni he Fort
Schr.;Lyon, Whitfield, • Norfolk
Tobacco a d Turpentine —I. Ltamy
Experiment (re-capturcd ly the Defi
ance of Baliimore )
cle \ red:
Snow Red'ightten Wye, Amsterdam
Ship EfTcn, , for. New uryport,
!V®i t ® ,a or New-York, and a brig for
harleft®n, k'ft the Texel Koids, the 30th
June in company with the (hp Planter.
S hr. Philadelphia from Naflau is below. 1
Ship Robert, Houston, from Baltimore,
arrivtd at Liverpool, 16th July.
Ship ibigail, sent into Halifak on her
pafcige fmm New-York to Hamburgh, by
the vSt. Albans, has been liberated without
A lift of American vcffeli at Halifax-
Auguit ii f ig published"fn the New-York
papers. The only variation from the lilt
published in this Gaactte on Saturday last,
i* that the brig Sally of this pqrj j s libelled,
though • ot then condemned" '1 he fliip A.
bigail of Providence to Hamburgh, cleared
without trial, and the ship RAecca, Gard
ner of New-Bedford ; retaken from the
French, tried, and condemned to pay f Bths
to the captors ; cargo of Sperm, f rom Sou.h
Ship A Miam Forreft, capt. Joseph Mc.
Crohon from St Sebastian's. has arrived at
Chatl' ft'in i 60 days
lfie Piulfiaii Galliot. Chriftiania, Doro
thea, Hanfe.y from hence, has arrived at
Hamburgh after a paflage of two hundred
and f rty five days !
Brig Juno, Aibtrfe, from hence, has
arrived a Bremen.
Briy D - Viede, Kruger, from hence, h s
arrived at Hamburg.
Big Ruby, Lill bnd?;e, from hence, has
arrived at Porto Rico.
American vesse!s advertised in a Liverpool
paptr of the toik-Ju'y.
For Philadelphia. Ships Thomas Wil
William & Jane, Little, fail in all July ;
1 ill man, Harktr ; MifTouri, Lark ; Mo
hawk, Weatherly ; Molly, Colvert, to fail
3jth July.
Fur Boston Biig Lark. Stoddard ; ships
John Adams, Wood, loading ; Sarah, Grey,
fail in a few days ; Hiberuia, M'Donald,
lail in ill July ; M difin, Hartley j Packet,
Trott j S illy, Lewi's, loading.
For Nc.v-Lor.dan. Ship Sally, M'Carty.
For New-Tor A. Ships Mary, Hufley ;
Arthula, Bunker ; Experiment, Wilbur,
f 1! in all July ; Brifies, Ha IT, fail 111 Aug.
Marion, Sherry ; Perseverance, Cottle ; In
dul'rv. Reynold? (late Rudi!) fiil ill \ug.
Caledonia. Mallaby, fai! ißtlijuly; Osiris,
H He 1 ; A in, Lee, fail 25th Julv • Livi-r
---po I Picket 3;ebee ; Hingfton, King, load
ed. The (hip Liberty, Woodhi i', of New
York, failed in company_witli Captain Gu
For Baltimore. Ships George Washing
ton, Sam C n, loading ; Louisa. Clamp
lm, 1 ading ; Almr, Snow ; America,
Hufley ; Carhde, (.ibfon, fail soon ; Fran,
cis & Mary, Spence. loaded.
tor Alexandria. hips Fabius, B!ark,
1 wading ; p ot< mak Chief, Wattles.
or Ri hm nd Schooner Favourite,
Wsymou'h to fail 20th July.
or City Point, (Vir.) Ships Industry,
Vickory ; Hope, Dawfon, loading ; Vir
ginia, Cooper ; Nancy, Lord, loading.
For Norfo'k. Ships Eegle, Morrifon ;
Nestor, Wa>'te, lail in a'few days.
For Wilmington, N. C. Ships Nancy,
Mann, loaded; Betsey, Salcr, fail iJth
lor Chare/lon. Ships Sally, Campbell;
Montezuma. Morgan 5 Wafhing'on, Scott.
For Savannah. Ships Hiram, Whitney •
Augufla Honers.
The R bert. Hoiirflo", from Maryland,
arrived at Liverpool the 10th Jul).
BOS f ON, Augufl 2;
Arrived, fchr. Freemason. Pi»t, 57 Hays
fr m Martinique —nothing ntw.
24th, arrived the fl op Rambler,
Mtndrel l , 39 days, Surinam.
Same day, brig Polly, Havannah, via
Alio, brig Republican, Hedgkins, 35
days, Madeira, left no Americans there,
spoke nothi'g ; corn in demand
The (hip Packet, Trott, has a,rived at
Liverpool from this port.
Th« Minerva, from hence for London
was spoken on the banks, 7 days out.
NEW-HAVEN August 27 1800.
Sloop Three Brothers, Smith, arrived
from St. Thomas's —faile . from this port,
the 4th June last. On the \ 2th in tie morn
ing saw something like a' Tail ; on eomi g
tip with her found her to be a wreck of a
vessel overfct the night before in lat. 32, 35
long' 63, 58 —took her crew off, confilling
of nine men, and carried th m to Martin
ique—alfo ffived some property She was
a schooner called the ('harCe, cf East Had
dam, William Green mailer, owned by capt
Ofmers of Haddam in this state.
Schr-Two Brothers, Norie, of this port,
arrived here a fcw days since. On his
>-fi I
i s™*' wa> boarded by a Britifli f igate, tlis
i Captain of which artcr treating, him with
: many incmliriM.- a-.d i,.-dec«, t la
impreffcd foil of. his ,mcn, and permitte I
Bim to puifc his v« a c. I e expicffed
ht.i contempt jif the prote <, ions they produ
ced, that'they wtrt good-si r no
thing URlcfa signed by a British Consul.
J: he nm, belon ed, two < ft! em i»t Weil
Haven, and two at Salem, (Waterbuiy).
NEW YORK, Auguflf 28.
' (~■ r . arrived,- day»
bh.p Fair A mer tan, p ort p., ij£
Brjg Hunter, BufhSy/ Made ,a 40
Ql, uri' -7 rt Re P»b-iean 19
Wdiam, Zaots, Halifax 9
Matilda, btephefcfon, Grenada
• ■, Sooomaker, Tama ca 26
oloopjcrfey Blue; May,' Richmond i 2
I «•- CLE RED, ' ■
| Ship Speculation. Ellif, ■ Naples
■Brig P-Ily 31.d Nancy, Olcott, Havannak
c r Severn, O tcrbridge, Martinque
Dove, Allifon, Mx,„ferrat
oloop oufao, liaymond,. Cape Francois
creffa Marterfcn. Jamaica
ie hp Delight ; (hip Brothers and
b r, £ failed from Sandy Hook yefter.
day, aherno n for.. Europe.
Eighteen fail of.vefTeU were veSerday at
anchor at the quarantine ground
Galliot Poll r -i Hanl'mg, 26 clays from
Montejb Bay, Jamaica. Sailed in co. with
brig 8.-tily, and schooner Sragford, tor
W ilmington, N. C. Left there brig.Eliza
ot New-York,.to fail 1,1 $ days. August
19th, in lat. 33 je, 10ng.,76. fp)k■ tuig
tolly, si >m S.ivannah-la-Mar to Nantusk
et, all well.
Sclir. Maria, H dmes, from Virginia,
has arrived at Martinique.
Schr. Hannah, Peck, from has
arrived at Jamaica.
Yc fterday arrived, and came to anchor
at thr- quarantine ground.
Ship l air American, Bebee, Cape Nichola
M. le. Left there fchr. Giperof Baltimore
to (.til in fix days. A who came
in this vellel informs, that Toaiflftnt has
m de pr fillers of the greatest part of Ri.
gaud's army near Jaquemel, and that the
1 ittcr has had trTnis of capitulation offered,
which it is thought he will not refufr, nl
-1 iwing h.'m eight days for coniidrration.
I he p ifTenafer above alluded to saw a copy
of the articles.
BALTIMORE, August 26.
Bri g Viper, Story, 23 ays Turrac^a.
Came out with ihe David Stewar and
George, that arrived t<n days ago, but wai
detained in consequence of bei g chafed
out of their course, 24 houis by three
French privateers
W as boarded by in Englifli frigate, which
fuffaed us to pass, after opening of their
let er».
Landing fro n the sh:p America, Walte.
| Sims, Commander, from Canton,
Hohea, Hi
So'ichong, ift &and quality,
Caper fouchoug,
Hyf n-flt.u, !
Tr.kiy, } TEAS,
Younp hvf n,
Hyli'ti, ift & id quality,
I ■ ptrial,
V i>!lonv & white nankeens ")
I.uu firings, back & color'd (In Roxet
Sinfhaw, do. f all" rted,
Sittiws do. J
Lu'fftt iu£i, blue & dark green ") T
Si fhav/s do >
Persian tafT tss, dark green j
Toejy havt clso on band for sale, received by
the lave arrivals from Europe, '(S"e.
1 Infma !p»ck«
Striped and checked ginghatrs ag«t a(T rted,
White l.gurtd & color'd Muf- | ' aleulated (or
linetts jr'be Weit-In-
White corded diT'iitiei | dia market &
Color'd silk, Ikripetl Nankeens | entitled to
J drawback,
14 Trunks printed Calicoes,
5 do. do.
3 (Vt-.e tw'ne (Entitled to
10 Cain Eiu:li(h Chim ware, (drawback,
- £nglnu
in tea Irtia
> Calks mineral Mack,
I do. whi:e,
0 do. coii-other,
3 Calks purple hrown,
5 do. nails a(T rted,
9 do. Londoa porter in bottle«,
Sngliih fail canvas, No. I, I & 3,
1 UoxA wi ite Haranna fug*!*,
sunp iwiler, 3S?
wine bottles,
,a Guns, f< pounders,
1 do. 9 do.
if do 9do with rarmpes, See.
totccolb#. CerihQii coffee, ill")
r linfi:';er! to
jo,ocol'iß Mack pe-pper f drawback.
1: L ,'i el 0 y J
M-.y 1;. mjew tf
fTIS Swcdilb Maj fly's Cor; ft]' Geseral, ar;rf au-
L~l th nzcil to tra! fdl tfc Oonfular Hufiocft,
or his Majesty 'he Ki:>ir o( . 'ennia?k iii the ' i:ed
Hereby gives public Notice,
That in obcdii to recent lnUrtiilj >ii# rtcciYcd
from hi< government, it i. the duty of ill Mai-cri
)f Swcdifh and Danifli vtrffds be 4. lm *ailii
from any ;>ort in t! fe < lid States tf
:>r the Vice Cohlul ir. order to ![
Certificates for tfceir Cargoti, w\i
at the ti aro of the N.eurral Co id ml
v ,-r:d DetT««» of the Ct'i'g.r. i.f
indifr.tTiabiy iieceffary, and, that
velTeia JwTonginp to the refpeiti?4
vlgating w.h.r the protesiorv o
mutting to tak/ such cei ciilcatrs,
itaud rcfponfihlc for ths c •
« V .
/ *
. . •»: f
• / r
0 »
!• f in
|e»K* \
lie fe-