FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. LONDON, June i«. LAW INTELLIGENCE. Price v. Bell. This was an attion on a Policy of Infnr ance, on the ship jSouth Carolina, and her, at ai.J from London to Cliarleftown. ,There was a total loss of the ship and cargo by capture. The caufr came on to be tried by Lord Kenyon' in 1793, when the Jury found a verdid for the Plaintiff for 450!. fubjed to the opinion of the Court, on a cafe Which was Hated with great perspicuity, and molt ably argued by Mr. Adams on the part of the Plaintiff, Mr. Percival for the defendant. It appeared among other BDnrr luiTrnM things, that the South Carolina was an A- nU of merican (hip, though not warranted so ; that . Whetea, the burgesses and affiltant. of Ihe failed from Charleftown on the Ift of the borough of Wilmington have received June, , 797 , with a pafTport or Tea letter on '"formation of the ex« fierce and prevalence board, bound for the Havannah, and from of an n.fcft.ous and d.feafe at the thence to London, but the patTport only fta- . Ha Tr ? nn * ~ n lhc ' fland <>f Cuba - "Norfolk te'd, that (he was bound from Charleftowrt to ,n a „ " nd . 10 ' he O C " 7 ° f f the Havannah, and took no notice of the and Fs " s Po,n ' tf | e . State Maryland ; part of the outward hound voyage from the and as au U j nre I ftr ' aed '"tercourfe between Havannah to London, where (he arrived in the af °™ lald and this borough may September, i 79 7. It alio appeared, that mjurous to of thv c.t.aens be fides the palVport, (he had all nther papers and inha.Hants thereof_We have therefore, which American ships usually had on board. b ? a " d ' *' th the advlce of the health officer in the coiirfe of their navigation. of the raid borou g h . thought proper to or- The counsel for the Plaintiff observed dtr and dlreft ; a,ld do hereb y order and dl ' that, the different sentences of condemnation that no ship or vessel, bround from or in a French Court of Admiralty proceeded ,hat ma X have touched at the said infeded upon ordinances only, and therefore he places, or eiiher of them, shall from and as should put them all out of the question. by ter tbe publication brought or ap tefrrring the cart to the two recent deci- P"> a ch nearer to the said borough than the j lions of Pollard v. Bill, and of Bird v. Ap- mouth ot t-hrittianna Creek ;, And we do pie ton. He direded the attention of the forbid any person landing or being put on court to the 25th articl-of the treaty of d not ths palfp rt on board (he fubjed to such pains and peii„ltii-s as ure ought to have had. The point refpeding prrl'cri'oed by law. ail implied warranty, is a most extenfivi | In Teltimony whererf we have caused the dodrine. At present, I do not fee any j seal ot the said Borough to be here ciufe tOvdiveft myfelf of tlie reasons that [l.s.J unto affixed, this 26:h- day of the Aruck me before ; and I camfefs, I do not Bth month, 1800. fee much difference, whether it is wai ranted Signed by oider of the Burgesses or ngt warranted. If it is warranted to be and Assistants. y Americen, it tr.uft be documented rs an JOSEPH BUINGHURST, jun. T. Clk. American. It it is described as a (hip not belonging to any particular country, it mufl be documented as a ship of tile country to which it belongs. My mind has got into fonie esmfufion on the fu'ojed,nbr I am sure from the manner in which it was argued for it has been extremely ably argued on both fides ; but gtie's mind is not at all times equally fitted to receive an argument. My brother Lawrence suggests that it is fit to make a special vordid of." Mr. Justice Grofe. s —" I think it would be the corred way to have it turned into a Special Verdid, for it may very pofiibly happen, that on a Special Cafe, we may not very much rely on certain eircumftances, the want t;f which may prove fataJ on a Special Verdid. We treat them very differently." Mr. Gibbs said that out of 60 Under writers, all except three had paid ; and the expcnce of a Special Verdid was very Lord Kenyon.—" That makes no differ i ence. This is a very important point, and I atn not sure whether it may not lead to the cbfcuflion of all the do&rines that have been laid down refpe&irg fc» wq|thinefs." NOTICE. ACERTIpICA TE, No 15519 dated lft Jan uary 17971 in favoilr oi Robert l.inafay, of Charlcfton South -Carolina, for on . share of the fleck of the Bank of the United State« is loft— a duplicate of which will be applied for a( the laid Inftitutien. August 7. Marflial's Sale. United States, Pennsylvania Dtstrict, BY Virtue of to medirefled from the Horn rabii Richard Peters Esq. Judge of the Diltridl Court of the United Statee, in and for the Penr.fylvania Diftrid, will be ex posed to public file on TUurfday the 28th of August inlt. at t a nocn, at the office cflnfpciti n, No. 49, North Third ftieet, in the city < f Philadelphia, Two Hogsheads of Rum. The fame having been seized, kc. and libel led aga'mft, profecutcd and condemned a» for feited, Ac- JOHN HALL, Marshall. Marshall's Office, ? Philadelphia, Aug. 12,18003 3awtS ROBERT LENOX. atnStt3m By this Day' 9 Mails. BALTIMORE, August 26. Two negro men were this day lodged in gaol, for setting fire to the houfc of Mr. Dokehart, baker, in Market-drect. The flames were early difoovered and extinguish ed. The villains were apprehended (hnrtly after the perpetration of the diabolical aft. Their objtrA, they confefs, was to burn and plunder. WILMINGTON, August 27. The brig Frankiin Capt. Andrew Mor ris, of this port from Campeachy but last from the Havanna,, arrived at on Sunday last. CARLISLE, (Pennf.) Aug. 20. On Saturday night laA the bridge-house and pait of the tufting houie of Cumber land furnace, the property of Mr. Peter Ege, were consumed by fire. From the manner i.i which Mr. Ege bus lately been ahufed» and from some exprcdions of a threatening nature made use of by a person lately employed about tl*e furnace, and who, for bis imfsonduA been difmiflcd, it is the boildings were Jet on fire. The fufpefted ptrfon is taken, and lias given security for his appearance at the next court. Marftial's Sale, United States > Pennsylvania District, 5 BY virtue of a writ to me diredled from the Honorable Richard Peters, Judge of the lViflridl Court of the United States lor the Pennfylvjoia DiftriiS, will be t*pofcd to Pub lic Sale, at the Merchants' C (Tee Houi'e, in the city o Philadelphia, on Mondsy the Bth day of SeptemUer next, at ii o\hck u noon. Tbe Vessel called PRUDENT, As (he now lies at Brown's Wharf—with all < ! -d lingular her tackle, ap parel, and appurtenmces, thr f;mt having h*tn condemned in the laid court a forfeited, &c. JOHN HALL, Marjhal. MorfiaPt-Ofict, ? August it, I?QO. J TUE UNDERSIGNED, TJlS>vrcdifli Majefly's Confu! General, and aa -1 JL thnrized to tranfacl the Conlular Business, for his Majesty the King; of Denmaak in the United States of America, rcfiding at Philadelphia, Hereby gives, public Notice, T».it in'Oibcdicncc to recent infliuflions received from l.if. government, it i» the duty of all MaUcrt of Swcdifli at« 4 Danifti veiled, before their failing from any port in the f-id States, to call upoi> hini or the Vice Coeful in ori?er to fce granted such Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency ■of "the llate of the Neutral Commerce ano! thefe veral l>ecr»';s of the Belligerent Powers, render" jlidifpcrfabiy neceilary, and, that any Mafler of vessels belonging to the refpeitive nations, orna vigating ender the pr:>!eiSiort ot their flags, in enlitti: „> t'n tiho i'uch fcvtificites, will personally ftaoi? rrtpor.ffble for the confeourmes. RICHARD SOItEUSTUOM. v Fhi'r.Jeljhio, ißth iXccnVtr, 1799? Just ReceiVed, J SI) FOR SALE B" ROBINETT & KISSELMAN, 2CO lbs. Mate, 7. of a superior quality. 400 l)>s. iNutmegs, j Jamaica Spirits, 4th proof, Do. Sugar of the firft quality, Holland Gin in pipes, Port-au-Prince MolafTes—and 30 Tieices Rice. R. K. bane also on bind, for Sale, H r fon, 7 Young Hyson, 8c V TEAS, Souchong J Cogtiiae Brandy, ill 8c 4th proof, Sherry Wine in quarter ca&s, very nice, jojo6o Spanish Segars, And a Variety of other - GROCERIES, j Aiguft 26 eo Robbery. 300 Dollars Reward. LASI' Saturday night my (hop in Water ftreet was opened by a falfe key, and fun dry articles of JtWfcLLERY, to the amount tff ten or twelve hundred dollars, were carried off Among them were, Two marrnw spoons marked " Worrock Likeneflcsof Mr James Robcrtfon aRd wife, of Peterlburg—one do. of a Mr King one do. of Mr John Trimble, late of thi? town, the back set with a large blue ghfs arid a smaller in the centres, under which was a plait of hair' laid strait, with J. T. i« a cypher worked in peaii. Together with a nomher of fancy pi*, ces, painted by Sully, whih cannot now be recoiled!ed ; 5 80-tfwiiu's Calls flaniprd « Warrock.' AND The following Watches: I Gold watch, maker's nime Pri.vaa, Paris 1 silver do Thomas C?r£en', Liverpool. 7703 1 do do George Bifield, London, 13,j00 1 gold do. I'r', no name I do. do. John Ryland, London, 1331 I fiiverd •. French, 1.0 nam# 1 do. do John I'.ull, London, 744 I gold do. Hi.dart, I'aris 1 silver do. Jofepk Kem'iet Shaw 1 d do. J. Iltfrli igtoo, London 1 do. each llat refpe&ively, and betwsen all thtfa and London and Paris, at diffrrent tnt«s-*S Exchange. By JOHN ROWLETT, Accemptant, Bank of North-America. IN CONFORMITY to the ad of the Con gress of the United States,intituled " An A (SI for th« en.ouragemeat of learning, [iXAt.] by fccurirg the copies 01 Map*, Charts and Bo»ks to the Authors and Propri etors of fucli copies duting the time hire in mentioned " (Signed) D-CALDWELL. Clerk of the District of Pennsylvania. august I- iaw4w. HIGH-STREET. The House, 3tawtS LATELY occupied by the Chevalier D'Yrujo, Spnnilh Annbaflador, will be let out to an approved person or family, on easy conditions. It is large, commodious and elegant, witU coacli-houfe and stables conformable. Enquire at No. 10*0. Spruce street. SAMUEL MAGAW, Arch Street, N». 94. eodtf. July 23. Sand 6v Stone Ballast. ANY pcrfon wjftiojf to b*t« 4 of «ard and Stftn« B«H»rt. bj rfttiting it fr«a, the (hip Aunt, Itirg >« th« ftreira, »brr»fl of Viiw ftre. t wturf, m»7 hl *« o&e hundred ton« giatii, Apply ou bo*ri> A*g*& Gazette of the Onited States. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY EVKNING, AUGUST 23. PRICES OF STOCKS. Puiladelphia, Aucost »7. Old 8 per Ceftt Stock for calh 105 pel cent. Newß per Cent Stock dj. iqߣ ill per Cent, (net amount) 87^ Navy db. do. 87 Three per Cent. do. 53 Oeletred, - do. 84 U United States, do. 31 , Pcnnfylvaaia, do. 16. —— North America, do. 48 Infuranse comp. N.A. shares 10 per cent, be low par. —— Pennsylvania, shares, % I per cent, adv, Turnpike Shares, 10 per cent, nnder par. Bridge (Schuylkill) Stock, par. Kaft-ln Jia Company of N. A. 7 per cent advance Land Warrants, aj dolls, per 100 acr«s. COURSE OF EXCHANGE Bills on Lon. at 30 days for cash 170 per ct. Do. do. 60 days do. 168 do. Do. do. 90 days do 166 1-3 Bills on Hamburgh it 60 days 36 a 37 cts. per Mark Banco D*. in AnifUrdam, 60 days 39 a 40 cts. per Florin. The intercourse between Baltimore, Nor folk and Wilmington, Delaware, is Hopped. See proclamation, Mail news. The foundation of a new Church was laid at Eaftdn, Maryland on the 2oth in- Ihnt. A column and a half of the Aurora of this morning, is devoted to remarks, on the appointment to office of Old Tunes,,—how M'Kean and Ttr.cb Coxe must have sweat before they completed reading it. For the 24 hours preceding Tuesday mor ning at fun-nfe, there were 33 new cases re ported at Fell'* Point. There is now 95 lick, exclusive of 7 at the Hospital, and in the fame 24 hours there 13 deaths in Baltimore and its vicinity. From Raleigh we learn, that Mr. Macon, and Mr. Stanford, are re-elefted, in their refpedtive diftri&s, Representatives to Con gress. Important dete&ion. Information haviag been received by Ro- ' bert Wharton, Esq. from Mr. De la Mon tague of New York, that certain-described perfoni were in Philadelphia who had alter ed sundry Bank bills, from small to larger amounts ; the proper officers were diredted to make search for the yerfons. In a few days by the a&ivity of Mr. Hain9, head Conttable, with other civil officers, three persons were arretted and lodged in the jail of this city, viz. Rolwell Bingham alias, Robert Beertian, Levy .Stephens & Ephra m Fitch. On them was found all the plates | and apparatus together with an immense , ! uumber of altered bills, amounting to 1280 | ' dollars on the Manhattan Bank, exclusive ! of a large amount on the Boston Branch ! Bank and others. The origin al Bills of one dollar were al tered to ioo ; those of 5 to 30 and 50. The bills in every other vefpect were perfect, the signature, &c. being genuine. The manner in which they performed the alter ation was by extfafting with a liquid the original sum and imprefling a large amount in its place. The bill, plates, &c. are all now in poflefiion of the Mayor. It appears from Ephraitrt Fitch, w|io has made a complete confeffion, that Rolwell Bingham, alias Robert Beernan, and Le vy Stephens are the Principals in this busi ness, and that he was Employed by them, at 25 dollars per month, as journeyman, to do the work., and to have no other emolument or cancern whatever ?n the business—This man promises iniportant information, pro vided he is pardoned. [ IVe return our thankt to the gentleman -who politely favoured us -with (befollowing ex tras of a letter.'} PEACE Between RIGAUD and TOUSSAINT. »• Two or three days before our depar ture from the Cape, news had arrived there of peace having taken place between T ouf faint Louverture and Rigaud. " Tou (Taint's forces, under the command of Gen. Deflaline, having captured Arquin, and got pofleffion of Rigaud's portmantua and pipers, by which they became acquaint ed wiih his real situation (which he had hitherto found weans' to keep concealed from them) they determined 011 pushing forward, with all possible dispatch, to Aux Cayes, before he could receive any supplies of am munition and provisions, of which his array wa? much in want. M Rigaud found hirafelf so closely pur- I sued, and perceiving some unfavorable move ments In his own .irmy, and fearing they might declare openly againfl him, deter mined at last. if poflible, to accommddate matters with Touiflaint. He accordingly lent a deputation to him, to let him know his intentions : They -were well received, but Touiflaint, would agree to no other terms than that Ripaud fliould immediately, depart from the Island ; which Rigaud was finally forced to confrnt to. A certain number of days has been allowed him, by 1 ouifiaint, to depart with his family and baggage. He has * brig of 22 guns, in the harbour of Aux Gay' 8, in which he means to embark., '• This city or town Ir s Cent a deputation of white inhabitants to General Touiflaint, to reqlieft him to come in person, and take poffeffioti of the place, (dreading the arrival •f the army without the comiv.ander in 4td. chief, as they hare "al ways beeti led to Toti. pose that the territory itvpoikiiion of Rigaud was to be e;iven them as fair plunier) On" the 2i inllant, General Moyfe, comman ding at the Cape, received official letters from Gen. TouiiTaint, informing him of these tranfa&ioni, and that he, Touiffaint, was then on his road to Aux Cay-s ,»« The Augusta brig, the Trumbull, and the Herald, sloops of war, are cruizing near the Aux Cayes. It is to be hoped that Iligaud will fall in with some one of them,'' For the Gazette of the United States,. MR. WAYNE, AS the letter which appeared in your Gazette on Monday, may lead Come of my fellow citizens to suppose that I am ill the habit of covering property under the name of rr.y house of B. & J. B >hlen, I fend you a copy of the letter refer'd to, with an affidavit of its author (a native of Germany, hitherto my clerk,) which I beg you to publish, believing it will want no comment. JOHN BOHLEN. Philadelphia, August 26, 1800. BE IF KNOWN, That on the -day of the date hereof, before rtv, Peter L lira, Notary Public for the Commonwealth of Pemifylvania, rttiding- in the City of Phila delphia, by lawful authority duly commif fijned and l'worn, and by law authorised to administer oaths and affirmations, perfonnlly appeared George Bernard, late clerk and book-keeper to B. tc J. Bohlen, of the said city, merchant, who being toy me duly sworn according to law, did depole and fay, that the annexed is a true and faithful copy of an original letter, written by this deponent whilst in the employ of the said B. and J. Bohlen, and forwarded by him per the ship Muhlenfels spine time since, bound from this port for Amftfrdam* but captured and sent into Halifax, that the said letter wa» written ani forwarded by this deponent, without the p r evity or consent of the said B. & I. B 1 ilen, with whom he lived for a hout two yi-ari and half, and can with thd greatest truth, declare that he has never known them to cover themselves or to aid and affifl others, either dire£tly or indireft» ly, in covering any property or efTe&s what. GEO. BERNARD. In Testimony whereif I have hereunto set my Hand, and affixed my Notarial Seai, the twenty fifty da- of August rSoo. PETER LOHRA, JV. P. (COPY.) • Philadelphia, 30 May, 1800. Mcflrs. Pieter Vjd Veen & Son, Amfterdara. Gentlemen ! I TAKE the liberty to request of you to load on board of the firlt failing vend for this port, for my account, anH rilk eight calks Madder of good qualirv— Bat as I am not yet long enough in this countiy to obtain Citizen Ship, I think it prudent theft goods to have inserted in the Bill of loading, Bcc. paperi. poing for account and Rilk of Messrs. B. & J. Bohlen of this City, and as we are not yet acquainted to gether you'll please to draw on me for the amount favour Said Gmtlemen, as I can make you the return in produce which I leave to your own option. I would htvc made you now the Remittance, but as the Exchange 13 id. above pair and the discount a 1-2 per cent, per month. I wish not to be for such a long.while out of the money. The Insurance premium is now here very Reasonable, but as it is umertain if advice of fliipping will come to hand in time, I mud prefer to be insured with you and please to choose good underwritters I am with the greatest regard. Gentlemen Your obt. 8c Hble. Servant GEO. BERNARD. Care of MefTrs, B. St J. B .hiei;. [The following vile paragraph it cpied from the Baltimore American, printed by one Alexander Mar in, a fellow wh> was compelled to decamp from B' (lon ; but not for faying his prayers, or faying hit debtS.~\ " The brilliant faccefiej of the French has confounded the Britith taftion with : n the United States. They appear difc~nfo late and their visage express the agony of their mind. Thank heaven, they are. now placed in that fituation r -which they have at tempted for a few years pad to place the re publicans. Thtir cockades Appear like the withered leaves in the autumn A few are difplaved in the hats of the fuperai uated, but they stand 01 ly as a monument of their folly. May the fuccefles of Buonaparte continue, till the enemhs of the French gov eri raent are prajlrate at their feet, and fup plianti for their mercy'' [i- T ere is a wilh exprefled by a man, who abitradlly considered, is unworthy notice ; but as connefted with and being one of the champions of a daring faftior, deserves the most serious consideration. This fellow is j supported by the fame charafleis who up i hold the Aurora, .and whose •jyiews, senti ments ai.d wishes are in unison, from New- Hamplhire to Georgia—from Jefferfon down to a towffi meeting Secretary. The deadly secret which has remained dormant in their bosoms, has prematurely come to light and unfolds at once their infernal schemes* It will be recollefted that the Briti/h/allien here alluded to, consists of all those citzens of every description, who are determined to support at the rifle of life and properly the government of the United States, >fnd who . have opposed the " haughty prere'Xiona and perfidious schemes of France" and it is (he with of this writer, that theft- virtuous, free born sons of America, for th s patriotic deed maybe laid pr Jlr te at the feet of Fra ce, and lecome bubble fuppl'wnts for mer- p 1 •>' '■ f vy.->