Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 27, 1800, Image 1

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Nuit3f>H »470.1
> ?» T* Tti j rice of thts (jazciu it Might
Doll/ms per annum to Subscribers residing
ib the city of Philadelphia. Ail others puy
une Duller additional, for enclosing and dt
rerit.rj ; ar.d unless'some person in this city
will become an for the subscription,
it must be paid Months in Advance.
*■«* No Subscription ivill be Received for
a shorter term than six months.
December 1 171-9,
From Augujl 17 —to September 1.
mo a w*Tit.
Trade interdicted with. Baltimore,at
well as Norfolk.
Stb i, o 21 t, 1800.
WHEREAS tile Board of Health
have received information that
a contagious disease, dangerous to the
Community, now exists in NORFOLK,
(Virginia,) and also the CITY OF BAL
TIMORE, being, as is represented to
US, equally lickly.
Whereupon RefolvCd, with the as
sent an: - ! approbation of the Mayor, that
all velleis • from thence, bound to the
Port of Philadelphia, bring too at the
Lazaretto, to receive a visit from the
Reflde.iht Physician, and there wait the
determination of the Board.
And further, thatnoperfon (or goods
capable of retaining infection) from
NORFO'I.K, or BALTIMORE (hall be
permitted to come to the City or Coun
ty of Philadelphia, • until they produce a
fatisfaftory certificate of their being at
least 15 d ays in a healthy state, from
thence, under the PENALTY OF FIVE
HUNDRE ID DOLLARS, agreeable to
the 7th fed kion of the Health Law, half
of which w -ill be paid to the informer
on convifti on. All proprietors of Sta
ges, both by land and water, are desired
to govern t'hemfelves accordingly.
Ey order of the Board,
Peter Kp.VS.tR, Secretary.
(£r The Printers generally are requeft
cd to give this a place in their papers as
often is convenient.
Officers of the Navy,
ANO others, who ara <U;fir us of becoming
is.ted with the foticiwing very tfl* ntia)
improvements in Nav'ga'Hoir, v'z 1 tfe rfiethod
of finding rhe uaritude l<y a G'.g»ie alefrnrle of the
fun at aoy hour ot t e day ; and of afcemining
both I>atitu !e and Lonpitu 3c at once by a Cclef
tial obfrrvation, the Luna's, an 1 new torms
journal* for ftip» of war, with additional columns,
may hear of a perfort rzady to inftfutf them at
their apartmems, jvho hvi* of
so fi.tnpiifirf.l by txplanati ns of" figures, marginal
refcrunces, See that they may bu uu Wtiooldin a
few days 5 J»y "ppiyin* at No. 93i south Second
flrectj ©ppoGte the City Tavern.
H« to Navigation (the common
sietfrod erf a journal at f*a) in 6 rays.
He Jwft taught the Mathematics. French ian
gi*agje, &c for many years in different utiiver
-4jrics, and (hips of wit, to which he has been
regularly appointed—He seas also had confi Icrable
experience in surveying and book-keep
ing ; which he g»vcs private lectures.
His terms arc low and accommodating.
He wili afrit
A Marine and Commercial
As soon as a fuitabh- mora can be procured, for
which j generous price will be paid.
Jdr* The business oj an Agent and In
terpretur faithfully transacted.
Anfuit IT
an tilth AS,
AN attachment was lately iflucd'oUtof the in
ferior c*urt of common piea» of the county
ef Bffex, in the fVat-s of New Jerfty, dire&cd to
the Iheriff of the said county, against the rights,
-credits, monies 2nd effefls, goqds and chattels,
lands and tenements oi J*'>n CUves Syvtmes at the
fuitof William IVells, in a pica of trespass on the
cafe to hi* damage three thoufond doHars; —
Ami xvketeas, the said ftie'riffdid, at the term of
June Jail pal*, return to the said court that he had
attached the defendant by a certain bond given by
Mattluas Den man and Samuel Meeker to the said
defendant, to the amount of near two thousand
dollar*,-a«4 atfo&y (ixcy land warranty;—
AW therefore, nnlefs rfus said jOihn Cleves
SjtamefcfyaM app<w,g.i\te special bail, and receive
a declaration at the fait of the plaintiff, judgment
will b« entered againil him, and his property
herein attached, will be ibTd agreeably to tke
(iatutein such cafe made atfd pr»v : dcd.
Aaron Ogcten, fJlerky &c.
EUtabctb-town July 8, i;?? (11) lawisoi
Gazette of the United States,
For Sale,
No. 5, North Thiid Strut,
GURRAHS and low priced Haftas, entitled
to drawback. Alio other c- arse and fine
4 4 and 5-4 India Mtifiins, Iriih ahd quadruple
linens, German Dowlis, India Sit 1 s, Lnt
ftrirrps and
p ris, w.tli a variety of other Ironmongery and
<eafonable Dry Goods-'
Ail'o, to be SOLD or
A handsome f-story
*'lr!) phzzn and kitchen a ;joiu.rg lita«e ir.
Vine near Fourth Steeet, built in ip dern ilyle
with excellent ma'erialt and well ca cu.atcd to
accommoda e a large family.
4u g»f 15- dat.Mtf.
H. .M
* J«
10 1
11 I
•11 44
0 *S
1 18
- 5 lA—6 34
5 »7 6 33
- " J iS 6 31
- J 30 6 30
- J 3« 6 19
S 3x 6 »8
,S 33 f> »7
Fort Wine & Claret
In Cases, cf the first Quality.
Wine and C\ der Vinegar.
In I i|'fs and Cjfks—For vSale by
July 19 jiwjw.
Ritbir separately o' tngctbtr,
The Two Houses,
LATFIY < ecu[ icd as a HO I£L by Mr. Sa
muel Francis, -io. 13, south Fourth ftrcet. For
terms ajply to ,
benjamin r morgan,
No 41, Arch street.
Julv 10 j, w lw
Jacob Sperry 6c Co:
No. 195, Makket-Street,
Have receivtd by the ship Eagle, ami
other late arrivals from
The following Goods,
Which they offer on liberal terms ;
ESTOPILLAS, j-Decantcrs,
Caff rillas, 2•* Ceffee-Milli,
nccadillos, i S-r j Tap«s, twiU'd,plain
Rouans, r.s ® 1 and coloured,
C'rea* ala Morlaix I *-5 'Sealing Wax,
Coutils, J" I
Ft em London, A consignment oj
i Packages of Midlers' Webb?ng, ami
3 Cafe» of the Wafhingto. 1 : Print, in h»Ddf»me
frames of full length Engraving.
T HE unde-ro'-nt oned Certificatcr of Stock
- 1 f the Ba; kof the Ur.ite<] Sute«, vli.
No. 3804; dated iftjuty 1796, for ten (hires
in the name of Charles Lovegrove of New-
No. »s>»i —No 2}ui< dated id July,
179S for five (hares each in the name of
Sirah tVedVe'-wood of Btroria.
No 2 So? No. 19809, dated l'Jf January,
1800. IV>r ten flUre* erch, in tha nartuS sf Henry
Watki rngtoH, Merchant, London.
Notice is hereby given.,
That application s intended to be made at
the Oid Bank by the fubfcrib*ri> for a renewal
of the f. «le, of which all pcrfon» concerned
ire requrßed to take n< tice-
Philadelphia, 3®, 1800. mwfjm
For Sale,
Li the pleasant vilic+c of MomtP Holly, Bur
.in if ton County, 18~ miles from Cooper's
Fc rj f and 7 from Burlinat n ;
Brick - House,
FlVi'l »*=V thiWy hit fq.ure, four rooms on
each flfKic, anil a cellar uii ier the whole.—
Like-wise a'-ji»it)»Eg* a fat ty foct fsont Lot, fit 11-
ate os Kill ltre«t, near the market, with a new
Carriage Hcufe and Stables on the rear of the
Lot, fronting a public alley. For further par
ticulars apply t<>
ISAAC CARR, in Burlihgton.
Who wi4lfl4ew the pi*emifcß and utatlektiOwn
thetepiri% or at the fubfori'ier in Bwlington,
by whom an indifpurable title will be given,
BurliiigtOß, July 9, 1800.
J\rly if eodtf.
end tf
4*v£l> Long Tmnea,
V/ .Small Pic« «• Kca-Bn^yi)
EogUftr Chalet, C(MntK>Cr.|t St>cka r 'iod'4g*M*
viruiy of arsictct-ncceflbry to carry on tbc'i'rint
ing Dufinefi. They will be rold Victy tv **(k
to thf Prtmkr."
July 31.
Neatly executed at the Office of the
Gazette of the United States.
Cards—Blanks ..t ail kinds,
&c. See.
Wit! he printed at the
Shortest Notice.
augtift 23.
2 New Cables,
Easft :i5 fstlioma, 10 and II inch,
i.tigufl 4. r'6t mSth Im
By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, Soush Front-'flreet.
c;ty or washingtgn.
HE loliowing property belonging to the Tfuf
t'ees of the 'gate Fund, provided for the
I lyment of certain cndiUrt of Edward Fox
and James '
Kn :y tbc 6:b Octubex inst.
PART oi the property of said fund, in the City
of Washington, that now is rtsn lertd clear of
every i- cum trance, will be exposed at .Public
- uflion ar Tanficlifl Tavern, anionptt which are
the following valuable Gtnaiioi., viz. 11 Lots in
fquarc No. 973, 2 lots in fqtnrri 974, ij lots in
jquarc 995> > lots in square lptith of fquari
1019, 19 lotsiu square 1020, 1 lot in square iOse.
1 lot in square 1022, 7 lots in square 1031 4 lots
in square 10*4, 3 lota in fquarc 1045, 3
•quare 1046 9 lots in square 1047, 12 lots in
square 1048, with funi'ry ofhers, advantageouily
fitnatetl in various parts of the city. Also the 2
ilory fraiie houle now occupied by Mr Debloii,
beaatifullyfituated (with an extensive view ol sev
eral miles down the Potomac) on thefoHth *aft
corner of fronting 44 feet on 11 ftrect
faft, an<f 42 feet on f6uth G ftrcet: a commodious
Kitckiin with an oven, &c. adjoining the soUth
front A large frame liable, carriage h(»fe and
hay loft jo feet by 25, and a pump of excellent
water near the back door o! the kitchen, the-lot
extending9l fecton • 1 street, and 139 feet 1 inch
'n Gdrear, comprizing lots Nos. i, 2, 3, and part
[ of 21, ,'n the regiflered livifion of the square.
1 he files will commence at the said tivern at ten
o'clock in the forenoon.
The termsone fourth calh, one fourth in fix
months, whew a deed will be given, the remain
ing moiety in two years, payment to be feeured
hy bbn l and Mortgage. But ffat creditors in the
bov. fun-i',' may in tuu of mortgage secure pay
meet rf their bonds by ot c r llicates of
tbr rrpftc-sariliL ipii . f (killings iothr pound,
to the an ount I'ecurcd and ftoald a di vidend take
place L efore. the expiration of the tw.i year*, 11
will Sc set ff against the bond, and the certifi
catesreturned in (he fame proportion.
Henry Pratt
Thomaj W. Francis |
John Miller, jun. Trujtus.
J<hnA(h!ey |
Jacob Baker. J
Auguft4. 3iaw ts
Landing fron the ship America, Walte.
Sims, Commander, from Cation,
D Cougo,
Souchong, tft & md quality,
Caper souchong,
Hyf"n-fkin, IxFAfi.
T-nkay, t 1 UAS '
Younp hyfi n,
Hyl n, itt & ad quality, —■
Yellow & \<rMte nartkcens "J
LMtcffrfngs, b *ck & tolor'd ( In Boies
Sinftuwt 'do. «fli rt-d,
SittlM do. J
Luteftriugs, niaa. blue |c dark flretrt") t
Si: flaws do f i
Perfi*n tafttas, dark green J woxes.
Tbty Have also on band for sale, received Iv
tbe late arrivals ftom Europe, &e.
1 Infma:!psck-
Strip d and checked pinghijns i air s afT rted<
White figured & eclor'd I | ralcula'ed for
I'hctts _ \'7*fce Wr(t-In
White fordfcd dimitie* L dia market f
Color'd Cilc, ferrped 1 Nankeens | entitled to
J drawback,
14 Trunks printed Calicoes,
5 d ■>. dV
3 lei-ne tWlhe f Entitled ti
10 Cafos Eiii'l Ih Chinl ware, f drawback
i# tt3>l'ett* J
6 Caflts mineral black,
1 da. . white,
10 do. colcothrr,
3 Casks purple brown,
35 do. nails afT rted,
9 do Lrndn prrtcr in buttles
Eng'ifh fail canvas, No. 1,2 & 3,
H'.fTiu dark,
»7 Bnjce* wlwte Havinna fug&r,
y Pipes old Madeira wine,
Gui)R w 'er,
Enifiiy wiue bottles,
10 G'miis, & plunders,
11 do. 9 da.
15 do 9do with carriages, &c.
ißo,ccolbs. Ceriboii coffee,
qji.tllty (Entitled to
iO,ocolbs Hark pepper f ilrawback
20 L j:S e'oo' y J
Madeira Wine:
The fubferibtr has received in th# Apollo,
from Liverpool, a Quantity of
Hill's Old London particular Wine,
In pipes, hhds. & qr. calks.
august 4. aw&l 4W
Houses to Let :
ONE large conven : ent three-story Brick
Dwelling-House, with four rooms 011 a
floor, and two Kitchens ; there is a pump
of water, and a rain water cift'ern in the
yard ; situate on the east fide of Fourth-
Street, one door above RaceSffect, lately
occupied by Solomon Moroche.,
A conveni?ut Three Story
* With a pleasant "yard on the' South fide
o? Arch Street, third door above Eighth-
Street. For terms supply" at Nt>. if 6 Arch
August 4.
For Sale,
m&w tf
On Fifth Day the gtli of October, on the
premises, '['he
Mary- Ann Forge
And Plantation :
CmUTE part in Urandywine townlhip, and
1 J ,D Werck,an d. about 30 miles from Phi-
one and an hall mile from the Tnrn
pt 'c read, and Downing's, town ; containing
a 33° 2&T3, with allowance of 6 acres per
100 , rwo thirds of th<* land is good woodland,
lomci excellent meadow made, and much more
can be made of the fi'ft quality ; the foree is
turned by the main branch of Brandy wine Creek,
a orci le Stream, the forge has three fires and
two hammers all in good repair. The dam beire 1
found and well backed, and apparently able to
refill any frefh (not fiipernntural) Likcwif there
is another lively stream anj current of water, that
empties into thefaid dam, that might be very con
venient for a Grift Mill, or other kind of water
works, might be with lacflity ereilcd; there l's a
good tWw-ftory stone dwelling house for the ac
commodation of the proprietor of the works, with
an excellent spring and food house over it; con
tigiious to the door also convenient Done staling,
*■ aD cmr >' thr.ugh the mid.le fufficient t»
accommodate three teams, befideshackney hort.s:
contiguous to the forge stands a good sto D e office
ai d a number of convenient house.* for the work
man is erected amply a.lcquate for th» said worts
not then fold it will >-e rented for a term of
years Terms and conditions made known by
applying to '
or john Marshall, in rhom
bury Townftiip.
N 3. The Sale to commence at i o'clock or
Prevention better than Cure.
Fb' the [retention apd cure of Biho- s and
Malignant Fevers, is recommended,
■Anti-bilious Pills,
W«7C H have beet) attended with a depree
» r ot - fuccc .'* fa 'R h, y grateful to the it ven
t<» s feelings, in fevtnl parts of the Weft In
dics.and the fourheru parts of the United State--
particularly in Baltia?ore, Peterlburg. Rich,
nion.l, Norfolk, Hdcnton, Wilmin-t n,Charlcf
ton, Savannah &c. The testimony of a num
ber of pcrfowh in each of the above places can be
adduced, who ha* e reason to believe a
tiivrly ufit of th s falutany remedy, has, under
iderne, prelti ved their lives when in the
! • 4rmii»g circwmftance9.
ot ' !ii conclulive na ure speak more in
favour o' a mc ,r v.r than columns ot pompous
eulogy, founded on,mere afllrtmn, could do
It nt indeed • : .;ptuoufly proposed a,s
an infallible cure, but t!ie inventor has every
pofSb.e reason, which can rcfult from extensive
experience for »:el evingtlui <;ofe (A these pi!]«,
tak'«n once every two weeks during the preva
lence of our annual bilious fevers, wjll prove an
in ajliblr preventative ; and furlh r, that in th
Cfr itr difeafesj ther use wil
v< ry gei (rally succeed in reft >ring he:,ltli an.'
frequet tly in cases eiiei med d*.f«>erate uiid bcy
cud the power of common remedies.
The operation of these pills is perfectly mild
and maybe ufrd v*,th bvety by perlons in every
fitua ion and of every age.
They are excellently adapted to carry off fu
perfluous bile and prevent itt morbid fecretioug ;
o rt: : ore and amend the appetite ; -to produce
a free perfpiraticn and thereby prevent
which are often of fatal conequence. A dose
never iails to remove a cold it taken t. its frit
appe rance. They are celebrated f r removing
habitual ccftiveneffc, ficJcnefs of the JUnnach and
levere head-ache, and ought to be taken by all
perf ns on a change of climate.
■ hey have been found remarkably efficacious
in prevtnting and curing moll d'ford attend
ant on Jong voyage?, and fh uld be procured
and carefully preserved for ufc by every Teaman,
Genuine Eye-w.iter.
A certain and fafc remedy for all diseases ofthi
eyes, whether ffc effuifc of natural wfeaknefr, or o
accident, speedily removing inflammations, de
fluxions of rheum, dullncfs, itching, and films ii
the eyes, never failing to cure these nialtdiei whicl
frequently succeed the small pox, meaflrt am! fe
vers, and woader ully strengthening a weak fight
Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtue
when nearly deprived of fight.
Tooth-ache Drops.
The only remedy yet discovered whichgive, im
mediate and lulling relief in the mod tevere in
The Anodyne Elixir.
For the cure of every lfind of head-ache,and of
paint in the face and neck.
Itijdllible Ague and Ftver Drops.
This medicine lias never failed, in many thou
sand cases not one in a hundred has had occaflon to
take more than one bottle, and numhers not hall
a bottle. The money will be returned if the ture
is not performed.
No. 17, South Sec»nd Street,
And no •where else, in Philadelphia.
Where also may be had, Dr. Hamilton's Worm
Dtftroying Lozenges, his Sovereign lilixir for
coughs, &c, Restorative Drops, Efience ajid Ex
trail of Mustard, Sovereign Ointment for the Itch,
Dr. Hahn's infallible German Corn Plaifter, In
dian Vegetable Specific for the Venereal com'
plaint, Gowland's and Persian Lotion, Restorative
Tooth Powder, Damaik Lip Salve, Church's
Cough Drops, Anderfon's Pills, &c. &c.
apriltQ m tf
At the Office of the Gazette of the United
States, •
July 6
-A.. —.
United Statec ~1
Pcvnsvbclniti District, <
V.rtucota Writ 10 me from the
Honorable Kkhard Peters Esq. of
anrf? r^D C °T ° f ' he Sta "«- m
and for the Pcnrtfylvanid Dmrifl, will be ex
poftd to public sale on Yfeurf.lay thr 28th of
rf'lnfA "V* °' clac "°~ n < " 'he office
oflnipeftiMn, No. 49 , North Third ft, eet, ia
theciiy f Philadelphia,
Two Hogsheads of Rum.
1 he failie having bc.-a-feized, &e. and libel
ec a gam ft. profecutcd and condemned as for
feited, eke
JOHN HALL, May shall. ■
;vfar,f!iall's Office, j
rill.delpliia, Aitg. 12, LBOQI jawtS
H. MAXWELL, Printer,
Has removed to
Columbia-! louse,
(Formerly in thcuuurc of Mrs. Gr.M-ohridg:)
South-Wl-ft corner of Spruce and Eleventh
August 15
LATELY occupied by the Cfcivalier
1> Yrujo, Sp.niifh AmbafTador, will be
let oit to an approved person or family, oil
eaiy cotidiitions. It :s lai'g'e, commodious
and d-gant, with. toach-houfe ar.d stables
Enquire at No. 100, Spruce street.
Arcb Street, Nv. 94.
J"ly 23. eod l l'.
Modern Europe.
Tne public are refpecflfully informed that tbe
First v olume of the above Work is printed and
will be nnmediatly delivered r. > the fubftribers.
Those Gentlemen who have exprefied a wifti
to fee the manner ii. which it is executed before
they he tome are requeued to'call at
VV. Y. BlltCii's No. 17, fnit'a Second-It ret. '
I? is preiumsd that on coniparifoa it w.U be
£livii ' fjperior to the London copy.
" ' ____ eod.
• uar r 179/1 in favour et Robert Liiiafay, of
v'harleftep South-Carolina, so* one fliarc of (J, e
fkiek of tile Bank of the United states is loft—.
licate ol which will be applied for at the said
. „ | mfiitution.
300 D'OLLARS RE'rt'A RD.
LASs Saturday nig .t my fh p in Water
flreet was opened bv a falfe key, and sun
dry articles of JtwtLLEHY, to the amount df
ten or twelve hundred dollar/, were earried,off.
Amortfl them were,
Two m: rrnw t'poons marked " Worrotk ;**
Likeiieflifof Mr James Rnb tfon ?f.d wife, ot"
Heterftjurg—one do. of a Jfh K?ng oi.e dq.
Wr John Trimble, late of this town, the
back sri with a large blue glifj >f,A a (mailer
in the centre,' under y'r idi was 3 plait of hair
hid (traii, with J. T. in a eyphrt; w. iked in
ptarl. Together with a number of fancy pita
ce«. painted by Sully, whi h canuot now be
rtc Heeled : 5 Boatfwafu's Calls Ramped
' Wariotk.'
The following Watches:
1 Gold watch, maker's name I'rovan, Paris
1 silver do Thomas Qrcen, Liverpool, 7703
i do do. George ljifieM, London, i3,i00
1 gold do, I-' name
1 tie. do. John Ryland, Lor.dcn, 2331
I silver d \ Fretch, 1,0 nanu
r di>. do John Hull, London, 744
I gold do. Rodart, Paris
I silver do. Jofepfi Kem l er Shaw
I do. do. J. Omlirgron, London
1 No. q^6i
1 gilt do. G. M. Meicalf, Lond n, 4196
1 silver do. Ge nge Halwood, London, 1906
1 do. do. J. Smith) Lo.nd n, 21 j
1 double cafe gilt watch, R. Gfburn, Rich
icq Do'lais wiil be piven for the restoration
of the jewellery, or zco dollars it the thief or
thieves are alio secured.
Mr benjynin Morris, the owner of the
Watches which were taken at the fame time,
will alio give 100 dollars fcr them.
July 39
The Printers at Peteffburjr, Richmond,
Alexand ia—Hiltimore—Ghsreftori —and o
liters, are requested to insert the above for a
few times.
HIS Swedifli Majesty's Consul General, and au
thorized tw tranl'adl the Ccnlubr BuGnefs,
for his Majesty the King of Der.maak 111 the United
States of America, refilling at ''liiladelphiH,
Hereby gives public Notice,
That in obedience to recent inflru&ions received
from hu government, it is the dutyof aIV Makers
of Swedifli and Danilh veflels, hc-fore their failing
1 from' any port in the said States, to call upor him
or the Vice CofiJnl. in to be grafted such
Certificates sos their Cargoe*, which the exigency
of the slate of Commerce am»: these*
veral Decrees of the Belligerent Power*, renders
icdifpenfably necessary, and, that any Mailt r of
veflels belonging to the refpeilive nations, or na
vigating under the prote&ion of their flags, in
omitting to take such certificates, will perfcnaliy
stand refponfifcle for the conferences.
Philadelphia, iZtb DtcemVer, 1799.
Marflial's Sale.
The House,
" A
eo j t