Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 26, 1800, Image 3

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    to cat:fe t';e Vffltfj t. be adjudged good
Sometimes regular papers cover an en
emy's property which oth:r circnitiftances
ontaalk. In other circumstance-, the (lamps
• of neutrality br;ck through om'fliong a„<j
irregularities, in the forms proceeding from
a mere negligence, er grounded on motives
free from any fiaud.
We jriuft fpe k to thepQi'rt. and in these
matters as well in those which *re to be de
termined, not by mere ilrift forms, but by
the principles' of good faith ; we mufl fay
with the iaw : that mere omiflions or mere
irregularities in the forms cannot prejudice
the t uth, if it is flat?d by any other W3ys :
and si aliquid ex folemnilus d:Jicat turn equit-n
tp'ijfu fubneniendum ejl.
Thcref re the regulation of the 26th
Ju y. 1778, article 2, after having Rated
that the mailers of neutral veffVls (hail prove
at fta their property being neutral, by pass
ports, bills of lading, invoices and other
veflel f>ap e rs, adds one of which at ltaft flijll
eftabliib th<- property being rcutral, or fl»a ! l
contain an exact de;.'ripti«n of it.
It is not then neceflary in ev<;ry cafe to
prove the property neutral by the' fipiilita
neous concurrence of all the papers enume
rated a 'he regulations. But it is fufficient
according to th. circumllances, that \it;« cf
these papers ertablifh the property, if it is
not oppof d or deilroyed by more peremp
tory ciicumltances
The ain point in every cafe is, that the
jtfdge may be fatimed that the, property is
ueli'.ral or uct.
We ' ave a precedence of what I aflVrt,
in th; art* 6, of the rtgr.'ation «»f the 2ttt
October, 1744 ; by that article evety yefiel
belo ging to what nation Lever, neutral,
•enemy or ally, from which p pets shall be
provsd to have been thrown overboard, fhal.
be adjudged is good p ize ; or the proof
oniy of the papers having been thrown over
board ; nothing can be more explicit
Some difficulties arose on the execution
of that lev re cinufe of the law. which has
beer by the regulation of 1778.
On tlie 13th November, 1779, the King
vro;e to the admiral, that he let' entirely to
him a >d to the comm fli mers of the council
of prizes tT apply the rigidity of the decree,
of the regulation of the 26th of July,
or to moderate their clauses a- peculiar cir
cumllances would require it in their opinion.
A judgment of-the C.iu'ncil of t!-.•.• 27th
December in thefud y ar, rendered between
Pierre Brandebourg. mafler of the Swedish
fliip Fortune and M iXa Ro>';r_' daurdm,
captain of the King's Xebec the Fox, libe
rated the f.tid veflcl notwithflailding fame pa
pers had f . - en thrown overboard. It was
determined tbat to ground an adjudication
Of Ibi vessel rn tbe p:f,trs beipv tbro~.un
everbjard, they ought to bt of stick nature
as to prove tie p> perty enemy's, and that
tbe apt. ought to have bad acor.c'em inthroiu
ing It's papers overA a'd; which net
the cale with the S»edi(h captain.
In this cafe without discussing whether
hibit a Role d'Equipage, attefled by the pit -
lie oiTscers of' the pl/.ce of their d-par'urr.
I oul'eive that this Role is supplied by the
pat Sport, and that the captured alledge the
impolfioility tor them t> have their rol;
tl Equipage aitefted by public officers in l'hi
ladcipliM, fine-- the intercourse wasf rhid.ien
tinder pain of death, with Philadelphia
where a mod tremendous epidemic was raginf
1 mall add, that the p.ITWt, tilt invoice
and all the vtfltPi papers, eflablilli evidently
the propcty ct tn» v»HVI and c.«rgo heinf
neutral ; none of these papers have evv:
been difj'Utfd. Thus the invalidity cf th
capture i« obvious ; whence it follows thn
every thin - whnli has been taken fron
then*, on Jn to he r it red in lieu or by ;
just. indemnification.
As to their claim for damages and interef
—I mull obfeuVe that such a claim is no
in every call- tl>- frquel of the invalidity o:
the capture. Suspicious proceedings of tlx
, caj.tun . may ocrafion the initiate of the cap
tors. But when the it'juflice on the pari
of tbe captors cannot, be exrufed, the cap
tured have a right to damages and .intcr-'J.
Let us apply these principles to thec uif'.
Could the captors entertain any grouyd'd
Pigou ; vim not the neutrality of the (hip
proved by her bt ing an American built flnp,
by her flaf, Ivy her destination, by the crew
being comp >l'.u • f Americans, by her cau o
confilling at American goods without any
contraband article-, by tbe name and the
charicVrof captain Green, very well known
Ly he has rendered to the French
nation, by the' register, the passport, the in
voice, by the papers on board, finally, by the
-place where Ihe was captured, which was far
from any suspicious deflination. It was
then impofTible for the cap.ors to count
any ; the veflel Hruck hercoloursat
the firft fumm.ons, the officers and crew made
faithfuj declarations, they anfvyered plainly
in their-examination ; 110 pretence whatever
was left to the captors ; they don't appear
to have ebferved the forms prcfcribed by the
regulation. Some very heavy charges are
littered against them—but I think it is not
time yet to take notice of tlx'm, they will
be d'.fcuffed when the articles captured-are
In these circumflances I am of opinion,
that a more absolute and full replevy be
p;ranted to captain Green of. the American
(hip Pigou, and lie.r cargo, as well as the pa.
pers t'ound on board t as to the. claim of da
mages and interest, made by captain Green,
that the former be granted to him, and they
shall be fettled by arbitrators in the usual
Paris, 6 Prcirial year.
(Signed) ' PORTA LIS.
The Council cectare'that the capture of
the Ihip Plgoti and the cargo, is null and of
110 effeC>. Therefore,• grant-a full and ab
folnte replevy of the Cveffel, rigging and ap
,-1, together -with the papers and cargo, to
j ii.rt rju» eP| to j IK j
iMc.flKUruird uyc.ptnin Gr>™, tl* coun
. :Sem l " " >d tl««y flialt be set
" »'l»itr» in tie nfii-d forms. . a; Pari! on tl,e 9th Prairial, Bth
yfir of ;!ir Ucpi blic.
Prrf-nt, Cmjr:i< /w ri.n, L>nt, A r / I '«i,
Cantc. Murcju, Mmtigny, Mfr.fdacid. Ha*
reriTies, Dufc.ub, J'ortvui, Grandmiison.
For'ibeGjLZsTTE of the Uxited Srjrts.
H.\ PPF.NING to take up the Auroia
of iafl, I.cad iny eye upon a long
aud tedious piece which I am totally unable
to comprelfiii], l-ren*. several pompouslno.
ticesj which have lately been given out, in
hat paper, and frotn repeated promif;s of
'fficial documents whtiih are to exhibit Tvlr.
1 racy to the world, as a m'noder of iniquity
tnd baseness, I have been induced tofeippo(e
■ hat this fafrago of politics, nonsense, hifto
rV» fu'lts, biography and what not, was
irtfirnded as an attack, of fonie kind or'otht r,
upon the charafter of that gentleman. In
perusing the tinner, I found a number of co
lumns filled with promiscuous abuf j in tke
ulual Aurora abounding in bold and
(luiderous afiL-rtions, with no other colour
of fuppont than the ipse dixit of the writer.
At length, however, np'pesr* in capitals
which, from its awkward inconfiflency, I
Ihould take to he an intended lirel upon lit
tic Aaron Smith, the lawyer, who is ch irked
with hiving draughted it. How Billy Dunne
wlfo has served a regular apprenticeship to
ths <rrt of fabrication ar.d falfebooe, who gets
his bread and his gin by the trade, and-wlin
values hiirifrlf upon his adroitness in the
feufinefs, should bungle >n this manner, and
difgrac.; and flanjer his friends, in the. very
a£l of attempting to traduce wife and wor
thy men, I cannot imagine.
Perhaps it may amuse feme of your readers
to take up the piece and examine the fevers!
disjointed pans as they there fond.
Moll ot the fir" column is occupied I y
general nmarljs upon the variety el senti
ments entertaihed, by the supporters r.pgo.
vernment, on the fubjeft of national mea
sures. It for {everal .months, hern a
favorite and hackreycd topic, with the wri
ters in thai p\pi-r, to boafl of the wonderful
hai'mony and unanimity, of the demotrnt?.
arrd to charge the federiilifts with diveifity of
opinion relative to public aflYir?. The faft
is granted,and Dr. Swift (lull acsount for
Says the Dean of St. Patrick's ; " If we
examine whit Societies of men are in cloftfl
union among thenifelves, we (hall find them
to be either thole who are engaged in some
evil design, or who labour under one com
mon misfortune. Thus the troops of ban
ditti in several countries abroad, the knots
of higbwoymen in our own natinn, the se
veral tribes of sharpers, thik.vrs and tick
pockets, with many others, are so firmly knit
top-ether, that nothing is mo;rdiflkult th«n
to break or dissolve their gangs. So
lil:ewife, those who are fe'llow-fjffVreis un
.der any miffortund, fn*h as that grievous
persecution, of the modern kind, called want
of power, are usually c'ontrafted into a very
drift 'union. The reason why such confe
deracies ape kept so sacred and inviolable is
very plain ; because, ip eSrh of those cases
which I have mentioned, the whole body is
moved by one spirit, in pursuit of one gene
ral end, an" the iorereft of individuals is not
crossed by each other or by the whole."
How far each of these Cnufri, fepnrately,
or both combined operate to produce the
boasted unanimity of the Jacobins, I leave
to be decided by the conferences (if perad
venture they have any) ol certain Justices
• f the peace in Pennsylvania, and of certain
Jacobin committers who earnestly recom
mend themselves, as fumble candidates to
fill the vacant offiees in the flat? at the next
" On the other hand, continues the Dean,
" those who r.iisb, -w-ll to the public, and
would gladly contribute to its fcrvice, are
apt to differ in their opinions slnut the
methods of promoting it, and when their
party ilouriflies, aie sometimes envious at
those in power ; ready to overvalue their
own merit, and be impatient until it he re
warded by the meafnre which they have pre
ferred for themselves." '
The remainder of this column is devcfd
to,,the abuse of Mr. dickering, Mr. Hamil
ton k.c' See. Next follows what the writer
calls, " a history of th- politics of the State
of Conneflicut." The firft sentence is to
tally unintelligible, unlrfs to fmhashav
been inftrufted in the language of the
Aurora, and of Hibernia. In it, however,
may be found the aff.rrtion, such as it is,
that " the provincial adminiflration were
the marts of rapacity and corruption."
This, I fnppofe, with Jacobin readers, who
ufiially' know as little of grammer and ®f
Englifli as the writer himfelf, will be fuffi
cient .to atone for a whole paragraph ot
fehfelefs jargon ; especially when their own
ignorance and that of their author induce,
them to fuppot; that this aiminiHration was
at the dilpofal and under the controul of the
ourt of Great Britain, The hiftorian
then goes on to talk abojit " gangs of pro
fligate?, of noble or influential families de
pendants on the crown, who, in return for
the corrupt services of their friends, in par
liament or ellewhere, were provided for in
the colonial government offices."
Allowing all this and much more of the
fume kind to be true, I perceive not the in
ference orthe application to Mr. Tracy. It
is w?ll known that that gentleman and all
his family connexions were warm and
hearty advocates for the revolution. But
the truth is. that none of thef'e " noble
families" and " dependants on the crown"
were ever 1 in From the Si'ft
frttlement of that state to the present day,
no office civil or military, was ever at the
I difp ifdT of the orowh , snci ofcouiTe, none
j Cou!d be provided with " g.iiternrnent offices,''
jas ijfc calls thrwij" in rwoiii F«' r the corrupt
| lervice: of their friends." The revolution'
■ has not changed the internal government of
! Oornedtk'tt. ill a fiogjc tittle. Nat even
with relpett to tie iornis of elections or
the appointment of executive anj tnimftrria)
officers, Thefc f els are palpable ; and any
fdiool bjjy jn America, who hid read, in his
geography, the rmiire of the.fever.J coionial
government!, previous to the revolution,
would be whipped for not knowing them.
Billy i? however fair; ; for I believe there is
>;Q obligation upou.a shameless I, isb v.igravt
to ki)ow tliefe things, and no liw acknow
ledged or aeled upon by his writers, which
obliVes them to communicate either truth cr
To this focceeds an equally accurate, asd
so far as I can discern, an equally ap licablc
ftpry refpefiing Yale College a> d th clergy
of Connefticut ; a llory altogether too falfe
and too crude to ftacd in iiced of anjr rtfu
After wadi g through b-tween two and
three columns of this k nd, which I fuppufe
the writer hirrifelf would dtnominite THE
TRASH, the weary and bewildered tra
veller is invit d 1i resume Impatience' Ihe
encouraging signal of T E F \CTS, which
he beholds hit :g out in capitals before him,
induces him to pr ceed and to hope for a
cleaner pafTage.
Let us accompany him thcri a little far
ther. Here, un!ef» you have been accu 'om
ed to the \uivr , y u will be fuiprifed to
fihd, undrT this pmmifing title, that Mr
Tracy is impudent y charged with the mod
flagrant dishonesty and the meanest falfehood
without even a pretended prpuf of a single
fadl alledged. All that is pretended is, that
an a&;on was commenced againtt Mr. Tracy
for the recovery of a sum of money. Thii
nay at all timss be do;-e at the instigation
cf a Ivirby or aVy other democrat, agar.ft
an man, however hoiteft. Wheth r this
aftion was a serious and honourable suit for
the recovery of a just debt will fufficiently
appear from an examination merely of this
which purports to be the copy of a writ of
attachment, directing the proper officer to
attach the pr pertv of Mr. Tracy to the a
meunt of two thousand five hundred dollars,
t» be held in the custody of the law, I n
order for T» ial ; and, in ease of a judg
ment for thk plai ::ti ffs, to fatisfy a
demand made upon him by certain mer
chants in New-Tork. The declaration al
ledges, thtft certain obligations, the pro
perty of the plaintiffs. had, by them been
put into the hands of Mr. Tracy, for col
leftion, and that he had, at d fferent times,
collcfted, but refufed to pay over, the sev
eral sums there particularly mentioned
Thife by computation, will be found to a
mount to one thou/and, three hundred andfor
ty-one pmuds, feve 1 /hilling* and Jivt fence,
lawful money ; in confederation of which
leveriil sums 11: us colKfted ar.d u»jullly de
tained, he is declared to be indebted to the
plaintiffs, in the sum of six Hvhbmsd and
fifty poi nds lawful money, for the re
covery of which, with costs, this suit is de
clared to be brought,
Now, whether the plaintiffs, out of mere
con>paflion to Mr; Tracy, kindly remitted
a little more than half the sum which was
thus wickedly and fraudulently detained,
and-which, frpm the items in the declara.
tion, appears to have been justly due to
them ; or whether Billy's draught fin «n only
took care to put in enough, and had not
tune or talents to put them tvgetiier and
find the amount ; or whether a certain ten
der hearted, tffeilinnattf Jacobin, at Litch
field, happened involuntarily to fall in love
with Mr. Tracy's feat in the Senate, and
took this method todireft the affe&ions of
the peoplf to the proper objed, I will not
attempt to determine. The cafe is ■ fairly
llatrd to the pub Tic who will judgi for them
I know nothing of Mr. Tracy's domeflic
affairs or private bufinti's. lie may, for
aught that lon uy, hive owed money
which he could not, at tlietinie, command.
It has been the cafe of ma- y wortl'.y men,
wiio have ruined their private fortunes in
ihe puMic service, and who have met with
Gmilar gratitude as the reward of their fa
crifices. But when such' a thing as this is
produted, under the .name ot a legal docu
ment, a thing upon which no Court of law
would fuffer a trial to be sustained, a thing
which carries, in its own face, tbe 1110 ft
evicient marks of having been filtered up
for,the sole purpose to which it is now ap
plied; when such a thing as this is em
ployed to blast the reputation of a gentle
man of h : ,gh refpeftsbilily and long tiit-d
integrity, and relied upon as a thing fuSi
cient to prove him a cheat, a liar, a scoun
drel, a downright Jaccbin ; and all this
too, without the pretence of a legal adju
dication, or even »F a vfhen this
is that Jacobin industry, envy and
malice thcvnfelves can conjure pp, I think
that every man must, irreliftably and forci
blv feel th*t the chara«£\er of Mr. Tracy is
indebted to the abortive efforts of his ene
mies) for a species of luflre, which his best
friends and even his own' bright aftions
cou'd nevfer have bestowed upon it.
To Printers.
A PERSON who has incontemplation the
publilhing of a work that will make a
bout 250 pa Res, pica iklavo, with roan-nal
notes, wishes to receive propofils for printing
if. They must fpecify>the f»m per hal< ftoet,
for ffvcn or ten thouftnd copies, the Prir.te:
fnrniftiing paper, which must be of such quality
as is now fold for four debars per ream. Sea!-
rd propolals, diredleO to S. P and left at this
office before the expir-tion of ten days Irorn
this date, will be attended to. The ot
payment will be fatisfaQ-sry.
August jo. 4tJO.
Gazette Marine Ltfh
. rriaed,
Bpg Polly and Mary Ann, Bingham,
Baltimore, 21 days. Sugais; W. Sc. C.
Arrived at the Fcrt,
Schr. A Iventurr, Havanna.
Left it Aiiguft 12—frijjar Sc Fruit-.y ; -
nuxero Sc CLrk.
Sloop Earl of. Lotidfdilr, Hejreftoo, Tri
.nadud. jt 18th ul:.—fugar, ccftee
Slop Little ?ar», Bunker, Si. Vincents
Patience, M ntgomery, Nevv-Yirk
J.imes Stewart, M.-.ckficld, was fp*k«
AugnA 14, in lat. 3A, 00. song. 72 cO, W.
3 davs ru;. Mi well.
Schr. Adventure, Lillihridge, from Ha
vann-, has arrived at the Fort-
Ship 0;ona, Mi.idleton. of and for Phi
ladelphia failed fr m Liverpool the 34th
Jnnc 1
Ship Alexander, John B. Davy, master
on her pafiage from Truxillo, wa boarded
off Cape Antonio by the Kritifli ship of war
CarnStic of guns ; the
Quebec frigate and York 64 —The Quebec
impressed two seamen from on i oard the
Alexander, otherwise (he was politely trea
ted, and after a ftrift examination, fufferei
to proceed.
Sailed from Havanni 6th Aug. Same day
•poke the Ganges U. S sloop of war,,all
i well. On the 7th, spoke the fchr Triton,
captain Keily, out 2g days from Philadel
phia tollavanna On the 17th, spoke the
fchr. Sukey. Benj. Stone, matter, from
Philadelphia to St. Jago de Cuba, out 4
days—2oth, at fun-rife, saw a brig laying
too ; under hermainfail ab'-ut fix miles to lee
, ward ; soon afterwards she set close reef top
sails and; fore fail, and (lood athwart our
fore foot ; we then perceived that she car
ried about sixteen guns and had an American
pendant fiyi»g ; when she got to windward
of us she hrifted E'glifh colours,but having
no other hat;ds on'board than Frenchman
on deck, we concluded her to be a French
privateer and therefor- tookin curlighc fails
and prepared f r.: aftion, upon which /he
hauled down her colours and stood to the
northward, it blowing very frefh from N.
N. E. soon afterwards fp ke the fch'r
Bilboa, c?.pt. Perkins bound for St. FA-af
I Capi. Litlikridgc <f the Scbr, Adventure,
left at Havanna, 25th July the following
vessel? :
Ship Good Friends, Earl, of Philadelphia
Bitley, Kelly, New-York
Brig Little George Skilldy, do.
Fair American, do.
All to fail in a few days.
Same day Capt. L. failed, fpftke fchr.
Kitty, from Havnnn», bound to Baltimore. 1
On the 20th in ft. spoke the brig Sally of
New-Port, Barker master, out 21 days from
bound to R. Island. When capt.
L. fail"d from the Havanna, there were
several Britilh men of war crmfing off that
Sdir. Experiment, ,of Philadelphia
taken by a French privateer, was re-taken
by the fiiip DefiaivCe of Baltimore, in lat. 26,
00. long. 63, co W.
Brig.Lovely Lais, Shield?, from hence to
Amsterdam, was fpr.ken 29th June, Lizard
Point, bearing N. E. distant 15 leagues,
three Englifli men of war in'fight.
Brigs Louila, and Maria, Cun
ningham, from hence, have arrived at Car
.The brig" Alert, Rich, as Boflon, cap-1
tured by 'he Englilh.
The brig William Chapman, Dinicls, of
Baltimore, captured by a French privateer.
BOSTON, August 20.
Arrived, (hip Mercury, Ptarfon, 50 days,
Ship Pol'y, Stntfon, of this port, from
Charlcfton for Malaga, has been taken by
tbe British and sent into Poitugal. By let
ters from the captain, it is thought (he will
becleaied. >
Cleared, (hips Atahaulpa, North Weft
coast of America ; Guatimozin, Bumdaad,
do. Onflow, Barney, Liverpool ; fchrs,
Charming Betsey, Gardner, Madeira ; Mi
nerva. Babforj, St. Sebastians; Elizabeth,
Rakeftraw, Halifax; Ann, Searran, Weft
Arrived, (hip Afenath, Parker, Norfolk.
Cleared, Lively, Swafey, Philadelphia.
NEW-YORK, August 23.
slnived. Dqys
Brig Cleopatra, Troup, Jamaica
Schr. Three Brothers., Bell, Wilmington 6
Sloop Minerva Howard, Newborn, N c. 7
Vist if}", Luc;, Boston 6
Ship Factor, Kemp, Teneriffe
Eliza, Lorinp, London
Lydia, Tread well, Liverpool
Brig Peggy, Liulier, Cork
Aurora, Sailer, Havanna
Schr. Farmer, Woodward, Halifax
Sloop Rainbow Parker, Turks Island
Same day arrived, {hip Rebecca, Parker
28u»ys from Bay of Honduras.
Left there brig Hiram, Spurn of Charles
ton ; sloop Romulus, of do.
f Schr. Dispatch. Sparrow, of N. London,
i Seventeen days ago spoke the British fliip
of war, York, ot' f-4. gnns, and Quebec
friga,e, treated politely.
Brig Liberty, Wall, has arrived at Jh-
I maica from Virginia.
I Same day arrived, fchr. Franklin, Whip
py. St. nojs, jam. 32 days.
Brig H=ro, Gates New Providence.
Brig Saliy, Banker, 21 days from Dtf'
Same day, fchroner Americana, Pierce,
from Demarara. Sailed on the 22d July
in ;o. with a number of British armed vefTel*.
On the 29th put into St. Chriltcphers, and
failed again fame day with the fleet under
convoy of the British sloop of war. Aqguft
4. parted the convoy, in lat. 33, 30, long.
63, 20. On the 20th July a flag of truce,
arrived at St. Chriftophere, from Guada
loupe. with a number of American prison
ers, among them was Captain Stanford of
tfce febooner Curfew, of this port, whole
veffcl had been condemned there. On the
6th saw a fleet, fleering S E. suppos
ed to be from St Thomas. On the 19th
spoke (hip Rose from New York bound to
Guernsey, $ days out, all well.
BALTIMORE, Augufl 23.
Ship Difian'cr, Smith, ;g days from Cadi*
Left there Ships , Wivill of Norfolk
Irofper, Williams, New-York ; , En*-
dicott, Salera ; Sclir. Evans Marble
Pliladelphia August 2Ztb< 1800.
Letters tor the Britifli Packet Leicefler,
for Falmouth England, will be received at
this Qffice, until Tuesday 2j September, at
12 o'clock Noon.
N. B. The inland Portage to New-York
must be paid.
August 25.
Came to the Plantation of the fubfcrt' er in IVbitemarJb
f TownJhip % oh the nigbt of the J Ith infiant,
r T I HZ owaeT i< d(3nd'|c tomt tod ptorr'ft«c •
X fnif piy tKirni irtiaJ(ektni*iT .
Augaft 15,
A RED aud wMteCow; theo«iß' ;
r-d fa c m p-ove property,
and uk ■ her a .vav.
Aagurt id. o tto s
For Me oti a Credit, deliverable at New-
York or this place. Enqyire of
Samuel C. Cox,
No. 83, Market-flreet.
Aoguft 25. diw
A Ships Boat
NEAkLY new and butch built, for four
oars, drifted last night from Vine-ilreet
Wharf down the river. Whoever has picked
up the fame, and nil! deliver it to Capt Jan
Jurgens, on hoard the Ship Anns", from
burg, laying opposite Vine street wiiirf, will '
receive i fuita'jle reward.
Augsft 25 ' 04t
A New ar.dinterejlirif
Practical Education,
Author of the letters
ForLiteraryLa lirsan ! the Parent* AfTiflant, andby <
F. R. 8. and M K I. A.
Suhfcrittioii will he receive 4 , vy Thomas Ooh
fon, -econd Street Philadelphia, and Z N .chati«!
Po-jlfoq, at the Philadelphia Library 5 by Brown
and Star.fbury, and hy George F Hopkins, New-
York ; t hornas and Andrews, B Don ; Isaac Bjv -
ers, New Haven, and the principal Bookullersm
the United States and at the Office of this Gna-'
Augu.1 55 ■ diw,
And to be Hold by
No. J«6, south fide Market Strcst,
Reports of Cases .
argued and determined ill the
commenced wi:h
or v
Tl.e RigV.t Honorable WILLIAM SCOTT,
Miibaelmas Term I 798.
By Charles llobinlon, LL. D. Advocate.
Voiumk I.— Part I,
Th< fe Bep-rt will he continued reguiarjy:
The fccond Part which coisc'ude'i this Vclnme i.i
bow inthe prefi, and will be published with all
the <xpeJition poCible,
Au?u t n.
To Printers.
WANTED—in Exchange,
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Brevier weighing 4Co!h9. or upwards—ti>ey
mult not he m»ch worn —Any person having
types ef the ahdve ■'efcriptton a:,d disposed t?>
j Exchange ihem for other printing materials ;
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I he Gmtte of the United State?. ,