Nvnark *4/9 ] COMMISSIONERS ■ SALES. WHEREAS, by'an act of the General AffemMy of the com monwealth of Pennsylvania, puffed, the eleventh day of April, cne thoufind seven hundred aid ninety-nine, entitled '• An aft to raise arid coileft county rates and levies," it is direEled, that, for the payment of the taxes due on unftatei lands, and of the ruceffary cofls thcrecnpccruing, the CommijfionersJhall, undfr certain refiridlions, iffu.c their warrant, and make sale of the whole, or any part thereof: — THIS IS. THEREFORE, TO GIVE NOTICE, thst.unlcfs the the year 1798, and th,e ccfls thereon arijing, on the follow ing iefcribed trqEls of unseated lands, situate in the county of Wtft moreland, bt paid into the hands of }oh n Brandon, Esq. Treafur tr of f aid county, on or before the Fifteenth day of September next, they will be expofett'to public sale, agreeably to the directions of the aforefaid ad. \ JAMES M'GREW, 1 HENRY ALLS HOUSE, I CommilTipners. JEREMIAH MURRY,\ Commissioners-Office, 1 Weftmorelancl county, 17th May, 1800. j Armstrong and Allegheny townships. Acres, Names of Warrantees. Adjoining—and Situated. Taxes. A. Dts. cts Armflrong William Jacob Anthony, 1 8 30C-J- Armstrong William J°bn Baker, . » 20 Antbony Jacob Alexander M'Calla," 1 77 Alhmead John Joseph Mifflin, 1 80 4.0 Andrews Richard Samuel F. Bradford, 232 150 Aliman Adain - 120 B. 365 Brifon James - - 28 iSii-J- lioal James, & Painte'Geo.On Blacklick—Henry Cunkle 1 6 207 Brown or Brifon James - - tl4 304. Baker John Joseph Shields, v - 192 125-6 Biay Nicolas Allegheny river and crooked cteek, O 75 305$ Brown William James M'Lane and other's 140 Boggs Andrew Lewis BIIQI and others 1 60 320-jr Bulh Lewis Fi»ncii Jones and others 1 77 Brifon James George Thomson and others 1 66 Brmghtirft John Alexander Todd and others 076 353 i Budd, Stacy Dr. Charles Sturts and others 200 Cox Paul ' —t- " - ■ 2 40 qBq Clark lames George Clymer and Elizabeth Htndcrfon, 2 16 169} Cummins Thomas Charley Leeper and others 114 08ij-J- Cummins Mcfes On the pa.h, N. fide of Crooked creek 1 60 Cooper Charles Ann Steel and others 2 45 C ral ft " " J 12 147J Cratty William Samuel Kyle and others i 92 269 Cunningham Hugh J o '" 1 Steel and others i 66 4C)o Clark John Said to be near the Allegheny J river - 1 73 l l l i Cutnmings Johh fen., Thomas Cuonmings . 1 00 Collance liaac - - 2 2 3 Clark Jatnes William Power and William ; Eckbart 1 00 . Cochran William - * o 36 D. ; • 150 Davis John . . - 068 402 Dundas James William Ramfey and oihers. 222 323$ Dixon John Samuel Dixon. Black-legs 173 ; .410* Duncan Thomas ' Hayes a-d Henderfnnsfurvey 173 307 Dixon Joseph Samuel Dixon, Black-legs 168 Evans Evan Reefe Meredith 2 2© 433 i Eakin or Eaker Tbcmas Johanna Stuart and others 240 Ewing Thomas - - 2 24 2QQ E!uy Hugh Jdhn M alker, forks of Crook ed and Plumb creeks l 66 ' F -3*lo Fulton John North fide of Connemangh i 66 396-6 "Fox John John Cox and others 1 66 G. 338 Garrigties Samuel' Beneditt Dorfey and oihers 189 Gfoves Armenellaor AmiliaThoma* \ o.k and oihers 2 56 246 Nfjuchifon James Miller 1 11 Huchefon John Thomas M'Clenahan 2 20 308 Hartnan John Datiisl Rofieticr 1' 70 Henry Hugh Humphrey FulUrion 1 37 Harbifoo Benjamin - " 184 315 Hill-Henry Robert Elder and others 168 Haflenclever Gafr. Francis George Rider and others 1 70 200 Harrold Stophel - " 1 .3® 11, < Howard Peter John Knox, being part of a v x V tra£l which had been lold for taxes in 1796, o 83 I. & J. James Joiah " " 1 73 237} Irwin Robert James Campbell and oihers 26 315! Irwin William Stephen Duncan » 77 37c facrtby Leonard jun. George i islets 1 84 J'ullice or JullonJohn * 1 37 2 ' 310 Jones Francis ' Robert Porter and others' 172 James Isaac - " 1 7 Jmres Isaac ' ' - " ' o Jacobs Thomas - " J 78 M9i J fW i n Robert jun. - James Campbell and others 082 . Jacobs Patri " 1 60 k. oiii Knowles Henry . John fiart, on \ cllow creek t 77 aso KltWingfmith Nicolas On the waters of Altaian's tU n—Wm. Altman I 37 Kelly. William - " 1 9 368-$- Kliagingfinith John - " 2 5 o 0 ,3 Leafure Benjamin W illtam'W afoH 1 38 ~r Leeper Thomas Jacob Siedley 186 Lisle Philip - * 0 ' 66 007 Lilly France Ephraim Armflror.g atid Ben ' jamin'Rittenhcufe t 84, oosJt- Lending Jacob Charles Gtubs and others 184 ' Leafming John " 1 1 2o Leafure Benjamin on the N. fide of Crooked creek Ito 33 2 t Light or Lawrance Jacob on the N. fide of Cor.nemaugh 177 Light Jacob - . 1 6b M. * M'Clure fames w > " 1 "° 400 M'Knight Robert, John Thompson andothers 1 70 032 Meredith Samuel George.Clymer and others 2 so M'Creary David - " 1 75 o.r* Mifflin Joseph On the east fide of Black-legs, ~ 4o> J * J. Mifflin 18a 226 i Mo r gan George Abraham Shoemaker 182 ')0« 4 M'Cullougb Samuel James M Gutre and others 168 064 M'Cro'fkey §amucl Peier Jxcttittoa 168 M'Calla Alexander - " 1 77 Acres. Gazette of the United States, & Daily Advertiser By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet. PHI LA D Z'L P 111 A, TVESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 26, 1800. Acres. Names of Adjoining —and S:iua:cd. Taxes. A i s Dls. Cis 30g4- Martin Thcmas David Walker, on a branch of Crooked creek i» 76 43°7 Machoe Barnard John Brown, jun. 25 400 Miller Robert - - 2 35 M'Kinfrfy John - - 1 40 353-6 Melchior Isaac or Samuel Peobles Isaac Maihcrs 2 00 325 Maiher Isaac 1 Georgfe Rifler and others xBO M'Callifier Abdeel On the waiers of CrAoked creek—J. Biddle, Ac. 166 317 M'Rory David Near Two-lick on Stony-run 140 310 Richard Samuel M'Cullough 73 300 M'Cuidy James on the N.fideofConnemaugh i 66 3 250 M'Kinfcy John on the N. fide of Connersangh 138 350 Martin Thomas on the N. fide of Connemaugh i 66 316$ Moore Joftui James Craig 1 75 305* Moore Preflon Samuel Charles Moore and others 168 N. 300 Noble James In Armftrowg tcwrrifliip 240 Nevvland Peter On the waters of Ciooked / 1 creek, &c, 1 77 o. 3284- Oswald Eleazer William PearfoH and others P. 1 80 Pemberton Joseph Rebetca Brown and others 166 30i.'y Patterlon William The claim of Thos. Lemmon 1 66 Pimm William or Johil Joseph Swift, jun. 137 3 13-J- Porter Stephen on Stony-run-James M'ClaiH 1 77 3bi Paul John ' . Joseph Mathers 177 Porter .Stephen - - O 32 j 326-J- Porter Andrew Stephen ?nd Richard Porter 1 79 ! 304 Roreman Conrad on Kawenlhannock—below Thomas Leiper 213 307-1- Rittenboufe Benjamin on Kawenlhannock—Mary \ Armitage 1 77 312$ Resetter Daniel - - 1 98 327-5- Rannels James Eleazar Oswald 1 80 33<--J- R a finals James - - 1 33 418 R*mfey Benjamin Ezekiel Edwards 13 2 1 ' • 3684- Sample Robert fen. Joseph Mathers and others 2 6 S'i»lley Jacob - - 1 48 Smith William The pin chafe line 1 88 3493- Sykes William William Eckhart 1 82 300$- Shuliz George . - 1 66 284$ Salter Thomas Peter Thomson, jun. l x 56 3 2 Shallus Jacob Valentine Shallus 1 82 311$ Shoemaker Abraham George Morgan I 73 32'.jf Sieel Job* Hugh Cunningham 1 66 Smi.h John Robert Smith 1 66 Sheeiei Thomas - - 1 00 300 Smith Henry Adam - - 240 Simpfon Georg# - - ,'54 302J Sprowle Andrew - - 1 66 T. Twine James » - 2 82 328-5- Thomson Gcorg« James Brifon 1 82 Taylor Richard - - 1 43 Todd Alexander John Morton and others 1 77 Thomfon Peter fen. Peter'Thomfon, jun. 2 2 Todd Alexander - - 1 77 W. Weeds Elijah 1 • J 68 409$ Waugh Samuel Francis Bailey and others' 230 352 Walker David . - - . 1 39 192$ Walker James - - 1 7 Wilson John - - 2 00 Wray Daniel L - o 78 Wilfon Hugh - - 2 34 Walker John - - 1 64 394 i Wigton Margaret Jn. Pinkerton and the Manor 2 17 Wigton John Samuel Waugh and others 2 20 Williams James - - 2 15 2 97 i Woods George John Rightcr and oihers ( 1 66 Wilson John w - 1 33 Wheatfield Township. 189J Anderfon Michael David Wilson and others 075 303 Boyles Samuel William Bedford and others 225 400 Burd Thomas John Coyle and others 180 300 Braiton Adam - - 225 309-1 Clemftonor CumpllonThos.George Honey and others 232 418 Coyle John Thomas Burd and others 183 330J1 CpHins or Colls Richard - 2 58 Crawford John jun. , John Wigton and others 293 300 Creigh John - - 135 278 Cummins Charles Jdhn Hinkflon and others a 33 419 Dougherty or Douglas An drew William Clatk 1 89 274 Douglas Thomas - - 26 224 Fulton William About a mile below the mouth of Brulh-creek 1 68 356 Hooper LettiA Robert John Nixon and others 267 300 Henderfon Thomas 1- - 2 5 400 Hunter James Benjamin Burd 180 301 Hart John Casper Hill's claim 225 404 Irwin George David Cantjler and others 181 316 Joseph fun Manuel James M'Henry , 225 294-7 Leonard Ezekiel Rebesca Brawn and qihers 2 96 noo Mordayor M'Curdyßobert - 495 Moylan Casper or Jasper Samuel Nicols I 46 293 Nicols or Nicolfon Samuel On the Chefnut Ridge 220 3 c 3t Nix° n J°hn Casper Wisp s 3 0 i6o| Newlon William Between Blacklick and the Frankflown path 1 13 333$ Plankinghorn Jacob On the waters of Two-Lick 250 303 Parker John - - 220 286 Roberts Mordecai John Mujl'er and others- 244 331 Stowt William Daniel King and oihers 249 Shardoii or Sheridar* John Joseph Moulder and others 2 39 443t Snyder John ' Daniel Rannels and others 197 | 334$ Shippley William Robert Douglas and oihers 2 51 j 614$ Shipley Morris Nathan Sellers ' 277 Sheaff William On Brackin's mill run 2 o ' 45 i Sellers Nathan Daniel Walloon and oihers 2 3 Sloan Samuel - " 2 2 5 oj 9 S'njtfe; or Shaver John John M'Creary and others 112 Weft Samuel - - 2 4& Weft Thomas jun. Thomas Weft and others 289 269$ Wilson John Archibald M'Guire 2 3 Washington Township Cannon Thomas " 1 Cannon James " " 1 04 Clark William " * 0 99 331 Clannon James James Hunter 140 Carnahan Robert ° 107 Duffield William Near the Kiikiminitas 098 426 Glenn John and James James Campbell 210 I 2Q7 Hamilton Tames er Willi- , , I am Brother ton James Walker and others 099 Jones John ■ ' ~ 9 99 Taxes. Dts. els i 8 , i 20 1 77 1 80 2 32 1 20 1 60 2 45 1 73 1 Of) 2 23 1 00 o 36 t 66 Taxes. „ . I>l>- "fiH^H Kilkiminitas Old Town below tbemouth of Beaver run "74 Morgan Dofior ' - * 192 M'-Camey Robert , James Campbell and ethers 28a Probll John " - . , Q £ * Robifon Andrew - . 173 Ridenhuwer for Campbell ' and Bell g Stuart William and MiFar-On Puckety creek'—Conrad % sand Ludwick Tcdd William - . i 4I Donnegall Township. 300 Alexander John and John Brandon George Hoover and others' I 1# 413J- Brown William Philip V Co'rtlandt , 0 Billington Sarik Theodorus Baley ' j 0 401 3.4 Billington Thomas Benjamin Hodgdon " 1 a 401 3.4 Baley Theodorus Saral) Billington x a 400 Benlon Peter James Bnrniide's land • 1 o 600 Burnfide James and Co. His improved land 2 a 4143-4 Campbell Robert Robert Campbell and others 1 10 398 Campbell Thomas John Campbell and others 1 o 419 i-» Campbell Mary Abraham Craft 1 tg 400 Campbell Ruth William and Margaret Cajnjbell 1 • 1983-4 Campbell Margaret ' John and Joseph Campbell 1 <* 398 i-» Campbell John Thomas Campbell and others 1 o 3981-1 Campbell Joseph Alexander Johndon 1 » 3981-2 Campbell William Joseph and Ruth Campbell r a 3981-2 Campbell C. James William Campbell and John J»hn fton 1 o 3981-2 Campbell John Robert Campbell and John Burk 1 » 400 Campbell Robert t Andrew Linn I o 400 Courtlaudt V. Philip William Brown and Theodorus Ba ley 1 o 400 Conkle Ghritian Samuel Young i o Fox Mr. . 1 20 401 3-4 Grubb or Crabb Curtis Timothy Turner 1 o 401 3-4 Hodgdon Benjamin James Burnfides I o 398 t-2 Johndon Alexander Joseph Campbell 1 a 398 1-2 Johnfton John James Campbell " 10 401 3-4 Jamifcn Haac Mary Simpfon x o 401 3-4 Philipfon Rebeckali Conrad Wymong I o 401 3-4 Simpfon Mary Mary Campbell and others 1 o Shall Leonard . . a 1* 400 Lapfley Thomas Benjamin Hodgdon I o 401 3 4 Wymong Conrad Samuel Young 1 o 400 Weals Daniel Conrad Wymong . 1 o 401 3-4 Young Samuel Samuel C. Young 1 o 401 3-4 Young Samuel C. John Philipfon and others 1 ® Fairfield Township. • -?• '£ 117 Barr William, jun. Barren hills , p 400 Barclay Samuel Robert Fultoa 1. o , 40a Barnet William John Stuart, ) l o , 249 Bonner Jacob, Charles King ® 75 Campbell and Probfl, . 1 9? Copelyjohn, 042 ' Cafe Philip, "1 ' Do. Do. / o 8 -5 ' 400 Clark John or' Clock, Francis Peobles 1 o 400 Davenport Mary, Perer Snyder 1 o ■ 400 Eldridge I faiah, W lliam Young 1 o 400 Fulton Robert, Peter Forlter 1 o j 400 Fleming William, Charles King 1 o , 301 Gltli John, Du .(..in M'Sp:irro» o 48 400 /Gamier George, John Clock I o 1 400 Glynn Patrick, Aufman Orr' 10 " 400 Hutton Benj inline Andrew Fh;letf 1 o 400 Hammil James, Joseph Joites - 1 o 200 Hannah John, On the waters, of Hendrick's run o 65 Hill Isabella, Nicolas Lute • o 64 250 Hawke Henry, On Connem.mgh o 29 403 Hutton John, Benjamin Week* I e> 400 , Jones Joseph, Mary Davenport 1 o $74 Jordan James Jacob Bonner o 90 400 King Charles, Eliza Mjri* Shrydon 1 o 4x2 Lapfley John, Peter Stuart I 6 400 Little James, s Isaiah lildridge I - o 400 Little Nancy, James Hammond to 400 M'Night Robert, George Garmie.. to 40# Mullen Joseph, Patrick Glynn 1 e 400 M'Ever James, Robert Wright 1 o Miers Benjamin, "| Do. Do. V • qj Do. Do. J Mulholon Patrick o 64 274 M'Cune John or William John Hinkfton c6B 400 Peobles Francis Samuel Barclay .10 ly 400 Patton Mack or Mark Joseph Mullin I o , 361 Pugh Henry Thomas Stuart o 96 *" 400 Pugh C. Robert James Young 1 o 400 Philler Andrew William Fleming 10 389 Penrofe James / James lorclan 1 o 400 Renfhaw John Mark Patton 1 o 423 Stuart "Peter John Lapfley 1 to 400 Strutt Norman Marta Wilson 1 o 400 S,tuart John Jphn S. Ifutttn 1 o 400 Stuart Thomas Sarah Turner o 337 Shrydon Mary Eliza James M'Ever o 396 Snycer Peter Benjamin Hutton I o ~"T\. 400 Turner Sarah William Harnett 1 o 400 Wilson Maria John Lapfley ' 1 o 400. Weeks Benjamin Norman Strutt ' I o 400 Wright Robert James Little 1 s 400 Young James Henry Pugh 1 © 400 Young William Robert C. Pugh 1 o Roftraver Township. 281 Smith Robert Pentecofl's old Place 1 31 Hempfield Township. Boggs John John Reddick and ethers tlx , Blain Ephraim - - o 8j Samuel - - 0 2 T 1. Franklin Township. 225 Bartley or Baley John Archibald Gordon I 34 347 Cook Jof;ph in right of Phi lip Studebaker Alexander M'Cuchen l 30 315 Harrald Chriflopher Michael Welcker others 07,0 M'Ghee William or M'Wil liams James - > *S M'Kfee Sarah - - 1 16 St. Clair Samuel - - * 4® 326 Stokely Thomas or Jehu Con. Nell Daniel St. Clair 1 5! !-7 - : —iT. Mount-Pleasant Towpfliip. / 421 Campbell Robert Blyftone's" Survey I 30 404 Galbreath Isabella James Campbell, t 25 \ 364 Galbreath John Elizabeth Galbreath, 1 2s 483 Galbreath James David Kilgore, 1 75 1 2471-2 Hamilton Robert Robert M'Clay, Jo 1 1851-2 Lobengire Christopher Abraham Power, 2 ® 351 Myers Frederick Chriflopher Lobengire, 1 5 i 362 M'Clay Robert Robert Hamilton, I S [ Unity Township. * 306 Barry John George Gibfon and others, I 10 i 419 Galbreath Elizabeth Abraham Fifcus, I 27 ) ic® M'Cawley William Williarh Todd, 1 • ! Salem Township. } Bradford William .... 1 71 , Graham Hugh -- -- 3 S° ) M'Dowell Alexander -- -- 2 93 > (ft* Zhtre are also tvso dollars ft/Is, on each of ibt abive described trails., 1 ' v. •) ' f j i Acres. Nmmet *f Warranttt! i« 70 3 2 5 2 35 1 40 * 00 2 82 1 82 * Adjoining—and Situated. t ' f f f VoLI/MB XVIII. ■*- -i.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers