Marflial's Sale. United Statu, } Pennsylvania District, 5 BY Virtue of a 'A'fit 'o me riire&ed from (he Honorable Richard Peters Esq. of the Diftrid) Court of the United Sta'ee, in and for the Penr,fy!vania Di(tri Divider.-! of Thirty Company f r thj lad fix months, which will be paidtoth. .-'■tf.ik'loldcrs«r the," leg-:! Reprefcnta tivcsalter th« loih inftaht. , JAMES S- COX, PreftihtH. atiguft *• diet. ALL PERSONS HAVING claims against the Estate of Margaret Telles, late of this City, aeceafed, are reqneftrd to exhibit their accounts to the undernamed Executors or either of them, and all persons indebted to the said Estate, are requefttd to make immediate payment to the said Ex*cutor?. The Rev M CARR, GEORGE ARMROYD, D \VIDC-aLLAGHAN, August 18. dtf Saulnier 6c Wilson, tfOOLRN DkAPERS, MKP.CZRS, life. No. 63, Na-rthfide Market-llreei, HAVE a general aflortraent of hell London fuperfinc Broad Cloths and Caffinneres, (of the newefl taftiion) silk stripe and fecoiid quality Cloths, fafhionabU wain coating hik (lri[e«nd twill'd Nankeetis, Jfan, Fullian, Gingham, Dimi ty, rhickfet, fancy Cord, Velvets, yellow and white Flannels, Flanders, lriih and brown Linens, Dowlas, ir.ens 1 and wimieDs' lilk and cotton Hofiery\ coat ard veil pearl, steel. gilt and plated Buttons, different colours Silk Velvets, tam boured and Cambric Muflics. Calicoes, Calunan coes, Sh wis, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves Checks, &c &c. N. B Taylors 1 bell quality Trimmings all which they will fell very .ow. July »8 dtf ii S GfcRMAN Redemptionerso AMONG which, Farmers, Gardners, Sadlers, Instrument makers, Gold and Sil ver Smiths, Linen Weavers, Joiners, Pot ters, Ma-Cons, Taylors, Tanners, Shoe-i a kers, Printers, Hatters, Bakers. Painters, Soap Bjilers, Bell Founders, &c. &c. whose times are to be disposed of. Apply on board the Hamburg (hip Anna, eapt. John Jurf - is, laying in the Stream a. breuft of Vine Street, or to JACOB SPERRY b* Co. WHO ARE LANDING From fai VfflV-Lfrom Hamburg, and have on hand, received by the last arrivals, rCoffee Mills a' Scythes 5." Tapes of afl def. a. criptions; & Quills & Sealine ? Wax | 1 g~ I Decanters 5. j Gill tumblers [_Travel!ing Cases. EftopilVas Quadruple S lefias Bote .idillos Rouans Crerfß-a-la-Morla':X CafleriUocs or White Rolls Coutils Flanders Bed Ticks 8, 9, 'icj ALSO, iac I" randy and 60© mijohns. O. 15 Pipes Con Phila. A,i)gnft 2 Houses to Let: ONE large convenient three-story Btick Dwelling House, with four rooms on a floor, and two Kitchens j there is a pump of water, and a rain water cittern in the yard ; situate on the east Tide of Fourth- Street, one door above Race Street, lately occupied by Solomon Moroche. ALSO) A convenieut Three Story BRICK HOUSE, With a pleasant yard on the South fide of Arch-Street, third door above Eighth. Street. For urms apply at No. 116 Arch- Str e e August 4. H. MAXWELL, Printer, HAS REMOVED TO Columbia-House, fFrrmerly ill the tmure of Mrs. Groombti !g;) South-Weft comer of .Spruce and Eleventh Streets. »uguft is eo 3t HIGH-STREET. The House, LATELY occupied by the Clipvaliei D'Yrujo, Sp.itiifli AinbafLdor, will be let out to an approved peribn or fan; «y, on eal'y conditions. It is large, commodious and elegant, with coach-'iouli: and ftablc? conformable. Enquire at No. 100, Spruce street. SAMUEL MAGAW, /ircb Street, No. 94 July 23. eod'.f. Just come to hand, AND FOR SALE, BY TIIK SVBSCRI B£R, SUPER FIN ■ Siltfia rouans^ Crcas a la Morlaix I Fine i Entitled to Do. white - r li'illn f debentuft. F.'topilla-aod Liifa'ai Brown RulHa fhcrti' c' J JViih a getter I ajfortment of British Goods, Which will bt fold low Inr cath or ihort credit SAMUEL c. COX, No. Bj, Murkct-strset. august la daw Notice. A General Meeting OF tin credit' is of James V ilfoo, Esq. decealid, is requtlled, it Mr. Ru bu 's Tavern, ol the While Swan, in Race-street, No. 102, on Monday thf 25th Instant, at 3 o'clock in the Alternoon, when and where abatement cf his affairs wiW be laiJ before them. WILLIAM NICHOLS. Adminiflralor August 19 Notice to the Pilots. hereby given—rfcatw conlequence of the Beacon on the Brown, being lo i urh inj .red «s to rei.der it unfit for service, a Buoy with a keg on the mast, will be placed «>n that fhoa' until it can be replaced by the Beacon, ot whirh due notice will bi* tjiven W. MACPHER'-'ON, Superintendmt. August 16 diw WAR DEPARTMENT, sHE command!' g fleers «( corps, de • tachmen • , ports »rd rccru't : njs parties, brli;ngi gt the military tfljblilhraent ot the United Stales, are to report to, and receive nrdT! from Brigadier General Wil kin lon. in the City nt W .fhingt >n, and a officers on ftirlc .gh are t" report tliemfelves t the i'.mc officer with all pofli le lifpatch. y SAMUEL DEXTER, 1 & All Printer!, wi hm »kr United Sraie* who hav>- poMtfhtd niviiMiim for contnAf "• the Jjtho.' March last are requrfttd to infrr the above in their reffeflive piper*, once * week f»r i\v» m -.nth* Madeira Wine: The fubferibtr has receivtd in tha Apolio, frcm Liverpool a Quantity of Hill's Old London particular Wine, In pipes, hhds. & qr calks. GIDEON HILL WELLS. august 4. rew&l 4«r In the pleasant v tllagt of Mount Holly, Bur • County, 18 rtiilisfrom Cooper's Fe> ry t and, 7fr m Burlingt n ; ONE LAh Gfc TWO STOfi Y Brick - House, FlVtf and thirty feet square, four rooms on each floor, and a cellar under the whole.— Likewise adjoining, h forty foot front Lot, fitn ate on Mill ilreet, near the irnrket, with a new Carriage House and Stables on the rear of ihe Lot, fronting a public alley For further par ticulars applv to MAHLON BUDD, or ISAAC CARR, in Burlington. 'vVho will Ihew the preiLil'es and raake known the terms, or of the fubferiber in Burlington, by whom an intiifputahle tiile will be given. MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July 9, 1800. July 19 eodtf. * Loft, L'HE undtrmfnttoaed Certificate* of Stock of ibe Bi' k of th« United S »ii. No. 3804, dated iftjuly 1796, for ten (hares in the name of Charles Lovegrove of New- York. di jt No. 15311 —No. »53»a. dated ift July, 1796, for five shares each in the name of Sarah tVedpewood of Etruria. No. 2 ,808—No. 19809, dated ill January, ißco, fur ten IVjres each, in tha name of Henry Waddington, Merchant, London. Notice is hereby given, That application is intended to be made at t*>e said Bankfcy the fobferib«r«, for arenewal of the fame, of which all pcrfons concerned ue reqti'fted to take jsctici. WADDINGTON ir HARWOOD. Philadelphia, July 30, 1800. mwf3m Found, A Red Morocco Poeket-Book, WHOEVER has 101 l it may receive it on ap plication at the office of thi« Gazette, and paying the cxpcnct of this advertif;.ment. July It. m&wtf August 4tt>, 18co. Secretary of War For Sale, A PARTNERSHIP. j A PERSON polling some capital, a cotift *■* dtribli lhare of industry, and deGrous of paging as a partiic» in a lucrative bufinds, ra; >y hear of a (ituatvin. All proposals on this to he in writing, featttd and direfled to vv - K. J New York, attd left with the printer of the Gazette of the United States, will be at tended to. (FT A Printer would find it to his advantage JiUBtJ- LANCASTER STAGES. nPHE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan -1 carter iiue'of Stages DISPATCH, teturn their grateful thswks to i. -cir friends and the public in general, f< r the past favors tfcey have received,and inform them that it: addition to the regular Line, Xbtj are pfovMed with Carriages, sober and careful drivers, to go through ' between the City and ifi two days. Fhofa who prefer this mode oM*.,-»llrg can'he accommodated at the Stage Office, us United Stutije Eagli, Market fireet, Philadelphia. Slo'Jgb, D j'-nir.g, Qunivoodj 13" Co. Nw 30.' at—s 1 FOR SALE, A Valuable and singularly eligible ESTATE, CONSISTING of two fcandfome dwelling houfcs, with excel) nt {Uhling for feves horse«, loublf icoach-houfe moll completely fitted up; a beautiful lar£e and valuable garden richly 'filled with-chcice iruit, surrounded with high board fence, almnft new. The [ remises are beautifully lituated near the middle ot Germantown, sur rounded with riih profpu-As of the adjacent uounrry ; an orohard of about two acres, with a handftirac lawn at fh» back of the house. o:ie house huNeen built ox an appro- Ted f.Un ; (be other hai Kccj rnmplrttly repaired, painrril jiarl peered* ud cpntiiu tea rooott with ip elegiot driwitg-roam, fifteen foct by tbitty- C i The new houfc it well calculated for a (lore in either the dry or M good li»». Th* air uiil witer are uori»»ll«d, and there arc fomt most ricrllent fcbooli> in the i.eigtiborhood. For pirticaUri enquire of the Printer, or of . Mk. potter, on the prcnifei. dtf May 9 FRANKI.IN Referred Trafts, FOR SALE. ON Wedncfday the ift day of O Sober nex% books will be cpen in the Office of the Sub scriber, ridding in Franklin, for the sale of the '.veferveil Trails, laid out by virtue ol an aBco. ajgull 8, District of Pemnsylxur.ia to nit: BE it remembered (hit o: the Tenth day of July in the twenty fit'h year of the Indepen dence of the United States of America, Alexan der Addifon of the said Diftiitt hetl- dep sited in this office the title of a book the right where of he claims as Author in the w di following to wit, '* Reports of cases in the County ccut's of the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court of Errors and appeals of the State of i'ennfylvaDia, and to Grand Juries of those County Courts. Bv Alexander Addifon, President of the Courts f>f C mtnon Pleas of the Fifth Cir cuit of the State of Pennsylvania " In conformity to thi of Congrefsof the Uni ted States intitlfd " 'it aft : or the encouragement oflearningby fecurlnsc the copies of maps chsrti and b .pits to the Authors and Proprietors of such conies during the timej thtrein mentioned " r D.C • LOWELL, CM of tic ViJlrin , n Persian taffVtas, dark green j oxes. They have also on band for sale, received bv the late arrivals from Europe, &e. Striped and checked ginghams White figured & color'd .Mul- linetts £tbe Weft-In- White corded dimities I dii market & Color'd silk, itripcd Nankeens | entitled to J drawback, 14 Trunks printed Calicoes, 5 do. do. 3 Bales seine twine titled to o Cases Enplsfh China ware, C drawback, in tea l'ctts i Caflcs mineral black, i do. while, o do. colcother, 3 Casks purple brown, 5 do. nails afiyrtsd, Hk 9 do. London porter in bottles Eng'ilh fail canvas, No. I, 1 & 3, »-■ B ixes, white Kavanna sugar, 13 Pipes old Madeira wine, Gu np<>wder, Empty wine bottles, 20 Guns, 6 pcurderj, 1 a do. 9 do. 18 do. 9 do. with carriages, &c, ißo,ccolbs. Ceribon coffee, ill"} (Entitled to iO,ooolbs black pepper f drawback 20 Logs cboT.y J For Sale, BY LORAIN & SON, No. 5, North Tbit d Strut, GURRAHS and low priced Baftae, entitled to drawback. Also other cuarfe and fine 4-4 and 5-4 India Muslins, Iri{h and quadrupl lineas, German Dowl is, India Siti' s, t-a ftring3 and Kibbms, Spades, Fryiiij. pjns, w'-th a variety of other jroimongery and seasonable Dry Goods- A'.fo, to be SOLD or BARTERED, FOR DRY GOODS, A bar.dsome 3 -story BRICK HOUSE, *ith piszzi and kitchen a join- g fitnate ii. Vine near Fourth Steeet, buiit in ni dern ftylt with excellent material? and well ca culated to accommodate a large lamily. august 13. dit.Mtf. Comm JJi-ier. Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN -AW AY frpra Gen, l a gold or pinchbeck watch, with a steel chain. He is fond of fpiritous liquors, is inso lent, has a ftnpid look, and chews tobacco.— He was bred in Charles county, Maryland, and purcjiafed of col. John Thorw by gen. Ridgc lcy. Whoever apprehends said negro, and (e ---cures him in any jail so that the owner may g»t him again, ihall receive the above reward, with reaf«'n.ible charges if brought hom", or de livered to Joihui B. Bond, Philadelphia, may t dtf d6w. Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office IS removed from No. 13 South Fourth ftreat, to No. 18 South Thir.l 3reet An Office for those ftag«s is also kept at mr Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market street. General Post Office, April 18. By J. Ormrod, No. 41, Cbefnut Street, Death of General Wajhington. A POEM. In imitation of thf manner of Olfian. By Rev. John B. Linn, A. M. Minifttr of thj Firi't Presbyterian Cot>grogation ofrhiladdpiiia. $Sp Mr. Chsudron's Oration will be publiCied on Monday moruing. A PERSON, WHO is about taking hie departure from hence to the Weft Indies, whsre he in tends to reside, will undertake totranfafl hufi nefs on the most reasonable terrm tor Mer chants wlio may be inclined t'o'mrruft him with their commands. . He would likewise wllh to be concerned «-ith a perlon of refpeftability here, who may be de sirous of such a contortion. * * Addlv No. 116, North I ront at. A'V"' cod,w^ For Sale, The Unexpired TIME of a BLACK ECY WHO has three yrars and five months to ftrve ; fee is f'ober, honest, a gcod wai ter, and under (lands taking care of horses. En quire at No. 60, Dock flrcet. July a 9. «P3«* CHINA GOODS. Ibis Day Published, (Price %s Ceoti) TQI . Jacob Sperry & Co: No. 195, Market-Street, Have received by the skip Eagle, and Other late arrivals fron} Hamburg, The following Goods, Which they offer on liberal tern:s ; ESTOPILLAS, -» . rDscanters, Cafferillas, 2*5 1 Coffee-Mills, betcadillos, , , i apc s , twill'd,plain Rouans, '•- * 1 and coloured, Creas ala Morlaix, | S ' Sealing V,'ax, Coutils, J *- From London, Acc "tgrment oj \ a Packages of SadletV Webbirg, and 3 Cases of the Wjfhington Print', in handfame frames of full length Engraving. 2 New Cables, Haah 125 fathoms, io and .11 inch, august 4. d6t muwth im Port Wine &c Claret Infmallpsck ages a(T rted, calculated for In Cases, rf the Jirst duality. Wine and Cyder Vinegar. In 1 ipes and Quarter Casks—For Sale by BENJAMIN W. MORRIS Co- July 19 3 aw 3 w * TO BE LET, Either sepai I ly or together, The Two Houses, LATELY ccuj ied as a HOTEL by Mr. Sa muel Francis, No. 13, south F< urtb tfreet. For terms apply to BENJAMIN r morgan, [jNo 4 reet: 3 aw zvr July 10 Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, ir. York County.a, f»a .Tied ISAAC other wise CUDJO i about 21 years old, the property ut Robert Coleman; lifq. He is about 5 feet 8 inches high, ha-i a blemifo in hia eyes, snore wnite in them than common, by trade a Ferge m?o ; had on and rook with him a drab colour*' broad cloth ..