Nuxutn 2468.1 Old 8 per cent. Stock, New 8 jer Cent. 6 do. (net a-moiim) Navy dc-. .1 do. Deferred, E*nk Ui-.iscd Sutc*, -11 . rcnnTylvariia, i—North' Atretics, Insurance Company of North America, Ihares XO per cent, below par, Pennfylvania, {hares 21 per cent, advance. Turnpike Shares, 10 per cent, under par. O- The Allowing Duti-es are such as arise on Importations in American Veflels. An Additional Duty of Ten per Cent, is imposed on all Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, Imported in Foreign Bottoins. —-J 1 1 " '!' " ~ \X/h. 1,-i^it-" From lo i W holciale From io I Wholei'ale From lo Wholefile From duties* . c . D . C . DUTIts 1 ctohent psxce, D. C. D. C. DUT,ES ' current prick. T? D. C. D. C. bUTIES CI'SRKST PRICE q U- u - V* tM "'- 5 - 1 *• ■ "a 11 tJ VI Free Martin Ik 50 ") Shingles, $ ft. dreft M2B j Spanifl 4 I 2d p25 A Almonds lo a* i sP rctadv Grey Fox 47 2 R 8 Rum, Jamais 133 31 p 2 S I AnelWa 11 12/ ditto. Hed Fox . 18 .riches 5 Antlgu. none at marketp 3 a Allies not none Racoon 33 53 L,mes J 3L f ron , do " H I s th P3« UT>N If 10 ii 1 Filher 5° Lar , hogs lb 13 14 Windwarc 1 7 J 6thp 4 6 B TVa* r u , ,6 Bear iCS lo 12 Wild Cat <0 's° JVI Madder . 26 28 | Gin, Holland 1,0 11528 to s clx g £L. O 6 o iuuthern 27 M„hugany, Bay F \ Free. Apple Brand) jo 75 ■ TWr 6 IVer in hair, fit! 111, iC, 17 St. Domingo 40 J Rye 56 60 F 1 n.:_ r ° Dittored 25 J Molaflei, W. India G 50 60 5 cts per gal Staves, wt.Oak pip. M 69 33 Bread, llup C 4 Sugar house 78 Hhd. 40 . sar' g* f : '"-Y" !; *S' „5..5P«- jj Wli J-5-L »* * 1 C~:r " b.wJ. f.- ,s s in IMi Vy »"oUI. R 6 2od 12 American 140 144 Card, wool Indian corn 84 8S Cut do. 3d >3 - ftardi ' lb 10 11 l 5 prctad Caflia - •*> " ifprctadv Oat, 43 46 f '3 '4 Sugar, '' , 5 | , cts peri:, p. r FnsrlUJi 33 7 cents. Grain, Barley bu 67 1 6d 12 Brow. ii T 12 do I best Dieted lb 6 8d ~ _ India, Ift quality b, ,3 14 2 } do - \T Chofcolate, Bolton 26 Gunpowder Eng. kg Io 11 >od ic T Mulcovado . , 2 14 2 do Philad. 27 do Ainer. 8 i 2 d 10 Lump b 26 6i do Oinnamnn 1 TTAMS,Pork lb 12 14 aod , . Loaf, Tingle res. 28 9 do Clover feed, red lb. L d* Hemp, Russia T 200 .00 cts p C fliort ,00 »r D ctadv Tli R hi , D Hides, La Guira lb .0 ] iNutmegs lb 7 7S° [S P ct ad v Talltw, Russia b 14 12 per cent. Timothy bo 4 " St.Domingo ,0 \ Fr>e 3 ,fla. ,2 } Ditto America, 1 + Herd crass 150 Green 3t J V > i bottles 8 j l«, 150 IG6 1 Cocoa c 24 27 2 ctspr lb Hoops,Hhds. fliavtd M ,0.1,c0m. Whale G 40 Young Hyfo.. 112 f«rlb t Coffee lb 25 27 J' cents Hagi-lard lb .3 Spermacetti. 60 7° Hyion ,20 0 J , Coal f ireig-n hu 5 buihel doney, country none at market J tnnera B 16 xiylon bum 80 03 20 do " 'Virginia 3° Havannah dj 80 86 Lintfeed G 86 9° Souchong 80 90 18 d 9 Cotton St. Domingo lb 33 47 ? , C en-s or 1U HopS Onions, bi. Bohea 38 40 12 da Surrinam 5" S 3 P BarreLpoles r ° P " 6 7 r.n .n plates - 18 Free Georgia sea ill. : 4S TNDIGO, lb pEAS 4 , 40 Tobacco o nnlaiid 2Q *o 1 St. Domingo I 125 1 IT Pepper black lb 33 Richmond ok 525 57J Cordage, American C.4 Isle of France .25 ' [l 5 Pimento, Jam. 12 »3 6 lb do ner 5 55« Russia, tarred ii S° 180 cents prC. New-Orleans 17 1n J Puch B 4 Peterfburgh Copper in (heets, lb 40 50] Carolina 60 , Pla.fter, Pans T 8 P S ° Fredemk&urg 4 450 Bottoms 40 I- Free Iron Callings 1 7467 80 Pork Burlington, B ,5 16 Maryland Pat. (heath. J Pig 34 Carohna r'T" 5 5 25 Co operas C 4;o 4 do Country Bar 10533 10667 Porter, Lond. draft Ja HctspgKio Carolina j c J 1 il 43 Raffia Bar 89 97 1 pct bol - 2 5° 3 « d v Twine, Seine lb 1 4,0 cts Currants Zant Sweden 1.0 120 \ J val Philadelphia bot. ,10 120 do Sewing 46 S per cwt.' ■pyUCK Havens D n 1<25 1 , Sheet 22667 240 J Pearl, Penn. patent 8 9 lurpentine B 25 o D '4 «Tji j'Sj?" H "l» .33 33 .JS67 R AISIKS bdll« , .0 •«»«•»> fpnte-?. 33 4° PEAIW& 1 •> 45 111 ,;«»? •-'7 , K 5 3° yiNEGAr » " rsSu* 9 9ib t 8 20 *> S • cS?. 2 25 clj' B 8 O Malaga, 10 Lilboa '67 75 I Vermillion 2 Mickarel r 8 Cadiz 5 Liverpool fine 52 55 I \\T A . X * Bees> 3° V n . , co Li me stone H c 2? Salt petre refined '6 26 28 Fiee. ,\\ Whalebone SsJ". 5 ,|j - LT~ Ml " ■ ■» '*' a *y&££U[ t iz B 'in \: s °'""b™ a« I ,: , ES j-,1 5 . .j P,«0 ,! , 7 : rr is r ? s I r, %** T y j ! 1 tL Inch & qr. do. 33 Bottles 6 Fayal 68 7 o »8 do Ind'anmeal , 450 H eait pl ie " 8 Rappee 694 Port none ~t market 3° do Ship Huff C 2« 3 233 Heait Pine .8 Soap, Caftilelb 20 22 a cents per lb C!aret , sup . Bourd . x 1 UsS ' Bealer tb 12 ] Oak Scantling 18 Brown 9 .0 calks 60 gals. 40 45 40 prctadr Seal J> Free Hemlock 10 12 White .3 Old fuperfine cargo 60 do Mink flc 3" I ! Red Cedar Ft 50 . Spirits, G 133 cTftfar c * SL, 33 J I Brandy, Freeh • 40 pr ct ad r do * Note Salt weighing more tlun 5G lb. per bulhel, pays iocents per 56 lbs. per bushel or less, 20 cents per bushel, in American velTels; if in foreign vessels 22 cents.—" From the Cape of Good Hope, or beyond 2© r/jr cent is added to frg cgft dirtily from India—lf from Europe, boheatea pars 14, souchong 21, imperial and hyson 40 cents per lb. If from any other place, bohea pays 17, • . , + " !i ca cts per lb in American bottoms. In Foreign bottoms from Europe, 17 1-5, 27. S 3 cents per lb. From any other place, 18, 7-10, 29 7-10, 55 cents per lb. ouchon? 27, lm P cr ' al a ' , r Uwlted States> lu)t having been landed more than one year, are allowed a drawback rtf the duties t'ubjea to a deduction of one per centexcept fpints, which is one half ce*t per gallon: j,-?» Of those articles that have no price affixed to them, their is either none at market, or such price cannot be ascertained as to depend upon it. WANTED TO PURCHASE, CANAL LOTTERY Prize Tickets, Br M. M'CONNF.LL, At No. 143, Chcfnut-ft. aupuft 11 |_iOlt, yesterday, A white young Pointer Dog, ITrj TH liver coloured fpotj, taH and very VV thin—hamed Momus. person giving irifciipation where he may be found, at No. 116. ■Ohef iutftreet, will be liberally rewarded. \uguft it Gazette Idrice 0f Atacfetf* for casb, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. PHILADELPHIA PRICES CURRENT, in Dollars and Cents. A fSW eod 6c ef United Daify'.Aaviriiser* PHILADELPHIA, .MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 2 j, 1890. The Bankrupt Law OF THE UNITED STATES, Was this Day Publifhsd by A. DICKI N S, op polite Christ Church.—[Price »j CentsJ A. DICK INS HAS JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW-YOKK, DESULTORY REFLECTIONS OS THE New Political Afpeft of Public Affairs lit tkt UsirEi> States, [PrWe 37i Cents.] tap Ati By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet. 109 percent. ioßi 8 li 87 53 84 JSr' 4» A FEW HOGSHEADS OF Jamaica SUGAR and COFFEE, A Trunk of Mei. Womens' Shoes, And a parcel of Tov* Linen, ALSO, Boston "Window-Glass, Bby io, 9by 11, 10 by 11 snd 17 by 12. Any sizes larger than those may be had on being ordered from the manufactory. ISAAf HARVEY, Jui'r. 3d wharf south of Market ftieet. August 4* '^ w Bills on London, 30 days, do. do. 60 days, do. do. 90 days, Brils on Hamburg, at 60 days, -do. in Air.llerdani, 60 duys Bridge (Schuylkill) Stock, par. East India Company of North Land Warrants, 25 dolls, per 100 acres. For Sale, Courst of ®j«|jangr. WAYNE-BOUNTY TAXES. THE owners of um'mproved lands in Wayne county, are fc.reby notified, that Taxes are become payable thereon for the years 1799 and 180 D. Those who have not already paid their taxes, .re hereby required to dilcharge the fame to JOHN BRINK, Esquire, Treasurer of said County at Milfopd, within three month" irom this date .otherwise proceedings to file, ac-cording to the a Commiflioiieri Jabannes Van Etten, J Attest, E. Kellogg, Clk. July 9,1800 d 9 0t FOREIGN HILLS (for cash) do. do. ■August 25, 1800. • ** . or 0 ' O ■*—•: • ' •! , »*■ • '■V-, ►.-» • - - -a. « [VOLOM* XVIII. * ■' J 170 perct 168 do. 166-y 36 "37 cts per Mark Banco. 39 a 40 cts per Florin. *• - - f Now Landing, And for sale by the subscribers, 150 PIPES OF Lisbon Wine. JL'SSE £if ROBERT W.M.N. i