For Sale, THE MEW PILOT BUILT ||I3P St. tamm^ny, Gat Say'o Wharf, Market Street, b'irthm 70 t ns. supposed to he a remarkahle fall failing vefl'el, ai d may he f t tedfor feain a few flays. Inventory to Wfecu and terms of fa!f known by applying to thi fub ftriber. CROOKE STEVENSON, No. 4, S'Uti Water Street ALSO* FOR SALE, 35 Hhds Mufovad Sugar. White and brown Hava-nih flit o in boxes East India do. in bags. Welt India and Conutry Rum. 100 Hhd'. Molifles. Holland Gin French and Spanish Brandy- Pepper, Ciflie, &c. AupuO 9. Eliftia Fiftier & Co. No. 39 North Front Street, HAVE OS BAND AND FOR SALE, GERMAN 8 TREL, windowglafi, hats abort ed in cases, N >ils in cafk~, and a laree affrt nient Of Ironmongery, fu'lery, Sad'ery, Coach, and Harr tC- Furniture, BraC> and Jaj anned Warei, Pin# and Needles. . July 29 tu th. fa. Im, jy-ST IMPORTED AND FOR SALE, AT DK.KINS'S BQOE - STORE, Opprf,te Christ-Church, as assosiUi sr or English Papers AVD OTHBE *S T A 7 I O N A R Y. PhiUh wis, Pocket Handkerckiefs, GloTes Checks, &c See. N. B Taylors' best quality Trimmings all which they will fell very low. July *8 dif 125 GERMAN' ' Redemptioners. AMONG which arc, Farmers, Gardners, Sadlers, Inllruroent makers, Gold and Sil ver Smiths, Linen Weavers, Joiners, Pot ters, Masons, Taylors, Tanners, Shoema kers, Printers, Hatters, Bakers. Painters, Soap B nlers, Bell Founders, &c. Bcc. whose times are to be disposed of. Apply on board the Hamburg Oilp Anna, eapt. John Juivens, laying in the Stream a breast of Vine Street, nx to' JACOB SPERRY tr Co. WHO ARE LANDING From fai ve{f I from Hamburg, and have 011 hand, received by the lalt arrivals, Eftopillas 1 t*j f Mi"* Quadruple S lelins a Scythes Bucod 11. 1 Tjpes of all def. Rouans criptions. Cre is-n-la-Mbrlaix Quills & Sealing Caflerill »or j fcP Wax. White Rolls | I Eaces & Edgings Coutils §- D canters Flanders Bed Titles 5. Gill tumblers ®> 9» lz i J Cases. ALSO, 15 Pipes Coniac Prandy and 600 Demijohns. Phila. Anguft 20. dtst FOR SALE, In tie Ciy cf Burlington, Slate of New- Jersey, TWO NEW TWO-STORV Brick Ho use s, Situate on Market Areet, BEING twenty feet front and thitty two feet deep, each with cellar under there and kitch ens in the rear, liktwife a v.-ill of good water in front. ALSO, Four twenty feet. Lots, Adjoining the above pretnifea, one hundred and fi.'ty feet deep. Eor terms of sale apply f the fubferiber in Bur lington, by whom an mdifputablc title will be given. MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July 9, 1800 (19) eotf Now Landing, And for sale by the tSo PIPES OF Lisbon WINE. JESSE & ROBERT WALN. July 30 dzw For Sale, A FEW HOGSHEADS OF Jamaica SUGAR and COFFEE, A Trunk of Met. and Womens' Shoes, And a parcel of Tow Linen, ALSO, Boston "Window-Glass, 8 by 10, 9 by 11, 10 by 12 and 17 by 12 Ajiy size» larger tb«n those may be had on being ordered from the manufatlory. Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, Jun'r. 3d whayf south of Maxkot sheet August 4. djw fa tu&th. t! The Bankrupt Law UNITED STATES, Was thi« Day Puhliftisd by A. DICK INS, op posite Christ Church —[Price is Cent!.] HAS JUST It EC - ITED FROM NEW-YOKK, DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ON THE New Political Afpeft ofPublic Affairs upA n Just cqme to hand, AND FOR SALE, BT 'TH£ SUBSCRIBER, SUVERFINZ Silcfii rouans") Creas a U MorJaix j Fine Brecagncs i Entitled to Do. white j. latjllas f debenture* F.'topillas and Liitarioa j Browu Ruflia (heetir ?« . J Wuh a general ajfortment of Britifli Goods, Whieli will bt 10l l low for calh or Ihort credit SAMUEL C. C X, No. Bj, Mirkct-?tr»ct. daw diot. august ii Notice. ' A General Meeting OF slie triUu. is of J,iin.-s VV ilfon, Elij. deceateil, is rcqutllcd, it Mr. Ru bicon's Tavern, Si«n of the White Swli. in Hace-ftrert, No. 102, on Monday th ijtli instant, at 3 O'clock in the Afternoon, when and where alli.tement of his 'affuirs wi.l be laid beforr tlirm. WILLIAM NTCHOLS. Admtmjlrntor Aujruft ig Pistols, Guns, Gun-locks and Flints, For sale by EI.ISHA FISHER V Co. No. 36, North Front-street. Anguft 14 diw Notice to the Pilots. IS hereby given— 1 liac i* confluence of the Beacon on the Brown, being lo njdeh injure ) as to render it unfit for service, a Buoy with a keg on the mafl, will be placed <>n that shoal, until it 'can be replaced by toe Bnacon, of which d' •• norice will be eiven W. Superintendent. August 16 rfjw WAR DEPARTMENT, August tft), ißco. J - HE commanding '"'fficers of corps, de tachment", polls garni ns, and recruiting parlies, helongii g t the military eftablilhment of the United states, are to report to, and receive orders from Brigadier General W-il kinfnn, in the City of W.ifhingtpn, and all officers on furlough are to report themselves to the officer with all poffihle dispatch. SAMUEL DEXTER, Secretary of War. All Printer* within the United States whahav puMtfh«d invitations for fontrafl« of tt>ei.?tho;' March last are requested to insert the a' ove in their refpedlive pipers, once a week fir tw« in ntlis TO BE SOLD, Very low for Cash, or exchanged for Goods, A Large, Elegant, and well finilhed 2-story Frame House IN the borough of FranVord ; containing an entry arid two lat(;e parlours on the firll floor, ttree bedchambers and two garrets The lot, which is 340 feet deep, fronting on two flreets, and has the privilege of a 10 feet alley through ; it comaim a kitehen,, and coach.h-uie, a well of exccllentwatrr,&c. For term»■ apply to JOHN M I CL ELLEN, July l( tw»h&s tf WANTED TO PURCHASE, A FEW CANAL LOTTERY Prize Tickets, By M. M'CONNELL, At No. 14.1, chefnut-H. aupufl tt eod 6c Loft, yesterday, A white young Pointer Dog, WITH liver coloured fp.;ts, tall and very thin—i>amed Momu« Any person giving infoitmMon where he may be found, at No. 116, Chefr.ut (Irrct, will be liberally rtwaried. jugaft 11 d3t^ or THE A. DICK INS Is ibe Unitkd .VrHTti. [Pri#e 374 Cent?.] WAYNE COUNTY TAXES. HTHE owners r.f unimproved lands in Wayne county, are hereby notified, that Taxes are become payable thereon for the years 1799 and lioo. Thole who have not already paid thair taxes, re hereby required to discharge the fame to JOHN BRINK, Efqnire, Trcafurer of said County at Milford, within three months trom this date ,otherwise proc«edirgs to sale, ac-corjmt; 'o the ail of / ( flembly in such cafe provided, will * had by the C'omnuffioners for the fiid county. /7sa Stenton f ~l John Carton, » ComniilTioners v «bannes Van Etten, J > Ancfl, £. Kellogg, Clk. July 9,1800 A PARTNERSHIP. A PERSON pofftffing forae capital, a corfi derable fliare of induflry, and desirous of engaging as a partner in a lucrative bufineft, 7>ay hear 0 f a fnuiti'n. All prnpofals on this to be in writing, sealed and diredled to •V. R. J New York, and left with ttie printer "f the Gazette of,tfee LTqited States, will be at 'ended to. A Priater would find Jt to bis advantaee Jonej drf LANCASTER STAGES. THE Proprietors 'of the Philadelphia and Lm caller line of Stages DISPATCH, return their grateful thanks to their friends and the public in general, for the part favors they have received, and inform them that in addition to the regular Line, 'h«y ar» provided with Carriages,fobcr and careful drivers, to go through between tile City and f travelling can be accommodated at tie Stage Jffice, sign of United States Earls, Marbct ftreec, Philadelphia. Slough, Downing, Dunivoody tj* Co. Woo go. It —{ FOR SALE, A Viluable and singularly eligible EbTATE, CONSISTING of two handfoine dwelling bouses, with excellent (Uhling for seven horfei, double c iich-houfe mott completely fitted up; a beautiful large and ratable garden richly filled withjchoice fruit, furroUDded with high hoard fencit, almofl new. The premises are beautifully fitaated near the nviddle of Germantown, sur rounded with rich ftrofpcAs of the adjacent country ; an orchard 0} about two acres, with a handfcime lawn at the hack of the house. One house has been rrctntly built on an appro ved plan; the other has been completely repaired, painted and p»pered, and contain ten rooms with an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty fix The new house it -well calculated for a store in either the dry or wit good line. Th« air and water are unrivalkd, aad there are some mo# -iccllent schools in the neighborhood. For paiiltbiara «iq«ire of the Printer, or of (Mr. POTTER, on-the premises. dtf May 9: FRANKLIN Reserved Tradts, FOR SALE. ON Wednesday the ill day of Oilober next, hooks will be open in the Office of the Sub scriber, redding in Franklin, for the sale of the HefervedTracfts, laid out by virtue of an aiS ot iffemMy palled the llth ay of April, 1799. One fifth part of th* purchaft money to he piid at the time #f sale, one fifth part within twelve month« from the day of Tale, one fifth part within two years from said < w alniit-ftixt WILLIAM EVANS, in Williitown, or john Marshall, in Chora burjr Township. N.B, The Sale cs commence at i o'clock on (aid Auj. J Sale by audtion AT BALTIMORE. EAST-INDIA GOODS. ON Monday the »rth tj, RUN away from the Rubfcriber on the evening of tht 48th inft. a bound Servant GIRL, namei Elizabeth Howchel, had on and took with her three different changes of garment Mu money, proud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any p»r fon apprehending her fliallbe entitled to the above reward—no coke or charges will be paid. N: I], She had a years and iome months to serve DAtflBL FITZPATJtICK. Go(henTowjifMp,Chrft«T County, July 19. august 6 iawH 1 A Summer Retreat. TO BE RENTED, A GENTEEL HOUSE, WITH a (table, carriage-h iu('« and lot, fitpated in a pleasant part of 1 renton. The terms will be moderate, and possession can be had immediately ; but the ten.; t will not be wanted to occupy the premises after the 10th of next November. For terms apply tc th> printer, or to ABRAHAM HUNT, efquife, in Trenton. Jane 14. tuthJwtf premifcs, The Mary- &nn Forge And Plantation-: (hict %J Ccsu) ' TB* Ibree Cents Reward. Port Wine & Claret In Cases, of ibe firit Quality. Wine and Cyder Vinegar. 11l Hpes and Quarter Casks For Sale by BENJAMIN W. MORRIS fcf Co- J»'y*9 3)wjw. TO BE LET, Either separaftly or together, The Two Houses, LATELY occupied at a HOTEL by Mr. Sa muel Francis, No. 13, south Fourth street. For terms apply to BENJAMIN R.MORGAN, . _ . No. 41, Jry White Lead, A small invoice of Coffee, 6 & 4 Pousid Cannon, mounted. Thomas Murgatroyd fc? Sons. - M »y IO- tuthScs ef Twenty Dollars Reward. u«i«s RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York County,a negro man, named ISAAC, other wise CUDJO, about »l years old,'the property of Robert Coleuiai; Esq. He is about j feet 8 inches -high, h»« a blemUb in his eyes, snore white in them than conimsn, by trade a Fergeraan,- had on and took with him a coloured broad cloth coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and pantaloons' printed fancy cord, a lwanfdown striped under acket; a rorum hat; one fine, and one caarfc ftirt' one muslin handkerchief, fpriggtd, two ditto striped border, a blue Persian under jacket and two peir cotton (locking?. Whoever takes up faiil negro and ledges him in any jail in this or any of the neigabouring states fhmll have the above rt, ward or reafoc*bU expencnif brought home. JOHN BKI 'N. Spring Forge, o(Si»beri3,l799. N. B. As said negro fcrtopfly lived id Chcftcr couHty, it it probable be may return there. November f Just Received, Br A, DICKINS, opposite Christ Churchy A. View Ot THE CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES or tiii American Revolution, in Nineteen Difcourfcs. By the Rev. Joxathax Boucher, A. M. F. A. S. Price 2 Dollars 50 Cents. J ul y 3°* , BY PUBLIC AUCTION—IN THE City or Washington. THE following property belonging totheTruf teetof the Apg.egate Fund, provided for the payment of ctirUin creditors of Edward Fox and Jamrs Grceoleaf. On Monday the Ctb October insi. PARI' of the property of said fund, in the City of Washington, that now is rendered clear of every incumbrance, will te exposed at Public Au&ion at Tanniclifl Tavern, amongst which arc the following valuable Gtuatioii, viz. 11 Lots in square No. 973, j lots in square 974, >5 lots in jquaro N». 995, 1 lots iri square south offquart 1019, 19 lots in square 1010,1 lot in square ioje t 1 lot in square loax, 7 lots in square 1013, 4 lots m square 1044, 3, lots in square 1045, 3 }o s itt square 1046, 9 lots in square 1047, is lots in square 1048, with fun years, it will be set off gsirll th« bond, a; d the certifi cates returned in the fani.: proportion. Hrtiry Pratt Thomas W. Francis j John Miller, jun. Trujttes. J h n A fh l ey Jacob Bjker. THOMAS TINGEY* Agent. ,A K guft 4. jtaw ts For Sale,