Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 23, 1800, Image 2

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NEW-YORK., August 22.
Yefhjrday arrived at .this port, the fiiip Polly
Capt. Tracy, from Loudon, last from the
Downs, 36 days. We have received the
Londort Daily Advertiser and Morning
Chronicle to the firfl <>f July ;but the ac
. counts they bring frbm the thea'tre of war
are not so late as, the we pub
li(hid from our French papers 011 Monday
/ —they however contain a variety of
matter thst have not yet appeared in the.
An icrican prißts, which we will occafion
alty extract.
The accounts of the right wing of th? army
of Moreau having forced the of
the Damfbe between Bleinheim and Dil
- lengen, in which the Auflrians were
fevere'y beaten ; the honours which the
French Government are preparing, as a
testimony of national gratitude, to the
memory of general Defaix ; and a few
other articles of lefllr note (rnoft of which
were anticipated by ou.-Pirs Journals
on Mondiy and Tuesday l .fl) c mprife
nearly the whole of the intelligence these
papers afford us. It w:,s rumoured in
London 011 the 30th Jitne, that a messen
ger hetj, arrived there from Cruxhaven,
charged by Buonaparte to make a renew
r<oß6 to<the courtW Great-Britain
for peace*. Ihe report; pained credit wrtW
the. weak, biff bid no tfF-A upon the
price of Stocks. It melted the day fol
lowing into thin air."
The Englifhand Batavian governments had
been occupied for fix in difcuflirtg
fo'mc commercial arrangements which were
pfopofed by the latter, md irr which they
" are miicuaily tnterefled.
The Britilh Mlniftry had not On'the' firrt
of July refbived official information cf
the Utc decisive Victories obtiined by the
French in Italy. TlVey are said to have
another expedition to Holland in agita
fceace was f id to be the general with of
the Englilh nation.
June jo;
, After the examination of a number of
witnedVs, Lord Kenyon »(kfdMr. Erflcine
if he had many more ; Mr. Erfkine said
about ten or a dozen. Lord Kenyon then
said, that in hii opini n the evidence that
had been produced went clearly to prove,
that .the; Pnfoner was certainly in a deran
ged (l ite. If the attorney General, and the
Counsel tor \he Piofecutinn were of that
Opit»on, it woufd be needless to go any fur.
The Attorney General said, t' at he did
not wist to press the matter; he f«w it in
the light that his Lordlhip did, and did not
for a moment conceive that a talfe colouring
had been given to the* cafe by the evidence
for the prisoner.
Lord Kmyon then told the Jury, they
mud acquit the pnfoner, as his infinity was
proved , hut he mufl not be difthargrd; it
was ibfoluttly nrceflary, as well for his own
lake, as.for the fake of the community, that'
he fl)"uld not be let loose on th« public.
The Jury immediately returned a Verdic*
of Acguiita! 011 the Plea of Insanity. Tie
prisoner was then remanded, under the care
of Mr. Kilbv, to Newgate.
The prifoiwr appeared perfe&ly calm and
Collected, (during th<? of the trill) un
til the entrance of his Roya! the
Duke of York, when he leaned over the
Ihoulder of Mr. Erlkine,exclainiing, "Oh !
how J love 1 How I love htm - ! God bless
him !" But on Mr. Erflcint-'? di-firing him
to be quiet, he recovered himfelf immediate,
ly, and did riot speak another word nor did
he, feetn to be at :»ll afl" fled during the re
mainder of the proceedings.
There is no tvnth (fays the Morning
Chronicle of Jt}ly I,) in the report of a per
son having heen dispatched to this country
by Buonaparte.
Last Saturday we received papers to the
l6th inft. The Telegraphic dispatch from
Huninguen, of the 23d fays that the right
wing 01 the army of Moreau had forced
the paflage of the Danube, between Blen
heim and Dill ngen, a vigorous resist
ance ; md that the result of the battle was
3000 Auftnans made priloners, with the
loft) of 14 pieces ofca h si and 4 ftawlards
This movement aud its objtift, we forefaw
and announced in the Oracle of the 20th
and 24th, on the fhft inttlligence of the
marr.h.o' Lecnutbe upon Augsburg "The
real objeft of this movement seems to be
that of suddenly pu(h ng on Lecnurbe s
courps towards Diilingen, which is etween
Ulm and Donawerth, in order that, by
threatening Kray's communication with the
intetior of Gcrmary, he may be forced to
abandon his almost impregnable pofi ion,
under the walls of Ulm while our com
petitois diredttd the march of that general
towards the Tyrol upon which he turned
his back. That movement, we observed,
would oblige Gen. Kray either to quit hi
entrenched camp at Ulm, in order to force
the eremy to repafs the Danube, or to free
a paflage for himfelf towards Donawarth
and Ingalftadt ; othcrwife he would be en
closed in the fame manner that Melas has
been ia Italy. ,
Mr. Wickhamis at Vienna —Col Clin
ton, during hib abf nee, attends (lie armies
Mr. Melvits was sent off on Saturday
with dispatches to the Earl of Elgin at Con
The Hamburgh mail dbe on Sunday has '
not yet arrived. By its arrival it is
that rr witters rrfay receive theli
counts of the dtcifive' vi'&ories of the French
in Italy and perhaps information refpedting
the sentiments of the court of Vienna In
the present moment, when'?ll hcpe3 of pro
secuting the war on the continent with suc
cess mulfc be abandoned he universal wifl)
for peace which pervades this country, if
expressed with firmncfs would at lealt oblige
minilters to turn their attention seriously to
negociation If they do not follow the ex
ample of the Emper.or, should he accept
the preliminaries of the chief, consul. of
which there is little doubt, »e mull b' re
duced to the ncceflity of negociating with
difatjvantatre singly onfome utnre occalion.
■Difpat'-hes brought over by a Dutch na
val officer to Norwich, ar.d received on Sa
turday by gi.vernmenr, related (o fom= com
mercial propoftd by the Ba
tavi n Direftory, and which have bec-ji for
upwards of fix weeks, under the considera
tion of both governments.
Arrete of the. Confus, Jjted the 24 ill of
Ibr C'nfuls of the Republic, on ths
report of the Minister of Interior oVder.
i The nam- of Gencial Dcffaix, killed
at Mare-go, (hall be inferibed 60 the Nati
onal Ct-lumn
2 A medal (hall be flrnck in honor of ge
neral DefTaix, It (hall be placed under the
fullllooe of the National Column,
3 At the feie of the 24th June a trophy
(hall be raised io ti.e temple of Mats, to the
memory of General Deifdix
4 Ihe ir.i iller of the nterior shall trans
mit the jjrefent arrete to the f mily of Gen
eial DefTaix, with the teft'monies of the
esteem and regret or the government for
that liluftrious citizen.
In the absence of tht First "onfuli
By. the econd Consul
H. B. MARAT, Sec. of State.
Th-? Obltrver of yesterday slates, that
Mans Pe.i jguf» a French gentle iviau,.had ar
rived in London from Cr xhaven, fa d to be
charged with renewed overtures from Bu.->-
mp.rte. - Such was tie importance of his
dispatches, that he left Cuxhavtrn on the
instant, in a packet purpoftly and ex
clusively for his convey.ime.—The Observer
very properly adds—" Should this prove to
be his million, if is lingular he took so cir
cuitous a route'."—['hat a Frenchman, in
the charadlerof a courier, may have arrived
in London with difpatchej from Vienna, or
some other of the Continental Courts, we
shall n .t attempt to deny ; but it is evident,
that the editor of the paper mentioned, con
siders fui li a circuitous ir ifli'>n fro-m Buona
parte as too great an absurdity even for the
chapter of political cnjeflures. It had,
how-ver, some influence'yefterday on the
we k and credulous always r j 'idy to rec-ive
with avidity evt ry novelty of the moment.
PARIS, Junt24.
Tr/egraph-c Difpatcb.
The commandant of the arms at Prefl t°
the Minilter of the Marine and Colo"
" The garrison ps Corvelle has baffled the
projefts of the enemy, one of whofc pinna
cei was funk."
Second Telegraphic Dispatch.
' The army of the Rhine ha« forced the
pafljge of the Danube above Ulm. On
that day it has made three hundred prifon
eri taken four piecea of cannon, aud four
Third Te'cgtaphifi Pi/patch.
The Minider of war has received by the
Teles?r3(.h-th following Jifpatch from gen
eral Moreau, daced
" Hunijigqeo, 4 Meflidor, June 23.
" 1 In* riirht wing of the army of the
Rh iie •orced the piffape of the Danube
at Bin gheim and Ui 'cigen.
" The enemy op|-ofed a rigorous refif
tanc-, 1 111 were overthrown by our troops,
who ro< k fourteen pieces of capnon and four
ftaßi'a ds.
'■ Three thwufand m«p befi.'eshave been
taken prisoners."
Extrafts of the Readers of the Csnfsrva
tive Senate, Tune 2}.
'1 lie Conferyative Senate, after having
heard read the frieflage of the Consuls of
the republic, dated the 21ft instant, felating
to the brilliant fuccrflev obtained by the ar
my of reft-i ve in Italy.
Orders, that it fliatt fend the following
mefiage to the Ccnfuls of the republic :
" T he ;irrt»y of Reserve has performed in
the 14th of June, all tlut we 1 a right to
' xpedt from its valour, and the invincible
lupeiiority <f the heroes who dire£t it. The
Conservative S nate received with enthu
lialm the'iie'.vs of its fuccefTes. It p rtakes,
111 coinnio.i with all F.ance, in the Joy and
admirati* n iKfpired by its triumphs ; and in
'.he tlianfc* ;<Jid fnrow so jilfl'y due to the
| brave men whose blood has been flied for the
republic. M<y that vi&ory, by compl-ting
our glory, terminate, the effufion of blood,
and the of hufmanity ! May the
corif- ling olive he planted in the field of
Maringo amidd the cypress and laurels with
which it is covered !
Coilat' with the original by us, Prefi
tlf|it and Secretary of the Se
ROGER nUCOS. President.
LAPLACE, Secretly.
PROVIDENCE, Atjguft 16.
On Weckefday anived' at Newport the
ft rip Ruffe! I, captain Wood from the Ille ef
France, after a pa(T»ge of about four months.
She was bound for Batavia, but captured
while at anchor near her port of dcftihati«n
by a French pri<aieer, as mentioned some.
time Gnee. Upon a rcprrfentation from the
governor of Batavia (he was given up, jnd
p-rmj ttt-d to purchase a valuable cargo at the
Isle of France.
Yesterday the fliip Ann, and Hope, capt.
Bendy, of this port, arrived be-low, in five
rribtr.hs and three days from Canton, with a
very rch cargo. On the 30th olt. in lat 30,
long 61, she fell in with a French privateer
Tchooiier of 18 guns, and full f men. Ear
ly iirxt morning Monlieur came up, and en
gaged the lliij> three quarters of an hour ;
hut n«t liking the recrptiort lie met, hauled
off lu wmdwurd. Thf 1 fbjp lay by ah hour,
expeding .rd . renew tlie aftion, but the
I'lenchnian declined, and made off. The
Apn and Hope ntowvts 'l2 nine pounders ;
her rigging was fpinewhat cut, but flie re-,
ceived no materia] damage. A fliip was in
company with the privateer, supposed to be
a prize.
On Saturday arrived in thi3 city two gen
tlemen frwm Martha's Vineyard, who came
paflenger from Rochtllc. France, in the
(hip < olumbus Capt. Joseph Skinner from
this ) ort We learn from thtfe pafTengers
that the (hip ailed from. Rochelle the 17th
of Ju:ie, and brought difpaihes from our
Envoys ; nothing particular refpe&ing the
million had bein made public, it was under
fiood that the neg'iciat.ons were I kely to
have a favourable iflue. Our informant saw
Mr. Ellfworth on the 6th of June, he was
in good fpitits ; Mr Murray, did not en
j y good health. The Commiflioners it was
expefted would depart for -America about
the it f Aug. No American vessels h d
h«en carried intp.frence, for.feveral weeks
t-efwre the Cplorobus failed. The Colum
bu. passed nil's Harbour bound to N. York,
on Saturday nigh't lall ; (he had 30 paflen
gers The people in France were in good
spirits in coofec<iKnce of the la e fuccefsof
their armies, and calculated upo;t a peace
after this campaign, the Brest fleet had not
NEW-YORK, A ugh ft 22.
Sailed yesterday in th<- (hip Fair Ameri
can for London, Mr. Lewis H. Guerlain
and Lady.
The (hips Juliana ard Chesapeake of
this port, were getting under way at the
time the Polly left London.
A Falmouth paper fays, there is-no pac
ket in port to take the American mails of
the 2d July, but one is expeAed here in a
few days.
Trade interdi&ed with Baltimore's
well as Norfolk.
8/£ wo. 21 st, 1800.
WHEREAS the Board of Health
have received information that
a contagious disease, dangerous to the
community, now exists in NORFOLK,
(Virginia,) and also the CITY OF BAL
TIMORE, being, as is represented to
us, equally sickly.
Whereupon Resolved, with the as
sent and approbation of the Mayor, that
all vefiels from thence, bound to the
Port of Philadelphia, bring too at the
Lazaretto, to receive a vilit from the
Resident Physician, and there wait the
determination of the Board.
And further, that noperfon (or goods
capable of retaining infection) from
permitted to come to the'Gity or Coun
ty of Philadelphia, until they produce a
fatisfaflory certificate of their being at
least 15 days in a healthy state, from
thence, under the PENALTY OF FIVE
HUNDRED DOLLARS, agreeable to
the 7th feftion of the Health Law, half
of which will be paid to the informer
on conviction. All proprietors of Sta
ges, both by land and water, are desired
to govern themselves accordingly.
By order of the Board,
Peter Kf.ySeß, Secretary.
Cj~ The Printers generally are request
ed to give this a place in their papers as
often as convenient.
The Subscriber,
jIT ASTER of the Hamburg Ship Anna, for-
J.VJ. warns all Pcrfons from truftinp or harbour
ing a»y of the crew ef faiti Ship, as he will not pay
any debts contraiSUil by them.
Ai.guft ii diot
A. Young Man,
PERFECTLY *erM in Mercantile accounts,
and brought up in one of the firft courting,
h»ufes in tbu »ity. wilhes employment as Clerk.
He is at present absent from Philadeiph", but a
'me left at tfte Office of rhe Gazette of the U'ni
ted States he will-receive, «ml it Shall be imme- 1
<iia»ely attended to. Salary a feeondafy »b)e(sl —
Employment his native.
ougHll »x dtf
Gazette of the United States.
* Philadelphia, AUGUST 20.
Old 8 per Cent Stock for cato 108 3-4 a (0 , p , rt
s «*/ per Cent Stock do. xoB 38 a 108 4 8
Six j!i;r Cent, (net amount) 87A
Navy do. do. 87
Three per Cent. do. Si '
Deferred, - do. 84
B*Nl£ United States, do. 31
Pcnnfylvawia, do. 36
■■ North America, do. 48
lnfuran«e corfip. N.A. iharcs 10 per cent, be
low par
Pennfylvania, fharee, »r p Cr cent, adv,
Turnpik.. Shares, jo percent, under par.
Bridge (Schuylkill) Stock, par.
Eaft-lniiia Company oi N. A. 7 percent advance
Laud Warrants, 15 dolls, per 100 acres.
Bills on Lon. at 30 days for cash 170 per Ct
do. 60 day« do. 168 do.
Do. do 90 days do 166 a- 3
Bills on Hamburgh at 60 days 36 a 37 cts
per Mark Banco
D®. in Amsterdam, 60 day® 39 a 40 cts. per
For Halifax Ship News fee B oft on Marine
" Certain and. indisputable evidence" is
contained in the three numbers pubhfhc-d in
the Aurora, under the fignatur: of A
friend to peace and the conflitution," that
they were written by one Tencb Coxe the
fame who piloted Howe's army into Phi
ladelphia, and as a merchant supplied the
Britilh army with provisions, while tkey
were starving at New-York*—A very cha
ritable aft, iio doubt, Matter Tench.
The Jacobin paper at Baltimore, by the
applaufc rendered to Buonaparte, who the
fame printer has repeatedly called a bale and
impudent Usurper and Tyrant, has furnilhed
a hint so the demagogues of their party in
this country, of which they will not fail to
avail themfrlves, when they pet into power
the lofty minded chief of Monticrllo, and
the more ambitions little i'u t knew
all this long 1 finre, and no doubt hive made
their calculation* in conftquence •
The Federalifls of Delaware mean to fup
p"rt the H""- James A. B..yard, as member
ofsthe House of Repirfentatives of the Uni
ted States, and George Cummins, Esq. as
Accounts from Natchez f<y that Bowles,
with 4-00 Indians, has taken Apalachia
and a galley belonging there.
On t'ne 3! inft. His Royal Highness the
Dukecf Kept, failed from Halifax fm-.Eng
land, in the Affifhnce of jo guns. His re
sidence at Halifax has been of immense frr»
vice to the Province of Nova Scoti*, and
his departure is very much regretted.
[Halifax paper.
Samuel Borland, Esq. having resigned as
afling American Cntiful at EflVquibo and
Demerara, Nicholas Rouflelet, is about to
refi'me that chant&er.
Extraft rP a 1 tter from a refpeftible Gen
tleman in Cape-Francois to h s correfpon
denrin Ncw-Ydrk, dated 30th July.
•' An express has just arrived here, that
ToufTrtint is in poficiTion of the South, and
thatßigaud has gone off in his (hip.' 1
fl!a*ingo, the I<r.e scene of French vitto
ry in Italy, is the fame place where Moreau
was dtf._-.tted last year, on the i6ih May ?
and where,- on the 20th of june, he, in
his turn, defeated General Btllegarde.
Buonaparte, doubtless without intending
fach a thing, has given confidciable fuppnrt
to the national credit of Great-Britain..
When the news of his successes over the
Auflrian reached London, the funds rose
two pei cent, so confident were the people
that a general Peace would be the
July 27.
Eight per cent. 107, 108.
Six percent, 84.
Five and a half pei cent, none here.
Three per cents, 52-? 53.
Deferred, intert ft on which sommences the
ift January 1801, at 6 per cent, 32.
B,ank fliares, paying an annual division
of 71. 4s. per (hare, 1221.
DIED] —on Monday the 18th intt. at
Fells Point, Baltimore, Mr. Joseph Engles,
of this city, in the 76th year of his age-
He was on a visit to that place to lee a son
that lives there.
At Sydney, the Honorable David
Matthews, Esq. formerly Mayor of the city
of New-York, and lately President of the
Council, and Commander in Chief of the
Island of Cape-Briton.
the late G vernor Mifflin made
a magiflrate of a pick-pocket, all honest men
lamented the appointment : but the Go\er
nor had some excuse for his conduft ; the
man's crimes and chara&er were not fuffi
ciently known ; he had never been, as was
btever, tried by his country, and duly con
vitted. As i'oo-Ji as his dirty tricks came
to light the ciitiff fled. He. had not au
dacity enough to encounter public scorn ;
nor had he a patron daring enough to pro
te'ft him, in defiance of law, juftioe, and
common decency. There was ft ill feme re
flect paid to decorum and public opinion.
If the buduiTs of appointments go on i
le M-Kean, it will be nothing strange, if iv;
a few years we fee some of the citizens of
Botany B-.y on the Pennsylvania bench
of jiilfice ; and the British, inflead of
trsnfporting their convidts to the utmost
bounds of the globe, fnould let them
port themselves direAly to Philadelphia—
where the miscreants are not only a (Tired
of a fraternal reception, but may expert
honourable, promotion. Whether this new
lymftem of politics will be of any advan
tage to mankind, or not, I leave to Tom
Paine ; but it is certain that, if if does not
punifli crimes, it tends, at lraft, to anniha
late the name, and to eflihlilh more speedily
a glorious and universal equality. The
odious diftinftions of honour and infamy, and
of meum and teun), by whittll some men
have app-opriatfd to themfclvet more than
an equal (hare, of the pffeem, and other.
things ot this, life will lie the sooner abolish
ed —Vive La Refiublique, crie the ftLtp'.i
men of Pans, when they had levelled nil
diftinftions, an 4 murdered their bed,friends.
Those of the bestial herd who have not bitten
the duft,live to iurfe their own folly and their
d; ce ivers. They have railed low-bread
tyrants to power, who. are now teaching
them with a vengeance that there roust, and
there fliall be, a diflinftion of tanks.
I 1 is remarkable that in neither of
the late difcuflioni of Mr. JefFrrfoi>'a cha
mber, do we meet with the ynoft ci v.- us of
his disqualifications 1 mean that unfrttled
Hate ot brain anj of rpmion, which has so
constantly diverted those with whom he has
been molt intimate. In /hort, the celebra
ted whirligig chair which lie invented pore
ly to chtcn the eddying motions of liis wa
tery brain, by a c< unter turn for every oc
elli on, shews that lie is liirnft If acquainted
with this general defe "*, which is perhaps
the chief cause of all his other derange
ments both ideal and »r»flical.
Mr. JefFerfon has also invented a table,
which in less time than you can lay bocus
& > f us S Wl " m f" ,rn become either a circle, a
triangle, a, or a polv<ron in any of
its varieties. But, what is most rem rka
ble in this gentleman, who is a kind of
Jjck at all trades, his inventions have ge
iieraliy been better fuiterl to any thing than
to the objeft for which thev were intended.
As it may not be fair to tell tales out of
school, I will not mention any part of his
philofophiral ledtureS ; they are generally
charaiteriflic : so much 'o that when C >l.
B of New-Y' rk paid him a vifi , not
I n£ Fince, he fa id that he 'ad long won--
dered at the cause of Mr. J fF-rfon's whisn
ficalities ; but f"Uiul, that liter he had
turned round and round the mountain to
| arrive at the top of Monticello. he felt a
remark ible giddmefs, wljiih iris ■ athfr in
> reafed wlten he looked fr m its'! sty blow
oil the vult exiepdt d pi >ti s Ho-i.
Wheiher this be -.fie cilife or not, let
pMlofophpr« fl (ermine ; but certain it is,
Mr. Jeffrfin is in Futjf a hi w
(late of mind, when at th;it he h is
never yet been able to Hpter to a fix > ('■ rm
or (hape for any thing-. His 1- * f i* of
course a piece of pantotnimie=»l patchvmk ;
one day the parlour is in front, the r *• day
in the rear of the building ; wi t>
year is square and thr next ano&agori. It
is. however, happy for Mr. J. that he has
\et continued rational em ngh to avoid
plaiftering his houfir because he well knows
this \v.'u!d enrreafe the expence of
ending alterations. The last person whom
I have seen from Monticello, told me that
Mr. J. was now taking down the leeond
(lory of h's building, intending thereby ro
remove his observatory into a cellar. I
cannot but approve of this alteration, for I
really believe a dark room wruH be very
ufctul to any person in bis fitua'io".
Fot the Gazette of the United States.
Letter 111.
Vice Prejtdent of the United States.
Philad: Aug. 16,1800.
THE more I meditate on your charac
ter, the greatef are ihe fears which I enters
tain for my country. Born with a restless
and ambitious foul, you delight to roam in
the ltorm of anarchy and coufuCon, where
you may seize with insatiate fury on erery
obje& of appetite and pafiion ; indslge in
your speculative fyftenh of liberty, and fnb
v*rt that blefied Religion wbofe mildness
and benevolence support the bonds of soci
ety, and whose mercy gives eonfolat'ion in
the hour of death and mitigates its pangs.
I appeal to my country 'if my alarm is
not well founded ? Whatever faults and de
merits you may perceive in the Christian
Faith, it has often tranquilifed the troubled
foul of Ameiica when war ard peftihnce
hung over her head ; when misfortunes fol
lowed one another in rapi l succession, and
her very liberties lie gasping at her feet-
Your fellow-citizens Sir. will -not at th(s
hour rejeft that divine aid which has sup
ported them thro* theii' trials, and which
have been thought necessary by them to
their political fa vation They have expe
rienced the bad effl&s of a weak frame of
government under which lite and prop rty
were inlecnrc, and will not n 'W hazard the
fruits of their industry by a change in their
present energetic an secure system. They
have experienced the lofsof friends and tr; a
fur«s in gaining their much prized freedom,
and willnot now basely surrender it to the
intrigues or power of 3 foreign com try, or
to the machinations of their domestic fees.
I will Sir, in order to prove your disre
gard of the Christian Religion, refrefh your
memory with an anecdote which you well
know is founded in fa&.