BY THIS DAY'S MAIL. NEW-YORK., August 22. Yefhjrday arrived at .this port, the fiiip Polly Capt. Tracy, from Loudon, last from the Downs, 36 days. We have received the Londort Daily Advertiser and Morning Chronicle to the firfl <>f July ;but the ac . counts they bring frbm the thea'tre of war are not so late as, the we pub li(hid from our French papers 011 Monday / —they however contain a variety of matter thst have not yet appeared in the. An icrican prißts, which we will occafion alty extract. The accounts of the right wing of th? army of Moreau having forced the of the Damfbe between Bleinheim and Dil - lengen, in which the Auflrians were fevere'y beaten ; the honours which the French Government are preparing, as a testimony of national gratitude, to the memory of general Defaix ; and a few other articles of lefllr note (rnoft of which were anticipated by ou.-Pirs Journals on Mondiy and Tuesday l .fl) c mprife nearly the whole of the intelligence these papers afford us. It w:,s rumoured in London 011 the 30th Jitne, that a messen ger hetj, arrived there from Cruxhaven, charged by Buonaparte to make a renew r- mp.rte. - Such was tie importance of his dispatches, that he left Cuxhavtrn on the instant, in a packet purpoftly and ex clusively for his convey.ime.—The Observer very properly adds—" Should this prove to be his million, if is lingular he took so cir cuitous a route'."—['hat a Frenchman, in the charadlerof a courier, may have arrived in London with difpatchej from Vienna, or some other of the Continental Courts, we shall n .t attempt to deny ; but it is evident, that the editor of the paper mentioned, con siders fui li a circuitous ir ifli'>n fro-m Buona parte as too great an absurdity even for the chapter of political cnjeflures. It had, how-ver, some influence'yefterday on the we k and credulous always r j 'idy to rec-ive with avidity evt ry novelty of the moment. PARIS, Junt24. Tr/egraph-c Difpatcb. The commandant of the arms at Prefl t° the Minilter of the Marine and Colo" nies " The garrison ps Corvelle has baffled the projefts of the enemy, one of whofc pinna cei was funk." Second Telegraphic Dispatch. ' The army of the Rhine ha« forced the pafljge of the Danube above Ulm. On that day it has made three hundred prifon eri taken four piecea of cannon, aud four (landarda. (Ngned) « CORNEILLIAU." Third Te'cgtaphifi Pi/patch. The Minider of war has received by the Teles?r3(.h-th following Jifpatch from gen eral Moreau, daced " Hunijigqeo, 4 Meflidor, June 23. " 1 In* riirht wing of the army of the Rh iie •orced the piffape of the Danube at Bin gheim and Ui 'cigen. " The enemy op|-ofed a rigorous refif tanc-, 1 111 were overthrown by our troops, who ro< k fourteen pieces of capnon and four ftaßi'a ds. '■ Three thwufand m«p befi.'eshave been taken prisoners." CONTSEVATIVE SENATE. Extrafts of the Readers of the Csnfsrva tive Senate, Tune 2}. '1 lie Conferyative Senate, after having heard read the frieflage of the Consuls of the republic, dated the 21ft instant, felating to the brilliant fuccrflev obtained by the ar my of reft-i ve in Italy. Orders, that it fliatt fend the following mefiage to the Ccnfuls of the republic : " T he ;irrt»y of Reserve has performed in the 14th of June, all tlut we 1 a right to ' xpedt from its valour, and the invincible lupeiiority three quarters of an hour ; hut n«t liking the recrptiort lie met, hauled off lu wmdwurd. Thf 1 fbjp lay by ah hour, expeding .rd . renew tlie aftion, but the I'lenchnian declined, and made off. The Apn and Hope ntowvts 'l2 nine pounders ; her rigging was fpinewhat cut, but flie re-, ceived no materia] damage. A fliip was in company with the privateer, supposed to be a prize. NEW-L NDON. On Saturday arrived in thi3 city two gen tlemen frwm Martha's Vineyard, who came paflenger from Rochtllc. France, in the (hip < olumbus Capt. Joseph Skinner from this ) ort We learn from thtfe pafTengers that the (hip ailed from. Rochelle the 17th of Ju:ie, and brought difpaihes from our Envoys ; nothing particular refpe&ing the million had bein made public, it was under fiood that the neg'iciat.ons were I kely to have a favourable iflue. Our informant saw Mr. Ellfworth on the 6th of June, he was in good fpitits ; Mr Murray, did not en j y good health. The Commiflioners it was expefted would depart for -America about the it f Aug. No American vessels h d h«en carried intp.frence, for.feveral weeks t-efwre the Cplorobus failed. The Colum bu. passed nil's Harbour bound to N. York, on Saturday nigh't lall ; (he had 30 paflen gers The people in France were in good spirits in coofec'a cha mber, do we meet with the ynoft ci v.- us of his disqualifications 1 mean that unfrttled Hate ot brain anj of rpmion, which has so constantly diverted those with whom he has been molt intimate. In /hort, the celebra ted whirligig chair which lie invented pore ly to chtcn the eddying motions of liis wa tery brain, by a c< unter turn for every oc elli on, shews that lie is liirnft If acquainted with this general defe "*, which is perhaps the chief cause of all his other derange ments both ideal and »r»flical. Mr. JefFerfon has also invented a table, which in less time than you can lay bocus & > f us S Wl " m f" ,rn become either a circle, a triangle, a, or a polvl. B of New-Y' rk paid him a vifi , not I n£ Fince, he fa id that he 'ad long won-- dered at the cause of Mr. J fF-rfon's whisn ficalities ; but f"Uiul, that liter he had turned round and round the mountain to | arrive at the top of Monticello. he felt a remark ible giddmefs, wljiih iris ■ athfr in > reafed wlten he looked fr m its'! sty blow oil the vult exiepdt d pi >ti s Ho-i. Wheiher this be -.fie cilife or not, let pMlofophpr« fl (ermine ; but certain it is, Mr. Jeffrfin is in Futjf a hi w (late of mind, when at th;it he h is never yet been able to Hpter to a fix > ('■ rm or (hape for any thing-. His 1- * f i* of course a piece of pantotnimie=»l patchvmk ; one day the parlour is in front, the r *• day in the rear of the building ; wi t> year is square and thr next ano&agori. It is. however, happy for Mr. J. that he has \et continued rational em ngh to avoid plaiftering his houfir because he well knows this \v.'u!d enrreafe the expence of ending alterations. The last person whom I have seen from Monticello, told me that Mr. J. was now taking down the leeond (lory of h's building, intending thereby ro remove his observatory into a cellar. I cannot but approve of this alteration, for I really believe a dark room wruH be very ufctul to any person in bis fitua'io". Fot the Gazette of the United States. Letter 111. TO THOMAS JF.FFERON, Vice Prejtdent of the United States. Philad: Aug. 16,1800. Sir, THE more I meditate on your charac ter, the greatef are ihe fears which I enters tain for my country. Born with a restless and ambitious foul, you delight to roam in the ltorm of anarchy and coufuCon, where you may seize with insatiate fury on erery obje& of appetite and pafiion ; indslge in your speculative fyftenh of liberty, and fnb v*rt that blefied Religion wbofe mildness and benevolence support the bonds of soci ety, and whose mercy gives eonfolat'ion in the hour of death and mitigates its pangs. I appeal to my country 'if my alarm is not well founded ? Whatever faults and de merits you may perceive in the Christian Faith, it has often tranquilifed the troubled foul of Ameiica when war ard peftihnce hung over her head ; when misfortunes fol lowed one another in rapi l succession, and her very liberties lie gasping at her feet- Your fellow-citizens Sir. will -not at th(s hour rejeft that divine aid which has sup ported them thro* theii' trials, and which have been thought necessary by them to their political fa vation They have expe rienced the bad effl&s of a weak frame of government under which lite and prop rty were inlecnrc, and will not n 'W hazard the fruits of their industry by a change in their present energetic an secure system. They have experienced the lofsof friends and tr; a fur«s in gaining their much prized freedom, and willnot now basely surrender it to the intrigues or power of 3 foreign com try, or to the machinations of their domestic fees. I will Sir, in order to prove your disre gard of the Christian Religion, refrefh your memory with an anecdote which you well know is founded in fa&. 4 MEDICUS. •s\»' f