Numufh 1467.] COMMISSIONERS SALES. WHEREAS, by an aEI of the General Ajfembly of the com monwealth of Pennfylv ani a, p a fed the eleventh day of April, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, entitled " An aft to raise and tollfft county rates and levies," it is direEled, the payment of the taxes due Cn vnfeated lands, and of tht necejfary costs tktretn accruing, the. CotnmiffionersJhaU, under certain riftriftions, iff if their warrant, and make sale of the whole, or any part ttitreof: — Tit IS IS, THEREFORE, TO GIVE NOTICE, thai, unless tha taxis for the year 1798, and the co/ls thereon arifmg, on the follow ing d'fribed trails of unseated lands, situate in the county of Wefl ir.oreland, be paid into the haitds of John Brandon , Efj. treajur tr of said county, on or before the Fifteenth day of September next, ■they will be exposed to public sale, agreeably to the directions oj the afore/aid ail. JAMES M'GREW, ] 'HENRY ALLSHU-USE, V Commi Qi oners. JEREMIAH MURRY,,J Commissioners-Office, 1 Weftmore ancf county, 17th.May, 1800. J Armstrong and Allegheny townships. Ncuues of Warrantees. Adjoining—and Situated. Armflrorg William 300-y Armstrong William Anthony Jacob 345t Afhmead John 410 Andrews Richard 150 Ahman Adaih Actes 365 Brifon James - - e 8 1 Boal James, & Painter Geo.Oii Blacklick—Henry Cunkle 1 6 207 Brown or Brifon J ames - - 114 304 Baker John Joseph Shields, t92 j 85-6 Bray Nicolas Allegheny river and crooked creek, O 75 James M'Lane and other* 140 i,ewis Bufli and others 1 60 Fiancis Jones and others 1 77 George Thomson and others 1 66 Alexander Todd and others o 76 Charles Stum ani others 2 00 Brown Wiiiitm Andrew 320J Bum Lewis 1903- Brifon James 385J Bringliurll John 353-J- Budd, Sucy Dr. c * Cox Paul Clark James 3 8 9 169$ 385! Cumaiim Thoo»»> Cuoaioiiis Mefea Cooper Charles Craig John Cratty William Cunniigham Hugh Clark John 43^ 247} 269 400 Cummings John (en, Collance Iliac '7i* Clark JlMl Cochran William D. Davi« Jobn Dundas James Dixon John Duncan Thomas Dixon Joseph •50 402 3 3 Si 4»oi 307. Evans, Evan Eakin or Eaker Thomas Ewing Thomas Elpy Hugh F. 393* 433* *99 Fulton John Fox John G. $-6 Garrigues Samuel BenediQ Dorfey and oihers Groves Amienellaor York and oihers H. 33 8 437* Huchefon James Huchefon John Harman John Henry Hugh Harbifon Benjamin Hill Henry Robert Elder and other* Hafljenclev«r Gafr. Francis George Rider ariddvhers Harrold Stophel Howard Peter 246 102f 308 2 47* 315 3°7* 200 1 I. &J. James Jofiak Irwin Robert Irwin William Jacuby Leonard jun. Justice or JuflonJohn Jones Francis James Isaac Jones Ifaae. Jacobs Thomas Irwin Robert juc. Jacobs Paul *37* 3*9* ?75' 3»© *4rt Knowles Henry John Hart, on Yellow creek i 77 KUngingfmuh Nicolas On ihe wateis of Altman's tun—Wm. Aliman 3; 1 li 2&® K«IIy William Klingiugfoniih John 368* 3°4i 335 Leafure Benj»mi» Leepcr Thomas Lisle Philip Lally Francis 1 84 33»A Lending Jacob cw . 18 \ Leafuring John - 1 7° Leafure Benjamin on the N. fide of Crooked creek 1 68 Light or Lawrance on the N; fide of Connemaugh 1 II Light Jacob - - 1 06 M. M'Clure James 100 M'Knight Rober «2* Meredith Samiiel M'Creary Djviu 245 i Mifflin Joseph 33 2 » Morgan George M'Cullough Samuel M'Crofkey Samuel M'Catla Alexander 3°5 3 6 4 3?o-J- Gazette of the United States, & Bally Advertiser. Jacob Anthony, Jobfi Baker, Alexander M'CalU, Jofepb Mifflin, Samuel F. Bradford, a 40 George Clyoier and Elizabeth Henderi LOW) 2 16 Charles Lceper and others 114 On the Peholin path, N. fide of Crooked creek 1 6c/ Ann Sieet and others 2 45 1 12 Samuel Kyle and others 1 99 John Steel and others 1 66 Said to be near the Allegheny river - 1 73 Thomas Cummings 1 09 2 23 William Power and William Eckhart o 68 William Ramfey and others t 22 Samuel Dixon, Black-legs 173 Hayes a. d Henderfonsfurvey 1 73 Samuel Dixon, Black-legs 168 Reefe Meredith Johanna Stuart and others 2 24 John Walker, forks of Crook ed and Plumb creeks 1 66 North fide of Connemattgh 166 John Cox <and otheis l 66 Chiiflian Miller Thomas M'Clenaltan Daniel Rofletter Humphrey Fullerton John Knox, being part of a 1 raft which haa been lold fyr taxes in 1796, James Campbell and others Stephen Ouncan George Rifler Robert Porter and others 17 1 66 1 78 James Campbell and others o 82 1 60 William WafoH Jacob Stedley Ephraim Armstrong and Ben jamin Rittenboufe Charles Grubs and olherj John Thiimpfon andoihers George Clynier and others On the eafl fide of Black-leg?, J. Mifflin Abraham Shoemaker James M'Guire and others i J eter Ncttleton By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 23, ,Boc- Acrei. Names of Wanaatect. Martin Thomas of Crooked creek 43&§- Machoe Barnard John Brown, jan. 400 Mi lief Robert M'Kinfey John 353-G Melchior Isaac or Samuel 2 00 325 Mather Isaac Rilleraiid others iBO M'CaMer Abdecl On »he wateri of Crooked ' B,dikyS«r. .66 Near Two-lick on Stony-run 1 40 Samuel M'Culloitgh 1 73 onthe N.fideof Conrtemaugh 1 66 on the N. fide of Connetpaugh 1 38 on the N. fide of Connemaugh 1 66 James Craig 1 75 Charles Moore and others 168 M'Rory David M'Cillifler Richard M'Curdy James M'Kinfey John Martin Thomas Moore Joftoa Moftre Prelton Samuel 3 1 7 3 l ° 300 250 85° 3»6* 365 i Noble James Newiand Peter 300 37 2 i O(w»ld Eietza s«H Taxes. Dts. els i 8 1 20 1 77 1 8o 2 32 1 20 P. Pcmberion Joseph Pitierion William Pimm William er John Porter Stephen Paul John Porier Stephen Porter Andrew R. Rorcman Conrad 303* 3°** 3»3i 361 3»H 3°4 Rittenhoufe Benjamin 3°7i Roffetttr Daniel Rannt-ls James Rannals James Ramfey Benjamin 3'"2* tfli 33** 418 Sample Robert fen. Slidley Jacob 34 j-J- Srtiith William Syfces William Shuliz Qeorgo Salter Thomas 327y Shallus Jacob Shoemaker Abraham 362-J- Steel John 422-5- Smith John 3 68 i Sheeier Thomas Smith Henry Adam ' Simpfon George Sprowle Andrew T. 300 3 02 i Twine James - • 2 82 ThomCon George Jame» Brifon j 82 T«ylor Richard - - 1 43 Todd Alexander John Morion aad others 1 77 Thornfon Peter fen, . PeterThorafon, jun. 2 2 Todd Alexandet ♦ 1 7'7 3aßi 3"9* 4°7i 4°9i 35a >9 2 * 1 00 w. Weeds Elijah - - i 68 Waugh Stmuei' Francis Bailey and others 230 Walker David * • 1 39 Walker Jamei - - 17 Wilson John 2 00 - . O 78 Wilson Hugh - - 2 34 Walker John - - 1 64 Wigton Margaret Jn. Pinkerton and (ha Manor 2 17 Wigio* John Samuel Waugh and others 2 2fc> Williarpi James •> - 2 15 Woftds George John Righter and others 1 66 Wilson John - - 1 33 Wlieatfield Township. Anderfon Michael David Wilfun and others 075 Boyks Samuel William Bedford and others ± 25 Biird Thomas Johft Coyk aud others 1 80 Bratton Adam - - 2 25 Clemflonor CumpftonThos.George Honey and others . 2 32 Coyle John Thomas Burd and others .1 80 Colli n« pr Colli Richard - - 2 58 Crawford John jw». John Wigton and others b93 Creigh John - - j 35 Cummins Charles John Hinkfton and others 033 Dougherty or Donglae An drew William Clark i 89 420 i 2 20 2 40 394* 4°3i *97s ,8 9i 303 400 3°° 1 8q 2 56 1 11 2 20 1 70 1 37 1 84 1 68 1 70 1 32 3®9"» 418 33° i 2 ■ 300 878 4'9 274 224 Douglas Thomas Fulton WiUiam O 83 of Brulh-creek j 68 - Hooper Lettice Robert John Nixon and others 267 < Henderfoo Thomas - - eg' Hunter James Benjamin Burd a 80 ■ Hart John Casper Hill's claim 2 25 ' Irwin George David Candler and others 181 ' Jofephfon Manuel James M'Henry 2 25 Leonard Ezekiel Rebecca Brewn and otbers 2 96 : Morday or M'Curdy Robert - - 4 95 Moylin Casper or Jasper Samuel Nicols 2 46 Ntcois or Ntcolfon bamucl On the Chefnut Ridge 2 20 Nixon John Casper Wisp , 2 30 Newlon William Between Blacklick and the 556 300 400 301 404 3 16 294-7 1100 1 73 1 26 1 V 1 84 1 372 A 2 93 3°3* 160-J Frankflown paih 1 13 Plankinghorn Jacob On the waters of Two-Lick 2 50 Parker John - - 2 20 Roberts Mordecai John Mufler and others 2 44 S:owt William Daniel King and others 2 49 Shardon or Sheridan John Joseph Moulder and others a 39 Snyder John Daniel Ranneli and others 1 g-j Shippley William Robert Douglas and others 2 51 Shipley Morris Nathan Setters 2 77 Sheaff William On Brackin's mill run 2 O Sellers Nathan Daniel Failoon and others 2 3 Sloan Samuel - - 2 25 Shaffer or Shaver John John M'Creafy and others 1 12 Weft Samuel 2 89 2 3 333* !«<> 1 37 1 9 2 5 33» 3>9i 443* 334 i 614* 266^. 45« 1 38 1 86 •1 66 3*3 Weft Thomas jun. Thomas Weft and others Wilson John Archibald M'Guire Washington Townfliip Cannon Thomas 269* 1 60 1 70 2 20 » 75 Cannon James Clark William Cannon James James Hunter Carnahan Robert 33 1 1 97 426 2 37 Duffitld William 1 82 1 82 1 68 1 68 » 77 Glenn John and James James Campbell Hamilton James er Willi am Brotherton James Walker and others Jones John " H * AJiainine—and Situated. Taxes. Dls. us David Walker, on a branch In lOwiAip 0» lie wartri of Qrooked citcK, Ac. o. s William Peirfon and others l 8Q Rebecca Brown and others i 66 The claim of Tbos. Lemmon 1 66 Joseph Swifi, jun. l 37 on Stonjr-run—James M'Claia i 77 Joseph Mathers 1 77 o 32 Stephen and Richard Porter 1 79 on Kawsnihannocli*—below Thomas Letpffr 2 13 on Kawenfliannock—Mary Arjiiiiage \ '77 1 98 Eleazar Oswald j # 1 80 - - >33 Ezektel Edwards 1 32 Joseph Mathers and others 2 6 1 48 The purchase line 1 88 William Eckhart 1 82 1 66 to ti r__ •_ _ c Peter Thomson, jyn. 1 *6 Valentine Shallus i §2 George Morgan I 73 Hugh Cunningham t 66 Robert Smith 1 66 1 00 2 40 1 5.4 1 66 About a mitebelow the mouth Near the KiJkiminilas Acres. Names of Warrantees. Kiiltimmitas Old Town below (he mouth of Beaver run Morgan Doftor M'Cainey Robert Probft John Rchiton Andrew Ridenhower for Campbell and Bell * 70 » *$ * 86 1 40 Stuart William and M'Far- On Puckety creek—Conrad fend Ludwick Todd William Donnegall Township. 300 Alexander John and John Brandon George Hoover and others 4'3? Brown William Philip V Cortlandt Billington Saralt Theodorus Baley 401 3-4 Billington Thomas Benjamin Hodgdon 401 3.4 Baley Theodorus Sarah Billington 400 Benfoa Pettr James Burnfide's land Soo Burnfide James aod Co. His improved land 19* John Campbell and others .29 l-» Campbell Mary Abraham Craft too Campbell Ruth William and Margaret Campbell 1983-4 Campbell Margaret John a*id Joseph Campbell 98 1-1 Campbell John Thomas Campbell and others 98 l-a Campbell Joleph Alexander Johnfton ft i-a Campbell William Joseph and Ruth Campbell 198 I.a Campbell C. James William Campbell and John Jahn fton Campbell John Robert Campbell and John Burk Campbell Robert Andrew Linn CourtlandtV. Philip William Brown and Throdorus Ba ley Conkle Chrilian Samuel Younc Fox Mr. . Grubb or Crabb Curtis Timothy Turner Hodgdon Benjamin James Burnfides Johnfton Alexander Joseph Campbell Johnfton John James Campbell Jamifon Isaac Mary Simpfon Philipfon Rebeckah Conrad Wymong Simpfon Mary Mary Campbell and others Shall Leonard Lapfley Thomas Benjamin Hodgdon Wymong Conrad Samuel Young Weals Daniel Conrad Wymong iToung Samuel foung Samuel C. Jchn Philipfon and others Fairfield Township. Barren hills Robert Fulton John Stuart, Charles King 2 40 * 77 J9B i-» 400 400 401 3-4 401 3.4 39* «-* 39* •-* 401 3.4 401 3-4 401 3-4 400 401 3-4 400 401 J-4 401 j-4 Barr William, jun. Barclay Samuel Barnet William Bonner Jacob, Campbell and Probft, Copely John, Cafe Philip, 1 Do. Do. J Clark John or Clock, Davenport Mary, Eldridge Isaiah, Fulton Robert, Fleming William, Glass John, Gamier George, Glynn Patrick, Hutton Benjamin, Hammil James, Hannah. John, Hill Isabella, Hawke Henry, Hutton John, Jenei Jofepty, Jordan James King Charles, Lapflev John, Little James, Little Nancy, M'Night Robert, Mullen Joseph, M'Ever James, Miets Benjamin, "1 Do, Do. I Do. Dp. J Mulholen Patricki M'Cur.e John or William John Hinklton Peobles Francis Samuel Barclay Patton Mark or Mark Joseph Mitllin Pugh Henry Thomas Stuarl Pugh C. Robert James Young Philler Andrew William Fleming Penrofe James James Jordan Renfliaw John Mark Patton Stuarl Peter John Lapfley Strutt Norman Maria WiWon Stuart John John S. Hutton Stuart Thomas Sarah Turner Shrydon Mary Eliza James M'Ever Snyder Peter Benjamin Hutton Turner Sarah " William Barnett Wilson Maria John LapHly v Weeks Benjamin Norman Strait Wright Robert James Little Young James Henry Pugh Young William RobertC. f'ugl). Roftraver Townfliip. Pentecost's old Place "7 400 400 *49 400 400 400 400 400 301 400 400 400 400 200 2 so 400 400 374 400 412 400 40b 400 40® 400 *74 400 400 361 400 40* 3*9 400 423 400 400 400 337 396 400 400 400 4©o 40® 400 281 82 82 43 77 75 2 5 80 2 5 Smith Robert Boggs John Blain Ephraim Lewie Samuel Franklin Township. Bartley or Baley John Archibald Gordon Cook Joseph in right ot Phi lip Studebaker Alexander M'Cuchen Harrald Chrittopher Michael Welcker and others M'Gliee William or M'Wil- J47 liams James M'Kee Sarah , St. Clair Samuel Stokely Thomas or Jehu Cou ncil Daniel St. Clair I* Mount-Pleasant Township. Campbell Robert Blyftoae's Survey . Galbreath lfabella James Campbell, Galbreath John Elizabeth Galbreath, Galbreath James David Kilgore, Hamilton Robert Robert M'Clay, Lobengire Christopher Abraham Power, Myers Frederick Chriffopher Lobengire, M'Clay Robert Robert Hamilton, Unity Township. George Gibfon and others, Abraham Fifcus, William Todd, 4*l 4«4 J*4 4«J *47 «•* lli 31' j6> 2 5 1 2 46 89 1 6 t 64 0 99 1 48 0 99 o 98 s 10 Barry John Galbreath Elizabeth M'Cawley William 366 419 ice Bradford William 3 5° M'Dowell Alexander -- -- 3 <?1 ltr There are alf* tiuo dollars cojls, on eackof the atove dtfcrlbed trads. • 99 o 99 •** •<" Adjoining—and Situated. ' • James Campbell and others Francil Peoblts I c, W lliam Young I © Peter Forfler t e Charles King i o Duncan M'Sparroa e 48 John Clock I o Aufman Off 1 o Andrew Philer 1 ' <3 Joseph jone* 10 On the waters of Hcudrick's rua • 0-66 Nicolas Lute o 64 On Conneniaugh o jj Benjamin Weelcs l ® Mary Davenport 1 « .Jacob Bonner c 50 Eliza Maria Shryd&n I • Peter Stuart 1 Isaiah Eldridge I q James Hammond 1 o George Gurrnie 1 o Patrick Glynn 1 a Robert Wfight 1 a Hcmpfield FownAif. Jotui IMdlckorf •> » Salem Township. ; '»* - V » f Volumk XVIII. Y axes. Ms. cts 0 74 1 ga 3 8 9 0 49 ' 73 / 1 48 0 99 1 48 1 id i ♦ 1 o * o * 0 1 o 2 9 I lt» I O I 7 i I » X i 1 ? I ® I © i e i o i o i o i o I 20 .1 o I o 1 ° x o I o I Q 1 o 2 12 i o 1 0 I 6 I o 1 o 0 £6 1 o I 9 • i 9* o 4» 0 f 1 9 • fl 9*4' • it « ~ I '* '-•« 0.: I O I 9 I o X 10 I 9 1 » I O i e 1 o 1 o 1 © i> • x • x o i o 1 31 2 II O 83 » 14 I 30 O I *5 I 16 I 40 1 S* * -i. , in. t'.i "-' x 19 I »7 I a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers