For Sale, ' \ JT THB NEW PILOT BUILT tjfflp St. Tammany, NO at Say's Wharf, above Market Street, burthen 70 t n», i'uppofed ta be a remarkable faft filing vefFel, ai <1 may be fit ted for sea in a few days. Inventory to be seen and terms of fa'.e known by applying to the fub fsribtr. CROOK.E STEVENSON, No. 4. South Water Street- ALSO. FOR SAIS, 3; Hhds. Mufco*ad ■ Sugar. _ Whit; and brown Hava* nih dit'o in boxes, East India . do. in bags. Wflt India ar,d Conntry Rum. jco Ilndr. MolaiTea. Holland Gin Preqch and-Spanifh Brandy. Pcj C &.c. August 9. Eliflia Fiftxer Sc Co. No. 39 North Front Street, HAVE OK HAUD AND FOR SALE, German srF.F.i., windowgiaf», h»t« iffKrt ed in cafe», Nailt in cats, and a lar?e off rt ment of Ironmongery, Cu'lery, Sad'ery, Coach, and Harrefs Furniture, Brass and Japanned Ware«. Pins and Needles. • July tg tu th fa. im, JUST IMPORTED And for sale, AT DICKINS'S BOOK - STORE, Oppnfite Christ-Church, AH ASSORT MEHTJOF Enolish Papers and other STATIONARY. Philadelphia. Aug. A Insurance Company Of the State of Pennsylvania. thedirectors HAVfc this day declared a Dividend of'y Dollars of eaeh Share of the Stock of this Coropa'nv for the Jaft fix months, which will be paid to tlft Stockholders or their Representa tive« after tht 10th infant. JAMES COX, Prefidant. diot. augu(l < ALL PERSONS HA\UNG claims the Estate of Marg»reTTelles, late of this. City, deceased, #re requelted to exhibit their accounts to the undernamed Executors, or either ef them, and all persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate payment to the"said E**cutor^. The Rev. M C \RR, GEO ROE ARMROYD, DaVIDCALL Augufl i 8« dtf Saulnier & Wilson, 1V00L&X DhAP&RS, MERCERS, IsV. No. 63, North fide Market-lireet, H AVE a general assortment of bed London fuperfine Br iad Cloths and Caffimeres, (of the new«ft tafhinn) Clk stripe and fecund quality Cloths, fafhimabla waillcoating, silk stripe .rnd twill'd Natikerfis. Jea- Fulian, Gingham, Dimi ty, Thickset, fancy Cord" Velvet", Scarlet, yellow and white Flannels Flan leu, Irilh and brown Linens, Dowlas, merit* and wnmeni'- lilk and cottin Hosiery, coat and veil pearl, Qeel, gilt and plated Buttons, different ccbue»Silk Velvets, tam boured *nd Cambrit Muflint, Calicoes, Caliman cois, Sh .wis, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves Checks, &c &c. N. B Taylors' best quality Trimmings all which they will fell very low. July 18 - ♦. dtf uj GERMAK Redemptioners. AMONG which are, Farmers, Gardner!, Sadlers, Indrument makers, Gold and Sil ver Smiths, Linen Weavers, Joiners, Pot ter*, Masons, Taylor*, Tanners, Shoema kers, Printer*, Hatter*, Bakefs. Painters, Soap Boilers, Bell Founders, &c. &c. whose times are to be disposed of. Apply on board the Hamburg ship Anni, capt. John Jurgens, laying in the Stream a. bread of Vine Street, or to JACOB SPERRY W Co. WHO ARE LANDING From fai vetf*l from Hamburg, and have on hand, received by the lall arrival*, Eftopillas "J fCoflee Mills Quadruple S.lefias a Scythes ioccadlloi Si Tapes of all def- Rouans *>- criptionss Creas-a-la-Morlaix I J Quills St' Sealing Cafferillots or ' Wax. White Rolls | Eaces & Edgings Coutils 5- Decanters Flanders Bed Ticks 5. Gill tumblers' 8, g, ic-J _ " Cafes. at v so, 15 Pipes Coniac Brandy and 600 Demijohns. Phila. August 30. Alst FOR. SALE, « In tb* Cijuf Burlington, State of New- Jersey, TWO NEW TWO-STORY Brick Houses, Situate on Market street, BEING twenty feet front and thirty two feet deep, each with cellar under them and kitch ens in the rear, like wife a well of good water in front. ALSO, Four twenty feet Lots, (be above prcmire*, om budjtd tad fifty feet deep. For terms offale apply to the fubferibtr in Bur lington, by whom an iadifputable title will be t MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July 9,1600 (29) eotf Now Landing, And for sale by tie subscribers, 150 PIPES OF Lisbon Wine. JESSE fcf ROBERT WALN. July 30 diw For Sale, A FEW HOGSHEADS OF Jamaica SUGAR and COFFEE, A Trunk of Mel. and Woinens' Shies, And a parcel of Tow Linen, ALSO, Boston Window-Glass, 8 by to, 9 by u, 10 by 1 2 and 17 by 12. Any sizes larger tfian those may be had on being ordered from the manufa&ory. Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, Jun'r. 3d wharf foihh of Market ftiret. Au'guft 4. djw fa tu& The Bankrupt Law UNITED S 7 ATES, Was this Day Published by A. DI CKI NS, op polite Christ Chufch.—[Price 25 Cents.} A. DIC KINS HAS JUST IECMTED FROM DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ON THE New Political Afpeft of Public Affairs •In ibe Uxitki? StdtMS, {Pffcc Ccoti^ "{•ft ii Just come to hand, AND FOR SALE, Sr THE SUBSCJUBCR, Silefia rouans") Creas a la Morlaix | Fine Bretagncs i , Entitled to Do. white [.latillas f debenture. K'topilla" and Liira loi Brown Ruflia (heetings J Wnb a general ajfortmmt of British Goods, Which will be lold low lor calh or Ihort credit. SAMUEL C. COX, No. Bj, Markct-stroct. august it daw Notice. A General Meeting OF the creditor* of James V\ llfon, Esq. 'deceased, is requeued, at Mr. Ru bican's Tavern, Sign of the 1 White Swan, in Race-ftrcet, No. tol, on Monday thf Ijth in(lant,at 3 o'clock in t|ie Atternoon, when 'and where abatement of his affairs will be laid before the in. WILLIAM NICHOLS. Adminiflrator August 1 g Pistols, Guns, Gun-locks and Flints, For sale ly EI.ISHA FISHER V Co. No. 36, North Front-Qreet. Augu(L|4 diw Notice to the Pilots. IS hereby given—Tint in consequence of the Beacon on the Brown, being io mnch injured •< to render it iinfjt for service, a Buoy with a keg »n the mill, will be placed on that Jhoal, until it can be replaced by the Beacon, of whirh due notice v piven- W. MACPHERSON, Superintend tit. August 16 diw F®R a three quarter Share of Bank Stock of the United States, No. 3818 if> the name of John Holmes, Jun. has been lost or miflayed and for the Renewal of which application has been made at said Bank, of wbioh all concerned are desired to take notice. May fp. WAR DEPARTMENT, August 41<>, ißco. THE commanding Officer* of corps, de tachments, polls garrisons, and recruiting parties, belonging to the military eftablilhment of the United States, are to report to, and receive orders from Brigadier-General Wil kinfon, in the City of Wafhingt«n, and all officers on furlough are to report themfelve* to the fame officer with all possible dispatch. SAMUEL DEXTER, Secretary of War. & All Printer* within the United States whs haye pobliflied invitation* for contrxfta of the 13th of March lad are requested to insert the above in their refpeflive paper*, once a week for tw«> month*. BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock Ist Watch Makes, HAS REMOVED To No. 36, Market Street, Where he has for Sale, Spring and other Clocks ; gold and silver Watclies : Tools, Files and Materials ; ftrel and gilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs, kc. fee. CLOCKS AND WATCHES Repaired aa usual. June 3 ( tu&f tf H., MAXWELL, Printer, HAS REMOVED TO Columbia-House, (Formerly ill thejtenure of Mrs. Groorobridgfi) South-Weft corner of Spruce and Eleventh Streets. August 1 s . . eo 3' or the NEW-YOKK, A CERTIFICATE PETER TREGBNT. , djm. WAYNE COUNTY TAXES. ' I 'HE ownc* of unimproved lafids in Wayne county, are hereby notified, that Taxes are become payable thereon fcr the years I ""99 and i3oo. Thole who have not already paid their taxes, re hereby required tJ discharge the fame to JOHN BRINK, Esquire, Trcafurer of said County at Milford, within thite montht Irom his date .otherwise pfoceedirg" to sale, according 0 the afl of Assembly in luch tafe provided, will 1 had by the Commifijoners for the fiid count;. A ■ill Slenton, John Carton, > Commissioners '*<>bannes Van Etten, J > A««a, E. Kellogg, Clk.' July 9,1800 d s>ot A PARTNERSHIP. A PERSON poflefling some capital, derable (hare ofinduftryjand deArous of engaging as a partner in a lucrative bofincfs, "•ay hear of a fitu*tica. AH proposals on this fubjeiSl to be in writing, sealed and direfled to W\ R. J. New York, and left with the pripter of the Gazette of the United States, will be it tended to. A finne 5' irf • LANCASTER STAGES. THE Proprietorfonthc Philadelphia and Lan ciftcr liDe ef Stages DISPATCH, r*turo their grateful thinks to their friends and the public in general, for the past favors tkey have received,and inform them that in addition to the regular Line, th«y arc provided with Carriages,fober and careful drivers, to go throngh between the City and 3oro«gh is two days. Tfeofa who prefer this mode of travailing can be accommodated at the Stage Office, sign of United States Eagb, Market street, Philadelphia. Slough, Downing, Dunwoody W Co. Nov, 30. ' 2t<—s FOR SAL§, A Val'uable and singularly eligible ESTATE, CONSISTING of two handsome dwelling houses, with excellent (tabling for feren horfci, double coack-houfe mod completely fitted up; a beautiful large and valcabla garden richly filled with choice fruit, furrpunded with high board fence, almod ntf. The premises are beautifully situated nc?r the middle of Oermantown, sur rounded with rich profp»&s of the adjacent country ; an orchard of about two acres, with a handsome lawn at the back of the bouse. One houfa has been recently built c* as appro ved plan j the other has been completely repaired, painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with an elegant drawir.g-room, fifteen feet by thirty fit The new house is well calculated for a (lore in either the dry or w#t good line. • "" The air and water are unrivalled, and there 3re some mod excellent schools in the neighborhood, Fw particulars enquire of tke Printer, or of MR. POTTER, on the premises. May 9: dtf FRANKLIN - Reserved Trails, FOR SALE. ON Wednesday the ill day of O&ober next, books -jvill be open in the Office of the Sub scriber, rcfiding in Franklin, for the sale of the '•* tfervsd Trails, laid out by virtue of an aA oi ffemhly passed the tlth «'.ay of April, 1799. One fifth part of th« purchafc money to be ptid at the time »f sale, one fifth part witkin twelve months from the day of sale, one fifth part within 'wo years from said day, and the remaining two fifth parts at er before the expiration 01 three years after such sale No contrail to be confirm ed for fifteen days after the said books shall be o pehed, and the highed price offered within that flme will be accepted. All payments made will be forfeited unlcfs the purchaser within three ycrs from the day of sale makes an »&ual settlement on the tra& purchased, by clearing, fencing, and »ult'vating at lead two acres for every fifty con tained in the furvry, and ere£t thereon a mef fuagefor the habitation of man, and reside there on t«r tbe space of five years next following the firft settlement of the fame. No patents to issue, unless fatiAAory proof (hall be made of such adual settlement, rtftdenee. and improvement. GEORGE FOWLER. CcmmJJiontr, Fra- klin, July 18, ißco. august 8, District of Ftrinsylvania to wit: BE it remembered that on tbe Tenth day of July in the twenty fifrk year of the Indepen dence of the United States of America, Alexan der Addifon of the said Difti idl hath depolited in thia office tbe title of a book the right where of he claims a» Author in the wordt following to wit,'" Reports of cafet in the County courti of the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court of Errors and appeal* of the State of l'ennfylvania, and charges to Grand Juries of those County Courts. By Alexander Addifon, President of the Courti of Common Pleat of the Fifth Cir cuit of thp State ®f Pennlylvarua." In conformity to the ad) of Congrefsof the Uni ted States intitled " An all other two whetl car a. upon every four wheel carri age, having, framed polls and tops and reftirig upon wioderi (pars 2 The Colledlor . f the revenue of the firft di vifinn of the firft survey of the diftriQ of Pcnn fylvania, will aitend daily tilt (he joth day of, September next for the purpose f receiving the !ut ; es on carriages, at No. 49 n; Tth Third- Street, in the City of Philadelphia, of which all persons pnfliffedof such carriages, are'deG red to take notice. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN. To all retail dealers in wines and f rsign dif tilltd/piritui u» iiqMOT?, liceoct-s jvill be pranttd so them , oi:e licence f r carrying on thebufinefs of retailing of wines in i eft qual ity, or in icfs quantities 'hsn thirty gallons, and one licence for carrying on (he h liriefs ef re tailing Ipirrtom liqvon in lei's qu-ntitio than twenty gallons, at th« lame time the fame place, by JAMES ASH, Cnlledtorof the First Survey »f the Dif trifl rif Peiii fyivania. Office of irifJ>tftiort ar Philade'ptiia, AugtiQ ii rfaj- ' •»* R rery dtaowimtina eip«tf«pcr :q »r Ctid o®c*. : - Aiigu Marihal's Sale. United States, / ? Pennsylvania District, 5 BY Virtue of a Writ to me direfted from the Honorable Richard Peters Esq. Jnd ;e of the Dillriil Court of the United Statee, in and for the Pcnnfylvat.ia Diftrifl, will be ex p fed to public sale on Tfeurfday the aßth of August inlt. at 11 o'clock at nocn, at oflnfprfti n, No. 49, North'lbird ftieet, in the city of Philartrlr»!>ia, Two Hogsheads of Rum. The fame having been seized, &c. and libel led against, profecutcd'and condemned ai for feited, 4cc- x , JOHX HALL, War shall. Marfliatl's Office, > ' ' Pli/jdclpbia, Aug, ia, 1800 j jawtS Loft, rHE undermentioned Certificates nf Stock of the Bai.k of the United States,. viz. No. 3804, dated lit July 1796,Morten fliares in the name of Charles Lovegrove of New- York. No. 45341—N0. 45324. dated ift July, for five (hares each in the name of Sarah tVedgewood of Etruria. No. »oBoB—No. 19809, dated ift January, 1800, for ten Clares each, in tha name ef Henry Waddington, Merchant, L. ndos. Notice is hereby given., That application is intended to be made at the said Bank by the f ;tfcrib»rs, fi-r a renewal of the faui'-, of which all pcrlons concerned are requefled to take n tier WADDING! ON ir HARWOOD. Philadelphia, July 30, rßoo- mwf^m just Received, , Br A. DICKINS, opposte Christ Church t & View OF THE CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF THE American Revolution, In Nineteen Difcourfcs. By the Rev. JosAfHAN Boucheb, A. M. F. A. S. Price 2 Dollars jo Cents. J ,j 'y 3°- For Sale, In the pleasant village of Mount Holly, Bur lington County, 18 wiles from Cooper's , Ferry, and 7 from Burlington ; ONI LAUGH TWO STORY Brick «- House, FIVK and thirty feet square, fojir rooms on each floor, and a cellar under the whole.— Likewise adjoining, a forty foot front Lot, fitu | ate on Mill street, near themirket, with a new Carriage House and Stables on the rear of the Lot,fronting a public alley. For further par ticulars apply to MAHLON BUDD, or ISAAC CARRi in Burlington. Who wtlllhew the prtniiles and make known the terms, or of the subscriber in BurKntitcn,. by whom an indisputable titlfc will be given. MTCAJAH ELLIS. . Burlington, July 9, 1800. July 19 eFt3oth codtf.