I. A E FQREIGN IN i'ELLIGENCE. (Cot.TtNEED.) LONDON. June 13. Ceuit of King's Bench, Jun? JO. CH \ LLANGE. Mr Erli lie mcved the court for a rule to (how cause why a criminal information (hould not be filed agai<>lt Majdr Arm ftrbng,' some time (ince of the eleventh re giment of foot The officer on whose be half he made this application poflVflcd an much bravery and taler.t .is any in rtu ser vice ofhi* Majesty. It tvas no oti er than Majjr General Coote ; and it Would on ly be neceflary to read a few lines of the General's affidavit to obtain the dbjeft of the present motion ; but he was extremely desirous the ptfolic should be informed of ivhat had inducrd this truly valuable per funage in WV- fe behalf he then addrelfcd ■ the court, to crave the protection of the court, Gtneral Coote had not on'y ftrved hi 3 country with the h'gheft degree of re putation in the American war, but had also held a difti guifhed command both in the Welt Indies and on the lontinet, during the prefeut contett, and was entrutled by government to conduft the late expedition ag tinft Oftend Notwithllanding the ad- Wjity of the weather, and many concur rent unfortunate circumltances, whieh no prudence could pol&bly fortfee or guard against, the objedt of the expediti tion was molt completely accomplished, though the ; rcturn Of the troops engaged in it to this.country was rendered impossible. A Court Martial had' been demanded by Captain Wiifon of the. Riyal artillery, on tl xrwuduA of Major Armstrong, who .held a command in that expedition, and was granted, to try ni-ijor Armstrong on » charge oi i-nnrwrticeCTl ■Jtfetn'gn ofhs pod ; of which, afier a complete investigation of his. whole c»ndu£t, he wai acquitted. General Coote on this occalion was called Upon, as one ol th fc present, to give hii tetlimony as to the tranfa£t>on, without the smallest interferenfce of hia own, a d aiiua ted by no perianal resentment or the leall degree ot malice againll Major Armstrong, but he ciq and a fl.ixen colour ; .his forehead broad and beautifully ar ched ; he has blue eyes, an aiquilirie j lic it, pouting- li . , a round well ftiaped chin ad a f'efti coloul '["he archduke's yoice is clear meUKli^ >ui( his inrin graceful and of capti East-India Company of tf. A. .7 percent advance Land Warrants, ij dolls, per 100 acres. COURSE OF EXCHANGE 'Bills on Lon. at 30 days for cash .170 per ct. Do. do. 60 days do. 168 do. Do. db. 90 days do 166 a-j Bills on Hamburgh at 60 days 36 a 37 cts. per Mark Banco D». in Amsterdam, 60 days 39 a 40 cts. per Florin The attention of our readers is re qOefted to an Advertisement of the Com miflioners of Weflmoreland county—:—lt will be found in the firft page of this day's paper. 0- The Federal Citizens of Phi*- ladelphia, are requeued to meet at Dunwoody's Tavern; Market street, on. Monday evening next, at seven o'clock. Matter Duane, the luortlj Editor of the Aurora, contends that the claim of birth within the United States which was set up by his amiable, friend, countryman,and fellow fubjeft Thomas Kafh, the pirate and mur derer, ought to have been admitted by the co'urts 'of the United States, and he appears jo be the morj strenuous in hit advocation of that claim, as he an'd mailer Nafli stand iii precifefy the. feme relation to t|i':s country,—with regard to birth,—-\n other refjte'tts, we coniider Nafli as 'he least ob noxious. There was no record of Nafh's birth with in the United States, nQr qould the fliadow of proof be produced lupport his allega tion. The production of a Parilh Register, or any 6ther evidence, idmiffable iri law, that William Duane. the infamous calumni ator of Wafbihgton, was born within the United State's, or within two thousand miles of their territory, would be equally impoffi tre.'" His Biitannic Majesty's Conlul General re queltefi the Editors of the New-York ■ Papers to give"the"f(illowing Rel'olutions t of the Council of the island of a place in their papers, he having ieceiv«d a mortification from his honor the lieut. Governor of that Island, that they bad been adopted. NEW-YOkK, Augul *0 1800. In Council July 17, 1800. Refolyed, That his honor the Go vernor be advised to recommend to the seve ral officers of his Majesty's Customs at the several port of this island, to permit the IRETR importations cf llieep, hogs, poultry, fniall live ftoik of all kinds, salted and all other provisions, and lumber of every de scription, as well in Britilh, as in all other vefiels belonging to neutral and all othef Statet in amity with Great Britain from the day of the date hereof until the 31ft day of December next, and until 6 months notice shall tffc given to the contrary upon the like terms, charges, and condition's, and fubjeft to the fame rules, regulations, vifitftiont and fcjrches as are observed with refjeft to vefiels importing privifiotfs to this Island. Resolved, that all neiitral veflcls impor ting the foregoing articles under authority of the above Resolution, be permitted to export rum and molaflrs from any port or ports, place or places within this island, upon the like terms, stipulations, charges and con ditions as are obfervrd with refpeft to British veflels in the like cases. '(Signed) M. ATKINSON, Clk. Crunc'l. It is r.entioned in some of the papers that the Trench frigate La Vengeance lately funk in the harbour of Curracoa—We ffcould like to know from what authority this r.ircumftance is dated—-not long since cordage, &c. was sent from this port to re fit her. [Tbe above is cofied from tbe JV. York Gazelle, and, if true, is a shameful fact, and leaves a vast feld Jor dis cussion as to tbe principle oj furnish ing an enemy wilb tbe means of car- Tying pn tbe mar against «i.] A Melancholy /fcciJent. On Tuesday, the 19th i.>(l about 6 o'clock In the evening, as Mr William R- Phillips son of Mr. Ralph Philips near Trentoo, New Jersey, w * returning home on horseback from a neighbour'.* his horse ran with him between the fence and a tree, which flood in the road, f > near the tree as to strike it with hi) thigh and his head His thigh snd scull were both fraftured by the violence ofche blow, and he fell, almost lifelefs, from his horse. • He was taken up ard carried into a house, where he died in about half an hour. Mr. Phillips was in the 2zd year of his age, amiable in his man ners, and in every refpeft a promising mem ber of society. « Death loves a (hining msrk, a ingle blow; > A W»«». which, wW* it i And*atib» th»«*»H wuh* fcg* /»V "V* i .?>«£]» ft , ryi f- " * K r. P.. I ' \ ' -[The fallowing should silence all thofit who murtour against, the B.iarcJ of Health, for fufpsnding the Intere®urfe with Baltimore.] A letter from a gentleman in Baltimore, to hii friend in this city, Hates, that, at Fell* Point on Sunday lad, there were II tfcaths. The writer of the above has since loft a fa-- ther.. A DUi'L Was fought at Hoebuek. oa Sunday mor ning by Mr. Jacob- Abr Ham's of N York, and a M:-. Henry-R. A. Demist- t the firfl lire was without effcft ; the ftctind Mr. D. received a flight wotfnd in hr» right ftioulcJer —dftcr. whieh Mr. D- toads Coiccffions ; the.party (hook, hands and rctarned to the -citf-. ' ' . The cailfe of diQ>ute wm, Mr. D. used fomerafti exprtffiont, Kuohing the charade* of Mr. A'» father; 3 " • » Married last evt-ninp, bythenßev. Jacob J. Jane way, Mri WiLMAjftW. Moasi, one of the proprietors of the JTew-Haven Messenger, to the agreeable 'Miss Sally Hammet, of this city. Died} —Last week at Brooklyn, John S. D. Montmullen. He fpid h* lived in the state of Vermont. He has a brother alio io Savannah, Georgia.. —, at Norfolk, (Virginia,) Mr. E manuel C Quinn. of the Church of Roms, lately arrived from Ireland. Ext a 8 of a 1 tterfram ngtnlfema* in if ant*, to bit fri.nd in Nau-jTork, dated iht 10th »f Junt, 18oa. " The negociation* art said to wear a ▼try fatiifa&ory appearance—it .teems they have met with some delays, owing solely to the First Consuls absence. He it doing wonders in Italy and it is beliited he will soon be maftcr of thfit fine country, and will again command peace at. their gites or per haps in Viei na itfclf. 'J he present govern roe< t ij greatly chained for the better—it has restored internal peace. and' employs every rii. ane to have it with all "the world. Property is rsfpefted, and we »H", enjoy a tranquility which has not beep lnjbwn for* long time." For the Ghzzn* of tbi UmrtoState# To the Governor of tbe State rf'PertnsjU vonia. Sir, THE man whofc walk extfWJs not be- yond-the limits of private life, by whose virtues" Human Nature is not adorned, nor by whose vices degraded—whose conduft, -if honorable, can but cheer the domeflic cir cle, and,* if vicious, can but light the lamp of his own villainy—that man jjiight glide down, the >curr«frit of life, unnbfcr*ed, for hi» little bark is not laden With stores which can impoverMh or augment'the public flock. But wh'enaman bas launched on the politi cal ocean in the vefiVl of! State, and the peace and the prosperity of* his .'country float in his train, the genius of foc'tal'order, and the demon of discord w 11 alike Ypark his career —-thi one with gentle gales will,waft him onward to the harbor as honor, wfyle the other will blow the blast of oppoTuion, Rea dy, and llrong and loud ; his veflej may be (battered in the storm, and the wejjmi of hi» country (bipwrecked on the fliores.of anar chy, a prey to the harpies of a foreign land. Sir, the portrait of your life has ever been marked with the fame traits; in'f lerce and vanity, in glowing colours ftitwe forward in the piece, while opprefliol) and tyranny lurk ed behind, visible. only to the eyes to which the portrait wa= familiar. Artifta of expe rience, and artists of taste have wifely judged that such a poi trait fliould not be placed by the portraits of Jay and Ellfworth io the public Hall of State, but left it to fill fame useless Niche, while others more fplendicl and more fair, were brought to view ; .yet while the ferttry (lumbered, it' Ijas 'jijen adorned with a borrpwed frame, >rhofe guidy / tinsel dazzled the "people's eyes," been placed in a conspicuous ftatiotr. Here then, let us analyse it ; let us judge it.; not by a contrail with those which hang arp.und it ; for it mocks all contrafl. The (Irong and the lure criterion by which to judge of man corre&ly, is the comp irifon of his profrffions with his condnfl. Cata line and Cato, Sidney and Cromwell cijuW alike speak mufir to the ear; the patriot can modulate his voice to .the ears of the mob ; kut virtue alone ii confident ; h'e'r pr> fcflloni are not at variance with Mr adi. , I will not recite the facility with which your toygue wa> tuned to the Drain Of op position, vhen Britain passed the (lamp aftj, nor the key which tuned it.; I will not tra'c< the vibrations of your mind 'till it was fet tled by the fees of a colkctorlTupj when this gold Which propped it up was withdrawn by the royal order ; I will not purfue'it 'till the, dreams of popularity it on the other extreme ; I will not analyse the T, will not examine the eonftitutionafift of 1780, nor the easy tmfitii-n which inte:eft' could make to thefederalift of 1788 ; I will not trare the feelings of pride and vr.nitjr and revenge ; I will not explain the state* of that mind which experienced rlegle&'and leral bench, nor point to its last vibration, where it was chained by the hydra of jaco. >inifm. Here were a field in which Icould riore than speculate. The moralist might lere sigh for the degradation of human na ure, and the statesman colleft wifdotn. iid thedreanri) of popularity are fleeting and ' rantitory, you will be judged by a monitor fhich -hovers around the bed,of the murder- 5 * ** v i •••