Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, August 22, 1800, Image 1
Nuxr.Bß :4.66.3 COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, Sv an ait of die-General Ajfemb/y of the com ■monwialth of Pennsylvania, puffed, the day of Aprils me ihoufand seven hundred and ninety-nine, entitled " An aH »o laife and colle£> county rates and levies," it is diretted, thal,f»r tht ■payment of the tuxes due on unfeatei. lands, and of the necessary costs thireon accruing, the Commijfionersfhall, under certain reftriSlions, tjfue their warrant, and make sale of the whole, or any pat t thereof:- — THIS IS. THEREFORE. TO GIVE NOTICE, that., unUjfs the taxes for the year 1798. and the co/ls thereen arifivg, on thefollota ing d'-jCrihfd trad-s ofunfeated lands, situate in the county of IVeft moreland, be paid into the hands of Joh n BkahdOn, ■£/?• Treasur er of said county, on or.b'ftre the Fifteenth day of September next, they will be exposed to public feJLc, agreeably to the diredions oj the aforcfaid aft. JAMES M'GREW, 1 HENRY AI+LSHOUSE, I Commiflioners. JEREMIAH MURRY,J Commissioners Office, 1 WeftnioreUnd county,' 17th May, i8o». J Armilrong and Allegheny townships. Acres Naqfes of Warrantees. Adjoining—and Situated. Tuxes. A. DU. ctS Armilrong William J'i >l' Anthony, 300-3- Atmflrong William John ilaker, 320|- Anihony Jacpb Alexander M'Calla, Alhmead John lofeph Miffiiti, 4<o Andrews Richard Samuel F. Bradford, 350 Altman Adam B. 365 Brifon James - - 28 iBBy Boal James,A Painter Gie.On Blacklick—-Henry Cunkle 1 6 207 Brown or Bri&n James - - 114 504 Baker John Joseph Shields, Ig2 Bray Nicolas _ Allegheny river and crooked ° 75 James Nl'Lane and other* 140 I.ewjs Bi'jh and others 1 60 Frances Jqnes ar.d others 1 77 Georg,e Tbomfon and others 66 Alexander Todd and others o 76 Charles sjturts ani others a 00 Brown Williapi Boggs Andr.ew BaOi Lewis Brifon James Bringhurft John Budd, Stacy Dr. y>si 3»9* 3 ft 353* Cox Paol Clark James 3 8 9 Cummins Thomas Cummins Moses 43^ Cooper Chailes Craig John Ctatiy William Cunnkighaw Hugh Clark John ®47i 369 400 Cmrimings John feo. Collancc Iljac, '7' i CUfk JW» i79r Cochran William D. Dayis John Dundas James Dixop John Duncan Thamas x Dixon Joseph Ei 'Evans Evan F.akin or Eaker Thomas Ewing Thomas Eipy Hugh F. 150 402 3 2 3 i 4 10 i 307 393* 433* 299 goo Fulton John 396-6 Fox John G. Garrigues Samti«l Benedift Dorfey and others Groves Atmenellaor AmiliaTbomas York and oihers H - Huchefop Japies Chi-iflian Miller Huchefon J Thomas M'Clfnahan Harman John Daniel Rofletter Henry Hugh Humphrey Harbifon Benjamin Hill Henry Robert Elder and others Haffenclever Gafr. Francis George Rifler and others Harrold Howard Peter 33 8 , 433* 348 JO2/J ---308 2 47* 3»5 3°7i 200 I. & J. ' James Jofiah Irwin Robert Irwin William Jacoby Leonard jun. Jiiftice or JudonJohn Jones Francis _ ames Isaac _ ones Isaac _ acobs Thomas Irwin Robert juo. Jacobs Paul 237* 3'9* 375 310 Knowles Henry Klingingfmith Nicolas «*'3f Kelly William Klingingfmhh John Lcafure Benjamin Leeper Thomas Lille Philip Lilly Francis 3 68 i S°4i 335 337 > 8 4 Lending Jacob i 84 Leafunng John Leafure Benjamin on the N. fide of Crooked creek 1 68 Light or Lawrance Jacob on ihe N. fide of Connemaugh 1 77 Light Jacob - - 1 66 M. - 1 60 1 70 l £0 1 75 1 82 1 8* 1 68 1 68 1 77 j 33 2 i M'Clure James 400 M'Knight Robert Merediih Samuel M'Crcary David 2 4t>s" Miffliti Joseph Morgan George M'Culloujjb'Samuel 364 M'JCrofliey Samuel M'Calla Alexander Gazette of the United Slates, & » 4° George Clymer and Elizabeth Henderfos, 2 16 Charles Leeper and otners 114 On ibe Peholin path, N. fide of Crooked cieek Ann Steel and others Samuel Kyle and others t 92 John Ste?l and others 1 6£r Saidflo be near the Allegheny >( rivß - 1 73 Thomas Cummings 1 00 2 23 William Power and William Eckhart o 68 William Ramfey and others 2 22 Samuel Dixon, Black-legs ' 1 73 Hayes ard Henderfonsfurvey t 73 Samuel Dixon, Black-legs 168 Reefe Meredith Johanna Stuart and others 2 24 John Walker, forks of Crook- Ed and Plumb creeks North fide of Connetnaugh John Cq< and other* I 70 > «.'*"■ • 1 a* Johrr Knoi, being part of ft lr*£i whiifch h»d bcem fold fdr ia«e< io 1796, James Campbell and others Stephen Duncan George Riflef Robert Porter, and others James Campbell and others John Hart,> on Yellow creek t 77 Cn the waters of Aliman'j run —Wm. Altman William Wafom Jacob S ted ley Ephraim Armflron- and Ben jamin R. it ten Son le Charles Grubs and others * John Thompson and others George Clymer and oiheis On the east fide of Black-legi, > J. Mifflin Abraham Shoemaker \. James M'Guire,and others Peter Netdcton By. C» P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flrcet. fl/11-A€)B Lrll IA, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST si, 1800. Acre's. Names of ICariaatees. 309!- Martin Thomas A4joining—and Situated. Taxes. Dls'. cli David Walker, on a braach °f Crooked cree' 43° i Machoe Barnard John Brown, jun. ' 2 ac 400 Miller R«sbert -. * . a o? M'Kinfey John . - x 40 353-6 Melchior Isaac or Samuel Peobles Isaac Mathers t 00 325 Maiher Isaac George Rider and others 180 2 97t M'Callifier Abdeel On the waters of Crooked creek—J. Biddle, &c. ' 66 Near Two-lick on Stony-run 1 40 Samuel M'Cullough x 73 on the N. fide of Connemaugh 1 66 on the N. fide of Connemaugh 1 38 on the N. fide of Connemaugh 1 66 James Craig 1 75 Charles Moore and others 168 M'Rory David M'Callifler Richard M'Curdy James M'Kinfey John Martin Thomas Moore Jofliua Moore Prefion Samuel N. Noble James Newland Pejter O. Oswald Eleazer P. Pemberton Joseph Patterlon William Pimm William er John Porter Stephen Paul John Porter Stephen Poster Andrew 3'7 310 300 250 350 3'H 3°si 300 37 2 i 3*B* l # 1 ao .* 77 1 So • 3* 1 10 3°3* 3'3T 3&t 3 e6 t 3P4 R. Roretnan Conrad Rittenhoufe Benjamin 312-$ RofTe'ter Daniel 337-5- Kaniieis James Rannals James 418 Rarofey Benjamin S. 368$ Simple Robert fen. Siidfey Jacdb Smith William Sykes William 300$- Shulta Gecirge 284-5- Salter Thomas Shallus Jacob 3H-J- Shoemaker Abraham 322-J- Steel John 422-5- Smith John Sheerer Thomas 300 Smith Henry Adatl Simpfon George Sprowle Andrew T. J 60 2 45 t le Twine James - - a 82 3 2 ®i Thomson. George James Brifon l 82 Taylor Richard - - 1 43 jj'g-J- "1 odd, Alexander John Morton and others 1 77 Thomfon Peter fen. Peter Thoraf»n, jutv. • 2 2 Todd Alexander - - 1 77 W. Weeds Elijah - . 1 68 Waugh Samuel Francis Bailey and others 230 352 . Walker David , - - 1 39 Walker James - . 1 7 Wilson John - . 2 00 Wray Daniel - . O 78 420$ Wilson Hugh • . 2 04 Walker John , ' - - ,64 394* Wigton Margaret Jn. Pinkerton and the Manor 2 17 4°3t Wigton John Samuel Waugh and others 2 20 Williams James -. . a '5 297J Wood» George John Righrer and others 1 66 Wilson John - - 1 33 Wheatfield Township. 189J Apderfon Michael David Wilson and others 075 303 Boyles Samuel William Bedford and others 225 400 • Burd Thomas John Coyie and others i 80 300 Branon Adam - . 225 309-1 Clemfton orCumpftonThoJ.George Honey and others 232 418 „ Coyle John Thomas Burd and others 1 8® Collins or Colls Richard - - 1 58 2 9° i Crawford John jun. John Wigton and others 293 300 Creigh John - - 135 278 Cummins Charles John Hinkflon and others e33 419 Dougherty or Douglas An- ' . • . drew • William Clark 189 *74 Douglas Thomas - - * 26 224 Fulton William About a mile below the mouth 1 00 * 36 2 20 2 40 1 66 x 66 1 66 i 8g 1 56 1 11 2 20 1 70 1 2 7 111 0 83 17 1 £ s 1 26 ' 1 77 ; t 84 ' » 37* ; 17 2 ; • I 7 i 66 > 78 , i oßz , 1 60 ek l 77 . of firu(h-creek l 68 356 .Hooper Lenice Robert John Nixon and others 267 360 Henderfon Thomas - - s 5 400 Hunter Junes Benjamin Burd 180 301 Hart John Casper Hill's claim 225 404 Irwin George David Candlet and others 181 316 Jofcphfan Manuel James 294-7 Leonard Ezekiel Rebeeca Brown and others 2 96 1100 MordayorM'Curdyßobert - - 4 95 Moy lan Casper or Jasper Samuel Nicols / 2 46 293 Nicols or Nicolfon Samuel On the Chefnut Ridge 220 3°3t Nixon John CafperWifp 2 30 i6o|- Newlon William Between Blacklick and the 333* 393 286 33 1 3'9i 443* ; 334* , 614* 266^ 45» ! 3 1 3 Frankftown path l 13 Plankinghorn Jacob On the waters of Two-Lick 2 50 Parker John - - 3 20 Roberts Mordecai Jnhn MtilTer and other"; 2 44 S'.owt William Daniel King and others 2 49 Sharden or Sheridan John Joseph Moulder and others 2 39 Snyder John Daniel Rannels and others 197 Shippley William Robert Douglas and others 2 51 Shipley Morris Nathan Sellers ' a 77 SheaffWilliam On Btackin's mill run 2 o Sellers Nathan Daniel Falloon and others 2 3 >loan Samuel - - e 2 5 ilidfler or Shaver John John M'Creary and others 1 12 Vest Samuel 1 37 » 9 2 5 1 38 1 86 1 66 Weft Thomas jun. Thomas Well and others Wilson John Archibald M'Guire Washington Townihip 269* Cannon Thomas 031 Cannon James Jsmes Hunter 197 Dtiffield William Near the Kifkimipitas 426 Glenn Jfehn and James James Campbell \ 237 Hamilton James er Willi- James Walker and otter; Jones John I n Armflrong township 2 40 Ob the waters of Crooked creek, &c. 1 77 William Pearfon and other* t 80 Rebecca Brown and others 166 The claim of Thos. Lemmon I 66 Joseph Swift, jun. » 37 onStony-run-JamesM'Clain i 77 Joseph Mathers 1 77 - - o 32 Stephen and Richard Porter j 79 on Kawepfhannock—below Thomas Leiper 2 13 on Kawenlhannock—Mary Artnitage 1 77 - - 1 98 Eleazar Oswald 1 80 - . 1 33 Ezekiel Edwards 1 92 V Joseph Mathers and others 2 6 14* The purchase line 1 88 William Eckhart 1 82 1 66 Peter Thomson, jun. 1 56 Valentine Shallns t 82 George Morgan I 73 Hugh Cunningham 1 66 Robert Smith 1 66 - - 1 00 2 40 1 54 i 66 Acres. Names of Warranties. Adjoining—and Situated. Taxes. Kifkiminitas Old Town below themouth of B«aver run nt" Morgan Doflor M'Carney Robert James Campbell and *t hen t $* Prebft Joht>\ -< . Robifcm Andrew . ® 49 Ridenhower for Cam'piJell 1 '4 and Bell . StuartWilliamand M'Far-On Puckety creek—Conrad 1 land Ludwick Todd William- - ■ ® 99 Donnegall Township. 300 Alexander John and john , d Bran l«.„. GeVir Hoover and others ! 10 413!- Brown Wtlliam Philip V Cortlandt 40i| Billinjrtdw Sarah Thecdorus Baley 4°t 3-4 Billingt on Thomas Benjamin Hodgdon I I 4013-4 Baley 1 ,'ieodorus Sarah Billington 400 Benfon-Keter James Bun,Me's land 1 o 600 Burnfide /lames and Co. His improved land [ o 424 3-4 Campbell .Robert Robert Campbell and others 1 10 398 Campbell Thomas j ohn Campbell and others J 429 Campbell M*jfy Abraham Craft a 4°f Campbell Rif 11 William and Margaret Camwbell i 9 \l\Vt &IIH¥ ret Mn and Joseph CamJfilT , ! 398 i-2 Campbell Johrf Thomas Campbell and ot-ers to 398.-, Campbell J»lefh Alexander JoLiton I 3li 1-2 Camjibell Within Joseph and Ruth Campbell' I 9 398 .-, Campbell C. William Campbell 3 John John iron 'j 0 100 '" l Ro hh"rt RobcrtCampbell and John Burk 1 o 400 Campbell Robert Andrew Linn i - 40. Curtlandtv. Phil? WiUi am Brawn and Th.odorus Ba 4°o Conkle Chritian Samuel Younsr f" ? Fox Mr. _ * 4013-4 Grubb or Crabb Curtis Timothy Turner ' ~ 1 401 3-4 Hodgdon Benjamin James Burn/ides x a 398 '-2 Johnlton Alexander Joseph Campbell , «, 398 i-2 JohnftonJohn James Campbell J 0 . 4013-4 Jamilon Ilaac Mary Simpfon , 0 401 3-4 Rebeckah Conrad Wymong i 1 0 40»3-4 Simpfon Mary Mary Campbell and others 10 Shall Leonard r 400 Lapfley Thomas Benjamin Hod'gdon " \ I 401 3.4 Wymong Conrad Samuel Young , 0 400 Weals Daniel Conrad Wymong r 0 4013-4 Young Samuel Samhel C. Young 1 o 4013-4 Young Samuel C. John Philipfon and others 1 » Fairfield Township. 111 Barr William, jun. Barren hills o SS 400 Barclay Samuel Robert Fulton , o ,4*o Barnet William John Stuart, » 0 249 Bonner Jacob, Charles King 0 , c Campbell and Probft, j. Copelyjohn, * Cafe Philip, 1 2 41 Do. Do. J as 3 400 Clark John or Clock, Francis Peoble» ! 0 400 Davenport Mary, Peter Snyder t 0 400 Eldridgejfaiah, W lliam Young , 0 400 Fulton Robert, Peter Forfler t „ 400 Fleming Charles King , 0 301 Cilafsjohn, Duncan M'bparron o 4? 400 Garnier Georg«, John Clock , , 0 400 Glynn Patrick, Aufman Orr , 0 400 Hutton Benjamin* Andrew Philer 1 o 400 Hammil James, Joseph Jopes to 100 Hannah John, On the waters of Hendfick'* run 066 Hill Isabella, , Nicolas Lute o g. ijo Hawke Henry, On Connemaugh * 020 400 Hutton John, Benjamin Week* t 9 400 Jones Joseph, , Mary Davenport t ® 374 Jordan James Jacob Bonner 0 9C> 400 , King Charles, Eliza Maria Shrydon 1 a 41a Lapfley John, Peter Stuart x g 400 Little James, Isaiah Eldridge 1 a 400 Little Nancy, James Hamm»nd 1 o 400 M'Night Roberl, George Garmie' x o ' 4o» Mullen Joseph, Patrick Glynn 1 9 4o» M'Ever James, Robert Wright a o Miers Benjamin, Do. Do. - I - . Do. Do. J , 95 • Mulholon Patrick / o 64 274 M'Cune John or William John Hinkfton o6S 400 Peobles Francis Samuel Barclay x 0 400 Patton Mack or Jofeph Mullin ! 0/ 361 Pugh Henry Thomas Stuart o 9S 400 Pugh C. Robert- James Young 1 a 400 Philler Andrew William Fleming 1 o 3«9 Penrofe James James Jordan x 0 400 Renfliaw John Mark Patton 1 o 413 Stuart Peter John Lapfley . 1 to 400 Strutt Norman Maria Wilson 1 o 400 Stuart John John S. Hutton 1 o 400 Stuart Thomas Sarah Turner x o 337 ' Shrydon Mary Eliaa James M'Ever r o 396 Snycer Peter Benjamin Hutton * o 400 Turner Sarah William Barnett % 10 400 Wilson Maria John Lapfley •> 10 400 Weeks Benjamin Norman Strutt 1 o 4Co Wright Robert James Little x ® 40* Young James Henry Pugh I o 400 Young William ' Robert C. Pugh x q Roftraver Township. »8t Smith Robert Pentecost's old Place 1 3 c Hempfield Township. Boggs John Jokn Reddick and others 1 ix Blain Ephraim _ o8; ' Lewis Samuel _ ' . ,0 27 • Fi'anklin Township. 225 Bartley or Baley John Archibald Gordon 134 > 347 Cook Joseph in right «t Phi lip Studebaker Alexander M'Cuchen I 30 315 Harrald Christopher Michael Welcker and others 070 M'Ghee William ir M'Wil- - . . liams Jatmes . . -11; M'Ke« Sarah • . . 1 16 St. Clair Samuel . - 1 40 326 Thomas or Jehu Cou ncil Daniel St, Clair I 51 Mount-Pleasant Township. 421 Campbell Robert Blyftone's Survey I 30 404 Galbreath Isabella James Campbell, 1 2; 364 Galbreath John Elizabeth Galbreath, 1 25 483 Galbreath James David Kilgore, 1 75 1471-2 Hamilton Robert , Robert M'Clay, -I o ii.s i-a Lobengire Christopher Abraham Power, 1 o 3ji Myers Frederick Christopher Lobengire, 1 5 36a M'Clay Robert Robert Hamilton, I 5 Unity Township. 306 Earryjohn ' George Gibfon and others, 1 10 419 Galbreafh Elizabeth Abraham Fifcus, 1 27 »co M'Cawley William William Todd, 1 o , Salem Township.' Bradford Wijliam -- 1 71 Graham Hugh 3 50 M'Dowell Alexander -- -- 3 93 There are also /wo dollars cojls, on each #/the ahtve deftribed trails. ± 89 * 3 i 6 i 64 ° & 1 48 o 99 e 98 2 10 0 99 ° 99 [Volume XVIIT. ,1